Girlfriends Stepdad Kidnaps Me

By Z

Published on Jan 9, 2015


Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Author's note:

This is my first story. So I welcome all feedback. Thank you so much! Please donate to nifty. It has decades of good stories up here. Girlfriends Step Dad Kidnaps Me Part 10

Category - Gay Male Authoritarian

Jimmy came to about an hour later. By then, he was in the shed and only saw complete blackness. The men had carried both boys back to their newly setup playroom while the two had been unconscious. They couldn't see it for themselves, but the two were completely restrained, locked in small metal cages side by side. Their ankles, thighs, knees, shoulders, waists, arms and wrists were locked in leather restraints, forcing them in position on al fours within the small confines of the cages. Seven inch dildoes were locked into both boys' asses behind them, every 15 minutes they were programmed to go off, fucking the boys senseless for 10 minutes before resetting.

The tortures weren't all unfamiliar though. As they crawled out of their groggy states, they recognized the familiar strain of their cocks against the plastic cage encasing them. They recognized the stinging pain on their nipples from the alligator clamps that were no doubt waited down again. They even recognized the ball gag just by the shape and the ache in their jaw it created.

Once Jimmy had realized he wasn't able to get anyone's attention. He realized that he heard a voice. Just one voice, it was Ben's. But it wasn't coming from the room around them. It was emanating from Jimmy's ears. Was Ben speaking to him through earphones?

"You are a slave. You are not a man. You are property of your Master, which is me. You are nothing. You are worth nothing and you only exist to serve cock," Ben's voice said in a hypnotizing tone before repeating itself word for word.

Jimmy realized he was hearing a recording Ben had made. He flexed in his bonds and tried to move his head from side to side but he could barely accomplish that. Ben or whoever had bound him far too tight. He couldn't even shake his head enough to dislodge the earphones to cease the seemingly endless recording.

All of a sudden, the dildos lodged in the boys asses turned on. The boys felt the anal invaders go deep, then retract in a constant, remorseless fucking motion that you only get from a machine. Restrained and hooded the way he was, Jimmy could not see, sense or hear Chris struggling in horny lust right next to him, and vice versa.

Once the fucking began, the recording changed, "Feels just like your taking a big thick dick doesn't it? Feels like that's what you are made for? I bet the only regret you have now besides not being able to touch your own pathetic cock is that you don't have another piece of man meat in your mouth to suck on. Don't worry you cock craving faggot, if you are a good slut and stay horny you'll get your reward," Ben's voice said into the recording, before repeating from the beginning, "You are a slave. You are not..."

The recording was adding more and more to itself. The longer it went on, the hornier it made Jimmy as the slave began to back himself up as much as he could to get more of the dildo up his ass. Jimmy didn't know it at the time, but Chris was doing the exact same thing right next to him.

Ben had planned this for Jimmy from the beginning. He had long acknowledged that Jimmy would rebel at times during his training when he would not be present. Ben was a busy man most of the time. He had a wife and step daughter and had other interests besides making sluts like Jimmy beg for his dick, but that didn't mean Jimmy would be just left off the hook, especially in such a crucial point in his training. After Ben, Dan and Max set the boys up in their cages, they left them there to let Ben's program run.

The total recording took just under three hours to play through. Ben deliberately let the recording cycle through another half hour to ensure both slaves were driven stir crazy by their need to cum. When he finally walked back in, the sight he witnessed was clear that he had achieved just that.

Both boys were moaning as loud as they could, blissfully unaware of the other slave or the gang of men entering the shed's door. Ben, Dan, Max, Jake, Phil, and Tyler all entered, shaking their heads in disbelief at what they had turned these boys into.

"Fuck you'd think these little bitches could think of something other than getting their holes fucked, but listen to them," Phil blurted out.

Ben and Max laughed. Phil was right. As the group looked at the boys trying to fuck themselves on the dildo it was certainly clear how much of cock hounds they were.

"Alright boys, let's get these whores set up," Ben said to the hollaring and applause of the crowd as Tyler and Jake left and quickly returned each carrying a cooler full of beer.

Chris and Jimmy had little time to react as the recording suddenly stopped and the dildos fucking them were loosened. The restraints started to give way. For the first time in hours, they were able to relax a bit. The removal of the tit clamps sent them jarring a little bit, but the two were both still very glad to lie on the metal floor of their cages. Unfortunately, their rest was short lived.

"Come on faggots," Dan said as he drug Chris out of the cage, "Time for some real dick."

"They can't hear you dude," Ben laughed, "These hoods keep them completely deaf and blind, "They could step on a land mine and they'd still be the last to know what the fuck is going on."

"Ohhhhh nice," Dan said, dragging Chris who was completely disoriented from the hood over to an open area where reinforced metal hooks hung above him, "Phil, help me get your bitch all roped up."

Phil and Dan bound Chris with his wrists, elbows and arms bound tight behind his back. Next they tied his ankles to his thighs in a mock hog tie. Once he was tied up well enough, the pair began to tie suppport ropes all around him to get him ready.

In a few minutes, Chris was suspended at cock level with both holes open and available. Tyler wasted no time in lubing up Chris's hole, while holding an ice cold beer on the slave's bare skin of course, making Chris yelp into his gag.

"Don't get too excited, slut, you'll get your dick don't worry," Tyler laughed as he slapped Chris's ass to elicit more yelps.

Ben had a different plan in mind for Jimmy. He and Max dragged the equally clueless slave over to a special hand cart Ben had set up for his slave. Before Jimmy was locked into it, it was just a wooden base with wheels and a few leather restraints. Once Jimmy was locked into fist mitts, his gag replaced with an open mouth gag and his ankles and knees fitted tightly into the restraints, the boy was transformed into a roaming blow job machine.

"Feast your eyes, gents," Ben announced, "a fag roomba!"

Ben demonstrated by picking up a leather crop and smacking Jimmy hard on his bare ass cheeks. The stunned boy yelped as best as he could through the open mouth gag and began to blindly crawl around and pull himself along with the cart. Dan blocked his path with his hard eight inch perfect cock ready to be serviced. Jimmy ran into it mouth first.

Dan's big cock forcefully entered Jimmy's gagged mouth before sliding in deeper until it was stuffed in the young man's throat. Dan left it there for Jimmy to gargle and choke on before withdrawing his cock and and using it to slather Jimmy's pathetic face with his own slobber.

"Fuck you look like a new you, cocksucker," Dan said as he snapped a few shots of Jimmy with his camera phone, making sure to get his big dick covering Jimmy's face to emphasize how much of a man he was.

Dan resumed his brutal facefucking of Jimmy, but before he got really into it, he turned to see the guys behind him forming a line behind Chris, with Tyler up first to fuck the boy.

"Why don't you let Max fuck that slut first," Dan recommended, "fuck, he's been the best worker here, and that includes this little slut who could be doing a much better job slobbering on my meat!"

Dan went back to forcing his brother's slave to choke on his cock. The others all felt it was a good idea though. Max had indeed lifted the heaviest stuff and worked a fuck ton faster than the others had. He didn't even drink before the day was done, unlike Tyler and Jake, who pretty much got drunk all day.

"Sure, I'll take this bitch back to slut heaven," Max smiled, "but I want it to hear me."

Ben nodded to Phil, who removed the hood from Chris's head. The sudden flood of light was blinding to Chris, who had to wait until his eyes adjusted to take on the sight all around him. He was hanging in a shed by ropes, as he slowly rotated around he got a full view of what was to be his entertainment tonight. First, he saw the cages where he and Jimmy were undoubtedly housed while the men were gone. As he rotated around he saw Dan face-fucking Jimmy. Chris couldn't help but admire his form and feel jealous of his slave brother. Next he viewed the room was filled with torture devices, most of which Chris did not recognized, the last thing he saw before Max stopped the rope so he was facing his huge foot long dick was the line of guys waiting to fuck him: Max, Phil, Ben, Jake and Tyler.

"Get ready boy, we are going to fuck any memory you have of being a free man out of you tonight," Max proclaimed as he smacked Chris's face with his enormous cock.

Max released the rope from his grip, just the force of his big cock hitting Chris face caused the slave to sway back and forth. Finally after Max got bored with hitting the boy's gagged face, he gave him one good smack to give him a good amount of momentum to swing back so his ass was facing the line. Max then lined up his cock with Chris's trained hole, and rammed it in.

The enormity of Max's cock made even a size queen like Chris cry out into his gag, but it wasn't five minutes before Chris's crying switched to uncontrolled moaning and he was backing his slutty ass back on Max's cock.

"Fuck yea fag boy, you ain't got no choice. You need cock. You were always gonna be a slave to it. We just helped you realize it quicker," Max hissed as he piston fucked the boy senseless.

Chris was indeed in slut heaven. His eyes rolled back in his head as Max's huge dick fucked him like a ragdoll. He had never known a sensation so great. The cum churned in his unrelieved balls. After this week Chris was just as lust-locked as Jimmy. Though he was different than Jimmy. Where Jimmy craved humiliation and serving his masters orally, Chris far preferred to show his servitude by taking cock up his ass hard. Max had been a favorite this week, followed closely by Chris's own brother Phil.

Chris's body jiggled back and forth in his makeshift rope sling as the men watched and arrogantly judged Chris's ability to take Max's mega-dick.

"Take that meat, faggot." Tyler cheered.

"Fuck you little slut, you fucking love that don't you?" Jake chimed in.

All the men were not being serviced were jacking their own dicks, getting more and more turned on, which also made them more cruel to their slaves. Even Dan, who was currently slamming his dick in and out of Jimmy's mouth wasn't satisfied with his whore's performance.

"Time to put this little cum sucking roomba to the test," Dan announced as he blew a huge load of cum all over his feet and onto the floor of the shed, most of which was padded like gym mats.

Jimmy looked around puzzled. Since he still could not hear he had no idea that Dan had blown his load. He only knew that he was now lacking a dick in his mouth. The poor idiot started crawling around blindly as Dan kept creeping up behind him and slapping his ass.

"Aw, poor little fucker can't figure it out yet," Ben laughed, walking up to Jimmy and grabbing him by the collar.

Ben started to remove some attachments around Jimmy's ears. "This way you can order the bitch around," Ben said.

"Good," Dan agreed, "Well faggot, in case you haven't figured out yet you're our cocksucker on wheels tonight. But unfortunately you did such a piss poor job on my cock..."

"Uuhhh Uwwwy Uhhh," Jimmy mumbled through the spyder gag holding his mouth open trying to say he was sorry.

Dan grabbed Jimmy by the collar and laid down ten good hard smackes on each ass cheek until Jimmy was howling like an idiot. Dan backed away panting and sweating.

"Alright Jimbo I'll give you another chance. Crawl around here like the blind hungry cum sucker you are and lick up all my cum that you wasted. Here's a hint, there's a bunch of my cream on my feet. The rest of it is pretty much in between from where your pathetic ass is sitting and where my superior self is standing, so I suggest just licking the floor and groveling until you find it," Dan commanded, laughing at how sadistic it was to make Jimmy perform this new task.

Ben was jerking his dick off fiercely watching his brother discipline Jimmy. Dan had really come into his own this week humiliating and using the slaves. He even had suggestions to Ben about who to use next. Ben was almost sad that his wife was coming back tomorrow night, but given what they achieved in a week he was confident Jimmy would be his whore for as long as he wanted.

Jimmy bent over and extended his tongue out and began to lick the floor all in front of him and slowly inch forward as he covered more ground. Dan made sure to get it all on his phone for jerk off material later. Plus, who knows, maybe someday when he sees Jimmy on the street he can flash the video and make the guy do whatever he wanted all over again. It had certainly been hot using him.

About three fourths of the way there Jimmy reached a giant puddle of cum, which he aggressively began to lick up like it was a reward for his service. Ben and Dan cracked up at how hungry he was for it, and high fived when Jimmy finished and began to crawl forward towards Dan's cum glazed feet.

"Your dinners getting cold fuckwad, hurry up!" Dan ordered.

Jimmy started frantically licking until he finally reached Dan's big toe, which was decorated with a thick glob of cum that had run down the length of his masculine feet. Like a pig, Jimmy grunted and snorted and furiously licked the feet of the man that stood before him, knowing he would never be like that again.

"Lick them clean pig," Dan encouraged him as a big loud groan sounded off from across the room.

"OOOOOOOOOHHHHH FUUUUUUCK!!!!" Max groaned as he picked up his fucking pace and unloaded what felt to Chris like a gallon of semen up his ass.

Max started panting as he came down from the high of his orgasm. Everyone was hot watching him inject Chris with a big load of jizz and all eyes were on his dick as he slowly pulled the monster out of Chris's ass, causing loads of cum to seep out and collect in a puddle on the floor.

"Looks like our little faggot Jimmy has more work to do," said Jake looking at the mess of cum under Chris.

"That'll have to wait," Dan replied, "This little bitch has more work to do. Cause I bet he wants to earn the right to lick me and my brother's ass."

Jimmy nodded his head affirmatively to an obscene amount as he finished cleaning off Dan's athletic feet. No trace of cum was left. Jimmy had licked it all completely clean, event he soles of Dan's feet.

Chris felt completely empty after Max withdrew his cock. His asshole gaped like an empty, spent hole. Max had used him like a slut and now it was the next person's turn to use him. Phil followed after Max. His thick six incher was every bit of thick as Max's, but nowwhere near as long. He shoved it in without much regard for Chris and started pounding away as hard as he could.

Where there was a rythmic sensation to the way Max fucked Chris, Phil fucked like he was a jackhammer. He wanted to fuck his brother into submission. He slapped his ass, reached down and tweaked the boy's abused nipples and objected to Ben offering to take off Chris's cock cage.

"What if we let the boy cum on his last night here," Ben offered.

"Nope," Phil quickly shot back, "This faggot might never cum again. I can assure you he'll stay locked up as long as I own him. Hear that Chrissy? Your pathetic little skinny cock is going to stay locked up and out of your faggot hands. Does that make you feel good?"

The humiliation of his brother using him was driving Chris wild, but he worried at just what Phil had meant by never letting him cum. He couldn't be serious. He HAD to. Didn't he?

Phil almost sensed his brother's thoughts and leaned in to whisper in his ear, "I don't owe you shit. You are going to suck down my cum everyday. You are going to take my dick as much as I want. You will be up to your eyeballs in my jizz, but your dick will never get hard while I own you. And since you no longer have any say in the matter I don't give a fuck what you have to say. I've got more than enough duct tape to keep you from ever speaking out of turn to me again."

Chris shivered at his brother's words and began to struggle. But there was no place to go. The ropes were tied too well. If he wanted out he would have to wait until Phil let his guard down, but the idea of never getting his brother's cock again would be too much for him to bare. He would just commit himself to being a model slave and hope that Phil changed his mind.

About fifteen minutes into Phil's fucking onslaught, he pulled out and went around to Chris's face, undoing the gag and shoving his thick dick into Chris's mouth before he could have a chance to object.

"Mmmm taste your ass, slave," Phil said, "you taste it on your Master's cock. You taste the cum of the last guy who used you? Well we got another guy waiting..."

Phil was interuppted by a knock on the shed. Ben walked over and answered it, not giving a shit that he was completely naked with his big dick swinging form side to side. As the outdoor air poured in Jimmy heard a familiar voice.

"What up man, I brought some pizza over with plenty of sausage for your faggot to feed on," Mark laughed as he shook Ben's hand.

"We need it man, we got two of them here now. And we need a guy to step up and fuck the new one senseless while me and my brother teach our little friend here how to keep his new home clean," Ben said before ushering Mark into the shed.

Mark didn't waste much time. He greeted the other men with warm handshakes as he set a few pizzas down on a table setup next to the beer coolers. Max had taken up position in one of the chairs and was enjoying his second beer when Mark walked in. As Mark passed him, he was very impressed with the dudes monster cock. As he looked around, he noticed everyone had a big dick. These little sluts were sure going to get it tonight..

"Step right up," Phil said as he held Chris on his cock, "This bitch needs his ass filled bad."

"Damn look at that open hole," Mark said as he walked toward the suspended and bound boy while stripping out of his jeans, tshirt and briefs.

Mark's dick was hard instantly. He had been worked up into a horny state all day delivering pizza for lonely single gals. Now he was going to use the bound slave in front of him to fulfill his need to cum, and this whore was going to thank him for the honor. He gave Chris's ass a few playful slaps with his thick slab of meat, working the boy into a frenzy to work Mark's big italian meat into him. After a few minutes of teasing and watching the boy suck on Phil's cock like his life depended on it, Mark shoved his bone up Chris's ass and began to pound away.

Jimmy was still out of sorts with what was going on around him. With the hood locked on, he couldn't see a thing. His hearing was lessened through the hood, but he definitely heard Mark's familar voice. Great, another dick to serve. Jimmy meekly crawled around in a blind fog while Dan and Ben circled him.

"Hey slave, you want to lick your master's hairy ass to show him how much of a bitch you are," Ben said from behind him.

Jimmy turned around and tried to drag the cart and himself over to where the voice came from. The fistmitts made it slightly more difficult, but he slowly made it to where he estimated Ben had spoke up from, but he was gone. Jimmy moaned as a long string of drool fell out of his mouth and clung to his cheek because of the gag.

"Look how fucking disgusting he looks. It's really fitting," Dan said, stroking his throbbing hard dick.

"I know man," Ben replied, "Jimmy Erikson is now my slave. If I wanted to, he'd lick my ass in front of all of his friends to show how much of my bitch he is."

Jimmy was rolling around in circles frantically trying to locate either man to service. Dan and Ben kept circling him. The effect was very disorienting for Jimmy. Finally, he gave up and laid his face down on the floor with his ass sticking up high in the air, still locked into the restraints on the cart.

"Poor little bitch boy wants to sniff some ass doesn't he," Dan mocked the hooded slave on the ground as he towered over him, "Tell you what faggot, you lick up all my piss, you can lick me and my brother's ass before we fuck you."

After Jimmy heard that, it wasn't long before he was hit with a warm stream of Dan's hot piss. He directed his dick so it would stream down Jimmy's back, then he moved so it would hit him in his face and in his mouth to wet his appetite. After he was satisfied that Jimmy was saturated in his urine, Dan left a long trail into a corner of his piss. Once he was done, he walked over, undid the open mouth gag and leaned in to whisper into Jimmy's ear.

"Get to lickin, bitch!" He intentionally yelled before dropping the slave to the floor.

Jimmy didn't even hesitate. He didn't even question. He simply started obediently lapping and slurping Dan's piss off of the shed floor. He wanted to taste the men's asses again so bad. He couldn't control himself. He had to meet their needs whatever they were.

"Fucking pathetic..." Jake sighed as he looked at his former rival.

"Don't worry man, you're almost up with this slut," Mark grunted as he resumed fucking away at Chris's hole.

"Fuck, I'm pretty damn close too!" Phil yelled out suddenly with a big groan, "FUuuuuuuuck!"

Phil ejaculated a truly enormous amount of cum into Chris's hungry mouth, which the boy slurped up like a dyson vacuum cleaner. Chris wasn't even satisfied then, he kept licking away at his brother's softening cock to get any trace of cum or sweat off. Amused, Phil made him suck his balls one at a time to further enjoy the moment.

The sight of this made Mark go over the edge. Soon he was groaning just as loud as Phil before blowing another big load deep into Chris's ass. Mark himself felt something like six powerful blasts go into the boy. And as he withdrew his own softening cock, the slave's ass leaked out more cum into the puddle on the floor.

"Well done pizza man," Phil said smiling, finally taking his balls away from a whining Chris.

Chris was blindsided. He had been fucked everyday since he first submitted, but they never trained him like this. His ass felt drenched and loaded with jizz. His mouth tasted like his brother's balls. And just as Jake began lining up his thick nine incher for the boy to ride on, Chris felt he'd do just about anything to cum.

"Please let me cum Master's, please, I'll do anything. Just let me prove what a good cock slave I can be please," Chris pleaded hysterically to the room, to anyone who would listen.

The men laughed at the bound boy. He was truly in a hopeless situation. Ben loved it. He found it very hot.

"Sorry Chrissy, far as I'm concerned you don't got a cock, or balls. So I can't really fulfill your request to cum once you are my property," Phil explained to the crushed boy.

"That's true, Chrissy," Ben turned to face the hanging slave who looked like some sort of faggot pinata, "I think it's actually my turn if you don't mind Jake. I think I'll keep my place in line and fuck poor Chrissy again. I sure as hell want to cum in it's slut ass. Too bad it won't get to enjoy it as much as me!"

Jake laughed and stepped aside, "No problem, Uncle, He can just lick my cock until I'm ready to mount that little piss slurping bitch over there."

Jake motioned over to Jimmy, who had actually made very impressive progress licking up all of Dan's piss from the floor. He was over halfway into completing his task, being given further incentive from Dan by being smacked with the riding crop if he felt Jimmy's progress was lacking.

Ben strutted over to where Chris was bound and positioned himself in prime slave-fucking position before pushing in his own dick deep into Chris.

"Ohhhh fuck yeah bitch..." Ben sighed.

"Fucking hot man," Jake said as he slowly stroked his dick and walked around Chris, "Bet you been dreaming about tasting my dick haven't you boy?"

"Yes...Sir.." Chris panted as Ben rammed his cock into him over and over.

"I bet you want it so bad you're struggling to remember just what it tastes like," Jake smiled, holding his dick so it was just out of Chris's tongue's reach - which was painfully extended.

"Mmmhmmm Sir," he pleaded.

"Only problem is you tasted so much dick this week you have no clue what mine even tastes like anymore. So I want you to commit this to memory. Lick. Every. Single. Part. You will start by licking my hairy nutsack, and continually reciting how grateful you are to get this opportunity," Jake said in his typical cocky, dominant tone that made Chris not dare disobey him.

Chris again extended his tongue. Only this time he was rewarded with Jake's warm hairy ballsack and ample balls. He dutifully licked up and all around Jake's ballsack as the stud looked down on the whore from his superior vantage. Chris loved the taste of Jake's dick and balls, so he lapped them up like a dog while Ben fucked him hard. During the craziness, Chris realized that this is where he wanted to be, bound and sandwiched between two real men, serving them to the best of his ability with both of his sex holes.

As Ben and Jake used Chris for their pleasure, Dan was getting ready to let Jimmy have the honor of licking his ass. The boy was almost finished with his piss. He had licked the floor fully clean. Dan was impressed at how much of a pig he turned out to be.

"Well slut..." Dan said astounded, "I guess you deserve to eat my asshole after all. Lucky you, its real hot in here so it should make it nice and musky for you."

Dan grabbed the back of Jimmy's head and pulled him deep into his hairy butt. The first thing Jimmy did with his nose crammed up against Dan's ass crack was to take a big sniff of Dan's manly ass. He loved it. He nuzzled it all over to savor it. Dan's dick instantly responded to having his ass worshipped, pretty soon he would need to cum, but not before making Jimmy lick every inch of his ass.

Jimmy was happy to fulfill this need. He slid his tongue all around Dan's ass cheeks to lap up all the sweat that had collected there. Next, he dug his tongue into Dan's ass crack and dragged his tongue up and down the length of it before finally diving his whole face into Dan's hole. He moaned like a bitch as he focused all of his concentration on getting his tongue just a bit deeper into Dan's ass to give the man a bit more pleasure.

While Chris was obedientally licking away at his ball sack and now hard dick, Jake had been watching his one-time highschool rival tongue away at his Uncle's hairy ass. There was no denying how much the little bitch loved it. Jake had made Jimmy eat out his own hole plenty of times over the week. Sometimes Jake wondered if during the ordeal Jimmy's cock would burst out of the cock cage, but it always held firm. Finally, when he couldn't take it anymore, he pulled his dick away from the whining Chris and walked over towards Jimmy.

"You know the drill by now slave, on all fours, ass in the air like a dog and get ready to get dicked," Jake commanded as he knelt down and got ready to fuck Jimmy doggy style.

Jimmy raised his ass and shook it back and forth to further entice Jake to fuck him, as if the guy needed any more encouragement. While Jimmy was lost in the forest of ass hair licking away at Dan's hole, Jake drove his cock deep into Jimmy's ass and used his force to push Jimmy just a little bit further up Dan's butthole.

The scene progressed further when Ben fired his load up Chris's ass. Again, more cum leaked out onto the floor before Tyler took his position as the last man fucking Chris before Ben said they were going to move onto the final act.

Chris was made to suck Max's renewed cock and keep the man satisfied as Tyler started inserting his dick. Before long, Chris was stuffed at both ends, his ass could feel Tyler's hairy balls, meaning Tyler's ten inch cock was buried all the way to the hilt. Meanwhile, his mouth was completely stuffed with Max's huge dick.

Jake and Dan were now switching back and forth between fucking Jimmy and having him like their asses. Both men loved rubbing their ass on the once promising man's face. They had all beaten him, he was their fuck toy now, and obviously enjoyed getting it just as much as they liked dishing it out.

It wasn't long before Tyler shot a huge load up Chris's ass as well. Ben called a short break and drug Jimmy over towards where Chris was hanging.

"Alright fag roomba, clean up all our cum. It's all mixed so you should get a nice taste of all of us," Ben laughed as he shoved Jimmy's stunned hooded face into the big pile of combined cum that had escaped Chris's ass. Stunned as he was, Jimmy hungrily lapped it up just as he did the piss before.

After he was done, Jake and Dan came up and ripped the hood off Jimmy's face, temporarily blinding him with his newfound senses. Jake and Dan weren't done though, watching Jimmy's slutty performance lapping up their friends' cum sent them over the edge and both were ready to blow.

"fuck yea take it you fag!" Jake yelled out as both he and Dan blew massive loads all over Jimmy's young face.

The rest of the man took a break and had a beer. Max and Ben worked quickly to tie Jimmy up exactly like Chris, suspended in the air facing his slave brother with Dan and Jakes cum drying on his pathetic face. Ben picked up something from a shelf and approached the boys waving the strange object in their faces.

"This is a double sided dildo," Ben explained, "It's perfect for cockwhores like you. Each of you get a half. But here's the game, the first one to drop it loses. The winner gets to cum tonight before we finish. The loser..."

Ben trailed off as he held the dildo right in between Chris and Jimmy's embarrassed faces. Were they really going to have to play tug of war with a dildo? Both boys submitted and each took a side of dick into their mouth, moaned in approval at the new humiliation while Ben and Max took positions, Max behind Chris and Ben behind Jimmy.

With both of the boys gagging and choking on the connected dildo, Ben and Max were free to lodge their already horny again cocks back into Jimmy and Chris's exposed buttholes for one last big fuck to close out the night. Ben had just recently cum, and Max was very good at controlling his load, they wanted one of these boys to drop the dick out of his mouth, but they wanted both to work for it. So, on the silent count of three that Ben motioned with his hand, the men began to pound away at their slaves while they moaned helplessly on the dildos and did their best to hold it in their mouths.

The men cheered and jerked their cocks in uncontrollable horny lust at the scene unfolding in front of them. Two bound slaves hungrily sucking on a connected dildo while their masters mercilessly fucked their assholes. The whole gang was rock hard again in no time. While Max and Ben had no intention of cumming early, that didn't stop the group from unloading. Before long, Mark was blasting a fresh load onto Chris's face so he would start to better match Jimmy. Jake followed shortly after. Tyler blew his second big load all over Jimmy to freshly coat his face. Phil struggled to make up his mind but eventually decided to soak his brother's face in more cum.

Ben and Max held out on cumming for a full forty minutes. All parties were rightfully exhausted. Jimmy and Chris were covered in cum and sweat as they did their best to hold on. But as their masters approached a dual climax, it was clear one of them would faulter. In the end, as both men fired their loads up the boys' spent asses, it was Chris who dropped the dick out of his mouth, and Jimmy who held the full weight of the dual sided dildo hanging from his in "victory."


What happened to Chris, Phil and Max - The next morning, after spending the night locked in a small cage with his face covered in cum and more of it leaking out of his ass, Chris was dragged outside, hosed down and bound at the wrists and ankles with plastic zipties. Since he had lost the challenge, he was not allowed to cum, and as Ben passed the keys to his cage over to Phil, Chris truly believed he might never cum again just from the look on Phil's face.

Chris arrived to Ben's cabin in the front seat of the van next to his brother. His ride back would be naked and in captivity. He even signed a fake contract Ben printed up for the brother's that signed over his body and mind over to Phil for as long as he deemed necessary. As Phil and Tyler carried him out to the van, Chris was sobbing at the thought of never cumming. Before they drove away, Phil got pissed and jammed a dirty sock into the boy's mouth before wrapping his head with duct tape.

Chris and Jimmy never saw each other again. Phil got a new job across the country and convinced his folks it would be good for Chris to go with him and get some culture. For three years, Chris was Phil's slave. He kept his apartment spotless, kept himself in good physical condition, and when Phil got home from work every night he was his total slave. Chris cooked for him, retrieved his beer, acted as a foot stool, toweled him off, massaged him, anything he needed. He would of course fuck Chris every night as well.

Throughout his enslavement, Chris was kept naked and made to wear iron manacles that connected his collar, wrists and ankles together. Phil thought it looked hot having his brother in chains, and he loved even more having his cock locked away. Three months into enslaving Chris, he started to not care about cumming. He only wanted to get fucked, and he'd do anything for Phil's dick. He'd lick the sweat off of his entire body after a work out, He'd lick his cum off of his work boots, anything.

But after three years the time came for Phil to move on. He had grown tired of the boy and met a nice woman whom he loved very much. During the periods she was over at his house, Chris was hidden away in a closet tightly bound with zipties and gagged with whatever Phil had used as a cumrap that week. Soon things progressed further, and Phil proposed.

Before moving in with his new wife, Phil gave Chris $5000.00 and told him to get the fuck out of his life and make something of himself. He then handed him the keys to his cockcage and gave him three hours to move out.

Chris new exactly what he wanted to do. He was always a bit of a cock hound and loved getting dicked up the ass. Throughout his life of taking cock, there was one he had still craved even three years after getting it. With some help from Ben, who of course made Chris suck his dick for the information, Chris found himself at the front door of Max's house.

Max lived a solitary life out in the country. He didn't care much for company and liked it quiet. Of course there was some drawbacks to living this way. He never got laid. Not unless Ben invited him over for a sweet pussy boy to fuck.

That day when Max opened the door to find Chris naked, on all fours and begging for his cock, Max knew things were going to work out just great going forward. Soon the boy was collared, leashed and led inside to get three years of pent up cum fucked out of him.

What Happened to Jake - Jake went to college and did very well for himself there. College life was fast paced, and Jake found himself not able to fuck as many of his Uncle's sluts as he would have liked. Before long he too was married with a career that took him far away from his hometown. By the time he had a chance to come back, Dan was married too. Jake heard that Dan and Ben still had their sex cabin out in the country. That weekend Mark had tricked a new college freshman who just started working at his folks pizza joint to make a delivery out to Ben's place.

Dan told him that when he left, the pizza boy was begging to suck both his brother and Mark's dick at the same time. Jake had to sit back and laugh. It was a shame he wouldn't be able to see it. He even asked Dan whatever happened to Jimmy, but Dan hadn't seen the guy in years.

What Happened to Tyler - While most of the guys were settling down, Tyler took a very different road. A few months after training Jimmy and Chris at Ben's house, Ben invited Tyler out again saying that he had one of Jimmy's friends tied up and wanted him to "assist breaking him in with his big dick"

Tyler arrived to see Jimmy hogtied in the front room. His mouth was wrapped with duct tape so he couldn't speak, he just struggled and moaned. Tyler then noticed that Ben had shoved an electric butt plug up Jimmy's ass and turned it up high.

"He disappointed me today," Ben explained before greeting his buddy, "You want a beer man, the other faggot is in back getting cleaned up. I had him shave to look more like a bitch."

"Nice bro," Tyler smiled taking a big gulp before belching as loud as he possibly could.

It wasn't long before Tyler noticed he felt dizzy. His limbs took longer to respond to his commands than normal. And his vision was blurry, much too blurry after just one beer.

"You see Tyler, you ran your mouth at the bar the other night about what we've been up to here," Ben said calmly.

Tyler's blood ran cold. He immediately tried to get to his feet but he only accomplished in falling face first on the floor barely able to move or speak. All he could do was make slight incoherent noises from his mouth. Ben rose to his feet.

"Lucky for you the skank you were blabbing to didn't believe you. She came to me and told me, then begged for a chance at my dick. I let her suck it a little, but you know bitches, can't suck dick for shit," Ben continued, "But cocksucking queers, like the one I'm going to make you into. YOU are going to suck my dick just fine."

Tyler soon found himself hopeless bound and gagged and locked in the cage right next to Jimmy. Jimmy couldn't help but find it humorous how much Tyler rocked back and forth. Trying to expel the gag or buttplug that kept both of his holes shut. Trying to work his way out of the tight constricting ropes. Or maybe just trying to break his cock out of the specially designed cock cage Ben had made for him.

Tyler soon learned to be every bit as good of cockwhore as Jimmy. He practiced on Dan and Mark, who thoroughly enjoyed showing Tyler just what they truly thought of him now that he was a slave. By the time they had finished, Tyler thanked them all for their cocks, and locked himself back up into a dog cage in the middle of the room.

Ben trained Tyler for a month before he was ready to get rid of him. He had it planned from the first day he took him. Ben contacted Tom Ward, the military guy that lived in Tyler's apartment complex. Tom was more than pleased to take Tyler as his personal cock slave. Tyler spent the rest of his thirties sucking off Tom and dozens of his military buddies. Tom was truly sadistic. The only way he'd let Tyler cum is if he did it while eating his ass. He used it as a party trick for his friends to show them just how pathetic his slave was. Soon enough, Tom would have the entire party running a train on both Tyler's holes before the slave found himself locked back in the cage at the foot of Tom's bed.

Eventually Tom kicked Tyler out and he moved out west to lead a less arrogant life.

What happened to Mark - As it happens, Ben really did enslave one of Jimmy's best friends. The boy had started asking too many questions and it just seemed easier to drug him and teach him to worship Ben's cock, ass and whatever body parts he wished. Once the boy was a little more trained he showed him just what he had done to Jimmy.

Just 10 months after enslaving Jimmy, he was a completely programmed sex slave. He barely even recognized his friend Seth in front of him. Seth had swam with him on the team. He had the lightest blonde hair that Jimmy had ever seen, a lean swimmers build, but he was short, and pretty scrawny. Ben made him stumble in naked, tied up from head to toe, ballgagged, and outfitted with a cockcage locked on his dick.

Ben worked closely with Mark to whore out Seth to guys around town. They would call and order a specifc type of pizza, Mark would deliver the pizza, and the bound, hooded and gagged Seth at the door. The dudes would pay for the pizza and a lot of money for a night with Seth. Ben would pick up the slave and set the next one up. Soon they had enough on Seth so he would never talk. They let him go and used the money they earned to send Mark to a nice college.

What happened to Dan - Dan used the sex house just as much as Ben for the first few years, but soon he too wanted something different and eventually settled down with a nice local girl. It was seven years later when Dan ran into his nephew again, already married to an equally nice looking woman.

They laughed about old times and Dan told him about Ben's sex dungeon which he had just started using again. Shortly afterward, Dan found a better position out east, and moved away, only enjoying his brother's company when he came back to town for the holidays.

What happened to Jimmy - Ben kept Jimmy for years. He used him repeatedly as his personal sex toy, cleaning whore, maid and urinal. Jimmy was broken down into his basist animal self. For a few weeks all he thought about was his master's cock and doing whatever he could to get it, and Ben encouraged him to go deeper and deeper until he was nothing but a lust programmed human sex machine.

Ben did grow tired of this though. So he decided to rebuild. He made Jimmy go to trade school as a machinist. He passed with a perfect score on every test. Ben had insisted. When he went to school he wore a butt plug and chastity cage so Ben could keep control over him while he was away.

When Jimmy would return at night. Most nights Ben was away with his family. He had a live video feed on his phone of Jimmy at his cabin though. Remotely, Ben could ensure Jimmy cleaned the place every night, stripped down to just his collar and his cock cage, and lock himself up in a cage.

Ben came over in the mornings to let him out and feed him his morning piss and cum. He also visited at least once a week to fuck Jimmy, often times more. He reviewed Jimmy's schoolwork and eventually helped him find his first job, which Ben was even more relentless about Jimmy not screwing up. He finished ahead of quota every month.

Ben also enforced extreme physical fitness. A year after Jimmy became Ben's slave, he was ripped. Ben made sure to keep his lean build, but Jimmy now had a six pack that you could practically see with his shirt on, and an ass that would stop traffic.

Suddenly, five years, two months and fifteen days into his captivity, Jimmy heard something he couldn't interpret.

"I've decided to free you, James," Ben said plainly.

Jimmy had just gotten home from work. He had been promoted twice to working on more complex equipment. Now they were discussing getting him into a management trainee program. He was beyond thrilled to tell his master. He had run up the door in his tight jeans and denim jacket. When he entered, he couldn't believe his ears.

"I'm...I'm sorry?" Jimmy asked astonished.

"But before I do," Ben went on, "I'm going to break you one last time. I'm going to remind you of just what a pathetic cock whore you really are and that you are never going to be good enough for anyone in my family."

Ben's harsh words made him back up against the wall. He didn't like that his master was displeased with him. He had concentrated heavily on doing everything right. What was the cause of this? Did he do something so terribly wrong that now he was just going to be let go?

Without warning, Ben rushed him. He wrapped his arms around the boy and easily threw him to the ground. Jimmy barely even resisted. He laid on the ground as baffled as he ever was. Ben proceeded to strip him out of his clothes and down to just his butt plug and cock cage.

"Fuck boy, pretty soon you'll be able to cum whenever you want again," Ben laughed as he grabbed a bunch of rope, "I bet everytime you do, you'll be thinking about serving a real man's dick."

Ben was right. Jimmy now craved dick. He'd often found it hard to concentrate at work. His fellow employees had some nice bulges on them, and Jimmy bet they had nice hairy asses that were just begging to be licked. If it wasn't for Ben's strict training not to bother real men while they worked and to focus on his own priorities, Jimmy might have 500 sexual harrassment suits against him.

"But I've got one last surprise for you. Call it a going away present," Ben said as he pulled Jimmy's hands behind his back and began to tie them up tight.

Ben was very good. Soon Jimmy was tied up from head to toe. He was positioned bent over on his knees, meekly looking up at his master towering over him. To save time, Ben locked a ball gag into his slave's mouth and walked over to the door.

"Gotta signal our mystery guest," Ben explained while turning the porch lights on and off.

Jimmy watched carefully, breathing heavily with anticipation. Before long, a figure moved outside and approached the door. Ben let the man in. He was tall, about 6'3 with and impressive build. He had strong dark features, shoulder length black wavy hair, brown eyes and a five o'cock shadow. Jimmy looked up at the man looking down at him. What was the surprise he wondered. Jimmy didn't know this man at all.

"I'm sure you don't know each other," Ben laughed.

The other guy grinned and took of his shoes. He slowly circled around the naked bound man in wonder.

"What kind of fag likes being used like this?" the man asked Ben.

"A special type," Ben replied, "Jimmy here loves to be humiliated. It gets him off. His favorite thing is to be degraded by men like us."

The man nodded. He looked back over Jimmy to check him out. He seemed like a built guy. He certainly wouldn't have thought he was queer had he not been all tied up, and had Ben not shown him all of the evidence.

"You see, Jimbo," Ben said, "In a few days this man is going to marry April."

Jimmy suddenly looked up with a pure shocked expression on his pathetic gagged face. He began to struggle a bit but realized it was useless. His breathing got heavier and his back glistened with nervous sweat.

"I decided since he was actually worthy, he should have a chance to make you his bitch as well," Ben smiled as he opened the door, "you boys have fun."

The man circled Jimmy a few more times. Jimmy could only lie very still. His eyes nervously darted around the room. He couldn't escape. he couldn't call out. What was this guy going to do to him.

Just as that thought entered Jimmy's head, strong hands pulled him so he was lying on his back face up.

"My names Steve, bitch," the man finally said stripping out of his clothes revealing a huge, thick ten inch cock springing from a dark forest of black pubic hair, "I get all night to fill you up with cum, but the first thing you're going to do is kiss and lick my hairy ass until I'm satisfied."

Steve straddled the bound slave, and slowly lowered his perfectly muscular ass on to Jimmy's waiting and fully extended tongue as he begged like the true whore Ben had made him


Thanks for reading. If you have any comments please let me know. I'd like to continue on the story. Also if you want check out my tumblr at

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