Girlfriends Stepdad Kidnaps Me

By Z

Published on Jan 3, 2015


Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Author's note:

This is my first story. So I welcome all feedback. Thank you so much! Please donate to nifty. It has decades of good stories up here. Girlfriends Step Dad Kidnaps Me Part 9

Category: Gay Male Authoritarian

LAST TIME: Chris and Jimmy were degraded to new levels in a fuckfest that went into the morning. Both slaves were then tied up with each other's cocks in their mouths and left to wait for new guys to arrive and a new surprise for Jimmy.

The two slaves slept and the dominant studs they were serving slept until the late after noon. Ben was the first to awaken. He wanted to make sure certain possessions were put back on the leash.

Ben's footsteps in the morning as he was getting ready eventually woke Jimmy. The young stud came too with a view of Chris's sweaty crotch and his dick lodged in his mouth. He was sore from spending the night on the floor, but on the other hand he had slept a full almost eight hours.

His hands were still tied tightly behind them. He couldn't free himself. He could bare move any body part, except for his free dick still stuffed in Chris's sleeping mouth. Jimmy knew with Ben now awake, it wouldn't be long before whatever next he had planned for them. So he seized the moment and started facefucking Chris as much as the ropes would allow him, sliding his thick seven inch dick in and out of Chris.

This new motion set Chris awake. The other slave came too with a gargling surprise of a sweaty cock being forced in and out of his mouth. Chris had been brought back to his new reality fairly quickly. Yesterday he woke up free in his own bed. This morning he woke up tied up with his mouth roped tightly around the cock of another slave, and now this slave was trying to get one more cum in! Chris did the math in his head as well and began to return the favor to Jimmy.

The sight of the two bound boy's going to town on each other's cocks was a welcome sight to Ben, he wanted to make sure they were still horny as he entered the room wearing nothing but tight black boxer briefs. He carried with him the riding crop he used to train Jimmy.

Both boys noticed movement in the room. Due to their position they had no idea who it was, but they knew their time may be short so they started moaning and whining on each other's cocks. They choked themselves so they could get more in like they had been trained on the men they serviced last night. It almost seemed like they might pull it off.

The first blow of the riding crop landed on the side of Chris's thigh. Ben began raining a constant spree of sharp blows to the boy's thighs, legs, backs, ass cheeks, anywhere to cause the boy's discomfort. Ben did his best to alternate from slave to slave, but occasionally he laid into Jimmy a little bit more just to emphasize his dominance. Once he was sure they were not going to be able to cum. He untied the boys from each other.

"Morning, you horny little sluts," Ben greeted his property, "You guys can't go five minutes without gagging on some dick can you? Let's get you both locked up again since you can't seem to control your fag dicks shall we?"

Ben rolled Chris and Jimmy over so their cocks were easily accessibly and went to retrieve the cages he left on the end table the night before right next to two matching padlocks.

Jimmy stared up at the ceiling trying to disconnect himself from what was happening to him. For the past day he had thought about nothing but dick. When those men came into the room after a full day's work last night, Jimmy couldn't help but hope he'd get to taste each of them. Before he used to go after just about every girl he saw, he had job goals and wanted to live in a house in four years. Now, he couldn't even imagine jacking off alone.

Chris was more vocal with his mood. After whining on the floor for a bit, he piped up, "Ummmm sir...I'm not sure this is for me. I think it was just something I wanted to try. I don't want my dick locked up."

"Oh?" Ben turned around, "You don't like dick no more faggot?"

The question caught Chris off guard. He looked over at Jimmy who patiently laid there tied staring off into space. No, he was sure Ben was referring to him.

"Well, Chrissy," Ben said walking up to the bound boy and stradding his chest and putting his full weight on Chris with his briefs right up against his face.

Ben leaned his bulging package into Chris's face. He wanted this slut to answer him from a clearer picture of where he belonged. As Chris opened his mouth to reply, Ben drove his package right into the boy's open mouth.

"Sir," Chris started, mumbling through Ben's crotch, " your cock is amazing and I liked serving you, but I don't want my cock locked up. I deserve to cum too."

Chris pleas sounded like a little boy whining. Ben looked down at the boy sternly, then over to his first acquisition, who too was now staring at Chris to see what would happen.

"Listen, bitch," Ben sneered as he pulled down his pants revealing his half hard cock.

Ben rose off Chris and lifted the boy to his knees. Chris lowered his head like a frightened dog as Ben furiously circled the boy with the riding crop. Ben enjoyed the site of the boy pulling at his ropes. It really was hot watching this little skater punk squirm.

"We have to get some things straight. Last night you got on your knees, just like where you are now, and flat out begged to suck my dick," Ben continued, "Or am I mistaken?"

Chris trembled in fear. He shifted his weight from side to side and eventually let out a soft, "No sir, I did beg you."

"THAT'S! FUCKING! RIGHT!" Ben yelled, hitting Chris ass cheecks each word he said to emphasize his point. The boy almost fell face forward but Ben reached out, grabbed him and pulled him back in a tight embrace.

"Let's make sure I wasn't mistaken last night, Chris." Ben whispered into the young man's ear.

Ben slowly stripped out of his briefs revealing his half hard cock. As he strutted around he gave Jimmy a knowing smirk. Ben brought his cock right up to Chris so it was dangling in his face.

"Look at it!" Ben ordered sternly.

Chris looked straight ahead at the big thick cock in front of him. It was growing harder and harder. The head glistened with precum. Last night, he had willingly sucked his ass juices off of that amazing dick. Now, all he wanted to do was lick the cockhead clean. Robotically, Chris leaned forward to take the prized meat into his mouth, Ben held him at the forehead so it was just out of reach of Chris's longing mouth.

"Awwww, seems like you want that dick pretty bad, Chrissy," Ben teased the boy who was now trying to lick up the precum with his outstretched tongue.

"You see, boy," Ben continued, "A faggot would do ANYTHING for the taste of this cock. Maybe say, beg a man he had only met the night before to lock up his cock in exchange for the taste of his cum."

"Please Sir.." Chris started before Ben shoved just the tip of his dick into Chris's mouth.

"Shut up, faggot," Ben ordered, "Have a taste test on me. Just a sample though.

Ben held Chris on his dick but made sure the slut's mouth didn't go any further past the tip, and boy did Chris put his full weight into trying to get even an inch more of the meaty sausage further into his mouth. The boy started moaning like a whore for it. Ben wondered if the Chris even heard himself. Who the fuck was he kidding.

"Alright no more dick for the cock tease," Ben said as he withdrew his cock and walked over to put on his briefs.

"No please!" Chris begged, "Please Sir let me suck it. I'll do a good job!"

"Of course you will faggot, but as you can see I've already got a slave to fulfill my needs," Ben said motioning to Jimmy, who was now rock hard and unable to take his eyes off Ben, "So unfortunately for you no matter how much you beg and how good you claim you can service this meat, you only get it if you do exactly as I say."

Defeated, Chris sank his head and stared hopelessly at the ground. He took a deep sigh and wondered if this was where he belonged after all. Finally, he looked up at Ben, who was already smirking and shaking his dick back and forth to taunt his subjects.

"Please...Master," Chris whimpered, "Lock my pathetic cock up and make me your whore. I need to suck that dick again. I need my mouth to be full of your cum."

Chris didn't realize it, but Ben had this whole session on video. The entire room was being filmed. He set it up so he and Dan could critque their conquests, but it wasn't bad to have incase one of their possessions needed reminding of what they were.

Ben gave out a pretend sign, "Ok faggot, I guess we can make room for you."

Ben reached into the cooler and coated his hands with the freezing water of the ice that had melted from the night before. He reached down and grabbed Chris's balls with one hand and started finger fucking him with the other. The chilly sensation made Chris's dick go soft almost immediately. Next, Ben easily locked Chris's cock back into it's prison. He then draped the key ring that held the key's to the boys collars and chastity cages over his cock and let Chris suck his big hard dick.

Chris took Ben's cock like it was a gift from the heavens. The boy stared up his master and gobbled it down until he was face first into Ben's pubes and gagging on his dick. Jimmy stared up in horny lust and even a little jealousy. He had never had to compete for a chance to suck Ben's dick before, but it was certainly something he had learned to really enjoy.

Meanwhile, Chris was working his best to suck out the musky juices out of Ben's mighty cock. He worked at it for about ten minutes when Ben's breathing began to shorten. His pace that he fucked the boy quickened. Ben was just about ready to blow when the doorbell sounded.

"Oops, hold that thought, bitch," Ben said, withdrawing his cock and slapping it on Chris's face.

Chris looked behind him longingly as Ben walked away towards the front door. He began to whine when he realized Ben wasn't going to feed him his morning load.

"But..." Chris started.

"Ah, shut up whore. You get cum when I decide you've earned it. And not a second sooner." Ben interjected while opening the door to reveal a new guest.

"Morning nephew!" Ben greeted the man.

Jimmy's eyes snapped wide awake. April only had one cousin. Jake. The dude was a complete prick. He, Jimmy and April had gone to school together their whole lives. What the hell was Ben trying to do to him?

"Morning Uncle Ben's Rice," Jake greeted his uncle back in his typical playful way.

Jake wasn't exactly respectful towards his Uncles Ben and Dan, but he minded them well enough and they were proud of the lad. Where Jimmy had made a name for himself as a good swimmer, Jake took the more traditional path of football. He was the starting quarterback his senior year of highschool, and where Jimmy was getting ready to attend trade school, Jake got a cushy football scholarship offered to him at a private university.

"Come on in," Ben said,"Pardon me for a sec though I just gotta make sure we aren't interrupted with a bunch of stupid bitch questions."

Ben opened the door before quickly retrieving two huge purple ball gags and walking over to secure to his two slaves. First, he locked one across Chris's confused face. The little sluts eyes pleaded with him, something that made Ben's incredibly horny cock stir.

Jimmy stared up at what was happening. His new master was forcing a gag into the slave next to him. Jimmy was expertly tied up on his back with a rock hard dick pointing straight up at the sky. He had just spend the entire night satisfying every man in the house, save the jackass that had just entered. Jimmy hated Jake. The feeling was very mutual. The two never got along. Jimmy thought Jake was the biggest dick in high school. He did what he wanted, criticized anyone who had a different opinion, and made everyone feel that they should bow down at his feet. It was clear to Jimmy now that this was indeed a family trait.

Jimmy was furiously pulling at the ropes when Ben lifted him to his feet. Jimmy was fighting pretty hard so Ben did this with some difficulty. It looked like Ben's plan to humiliate the boy further were working. He was glad Jimmy was excited to see his old high school buddy.

"Look who's here, Jimbo," Ben mocked as he forced the gag tightly into Jimmy's mouth, "it's your old friend, Jake. Say hi"

Jimmy stared up at Jake, who was arrogantly smirking at the scene before him. He waited with his arms across his chest and a cocky look on his face. After some time had passed he tapped his work boots impatiently.

Jake had pretty much the perfect body. His muscular chest was clad in a tight muscle t shirt, he wore faded dark jeans that highlighted his muscular ass. He was 6'3, black spiky hair, smooth face with a strong chin. Jimmy had seen Jake in the shower a couple times. The dude was just as stacked as his uncles in the dick department, with a thick black forest of pubic hair and low hanging balls to match.

"Say hi to your buddy, Jimmy!" Ben yelled as he hit him with the riding crop causing him to wince in pain and moan into his gag.

Drool began to pour down from both slaves' chins due to the unforgiving, giant purple ball lodged into their mouths. Jimmy began to wonder why Jake was so comfortable with this. His uncle had tied up two guys naked and clearly was fucking them. But another crack at his ass made him snap back into it.

"Speak up, faggot!" Ben ordered.

"Hmmmffp," Ben sputtered through the gag.

"I'm sorry," Jake teased as he held his hand to his ear,"I didn't catch that Jimmy.

Another blow to the boy's ass elicted another muffled reply. Jake seemed pleased enough though.

"Aw, it's good to see you to Jimmy. And who's this little slut Uncle?" Jake asked referring to Chris.

"Oh that's some faggot one of the workers brough over," Ben explained, "the little slut just finished begging me to lock his dick up and train him to be a useful whore."

"Figures," Jake sighed, "Jimmy looks like he's running with a more appropriate crowd now though."

"Oh definitely," Ben agreed smiling, "He's been a realy good little cock whore. But you'll get to see all that today."

"You sure you don't want help setting up the shed?" Jake asked genuinely.

"Nah," Ben smiled, "You guys did so fucking well this year, you're about to go off to college and work a fuck ton harder, just relax and babysit for us. Two hundred bucks a day. And remember, if you need encouragement, this little maggot fucked your cousin."

Jake glared down at the pathetic sight before him. Jimmy trembled with terror. He was powerless to stop Jake. Even if he got untied, Jake was most certainly capable of beating the shit out of him. Now he was going to babysit them while the other guys built a prison to store them in permanently.

Ben fastened a chain leash to Jimmy's collar. Then turned and retrieved another iron collar out of a nearby drawer along with a thick chain leash for Chris. He then locked it around his second slave boy, before pulling his head so he was looking up at his master.

"I think you should greet our new guest too, cum slut, but it isn't really appropriate for you to call this MAN by name. So why don't you call him Mr. Jake, Sir," Ben ordered, before releasing his grip on Chris.

Chris regained his composure and started up at the muscled god before him.

He quickly muffled a, "MMMphhh Mrrfrrr Gmfff Mrr."

"Pretty good, slave," Jake replied, "it's going to be fun having you two little sluts take care of me all day."

"Yea it is," Ben agreed, "Well, I better get dressed, Max is going to be here soon and I gotta get the guys up. The slaves havent been cleaned yet."

Ben then proceeded to talk as if Jimmy and Chris weren't in the room. He spoke how they should clean themselves fully. Making sure to go in one at a time on their hands and knees, then they will come out and serve Jake just as good "as his old friend Luke."

"Daaamn Uncle I forgot about that!" Jake laughed, "That time I came home and Luke was tied to my bed, ankles and wrists tied to the headboard and that big ass dildo stuffed in his little asshole. That dude still buys my used condoms. I keep upping the price but he keeps paying."

"Yea," Ben sighed, "These fags will do just about anything to please us real men. On that note, what do you say Chrissy, feel like swallowing some cream?"

Chris looked up with a newfound lust in his eyes and began to moan into his gag. A nice river of drool was flowing down his chest. Both men laughed hysterically at the poor slut. Ben began to waive his cock back and forth as Chris's head followed it like he was being hypnotized. After a little bit of this, he went over and removed Chris's ball gag and dropped it on the floor.

"Well I want to help you out slut," Ben teased, "But I got to piss first, so I might as well just get dressed."

"NO! WAIT! PISS IN..." Chris pleaded before trailing off.

Ben turned around with a cocky smile on his face, "Piss in what?"

Chris took a deep breath. He looked up at the dominant youth that was going to be taking care of him all day. It didn't look like he was going to be showing him any mercy anyways. He probably couldn't think lower of him. He decided he didn't care. He'd do anything for his master's cum.

"Piss in my mouth. Please sir. Piss in my mouth," Chris pleaded.

Both men laughed. "Can you believe that shit?" Jake asked his uncle rhetorically.

"Aw man, what a poor little bitch. Wants to have the honor of being my piss drinker. OK bitch. I'll let you have it." Ben said, walking up to Chris as a man would approach a urinal.

"Hey uncle, I gotta piss from the trip," Jake chimed in, "Feel like racing?"

Ben smiled and temporarily backed away from the whimpering slave in front of him. Further inspired, he picked up Chris's gag and reached behind to reached behind him to unplug the boy's ass. He dropped the plug do the floor and then removed Jimmy's as well, dropping it to the floor. Next, Ben forced the balls of each boy's gags into the other's asshole.

"Now, if you boy's want to cum today," Ben started, "You won't drop these gags until I say. So clench them tight. After all, it will give you a nice taste of each other later."

Jimmy and Chris groaned as they focused on holding the gags in their asses to please their master. Ben returned his dick back to Chris's mouth, who took it into his mouth very willingly.

Jake approached Jimmy, who held the gag in his ass very firmly just by how tense his body was from the shame of being used by Jake. His cocky smirk was now burned into his memory. Now, he was undoing the fly to his jeans and hauling out his big dick which was probably about six inches soft, and very thick already.

"Open up, Jimmy. Time to finally get a taste of success," Jake said as he brought his dick closer to Jimmy's mouth.

Jimmy had it. He started fighting with all of his might against the ropes but they held him tight. Jake put him in a headlock and looked over at his uncle, who was already ready to go.

"Hey Uncle ben, this urinal of yours is broken." Jake announced.

"Oh that's a shame," Ben said as he started his heavy stream down Chris's throat, "Lock that funnel gag over there on it."

Jake released Jimmy so he fell face first into the floor. With a thud, the landing knocked Jimmy's breath out of him, but he quickly focused and tried to worm his way away from Jake. In the commotion, Jimmy forgot the ballgag and it fell out of his ass. Jake quickly retrieved the gag, and then stomped over to the reluctant slave to lift him to his feet.

Ben kept up feeding Chris his morning piss. Despite the taste, Chris guzzled it all down at the prospect of getting this man's cum. He felt he'd do anything to get it now.

After his stream slowed to completion, he shook the last bit in Chris's face, before regagging him and tossing him on the floor.

"No cum for you yet, faggot, but I like the determination. Makes me realize you belong in that cock cage," Ben taunted Chris.

Chris struggled in the ropes. This wasn't fair. He had earned his master's dick! Why was he being denied. He tried to forget the taste of piss, but the only comfort to him was the now differing taste of Jimmy's ass that coated the ballgag. Now, Ben was free to focus on Jimmy. He picked up the leather crop and headed over to his slave.




"Don't! You! Ever! Fucking! Refuse! A! Man's! Order! Bitch!" Ben yelled, as he laid a blow after every word to ingrain the lesson into Jimmy, who was now gagged with the funnel.

After hearing all of the commotion, Tyler hazily walked into the room, greeting the men with an out-of-it "What's up."

"Hey man," Ben smiled, "Little Jimbo here just decided he didn't want to cum today. And now he's going to happily drink down all of his buddy's piss to show him how low he should be treated. Isn't that right, Jimmy?"

Ben glared down at his slave, who was now extremely aware of his transgression. He had thrown his chance to orgasm away. His cock still swung free, now it was fully hard. But there was no way Jimmy could reach it. His only reprieve was his master, and he had now royally pissed him off. To try and atleast get the punishment to end, Jimmy emphatically shook his head in agreement to take Jake's piss.

"Oh that's great cause after him, I gotta go," Tyler smiled.

Finally, Jake let his heavy stream flow into the funnel for Jimmy to swallow down every drop. Jake stared right into Jimmy's eyes the entire time, satisfied with the boy's new place in his life. Tyler followed shortly afterwards, and the rest of the men began to wake up to attack the day.

All of the men ate eggs and bacon cooked by Ben for breakfast. While the men ate, Jake had untied the slaves one by one and allowed them to use the bathroom to clean up and do their business. Once they returned to the front room, Jake had set out ropes to tie the boys wrists and upper bodies up tightly. Their wrists tight behind their backs, ropes wound all across their chests to further immobilize them. Jake then attached the chain leashes again to their collars, regagged the two with cockgags and led them into the TV room where he had breakfast waiting for him and the TV all set up.

He deposited each slave on either side of the couch. Both sat in stunned shame and silence. Jake stripped out of all of his clothes, sat on the couch and spread his legs wide open.

"Which one of you homos wants to earn the right first eh?" Jake taunted Chris and Jimmy.

The men showered, got dressed and headed out towards the shed. They were finishing setting up the internal stuff. The whole project could take all week. Jake was responsible for taking care of Jimmy and Chris while the men worked. As the boys soon found out, this was done because Ben knew how much of a sadist Jake was.

The first thing he did was attach alligator clamps connected by chains to both boy's nipples. He then hung smal weights from the chain to get the boy's really squirming and moaning into their gags. Next, he made sure to rub his sweaty balls in each boy's face before he returned to his seat, picked up the remote and hit play.

To Chris and Jimmy's humiliation, they were now watching themselves being tied down and used every which way. All of the video's were accessible. Jake sat back, scratched his balls and watched Chris on his knees begging for cock.

"That's you faggot," Jake teased as he pulled on Chris's chain.

Once it got to the scene where Jimmy came out all shaved and looking like a slut in heat, Jake began to pull Jimmy towards his crotch.

"Come over here Jimmy, come take a seat by me," Jake said.

Jake pulled the gagged boy until he was staring up at Jake from between the boy's powerful legs.

"You look good down there, Jimmy" Jake laughed, scratching his balls then wiping his hand on Jimmy's gagged face.

"Hey, since we're buds now why don't you do me a favor," Jake said smirking down at his bound conquest, "stick your face right under my balls. Check how hard my workout was this morning. You'll probably have to inhale real deep though. I want to feel it."

Jake pulled Jimmy so the boy's face fell into his taint. Jimmy couldn't resist, and gagged the way he was, he had to breath through his nose anyways. He started taking in huge whifs of Jake's ass and crotch. It was like heaven. He knew this dominant stud would smell terrific. Jimmy's own cock began to get hard again. Even though he was forbidden from cumming, neither Jake nor Ben had bothered to lock it up.

"Mmmm yea that's nice. Smells good doesn't it?" Jake asked his bitch, who nodded obediently under him.

"Smells like a real man down there I bet, nothing like your shaved little faghole." Jake continued, listening to Jimmy moan while sniffing his crotch and ass was really getting him off. He began to beat off his dick and stare at Jimmy and Chris getting fucked on screen.

"Look what a whore you turned out to be, Jimbo" Jake sighed.

Jimmy knew it was true. He was sniffing his rivals musky taint and loving it. It really smelled great under there. Jimmy's cock was now heavily precumming. Meanwhile poor Chris sat and watched his first night of degration on the screen. He watched as he happily fought over Tyler's big ten inch cock. His own dick was painfully struggling against the confines of his cock cage that Ben had lured him into.

"Oh fuck this is great. Put your nose in my asshole dude. I bet it smells even better at direct contact," Jake ordered Jimmy as he adjusted his position so his legs were in the air and his hairy ass was spread wide open.

Jake forced Jimmy's head into his ass. He lined up his hole with Jimmy's nose and once he felt Jimmy was in deep enough he rubbed his hairy hole all over the his face. The sensation drove Jake wild, his rock hard nine and a half inch cock was throbbing and leaking a steady stream of precum as well.

Jimmy moaned through his gag in pleasure and lust and he inhaled the sweet scent of this football stud, who no doubt had put in a full workout today. The smell of sweet felt like it went in Jimmy's nose and all the way down to his toes.

"Alright, enough of that. Time to put you where I've been wanting to put you since freshman year," Jake announced.

He pulled Chris over to watch as he undid Jimmy's mouth gag. It spilled out of his mouth and fell to the floor. Jimmy's eyes followed it. He wouldn't look up.

"Look at me, Jimbo." Jake ordered, forcing Jimmy's head up by guiding the bound boy's chin.

Jimmy now met eyes with Jake, who was still smiling with that cocky expression on his face.

"Please Jake, come on man this, this isn't..." Jimmy pleaded.

"You can just stop right there bitch," Jake interrupted, "We all know your a cock hungry faggot. In fact from now on, you will refer to me as Mr. Jake, Sir. Just like this cocksucker here."

Jake pulled on the connecting Chris's nipples and he doubled over in pain and groaned into his tight cock gag.

"Fuck you, I swear I'm..." Jimmy started without getting much further.

Jake slapped Jimmy across the face and he fell over to the ground. He quickly rose to his feet, picked Jimmy up and threw his face into the couch so his ass was exposed. Jake started laying blow after blow to Jimmy's ass cheeks. Chris watched in terror at what would happen if HE disobeyed Mr. Jake.

Soon Jimmy was sobbing and begging for Jake to stop. It wasn't until Jimmy agreed to address Jake properly that Jake relented, leaving Jimmy's ass cheeks a nice shade of crimson red. Jake said that no bad deed goes unpunished. So he attached ten clothespins to Jimmy's cock and balls. This left Jimmy in an incredible state of discomfort, but otherwise his position had not improved, he was back face first between Mr. Jake's legs. Face to cock with his fellow former classmate.

"Now, we seem to have had some confusion as to how far we could stretch my good side, didn't we?" Jake asked Jimmy in a sweet voice.

"Yes, Mr. Jake Sir..." Jimmy said reluctantly.

"Good little faggot," Jake praised his new bitch, "Tell you what, since it's such a nice day out, why don't we go out side and you can show the guys how much of a slut you are for my cock. Of course that leaves poor other little fag without anything to do. Don't worry. I got just the thing."

Jake lifted Jimmy to his feet. Chris was next. He pushed the boys together so they were facing eachother. Then he unhooked one of each boys nipple chains and reattached them so both chains were looped together. Finally, Jake replaced Jimmy's cockgag back into his mouth, making sure to secure it very tight.

"Don't want you slut's talking to eachother. You're mouths are just for sucking, or putting those fag tongue's to good use," Jake explained, before slapping Chris hard in the ass and running outside.

At first, Jimmy and Chris were too embarrassed to even look at one another. But before long, the two finally locked eyes to see their fellow slave. Both looked at one another with pity, moaning into their gag in discomfort. Chris was a little envious of Jimmy, his cock was still free, he would have gladly had his covered with clothespins if it meant he would be free of this cage.

Jake wasn't gone for very long. He raced back into the house, unhooked the slaves and started untying them. He kept a tight grip on each slave once they were free, and didn't bother ungagging them.

"On all fours bitches," Jake ordered, "You are going to crawl outside like dogs. In front of me so I can make sure you crawl correctly."

Both Chris and Jimmy knew what that meant. They sunk to their knees and began to crawl towards the front door. Jake opened it for the slaves and they crawled out into the daylight. The air was nice and the sun felt good on their naked bodies. The slaves led Jake over to where he had a lawn chair and a beer setup. Jake chained Jimmy to a hook in the ground. Next, Jake led Chris to where all of the cars were parked.

While he was outside, Jake had setup a sponge and bucket next to Dan's truck and the work van. He also left the hose right up next to the vehicles. As a final setup, Jake sprayed a bunch of water on a dirt patch, where he was currently leading Chris. Jake removed the nipple clamps from Chris, causing him to loose his balance. Jake seized the opportunity and pushed the young man into the mud pile.

"Mmmfffffff!!!" Chris cried into the cock gag as his body plunged deep into the cold wet mud.

"Fuck yea, pig. Roll around. Experiment with how it feels to act like your social equals." Jake laughed as he forced Chris to roll around in the mud.

Once Jake was satisfied that Chris new how he ranked. He locked the boy into leg irons and gave him a huge 50' length of chain on his neck to wash the vehicles. Jake then set his attention on Jimmy, who was still chained up like a dog, gagged and had nipple clamps and clothes pins attached to him.

Jake ran up. His naked body glistened in the afternoon sun. As he approached Jimmy, he reached down and unfastened the nipple clamps. Jimmy gave a similar reaction to Chris, crying and moaning in pain into his gag. Jimmy's cock however, stayed rock hard. Jake started removing the clothespins as fast as he could. Jimmy's cock stayed hard.

"Look at how much you like this, bitch," Jake pointed out while taking a seat in the lawn chair.

The slack tightened on Jimmy's leash as Jake pulled him closer to him. Once he was within reaching distance, Jake undid Jimmy's cockgag again.

"Not a lot of people know yet Jimmy. Your friends don't know. Your parents don't know. April doesn't know," Jake said to the slave in front of him, "sometimes I like to talk. You know, they say my mouth is almost as big as my dick."

Jake rubbed his sweaty big dick in Jimmy's red face. He wanted to make sure Jimmy never forgot this moment.

"So if you wanted me to keep it between us..." Jake offered.

"Yes Mr. Jake, Sir. Please don't tell anyone I'm a cock whore." Jimmy pleaded.

"Good boy!" Jake replied, slapping his cock in Jimmy's face.

"Now why don't you seduce me. Make me feel good. Show me how much of a slut you really are," Jake ordered, taking out his phone and getting the camera ready, "Lights, camera, action, bitch."

At first Jimmy didn't know what to do. He just stared blankly at the camera. He realized he had better do something soon as Jake was very impatient. So he just started begging.

"Please Mr. Jake Sir, let me at least lick your balls. I know you're a real man who can get any girl or guy he wants, but it would honor a pathetic whore like me if I could just please you by licking your balls," Jimmy pleaded with an obvious need.

"Alright, faggot." Jake conceded, "Get licking."

Jimmy dove into Jake's big round balls and started dragging his tongue all along the boy's big hairy nutsack. The flavor was incredble and Jimmy let out unconscous moans as he did this. Which was also caught on Jake's phone.

"Go on..." Jake encouraged while slapping Jimmy in the face with his hard cock.

"Mr. Jake Sir...if you would please let me suck your big dick. I'm so impressed by it. It's way bigger than mine. Once I saw it, it made me realize how much better you are than me, and I should have been kissing your ass the day we met." Jimmy said with tears in his eyes.

"That's a good idea Jimmy Erikson. Why don't you kiss my ass. Better than that. Lick it. You can taste what you spent the last half hour sniffing," Jake taunted, again putting his legs up in the air, this time for Jimmy to rim his asshole.

Jimmy followed this command very willingly. He had been wanting a taste of Jake's ass since he got a whif of it. He dug his tongue deep into the boy's hole as Jake got it all on video. Jimmy didn't care, Ben had hours of him being a cockwhore already. What could another video hurt him now.

As one slave busily tongued his ass, Jake gazed over at the naked skater punk, Chris, who was washing the cars as hard as he could. Jake instructed him to do it sexily. So as he knelt over to clean tires he swung his ass in the air. He even licked the tires seductively when he saw the football stud was watching him. Fuck, that dude was a whore for dick, just like Jimbo.

"That's right Jimmy, get a good taste of my ass sweat. It suits you," Jake said so the camera would hear him.

"Thank you Mr. Jake Sir," Jimmy replied automatically.

"Well asshole licker, you've done a good job," Jake praised, "Time for you to graduate to more important work. Suck my dick, you bitch. Put your whole body into it."

Jimmy practically swallowed Jake's dick like a sword. He took it as far as his gag reflex would let him before he started choking on it. Jake smiled at Jimmy's efforts, enjoying that he was getting to make a movie of his own. He was so caught up in the great sensation of Jimmy's tongue sliding up and down his thick shaft, he didn't notice Tyler come out of the shed. The shirtless stud had snuck up on the two of them.

"Looks like one of these bitches is preoccupied," Tyler said, "Mind if I borrow the other one?"

Tyler motioned over to Chris, who was still washing the work van, covered in mud from head to toe. Tyler was shocked at the display, but obviously pleased with it. He stripped out of his work jeans and walked naked over in Chris's direction.

"Crawl over to get fed slut," Tyler ordered, standing where he was waving his dick back and forth.

Chris happily obliged to get Tyler's big dick. He happily crawled along the grass, shaking his ass like a bitch. He got as close as he could, but the chain ran out of slack and he was stuck, some three feet short of tasting Tyler's perfect ginger cock. Frustrated beyond belief with the need to eat cum, Chris started whimpering.

"Please Sir, come closer, I'll be a good fag and suck your manly cock real good." Chris begged.

"Damn Chris, you sure do learn fast don't you," Tyler smiled, slowly moving closer to Chris to give him his long awaited reward.

Chris went down on Tyler almost as fast as Jimmy had done to Jake. Now both boys were busily bobbing their heads up and down in the front yard of Ben's out of the way cabin. The men proudly facefucking their property for anyone to see. Soon, Jake felt his balls tighten, and he fired off a big load into Jimmy's hungry throat.

"Ooooh fuck yea, take it you little slut!" Jake yelled out as Jimmy hungrily cleaned all the cum residue off of Jake's prized dick.

"Thank you Mr. Jake, Sir," Jimmy said with an unfulfilled desire in his eyes.

Suddenly a large 6'6'' black man approached them from behind. Jimmy nervously turned to see one of the biggest specimens of pure muscle in his life. The dude was not just built like a brick shithouse, he was probably the model they used when they drew up plans to build a new brick shit house. The man was clad only in loose fitting work boots and red briefs. Jimmy's jaw dropped as the man flashed a cock grin and adjusted his enormous cock in his underwear.

"I'm looking for Chris," the man said in a deep booming voice.

"Oh, hey Max, what's up. You snuck up on me too," Jake greeted the man.

"Hey there, Jake-man," Max replied with a laugh, "Looks like this little bitch just got a big helping full of jizz. Didn't he?"

"Fuck yea he did," Jake said acting like Jimmy wasn't even there, "But Chris is the one choking on Tyler's dick. That dude's gotta big piece of meat swinging between his legs."

"He's gotta nice ass too. You think it's better than Chris's?" Max asked honestly.

"Well I'll tell you this," Jake said, "that chained up faggot has got one hungry ass, and it ain't been fed at all today."

"That's just what I like to here," Max smiled, walking up to the two guys in the front yard.

Tyler was busy fucking the hell out of Chris's face, which was covered in slobber, drool and sweat. The effort had paid off though. Tyler was very close to cumming. He decided to decorate the boy further, pulled out his dick and fired huge gobs of cum all over Chris's over horny face.

Chris didn't expect that. He quickly started licking his lips just to get the taste of the man's cum in him again. Then he started wiping it off his cheeks with his fingers and feeding it to himself. Max caught sight of this when he approached and knew Jake hadn't been lying.

"Damn that is one cum hungry bitch," Max announced, startling Tyler in his post orgasmic bliss.

"Oh shit man, you wanna take a turn. Step right up," Tyler said stepping out of the way.

"Thanks. Why don't you go over and get that hose so we can clean off this little slut so I can fuck it deep," Max suggested.

Tyler ran over and grabbed the hose. He didn't give Chris a minute to prepare himself as he was doused with ice cold water. Chris rolled around in tried to shield himself from the spray. But Tyler was very thorough.

"Hey I need lube!" Max shouted at Jake, who shot out of his chair, retrieved a small bottle from the stuff he had brought from outside and used his football trained arm to throw it all the way over to Max.

Max was no slouch at catching and made a spectacular dive for it. After he got up, he did a fake touchdown strut and ripped his red briefs clean off his body, revealing a massive, twelve inch hard dick. Even Tyler couldn't believe how big it was. He had never met a guy with a bigger dick than him. That thing was impressive. After seeing it, he accidentially sprayed the hose on Chris again. Who was himself in shock at what was about to go up his ass.

Max didn't waste time, he shoved his big dick in Chris about halfway. When Chris opened his mouth to let out a huge moan of lust, Max shoved his ripped up sweaty briefs in the boy's mouth and instructed him not to spit them out. Chris decided to comply and started sucking on them as the man pushed his cock further up Chris's butt.

Jimmy, Jake and Tyler watched in astonishment at how quickly Chris had learned to take dick. Most guys would be acting like they were going to get split in two with that monster. Chris wanted more and more of it. Too bad he couldn't use it to get off. His poor cock was still locked up, but maybe Max would put in a good word for him with his master.

Jimmy thought Chris was really a cock slut. He was surprised it had taken so long for Ben to get him in his clutches. It seemed so obvious now. For a slight moment he realized how plain it must be for the others when they look at him, a cold shiver ran down his spine as Max continued to piston fuck Chris.

After about ten minutes, Max buried his dick deep into Chris and fired a massive load into the boy. As he withdrew his cock, hot drops of white cum came leaking out of Chris's spent ass. Max smiled as he let Chris clean off his cock in his mouth. He couldn't fit the huge thing in all at once. So Chris licked every inch of it clean like it was the last lolly pop he'd ever get.

Jake spent the rest of that afternoon torturing the boys. He made Jimmy wax the cars naked while Chris licked his feet and then earned the right to suck his cock and cum down.

Ben eventually came out to inspect the cars. He complimented Jake on a job well done. A fag wash was a good idea to put them to use. Ben then let Jimmy have his lunchtime feeding of piss, he pissesd on one Jake's camaro's tires. Then he forced Jimmy to get down on all fours and lick it while Jake took video of the whole scene on his phone.

The week stretched on. Jimmy and Chris were led around everywhere by Jake. He insisted on forcing them to complete very strict workouts with him at the gym. Then he would have them do forced labor around Ben's house like mowing the lawn or gardening or just moving materials. They were always naked and chained up.

At night the two would be used by all of the men. Little by little, their identities were radically transformed. Soon all they thought of was cock. They barely even thought about their own, which most of the time were locked away in chastity. Even though Ben offered them a chance to cum every day, it was very easy to get them to lose that opportunity.

Once the shed was finally completed, the day came for the boys to take a trial run. They were not aware that the shed had been finished. The men decided to surprise them. Friday morning, they slaves were led out of their side-by-side cages into the kitchen, where two bowls of oatmeal waited for them.

"Me, Dan and Jake all enriched this bowl with our protein, slave," said Ben to Jimmy, who had barely been referred to by his own name in the past two days. He now basically responded only to being a slave.

"Thank you, master. I can't wait to eat it. I'm so glad you honor a faggot like me with your cum," Jimmy said plainly.

The men had trained their slaves well. Phil, Tyler and Max had cum in Chris's bowl. Both boys stared at the meal like it was prime rib.

"Stop wasting time faggots," Jake ordered, "Dig in."

Both boys started eating like dogs on the floor. Jake beamed with pride at how he had conditioned them over the week. He had made a nice amount of money too and amassed quite a blackmail over Jimmy in the process.

"While you're eating," Ben said, "Whichever one of you slaves was Chris, Phil has decided to take you in as his permanent sex slave. He explained to your folks that you're heading down a bad path, and that you'll set him our right. Since I guess your folks live out in Arizona, I wouldn't count on them liberating you from a life of guzzling your brother's cum on a daily basis.

Chris listened to Ben's harsh words for him. Ben was very cruel to Chris, he wanted to see how far he could push the boy. He had worked hard all week, but Chris had proven to be a very willing whore, and he was happy to be given to his brother Phil.

"Now, whoever the fuck Jimmy was is gone," Ben went on, "I've been corresponding with your parents from your email account all week. Telling them all about how you are moving in here because its a good opportunity for you bla bla bla. What you also don't know is someone put a great offer on your folk's house, and since you're out of school and on your way to being a prized faggot now they don't really need the place here. So they are moving down south permanently. You'll be stuck with me for a long, long time Jimmy."

As Ben explained how the two slaves' lives were going to change. The slaves lapped up the cum-filled oatmeal. Once they were done, they began to notice that it wasn't just cum that Ben had put in their breakfast. Both boy's started to feel very woozy and couldn't keep their eyes open. Soon enough, both boys collapsed on the floor with their faces still caked with oatmeal.

"Alright boys," Ben said "Let's get these slave's set up in Jimmy's new home."

To be concluded

Thanks for reading. If you have any comments please let me know. I'd like to continue on the story. Also if you want check out my tumblr at

Next: Chapter 10

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