Girl's Joke

By William Steps

Published on Feb 17, 2010



"Relax," Amber said, "This drug will wear off in twenty-four hours." I shook my head at her. "This is very much not funny." I said. "It is for us." Dora said. Ginny piped up, saying "Come on, lets have fun, you get to know what girls night is like for a change." I turned to look at her. "Yes, because that was always my dream." I quipped as I looked down at myself.

I had always had more female friends than male, and on this occasion I was hanging out with three of them; Amber, Dora and Ginny. We had all started drinking, and somewhere along the lines the girls thought it would be funny to slip a little something into my beer - a regular strength sex change pill. By the time I had downed my lager I felt my head swoon and my body tingle all over. I blacked out for a moment and when I came to I found all the girls giggling at me. As soon as I asked what happened, and heard my voice come out in a much higher pitch, I realised that it was not just the alcohol that was affecting me.

Ten minutes later I had got my bearing and was venting my annoyance at my three friends for such a vicious practical joke. My clothes no longer fit me; the simple t-shirt I was wearing was now stretched over my chest but was baggy around the waist. My jeans were now too long, too loose at the belt and too tight around my hips. I was a very athletic person, perhaps even a little bulky, and apparently the female equivalent of that was on the curvy side. My new breasts were fairly large and round, my waist was narrow and trim, and my hips and legs were shapely and muscular. I hadn't really looked at my reflection yet, and I was getting curious.

"Twenty-four hours? So I wont turn back into a man until eight in the evening tomorrow?" Amber nodded. "Give or take." I shifted uncomfortably in my clothes, finding them rather constructing after the change. I sighed. "I need to go find something to wear that fits me now." I said, scowling a little. "I should have brought some of my clothes." Ginny said. I ignored the comment and walked out of the room.

In my bedroom I rummaged around and found a pair of loose boxer shorts that fit over my new hips, and an old sleeveless undershirt that had enough stretch to be comfortable over my temporary rack. My old sweat pants fit well enough and I put them over my shorts. Walking towards the door I saw my reflection in my closet mirror. I was taken aback a little. I had notice my ample curves when I looked down at myself, but I was a little surprised at how attractive I looked. The drug did its job well that was for sure. I was a fairly masculine guy, but it had managed to make my features match my new shape.

There was a similarity to my own face, but the person in the mirror now looked like my hot sister. I had fuller lips, wider eyes, a rounder face and a more delicate nose. My neck seemed longer as well, and I had defiantly lost at least eight inches of height. The little bit of body fat I had over my abs was now an effeminate, smooth belly. My hair seemed to have grown out a little as well, looking generally shaggy and wavy all over. My eyes ran over the rest of me, frowning at how much of my ample chest showed through the tank top. I grabbed a hoodie from the closet and pulled it on, zipping it up to cover my cleavage.

I trudged back into the other room, finally getting my balance right, and grabbed a new beer as I sat down on the couch with the ever-amused girls.

One hour later.

My alcohol tolerance was not what it was as a man, and I was a little drunk. this increased my mood a little and helped me to forget the uncomfortable situation my so-called friends had put me in. Although it didn't help that they now insisted on calling me 'Jane'. Amber and Dora were whispering to each other about something in a way that made me a little suspicious. Amber left the room shortly after to go the to washroom. I watched her go, wondering if she was up to something else. I resumed my drinking while she was gone. I downed another beer, and was starting to feel pretty good when I realised that Amber had been gone quite a while.

Just then I heard an unfamiliar voice behind me say. "I think I found something more flattering for you to wear." I turned, startled. There was a man standing behind me, and he tossed a pile of clothes onto the couch next to me. There were the clothes Amber had been wearing. Then I noticed that the man was wearing the clothes I had changed out of. It was amber, though it was hard to see the resemblance in the slim man standing in the doorway.

"Seriously?" I asked. "Amber shrugged. "It seemed fair. Now we are both in the same boat, and like I said, my clothes should fit you now." I told her I was not putting her clothes on, and that was that. The other two girls laughed at the new development. "What do we call Amber now?" Dora asked. Ginny thought a moment. "He looks like a Jim." Amber shrugged. "I can live with that." She said. "Jim it is." "This is all just hilarious to you, isnt it?" I asked. "Come on, gender reversal humour is always funny." Dora said. "Hilarious." I muttered. The newly arrived Jim sat down on the chair opposite me and the drinking resumed.

Another two hours slipped by...

My head was spinning a little bit in my moderate drunkenness, and I decided to slow down a little to avoid getting sick. I was carefree enough to have discarded the hoodie and stop thinking about my body so much. "You don't seem to be enjoying the experience of being a girl." Lori commented. "I would have thought you would want to know what a few things are like before you turned back." I asked her what she meant. "Well we kind of figured you would sneak off to the bathroom to play with you pussy a little." Ginny said. I rolled my eyes. "What, like you aren't wondering what it feels like to have a slit?" Jim said. I ignored him. He laughed. "I bet she was just waiting until we were all asleep." Dora suggested.

I had been trying not to think about it, but I knew that in my drunken state I was very likely to explore my newly modified body when I was alone. It was then that I noticed that Jim was staring at my unsupported breasts, a tell-tale lump forming in his pants. "You're getting turned on by this!" I explained, sounding like a drunken girl. "Maybe we should leave Jim and Jane alone for a while." Ginny laughed. "Oh, it's not just her I'm checking out." Jim said with a smirk. "Hmm," Lori said. "A man with a woman's experience. It's tempting." Ginny giggled. "Trust me, it's as fun as you'd think." She said quietly.

I realised that this was not the first time Amber had used these pills. She and Ginny must had played with them before, and Amber fucked her as a man. All this talk causes something to happen to me; my skin felt tingly and my nipples seemed to get hard. Heat seemed to be building up in my groin as well. It took me a few seconds to realise that I was getting aroused, and that is how women felt it. My boozy brain took a little longer to compute that my thin top was doing little to conceal my hard nipples. "Now who's getting turned on."

I tried to deny it, but I could tell I was blushing. We were all drunk and now, apparently, all getting horny. I felt exposed and uncomfortable feeling that way while Amber was in male form. "It's ok," Jim told me, "remember you are still essentially male in a room full of women, it's ok to be turned on by that." Things were getting bracey. Jim leaned in and the other girls seemed in on the conspiracy. "Look, whatever happens I won't try anything you tell me not to do." He said. "But I am offering to show you how good you can feel with that body." My body tingled again. I was being betrayed by alcohol and my new levels of estrogen. I started to really want to know what it would feel like to have someone touch my new body.

"She's interested." Dora said plainly. I didn't want to admit it, but I was. Would you prefer if one of the other girls started you off?" Jim asked. I thought about it. "Yes." I said shyly. Jim looked up at Lori and Ginny. They nodded and slid over to me. Ginny began kissing me passionately, and I didn't resist. She would occasionally break to let Lori in and we would make out for a while before switching back. I was getting really turned on, and soon we were making out in a three way, their hands all over my tits.

I had never felt what it was like to have breasts, and the attention their squeezing, teasing hands were giving me was amazing. I whimpered and felt myself getting moist under my pants. I was getting so incredibly aroused I didn't care what the implications were of what we were doing. My lips were so soft against theirs, and their hands on my chest felt amazing. My hands roamed over their pert bodies as well, groping their firm asses and soft bosoms. Dora pulled back and stripped off my top, revealing my large bust.

I kept kissing Ginny as Dora took on of my nipples into her mouth. It was wonderful; I moaned and held her head to my chest as I played tongue tag with Ginny. It may have been my first time feeling it, but I knew I was getting really wet between my legs. After pleasuring my nipples for what seemed like ages, Dora move herself downward. She pulled off my sweats, leaving just my shorts. She then started rubbing my crotch through the thin fabric. I gasped, completely astounded at how good it felt. As I moaned into Ginny's mouth I felt Dora slide a hand under the waistband of my shorts and her bare fingers touched my slit.

When she started playing with my new clit I almost bit Ginny's lip off. Ginny laughed and pulled away from me. She looked over at Jim. I followed her gaze. Jim was sitting on the edge on his seat, practically panting; his hand was near his crotch, trying to fight the urge to rub it though his pants. The bulge in the front told of his full arousal. "Are you going to help him out?" Ginny asked me, biting her finger. I hesitated. "Well, I will if you won't, can't leave his just sitting there like that." She said when I didn't respond. She climbed away from me, leaving me to fully concentrate on enjoying Dora's finger work.

Dora pulled the leg of my shorts aside and leaned in, further astounding me when she started using her mouth on my slit. She lapped at my juices as I squirmed and pushed into her face, savouring the joy of being eaten out. I ran my hands through her hair, as I started to pant. Looking up I saw Ginny remove Jim's trousers and pull them down. She wasted no time in taking his cock into her mouth and slurping it down. I watched as she tossed her long, red hair over one shoulder and serviced Jim. I could not help but notice that his dick seemed to be a pretty good size.

Dora was driving me to new levels on ecstasy as I watched Ginny go down on Jim. After a while she looked up and saw me watching. She smiled at me. She gestured for me to join her. "Come over here." She said seductively. Dora ceased her attentions, which disappointed me greatly. Lost as I was in the whole scene, I did sit up and crawl over to where Ginny was kneeling. Dora followed. Barely knowing what I was doing, I knelt down next to her. "Give it a try." She said to me, practically in a whisper. She took my hand in her and guided it to Jim's tool. She made my fingers close around the shaft and start to stroke it.

I looked back and forth from Ginny to the penis I was stroking. Dora was still fingering my cunt as I touched a man for the first time. Ginny pulled my head forward, gently but insistently, towards the tip of the tool. She coaxed me on, getting me to open my mouth. I looked up at Jim, who was smiling down hopefully, breathing hard. Ginny tugged my head forward, and I half consciously did as she was suggesting. I took the head of the rod into my mouth, then a little more at a time. Soon I had half of it in my throat. "Go on," Ginny said, "I'm sure you know what to do with one of those." As I started to bob up and down on Jim's meat, Ginny moved around to take Dora's place behind me. She pulled my shorts aside and started using her own mouth to pleasure me.

What she was doing to me felt so good I almost forgot that I was going down on a penis. I could tell from teh grunts I was hearing that I was doing a good job too. Ginny was sliding her fingers in and out of my pussy as she ate me out, which was another new feeling. The small penetration felt really good, and I started to wish she would do more to fill me up. In a way, I got my wish.

I felt my shorts being pulled all the way down, and I awkwardly moved around to let them be removed completely. I was now kneeling in front on Jim, sucking him off as my bare bottom was exposed to the room. I felt fingers playing with my slit again, and I hunched back into them. I wanted the pleasure to resume, and I got more that I expected. I felt flesh rubbing against my pussy, teasing the clit. It wasn't finger though, it was soft and round and warm. I realised it was a cock. Jim was now holding my head in place, pushing into my mouth as I sucked him. I could not turn around as the mysterious cock prodded at my wet opening.

"Welcome back, Frank." Ginny said as she started pinching my nipples. I whimpered, confused. "It's just Dora," Jim said. "I had on more pill in my bag." I felt scared and helpless, yet I didn't try to break away or resist. Frank's rod pressed against the opening to my body, and I felt some resistance as he pushed forward. The resistance gave in though, and the head of his cock popped into my pussy. I squealed into Jim's dick. More and more of Frank slid into me, easily due to the moisture. I felt my body stretch and fill to accommodate this intruder and, more importantly, I felt a wave of mind-numbing pleasure.

Soon I felt Frank's hips press into my ass, and his cock was all the way inside me. It was so unlike the sex I had known before, almost like it was backwards. It was also a little more intense. Frank started to withdraw his dick, only to grind it back into me again. Soon he was fucking me from behind at a even pace. There I was, a woman on all fours with one man's cock in her mouth and another taking her from behind. As Frank increased his pressure I was moaning strongly, muffled as the sounds were. I managed to turn my head enough to see Ginny on the couch, rubbing herself furiously while she watch me being violated.

"Enjoying the show?" Frank asked her. She just nodded and sighed. She was really getting off on watching them screw me. "Sure you don't want to get back in the game?" Jim asked her. She smiled and slid to the floor. She crawled over to us and ducked underneath me. I gasped as she started to lick my clit while Frank shagged my pussy. He was pumping me a little harder now, and it was driving me wild. I felt my ample breasts sway back and forth with each thrust, bouncing underneath me. "Ok," Jim said, "I want some of that pussy."

Our positioned all changed around. Jim rolled me over on my back and spread my legs. I looked up at him, wide-eyed, as he manoeuvred his cock into my cunt. He was a little larger than Frank, and I squealed again, the noise turning into a whimpering moan. Ginny perched herself on my face and I started to much on her clit as she took Frank's cock in her mouth. My tits jiggled all over my chest as Jim fucked me, my face covered in Ginny's juices.

After a while Ginny climbed off and sat on the couch, opening her thighs. Frank climbed on top of her and she held him close as he penetrated her as he had me. After a while I took some initiative for the first time in all this and shoved Jim back so that I was on top. I started to grind into him, riding him as he bucked up to meet my hips on their way down. My breasts were really jumping all over the place now as I felt a surge of pleasure building up inside me. Someone in the back of my mind I heard Ginny cumming loudly as Frank pounded her.

I felt that if I could go on like this for just a little while longer I could cum myself, eager to find out what it felt like in this body. It took about two more minutes for me to find out. I screamed out loud as the first spasm of pleasure hit me, then started shivering and twitching as the waves kept hitting me. "Oh god, oh god, don't stop!" I gasped as I experienced an orgasm as a female for the first time. It was amazing, my whole body came alive and every nerve sung to me. It seemed to go on forever as well, and I revelled in every second of it. Ginny's own screams of bliss had died down by the time I was conscious of my surroundings again.

"I want you to both cum in her." I heard Ginny say to Frank. He didn't reply, but pulled out of her snatch and came over to Jim and I. He stood beside me and pointed his cock at my face. I eagerly turned my head and started stroking his dick into my mouth as I sucked him. I knew that it would not be long before both of them came. I rode Jim harder, feeling delightful aftershocks of my orgasm.

Jim was first. I moaned as I felt him grunt and clench up. Then a blast of hot fluid spurted into my pussy as he came. Gush after gush poured into my womb as I experimented with flexing my new muscles in my slit. I was so distracted by the experience I didn't notice Frank's impending explosion until he grabbed my head and moaned. The first jet of semen filled my mouth and I tried to swallow. I didn't do a very good job though, and the second and third spurt spilled out of my mouth and dripped all over my tits.

I kept sucking and stroking his cock, his seed all over me, well after he had stopped cumming. Eventually he could take no more and I let his softening tool out of my mouth. We all collapsed onto the floor, panting. I was covered in everyone's juices, and I felt some cum leaking out from between my legs. After a few moments, when we had caught our breath, I opened my eyes and looked around.

I felt less drunk now, but so much more elated. Ginny had joined us, and as I climbed off Jim she stooped to suck all our combined juice off him, cleaning his dick with her mouth. I felt high and dizzy. I also felt like I desperately needed a shower. I excused myself to the bathroom, stumbling as I walked. Once inside I went to go empty my bladder, remembering as i reached down that I now had to sit to do so. I sat and felt the jizz ooze out of me as i relived myself of all the beer. I then wiped my new pussy and turned on the hot water.

I stepped into the shower and started to scrub all the lust off of my body. I was smiling though, not that I could tell you why. I found myself playing with my breasts and clit as I recalled all that had just transpired. Just then I head someone else enter the washroom. The curtain opened and Frank stepped in. "Mind if I join you?" He asked.

We didn't stay clean very long. He managed to get me to bend over as he slipped his soapy member over my pussy I was ready for him in no time. Soon he was driving into my from behind while I watched my tits, shining with soap and water, bounce back and forth again. After I had enjoyed a second orgasm of the evening he deposited his own cum in me. We actually got ourselves clean afterwards, and emerged from the bathroom after being in there nearly half an hour.

As we entered the living room again we saw Ginny with her feet over Jim's shoulders and he pile drove into her. We decided not to interfere, and stopped to admire the view. I gently teased Frank's cock as we watched, seeing if I could get another rise out of him. He played with my tits and pussy as I did so.

We didn't get much sleep that night.

I awoke snuggled up to Jim, whom I didn't recognise at first. I started away from him then, as I felt my tits bounce on my chest, I recalled what had happened the previous night. Ginny and Frank had gone off to sleep together in the other bedroom, and I dimly recall hearing the thumping noises mixed with Ginny's moans all night long. Not that I was one to judge, Jim and I had made slow love for at least another hour before we fell asleep. My body still ached from all the intrusion.

Sober now, I tried to rationalise what had gone on all night. I had been drugged and turned into a woman, and as a woman I had gotten drunk and let myself be seduced into a four way with two women-turned-men. What Amber had said the night before was technically true; I was really the only guy amongst four girls. Nonetheless, I had experienced what it was like to have a cock not only in my mouth but in my pussy as well. I could still smell the sex in the room when I rolled over.

I decided I needed coffee.

Despite my shower after the first session, I felt very sex-stained. My now-longer hair was matted down and I could smell the musk of mixed juices coming from between my legs. I found my old robe and slipped it quietly on as I made my way out of the bedroom. I entered the kitchen and started the coffee pot going. I then walked into the bathroom and jumped immediately into another shower, this time alone. I was too tired, mildly hungover and a little ashamed to think about playing with my new form. I just washed myself thoroughly and scrubbed myself dry with a towel. I

Running a comb though my tangled hair I looked at the face of the twin sister I had become. The face had a frown on it; it seemed that the woman in the mirror wasn't very happy with herself. I didn't blame her.


I was subjected to no end of sexual compliments from the newly masculine versions of Dora and Amber as well as the enthusiastic approval of Ginny. Sober as I was, I was less inclined to respond to the advances the three of them were making. I did get talked into going out as I was, even though I was inclined to just hide in my house until I was a man again. Yet Ginny insisted she would pay for whatever I wanted while we were out so I was eventually convinced to join them. Jim and Frank raided my closet to find some of my clothes that would fit them, and they eventually emerged looking like two well-dressed guys.

I, of course, had little choice but to wear some of the discarded female clothes that were lying around, since none of my pants fit my new hips any more. At the encouragement of all, I was eventually advised to wear an outfit that met with the trio's approval. I wanted to forgo wearing a bra but I was informed that with breasts as large as mine the bounce of them would attract allot of attention is I didn't. I consented to wear Dora's bra and panties, since they fit a little better that Amber's. I tried to at least wear the Jeans that Amber had been wearing, but they were a little too small for me since Amber was latter and slimmer. I begrudgingly stepped into Dora's skirt, which was at least came almost to my knees and wasn't too short. I claimed Amber's top, which was a fairly loose and long short that came to halfway down my skirt. It did, however, show off more of my cleavage than I would have liked. The outfit was completed with Amber's thankfully-flat boots.

I then sat while Ginny primped up my hair a little to look stylishly scruffy, afterwards she was kind enough to only apply a modest amount of make-up. Nonetheless having eyeliner and lipstick on was an odd feeling. When all was done I had to admit that I was a very attractive girl, and if I hadn't known better I never would have saw myself in the image of the sexy woman in the bathroom mirror.

Feeling nervous about walking around as a woman, I followed the trio out of the house for our day of fun. Eventually I relaxed into my role when I realised that nobody we passed saw anything out of the ordinary about me. I guess I somehow expected people to be able to tell I was really and man and stare at me, but the only stares I got were from guys who were jealous of Jim and Frank. I still took a moment to reply any time someone called me 'Miss." though. Since Ginny was picking p the tab I had a drink or two at every place we went as we played tourists on our own town. Keeping myself decently tipsy made the whole situation seem much more bearable.

Ginny decided it would be a fun game to make the outing an official double date, so I had to pick one of the guys to be my boyfriends for the afternoon. I ended up going for Jim, not that it mattered much. In our new roles I ended up holding hands with my 'man' as we walked, snuggling up to him when we sat down and generally acting like his girlfriend. Frank was having a ball doing the same with Ginny, being a little lecherous about it. I admit that by five o-clock I was having fun, laughing with them all and generally forgetting that I wasn't myself for the time being. I even started to find it amusing to catch guys looking at my ass or tits when I walked.

When we eventually got home it was around six in the evening. I still had two more hours as a woman, though I wasn't even bothering to think about it anymore. As a contrast to the previous night of debauchery, Ginny stayed in character as Frank's girlfriend. We had a few more drinks then Jim and I separated off into my room and gave the other two some privacy. One thing led to another, and soon we were making out on my bed. We made love, this time as a couple. It was slower and more sensual that the other night's rough fucking. I came twice before Jim filled my belly with his seed.

We laid in the afterglow of our passion, neither of us tired enough to fall asleep. My breathing was beginning to slow back down, and my heart was getting back to it's normal rhythm.

I noticed it was seven forty-five.

I hadn't been paying much attention, but I realised that I only had about fifteen more minutes as Jane. I almost feel a certain regret at that fact, since I had had so much fun during the day. Plus Amber in her guise as Jim had sexed me up so god I was feeling irrationally attached to him. I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I remained nude as I walked across the hall, hearing Ginny's moans as I passed the living room.

I cleaned myself up a little, and then went to the kitchen to have another drink. About half way though my beer I felt dizzy and had to sit down on the kitchen floor. The bottle tipped its contents onto the hardwood as I fell over. I felt very nauseous, but eventually the disorientation and sickness passed and I opened my eyes. I wasn't surprised to see that I was now a man. I looked down at my old familiar body sitting nude on the kitchen floor. I felt ambivalent at first, having a touch of regret that my experience as a woman was over so fast, but then it equalised into a feeling of relief that I was myself again.

The moans from the other room reminded me of how awkward things were now. Ginny was now the only woman here, since it would be hours before both Amber and Dora were back to normal. Jim was still sitting naked in my bed. I felt very uncomfortable when I realised that I was naked and in a house with more men than women. Luckily I had left my robe in the bathroom earlier and I hurried to get it on. I hesitated to go back into my room. I decided to go back to the kitchen until the girls changed back or Jim came looking for me. I remembered it would be an hour before. Jim was Amber again. That wasn't so long to wait.

As I was finishing another beer I saw Jim come in. Thankfully he had slipped on a pair of my old boxers. "Ah," He said, "You did change back. I still have forty-five minutes." I told him that I remembered. He went to the fridge and got a drink for himself. "Ginny seems to be enjoying herself as is," He said, "So I'll just leave them alone for now..." It was awkward at first, but we basically sat and talked for the next little while. Before I knew it I saw him lean over the table and groan. I watched as his body warped and stretched, all the dimensions altering. Then, after only a minute or two, Amber was sitting in front of me again.

"Well," she said when she had her balance back. "I guess it's time to thank you for being such a good sport..."

The kitchen table sex that followed was violent and rough. I recalled the comforting familiarity of being a man and taking a woman. We must have made quite a racket before I finally erupted inside her quivering body. "I had forgotten how intense being a girl is..." Amber whimpered when we were done. The noise had attracted the attention of the other two, who had finished their own session. It wasn't long before Frank was Dora again. The three girls were very grateful I had played along in the end, and as I became entangled with them for our second round of sex of the day I couldn't feel much regret either...

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