Girlfriends Stepdad Kidnaps Me

By Z

Published on Dec 29, 2014


Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Author's note:

This is my first story. So I welcome all feedback. Thank you so much! Please donate to nifty. It has decades of good stories up here.

Girlfriends Step Dad Kidnaps Me Part 8

Chris was overwhelmed with shame and embarrassment. He had just sunk to his knees and begged for a man, whom he had never met before today, to suck his dick. More than that, he actually felt like he needed that dick in his mouth. He wanted to show him what a good slut he could be for him. He saw his power over another guy and wanted that to be used on him.

Chris quickly glanced over at Jimmy, who was staring back at him with a shocked expression on his face. Jimmy was tied up like a pig. He couldn't move at all and he was naked and fully exposed. His plump ass was stuffed with what looked like a big butt plug. He wore a locked metal collar around his neck, and that cock cage...Chris was glad he wouldn't be wearing that.

"You deaf you dumb fucking slut?" Ben interjected, "One of your masters just gave you an order. An order you are going to follow if you want to taste our cum tonight or ever at all."

Jolted back to the reality before him. Chris nervously and quickly took off his shirt, threw off his baggy shorts and stripped out of his jock. He loved wearing jocks, not because of the feeling really on his cock. He loved the exposure of his ass. It felt great skateboarding down the street with nothing but a thin pair of basketball shorts guarding his tight ass.

Soon, Chris was stripped to his socks. Ben held up a hand, "You can stop now faggot. I kind of like the little ankle socks you got on."

"Yes...sir." Chris replied, not sure of what to say.

All the guys just stared at the new boy, completely still in shock that this kid was this cock hungry. As he stripped, all of them exchanged horny glances and seemed to telepathically know what they were going to put Chris through.

"Now," Ben instructed, "Before you get the honor of being our slave like Jimbo I'm afraid I need to have some proof of your devotion to us."

Ben walked over to his closet and picked out some choice items to use on the boy: a blindfold, some leather fist mits, a butt plug, a bunch of rope, and of course, a cock cage. The bundle of stuff that Ben came out with sent shockwaves through Chris's body, and he didn't even notice the cock cage, Ben wanted to have a little bit more control over him before he locked that on.

Ben set to work. First he locked the fist mits on the boy. Chris studied them, the effectively prevented him from using his fingers, but he could still use his arms very easily. Ben then tied a length of rope around Chris's neck to use as a mock leash. He handed the other end to Phil, who gladly took a tight hold over it.

For the first time, Chris glanced up at his much older brother who he had idolized. Phil was the first person that got Chris interested in jocks. He would obsessively wait until Phil was out of his room after a long run. Then he'd rush in and inhale the muscle god's fresh scent. He would instantly bone up. When he was a kid at twelve, he didn't think much of it, but as he matured, he made a conscious effort to cover it up. Now, it was all out in the open.

Phil looked down at him, not with hate, but with absolute satisfaction with himself. He was smiling, but not a smile of pride or his typical brotherly smile. Phil now knew he was superior than Chris. After all, he now has his naked, cock hungry brother by a leash.

"Oh little brother," Phil said with a mocking tone, "you are going to get so much cum now, I think you're going to be very happy with out new arrangement."

The way Phil was talking made it sound like this would go far beyond the events of tonight. The men had worn themselves out building Ben's fuck den. But this new reveal gave them all renewed lust and energy, much to Ben's delight. Ben couldn't help smiling to himself at how great this was. His wife and daughter were far away visiting a school and Ben was just a few days away from securing this private sexual paradise for himself.

Ben glanced over at his bound first conquest. He had never intended to release Jimmy. Jimmy was his. He had led him down this path and it had proceeded better than he had expected. Now it was time to use his new slave, Chris, to further secure what he wanted.

Ben reached into a drawer and pulled out some leg irons to lock around Chris's ankles. This caused Tyler to anxiously start glancing in drawers. One was full of butt plugs, another gags. Tyler smirked to himself and turned back to Ben.

"Dude I gotta ask," he said, "How much did it cost for all of this sex stuff."

"Well Tyler," Ben started as he secured a blindfold over Chris's eyes, plunging him into darkness, "let's just say it was a fuck ton. But I'll tell you this, seeing little collared Jimmy over there roped up with his ass plugged and cock caged makes me remember it's money well spent."

Tyler laughed. It was indeed pretty hot what Ben had done. He was fully aware Jimmy had been previously straight, but Ben had conquered him. He'd heard it could happen. One of his old wrestling buddies got fucked by an older player. Tyler himself asked the kid if he wanted to do something about it. The kid got real shy, like Chris was, and refused. That's when Tyler understood, everyone has a kink they like that can be exploited.

"Now he looks better," said Dan, finally speaking up, "Good. Let's get back to your feast bitch."

Dan grabbed Jimmy's head and forced him to resume licking the stud's ass. Not that Jimmy minded, he loved it. He loved running his tongue up and down Dan's hairy ass crack. Tasting the sweat and musk drove him crazy. It was almost like having the popper mask on his nose.

Ben pushed Chris down so he was on all fours. He lubed up his hand, knelt over and started gently fingering Chris's not so tight ass. It wasn't a whore's gaping hole by any means, but it Chris had definitely played with his ass before.

"You riding dildos boy? Or you get the real thing?" Ben asked Chris with a slap on his ass.

Chris let out a yelp and his lips began to quiver. He had never been fucked, but he did have a dildo. He bought it offline. It was eight inches and he rode it a couple times a week. Chris had acknowledged that he might be bi a couple years ago when he started playing with his ass, but he kept it a secret and just decided to use dildos.

"I...I have a dildo...Sir" Chris answered nervously as his cheeks changed to an almost crimson red of embarassment.

"Oh you've got a dildo do you?" Ben continued, "So you must love to have your ass filled."

Ben plunged the butt plug into Chris's ass and let it slide into place. Chris made a slight noise of discomfort, then let out a long moan.

"What a whore." Phil said, causing everyone to fall over laughing, including Dan, who pushed his ass deeper onto Jimmy's hungry tongue.

"Ohhh we got a couple whore's here guys," Dan said as his eyes closed and he held his head back in sheer pleasure of using this tied up whore behind him.

"Fuck yea we do," Ben agreed, "And this one's almost ready to go."

Ben signalled for Phil to hold Chris's leash tight as he latched onto the young man's balls and held ice that he had taken from the cooler onto them. Like Jimmy before him, the sudden and unexpected sensation worked to shrink Chris's dick back so it was nice and soft - ready for imprisonment. Chris moved his head but was choked by the rope leash. Tyler held him tightly by the ass. He wasn't going anywhere.

"But you said I could cum Sir!" Chris whined.

"You COULD cum," Ben laughed, "If you do a good job in proving what a cum hungry bitch you are. Now hold still."

Chris's eyes started welling up with tears. What the hell had he done? His head sank in defeat as his dick was completely encased in a tight plastic cage and securely locked into place. Ben added the key to his key chain that already held the keys to Jimmy's collar and cock cage.

"Ok Chrissy," Ben yelled, causing the new slave to sink lower on his hands and knees in fear, "Us men are going to have a seat and drink some beer. You are our lowly foot faggot. Start sucking every toe, every hairy foot clean like the foot pig you are! Don't disappoint us, other wise you will suffer."

Ben quickly put Chris in a head lock. The boy froze. He sat there terrified at what Ben might do. Ben didn't want to hurt Chris, he just wanted him to hold still as he fitted him with a popper mask so the boy would relax a bit. He wanted to give the guys some time to grab a beer, sit down and take their shoes off too.

Tyler went over and sat by Dan, who was now practically twerking on Jimmy's tongue. As Tyler passed by the pathetic kid, he noticed his face was coated in the sweat of his buddy Dan's ass. What a loser, he thought. Jimmy actually looked like he was enjoying himself. Whatever Ben found, Jimmy was clearly a slut. Tyler stripped down to his boxers and sat on the couch, throwing his clothes behind it.

Phil stripped completely naked. He didn't give a fuck. He knew where this night was going. Sure Phil wasn't hung like Tyler, but plenty of woman had spent long nights being railed by Phil's beer can thick cock. Jimmy himself loved how it filled his mouth. Now Phil's little brother was going to learn how great it was, but first the pig was actually going to lick his sweaty toes clean.

Ben stripped naked too. He was hard as a rock. The sight of his master's cock broke Jimmy's concentration, but Dan just pushed the boy's face back into his hole. Dan was using all of this down time to jerk his cock to the edge, then back off. Ben had shown him how to do this when they were younger. It heightened the pleasure of the eventual orgasm and always led to a big load. Dan just didn't know which of these little bitches holes he was going to feed it to.

Ben drug the blindfolded slave Chris over to the men. Chris found it felt weird to crawl with a butt plug lodged in his ass, it felt really good. He clenched his cheeks and shaked his ass with each step. Tyler and Phil just shook their heads at what a whore the kid looked like. Ben deposited Chris at Phil's feet, gave the kid another big hit from the popper mask and let Chris go hog wild licking and sucking his big brother's toes.

Even before Phil began to moan in the pleasure of using his younger brother like a slave, Chris knew who's feet he was licking. The second he rang his tongue up and down Phil's toes the scent and smell was instantly recognized. Chris began to suck on Phil's big hairy toe and moan like a slut in heat. Chris tightened his grip over the toe with his mouth and actually began to suck it like a little dick to give his brother a slight preview of what he could do. Phil's cock was throbbing from the treatment.

Ben decided this would be a good time to give Jimmy a break. He walked over to the tied up slut, still with his head buried in Dan's ass, and drug the boy to the other end of the table and began to untie the knots holding Jimmy's ankles to his wrists. The knew slack made Jimmy double forward and lie flat on the table. Ben picked up the out-of-it stud and slung him over his back like a sack of potatoes.

"Be right back," Ben said, "Sorry for the interuption bro, that whore will be over to give your feet a nice tongue bath soon."

Dan grinned back at his brother. Ben clearly had a reason for what he was doing and a he needed to cool down anyway. He had to save his precious cum for what was coming. He looked over at Chris licking up and down the soles of his brother Phil's feet. Dan agreed this is where Chris belonged. The little bitch turned out to be real useful after all.

Ben carried Jimmy into the bathroom and set the boy in the bathtub. He untied the slave completely and made him lie down in the tub as low as he could.

"I'm sure you've got to piss like a race horse Jimmy," Ben smiled as he pulled out his phone and started up the video recorder, "so go ahead, piss."

Jimmy did have to piss. A full day of swallowing other men's piss will do that to you he guessed. He didn't even try to hold out. He immediately let go. The warm stream covered him in no time and before long he was laying in a puddle of his own piss. Ben then reached down and blocked the drain so it would collect. He then aimed his dick straight at Jimmy's face and added to the slave's pool.

"Mmmmm...good isn't it slave?" Ben asked, Jimmy broke down crying in shame and nodding his head.

"Yes...Master...thank you Master." Jimmy sobbed.

"Good boy," Ben said as he videotaped the display in front of him, "You like getting hosed down with your Master's piss don't you?"

"Yes master," Jimmy clearly said into the camera.

"Gooood boy." Ben smiled, "I want you to remember something while you sit in here. You're mine. There is no escape. I own you."

Ben let the words sink into Jimmy's subconscious. He had accepted that fact already. But now it was getting beaten in. Jimmy hadn't disobeyed, but Ben still degraded him. He thought for a second maybe Ben would ease up on him, but that wasn't going to happen. Ben wanted to continue pushing Jimmy further into the depths of slavery.

"I just sent this video to our friend the pizza boy, faggot." Ben laughed as Jimmy looked up to him with his eyes welled up with tears.

Ben laughed, "Yea...word's gonna start getting out about what you really crave Jimmy. But for now, get your dirty piss covered ass cleaned up. While you're at it. use this lady razor and shave off all hair below your neck. In fact, shave your face too. Balls, ass crack, legs, pits, all of it. If I find ONE hair in a place that should be smooth, you will spend the next four hours with weights hanging from your nipples and balls as we take turns whipping your ass. Got it?"

Ben's tone had shifted from playful to extremely intense. The look in his eyes shot fear straight into Jimmy's bones. Then a thought occurred to him: how could he shave his balls? They were locked up. Jimmy opened his mouth to ask but before he produced any sound Ben's phone let out a loud audible beep, causing Ben to raises a finger to silence Jimmy as he looked at his phone.

"Seems like our friend liked your little performance Jimmy," Ben grinned, "Now, I'm going to unlock your dick but NO CUMMING. After you have shaved off all your hair. You'll bring this cock cage back to me in your mouth. You will crawl to my feet and beg me to lock you back in."

Jimmy couldn't believe it. Ben was actually releasing his cock cage. He was leaving Jimmy alone with his exposed cock. The horny stud started up at his master in disbelief. This had to be a trick. There had to be a catch.

Ben was true to his word. He unlocked the cock cage and Jimmy's cock instantly sprang into full hardness. Ben carefully set the cage on the bathroom counter and headed for the door. Before he left, he pulled out a thick black magic marker and set that on the counter.

"I want you to write some nice things about you around your holes slut. You better be creative, or I won't let you cum tonight. Sit in that piss for another five minutes and think about what you are. Then get started. I'll be out in the TV room giving our new friend an education." Ben laughed as he shut the door on Jimmy's stunned face.

Jimmy sat there in his piss bath a held his face in his hands. What was he going to do? Was he going to follow Ben's orders now that he was free of the cock cage. He could cum now. Hell, it wouldn't take long. He could jerk off sitting right here and cum in most likely under a minute with how horny he was, but something stopped him. Something just made him sit there where he was as he took in everything that Ben had said.

He could make a run for it. Jimmy knew the layout of the house well enough by now. He didn't even necessarily have to get to his truck. He could just run naked. It was a warm enough night out. He could easily get to the front door without going into the TV room. The path was a straight shot.

After a little over five minutes passed, Jimmy slowly stood and turned on the shower nozzle. He figured he'd at least better be clean before he did anything....

Meanwhile Ben had rejoined the group. Chris was now just starting Dan's toes. By now, Chris was very experienced in what the guys liked when he licked and sucked their feet. He'd practically deep throat Dan's feet and get as much into his mouth as he could. Then he'd slide his wet tongue all over it to show how devoted he was. Ben stared over, very impressed at how quickly Chris had adapted into his new stature.

"Where's the bitch?" Dan glanced over and asked his brother.

"The bitch is getting cleaned up. His face just smelled like your ass so much he needed to shower. Little fag needs to control himself around you Danny." Ben joked, making Tyler and Dan laugh.

"Fuck man that's too bad," Dan sighed, "This little foot pig just sucked all of our toes. Now which do you prefer slut?"

Chris was shocked. Up until now they barely acknowledged them. Tyler made a point to not even speak to Chris as he slobbered on the sweaty soles of his feet. He spoke with the others and essentially treated Chris like a piece of furniture. Now they wanted his opinion.

"Uhhhhh...." Chris stammered, "I don't know...sir"

"I don't know...Sir" Dan mocked, "You're so fucking pathetic. You can't decide which of our hot feet you like better?"

"No Sir," Chris said as he ran his tongue all along the top of Dan's feet.

"That's not good enough. I know you have an answer. Speak up you little bitch." Dan ordered.

Getting Dan away from Jimmy was good for Chris. It allowed Dan to really focus on getting Chris to submit. Ben had already broken Jimmy, so he wanted his brother to use his natural dominant talents on the new whore. Chris was indeed going lower and lower.

"Well...Sir," Chris continued, "While I enjoyed all of your feet I prefer Sir Phil's the best."

"Now that's one spectacular answer princess." Phil smiled.

"Yea," Dan laughed, "I should have figured. But you've just gotten a taste of our feet. Maybe you'd prefer tasting one of us other guy's assholes to your brother. Mine's been licked pretty damn clean by the other slave. So you can start with me."

Ben liked where this was going. He saw his brother haul the leashed and blinded slave over where Tyler and Phil lined up laughing with their asses pointed out and shaking to taunt the boy. They were getting drunk and didn't realize he wouldn't exactly be able to see. Dan used the leash to pull Chris tightly into his ass.

While Jimmy may not have considered eating another dude's ass out before Ben made him, Chris had long contemplated a whole host of things he'd do with a guy. Ass eating was not on the list. He'd seen porn where it was done and he couldn't believe other guys liked doing it. Once his face was pulled deep into his temp boss's musky ass, there was no turning back. The smell of sweat was everywhere. His face was instantly coated with moisture.

Dan made sure Chris took his time. It was obvious to him that Chris wasn't as enthusiastic about licking his ass as Jimmy had been. That somehow only made it hotter as the whining slut behind him started licking and kissing Dan's hairy ass cheeks, He even kissed the crack of his ass.

"Not done yet, show me what a good whore you are and how bad you want to tongue my ass hole." Dan ordered while sticking out his tongue and tongue fucking the air to emphasize his point.

Chris finally dove his face into Dan's ass. Only groaning a little at the humiliation of what he was doing. Dan's ass didn't exactly taste bad. It wasn't dirty or anything, just real sweaty, and hot on his face. He turned around for a split second as he heard a faint beep. Ben watching them all, holding a camcorder to film the show. Chris was trapped. Dan had him by a leash and forced him back into tongue fucking his ass. Even Ben was surprised at how much Dan got off on the kid licking his hole.

Soon after, Dan let Chris move on to Tyler as he passed the leash over to him. Chris didn't waste time kissing Tyler's ass cheeks, even though they were significantly less hairy and even smooth. He dug his tongue into Tyler's hairy ass crack and licked and inhaled the new musky scent of this man's ass. Like Dan, it didn't taste what he expected it to, just sweaty and musty. Tyler rocked his ass back and forth on Chris's tongue for about five mintutes before passing him over to Phil.

Phil was much more forceful. He held Chris's face and nose right on his ass crack and pushed it in with full force.

"Ohh yea little brother." Phil yelled out in pleasure, "Get back there and tongue my hole."

Phil began rocking his muscular ass until it almost looked like it had swallowed Chris's face.

"mmm he's getting in there deep guys," Phil laughed, "He must still prefer me."

"He ain't had me yet." Ben called out behind the camera.

"Well, I think he needs more time showing his big brother what a good little slut he is. I'm gonna need about five more minutes letting him get my scent." Phil said.

"No problem at all, man," Ben laughed, "If you guys want, I'll pay you the same for every day until the job's done. I'll even throw in a free slave training for your little brother down there, Phil. Free of charge. He'll be completely addicted to your dick, cum, ass, whatever you want."

As Chris tongued his brother's ass, he heard the exchange going on around him. They were talking about him like he was a piece of meat. Ben had actually offered to train him as some kind of personal whore right in front of him. What was more shocking was when his brother agreed!

"Fuck yea man. I'd be happy to stay on. And yea if you can set it up so this little fucker is my slave all the better." Phil half moaned as he enjoyed the sensation of Chris's tongue running up and down his ass crack.

"Great," Ben said, "Done deal. We might need another guy to help out though. I texted a friend of mine but he's stuck delivering pizza's all day this week. Any ideas?"

"Well dude if you're having me stay on I have a suggestion," Tyler chimed in, "You know who lives in my apartment complex? Tom Ward. I went out drinking with him last night and he's been out of work for over a month. His lady ain't been putting out either. Dude just got back from the military too, probably ready to hose down anything with cum."

"I'll put him in the maybe pile," Ben said, "That dude has no experience building and the last person we let in like that now has his tongue up Phil's ass."

Everyone laughed as Ben trotted over, took the leash from Phil and let the tongue exhausted Chris start pleasuring his ass.

"My neighbor Max helped me build the sawhorse." Ben said, "I think we'll ask him. He's close, a real good guy, plus he might even have you beat in the cock department Tyler."

Tyler shot him a look of doubt as he went and grabbed another beer.

"What the whores gonna do all day while we're working?" Tyler asked.

"I've got some jobs for them to do for part of the time. Plus I got another surprise coming for Jimbo he's gonna love." Ben replied.

After Chris spent another ten minutes eating out Ben's ass. The men made him crawl into the center of the room and give a report of the taste of each man's butt and how it compared to the others. Chris was mortified. He stumbled through each discription as Phil, Ben, Dan and Tyler mocked and laughed at the kid.

Back on the other end of the house, Jimmy had cleaned himself off and even shaved his pubes, his balls, his treasure trail and the tufts of hair on his chest. Now he was down to his ass crack, legs, arms and pits. He was pretty confident in his ability to shave his arms, pits and legs, he just didn't want to. Everyone would see. There would be no denying what he was now. He wouldn't be able to shower with the guys at the gym, He wouldn't even be able to wear shorts if he shaved his legs!

Again, he thought about running out the door. Again, he continued his degradation. He started running the lady razor up his legs, shaving off his hair that had spent years growing, leaving only smooth skin behind. Next he did his arms, then his pits. He felt there was no turning back now.

He carefully leaned over and used a series of mirrors to slowly shave his asshole. He made sure to get everything and took his time. He really didn't want to cut himself. Soon enough, the boy was hairless from the neck down. He even obeyed Ben's orders to shave his face. Jimmy felt completely smooth, and looked like a prostitute he thought as he gazed at the sight of himself in the mirror.

He picked up the cock cage and started for the door when he saw the big black marker. He signed to himself, took one last look at him in the mirror and picked up the marker.

After Chris finished his book report style account of each of the men's asses before him. He was tied up tight. His hands were bound behind his back at the wrists. His arms were bound tightly together with strong rope at the shoulders. Then his ankles, knees and thighs were tied so he was resting naked on the coffee table with his ass exposed.

Enjoying the look of shame that a ball gag produced, Ben gagged the blindfolded slave and snapped a few pictures of his handy work.

"Now gentlemen," Ben said, "I've always said an slave's ass can't be fucked unless it's red. Looks like Chris here has a ways to go. Phil, would you do the honors?"

Ben passed him a fraternity style paddle. Phil smiled to himself and got into position behind Chris.

"Fuck dude, our dad used to spannk us with a paddle. I bet this little whore liked it." Phil said as he took a couple fake practice swings to line up his approach.

Chris was extremely nervous. He didn't realize he'd be spanked. He pulled at the ropes but they were very tight. He was completely tied up just how he'd secretly yearned to be. He just didn't expect to be paddled. He didn't have long to think about it as the first blow laid into him square in the ass.


The sound resonated throughout the room. Tyler flinched a bit at what it must feel like. Chris's relaxed body sprang to life and twisted in the ropes at how much the paddle stung his poor helpless ass. He moaned and drooled into his gag for them to show mercy, but Phil continued.

"I think fifteen should do him." Phil smiled.




Each blow Chris pulled against the restraints, until finally he was begging to do anything his owners said through his gag.

"Good boy." Phil said, patting him on the head, "It's over now, you can start sucking on my cock."

Phil took the gag off his brother and guided his very willing mouth to his dick. Ben had been video taping the entire ordeal since Phil stepped up to smack his brother's ass. The slave's cheeks were indeed very red now. Perfect for driving dick deep into it.

Chris instantly loved choking on his brother's cock. He took him deep down into his thick forest of pubes and inhaled his brother's manly scent while he slid his tongue all around his meaty cock. It tasted better than Chris thought possible, and he was even rewarded with a nice amount of precum leaking like a faucet from Phil's dick.

Chris went at the dick for a good twenty minutes while Ben video taped. He went in for a close up of Chris's cock hungry face. Then he zoomed out to get the whole picture. Finally he took off Chris's blindfold. As Chris's eyes adjusted to the light of the room, he now realized just how low he had gone when he stared up at his brother with his cock stuffed deep into his throat.

"Say hi to the audience, Chrissy!" Ben mocked has Chris looked into the camera and moaned a "hi" into Phil's cock.

This put Phil over the edge, soon he was unloading a heap of cum deap into Chris's throat. He let Chris lick it clean for awhile before standing to applause from Dan and Tyler.

"That's how it's done man," Tyler congratulated, not noticing the crawling pathetic slut emerging from the dark hallway. Ben turned the camera to capture Jimmy, crawling with the cock cage in his mouth, looking perfectly smooth and covered in black permanent marker.

"Look what we have here." Ben announced prompting the other men to turn and face Jimmy crawling over towards his master.

Jimmy had indeed decorated his body. Above his ass he scribed the words "CUM DUMP," above his crotch he wrote "SLAVE," on his chest he wrote, "PLEASE CALL ME TO SERVE YOUR COCK" followed by his actual phone number, on his left arm he wrote, "I'M A COCK SLUT," and on his right arm he wrote, "I LOVE LICKING ASS." He even inscribed "FUCK," and "ME" on the back of his thighs. Ben looked over his art project. He was very pleased.

Jimmy approached Ben, carefully set the cock cage down at his feet with his mouth, and looked up at his master.

"Master, please lock me up and make me your slave. I know you own me. I need your dick. I admit it. I need your dick in me. Please use me, Master." Jimmy begged Ben.

Ben smiled as he reached down and picked up the cock cage, "See boys, this little slut is mine. I can do whatever the fuck I want and he'll still beg for my dick. He'll even decorate himself just to entice me. So lets lock him up again and set him up next to Chrissy here."

About fifteen minutes later, Jimmy was tied up right next to Chris with Tyler in front of him stroking his huge cock and Dan behind him lining his big eight incher up. Ben took position behind the other tied up slave, Chris. Meanwhile Phil was coming down from the height of his orgasm. He decided to help out while he recharged, picked up the video camera and continued with their homemade porn.

Ben and Dan timed the removal of both slaves' butt plugs so the boys let out a simultaneous moan. They relubed the tied up boys' asses. Ben and Dan then took turns open hand spanking Jimmy's exposed ass until his was beat red too. They even gave Chris a few swats to remind him of his place.

Ben and Dan fucked Chris and Jimmy together. Both boys were moaninng in pleasure before too long, their own cocks straining against the prisons they were locked in. Tyler spent his time in front of the slaves, with his legs spread wide open. He teased Chris and Jimmy with his amazing cock. Feeding the head to one, smacking the other in the face with it, he made the boys fight over eachother to suck it as they were relentlessly fucked by their other master's behind them.

Phil had to admit, the scene was hot. Chris and Jimmy sure were good at taking dick. Phil even made sure to get an upclose shot of both boys making out with eachother through Tyler's big cock. Both boys were so distracted at their need for sucking it, Phil didn't even think they noticed eachother.

Ben and Dan kept it up for awhile, but twenty minutes later both were seeding each of their slaves, shoving their cocks in deep and pumping their red asses with huge loads of hot cum.

The scene was hot enough to get Phil rock hard again. He came up and lodged his dick in his brother's ass and began hard fucking him. Phil was slightly thicker than Ben was, so Chris's hole stretched out more taking Phil's cock. He let out a big moan as the stud fucked him hard.

Tyler wanted to fuck too. The time had come for him to test out poor Jimmy's ass. He sauntered behind the bound slave, lined up his rock hard, throbbing cock already lubed with the combined slobber of Chris and Jimmy, and slowly slid it deep into Jimmy's ass.

Jimmy's eyes bugged out as the cock kept going in deeper and deeper. It was every bit of ten inches, but to Jimmy it felt like a Tyler was burying his whole leg in his ass.

"You're doing great, slave, just back that ass up on my big cock." Tyler said, smiling down his arrogant smirk at Jimmy who was now being forced to clean Dan's cock while Chris worked on cleaning Ben's.

Phil took care to set up the camera on the tripod and set the scene into view before he started fucking Chris, who was loving every minute of it as well. Since Phil just came, he fucked Chris well after Tyler had fired a huge load into Jimmy's ass. Phil contined to fuck for a full forty minutes more before he seeded his brother's other hole, cementing his superiority over him.

The men fucked their slaves and drank well into the night. At about four in the morning when they were well spent. Phil picked up the bound Chris and Ben picked up Jimmy and they carried them into the front room.

"There's a guest room in the basement with two twin beds. Those work OK for you and Tyler, Phil?" Ben asked.

"Yea dude," Phil agreed, "What about these little cocksuckers?"

"Oh they finally get to cum." Ben answered as he started unlocking each of their cock cages, "They can cum as much as they want."

Ben unlocked Chris and Jimmy's cock cages, lined up the tied up boys so they were face to crotch, and forced each boy's dick in the other's mouth. He had Dan and Tyler hold them firmly as he roped the boys together.

"Suck out eachother's cum, faggots," Ben ordered his immobilized slaves, "We're going to bed. Night."

The men slowly disappeared into the house as Chris and Jimmy began to go to town on each other's cocks. In the end, they each only sucked out one load before they passed out, still with each other's dicks stuffed in their mouths, effectively silencing them.

To be continued.

Thanks for reading. If you have any comments please let me know. I'd like to continue on the story. Also if you want check out my tumblr at

Next: Chapter 9

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