Girlfriends Stepdad Kidnaps Me

By Z

Published on Nov 29, 2014


Category: Gay Male Authoritarian

Girlfriend's Stepdad Kidnaps Me Part 3

Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Author's note:

This is my first story. So I welcome all feedback. Thank you so much! Also if you haven't already please make a donation to nifty to keep these stories going. Thanks!

Last time: Jimmy was held captive at his girlfriend's stepdad, Ben's cabin outside of town. He was teased until the brink of cumming and driven into a sex frenzy, causing Jimmy to willingly suck Ben's cock and swallow his load for a chance of escape and to be able to cum. Sadly for Jimmy, Ben was just lying to Jimmy to coax him into an even more vulnerable and humiliating position: locked in stocks under Ben's desk, mouth locked open by a spidergag and forced to service his new master.

As the last of Ben's second load of cum dripped down Jimmy's throat, Jimmy stared hopelessly up at Ben who was holding Jimmy's spider-gag locked face just under his dripping cock with one hand while holding his phone with the other.

"I'm sorry slut, but this has got to be my new screensaver." he laughed as he took several pictures, adjusting Jimmy's position so it best suited what his intentions were.

Jimmy broke down in tears, trying helplessly to push Ben's massively strong frame away but locked the way he was he didn't have a prayer.Ben shifted in his seat and bent over, picking up the soggy jock strap that he had sucked partially clean shortly before and stuffed it into the back of his mouth. He then covered it with a piece of duct tape before rising and leaving the room.

Jimmy's eyes darted furiously around the room, other than weird mounting things placed on the walls it looked like a normal office. He searched for a way out, something he could use. But setup the way he was he was trapped.

Ben wasn't gone, he entered the room again and hastily walked over to Jimmy, ripped the tape off his mouth, dug out the jock and took off the spider gag.

Jimmy adjusted his jaws, looked up to say something in anger but saw Ben standing over him with the leather crop. Before he would have yelled defiantly, now he looked up in humility and closed his mouth to listen to what the powerful man before him had to say.

"Thaaaat's right, bitch," Ben smiled as the shame burned into Jimmy's cheeks.

"You're starting to realize it now aren't you? How much of a little cock slut you are. You want out of your little punishment stocks."

"Fuckin right I want you to let me out of these goddamn things!" Jimmy challenged, only to be slapped across the face. He looked up again in anger as Ben layed numerous heavy swats to Jimmy's chest with the riding crop.




"Ah!!! Please Ben! Stop!" Jimmy pleased, helpless to stop Ben's assault.




"FAG'S TREAT MEN WITH RESPECT!" Ben yelled as he delivered more blows to Jimmy's exposed, smooth chest.




"I'm sorry, dude! I'm so fuckin sorry please!" Jimmy tried to apologize but the blows continued.




"Not good enough, faggot! YOU. ARE. A. FUCKING. PATHETIC. FAG. SLAVE NOW. How do you think you should refer to your owner?" Ben asked, speaking slowly and condescendingly to his new aquisition like Jimmy just couldn't comprehend otherwise.




"I'm sorry....Mr..." Jimmy started.




"NOT MISTER! You ain't no businessman or acquaintance bitch, you're my personal cocksucker. TRY AGAIN." Ben




"I'm sorry Master." Jimmy meakly said.

"THAT's IT BOY!" Ben smiled, rubbing Jimmy's sweaty hair.

"That gives me an idea," Ben said, it's about 2AM now. I'm assuming you wouldn't want to sleep there tonight."

"No master...." Jimmy said holding back tears.

"Excellent! Well your Master thinks you should really get a good helping of protein before we put you to bed. So I think you need some more cock what do you think?" Ben asked him feigning like he actually cared what Jimmy thought.

Jimmy hung there in his prison. His exposed flesh had been teased, tortured and used against him. Now here he was, being conditioned to beg to suck the cock of Ben, April's stepfather. How long did he intend to keep this up. Jimmy sat there in deep thought until Ben started to raise the leather crop.

".....I'd say you deserve for a whore to suck your cock Master..." Jimmy said out loud in disbelief.

Ben pulled up a chair so his soft dick was once again shoved right in Jimmy's face.

"I locked all the security gates bitch, it's just you and me. Now's your chance to get me horny. Start licking my balls. You've got freedom in your mouth again. Put it to use." Ben teased him as he rubbed his soft cock in Jimmy's eyes.

Jimmy leaned with his head and opened his mouth but Ben pulled his cock out of Jimmy's reach.

"Uh uh uh," cautioned Ben, "What do fag cockslave's say?"

Jimmy couldn't believe it. How far was Ben going to push him? Why couldn't he cut him a break. Jimmy started considering mouthing off as Ben started gently smacking the side of his face with his huge bear paw of an open palm.

"...Please master...can this......fag..." as Jimmy said the words they burned him inside, but he also felt some strange feeling of exhileration. His balls even tingled locked in their chastity prision.

"Go on..." Ben insisted, looking down proudly.

"can this...fag...please suck your dick?" Jimmy finished his humiliating request while locked on his knees in front of a man who just yesterday he had referred to as a lazy sack of shit. Now he was begging to blow him for the third time in hopes that he might earn his freedom.

Ben smiled warmly, looking down at Jimmy's pathetic stance and new positon in life. "Why would you want to suck a man's dick Jimmy? What do you get out of it?"

Jimmy swallowed hard. He knew Ben wanted a sincere answer. But he just couldn't do it. This bastard wasn't going to make this happen this way.

"Cause!" Jimmy began to say in defiance just as Ben placed his big booted foot over Jimmy's locked cock, causing him to lose all confidence."

"Because I need your cum Master. I need it bad." He signed in defeat.

"Hooooly shit. So a faggot like you wants to suck my dick so it can get some protein nourishment?" Ben asked putting pressure on Jimmy's locked cage.

"Ye...YES!" Jimmy yelled out. "Fags like me need to eat thick creamy man cum!!!"

"Well who am I to deprive you of your fag dinner." Ben laughed as he held out his half hard cock.

Jimmy strained and strained to get to it. He stretched out to reach the head with his tongue. A pearl of glistening precum was forming on Ben's big cock head that Jimmy had gotten to know so well throughout the evening. Try as he might, he couldn't get to it. Jimmy rested his shoulders and once again tried to strain to reach Ben's glorious dick. Finally he sat back in defeat and looked up at Ben.

"Master...can you please bring your dick closer so your fag can suck it. I can't reach it." Jimmy said as a tear of shame ran down his sweat drenched face.

Ben smiled and leaned back in his chair, finally giving Jimmy full access to feast on his prized cock.

"Thank you Master." Jimmy unconsciously mumbled as he began to furiously (and willingly) suck on Ben's big dick for the third time that night.

Jimmy attacked Ben's dick in earnest with a horny ferocity. He latched on to the big shaft and kept sucking until his cheeks sunk in. Taking care to look up at Ben for approval as he moved his head up and down Ben's hardening dick.

Ben's meat was massive, and heavy and Jimmy's shoulders in his restrained position. Jimmy desperately wanted to be released from under the desk. He knew he would likely not get free, but hopefully wherever Ben put him next would be better.

Jimmy noticed as long as he dutifully sucked his master's cock and started up into his captor's sadistic eyes he was able to finally think. His head was swimming. This sweaty dick pumping in and out of his mouth made his jaw ache. It wasn't as bad as the ballgag or weird open mouth thing that Ben had put on him, but it still hurt.

Sliding his tounge up around the shaft, licking all around the cock head, Ben's cock had returned to it's mighty state of full hardness. The sight of it caused Jimmy to stare blankly at his feast in wonder.

"That's right, cocksucker," Ben said panting, "It's a huge dick that belongs stuffed in your whore mouth. Now get back on it."

Jimmy went back to his work and started working Ben's thick sausage to the back of his mouth and into his throat. The open mouth thingy and long blow job session before had indeed helped train Jimmy's virgin throat. He was now sucking like more of a professional, a talent Ben very much wanted to develop in his new captive.

Jimmy began to facefuck himself on Ben's dick, inexpertly gagging as Ben's meat hit too far to the back of his throat. This went on for almost an hour until Ben pulled out of Jimmy's throat.

"Uhhhhh..." Jimmy moaned unconsciously, then sat in shame at what he had just done.

"Awwww, the poor slut already misses my dick from his mouth." Ben said in a typical condescending tone while jacking off furiously in front of Jimmy. Jimmy sat there transfixed on Ben's rapidly moving hand his stiff cock.

"Ohhhh I'm gonna do something I've wanted to do for a long time..." Ben said with a look of sheer sadistic satisfaction on his face.

Ben positioned his dick directly in front of Jimmy's face and let out a low massive groan that Jimmy had come to identify with as Ben's orgasm growl. Jizz rocketed out of Ben's red cock and fired all over poor Jimmy's face. Ben's jizz was thick and red hot. It made Jimmy's face boil, but it wasn't just there. It was in his nose, it was in his eyes, it was coating his hair. How had Ben even worked out ANOTHER load that huge anyways? He tried to open his eyes but the cum burned. All he could do was listen to Ben howl with laughter.

"That has to be the best thing ever. Totally worth waiting for." Ben signed to himself.

"Your little fucking punk ass face covered with a fresh load straight from my dick," Ben laughed, "Does it get any better.

As the cum started to drip Jimmy could open his eyes a little better as he saw Ben snapping away more pics of his degradation.

"OK, I guess it's time to let you off." Ben sighed as he walked over to the hamper, picking out another crusty jock started to clean off his cock.

"It's time to get ready for bed." Ben walked over to Jimmy and showed him all of the cum he wiped off his cock.

"You could of had this in your belly if you weren't such a smart ass." Ben lectured the captive slave.

Jimmy sat there with tears in his eyes. The cum on his face was cooling off and now he just felt stupid and ridiculous. Something Jimmy was sure Ben had intended for. He looked up at black jock strap. How many of these did Ben have anyway? After Ben was satisfied Jimmy had inspected the dirty, raunchy jock, he turned around and started wiping the sweat of his ass up with it, making sure to press especially hard up and down his asscrack.

"Now it's all ready for you Jimbo. Welcome to flavor country princess." Ben said as he rubbed the rank jock all over Jimmy's face.

Jimmy moaned in disgust, but also in sheer, sex deprived agony. The young stud now began to associate the smell of crotch, taint, balls and ass with pleasure. Once Ben had wiped up most of the cum, he set the jock aside. He then went over and grabbed the spreader bar which he had set by the door and brought it over to refasten to Jimmy's ankles.

"Can't have you running away. I think you're starting to get it now though don't you. I'm prepared for any little pathetic attempt at escape you try." Ben warned as he clicked the lock of the spreader bar.

Jimmy pondered what he meant by that when he felt the restraints on his neck and wrists loosen. Ben released him from his stockade prison. Jimmy fell to the floor. He layed there face down panting.

"When are you going to let me go?" Jimmy asked trying to catch his breath.

Ben knelt down and clapped Jimmy's wrists together behind his back, he was met with absolutely no resistance. Jimmy was beyond exhausted. Ben placed Jimmy's hands in iron manacles and snapped the locks tight. He ran the chains down Jimmy's legs and fastened them to Jimmy's ankles as he removed the spreader bar restraint, being careful to still restrict Jimmy from moving and giving him any chance for resistance. Once Jimmy was properly chained up to Ben's satisfaction, Ben put the key around the same keychain that held the key to Jimmy's chastity padlock. He smirked to himself at that fact before he hauled Jimmy up to his knees.

"Here's some water, drink bitch." Ben informed Jimmy as he helped the chained stud drink a big glass of water. Jimmy happily gulped it down. It was the first actual kind gesture Ben had done.

Ben had no intention of permanently hurting Jimmy. Some of the changes he would inspire may be permanent, but in Ben's opinion Jimmy was born to be a cock slave. The fact that he was dating HIS stepdaughter was insulting. Jimmy should be exactly where he is, coated with cum, in chains naked and a slave to Ben's dick.

Jimmy finished the water and Ben set it down.

"Time to gag you Jimmy. It'll be a nice chewy one so you're jaw won't get to sore in the night. See what a nice master I am." Ben teased.

"Please...Be...Master!" Jimmy quickly corrected himself.

Ben allowed it. It was too adorable that this kid was turning already.

"Please don't gag me...I won't yell." Jimmy pleaded.

"Oh It's not that." Ben said as he slowly kneeled right next to Jimmy and whispered in his ear, "I like knowing your sucking my ball sweat down your throat all night long."

Ben's hot breath and harsh words made Jimmy shudder. The freak was going to put that soggy jock back into his mouth.

"Let's use this one," Ben said as he picked up the black jock he had wiped his ass on.

Jimmy shuddered again. Tasting Ben's ass? An area so intimate had never even crossed Jimmy's mind. Now it was going to be marinating in his mouth all night long. Yesterday that would have almost made Jimmy puke. But now that he was completely locked into a state of perpetual arousal, it just made him softly moan as if in a trance.

"I think it still needs something else. Something that says how much of a fag I'm going to make you." Ben mused.

He stood up and started pacing the room, "This cabin is supposedly getting worked on. Between April's madre switching her daughter to a school to prepare her for college has allowed this little home away from home to fall off the wife's attention."

"So I rent it out," Ben continued, "For instance, I rented it to my younger brother for cheap."

Jimmy's heart started beating faster. Where was this going? He moved the chains behind him. They were heavy. He had more flexibility but the chains felt more permanent, and inescapable.

"Last night in fact." Ben said, "He must of had a good time. Probably fucked some skank. But the thing I like about my brother is how predictable he is."

Ben started back towards Jimmy, picked up the jock and dropped it on the ground right in front of the chained up stud.

"He just turned 32," Ben said kneeling back down so he could be face to face with Jimmy, "He's a stud like me bitch, you'd be begging for his cock to."

Ben reached into his pocket and pulled out something.

"So let's give you a head start!" Ben smiled has he took a used condom, presumably from Ben's younger brother and poured the gooey contents all over the already raunchy gag that was to be Jimmy's dessert for the night.

"There, all better!" Ben laughed.

Jimmy's mouth was open in shock. It wasn't exactly a fight to get the jock in and start wrapping duct tape around the boy's face. Once the taste hit Jimmy's brain he snapped. So many flavors saturated him. He mindlessly followed along as he chewed on the gag, moaning in both plesure and disgust as Ben's cum mixed with his brothers and fell down Jimmy's throat.

Ben took Jimmy into a large bathroom and pushed him towards the toilet, "Don't want little Jimmy wetting himself tonight." Ben teased him while slapping his ass causing Jimmy to moan incoherently.

Ben sat Jimmy on the toilet. The toilet lid was freezing on Jimmy's ass cheeks. He was confused at first. He just had to piss. Why was he sitting?

"Fags sit on the toilet like bitches, Jimmy." Ben informed him, "You can't even get hard, so I'm afraid you sit on the toilet from now on."

Another burn that shamed Jimmy. He should be used to them by now but at this point but every one of them seemed to be just as effective as before at crushing the slave's psyche. Luckily, Jimmy didn't have to sit there long as his need to piss was pretty pressing. He unleashed a huge torrent of piss that sprayed easily out of his chastity cage. Ben didn't even have to take it off. He informed Jimmy that he may have to clean it out tomorrow but not to worry, Ben would make sure not to let him cum as he smiled and helped the gagged boy out of the bathroom.

Ben led Jimmy into the main room. He pushed into a wall and a storage compartment popped open. Inside was a steel cage. It looked like it would be big enough for a big dog. Or in this case, it was perfect for Jimmy. Ben reached over and swung the cage door open.

"In you go, slave." Ben ordered as Jimmy whined but complied as he bent over and crawled into the small cage.

Once Jimmy was inside, Ben reached in and put a leather hood over the jock gagged boy. He used a padlock to lock the hood to Jimmy's collar so there was no way he could get it off. Ben proceeded to then slam the cage door shut and padlock it as noisily as possible so Jimmy was aware of his fate.

"Night night fag, Maybe you'll get to cum tomorrow." Ben laughed as he walked out of the room and shut out the light.

Jimmy sat in his cage and cried into his gag. He couldn't see anything but blackness. The only sensations present was the taste of Ben's jock his Master had taped in his mouth, the smell of it and the strong cage bars Jimmy felt as he hobbled around the small confines of the kennel.

The first hour that night Jimmy was hopelessly trying to put all of his weight into the cage door. Maybe the cage was faulty, maybe Ben didn't lock it correctly. Jimmy had to try, but after working up quite a sweat bracing his back to the door and pushing off the side of the cage with his chained, bare feet, Jimmy realized the cage would hold him until his Master, Ben, decided to let him go.

It was strange. In his head now he even referred to Ben as his master. Jimmy tried to not think of him that way, but what could he do. Ben had taken the straight stud jimmy and turned him into a lowly captive that begged for cock and cum. It didn't even escape Jimmy's attention that he enjoyed chewing on the gag just a little bit. What was happening to him? These thoughts plagued Jimmy, locked away in a hood and sealed away from the world. Eventually, Jimmy drifted off into a deep sleep.

The next morning Ben got an early start out. He didn't even bother waking up his slave. He ate breakfast, showered and got dressed. He stopped for a moment to admire what Jimmy had become: naked, collared, gagged, hooded, chained and caged. Ben had dreamed of getting Jimmy like this. Now it was a reality. He smiled to himself as he finished his coffee, collected his things and left Jimmy in his prison.

Jimmy awoke a few hours later, about 10AM, not that he was are of that. The cabin phone was ringing and ringing. It stirred Jimmy to try and move. He tried to move his hands to touch his face, but the strong iron manacles kept him in place. Once again, Jimmy realized his fate. He sat there and moaned and screamed into his gag, but nobody came to help.

The phone rang again. No one answered, but this time it rang long enough for an answering machine to pick up.

"This is Ben, Ella's and April's cabin...leave a message." The machine played in a typical family friendly message.

"Hi honey, sorry I didn't call last night I'm beat," April's mom said on the phone, "Hope you are having fun fixing up the cabin. Although I think we should just sell the place cheap. I've already had a few people stop by with offers. Anyways I'm calling because April wants to change her phone number so Jimmy can't get a hold of here when he realizes what an idiot he's been. I told her it's OK. I'll give you the number when it's done..."

Jimmy fell to the cage floor. No! It was like fate was working against him to keep him in Ben's control. Who could he get in contact with now? Who would believe him. His only hope was that his parents were starting to look for him.

Another hour past of waiting before Jimmy heard Ben walk through the door. Jimmy was excited to see him. Maybe he would finally let him go. Maybe he would at least let him out of the cage.

"Morning faggot," Ben greeted his slave as he stood over the cage, "I trust you slept well. Time to get you cleaned up, fed and ready for your chance at freedom. Does that sound good boy?"

Jimmy nodded his head several times, causing Ben to laugh. Jimmy had become so cooperative. If only he had been this way originally. Ben could have just broken him by wagging his thick cock in his face.

Ben wasted no time. He quickly dragged Jimmy out of the cage and refastened his wrist cuffs so they were tight and had no flexibility. Ben then attached the cuffs to the back of Jimmy's collar, forcing him into a very uncomfortable positon. Ben then went and busied himself in the kitchen while Jimmy sat there on his knees, ass in the air resting on his head.

Ben came back with what smelled like hot food. Jimmy felt Ben unlocking his hood and collar. Ben peeled off the hood causing light to flood into Jimmy's eyes. He held them shut tightly as he heard a bowl being deposited beneath him. It actually smelled good. Ben ripped off the duct tape on his mouth and around his head and Jimmy spit out the, now much cleaner, black jock that had been coated with Ben and his brother's cum. Once Jimmy's eyes fully adjusted he looked down to see some oatmeal, and waited patiently to be released to eat it.

Ben saw this, and corrected his slave, "Oh sorry Jimmy, slave's don't get to use their hands. Now eat up because you've only got five minutes."

Jimmy knew Ben wasn't kidding, plus he was starving. He situated his chained body so he could lick the oatmeal up like a cat. But this wasn't a good way of getting the food at all. Finally when Ben yelled out "Two Minutes!" Jimmy dove in with his whole face and started scarfing as much as he could down.

"Time's up!" Ben announced as he slide the food away from his chained up captive, smirking as he walked back into the kitchen to put bowl in the sink.

Ben hurried back over to where Jimmy was kneeling. His face was caked in oatmeal, exactly the way Ben had wanted. Jimmy looked like an idiot, like a baby who couldn't even manage to eat a meal without looking like a fucking disgrace. Just seeing him like that made Ben's dick grow rock hard. This boy was going to be such a slut for it too. It was already happening. Jimmy was succumbing to his natural need for cock, and Ben was prepared to show Jimmy just how much he'd endure to cum.

"Don't you look pretty," Ben said as the oatmeal clung to Jimmy's disgusting face.

Jimmy sat there in his naked humiliation while Ben took more pictures with his phone. Jimmy felt like he was on display, which technically he was for his one-man audience. Ben took pictures of all angles of the manacled stud. Taking in Jimmy's nice ass, lean body and imprisoned teen cock.

Rubbing his hard dick through his tight jeans was driving Ben crazy, but he didn't want to cum just yet. He had plans for his slave today, and it was now just warm enough outside for Jimmy's next little adventure.

Ben released the slack on Jimmy's manacles restraints to their standard flexibility and allowed Jimmy to stand. He guided the hobbled youth slowly back over to the bathroom. Jimmy was in a daze. How long would he have to put up with this for. He felt like he was watching himself outside of his body. Ben unlocked the manacles from Jimmy's extremely sore body and set them on an end table.

"You're going in the bathroom. I've got you by the fucking leash," Ben yelled as he tightened Jimmy's leash to emphasize his point, "Don't fuck around. Get showered, piss, whatever you got to do you will do under my supervision!"

What followed was one of the most humiliating experiences of Jimmy's life so far. Ben did everything. He brushed Jimmy's teeth. He made Jimmy piss and shit while he waited in the bathroom. He put Jimmy in the shower and cleaned him, really cleaned him. Ben had spent time in areas that Jimmy had never even considered. He paid special attention to shooting a ton of water far up Jimmy's ass to ensure it was clean. Next, Ben dried the youth off and drug him by his collar through the house and out into the open air.

As Jimmy obediently marched behind him. He looked around and saw he was in the middle of nowhere. The road wasn't even visible, he would have to run butt naked down the gravel driveway for a quarter mile before he even got somewhere. He'd been to April's cabin before. It wasn't exactly a place that was close to anywhere. One thing he did notice was that his truck had been relocated there. Probably to ensure that no one got suspicious if they found his truck in the forest preserve.

"Yep I've been busy thinking of ways to torture you slut..." Ben said as he closely drug Jimmy along, "but this could be fun for both of us. I'm guessing you still really want to cum."

Jimmy breifly glanced down at his imprisoned cock. Freshly cleaned out but still trapped, he wanted to cum alright. He'd been teased and given whole new pleasures. The load that was building in Jimmy's balls was massive and he wanted to spray it everywhere.

Ben drug Jimmy through the front yard towards singular large oak tree. Jimmy could faintly make out the farm road cutting through the tree line. He heard a car passing or too, but not anyone he thought would notice. The warm sun felt good, but it was still chilly. Maybe 60 degrees and he was out naked.

"So here we are." Ben announced, "I won't use any locks. You'll have a fair chance of escape and to cum."

Jimmy looked around. All he saw was the open field and a tire swing April had probably used when she was younger.

"Crawl through that tire swing bitch." Ben ordered as he forcefully pushed Jimmy towards it.

Ben didn't give Jimmy much choice as he hastily crawled through the tire up to his waist. Ben stopped him and started fidgeting with something in the tire. Jimmy felt something on his waist tighen as Ben buckled him on to the tire.

"I made some adjustments here too." Ben smiled, "But it's easy to undo the harness."

Ben reached and dragged Jimmy's hands over to the harness, which seemed simple enough to unbuckle. He let Jimmy's hands fall back to the ground as Ben walked behind him, admiring the studs naked white ass. Jimmy could easily crawl around but eventually the slack on the rope would cause the tire to pull him back. Ben found it very amusing.

He gave Jimmy a few slaps on the ass to get him to stay still, then he set to work positioning wooden poles with holes on either side between Jimmy's arms and legs. Ben next bound Jimmy to each spreader bar with simple clothesline. It was tight. Jimmy was feeling grim about his chances to escape. However, Ben was true to his word and started unlocking the young stud's cock cage.

"Please Be...Master...please let me cum.." Jimmy moaned, remembering what he was to refer to Ben as at the last moment.

Ben didn't seem to mind this slip up as he released Jimmy's thick 7'' cock from it's prison. It was fully hard in an instant Stretching with its new freedom, Ben could've sworn the thing was smiling.

"Alright now, a couple things..." Ben started has he forced a large penis gag into Jimmy's unsuspecting mouth and buckled it securely and tightly behind his head.

"You don't need to talk for this fag," Ben said strolling behind him.

Jimmy began to sweat bullets. What was he going to do. He felt Ben's cold, moist hands playing with his exposed ass. The bar his ankles were tied to kept him in a perfect doggy style position on his elbows and knees. The tire swing kept his ass swinging. He probably looked like a buffet to the country hicks around here.

"MMMMMFFGGG!" Jimmy moaned and cried into his gag as he sucked the pecker like a pacifier.

Ben smirked as the boy's thrashing only succeeded in causing his exposed ass to wiggle like a little whore. His hard cock swinging in the afternoon air. The poor little slut wanted to cum so bad. He started finger fucking him with a spit lubed finger. Jimmy went bananas with pleasure. Moaniing like an idiot into his gag. Ben had enough of that and started to work an even larger butt plug into Jimmy's ass. The increase of pressure caused Jimmy's dick to soften to a half hard state, and his ass felt extremely full when the new invading plug locked into place.

"Almost done Jimmy boy..." Ben sighed as he reached around and carefully placed two alligator clamps on Jimmy's easily accessible nipples.

The new sensation of the biting teeth on his sensitive nipples made Jimmy howl and thrash. Ben had quickly backed up so the bucking teen wouldn't knock him over. He was thrashing around and swinging back and forth on the tire. He didn't get far but boy did he look pathetic.

"Ok Jimmy. You've got 30 minutes, " Ben said as he threw Jimmy's truck keys into the yard in front of him, "Get free and you can go free, cum and do whatever."

Jimmy started furiously trying to reach the rope tying him to the wooden pole. Moaning uncontrollably into his gag as fear and panic set in. He began to wonder what would happen if...

"If you DON'T get out. Then I'll come back here. Take out that new butt plug and fuck you right here in the yard. I'll cum up and breed your tight hole too. The choice is yours Jimmy. I hope you get free. Cause there are consequences when you have the honor of being my fucktoy." Ben instructed the terrified boy as he walked back into the house.

Jimmy felt alone. The cold air making him shiver. He was exposed and out in the open. The sounds of nature everywhere, but no civiliation. No one could help him. He decided to focus on his wrists. For ten solid minutes. He stretched and contorted his fingers in impossible positins but could not seem to reach the knots that held him to the pole, thus preventing him from unbuckling his gag, undoing his legs or even taking off the nipple clamps biting into him.

The pain distracted him from his need to cum...for awhile.. Before long the constant swaying of his full cock and balls and the pressure on Jimmy's prostate began to take effect. Jimmy noticed if he swayed his ass back and for the pressure on his hole made his cock throb. That combined with the sensation he got as he sucked on the rubber cock head and the feeling of pain on his nipples began to drive him wild.

Ben watched from inside the house. He had placed a digital camera out there and was recording Jimmy's slutty performance. The poor horny kid wasn't even trying to escape anymore. He was just trying to cum.

Time ticked away as Jimmy's cock began to leak like a faucet. He was actually getting off without touching it he had to cum so bad. It was throbbing. It felt so good, the feeling of being exposed, tied and the pressure in his ass. He was driven into a frenzy. Moaning not from fear, but from pleasure.

"MMf..MMf...MMMf" Jimmy kept repeating as he bucked his ass into the air.

Ben snuck up on him. He didn't want to disturb the show. Slowly, he crept up to Jimmy wearing noting but work boots. The exposure made Ben rock hard too. Something about fucking a slave in the open air was a huge turn on.

"Time's up! Slut! Now we turn you into my complete fag slave!" Ben shouted as Jimmy snapped awake, now aware that he had squandered his chance by riding a butt plug.

To be continued.

Thanks for reading. If you have any comments please let me know. I?d like to continue on the story. Also if you want check out my tumblr at

Next: Chapter 4

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