Girls Will Be Girls

By moc.loa@bnallaekiM

Published on Nov 20, 2015



Girls Will Be Girls (F/F, D/s, BD, Spanking, Humiliation, Reluctant, Consensual) by linkznut 20003 ============================================================================ Synopsis: Wendy takes advantage of a bad situation ============================================================================ Wendy Mason could feel her thigh muscles stretching as she leaned forward on the floor, both hands grasped around her right foot. She moved her hands to her other foot, and repeated the stretch as she rehashed the day's events in her mind.

And what a shitty day it had been, starting with her first hour Geography class. The teacher, Mr. Paulson, gave them a surprise quiz on yesterday's reading assignment. For anyone who'd bothered to do the assignment, the quiz was quite simple. Obviously Rita Spagnoli hadn't deemed it necessary to do the reading, as evidenced by her repeated efforts to copy off Wendy's paper.

Wendy hadn't taken kindly to that idea and had gone to great lengths to hide her paper from Rita. Apparently her efforts hadn't gone unnoticed by Mr. Paulson.

"Wendy is there a problem?" he asked.

"No sir," she answered.

"There's an awful lot of extra movement over there. You're not trying to hide anything from me, are you?" he asked suspiciously.

"No sir," she answered, suddenly afraid that she was about to get into trouble. "I was just making sure no one else could see my paper." As soon as she said it, she could feel the eyes turning towards her, especially Rita Spagnoli's.

The end result was that Rita got a week's detention, starting the next Monday, and failed the quiz. On the way out the door after class, Rita made a point of knocking Wendy into the wall. "I'll be seeing you later," she hissed.

Wendy saw Rita several more times that day. Each time, Rita went out her way to bump her, and with each bump came a renewed threat.

By outward appearances, Rita and Wendy were about as different as two girls

could be. Rita had a reputation for being a tough broad. She was 19 years old and about 5'9" tall with black hair that fell several inches below her

shoulders. She was old for a high school senior, having repeated the sixth

grade. While she would never be mistaken for a beauty queen, she was not without her strong attributes, nor was she entirely unattractive. She was naturally darker complexioned, due to her Mediterranean heritage, and had firm, full breasts. She had the reputation for having a bad temper, and was someone most people tried to avoid.

Wendy, on the other hand, had a reputation for being soft spoken and easy-going. She was 5'7" tall and had blonde hair that didn't quite reach her shoulders, a smallish bosom and a fair complexion. All in all, she was quite attractive, in a Southern Belle sort of way, and did not appear to be at all intimidating. But looks were sometimes deceiving. And that was especially true for Wendy, survivor of 18 years worth of wars and battles with her three bothers, two older and one younger. First as an adolescent and later as a teenager, she had learned to take care of herself. With three brothers, she'd had little choice in the matter.

So here she was, doing what she did so many days after school, stretching out in the auxiliary gym before heading to the track to run some laps. No one ever bothered her here. The rest of the runners either didn't bother with

stretching or did so outside. But Wendy liked stretching in the solitude that the auxiliary gym provided.

That's why she was startled when she heard the door closing. That's why she felt fear creeping over her as she watched Rita Spagnoli lock the door to the auxiliary gym and turn to face her. The auxiliary gym was fairly sound proof and located well off the beaten path so there wasn't much point in yelling for help. It looked like she'd just have to deal with whatever Rita had in mind by herself.

"Well, well, look what I found," Rita said as she strutted across the floor towards Wendy. "If it isn't the little weasel, Wendy Mason, all by herself." When she reached Wendy she immediately launched both hands at her chest, pushing her backwards. Wendy stumbled, but was able to keep her balance.

"You got me in a lot of trouble this morning, and I don't really appreciate that."

"You did it to yourself," Wendy countered, holding her ground.

Rita glared at her, and then pushed her again. "I'm not asking for your opinion, bitch."

"Well, your getting it," she retorted. "You deserved everything you got. And more." By now, Wendy wasn't so much scared as she was angry. And getting angrier.

Wendy's last comment seemed to enrage Rita as she pushed the other girl again, this time lunging at her as she pushed. In so doing, she caught her hand on Wendy's T-shirt and ripped it from the neck down to just above her right breast.

Wendy looked down at the shirt and then back at Rita, feeling her anger reach the boiling point. Suddenly, she lashed out at the bigger girl with her right hand, slapping her face with all her might. The blow staggered Rita, but didn't knock her over. While she had her opponent off balance, Wendy launched herself at Rita's stomach like a rocket, ramming her shoulder into her midsection and wrapping her arms around her, driving her to the mat.

The attack was so sudden that Rita had no time to prepare. The slap itself had been hard and painful, but when Wendy's shoulder rammed into her, she screamed, and the force of the blow literally lifted her off her feet. For a

brief moment, a moment that seemed suspended in time, Rita felt herself flying backwards, knowing she was in deep trouble, and knowing that there was nothing she could do. She crashed into the mat back first, with Wendy's shoulder still lodged in her midsection, forcing all the air from her body. The pain was excruciating and she lay there in a complete daze.

Wendy bounced immediately back to her knees. She knew her opponent was dazed and that she needed to take advantage. Instinctively, she knew that running away would only bring more trouble tomorrow, or the next day. Her only hope was to not only beat her opponent, but to humiliate her - to thoroughly

dominate her.

With that in mind, Wendy acted quickly. She lifted Rita's nearly limp torso

upright, pulled her T-shirt over her head and cast it aside. Next, she grabbed the front of Rita's sports bra, pulled it over her head, and slid it partway down her arms so that it held her opponents arms pinned behind her own back. Next, she none too gently pushed Rita back to the floor, unsnapped and unzipped her jeans, and rolled her onto her stomach.

She quickly hopped on Rita's back, facing her feet, and reached for her jeans. It was then that Rita regained her senses and began to fight back. "You

bitch," she shouted. "I'm going to kill you!" Wendy felt the older girl start shaking and wiggling her body, bucking her ass in the air, trying to throw her off. But she held firm.

Rita kept up her gyrations, trying everything to throw her off, but without

the use of her arms, she couldn't muster up the strength or leverage necessary. Finally, as Rita paused briefly to catch her breath, Wendy was able to slide her jeans over her ass and down to her knees.

This brought an immediate onslaught of profanity and gyrations for Rita, calling her every dirty name in the book, while trying to throw her like a bull throws a cowboy. But it was all to no avail as Wendy held fast.

And when Rita once again collapsed onto the mat, Wendy took her turn. She drew back her right hand and slapped Rita's left butt-cheek with all her might. The sound was like a thunderclap and drew a wail from Rita as she once again tried to squirm free. But Wendy could tell that the resistance was weakening, and that soon, Rita would have no strength left at all. Next, Wendy drew back her left hand and slapped Rita's right butt-cheek with similar force. Again Rita wailed, but this time the effort to free herself was feeble, almost nonexistent.

Wendy continued assaulting the buttocks below her, first with the right hand, and then the left, alternating hands and cheeks. When finally she stopped, she heard Rita sobbing beneath her. She looked down at her handiwork, at the beet-red buttocks staring back at her, and smiled.

The sexual side of the situation was not entirely lost on Wendy. Here she was, sitting atop one of the more feared girls in school, who was nearly completely naked, and she was totally in control. She smiled to herself as she

reached out and touched Rita's buttock's gently.

Rita jumped at the touch, but didn't have the strength or will power left to fight it. So she just lay there while Wendy massaged and kneaded her buttocks. Wendy could feel the girl squirming as she continued rubbing her beet

red cheeks. Then she leaned forward, careful not to overextend herself and give Rita an opening. She bent Rita's left leg back at the knee, slipped off the shoe and sock, before sliding the jeans off.

Surprisingly, Rita made no protest. As a matter of fact, Wendy thought, she

seems to have stopped crying, too. I wonder, she thought. "Lift your other leg, bitch," she said firmly. Several seconds went by, and Rita neither spoke nor moved to obey.

SLAP! Wendy fired her right hand at Rita's already tender ass. Immediately,

Rita lifted her other leg. "That's better," Wendy said as she removed the shoe, sock and pants from her demoralized opponent. "I think were finally beginning to understand each other, aren't we?"

There was no answer from Rita. "Aren't we?" Wendy repeated firmly.

"Yes," Rita said quietly amid her sobs of shame.

"That's right," Wendy said sweetly. "I'm in complete control, and unless I miss my guess, you are quite turned on by the whole situation." There were mild protests emanating from the prone woman as Wendy placed her hands between her thighs and spread them wide. And when Wendy inserted her fingers into Rita's pussy, she was met by one more half-hearted effort to wiggle free. The effort quickly fizzled, only to be replaced by soft moans.

"I was right," Wendy said. "You're so turned on you can't stand it. Aren' t you?" Wendy asked as she pounded her fingers deep into her pussy. "Aren' t you?"

"Yes," Rita screamed out at last as tears began falling from her eyes amid

sobs of shame. "Yes, yes, yes," she sobbed more to herself than to Wendy.

With that, Wendy began pounding her fingers into the anxious pussy with a vengeance. Over and over she stroked her fingers into Rita's pussy, until Rita was squirming wildly on the floor, begging Wendy to make her cum.

And then finally, she came. Over and over she came as her orgasm overwhelmed her, until it finally passed, leaving her gasping for breath beneath her conqueror. She felt Wendy climb off her and roll her onto her back, but make no effort to get back on top of her. Slowly, she opened her eyes and saw Wendy kneeling beside her, staring down upon her nakedness. She lay there until Wendy's eyes finally locked on hers, and waited for whatever would happen next.

They stared at each other for several moments before finally Wendy smiled. "You liked that, didn't you?"

Rita hesitated a moment, but didn't take her eyes off the smaller girl. " Yes," she answered meekly.

"And you want more, don't you?"

"Yes," Rita whispered. This time, the hesitation was gone.

Wendy allowed her eyes to wandered once again over the naked girl lying prone beneath her. "You have a beautiful body," Wendy said. "Especially your tits." She reached out and grabbed the exposed breasts with her hands, squeezed them hard, and mauled them into Rita's chest. "I'm going to enjoy playing with them."

Rita jumped when Wendy grabbed her, but quickly closed her eyes and settled

into the pleasure she was receiving, no longer having any interest whatsoever in escaping. She heard herself moaning as Wendy's attention switched to her nipples. She groaned as she pinched them and pulled them, and twirled them in her fingers.

She sighed as one of Wendy's hands left her nipple, and began tracing light

little designs on her tummy. She felt herself involuntarily jerking at the

tickling sensations, praying that the hand would soon work its way to her pussy. And she cried out for joy when the hand reached her clit, freed it from its hood and began stroking it gently.

While the one hand was wandering, the other hand had stayed home, dividing its time evenly between the two full, heaving breasts. Rita could feel her passion building, growing from a little flame to a burning heat as she squirmed at Wendy's touch.

She gasped as Wendy suddenly moved from her clit to her pussy, slamming her

fingers deep into her womanhood. She arched her back, struggling to take in as much of the intruding fingers as she could, before she was swept away again, with her body shaking and jerking under Wendy's touch.

When it was over, she collapsed onto the mat, gasping for breath. When at last she was able to open her eyes and focus, she saw Wendy standing over her, naked from the waist down.

Wendy looked down on the beaten girl and smiled. "Have you ever eaten pussy

before, bitch?" she asked as she moved one foot across Rita's body so she

straddling her breasts.

"No," Rita whispered, shaking her head.

Wendy dropped to her knees so her naked ass was resting on Rita's bare bosom. Slowly, she rubbed her buttocks back and forth over Rita's tits while she reached back with her right hand and began gently massaging her clit.

"Do you want to eat my pussy?"

"Yes," Rita burst out, so immersed in her roll by this time that she would

have done absolutely anything.

Wendy abandoned Rita's clit and eased herself forward until her pussy was hovering inches above the older girl's mouth. She grabbed her hair roughly. " You better do a good job," she threatened, "or else!" And then she lowered herself onto the waiting mouth.

It was an experience like nothing either of the girls had ever experienced.

For Rita, it was the ultimate surrender. First, the younger, smaller girl had beaten her into physical submission. That alone was something that was unthinkable. But then, she'd gone even further, beating her into sexual submission. And now, there was a pussy being lowered to her face. The situation was so erotic that, despite the fact that her arms pinned uselessly beneath her, she almost came.

When Wendy grabbed her head with both hands and pulled her hard against the

waiting pussy, she knew instinctively what to do.

Wendy, on the other hand, was hornier than she'd ever been before. What originally had looked like a major disaster had been turned completely around.

She'd done more than just vanquish her opponent, she'd humiliated her, degraded her, taken away every ounce of dignity she had. What was once a powerful enemy was now a harmless, sexually desperate girl willing to do anything to please her.

But nothing could compare to the moment when she grabbed Rita's head, pulled it against her and felt Rita's mouth begin attacking her love button.

"Oh, yes. That's very good, bitch," Wendy gasped as the electricity shot through her body. She pulled the head harder against her button as she gyrated her hips on the eager lips. And she gasped when the tongue shot deep inside her flowing pussy.

She rode Rita's mouth like a cowboy riding a bull – thrashing wildly while

she held on for dear life. And then suddenly it happened. She pulled hard on Rita's hair, arched her back and screamed out as her orgasm struck. Wave after wave of pleasure came at her while she continued to ride Rita's mouth.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" she yelled out. And still the pleasure came on. Ultimately –like all good things – it came to an end. Reluctantly, she eased her grip on Rita's head and let her queasy body settle onto her chest.

She sat on her foe for several minutes, gathering herself. Finally, she looked down on the conquered woman, her face smeared with her juices, and smiled. "That was very, very good. If you're lucky, I just might let you do it

again sometime."

Then Wendy rose to her feet and reached for her panties. When Rita began to

roll over, Wendy quickly put her foot on her stomach.

"Did I say you could move?" she asked.

"No, ma'am," Rita answered as she returned to her position.

Wendy returned to the business of dressing, putting on her panties and jogging shorts before pulling on her socks and running shoes.

Then, after she was completely dressed, she knelt down next to Rita. She ran her left hand gently over her tits, circling the protruding nipples lightly, while her right hand eased into her pussy. Then, after all to brief a moment, she removed her hand from the pussy and grabbed Rita's shoulders, turning her on her side as she eased the sports bra off her arms, freeing her at last.

Wendy rose to her feet and looked down on her now completely naked bitch. She smiled as Rita rolled back onto her back and slid her fingers into her pussy, moaning as she looked up at her conqueror. And as Wendy walked away, she could hear the moans of pleasure growing in intensity.

Wendy paused when she reached the door and turned back for one last look. Then without another word, she turned, unlocked the door and walked away. Just before the door closed, she heard Rita screaming out as her 3rd orgasm hit home. ============================================================================ More great stories at

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