Girls Night Out

By Amanda Johnson

Published on Aug 21, 2007



I should start out by telling you that my friend Brad is openly bi-sexual and has been since we were sophomores in high school. That was two years ago and we are now only a few months away from graduation. It isn't good for a guy's reputation in high school to have a bi-sexual friend so I try to hang out with Brad on a limited basis.

What most people don't know about having a bi friend is that they are plugged into a whole different network of people and both of my last 2 girlfriends came as a direct result of being around Brad at a party. While we are there having fun I can point to a girl I'm interested in and he will introduce us and somehow get us together.

It was for this reason that I found myself hanging out with Brad again since I was once more on the single scene and looking to hook up with someone. There was a girl named Jennifer that I had in mind and I knew Brad had connections to yeah; I was using my bi friend. I say bi because Brad always claimed to like girls too, but when he entered cosmetology school I think he fell into the `gay' category. At least he hadn't started putting make-up on himself.

On the flip side I think Brad liked having a guy around every once in a while since he did feel sort of shunned at school. I also got the feeling every once in a while that he was staring at me a little longer than comfortable or letting a friendly touch on the arm linger a little more than it should. I allowed him that since I knew it wasn't going any further.

So, now a little about me. My name is Matt and I'm 3 months away from turning 18 and 4 months away from graduating high school. I'm on the wrestling team, but in the lightweight division. I'm small for a guy standing about 5'8 and I have somewhat less than masculine features. I get described as cute more than sexy or hot. However, I never became bitter about it and use it to my advantage. Women don't mind a cute guy as long as he's got confidence.

During the middle of the week Brad came over to my house one night to hang out. Every time he came over my dad would give me a very disapproving look. He was certainly not comfortable with his son hanging out with a bi kid, but I explained how it all worked to my dad and he saw the benefits of my bi friend. However, he was worried I was going to slowly slip down a gay path and become some raging homo that flaunted myself around with men at the house.

My dad was still cordial with him and greeted us as we passed through the kitchen and into my room. Brad sat down at my desk and I lay back on my bed throwing a mini soccer ball up in the air. He told me about a party that was coming up this Friday night, but it wasn't a high school party it was a college party and there should be some hot college girls there.

This got my interest since we had never ventured out of people our own age. "Is it going to be a big party?" I asked.

No," Brad replied, "It's at a guy's house who's a senior." The way he said it I knew Brad had set his targets on his new prize.

I frowned, suddenly it seemed to me that this was going to be a `gay' party and I was going to play Brad's wingman so he could hook up with an older college guy. I told all that to Brad who assured me that it wasn't, in fact the guy throwing the party was way in the closet and it would be a bunch of girls and guys. "And, I'm 99% sure that Jennifer is going to be there also." That was good and bad news. If she was going to be there that meant my competition was a bunch of older guys, but it still meant I had a chance.

"Are you sure they aren't going to mind two high school guys showing up?" I asked.

"Well," Brad said as his eyes shifted a little to the wall. "We might need to dress ourselves up a little to make us look like we belong there."

I don't know why Brad said it since I always try to look my best and my clothes are usually as in style as I know how to get. So, I was sold. "Alright, count me in." I said.

"Good, it's a date then," Brad said with a smile. Brad tried this crap all the time just to get a rise out of me and it always worked.

"It's not a date you queer, I don't date men," I said with a smile knowing he was joking around, although he did always sound disappointed when I turned him down.

I got up from the chair and stood at the edge of the bed where I was laying down, "You mean you never have dated a man, but you don't know if you like it or not until you try it," he said staring at me a little longer than was comfortable.

"No, I mean the idea of shoving my dick into another man's smelly asshole doesn't turn me on in the slightest." I said as he moved onto the bed with his knees, and then nudged himself closer.

"What about having another man shove his dick into your asshole?" He said with a smile and for a brief second my mind created the entire scene with him where he was now on his knees but my legs over his shoulders, both of us naked and his pounding his dick deep into my ass and me trying not to moan loud enough for my parents to hear. A quick twinge of my cock told me it was time for this scene to end.

"Get off my bed you fag, I need to do some studying before I go to bed tonight." I said. He got down and I started to make for the door to let him know that it was time to go.

He followed behind me and as he walked past he lightly spanked my ass and held it for a second, "you never know until you try it Matt." And with that he left my house after saying goodbye to my dad who was reading a book and watching him cautiously.

Whether or not things worked out between Jennifer and me this Friday, one thing was for sure, I needed to stop spending so much time with Brad. He seemed to be getting more aggressive and that quick cock twinge of mine was a bad sign.

A few days later and Brad sent me a text that the party started at 9:00 that night but he wanted to come over at 6:00 to get ready. I texted him back and told him not to come over till 8:30, but he replied saying it was important and he needed to come over at 6:00. I gave in with a sinking feeling of dread at what he had planned. However, I could put up with anything for one night, I'd get my shot at Jennifer and then I'd fade myself away from Brad.

The doorbell rang right around 6:00 and I walked out of my room just in time to see my dad open the door.... my jaw dropped. There was Brad standing in the doorway dressed from head to toe like a girl. He had on 3" high pink sandals on and I could see his toe nails painted red from where I was standing. His legs were shaved and ran high up to his very short jean shorts that were slightly frayed around the edges. His stomach was showing beneath a white top with spaghetti straps and an obviously stuffed bra. His face was covered in make-up though well done with a long flowing blond wig. In his hand he carried a large bag and I feared to know what was inside.

I felt bad for my poor dad who obviously had no idea how to handle the situation. He took a step back and looked down the hall at me. My confused and slightly angry face I think gave him some reassurance, but I knew I'd be getting a serious talk from him later on. I was honestly surprised he didn't kick Brad out and give me a talking to right there.

Brad acted like nothing was different...well, except that he was now acting like a girl. He walked in, "Hi Mr. Anderson," he said in flirty girlish voice with a valley girl accent. He walked over and grabbed the side of my dad's belt pulling himself in to kiss him on the cheek...Oh I was defiantly going to get a talking to later.

Brad walked over to me swaying his hips and ass in front of my dad who seemed stupefied by what he was seeing. He came over to me and grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me into my room. I saw him stick his head out and wink at my dad one more time before he closed the door.

"What the fuck are you doing Brad?" I asked him trying to keep the anger out of my voice. He did a good job with the makeup on his face, I guess cosmetology school was paying off, but it couldn't completely hide his masculine features. I hadn't been fooled for a moment that it was Brad who walked through the door, although if I hadn't known Brad I could have easily mistaken him for a girl with slightly masculine features. "Is this what you meant by dressing up to go to the party tonight?" I said allowing a little more of the anger back into my voice.

"First of all, tonight I'm not Brad...I'm Brandi." He said and reached into his bag pulling out a case which looked like it contained some bottles of different lotions and things. "Secondly, yes, this is what I meant by dressing up."

"So, are you supposed to be my girlfriend for the night?" I asked. It actually might not be a bad idea to have a girl hang all over me when Jennifer saw me so she would know that there was something about me that a girl found attractive.

"Sort of," He said and reached into the bag again. He started pulling out some more clothing, a mini skirt, some lingerie that was very skimpy, another pair of sandals and a box of what was probably more make-up. "We're both going as girls." He said with a seductive smile and a wink.

I laughed for a second. I knew he wasn't joking but it was still stupid enough to be funny. "Count me out Brad; I'm not going to this party as a girl."

"It's Brandi, and yes you are...Mandi."

"This is so stupid, I'm going to meet Jennifer, and I'm not going to play some drag queen with my gay friend."

"Listen Mandi, you were right when you asked why they would let a couple of high school boys come to this party...they won't. The only way we're going to get in is if we're a couple of hot chicks that they'll let come right in." Brad said and he started laying out the clothes and took out one of the bottles of lotion.

"So, we get inside and then change back real quick. That's still not going to work," I said, "as soon as they see who they are they're going to kick us right out."

Brandi...Brad looked at me like I was missing the whole point, "No, we're staying girls the whole night. The guy hosting tonight, Tom, I think he's bi, but I'm not sure. And I'll have a better chance getting close to him if he's still in the closet if I look like this."

I looked at him arranging a bunch of things and I sat down at my desk. "Let me say three things, first of all, you're not that hot, you look like a guy in drag, pretty convincing that you're a girl, but not a super hot one. Second, I thought you said the guy hosting was in the closet for sure. Third, the point of me going is to get a chance with Jennifer, I don't see how that would be possible."

Brandi looked at me...I mean Brad looked at me and shook his head. He did look more feminine the more I looked at him, and he really had done a decent job on himself. "Let me answer all three concerns. First, only one of us has to be hot to get both of us in, and you're going to make a much hotter girl than me...I can admit it, though I am a bit jealous." He said with another smile looking at me uncomfortably long. His look wasn't so bad though when it came from eyes with make-up around them and long lashes.

"Second, I'm pretty sure the guy hosting is in the closet, but not for sure. If he's even a little curious...I know I can swing him. And third, Jennifer is bi." She paused and looked at herself in my mirror. I saw that she had laid out an outfit that looked even sluttier than the one she...he was wearing.

"She is going to have older college guys all over her tonight and you don't stand a chance as a guy, however, as a girl you might be able to peak her interest. And fourth, if you don't go, then I'm just going to tell Jennifer that you and I fuck all the time and ruin your chances with her"

I didn't think the last point was very funny, but the two points that concerned me were true. I worried that I didn't have a chance in hell with Jennifer at a college party and it really did seem the only way that we would get into a party with college guys.

In my head I repeated the thought I'd been thinking since Brandi....Brad left my house Wednesday night. `I can stand anything for one night, I'll get a shot with Jennifer, and then I'm going to stop hanging out with Brandi."

"Alright," I said, "let me go change."

Brandi laughed, "You can't just change, Mandi, we have a lot of work to do on you. First of all, all your body hair needs to go. I know you don't have much, so you can either shave it or..." she reached into her bag and pulled out a bottle of something, "You can take a bath with this and it will wash all your hair off....just don't dunk your head under the water."

"I'll just go shave my legs," I said.

"Shave you legs, stomach, dick and ass?" It'd be much easier with the body wash...unless you wanted my help?" She said with a smile that was dangerously inviting.

"Alright, alright, you win. I'll go take a bath." As I was bathing and using the body wash I could feel the hair rub off my body. The bath water looked pretty disgusting and I thought about draining it and starting over again, but decided to just deal with it. Brandi talked through the door the whole time I was bathing telling me about how I needed to remember to walk like a girl and use a high pitched voice even though my voice really wasn't that deep.

"The worst thing you can do," she said, "is give away that you're a boy by the way you move. If people know you're a guy then you'll be labeled a weird transsexual at the party. If you move like a girl then you'll just be a hot chick."

I got out of the bath and looked at myself in the mirror. It was strange seeing my body totally hairless. It felt very sexy in a new way, especially when I looked down my legs. It was unfortunate to see a cock sticking out from between my legs, but the rest looked very feminine.

"Put a towel on and I'll do your makeup," Brandi said from outside.

"Just hand me my clothes," I said, "and you can do my make-up after-wards." I said it in a high pitched tone and it sounded very close to a girl's voice. I even added the hint of valley girl like Brandi was doing.

"Good girl Mandi," Brandi said, "but you don't want to put your clothes on until the body wash has set in or else it will rub against the clothes and give you a bad lotion burn."

I had a feeling this was a lie, but I was starting to enjoy this little charade we were putting on. I thought maybe it'd be fun to see what life was like as a girl for one night as long as no one else knew. So, I wrapped a towel around myself and walked out of the bathroom. Without thinking I had wrapped the towel high around my nipples so that I was totally covered, but my legs were totally revealed.

"Did the hair all come off?" Brandi asked.

"Yes it did," I said.

"Can I see," she asked and walked towards me.

"No, you queer," I said and winked at her....I hadn't really meant to do that, just sort of happened, but I could see Brad underneath all the makeup give an excited smile.

"Sit down and I'll start putting your make-up on." I did as I was told and Brandi picked up her bag of makeup and came over to me.

She leaned in front of me and started to put on some base, "Hmm, this is uncomfortable, I need to sit down and you don't have another chair." She then straddled me and sat down on my lap facing towards me. I couldn't help feeling that this was a scene Brad had been planning a long time, and what would my dad say if he walked in and saw his son with nothing but a towel and another guy in drag sitting on his lap dolling him up for a party.

Brandi put a little base on then grabbed the wig. "Let me start by seeing how you look with your hair." She put on the brunette wig and adjusted it so it looked just right. I looked in the mirror and saw two girls staring back at me. One with a seductive smile on her face and the other wearing nothing but a towel. "You really won't need too much make-up at all." Brandi said.

As she started putting eye shadow on and eye liner I looked in the mirror again and could hardly recognize myself. It looked like I was watching the beginning of a lesbian porno. I felt myself start to get a little aroused underneath the towel. The feeling that I had no hair anywhere on my body seemed to amplify the thought and I couldn't stop my dick from starting to swell up.

I got a strange feeling that Brandi knew exactly what was happening because she aggressively re-adjusted herself on my lap and moved her body closer to mine. My cock was hardening underneath her body as she started working on my eye-lashes, then she dropped the eyelash curler into my lap.

Brandi locked eyes with me and reached her hand down the towel to where the curler was, directly on top of my hard dick. She grabbed the curler and her hand gave a long slow rub on top of my hard cock. She started breathing a little heavier and adjusted herself once more, but then went on applying my makeup.

She finished with some glossy lipstick and I hardly recognized myself in the mirror. I looked like a young innocent girl. I thought of Mandi Moore for a second and wondered if that's why Brandi chose to call me Mandi.

Before Brandi would let me dress she put on all my fake nails and made sure my hands and feet were totally clean, and then she gave me my clothes. "Do I have to wear these?" I asked holding up the red lacy thong. "Yes you do, you don't want to be a slut with no panties on."

I went into the bathroom and pulled the panties on first. The feel of them was much more fitting than I would have thought. I pushed my still slightly hard dick inside of them and looked at myself in the mirror. I couldn't believe how I looked, for a second I wished I had a set of C size breast hanging from my chest. I turned to the side and looked at my ass in the mirror and thought about how it would look shaking it on the dance floor.

I pulled up my mini skirt which was very mini. It was a jean mini skirt with the fringe at the bottom. It also had two poka-dot ribbons that wrapped around it. I put on the matching bra with little difficulty. Brandi certainly did have a flare for style in women's lingerie. There was a white top which exposed my belly button and another pair of 3" sandals for me. The sandals were very frilly, and watching my painted toe-nails go into them got me excited to show them off. This was certainly the only time I was ever going out like this, but maybe I'd dress up again another time just for fun by myself.

When I stepped out I was almost totally Mandi. I walked with a sway to show off my ass. Brandi smiled and walked over with two gel looking things. She pulled my bra and stuffed one down in each cup. Now I was totally complete. The look of my breasts made me feel 100% like a girl.

"Alright, the party started about 20 minutes ago," Brandi said. "And when we get there we need to go take pictures in one of the rooms of both of us at a party dressed like girls." I smiled and we looked in the mirror. Brandi held my hand, which didn't feel weird now that we were both girls. "Let's go."

Brandi drove and we chatted the whole way there. I didn't worry about what I was going to say to Jennifer when I saw. I thought that as a girl I could flirt with her and play it off like it was totally innocent...even if it wasn't. However, it might get a little difficult if things got physical. I would be the first girl she would have been with that had a surprise in her panties like mine.

As we got to Tom's house and walked up to the door I could feel the eyes of the guy checking everyone coming in. He looked at Brandi then focused his eyes on me. I couldn't help showing off a little so I swayed my hips and walked straight up to him. He didn't say much, just told us to go right in. I was pretty sure he was checking out my ass as we passed by, and it made me smile.

Inside was the typical party scene. It was a messy house that looked like it had been quickly cleaned. The furniture was all pretty worn down and there wasn't too much decorating the place. The lights were dim, the music was loud and everyone seemed to have a red plastic cup in their hand.

I never drank too much and when I did it was just what my friends and I could steal from our parents and go sit around drinking. This was a whole new ball game. The feeling of being a girl at a party was so strange. I could feel every guy looking me up and down. Brandi grabbed my hand as we walked further into the house and I know a lot of guys noticed us holding hands immediately and some of them got a little turned on.

I started scanning the room to see if I could see Jennifer anywhere. After a few minutes I figured she hadn't showed up yet. Brandi squeezed my hand and pointed across the room. "That's Tom," she said. "I'm going to go say hi."

I watched her walk over and felt very alone for a moment without her by my side. Then a grubby looking college guy came up to me, "You don't like to dance or what?" He asked.

"What?" I replied loudly thinking maybe I missed the first part of a conversation.

"You're not dancing, I thought maybe you didn't like dancing," he said and gave an obvious look at my breasts. I couldn't help thinking, `what a scum bag,' before realizing it's probably exactly what I would have done.

"Come on, let's see your moves," he said with a wolfish smile.

I backed away a couple of feet, "I'm going to get something to drink first, but I'll be on the dance floor a little later for sure," I said with a smile.

"I'll be looking for you."

I backed away and went to the keg of beer. I grabbed a cup sitting there and another guy started talking to me saying he hadn't seen me before. I threw out some excuse that I was in-state visiting a friend who went to school here. He started asking me about who my friend was when Brandi came back. I was relieved.

"Come on, we need to go take pictures of ourselves in Tom's room.

I've heard he's got mirrors all over the ceiling," she said with a smile.

She lead me back in and pulled out a camera from her purse. "Get on the bed and make a sexy pose at me." She said laughing.

I got on the bed and did as I was told. I heard the camera start clicking as she took pictures of me all over the bed. She told me to spread my legs and cover my panties with my hand and make `uh oh' faces like I didn't want to show what was under my skirt. And I tried all sort of stupid poses. Then she got on the bed with me and we made more stupid poses looking up to the mirror on the ceiling which was only one, and not as cool as I had originally imagined.

I laid my head back on the pillow and spread my arms out with my knees sticking up and my feet on the bed. Brandi grabbed one of my legs and lifted it higher into the air and rubbed down the leg. I looked up at the mirror and saw two sexy girls in bed with each other. Once again it was like looking at lesbian porn only I could feel everything that was happening.

Then Brandi started kissing down my leg as her hands felt a little ahead of her lips. I looked up to see her take one more shot with the camera but it was poorly aimed. It seemed she wasn't paying attention to the pictures any more. I looked at Brandi's red fingernails move up my leg and get to the fringe of my skirt. I saw her red lips make their way up my leg. My leg straightened out into the air and she held it up.

I could feel my dick becoming harder and harder underneath my skirt and the skimpy panties I had on were not doing a good job holding my growing hard-on inside. I looked up again briefly to see Brandi's hands go under my skirt and make their way for my secret spots. I closed my eyes and let myself go to the moment.

Her fingernail touched the edge of my balls and slightly scratched them then moved down through my legs to the crack of my ass. The finger pushed between the ass cheeks and applies a light amount of pressure on my ass hole.

I knew what Brandi had underneath her short shorts, and I knew it was probably hard as a rock. As I felt the pressure of her finger on my ass I thought about how much I wanted to feel something much larger than a finger penetrate into me. I moaned slightly as the finger pressed into me.

"Oh Matt," he said.....and the moment was gone. It was Brad again, he spoke in his regular low tone and he called me by my real name. I looked in the mirror and saw by the look on Brad's face that he knew he had made a mistake.

"I'm sorry Brad....I can't," I said and got up off the bed. I walked over to the door and let myself out.

When I walked out into the party reality hit me like a brick wall. I was at a strange party, dressed like a girl and no way of getting home. I could ask a girl, but a strange girl probably didn't want to waste her night taking me home, or I could ask a guy but he would probably want some action when he dropped me off. I wasn't too sure what Brad was thinking right now so I didn't know if I could ask him.

I walked a little further into the crowd and back where the beers were being served. I grabbed one and started drinking it down. I drank a little too quickly and started coughing. "whoa sweetheart, you can't take it all in one swallow," the guy who was talking to me earlier said.

"Thanks for the advice, but you'd be surprised what I can swallow," I said, once again not knowing where the words came from and how they jumped out of my mouth. Suddenly I was Mandi again, and I felt some confidence coming back to me. I finished the cup of beer and wondered if I should grab another one and just let myself get hammered.

I looked across the room and saw Brandi had come out and was talking to some guy. She had her arm around him and he looked like he had just found an easy target, that's when I spotted Jennifer.

Well, it was now or never. I thought if she was bi then if I started dancing in front of her maybe I could catch her eye and lure her out onto the dance floor. And so I walked out and started to dance.

It took about 3 seconds before my ass started swaying that I had a guy start to dance next to me. I looked over at Jennifer who was talking with some friends, but I saw her look briefly over at me, I smiled at her then turned to the guy who had come up and started dancing with was Tom, the guy Brandi was trying to seduce.

With a quick look over to Brandi who was basically sitting in the guys lap and whispering something in his ear I thought maybe I could use Tom to get some more of Jennifer's attention.

I lifted my arms in the air and started moving moving my body towards him. He seemed pretty happy about the attention I was giving him and started moving closer to me. He was a lot bolder than I had anticipated and he grabbed my waist and started rubbing his body against mine with the beat. He looked down at me and the smile on his face told me exactly what he had on his mind.

Without thinking about it I gave him a warm inviting smile and felt my body push harder against his. It wasn't until I felt that unnatural twinge in my panties that I remembered Tom was not my aim.

I turned around and saw Jennifer, and I caught her staring at me. Our eyes locked and now she smiled at me. She looked over at her friend and I could read her lips saying she wanted to dance. However, with my back turned towards Tom I felt him start to grind himself into my back side. Again there was a rush of thrill and my ass instinctively pushed back against him and rubbed against his cock.

I lifted my arms up behind me and wrapped them around his neck. Now with my back towards him our bodies moved together and even though there were a few layers of clothes between us I thought I could feel something hard and long pressing into my ass crack.

He turned me around and we were once again grinding our bodies into each other. He leaned down, "What's your name?" He asked.

"Mandi," I said.

"I like the way you dance."

I didn't say anything back just continued to press my body against his with the beat of the music. I turned back to see where Jennifer had gotten to, and wondered if I even cared any more.

Jennifer had a very seductive look on her face, but she wasn't looking at me. She was looking at Brandi who had made her way over to her and was dancing with her. I was surprised to see this for a second, but then Brandi shot me a look that felt like daggers. If I was going to take her man then she was going to take my girl.

I didn't like the way this was going, I didn't want to be a bitch about things. I stopped dancing with Tom walked over to Brandi and pulled her aside. She didn't want to come, but I took her off the dance floor where the music was a little quieter.

"Brandi, I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything, and Tom just started dancing with me." I said. Brandi looked angry behind all the make-up and wig.

"Fuck you Matt," he said and walked back out and started dancing again with Jennifer.

Oh shit, this was all going way worse than I could have imagined. I needed to get out of there. I couldn't even call my parents or anyone I knew because I didn't want them to see me like this.

I started to walk to the door when Tom grabbed me by the arm. "Hey Mandi, are you alright?" he asked.

I looked at him, but I've never been good at hiding what I was feeling. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said even though it was an obvious lie.

"Come back here for a minute," Tom said and grabbed my hand. I looked over at Brandi who was now grinding herself into Jennifer on the dance floor. Jennifer seemed like she had no complaints....lost my chance there for tonight, but I didn't really care right now, maybe I could get Tom to take me home....I defiantly shouldn't have drunk the two cups of beer because I was feeling a little light headed.

Tom took me back into his room and told me to have a seat. I started making my way towards the chair in the corner, but he grabbed my around the middle and pushed me towards the bed. "I've got some weed; it'll make you feel better if you and your friend are fighting."

"No thanks," I said. I didn't do weed and I didn't think now was really a good time to start.

"You sure?" he asked.

He walked over to me and put his hand under my chin. He looked at me for a second our eyes locked, and then he bent down and kissed me. I didn't resist, I just let myself go with him. I felt his mouth open up and his tong slide into my mouth, and I looked up at the mirror on the ceiling and saw a hot chick and a guy just starting to make out, and my cock started to twinge again knowing that I was the chick.

Tom's hand moved down to my leg and started rubbing it, and then he moved back on the bed and laid his body next to me so we could make out better. I reached my hand down and grabbed his belt and undid it. I wanted grab onto something I had never touched on another man before. I unzipped his pants and reached my hand down his boxers to feel his firm long dick.

I felt my own cock start to harden. I didn't know what I was going to do, I couldn't tell him because he would freak out...unless he was bi like Brandi said....maybe he would be into it. I just knew I wanted to suck his cock, but even more, I wanted to have his cock inside of me.

I started rubbing his rod gently until it was fully hard. Then I felt his hand start to move up my leg. "Tom," I said hoping that he would stop when he was only inches away. I felt his hand stop, but firmly grab my upper thigh.

But before I could say anything his hand moved up even further and his hand was now resting on top of my hairless ball sack. His hand tightened, and then quickly reached up to grab my dick. His mouth moved away from mine and when I looked at his face his eyes were open in shock.

"Tom, I'm sorry....I...."

"What the fuck!" he said and backed away from me.

I didn't know what to say, or how to make this better, "I thought that you were bi, and that you wouldn't mind." I said, but instantly realized by the look on his face that I was wrong.

"You thought I was bi?" Fuck no, I'm straight." He said, his face had turned a very light shade of white. "Holy fuck." He said and was standing on his feet.

"Look, I'm just going to go," I said and got up off the bed.

"No, wait.....I mean," He started stammering and I could see him thinking. "Shit, this is so screwed up. I was telling my friends that I was going score with you tonight as soon as you walked in." He looked up at the ceiling, "I was getting a bunch of looks like I just scored a touch-down as I led you back here, and the last thing I need is to tell them I was in here making out with a dude when they ask why you stormed off.

I didn't know what to say, or what to do. "So, you want me to just sit here and wait a while....I'm really sorry, I'll tell them whatever you want." I said and felt like I was rambling on.

"Shit, I can't believe you're a guy. I're....well, you're not bad looking." I smiled at him.

"Look, we can just wait here a few minutes and then I'll leave looking like I just got nailed, and you will never see me around here again, trust me."

He looked at me for a second. "Never see you ever again?" He asked. I nodded. "Promise?" He said assuring himself.

"Yes, I don't dress like this, I just did it tonight because my know the one who came up to you earlier, was trying to score with you tonight." I said.

"Now, I could believe that you're friend was a guy, but you really don't dress like this?" he said, "it really doesn't look bad...I mean, you had me fooled. And everyone else at the party." He walked over and sat back down on the bed next to me.

"So, do you sleep with a lot of guys?" He asked me.

I smiled at him, "You were going to be my first actually."

"What about your breasts?" He asked looking down at my chest.

I realized that I had been talking in my high girl voice even after he realized I was a guy, and even though he had freaked out, he did come back and sit very close to me on the bed. I reached around and slowly undid the laces to my top.

"They're fake," I said. I slowly took off the top and showed him my bra with the fake inserts.

"It's too bad, they did look like a lot of fun."

"Do these even feel real?" I asked him and grabbed his hand and moved it up to one of the cups. His hand grabbed it and started squeezing it. The tip of his finger went past the bra and touched my chest. That tip of the finger kept massaging my skin as the rest of the hand felt the cup.

"No, feel like fakes."

"Hmmmm, no point in wearing them then," I said and reached around the unclipped the bra. It fell to the floor as well as the two inserts.

"Well, you've got absolutely nothing, but I've been with girls who have had just as little." He said, girls still like having them sucked though, no matter how small.

"Men like it too; you've never had your nipples sucked on?" I asked him.

He looked at me and shook his head. "Oh, that's a shame," I said and grabbed at the bottom of his T-shirt and slowly lifted it over his head. My hand reached out and the finger touched his nipple and slowly moved around it. My mouth moved closer to his chest and the sight of his tight stomach made my cock start to firm up again. My mouth slowly opened over his nipple and began sucking on it while my hand moved down his abs and felt their tight toned 6-pack.

As my mouth gently sucked on him my hand moved down to the edge of his pants and I let one finger moved underneath. "See, how does that feel?" I asked him in a seductive voice.

He reached down and took my chin in his hand and lifted it up, then kissed me again on the lips. This time I had no hesitation, I knew what Tom wanted, and I wanted to give it to him. I pushed him back on the bed and my hand moved down to undo his zipper. I pulled down the pants and could see the long hard outline of his cock underneath his boxers. I was topless and only had on my skirt, panties and sandals. As he was on his back I straddled his stomach and began kissing him again laying our bodies against each other.

I could feel his hard dick underneath me start to rub against my body. I knelt up and took my skirt off so I only had my panties showing and there was my cock sticking straight up in the air. He grabbed it with his hand and started to jerk it. I reached around behind me and grabbed his dick to return the favor.

I looked over on his nightstand and saw a bottle of lotion. I grabbed it and dropped a good amount in my hand. I then rubbed it on his dick, and reached around and smeared it all in my ass hole. I laid back down on top of him and started kissing him again, then moved my body back onto his cock.

I could now feel his throbbing tool underneath my ass cheeks. I let my ass rest on top and figured he would have to use his dick to find my hole. It wasn't but a second before I could feel the head of his cock start to push inside of me. My muscles all tightened, not being used to something going in the back end.

Tom retreated his dick out, but I slid my body back onto his dick pushing it back in a little further. He moaned lightly and so did I. Slowly Tom was able to push about half of his dick inside of me. He pushed it in and out before I was loose enough to take the rest of it.

I was kneeling up now with Tom's dick fully enclosed in my ass. I could feel his hard flesh pounding into me, and I had never been so aroused. He started pumping into me hard now that I was opened up. His hand reached out and grabbed my cock which was starting to soften as I was getting fucked.

"Mandi," he moaned and started jerking my dick getting it hard again as he pounded my ass. "I'm ready to cum" he said, "but I want you to cum all over me first."

He grabbed my dick tighter and jerked it fast and hard. My cum shot out all over his stomach and shot up as far as his face. As soon as my hot load was all over him I felt an explosion deep in my ass. His cock pounded harder for a few strokes, then died away. His body relaxed underneath me, but his dick was still deeply planted inside of me.

I laid my body down and kissed him again deeply. I felt his dick withdraw from me and I felt my body slick against his because of all my cum on his hard abs. His tong went deep inside of me again and it was a few seconds before we stopped kissing.

I got off of him and lay next to him for a moment. He looked over at me and smiled, "First time for both of us," he said and kissed me again.

"Tom," I said. He looked over at me and I could see that he was content. "I am going to need a ride home." I said, and he laughed. I knew he understood what had happened with Brandi and me. He took me out through the party and I knew his friends were all giving him congratulatory smiles on having banged his target for the night, but no one was more satisfied than me I think.

I had Tom drop me off 2 blocks from my house because I didn't want him to know exactly where I lived, and I told him so. He seemed disappointed, but I said I wanted to leave this night in the past.

"So, you won't be going out again as Mandi?" He asked me.

"No, I don't think so," I replied.

"Let me get your number at least, and maybe I can talk you into coming out with me." I knew this would only lead to trouble so I told him no. However, he was persistent about it and when he grabbed my thigh and pulled in for a long deep kiss I relented and gave him my number.

"I'm going to have you come out as Mandi again in a week or two," he said. "I think Mandi's going to want to come out again too."

I knew he was right. Mandi started coming out more and more, but that's another story.

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