Girlfriends Stepdad Kidnaps Me

By Z

Published on Dec 23, 2014


Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Author's note:

This is my first story. So I welcome all feedback. Thank you so much! Please donate to nifty. It has decades of good stories up here.

Girlfriends Step Dad Kidnaps Me Part 7 Category: Gay Male Authoritarian

LAST TIME: Jimmy has finally earned the collar of his master. With it now securely locked on, Ben explains that he will be making improvements to the cabin where Jimmy has spent so much time serving his master's cock. To accomplish this, Ben as hired a construction crew and has decided to use Jimmy as the crew's entertainment.

A whole crew of construction men to service? Feelings of dread, excitement and uncontrollable lust enveloped young Jimmy and sent shivers down the newly collared slave's body. Ben wasn't wasting any time in making him into a whore. First he had broken his holes in, sampled them to the pizza boy, and now he was using him as some sort of performance incentive for a crew of construction guys.

"That's right, slave," Ben said, "Little does the wife know I'm not actually selling this place. I'm just getting her off the deed. You see I need a quiet, out of the way place like this to convert young fuck ups like you were into little slave you are now."

Again, shivers went down Jimmy's spine as he knelt on the floor in front of Ben. He was naked, on all fours like a dog, with his butt plugged ass sealing in Ben's most recent hot cum injection. He felt so humiliated, but he still tried his best to stay in position. He wanted to please his master.

Ben was indeed pleased, but more with himself than the little slut that was waiting in front of him. He loved the power he could exert over fags like Jimmy. He knew it was in his blood to make them see where they truly belonged. He also seemed to have a knack for identifying them. That's why he wanted the cabin so bad. He could raise a nice stable of sluts this way.

Ben was very wealthy, and didn't really need to work ever. His wife kept out of his business as he was a very good provider and could fuck her into submission as easily as he did Jimmy. Truth be told, Ben preferred Jimmy's ass to his wife's pussy, but to cement his place as a superior man, Ben figured why not have both.

"So I'm sure you've noticed some of the improvements I've made to this place, the sawhorse, the desk stockade, your little cage in the front room," Ben continued, "That's just the beginning. Actually I just finished a new little play area for you bitch. It's going to really come in handy for our friends who want to be serviced in privacy. Follow me, crawl on your hands and knees like the pathetic whore you are."

Ben walked towards the back of the cabin. Jimmy meekly followed behind his master, taking care to shake his ass as Ben had initially instructed him to approach the cabin just yesteday. As he followed, he stared in awe at Ben's powerful muscular ass. The ass worship Ben had insisted on had succeeded in making Jimmy a slave to the taste of his musk. Something Ben was very turned on about.

The two reached the back of the cabin and stopped in a small utility room. The room was tiled and was rough on Jimmy's knees, but the slave did not dare object or voice his discomfort. He knew Ben would only punish him. The utility room featured a washer and dryer and back door leading to the backyard. It also had a small half bathroom for guests to quickly use without trapsing through the rest of the house.

"In you go, slut." Ben ordered as he ushered Jimmy into the bathroom.

Jimmy was made to stop on a thick brown towel on the opposite side of the bathroom door. Ben walked in and shut the door behind him. It was for the first time as Jimmy was propped up on his knees that he noticed something odd about the door. Ben had added some attachments to it and cut a glory hole in the door. Jimmy was now well versed in Ben's methods, and had a pretty good guess where he was going.

Indeed, Jimmy guessed correctly, but he didn't realize just how tightly Ben would secure him to the door. First, he gagged Jimmy tightly with an open mouth ring gag. This gag helped to force Jimmy's mouth open wide. After that, Ben attached alligator nipple clamps connected by a thin metal chain to Jimmy's abused nipples. After Ben was satisfied Jimmy would be very uncomfortable for his stay, he pushed Jimmy tightly into the wooden door and began tightening restraints so the poor slave was simply a warm hole for his friends to stick their dicks into.

Ben locked thick leather restraints around Jimmy's head, his neck, his back, his waist and just under his thighs. It was only after doing this that Ben realized he was a bit stuck. He chuckled to himself, smacked Jimmy's exposed ass and instructed him to back it up.

Ben opened the door and pushed Jimmy backwards with it. Luckily, the towel he was on slid quite well so it only caused him moderate discomfort. Originally he wanted to use rope, but Ben decided to just use his rigid handcuffs to bind Jimmy's wrists. Either way the little fuck wouldn't be going anywhere. After reaching through and securing the slave's wrists, Ben pulled the door, and the attached blowjob slave with it, shut. He used a key to lock it so he could be sure his friends wouldn't get too crazy with his merchandise and immediately went to put get dressed.

Jimmy sat there, unable to move away from the door, unable to unclip the clamps from his nipples, unable to even close his mouth. All he could see was the wooden door directly ahead of him. He struggled against the cuffs as they dug tightly into his wrists, but they held him in place too.

Ben threw on a used jock, some dirty jeans and a cut off t shirt that nicely highlighted his arms. As he walked passed the front window he saw a truck and a big van pulling up. His brother would be here soon. Ben's brother Dan was a contractor, he was basically happily married but his wife wasn't exactly the most affectionate. Ben suggested they use this place as their own personal fuck den. Danny could fuck any dumb broad he wanted, and Ben would be able to train some fag whores as his slaves. Ben fronted all the money, Danny provided the labor.

As Dan exited the truck he took in a deep breath of the country air. His brother sure picked a great spot. Dan was going to enjoy fucking some bitch until she begged him to stop right out in the open. Hell, Ben seemed to enjoy it enough judging from the hot little video he had emailed him. Initially he couldn't believe Jimmy had been turned so quick. He thought his brother had gotten in over his head. Now, he saw things working out just as Ben had planned.

Considering what was about to go down, Dan only brought a skeleton crew. Himself, his best friend Tyler, his best worker Phil and Phil's younger brother who apparently needed money real bad, Chris. All men vouched they could keep a secret and all signed a contract promising absolute discretion. Ben and Dan were going to be very careful at this. If they were going to pull it off, they had to be.

Ben watched the men exit their vehicles from the front window. Damn, if his little whore got so excited last night his locked up cocklet was going to be leaking like a faucet after seeing some of these guys. Apart from Chris, all men were built up and ripped. Dan had short buzzed black hair and a permanent five oclock shadow. He was a few inches shorter than Ben, but otherwise still ripped, toned, muscled with dark hair lightly covering his masculine chest.

His best friend Tyler had shaggy red hair, a thick beard and was all lean muscle. The 30 year old stud was known to fuck like there was no tomorrow. Every woman in any local bar knew it. He was tall and lean, but strong as hell and rumored to have a huge dick. Their other guy Phil was in his early forties, salt and pepper hair, thick and solid muscle.

Chris would be the one of those things that doesn't go with the other in this case. He was tall, thin and looked like more of a skater punk than a construction worker. He was there becaue he needed the money. It was obvious he would have no idea what he was doing, but still, he signed the agreement and Dan felt confident the dude was fit enough for some tough labor. Chris was indeed skinny, and in fact he was indeed a skater kid, but years of skateboarding had given him a very defined body. He had dark brown hair with an emo cut hidden with a flat brim cap with big puppy dog eyes staring out from under it.

"Alright men, we know why we're here," Dan announced before letting them get to work, "Some of the stuff we're building might seem fucked up to you. That's none of your concern. You're getting paid very well for this. We don't ask questions and neither should you."

All men nodded or grunted in agreement with him. Dan smiled, nodded and led the men towards the house. Ben came out to greet his brother on the front porch.

"There's my brother! How the fuck are ya," Ben said warmly.

"Ha ha good big man. You look good! You all set up?" Dan asked in a bit of a rushed voice. It was obvious to his older brother how excited he was to see what Ben had done.

"Fuck yeah dude, looks like you brought a nice haul of gents to test it out too." Ben said.

"Fuck yea man. I even told him if they plan on taking you up on your offer to save up their strength if you know what I mean. A whole week of pent up strength," Dan said.

"Perfect," Ben smiled, "Well folks, today we are building a shed out in the backyard, I've filled up the back of my truck with a bunch of boxes. This is stuff we'll be setting up in the shed when it's built. This job will probably take all day, so I got food coming in at noon and five. For added incentive, you've heard that there is a private glory hole set up on the back porch for you guys to use. I recommend doing this as much as you want."

"So, wait, do you mean there's some chick blowing guys in there?" Phil asked in a confused tone.

Ben laughed, "Not exactly man. It used to be my daughter's boyfriend, but the little fag started worshipping my body so I let him become my sex slave. The little cocksucker will do anything I say, and craves all the dick he can get. So why not share it?"

All the guys threw their heads back and laughed. They couldn't believe it. Who the fuck was this guy? Even though they were kinda appauled and grossed out. They had to admit they were impressed. Phil himself thought how great it would be to fire a big load of cum down his own daughter's smug boyfriend's throat.

"Man, that's some fucked up shit, is he good?" Tyler asked laughing.

"Fuck yea he is man," Ben said as he noticed some of the guys - Tyler, Dan and Chris - rubbing their crotches, "Fags like him are eager to taste your dick, your cum or whatever comes out of your dick. They crave the taste. And yeah, Jimmy is no exception."

Ben had definitely succeeded in his plan to make the men horny. They had barely been at the project for an hour before Dan himself silently walked back up towards the cabin. Dan was well aware his brother preferred fags over women. He didn't care. He worshipped his older brother. His success, his charisma, it was everything he wanted for in himself. Truth be told, Dan was pretty successful too, but he still had to work a nine to five.

As he entered the back room, he saw the closed bathroom door with a big open hole cut out at crotch level. Dan knew very well what was on the other side. The kid he himself had played cards with at Ben's last birthday party. Now here he was, probably inexapably restrained with his mouth hanging open waiting to accept Dan's thick 8 inch cock that was already dripping with excitement. Dan approached the door, pulled his pants and boxers down to his knees and fed his big dick into the warm, wet hole.

Jimmy nearly choked as Dan's fat dick invaded his forced open mouth. It tasted musky and sweaty, exactly what Jimmy had grown to like. His own cock strained against the confines of his cage as he slid his warm slippery tongue all over Dan's cock. Dan fucked the door and Jimmy's mouth on the other side. The cock jammed in and out and and in and out. Jimmy gagged and choked, making Dan smile as he heard it. Little Jimmy was working up quite a big load of cum for himself.

"Hey you hear me in there," Dan yelled from the other side, "You hear me you dick sucking faggot?"

Jimmy couldn't answer, he just kept gagging on the Dan's (now he knew who it was) massive cock struggling in the discomfort of his restraints.

"Got a big load of cum ready to go down your throat Jimbo, my brother says you've been waiting for it. You should have let me know sooner. If you had begged good enough, I might have let you even lick the sweat off my balls." Dan teased through the door.

Soon the pent up stud couldn't stand the sensation any longer and fired 6 hot shots of his own brand of thick juicy cum into Jimmy's waiting throat. The warm slimy feeling gave Jimmy satisfaction knowing he had served his master's brother well. Dan kept his dick in until it grew soft, and then began to piss down Jimmy's throat as well.

"Gotta be thirsty after all that don't ya Jimmy?" Dan mocked as he finished pissing into his brother's slave, zipped up and strutted outside to where a waiting grinning Tyler was standing.

"I bet Ben I wouldn't be the first guy." Tyler joked as he walked in after Dan had stepped out laughing.

Tyler hauled out his big ten inch dick, scoped out the glory hole and duck walked over.

"I bet you feel this in your throat you little cum guzzler." the unfamiliar voice yelled to Jimmy on the other side.

Jimmy then felt a cock enter his mouth, then push further, and further until it was buried in the back of his throat. Tyler let his big sausage hang there. He loved choking bitches on his dick, and Jimmy was in no positon to object. He was speechless.

After some time Tyler withdrew and began to face fuck Jimmy through the glory hole as roughly as Dan had. Before long, he too was firing a nice big load of cum into Jimmy's belly, further humilating Jimmy as some unknown, huge god-cocked stud had seeded his throat, and Jimmy had loved every second of it.

Once the group had lunch, it wasn't long before Phil walked in to unload a huge amount of cum into Jimmy's waiting mouth.

"Hope you like cum for lunch faggot," was all he said as he groaned and ejaculated his thick six incher into Jimmy.

A couple hours later, a very nervous Chris placed his seven inch cock through the hole to let Jimmy tongue it. After a while he decided just to jerk off into the glory hole and fired a nice load into the hole to coat Jimmy's tongue.

After Chris exited, Ben went in again, pissed and left. Then Dan went to give Jimmy a second feeding of cum. Tyler immediately followed. Then Ben gave Jimmy another helping of his master's cum. It began to form an endless line. Jimmy swallowed so much cum his burps began to taste like it. The sheer amount of cum he had consumed had him locked in a state of permanent horniness as his slut mentality consumed him.

As the group was eating pizza Ben had somehow gotten free of charge, Ben walked in to see how his slave was coping with his new life. He unlocked the bathroom door and pushed Jimmy and the door inwards. He unlocked the naked slut from his prison and Jimmy fell to Ben's feet and began to unconsciously lick his master's boots in gratitude of being released from the stressful position. Ben's dick grew again and he smiled.

"OK faggot, while the guys are eating I'm gonna get you set up. Follow me." Ben ordered.

Jimmy rose to his hands and knees and followed his master into the TV room where the pizza boy and Ben had used him the night before. He still wore the painful nipple clamps which had transitioned into a dull ache and the open mouth gag which also caused his jaw to greatly ache. Once they reached what looked like an overly large ottoman. Ben took off both the nipple clamps and the gag, as Jimmy doubled over in the newly realized pain on his tits, Ben picked him up like a sack of potatoes and threw him on the ottoman where he had already laid out a bunch of thick white rope.

Ben worked quicly to hogtie Jimmy. He bound the young man's wrists behind him, tied his arms together, tied his thighs together, tied his ankles together, tied his wrists to his ankles and left him there on naked display and went to finish his meal.

About 30 minutes later Jimmy heard a ton of voices approach the formerly silent cabin. The door opened, and Ben, Dan, Phil, Tyler and Chris walked in laughing and joking about who had done the most work on the shed. Which apparently was now fully up. Dan was asking Ben about some of the stuff they had setup inside. Ben said something about suspension and hoists but Jimmy didn't really understand what he was talking about. Soon they were all filing into the TV room to see the naked bound slave fully on display, looking up at the clothed sweaty men in newfound shame.

"Damn that bitch ain't going anywhere!" Tyler blurted out making Jimmy feel even more helpless.

"Nope." Ben agreed, "Say, any of you guys ever have your hairy asses licked by someone who really gets off on it. Cause that little bitch acts like its the best tasting thing in the world."

"No way? Really?" Chris asked in astonishment.

"Yeah dude," Ben said, "Dan why don't you demonstrate."

"Oh fucking awesome," Dan said in an excited tone as he stripped out of his jeans and shirt, revealing a completely naked ripped body, "Now this night's getting crazy. Hey Phil pass me a beer and grab yourself one."

Phil walked towards the fridge and brought out a full cooler of beer. He reached in, chucked a can of coors over to his naked ripped boss and opened one himself to take a big swig so he could get in the right frame of mind for what was about to happen.

Dan opened the beer, took a big gulp of it and backed his muscular hairy ass right into Jimmy's face. Jimmy knew better than to disappoint his master, so he dug his face in to the amazement of Ben's guests. Jimmy did indeed act like it was the best tasting thing ever. His locked dick kept him in a state of horniness that made him not care how he looked to these guys. He needed to tongue this man's superior ass to show him how much of a whore he was. He wanted to please his master. He ran his tongue up and down Dan's hairy crack as Dan moaned in pleasure. Jimmy took it as a big compliment and dug his entire face into the musky ass, making sure to take big audible whifs of the scent.

Phil and Tyler kept making comments about how low Jimmy was. Ben was clearly pleased. He had made Jimmy into a very passable slave. No one would have guessed that Jimmy used to be fully straight. Ben could hardly believe it. Just watching Jimmy sniff and lick his brother's hairy hole made him aware just how much he had won. The kid was pure property.

Ben's eyes drifted across the room, Phil and Tyler were talking about the mechanics of how much of a slut Jimmy was and how in all their years of fucking they had never gotten a chick to lick either of their asses. But Chris just stared at Jimmy and rubbed his bulging cock through his basketball shorts. He was transfixed. Ben moved over to talk with the young guy. He had probably never heard of this stuff before.

"Fucked up how hot it is seeing a dude lick another dude's ass isn't it?" Ben asked him. Chris just nodded in agreement.

"It must be so fucking humiliating," Ben continued, "Rubbing your tongue all over a dude's ass sweat that has been collecting from a full days work. Feeling all the ass hair, smelling it. I can't even imagine."

"Yea..." Chris said, picking up the speed at which he rubbed fully erect dick through his shorts.

"Man, sometimes I just like to set my dick in his mouth just so he knows how owned he is." Ben laughed, "He can't even talk that way, he just has to mumble pathetically on a real man's dick."

Chris looked over at Ben, made eye contact with Ben's domineering eyes but quickly looked at his feet. Ben leaned in to whisper in Chris's ear.

"I bet you've wondered how good my thick meat tastes like you little faggot." Ben said with a slight grin before looking back over at his brother smothering Jimmy with his ass.

"Fuckin show me how grateful you are," Dan yelled out so everyone in the room would hear. Jimmy was in heaven, breathing in the sweet smell of a superior man's ass.

Ben then looked back at Chris, who was now staring at his bulging crotch. Ben sure had a way with identifying new cockslave material all right. This night was about to get more interesting. Ben coyly rubbed his dick through his dirty jeans to tease its size to Chris, who didn't even notice he was drooling. He leaned in again to whisper to Chris.

"I'll make you a deal cocksucker," Ben said, "You get on your knees in front of all of the group and accept your fate and you'll get to cum tonight. If not, I'll just tie you up outside and deal with your punk ass later."

Ben's words stung Chris deep, but they triggered something that had been brewing in him for awhile. His knees started trembling. His lips quivered. Could he submit right here in front of everyone? In front of his brother. He stared at Ben's big bulging dick perfectly outlined in his jeans. Something immediately came over him. Chris blocked out the conversation Tyler was having with his brother. He blocked out Jimmy furiously licking Dan's ass as Dan pretended he was riding a bull while shaking his fist in the air. There was only him and Ben, a man that he knew was better than he was.

Chris fell to his knees and stared up hopelessly at Ben with watery eyes. The second his knees hit the floor, his cap fell off his head, revealing sweat flattened hair, and showing more of Chris's obviously submissive eyes. Ben looked down on him to instill fear in his new conquest's eyes before calling out the new entertainment to everyone in the room.

"So guys, looks like I've got to string up another whore for us. Chris has volunteered to suck out my next load. Who wants seconds? How about you Phil?" Ben announced.

The guys turned to stare at Chris in amazement. Even Jimmy broke his concentration to see the new addition to the bottoms in the room. This cute young guy just sank to his knees and professed his need to serve Ben. Suddenly Jimmy didn't feel quite as pathetic, at least he had been trained. This dude just needed to serve Ben's cock and would've crawled over burning coals to get it.

Phil was probably the most stunned, but before long, started to add it all up in his head. It made a lot of sense. Chris had never had a girlfriend and always worshipped the maculinity of his big brother. Phil had even caught Chris sniffing his jock. Chris insisted he still liked pussy, but now Phil saw him for what he was, a cock whore. And he was going to put him to good use.

"Don't just sit there, bitch," Tyler ordered, "Strip out of those clothes so we can tie you up with your new slave brother."

Next: Chapter 8

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