Girlfriends Stepdad Kidnaps Me

By Z

Published on Dec 9, 2014


Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Author's note:

This is my first story. So I welcome all feedback. Thank you so much! Also please donate to nifty as they have lots of great stories.

Girlfriends Step Dad Kidnaps Me Part 5

Category: Gay male Authoritarian

Last time: Jimmy was free! He had left Ben's house and was ready to start reclaiming his life. Except he needed to cum, his cock is still locked up and the only way Ben may release him from his cock cage is to follow whatever instructions are in the envelope he left with Jimmy. Ben has already used Jimmy's mouth and ass, what more could he want?

Jimmy was furious. He wanted to cum so bad. But no matter how hard he pulled, he couldn't get the securely locked cock cage off his oversexed dick.

He raced into his apartment thinking someone would see the noticeable bulge in his pants from the device. No one was around. He breathed out a sigh of relief, opened the apartment and quickly locked the door behind him. Jimmy's parents had let him move out and even assisted him. In a couple of months he would start a trade school learning machining and his parents didn't see any reason not to let the young man have a little fun on his own. Also they traveled a lot and figured they could sleep soundly knowing they hadn't left a nineteen year old kid to mess up their house.

Jimmy loved having his own place because he could jerk off whenever he wanted. He could fuck April whenever he wanted and could walk around naked admiring himself whenever he wanted. Now that was not the case. At least not the first two perks. Now, Jimmy had stripped off to just the chastity cage and the buttplug the young man had honestly forgotten was still in there, holding Ben's huge load in his ass.

Once he realized he still held Ben's load, Jimmy let out a soft moan as he slowly reached back and felt the plug stuck in his ass.

"Fuck....." Jimmy moaned, his cock attempting to stiffen behind the plastic cage.

Jimmy walked over to the bathroom and bent over in the shower so he could slowly pull the anal invader out. It was humiliating what Ben had done to him, but he couldn't shake how turned on he was. Once the buttplug popped out of him, Jimmy felt some cum drip out but no where near the amount Ben had pumped into him. The boy had indeed absorbed his master's cum just like Ben had known would happen.

Thinking of Ben as his master pissed Jimmy off. He smacked himself in the head a couple of times in an effort to get him to focus. It was no use, the pent up need to cum rose again and in no time he was frantically pacing around his apartment naked looking for anything to break open the cock cage. He tried screw drivers, picking the lock with a paper clip, he looked online at how to pick a padlock. Every forum online just recommended bolt cutters and there was no way he was going to bring something like that close to his dick.

In the end the endlessly sexually frustrated stud just sat on his couch and fingered himself for an hour and a half. He couldn't get himself off like that, but fuck it felt so good. He started with one finger, then added another, and by the time he had worked the third into himself he realized he had been at it for over an hour.

Jimmy decided to try and get his mind off of his situation. He walked into his room, signed on to his e-mail and tried to put his thoughts elsewhere. The problem was, evidence of his need to cum was all around him. He had hung a poster of a hot, mostly naked chick posing on a motorcycle behind his door. He had a whole stack of playboy magazines in his desk. And to top it off his desktop background was a naked picture of his now ex-girlfriend April.

To make matters worse, the first e-mail he saw was from Ben. He must have sent it shortly after Jimmy left today. The message was short, but the e-mail contained several attachments:

Hey faggot,

Just thought I should remind you what a fucking whore you are. Go ahead and open that envelope I sent along with you. That is if you're not too busy fingering your ass to try and bring that useless dick of yours to climax. Good luck with that.

Your Master

Jimmy was livid. How could that son of a bitch know what he would do? Well, fuck him. Jimmy could get himself off if he tried hard enough. Ben had almost fucked the cum out of him with this thing locked on, maybe he could get off. Jimmy gazed down at his imprisoned dick and decided just to forget about it. If he hadn't been able to get himself off in an hour of trying, odds are he wouldn't fair too well just because Ben sent him an asshole email.

The attachments were of course pictures of Jimmy sucking Ben off, screenshots of Ben fucking Jimmy, and a bunch of pictures of Jimmy smiling with a big fresh load of cum on his face. The final picture just showed a sight Jimmy was now very comfortable with: a picture of Ben's massive hard cock. The picture was probably taken recently, as Jimmy noticed around the base of the shaft was a large key ring where Ben undoubtedly was keeping the key to Jimmy's cock cage.

While he should have been focused on the key to his freedom, Jimmy just got lost in the cock that had took away both of his holes. He had been Ben's slut. There was no doubting that. But was Ben through?

He decided it would be best to open the envelope, and raced over to where he had tossed it during his frantic attempt to get the cock cage off. He ripped it open. The contents were just a few pieces of paper and a keycard for what looked like a gym. Jimmy sat on the floor and began to read through the Ben's note:

Hey Faggot,

I've got you right where I want you right now. You belong to me. If you doubt any of that just reach down and feel your little cocklet through it's prison. My big dick is swinging free, and I know you still are a hungry little bitch for it. So here's my proposal. You follow these instructions to the letter and I will release you from the cock cage and let you cum. You had better hurry though, the offer expires tonight.

Ben's note had filled Jimmy with rage again. But what could he do? Ben was right. He had Jimmy right where he wanted him. Jimmy figured the least he could do was to read through the numbered instructions.

  1. Shower - clean your faggot ass out, wash your body.

That one was easy enough to follow. Jimmy wanted to shower anyways after the ordeal he had been through. The naked youth went into his bathroom, climbed in and thoroughly rinsed himself off. He even tried to get his cock clean from behind the cage.

  1. Go eat with your folks, tell them about your break-up but also let them know that I generously have given you an opportunity to earn extra money fixing up my cabin this week. I sent them an e-mail and I will be expecting a return one from them.

Jimmy got dressed. He wore some faded jeans that highlighted his ass and a tight muscle tee shirt. He also grabbed some gym clothes to fulfill some of the other requirements on Ben's instructions. Then he headed over to his parent's house to eat dinner a day early.

Jimmy explained that he had an opportunity to earn some money before he started school. His parents were delighted with his initiative and even happier, though they didn't show it, that he and April had broken up. It would give Jimmy a chance to focus on something other than sex. If only they knew.

Everything was going smoothly. Jimmy had hoped they would raise a flag of question. Like why was he helping a guy he said he hated not two days ago. Wasn't this break up sudden? Did they even notice how odd he was acting?

After dinner, his parents mentioned they would be heading down to their vacation home at the end of the week so to be sure and stop in and try and see them again. Jimmy knew better, they would be gone before he got a chance to, and he would be left alone in Ben's control. He hugged his folks and wished them a happy trip before going back to fulfill what he needed to do to be released from his cock cage.

  1. Exercise - get your ass into a gym. You look good but spending time tied up doesn't work off a lot of calories. Follow these work out instructions.

The workout Ben had seemingly designed for Jimmy was very leg intensive, he did squats and dead lifts and lunges until he could barely walk. The key card Ben had provided seemed to belong to the gym Ben used, he had added Jimmy to his user list for some reason. Jimmy didn't really question it. The place was a hell of a lot nicer than what he was accustomed to. Even the shower's were big. Jimmy wasn't a stranger to exercise. He had been on the swim team all throughout high school. He knew very well what Ben wanted with this workout. He wanted Jimmy's tight bubble ass to get bigger.

  1. Come back to my cabin - you should remember how to get here, slut.

Jimmy did indeed rememeber how to get back. And around 7:30 that night he found himself driving up the gravel driveway back to Ben's out of the way cabin. It was getting chilly out, and Jimmy was dreading what was coming next.

  1. Present Yourself - faggot whores have no need for clothes. Strip down in your truck. Leave the keys in your ignition and exit. I will be watching you and will punish you severely if you fuck this up. I want you to crawl, naked from your truck back to my cabin. I want you swaying your slutty ass back and forth like you are a 10 dollar hooker and rent is due.

Jimmy was truly beaten. He reflected on just how easily Ben had won as he stripped out of his clothes and threw them on the passenger seat next to him. Once naked, he stared at the dark porch up ahead. It was 7:25, Jimmy had actually arrived early in anticipation. He figured Ben would be watching. Why wouldn't he? The man who had been banging his step daughter was going to crawl on his hands and knees towards his house to probably suck his big, magnificent dick again.

He took a deep breath and exited the car into the cold night air. He closed the door behind him and crawled naked through the damp grass towards the cabin. Jimmy actually even remembered to swing his ass as best as he could. Being a formerly only straight male, he wasn't very practiced in this.

The naked slave got about halfway towards the cabin when perimeter lights ignited all around him and throughout the yard and towards the house. The porch was now very bright and it was apparent Ben was waiting at the door. Jimmy had never felt more naked and on display than he did right now, at least not yet.

He resumed his slow crawl and ass swinging, hoping to at least make Ben happy with that. He climbed the three steps up to the door, which was promptly opened by Ben.

"Right on time for you master aren't you, faggot?" Ben asked in a very proud tone.

"Yes...master," Jimmy reluctantly replied.

"Well, come on in bitch!" Ben ordered as Jimmy hurriedly crawled into the front room.

"Stay there for a sec, slave." Ben said, making Jimmy freeze in his tracks.

Ben circled his prey. Jimmy was obviously nervous. He didn't even look at Ben, his eyes were fixed to the ground the entire time. He was so gloriously ashamed. It got Ben's dick rock hard just thinking about what he was going to do to this kid.

"Head up, slave!" Ben said, Jimmy instantly obeyed.

As his head flew up, Jimmy got his first look at Ben since the guy had thrown him out of his house earlier today. He was now just in jeans and a t-shirt. A constant smile was seemingly tattooed on his face. He always looked smug, but ever since he had made Jimmy suck his dick, that smile got a whole lot more arrogance to it.

Jimmy was in shock at what was happening to him. All he felt was horniness throughout him. Somewhere deep in his head his voice of reason had tried telling him to find another way. But that part was drowned out by the huge amount of cum brewing in his balls and Ben promised to release him from his prison. Jimmy wasn't going to go to his parents or the police. Ben had won, but now was the time to get through this then get back to his life.

Ben had taken the time to start inspecting his slave, feeling up his back and chest and examining his face before finally zeroing in on the boy's ass.

"Did you do your exercises like a good slut?" Ben asked.

"Yes...master, my legs are killing me." Jimmy said back softly.

"Good boy." Ben said as he stuck a finger up the boy's tight hole.

"Ohhh..." Jimmy moaned unconsciously.

"Shut up, princess, just gotta inspect my property." Ben smiled as he moved his fingers in and out to remind the boy what he was.

He brought his fingers to Jimmy's mouth and simply said, "Suck." Jimmy obeyed. He was almost like a puppet right now. Every command or way Ben bent him Jimmy complied obediently. One thing was for sure, Jimmy was glad now that he washed his ass at both the gym and home.

"Ok faggot, crawl into the TV room. I've laid out some clothes for you." Ben instructed Jimmy and gave him extra incentive by swatting him across the ass with his open palm.

Jimmy gave out a yelp and quickly crawled into a room with a great big couch and huge 65'' TV. The room was typically decorated otherwise like a cabin. Wood paneling, fish on the walls, pictures of outdoor animals. Jimmy instinctively crawled over to the coffee table, which Ben had set up with ropes and other restraints along with some extremely short running shorts and a sleeveless t shirt that was ripped at the sides so you got a nice profile of Jimmy's muscular arms and side of his chest. Feeling a bit of relief with some clothing, Jimmy put them on.

Once he had on the clothes he turned around to see Ben waiting in the doorway, watching him and stroking a big bulge in his jeans.

"Good little obedient boy, " Ben complimented in a condescending tone, "now get real close to that coffee table, face the couch, sit with your chest up against it tightly, and put your legs on either side of that spreader bar under there."

No turning back now, Jimmy crawled over to the coffee table and scooched up so his chest was touching the top of the table and he was facing the couch where Ben would most likely be sitting. He weaved his legs under the table and spread them apart so each ankle was essentially touching the opposite side of the table's legs.

Ben moved fast. He picked up a few coils of rope and immediately set to work binding Jimmy in his current positon. He tied both his ankles to the spreader bar which he also tied to both legs of the coffee table opposite where Jimmy was sitting. He then bound the boys thighs to the legs he was sitting by so he would have to keep his crotch exposed. He then pushed Jimmy so he was pressed up against the side of the table. First he bound his outstretched hands together at the wrists in front of him. Then he tied his wrists to the other side of the coffee table. Now, Jimmy sort of looked like he was leaning on the table to pray to Ben, who took his seat on the couch in front of him.

"I like you like this, slave." Ben smiled as he cracked open a beer and took a long sip.

Jimmy couldn't move at all. He simply sat there, chin resting on the table and staring up at his master.

"Ok boy, let's get you to cumming." Ben smiled as he opened a drawer on the other side of the coffee table and pulled out some lube.

Ben lathered his hands and reached under the table to pull Jimmy's shorts down to where his cock cage was exposed. Remembering the key, Ben reached into his pants and pulled out the keyring that was no doubt still around his cock. He unlocked Jimmy and his cock was almost instantly rock hard.

"Mmmmm thank you master." Jimmy blurted out, causing Ben to let out a low laugh mixed with a growl.

"Yea, you better thank me slut. Cause you ain't going nowhere." Ben said as he started slowly stroking Jimmy's aching cock while staring into the boy's eyes.

The sensation was electric. Jimmy's balls instantly tightened as the growing need to cum was arriving faster and faster. Ben kept gingerly stroking Jimmy's cock. The pleasure overwhelmed him. He pulled on the ropes to get relief, but Ben had tied him impossibly tight again. He was almost there. He could feel it. He was finally going to...

"Not just yet!" Ben yelled out as he released Jimmy's cock before it could reach the point of no return.

"Mmmm noooo! Please Ben, no!" Jimmy pleaded with his captor as Ben stood up and walked into the other room.

He was back in a flash with a familiar black bag that was surely filled with tons of way's to torture him. Beneath him underneath the table where he could not see, his hard, throbbing cock convulsed with no relief in sight.

"That's right faggot, I got tons of stuff to work you over with." Ben reminded him as he dumped out a bunch of stuff next to him on the couch.

He got up again, this time walking around to set up a camera on a tripod. Ben was going to capture this whole thing on video. Jimmy wasn't really surprised, but he did feel a familiar twinge of nervousness run down his back. Ben quickly plugged the camera into the wall for power, ran it to a laptop (most likely for archiving Jimmy's humiliation) and ran back and sat down in front of his slave.

"Now, where were we?" Ben asked incredulously as he relubed his hands and once again began stroking Jimmy's cock under the table.

Ben did the same run through as last time, he brought Jimmy right up to the edge and backed off. Jimmy had to sit there and struggle with unfulfilled lust as Ben sat back and laughed at the young man's misery.

"Ohhh poor slut boy wants to shoot his load," Ben laughed as he began adding clothespins to Jimmy's full balls.

"Uhhhhggh..." Jimmy moaned, now lost in a state of horniness with no way out except for Ben to release him.

Ben kept up the torment for another hour. Bringing Jimmy close to cumming, backing off and adding more clothespins to his body. Jimmy was once again decorated like a christmas tree with clothespins. His sides, his legs, his ears, and all over and around his balls. The constant state of horniness Jimmy was in made him slightly immune to the pain of the clothespins. They bit into him, but Jimmy could still cum if the right gust of wind hit his dick.

Ben set an ice cold beer on Jimmy's balls and his need to orgasm evaporated as the slave let out a high pitched squeal in surprise. As Jimmy dealt with the freezing beer can on his balls, Ben quickly finished off the one he was working on before reaching down and grabbing the one away from Jimmy.

"You don't mind if I take this do ya faggot?" Ben laughed as he opened another beer and took a big sip.

Now that his need to orgasm had temporarily subsided, Jimmy definitely notice the pain the clothespins were radiating throughout his body. They had him constantly struggling for relief as Ben watched the show in front of him.

This went on for a couple of minutes before Ben reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. Jimmy assumed it was going to be to take more pictures, instead Ben seemed to be looking for something.

"Hungry slut?" Ben asked as he held the phone up to his ear.

Pretty soon it was apparent that someone had answered the other end of the call, "Yea I'd like to order a delivery, yea it's Ben Santini's house. I'd like a supreme. The dude with me is craving some italian sausage."

Ben smiled as he played with Jimmy's balls with his feet. After he completed the order, he hung up the phone and looked into Jimmy's eyes.

"It'll be here in a little over a half an hour bitch. Plenty of time for you to spend a little more time lingering in horniness." Ben said as he stood up and walked around to Jimmy's side of the coffee table.

"I think you'll remember this cock gag," Ben said as he buckled the gag tightly around Jimmy's mouth. Jimmy quickly and naturally started sucking the cockhead and moaning softly.

"And next, since I want you to be a real slut for a while..." Ben said before trailing off. He then fastened the mask that he had used on Jimmy that first night. Unbeknownst to Jimmy, it was filled with poppers. Ben finished tightening the mask and sat there and watched as the chemicals filled the slave's brain and he was instantly lost.

Jimmy could feel so many sensations. He mumbled through his gag and bobbed his head around in a drug addled state. He slowly started unconsciously clenching his ass cheeks, making his hard cock throb. He lost all track of time. Ben would keep pulling on and off the popper mask every time he would start to collect his thoughts. Until all he could feel was sexual need and desire. He only thought about cumming, and how good it would feel to be sliding up and down Ben's thick pole.

Jimmy was temporarily shot back to reality when he heard the doorbell ring from deep within his fog of sexual frustration. Ben unceramoniously stood up, pulled the popper mask off his slave and went to pay for the pizza.

The fresh air flooded his nose again, but Jimmy was far from aware of what was happening. He stared blankly around the room as he heard voices in the background. Before long, Ben returned, marching in with the pizza and a young delivery driver who only looked a few years older than Jimmy.

Jimmy looked over and his cock twitched. The delivery man was a thick italian guy with curly, frizzy black hair, a five o clock shadow and dark eyes. He wasn't ripped like Ben was. But he was definitely sexy. And now he was standing over Jimmy, grinning at the little tied up faggot in front of him.

"Maaaan you weren't lying. He is all fucking tied up." The delivery man laughed, "You even gagged the fucker."

"Fuck yeah man. He begged me to. He's a little horny slut who has to serve real men like us to cum. He can't even get off without a dick in his mouth or ass." Ben explained the half truth to the guy.

Jimmy knew what Ben was doing. He was twisting the facts to make it look like he was just doing the kid a favor by allowing him to suck his dick. He made it look like Jimmy had willingly wanted to be tied up. Jimmy slowly shook his head and moaned that he just wanted to cum, but it was no use, the dude couldn't understand a word he said.

"That's fuckin hilarious dude, look how hard he is!" the delivery driver laughed as he pointed under the table at Jimmy's perma-hard dick.

"Dude I'm telling you, he's a fucking slut for cock," Ben said matter of factly, "check this shit out."

Ben switched the inputs on the TV over to another setting. Jimmy couldn't see what was going on in the TV behind him because of the way he was tied, so he just stared up at the delivery guy who was obviously shocked at what he saw on the screen.

"No. Fucking. Way!" the pizza guy yelled out as he appeared to double over laughing.

"Way dude. He wants cock so bad, look what he's willing to do." Ben replied.

The delivery guy walked over, leaned on the coffee table until he as practically face to face with Jimmy.

"You...crawled naked...all the way from your truck to his door?" the guy asked.

Jimmy was beat. Obviously Ben had captured his humiliation again on film. Now he was using it to show how "good" of a slave Jimmy was. Jimmy collapsed so his head was face down on the coffee table. Why was Ben doing this? He had promised to let him cum.

"Welll fuuuck!" the delivery guy said, breaking the silence, "Man I'm cool with our tip arrangement."

"Great," said Ben, "Have a beer for a second though. You should hear him beg for your dick."

As the delivery guy reached behind the couch to where there HAD to be a huge supply of beer, Ben walked around and wearing his arrogant smile on his face, undid the gag Jimmy was wearing.

"Now faggot," Ben said before Jimmy could get a word in, "This fella's name is Mark, and he is going to let your fag lips suck his dick. If you do a good job, maybe you'll get that reward you wanted a fuck ton faster."

Jimmy glanced over at Ben, then at Mark, who was drinking a beer and rubbing his bulging crotch through his sweatpants. Ben was altering their deal and making Jimmy even more of a gay slave in the process. If he wanted to cum, he'd have to suck more cock, and a completely different cock.

"Come on bitch, get begging." Mark ordered, sounding rushed.

Ben smiled as he was now confident he had found a nice addition to this party. He walked back over to his spot on the couch, sat down and grabbed his beer.

"Master...I..." Jimmy started but was quickly interrupted by Mark.

"Holy fucking shit!" Mark exclaimed, "He calls you master? That's fucking great! What a pathetic little bitch."

"Hell yeah dude," Ben nodded in agreement, "Why don't you kick those pants off and show little Jimmy boy over there what a real man around his age should look like. No judgement here dude, he'll be sucking my dick soon too."

Ben's suggestion sounded very agreeable to Mark. He shuffled up very quickly, just about jumped out of his pants. The pizza stud was wearing only a big, sweaty jock that perfectly framed his full manly big ass in the back. The pouch was filled with piss, cum and sweat stains. Did this dude ever hear of a laundromat? Mark sat on the coffee table and strattled Jimmy so his head was in between Mark's legs, facing his bulging jock. The aromoas were going up his nose and making his cock hard as hell.

Jimmy looked up into the eyes of the overly horny stud. Mark's chest was beefy and hairy, everything that a young man would want. It was muscular, defined and sweaty, and as Mark stared down back at him, Jimmy knew exactly what he wanted to hear.

"Please Sir, can I please suck your big dick." the words escaped from Jimmy's trembling lips.

"Oh you wanna suck my dick you little slut?" Mark asked as he pushed his bulge right into Jimmy's nose.

"mmmmpph" Jimmy moanded in arousal as he started to unconsiously lick the young man's dirty jock.

"Fuck that's right." Mark said in a satisfied tone, "Get it all wet with your tongue. I make it a point of pride for my bitches to smell my cock before I give them my cock. And you ain't no different are you."

Seated on the couch behind Mark, Ben had a great view of the other side of things. Mark's wide back breathing in and out in heightening arousal. Jimmy was nowhere to be seen unless you looked under the table or noticed his tied hands peeking out from under Mark's big, hairy ass.

Jimmy kept up the tongue service. He slid his tongue all over the dude's jock. He found he actually liked the flavor of it and started sucking on it while maintainiing eye contact with the man whom before tonight he had never even met.

"So he'll do degrading ass shit like this just to cum?" Mark leaned back and asked Ben, who was busily rubbing his crotch and polishing off his third beer from when Jimmy arrived.

"Fuck yea dude, sit back a second and I'll prove it." Ben instructed as he got up from the couch, walked around the coffee table and started undoing his jeans.

Ben wasn't wearing any underwear. He probably figured it would be pointless tonight with how often Jimmy was going to be put to use. Ben's jean's fell to the floor and he unceremoniously stepped out of them to reveal his very impressive cock and balls. Mark got up gave Ben some room to prove his point. Ben walked over to Jimmy, and basically stepped right in front of him with his naked, hairy muscular ass pointed straight at Jimmy's now terrified face.

"Show our new friend what a horny slut you are slave, lick my hairy ass like you've always wanted to do!" Ben said, undoubtedly flashing his typical arrogant smile as Jimmy started to get the smell of Ben's sweaty ass musk.

Jimmy had to admit, it made his cock throb. But what did Ben get out of this besides humiliating Jimmy? Maybe that was enough for him. Jimmy closed his eyes, swallowed his pride and stuck out his tongue. He leaned forward but didn't get anything. He opened his eyes and Ben was actually moving his ass away every time Jimmy would lean forward to take it. Pretty soon Jimmy was straining against his ropes with his outstretched tongue, all being recorded on video.

It took Jimmy a while to realize what Ben wanted. He let out a big sigh and pleaded, "Please Master, may I lick your ass with my pathetic fag tongue." He hoped that would be enough for Ben.

Ben's head turned and looked down at Jimmy, "Oh poor faggot can't get to this superior alpha man's ass to taste it? Why don't you sniff it first so you know what you'll be tasting."

Mark was clearly enjoying the scene. He was openly beating off his very thick cock on the couch. It didn't look nearly as long as Ben's, but it was every bit as long as Jimmy's and quite a lot thicker, even for Jimmy's own impressive meat.

"Yeah, make that bitch learn who it's master is." Mark agreed, furiously jacking his dick.

Jimmy leaned in to Ben's massive ass and inhaled with his nose. The scent wasn't necessarily dirty. It was just really sweaty and musky. Not nearly as bad as Jimmy expected, it actually smelled ok. He leaned in closer and took another big whif. This time he let out a soft moan.

"Oh fuck the bitch is loving it." Mark commented. Ben was smiling from ear to ear as he started leaning back a little more.

"Come on slave, drag that fag tongue up and down my hairy ass crack." Ben said, wiggling his ass back and forth to taunt Jimmy.

Jimmy obediently complied and slid his tongue up Ben's massive ass crack. As he dragged it along, the taste of Ben's musky ass filled his mouth and his own cock began to leak profuse amounts of precum. Why was he getting so turned on by this? He reached the top of Ben's ass and started back down. Up and down and up and down, Jimmy was starting to really get into it. Before long, Ben was practically sitting on his face as the sex starved nineteen year old was aggressively eating out Ben's ass. His whole face was covered in ass sweat, but he didn't give a fuck.

After a while, Ben climbed off Jimmy, whose tongue was in need of a break after repeatedly diving into Ben's asshole to get that sweet flavor of man ass that he was now going to crave. Ben reached down and began untying Jimmy.

"What are you doing, man?" Mark asked, hoping the night wasn't over.

"Relax dude," Ben said, "Just changing positions, but if you wouldn't mind while I'm untying the slut, can you drag out that saw horse that's in that closet over there. Set it up right over here in front of the camera."

For some reason, Mark had no problem being on Ben's little film. Jimmy wondered if it was because he wasn't tied up and coerced into being a complete slut for two guys. As Ben quickly untied him, Mark drug out the black saw horse thing from a coat closet. The legs seemed to have leather restraints on it. Jimmy had a pretty good idea where he was going.

The men worked quickly, moving the coffee table, setting up the saw horse in it's place and securing their sex slave onto the saw horse so his head and ass were both at standing cock level, which was just what Ben wanted. Jimmy's own cock still dangled free. As Ben untied him, he had removed all of the clothespins so Jimmy was in a state of euphoric relief.

"Ok slave, time for you to cum." Ben announced, making Jimmy's head perk up.

"Ha ha, look how excited the faggot is." Mark said, slowly approaching the restrained boy.

"A promise is a promise Jimmy, I'm going to fuck your little tight ass until you are shooting your load everywhere," Mark said, "But first thing's first. Any time I fuck an ass I like it to be reddened up a bit."

Jimmy cringed as he knew what that meant. Before he could even protest. Ben started landing blow after blow of open handed palm slaps on Jimmy's exposed ass. Much to Mark's delight, the dudes cock got even harder if that was possible.

"Fuck yea spank that bitch's ass. Teach it a lesson." Mark said as Jimmy was crying out from the stinging ass slaps.

"He's a little noisy, Ben, mind if I muffle him up a little bit?" Mark asked.

"By all means," Ben replied, landing another blow on Jimmy's left ass cheek.

Mark didn't need to be told twice. Jimmy thought that meant his cock was going in his mouth, but like Ben, Mark turned around and pressed his musky ass tightly against Jimmy's face.

"Fuck yeah lick my hole you faggot!" Mark laughed as Jimmy was once again now tonguing a man's ass. He licked his ass hair, the ass cheeks, and buried his face in Mark's hole. The excitement and humiliation made Jimmy's cock leak more precum.

They kept this up for a while, Mark forcing Jimmy to lick and sniff his ass as Ben rigorously spanked Jimmy until his ass cheeks were a crimson red. Finally, Ben decided it was time to fuck his bitch. He lined his big, thick cock up with Jimmy's hole, lubed it up and pressed right in. The finger fucking Ben had given him earlier had opened up Jimmy's tight hole slightly again, but he wasn't prepared for Ben's cock. His eyes bugged out and his mouth dropped open to suck in air to compensate for the invader in his ass.

Mark took some initiative and stuffed his fat cock in Jimmy's mouth, effectively silencing the slave's protests. Before long, Jimmy was back into his substate, being railed by Ben and facefucked by another real man. Jimmy was starting to realize he might actually be an inferior compared to them. Mark's cock tasted amazing. A mix of sweat and precum as his cock steadily dripped the appetizer down Jimmy's throat.

Meanwhile Ben was piston fucking Jimmy. He had picked up the pace and Jimmy's cock was convulsing violently. It would be only a few minutes before the slave came, but before Jimmy could, Mark spoke up.

"Holy fuck I'm cuuuummmmminnnng!!!" Mark announced as he shot a huge load of thick creamy cum into Jimmy's throat.

The taste of the cum and the added humiliation of swallowing another man's load set Jimmy off, he started bucking his hips as best as he could and trying to work his ass further back on Ben's big dick. Soon an orgasm released unlike what Jimmy had ever felt before. Mark reached down and used a plastic cup to catch the majority of Jimmy's huge load. Jimmy himself counted 8 shots of hard cum into the cup. As his orgasm subsided, Ben picked up the pace again.

"Oohhh fuck Ben...please..." Jimmy said, now starting to revert back to his normal self after his cum release.

"No, no, no faggot! It's master!" Ben ordered as he gave Jimmy a hard slap on the ass, "And your!!!"

Ben launched another huge load up Jimmy's well-fucked ass. Meanwhile, Mark, who had definitely had his own way of humiliating Jimmy, was using a plastic spoon to feed Jimmy his own cum out of the cup.

"Eat your protein fag so you can try and pass for a man like us." Mark laughed as he forced a big spoonful of cum into Jimmy's mouth. His own cum tasted sweet.

Jimmy now felt truly used. He had been spitroasted by two guys, made to cum while being fucked and sucking a guy off. He licked their asses, begged for their dicks, humiliated himself. Now he just wanted to go and try and forget this. He pulled on the restraints but Ben had locked them with keyed padlocks. As Ben's orgasm subsided, he withdrew from Jimmy's ass leaving it feeling gaping and empty.

Ben walked around to Jimmy's face, who obliged by cleaning off Ben's cock with his tongue.

"What a fucking bitch," Mark commented.

"Yea," Ben agreed, "But I think he deserves a drink after all that."

"You got enough beer left?" Mark asked.

"Doesn't matter, this bitch will only be drinking recycled beer." Ben smirked.

To be continued.

Thanks for reading. If you have any comments please let me know. I'd like to continue on the story. Also if you want check out my tumblr at

Next: Chapter 6

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