Girlfriends Stepdad Kidnaps Me

By Z

Published on Nov 25, 2014


Girlfriend's Stepdad Kidnaps Me Part 2

Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Author's note:

This is my first story. So I welcome all feedback. Thank you so much! Also, please remember to donate to nifty. It helps keep it going and I've read a lot of awesome stories on here. Finally, thank you all for the great compliments I got from my first story. I know it was far from perfect but I really enjoyed writing it.

Last time: Jimmy was abducted and transported back to a lonely cabin in the middle of nowhere by his girlfriend's step dad. He masterminded a breakup via text between the couple, giving him plenty of time to restrain Jimmy butt naked to a ladder and allowing him one shot at freedom, if his gagged protests can draw attention from the autodialer that is randomly calling, unbeknownst to Jimmy, all of Ben's bondage contacts.

Part 2

Jimmy watched as the seconds ticked by on the autodialer's clock. While he had been tied there, hopelessly gagged, drool was slipping down from his mouth and forming a nice trail down to his imprisoned teen cock drenching his brown pubic hair and heading down into his taint. His bonds were perfect. He flexed and pulled with all of his strength but the ropes held him firm.

Speaking of firm, his cock was straining against the tight encasing prison of the chastity device. He stared down at it, at the lock holding his favorite part of his body hostage. He used to be pulling at the ropes, trying to twist his way free in an attempt to get out of this nightmare. But as time passed and the butt plug stuffed in his tight ass started to not feel so unwelcome he got hornier and hornier.

After hour 1 he started clenching his butt cheeks together at each impulse as his cock throbbed in the plastic prison. The first hour after Ben left was spent pleading, begging through his gag to each person the autodialer connected to. Soon he began to realize he'd have to get out of this himself, get to his phone, explain everything to April and have her fag step dad thrown in jail. He'd probably like it there anyways.

As his predicament entered the second hour he was just making incoherent moans as the butt plug kept him wanting for release, not freedom. He wanted to cum...BAD. His balls felt like they were bulging. He needed to touch his dick. Jimmy wanted to grab on to his thick cock and play with his big nuts until his dick exploded with a big load of jizz all over himself. He couldn't stop thinking about it and trying to move his hands to at least try and pull the chastity device off. It was annoyingly frustrating for him.

"mmmelfff..." he kept babbling through his gag to the empty room.

The autodialer frequently picked up his pathetic moans. The guys on the other end heard them. In fact, they clearly heard them. Jimmy realized they could hear someone on the other end. But these fucking idiots couldn't put it together that he needed help! How stupid was this town anyways? Some of the people actually asked him to speak into the phone clearly. If they only knew...

What Jimmy didn't realize is they did know. They knew full well a bound stud was pleading through his gag on the other line. They enjoyed it. Jerked off to it. They loved hearing him plea. Other callers who connected to him later in the night of his captivity also loved hearing his cum starved begging. The autodialer cycled between 80 different contacts of Ben's. Jimmy didn't even realize he was hearing the same voices. The captive nineteen year old was lost in a haze of his horniness.

Ben returned four and a half hours later. Waltzing in whistling the theme song from the Simpson's. As he came through the door Jimmy jumped in his tight bonds. Ben noticed this.

"Miss me slut boy?" Ben asked in his traditional mocking tone.

Jimmy's struggles went from horny pleading to angry rage as he mumbled every curse in the book at Ben.

"Yea you're one tough kid. Tied up all naked with a butt plug lodged in you, moaning into a big blue ball gag and drooling all over yourself, I like the look of your locked up cock though. It's just where you belong you little bitch."

Jimmy struggled harder with the ropes but got nowhere. His horniness was driving him crazy, he couldn't get away, couldn't touch his dick, all he did was sit there as Ben walked over to him.

Ben leaned behind the bound stud and started freely inspecting the butt plug as Jimmy looked around in disbelief that this was happening to him. Ben's fingers started probing into the boy's ass with no regard to Jimmy's pathetic muffled pleas for Ben to just let him go. His sly spit lubed fingers got right up into his hole and started to pull the butt plug out of the boy's ass.

"Come on, let it go bitch. I know you loved it you little ass slut but It's time for us to have a little talk. " Ben said as the plug plopped out of the boy's butt.

Jimmy's eyes welled up with tears and his face was flush with embarrassment. He had enjoyed it. He knew he did. He loved it. In fact the thought occurred to him to play with his ass when he was jerking off should he ever get free - a thought that had never even crossed his mind before. Some of his buddies had told him they like when their girls play with their ass as their sucking them off, but April hated sucking dick.

He was woken up from his day dreaming as his ropes around his chest loosened. Ben started untying him. Maybe he would be getting out of this after all. He thought maybe he could fight his way out. Ben was pretty jacked but maybe he could get away. His strength was pretty low after hours of struggling, but Jimmy knew all he had to do was run free. Hell, he'd break out naked if he had to.

"Lean forward and put your hands behind your back." Ben barked as he pushed Jimmy's head towards the ground and forcefully bent him over.

"We both know you ain't going to fight me off. Not while you're bottom half is still tied to this ladder. Plus I've got the key to your little cock cage. Although if you want I could call our locksmith...he's a friend of mine for stuff like this." Ben laughed as he began to tightly tie Jimmy's wrists together behind his back.

Jimmy sat there, willingly letting this happen. His arms were exhausted. He couldn't fight his way free with his legs still tied. Ben had a tight grip on his wrists too. There would be no getting free right now. Ben's burly arms grabbed Jimmy's bare shoulders and pulled him into a standing position as he started to retie Jimmy's arms together.

"this way we can get you easily set up in your new spot bitch. I've been working all day setting up our weekend." Ben explained to Jimmy, still gagged and drooling with fear in his eyes.

"Mmmmphhh ou monna phh" Jimmy pleaded.

"I can't understand a word bitch, but look at the pretty necklace I got you." Ben laughed as he went and retrieved a leather dog collar from his duffle bag.

Ben walked back to jimmy who was still half-bound to the ladder but trying to struggle with the ropes by moving and pulling at his wrists.

"Now.." Ben started as he began putting the new collar around Jimmy's neck and locking it with a new padlock. The collar had a D-ring in the front which Ben attached a chain leash to.

"You're all ready for me to untie your legs. A word of caution, once untied you will immediately fall to your knees and put your head down. If you don't follow my instructions to a `T' you will be punished." Ben warned Jimmy as he started untying his legs.

"I'm going to do my best to train you into a nice little cock slave but you're going to have to work with me. Don't worry though I won't ask too much. Even you will be able to pull it off," said Ben as he freed one leg.

With the other leg still tied, Jimmy stood there pulling at his wrists and arms. He knew he couldn't get free. Ben had a grip on Jimmy's new leash. The collar was tight on his neck. The ropes around his other leg began to loosen and once Jimmy was free he fell to his knees out of sheer exhaustion moaning and crying into his gag at his disappointment with himself in not even being able to make an attempt at trying to get free.

"That's a good little whore..." Ben said as he rustled Jimmy's shaggy brown hair, " But I said head down!"

Ben pushed Jimmy's head down. Jimmy complied, staring at his drool fall onto the rug he was kneeling on. He began testing his legs. He knew he could probably stand up, but he might fall over. His legs felt like they were waking up from a coma. He rationalized that he might as well sit here, like Ben was ordering him to. He didn't even look up when he heard the sounds of a zipper and clothes rustling.

Ben slipped off his dirty jeans and took of his sweatshirt and undershirt. His body was pretty sculpted. All of the hair in the right places: lightly coating his toned stomach, dark brown pits to match his hair. Jimmy himself had always figured Ben to be more of a trophy husband. But Ben seemed to be a little more than that now.

He stutted over to Jimmy and confidently set his proud masculine feet on the floor right where Jimmy was staring off into space.

"Like what you see faggot?" Ben asked.

This got Jimmy angry and excited as he tried to get up and curse Ben out. But he simply fell back into a kneeling position, causing Ben to laugh.

"I told you faggot I already thought you were a tough guy. Trust me I'm terrified." Ben's sarcastic words cut into Jimmy as he slowly began to realize he might not ever escape this. He hung his head down and sat there on the floor in defeat. Not completely satisfied, Ben pushed his head to the floor.

"This is a proper slave stance, head down, naked, collared, leashed and tied up with your slut ass sticking out to tease me," Ben sneered, "But unfortunately you didn't follow my directions, so now you have to be punished."

Ben forced Jimmy into a standing position by tightly grabbing his collar before walking him into an adjoining TV room. Ben ushered Jimmy over to the coffee table, and laid him down on his stomach so that his head was facing the couch and his ass was facing the TV. Ben quickly set to work binding Jimmy's naked thighs and knees to the legs of the coffee table, forcing him into an all fours position. He further restricted Jimmy's movements by tying Jimmy's ankles to either end of a metal bar.

As Ben put it, this would keep his ass nice and exposed so it could be trained better. To pull his new spot together, Ben tied a rope from the front of the coffee table to Jimmy's collar, making it very difficult for Jimmy to do anything but look straight ahead as his gag once again began causing him to drool all over the table. Ben applied more ropes around his shoulders and his chest, finally stopping to admire his work. Jimmy was sprawled out very nicely. He struggled with no hope of release, and it was making Ben's cock rock hard thinking about how long he had wanted to put Jimmy exactly where he belonged.

"Be right back, stud," Ben mocked as he once again left Jimmy to sit and `enjoy' his new position.

Jimmy's movements were very little. He tried using his tongue to force the ball gag out but it was in there too tightly. The cool air on his naked body made him feel pathetically exposed to Ben's merciless taunts and teasing. The room was windowless, a make-shift movie theatre with some subtle lighting. The room had two doors, one they had both entered and one Ben had disappeared to.

Ben didn't leave Jimmy in his bonds long before returning. Jimmy groaned as he realized the next phase would be starting, much to Ben's delight. He sauntered over to Jimmy and began to unbuckle the ball gag.

"You can scream all you want stud, no one will hear you and it will only lead to more punishment. In fact, before I take this off..." Ben started before unleashing a hail storm of hard slaps to Jimmy's naked exposed ass.

"DON'T! FUCKIN! EVER! DISOBEY! ME! BITCH!" with each angry word Ben screamed out another hard ass slap fell on Jimmy's exposed flesh. He cried and begged into his gag as Ben landed twenty hard strokes on each cheek. By the end of it Jimmy was begging for Ben to stop. Not that Ben understood it all.

"Ready to be a good, quiet boy now?" Ben asked as Jimmy furiously shook his head yes.

"Good boy. Like I told you bad boys get punished, and believe you me I can make it a lot worse than some mildly burning ass cheeks. So keep that in mind," said Ben as he threw another duffle bag on the couch in Jimmy's view.

"The next game we're going to play shouldn't be painful at all," Ben explained as he finally loosened the ball gag off Jimmy's mouth.

Jimmy was ecstatic with relief. The ball gag had done its work on his jaw. He moved it around as best as he could to try and get the soreness to go away. Other than that he stayed silent as his ass was still on fire and there was no way he'd be able to get free from how tightly Ben had tied him. He could only turn his head a couple inches to each side. But what had this sick fuck had planned for him now. Jimmy didn't realize it but deep down, part of him wanted Ben to make him cum. Fuck, he deserved it with all of the shit he'd been through. All of the teasing, tormenting he'd been through.

"Pay attention now Jimmy, I know it's easy for a slut's mind to wander off but this next part is a question and answer period. And while I don't necessarily want you chewing on that rubber ball gag like some dumb dog I don't technically need or want you to speak. So close your eyes and open your mouth very wide. You have three seconds to comply or the punishment will be very severe." Ben threatened.

Jimmy didn't even think. He silently closed his eyes and slowly opened his mouth.

"Very good boy! You must like the gags I use. This one's a little different though." Ben said as he stuffed a slightly moist piece of cloth in Jimmy's mouth.

"MMmmff...MMMMFFF!" whined Jimmy as he realized he was being gagged with Ben's well-used sweaty jock.

"Mmmmm mmmmm bitch!" Yelled Ben as he held it in Jimmy's mouth, "No spitting out now. That still counts as punishment."

Jimmy's eyes welled up with tears as the flavors of the jock began to seep onto his tongue and down his throat. The taste of ball sweat coated his mouth, much to Ben's pleasure as he held the boy's held still and began to wind layer after layer of duct tape around the boy's head to seal the jock tightly in the young stud's unwilling mouth.

"Suck that clean for me, I've got a few around here but that's the one that needs it. I lifted all last week wearing it, and even ran three separate 10 mile runs wearing it." Said Ben with an epic smile as he stood in front of the gagged boy rubbing his obviously huge dick through his boxer briefs.

Jimmy couldn't stand it. He pulled and pulled but his bonds were tight, and the gag wasn't coming off. Ben added insult to injury when he sat right in front of Jimmy on the coffee table, strattling the 19 year old's young face between his powerful, hairy legs and forcing him to only look at Ben's full package trapped in the sweaty briefs he was wearing. The smell was everywhere, a manly, musky scent that went up Ben's nose and added to the taste of the jock taped securely into his mouth.

"So I guess you're thinking I'm pretty fucked up eh Jimmy?" Ben asked him.

"Well you might be right," he continued, "But I've finally got you here. You're in my control now. You're my complete bitch. Do you realize that?"

Jimmy tried to shake his head no, but Ben's legs held him in a vice-like grip, trapping his nose to Ben's package. Being gagged the way he was, Jimmy had no choice but to take full breaths of Ben's masculine scent, which to Jimmy's surprise was not terrible. It was like being in a locker room, and it got his blood moving. Jimmy started to unconsciously hump the coffee table a little bit, grinding his imprisoned dick on it. It wasn't going to get him off, but it helped take his mind off his present situation.

"So Jimmy, if you do what I say I will give you another chance to escape your fate. Sound good?" Ben asked him in a genuine manner.

Jimmy's ears perked up and started shaking his head yes.

"Hey, slow down on my crotch there whore." Ben teased, making Jimmy realize again that his face was buried in Ben's slightly clothed dick and balls.

"First, you have to EARN that chance." Ben cautioned Jimmy as he pulled out a leather crop (or to Jimmy a big stick with a funny leather thing on the end) and set it in front of him on the table.

"Your goal would be for me NOT to use this." Ben explained to the bound boy, "However I'm sure you'll force me to. That's why this part also has a built-in reward for my new whore."

Jimmy didn't understand why he thought he was going to keep being able to call him a whore. All he needed was one genuine chance to escape and he was going to take it. He didn't need this bull shit. Soon Ben would be locked away and hopefully smelling some prison's dudes underwear instead of forcing it on him.

Ben leaned over and started playing with Jimmy's ass again, picking up something out of sight and gently started playing with Jimmy's ass – kneading it and lubing it up. Jimmy felt pressure on his hole as he screamed into his jock, causing more jock flavored saliva to drip down his throat. Ben pushed the larger butt plug firmly into Jimmy's slightly more accommodating hole and locked it in place.

"This is set to constantly vibrate. I remember someone here liking that." Ben teased as he switched the vibration on. It sent spasms of pleasure all over Jimmy's body as he began to twerk his ass like he was selling it on the streets of Boystown.

"That's my little whore, now the way this works is you get me horny. The way you get me horny is to humiliate yourself more than your slut body is doing right now. So how about showing your new master some respect, sniff my crotch and balls bitch. Take five big whiffs and you get a prize." Ben said as he pushed his crotch further into Jimmy's gagged face.

Jimmy looked up at him in confusion. What pleasure could Ben possibly get from Jimmy sniffing his balls?

"Too long..." Ben cautioned as he picked up the leather crop and began to smack Jimmy's ass cheeks.




Ben kept smacking Jimmy's sweet ass until Jimmy took a huge whiff of the older man's crotch, inhaling all of the masculine flavor that came with it. Jimmy kept it up, four more huge whiffs and he was done.

"Good job, whore." Ben encouraged, "Here's your prize!"

Ben placed an odd plastic apparatus over Jimmy's nose. Not knowing any better and not really having a choice Jimmy started inhaling heavily. A strong, unfamiliar chemical smell filled his nostrils as Jimmy's head was sent spinning.

"This mask helps you take poppers real good Jimmy," said Ben as he held the mask over his new slave's nose.

Jimmy's body was electric. The butt plug, the poppers, hell, even the aroma of Ben's crotch were causing him to fall into an oblivion of horniness. All he thought about was how horny he was. He wanted to cum. He began to moan like a bitch in heat and started clinching his cheeks tightly on the butt plug, as well as suck on his jock chew toy Ben had stuffed in his mouth.

Ben immediately noticed the teen jock was succumbing to his training. Keep a bitch on edge and he will comply with anything. He removed the mask and instructed Jimmy for "10 good whiff" to which the formerly slightly arrogant boyfriend of Ben's stepdaughter happily complied. He was sniffing Ben's balls and hard cock through the thin layer of dirty briefs Ben had been wearing for over two days.

Ben doubled the whiffs until he got to fifty. Each time rewarding Jimmy's compliance with another dose of poppers. Jimmy had never felt like this before. He didn't even notice how aggressively he was snorting up Ben's crotch scent. He didn't care. His whole body felt an immense pleasure and he wanted it to keep lasting. He wanted it bad.

"Looks like someone's a little cum starved huh?" Ben asked pitifully.

Jimmy could not have been more enthusiastic as he heard that question. He quickly shook his head yes over and over again as Ben stood up and started peeling off the layers of duct tape. Once it was done, Jimmy spit out the disgusting jock gag. The residue of the short-lived high of the poppers were still in his head, fogging up his mind. So he didn't even notice a now fully naked Ben sitting in front of him with his big, thick and meaty nine inch dick pointed straight at him.

"Whaa?" Jimmy started to ask through his drugged haze as Ben held the popper mask on the boy's nose again.

Jimmy happily snorted it up. Sending his horniness to new heights as he started at Ben's massive dick in awe.

"Pretty big isn't it faggot?" Ben asked.

"Ye..yea is.." Jimmy replied incoherently.

"Only good faggots get what they want, and good faggots suck dick like the whores they are." Ben explained to Jimmy.

"So if you want to cum, first you lick my dick."

Jimmy reluctantly eyed the huge piece of meat in front of him. His horniness was still fully in control of his body and mind so he slowly stuck out his tongue and slid it around Ben's nice plump cock head. He even got a nice taste of Ben's sweet pre-cum.

"Pretty good bitch..." Ben replied, "Pretty damn good, but if you want to cum you gotta suck this dick like a whore in heat. A cum for a cum. That get's you one big step closer to getting free!"

All of it made sense to Jimmy in his drugged mind. Suck Ben's big, meaty dick. He clearly wanted him to, and then Ben would be satisfied and let him go. Fuck at this point he'd just cut his losses and never speak of this night again. Ben held the poppers mask on Jimmy's nose again as he took in more deep breaths. The ass plug was doing its work nicely and without his briefs on Jimmy was treated to the full forced scent of Ben's manly dick and big bull balls. They were so big, and looked so full. No wonder Ben wanted to get off so much. His poor balls needed to be drained. Jimmy definitely understood that. And his cock actually tasted kind of good. In the end, Jimmy decided to go for it. He looked up at Ben.

"Please sir let me suck your dick. I'll be a good whore." Jimmy said in a daze.

Ben smiled broad, and fed his dick to Jimmy who, fueled by the poppers, took to sucking dick like a pro. Sliding his tongue up and down Ben's mighty dick, Jimmy tried to swallow as much of the thick pole as he could. Ben pumped it in and out of Jimmy's mouth as Jimmy started to moan like he was a true cocksucker.

Ben held on for a while. He wanted to. Looking down at the youth who had stolen his beer, fucked his step daughter and frequently borrowed his car without asking was now his cock whore. Sucking his big dick like there was no tomorrow. If only April could see what Jimmy really was, but she wouldn't. That didn't really matter now though. Jimmy was gulping down his dick so well. The poppers had worked. He was now Ben's compliant little cock sucker, working Ben's dick like he wanted that load.

"Getting close cocksucker..." Ben warned Jimmy, "You swallow every drop now. Earn your freedom. GO on.

Ben kept pumping in and out into Jimmy's very willing mouth. Jimmy had to get him off. He needed to. He wanted to. Ben's dick tasted so good, and as pre-cum leaked down into Jimmy's throat he felt a craving for him awaken. Not only did he want Ben's cum so he could cum himself and earn a chance at freedom. He wanted it so he could get off the manly stud here before him, allowing him to feast on his cock.

"Get ready cocksucker...SWALLOW IT ALL!!!!!" Ben screamed as he pushed his dick deep into Jimmy's throat and fired off multiple shots of creamy cum into the teens belly before pulling back a little bit so he could also fill up the teen's mouth with it.

"Don't swallow yet, Jimmy." Ben ordered, "Pretend it's like mouthwash and slip it all around your slut mouth."

Jimmy eagerly complied. He was so close to finally being able to cum he didn't mind Ben adding a few extra stipulations like that in. He swished the sweet protein all around his mouth for a full two minutes before earning Ben's blessing to swallow it.

Jimmy sat there tied up and continued to hump the table. He was locked into a horny state that only cumming would release him from. Ben sat there with his softening dick still in Jimmy's face as he caught his breath at the sight of his new whore who had performed so well.

"Well Jimmy my boy," Ben said as he stood up with a stretch, "Let's get you ready to cum and then we can talk about letting you go on home."

Ben untied Jimmy's ankles from the spreader bar, and untied the boy from the coffee table, leaving his collar, leash and arms tied tightly up. He picked up Jimmy by the collar and started guiding him to the other door. Jimmy eagerly followed this time. His ordeal was almost over after all. Ben took Jimmy into his private office and began to untie the exhausted yet incredibly horny boy's arms.

"I need to cum sooooo bad Ben..." Jimmy moaned.

"I know you do you little slut." Ben said back with an evil grin.

After Jimmy was untied, Ben went around to unlock Jimmy's collar. He easily took off the lock and threw the collar on the floor at Jimmy's feet. Jimmy needed some help to stand so Ben suggested going and sitting by the computer to let the feeling return to his limbs so he could take off the chastity device. Jimmy walked over and sat by Ben's desk.

"Sit right there under the desk, plenty of room for you to scoot back a bit. Now put your arms up like you're about to stretch." Ben instructed.

Jimmy complied. Bringing his fists up to his shoulders so Ben had better access to his cock prison, but instead of unlocking the chastity device, Ben grabbed Jimmy's head and forced it up under the desk. Jimmy instinctively tried to move away but Ben was too strong and too quick. He moved some part of the desk up under Jimmy's neck and wrists. He had no way of knowing this, but Ben had designed this desk special: to keep someone on their knees, restrained in locking stocks at crotch level.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!" Jimmy yelled at the top of his lungs. He was met with some stinging face slaps until his eyes were heavy with tears as he sat there sobbing.

"Ooooh. I'm sorry about that bitch." Ben mocked his captive.

"Did you really think it was going to be THAT easy? Just one blow job and you get to go back and tell everyone what a good whore you were for the mean owner?" Ben continued.

When Jimmy thought about the scenario that had just played out he realized how easily he'd been tricked. He once again furiously strugged but he was locked in tight, once again also staring immensely close to the dick he just sucked off and happily swallowed all of the cum.

"Nooo..." Jimmy sobbed as Ben fitted a nice spider gag in his mouth, locking it in an embarrassingly open position.

"thaaaat's better whore," Ben complimented, "No more Jimmy, just an open faced cock whore begging for cum."

Ben began using Jimmy's drool to lube up his sweaty dick again as he turned on is computer and started browsing porn sites.

Jimmy was reduced to an object, a simple wet mouth for Ben to casually prod with his finger or tease with his cock. He'd slap his half-hard dick on his face, let precum ooze onto the boy's tongue, and make the new slave boy lick his musky balls as he looked at web sites of boys in similar positions.

"You're going to be my slave, Jimmy," Ben explained with complete confidence, "You are going to learn to love sucking my dick and much much more. You're going to beg for it just like you begged tonight. Soon you may not even care if you cum or not."

"Uuu Eigh ooo," Jimmy muttered pathetically as Ben stuffed his dick back into the defeated boy's locked open mouth.

"You're going to get so much cum in your belly tonight, slave. I'm so fucking horny, and we can stretch out your throat a little bit. You were good tonight, but I need you to be a real devoted cocksucker. My dick deserves that from a bitch like you." Ben said as he began plunging his dick down Jimmy's throat.

Jimmy gagged and gagged. He couldn't escape his fate. Ben played with him like this, taunting and face-fucking him for a full thirty more minutes when he heard the phone ring.

Not even getting up, Ben reached over and grabbed the phone as he made sure Jimmy's mouth was completely stuffed with his huge dick.

"Oh fuck, April's calling. Hold on. Hey sweetie how you holding up?" Ben asked in a nice tone to April on the other line.

Jimmy did his best. He knew this was another chance, maybe not the one Ben was going to offer him but it was one he could take. He mustered all of his strength to say something. But his tongue was trapped, servicing this sweaty beast of a man as he gingerly talked to Jimmy's girlfriend.

"Don't worry, April. You're MUCH better off without that creep if he could do that to you..." Ben said as he locked eyes with his cock-gagged captive.

Jimmy was horrified. He couldn't scream. He couldn't signal April that he was here. He didn't send those text messages. He needed help! All he could do was feel more and more precum drip down his throat as Ben got more and more excited.

Ben started actually pumping his dick back and forth into Jimmy's sputtering mouth as April went on and on and he just added a "yea..." and "right..." in the open spaces.

"Well I think you need a fresh start. It's an awesome school! Just have fun. I'm sure there's tons of better motivated and hey, probably better looking boys than Jimmy. That kid always looks like a mess." Ben said to console his daughter as he smiled down at Jimmy, whose face was coated with spit, slobber and sweat. He looked like a complete gay slut.

"Ok hun, well I'll talk to you later. Yeah I'm working on the cabin. Call me if you need anything." Ben said as he hung up and began to pick up the pace.

"There's no escape Jimmy, you're a cock whore and you're going to be a trained cock whore, now. Swallow! This! Load!" Ben ordered as he rocketed more cum down Jimmy's throat.

To be continued.

Thanks for reading. If you have any comments please let me know. I'd like to continue on the story. Also if you want check out my tumblr at

Next: Chapter 3

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