Girl Time

By victoria brant

Published on May 30, 2003



Girl Time

By Victoria Brant

I can't remember when Victoria and I became best friends. We lived in a mall Midwestern town, went to the same high school, and attended the same small college. We became pretty close in college, and remained close after graduation. I was maid of honor at Victoria's wedding, and we saw each other pretty regularly, at least once every two to three weeks. We often met to play tennis or have dinner. Quite often we would just meet for "girl time", where we would just drink a bottle or two of wine and watch movies or talk. We used this time to gossip, discuss personal problems and talk about other girl things that Victoria's husband wasn't interested in.. And while I dated a number of men since leaving college, I never found the one who I wanted to share my personal life with.

I definitely remember the point where Victoria and I crossed the line from best friends to becoming lovers. She came by my apartment one Saturday evening for dinner and to watch a movie. She had just returned from a Caribbean vacation with Ron, her husband, and wanted to tell me about it.

Victoria arrived at my apartment at 6:00 for dinner. When I opened the door I was stunned by how great she looked. She wore cut loose cargo pants, and a white tee shirt. She complimented this outfit with a simple pair of sandals and a gold necklace. What really caught my attention was her tan, the result of two weeks on the beach.

I hugged her and then took a step back, saying, "God Victoria, you look great. What a tan."

Her blue eyes sparkled and she laughed "No tan lines" in a naughty manner, and breezed into my apartment.

As she passed and I closed the door I took a long look at her. At five foot six, she was the same height as me, but similarities stopped there. Victoria was slender, but had a great round ass and beautiful hips flaring out below her tiny waist. I watched her from behind, enviously, as she walked into the dining room. "An ass to die for", I thought as I watched her sway into the room.

For years I had been envious of Victoria's looks, and wished I looked more like her. She had a cute pixie nose, freckles, and full sensuous lips. She laughed and smiled easily, often showing off her perfect white teeth. She also had the habit of curling her tongue out and touching her upper lips when she was interested or perplexed.

If Victoria had any feature that she would change, it was her breasts, which were slightly on the small side. When younger, she was concerned about the size of her bust, a cause of much anxiety and self doubt. Her husband continually asked her to undergo plastic surgery to have her breasts enlarged. I finally talked her out of it, telling her that she was beautiful the way she was made, and that no man should dictate what she did with her body. Her breasts were far from disproportionate for her thin frame, and were round full and pert, standing without the need for support. This proved to be blessing now at 30, when she could still sport them without need for a bra. I am grateful to this day that she took my advice and left these tasty morsels in their natural state.

I poured two glasses of wine and handed one to her. She inhaled it, and helped herself to another. I was glad that she felt comfortable around me, and made herself at home. I served dinner as she told me about the resort where she and Ron stayed. She told me about the nude beach they frequented, and how she had to be very careful, as not to get too burned.

She always made a point of pleasing Ron, and severe sunburn could have made sex with him very uncomfortable. I don't believe he ever appreciated her efforts to please him, and I didn't think that he deserved a lovely wife like her. She told me that she had lots of pictures with her, and I agreed to look at them after dinner.

By the end of dinner we had started our second bottle of wine. Throughout dinner I noticed that Victoria was often distracted and anxious. I t was obvious she had something on her mind that was bothering her. I tried to get her to open up, but she wasn't ready to talk yet. I knew that she would confide in me when she was ready. This was probably the reason that she suggested we get together.

We finished dinner and I cleaned the kitchen while Victoria moved to the living room. She put the movie into the VCR and poured two more glasses of wine. She sat on the couch waiting for me, turned off the lights, and then started the movie, Mulholland Drive. During the movie Victoria looked quite relaxed but I could tell that her mind was drifting off, thinking about something else from time to time. As we watched the movie, we sat close on the small couch, as was our custom. At times we would touch each to make a point other or hold hands. We had always been close.

The movie was a murder mystery with a very complicated plot. The movie also had several steamy love scenes between two women, which neither of us expected. During these scenes I noticed that Victoria became extremely interested, her rate of breathing increasing noticeably and her grip on my hand becoming more assertive. I found her reaction rather interesting, and found that watching the two women in bed kissing while holding her hand rather fascinating, if not downright stimulating. I thought of how close we were, and what it would be like if we were a little closer.

We talked about the near future, and decided to get together next weekend. Victoria mentioned that Ron was going out of town, on a weekend fishing trip, and we decided it would be a fine time for "Girl Time" again. She had plans for the day but would come over for dinner and a movie again in the evening.

Finally, as we sat in the dim candlelight, she reached a point where she started to open up. We sat closely now, and I could feel her leg against mine. She started to tell me that Ron was loosing interest in her. She had tried her best to keep him interested, but he appeared to be moving in a different direction. During their vacation, she had tried everything possible. She told me of her plans to surprise Ron for his birthday, making reservations at one of the best restaurants in town, followed by a night of sensual pleasure for her lover. There would be no boundaries from now on, in her attempt to satisfy her lover. She had already bought a new outfit to wear that evening, to entice and please him. If he wanted anal sex, bondage, or whatever, she would gladly provide it. She really did try to do her best to keep things together. I told her that I bet she would look lovely in it, and that Ron would fall head over heals for her again. I really wanted the best for her.

Victoria started to cry, and I pulled her to myself. As I had done so many times before, I stroked her hair softly and let her get it out of her system. I sat with my arm around her shoulders, comforting her, until she regained her composure. I assured her that Ron loved her and wouldn't do anything to jeopardize their marriage.

Finally, she stood to leave. I walked her to the door and affirmed our plans for next Saturday.

"Wear your new outfit. Let's have a fashion show just for us girls" I joked in an effort to cheer her up. She was still upset, and tears were still in her eyes.

As she was ready to walk out the door I hugged her goodbye, and kissed her on the cheek.

"You really are my best friend. I'll never forget that" Victoria said, and squeezed me a little bit, holding the hug a bit longer than expected. She kissed me quickly on the lips, and without letting go of our embrace, looked into my eyes. She smiled and drew in to kiss me again. I felt her soft lips just graze mine and then pull away. To my surprise, her lips returned. This time the kiss was more determined, and her lips didn't leave after a quick peck. She held them against mine, apparently wanting the kiss to last. Her lips parted and her tongue just touched my lips slightly, like the landing of a butterfly. Caught by surprise, I instinctively parted my lips a little, letting her touch the inside of my lips and to graze my teeth. I opened further, and her tongue entered my mouth, which I delightfully allowed. I extended my tongue, brushing hers and then gently exploring her lips and mouth.

And then she pulled away.

"I have to go now. Ron's waiting. I'll call you tomorrow." She said as she walked out the door. I watched her walk to her car, noticing more so now then ever her shapely thin body. I watched the swaying of her lovely round ass and hips as she walked out of site.

Throughout the night and into the next day I continued to relive our kiss. I loved Victoria as a friend, the best friend I have had. I wanted her to be happy, and I was committed to doing anything humanly possible to make her happy. I would listen to her, console her when she was upset and be there when she needed me. She was a married woman, with a crazy husband who did not appreciate this lovely woman. In another life, in another universe, I could have been Ron. I could have been the one who made her happy, and who enjoyed and appreciated what Victoria had to offer her lover. I was jealous of Ron. Obviously I was confused and upset.

Victoria called the next day, and before I could even think about how to raise the issue of our kiss, she did. She laughed it off, saying that it was the wine, and that we had to be better behaved during "Girl Times". She appeared not to be upset or too concerned over the kiss, so I let it drop. It wasn't easy putting her out of my mind.

Victoria told me that she had forgot to bring all of her photographs home, and asked if I would put them aside for her. I found them when I got off the phone, sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch where we watched the movie. We never got around to looking at them, so I opened the envelope, which contained about 20 photos, and sat down to look at them. The first couple of pictures were of the resort and nearby town. Following were a few photos of Victoria in outfits designed to interest her husband. The outfits did little to cover her, and I could clearly see all of her through the thin materials meant to entice rather than clothe. Her small breasts, capped by her hard pointed nipples, were clearly visible in one of her teddies, and I could make out the details of her pussy in one picture where she wore tiny transparent panties. I could see her practically hairless mound, which was very prominent on her thin body. Other photos showed her in various lewd poses. The next several were on the beach. Victoria sported a tiny bikini in the first several, but the bikini disappeared in later pictures. Initially, she was laying on her stomach without a top, showing her beautiful, well toned back and shoulders. A thin swath of black cloth barely covered her round butt, allowing most of it to show. The next photo was of her lying on her stomach but now without the bathing suit bottom. A hand was rubbing oil onto her back in this picture, closing in on her lovely buttocks. The hand appeared to be female from the looks of the nails and rings. It definitely wasn't Ron's.

I momentarily stopped breathing at the site of the next one. Victoria stood on the beach without a stitch of clothing. Her body glistened with oil, accenting her cute breasts, flat belly, and flared hips. Her thin legs called attention to her prominent pubic mound that thrust proudly from her slender body. Her hair had been closely trimmed, so that only a dark shadow accentuated her slit. I thought I could make out the glitter of metal at the top of her slit. The little minx had a ring in her clitoral hood, if I wasn't mistaking. Her only bodily coverings were a thin chain around her waist and several rings on her toes and fingers. God, what a lovely site. She looked like a goddess recently anointed with oil, glistening in the sun.

I put this picture aside, and looked at the next one. It was of her and Ron, both naked on the beach. In this picture she was as lovely and sexy as the last one. At her side stood Ron, with his genitals hanging grotesquely between his legs, dangling from a mass of hair. He didn't belong with her. Not in marriage, not here on the beach, and not at home today. He didn't deserve this vision of loveliness who tried so hard to please him. The final picture surprised me. It was of Victoria and another man, both naked, standing on the beach. The man was muscular, and much younger than her. He looked like Adonis, tanned and trim. He sported a large, half erect penis, and appeared not to be bothered at all about exposing himself. Victoria was standing next to him, her side touching his, and it appeared that her hand was on his ass. "She'll have some explaining to for this one. If these are the tame pictures, I can't wait to see the ones she wants to show me after a few drinks" I thought to myself.

I looked back through the pictures, carefully examining the ones of Victoria with little or no clothes on. My mind raced back to the prior night, when we kissed. I also thought back to the movie, remembering Victoria's hand in mine as we watched the two women making love. I looked at her picture again and imagined what it would be like for me to invite her to sleep in my bed. I would invite her to drop her towel and to climb under the blanket with me. What it would be like to kiss her and hold her. To share our first innocent kiss, and find she was willing to take this further. What would it be like to taste the inside of her mouth? What it would be like to caress her, and bring her to the brink of ecstasy, letting wave after wave of pleasure role over her body. What it would be like to hold her body next to mine, breast to breast, nipple to nipple, cunt to cunt. I felt my pussy start to moisten as I fantasized about making love to the body in the photo. I saw myself rubbing oil on her ass, back and breasts and later rubbing my body against her. To run my oil soaked fingers across her anus as I rubbed the oil into her wanton flesh. Two oil covered women in love, and in heat, caressing each other, grinding against each other.

I knew that she was married, albeit less than happily married. We weren't lesbians. We lived in a small conservative town where women married their sweethearts, and then became mothers and grandmothers. This fantasy was just that, a passing fantasy. But while I told myself it was passing, it wouldn't go away.

During the week I more than occasionally looked at the pictures, trying to find new details and clues about what Victoria was thinking at the time. Was she thinking about sex when she was sunning herself? Was she looking secretly at another man? Was she maybe thinking about a woman? Could it have been me?

Victoria told me that there were a number of women staying with other women at the resort. Were some of these lovers? Did Victoria find them to be interesting, find girl/girl love to be interesting? Did she watch pairs of woman lovers rub lotion on each other's naked bodies on the beach and wish that she was with a beautiful woman instead of a man with ugly genitals hanging from between his hairy legs? Did her pussy get wet, like mine was getting wet, dreaming about making love to a woman while lying in the sun without a stitch of clothing on? Did she go out of her way to display her slender, lovely body to the other women on the beach? Did she "accidentally" open her legs, allowing the ring to catch another woman's attention, hoping to interest someone who would later seduce her and introduce her to the joys of lesbian love?

I couldn't put these thoughts out of my mind throughout the week although I tried to repress them. I loved her dearly, but as a friend, and wanted her to be happy, but happy with her husband. We weren't lesbians, were we?

And finally Saturday arrived. Victoria called early in the morning to confirm that I was still interested in "Girl Time" tonight. God, how could I not be? As I talked to her, I remembered the sweet touch of her lips, and the pictures of her now etched in my mind. I started to drift away but was suddenly called back to reality as Victoria started to tell me about the dress she bought for her upcoming special evening with Ron. She was planning to wear it tonight to show me. "Remember the fashion show?" she laughed.

I forgot about that we were talking about a fashion show, but I figured I could that I could round something up to fill the bill. I remembered the white silk pajamas I just bought over the internet, which arrived two days ago. I'll wear them tonight.

I asked what Victoria was in the mood for, and she said not to make anything complicated for dinner. Maybe just some fruit and cheese? If we were hungry later we could order a pizza. That was fine with me also, as it gave me more time to get ready.

I told her that I found her pictures, and that I looked at them. She asked me if I liked them, and I responded that I loved them and told her how I was always envious of her looks, great ass and slim body. She laughed and told me she would bring the good pictures that only I could see, and only after she had a few glasses of wine.

She said she would be by about seven o'clock and hung up. .

I cleaned my apartment, and set out several candles to set a relaxing atmosphere. I picked out several CDs with soft music. I wasn't in the mood for a noisy evening. I just wanted to talk to Victoria. And then I went upstairs to bathe.

I started to fill the bath, and tossed in a liberal amount of scented bathing salts. As the water filled, I dropped my clothes and looked at myself in the mirror. Not bad for a thirty year old woman. My breasts were full and pretty firm, not as firm as when I was a teenager, but not bad. Puffy, pink nipples that were now about half erect capped them. I gave them a quick pinch, and they reacted positively, extending a bit more to full length. I know that Victoria always admired my breasts and wanted the implants to match my size.

My legs were still firm, and my waist was still thin, with pretty nice hips below. I did have a little bit of a round belly pushing out, but it was really rather cute, I thought. I turned and looked at my buttocks. Larger than they used to be, but firm and not fat. Not a bad ass for thirty. It was full and feminine, and I did notice that it caught the attention of a number of people. I was pretty satisfied with what I saw.

I bathed and thought again of Victoria on the beach, and what a waste her charms were on Ron. My hand dropped down between my legs as I remembered the oil covered body on the beach. I parted my lips and started to stroke myself, and then I thought that I really had to pull myself together and stop this nonsense. I then shaved my legs, and on a lark, shaved my pubic mound to within about a half inch of my vaginal slit. I then shaved off all the hair above. I dipped my finger into my wet slot again, thinking about Victoria, fanaticizing that I was Ron. Then I got out of the tub, relaxed and smelling great, and dried myself slowly in front of the mirror. My mind again wandered, and I saw myself on the beach, covered with oil. And then I saw Victoria rubbing oil onto her own body and reclining next to me, close enough to feel the warmth of her body adding to the heat of the sun. I went to get the new pajamas.

What accessories to wear? I placed a few drops of perfume in strategic places at the tops of my legs, where my thighs meet my pubic mound. Just to the sides of my puffy lips. I added one more drop at the top of my slit, just above my clitoral hood. I love the combined smell of my feminine scent mixed with this perfume, and new that my curly pubic hair would hold the scent and disperse it at the right moments, if required. I knew that the heat and moisture in that area would broadcast the aroma of lust. I put the silk pajama pants on. They felt so sensuous and soft against my bare skin. I let the draw string a little loose, and they hung low on my hips. I looked at my image in the mirror, and saw a harem girl, naked from the waist up, breasts unencumbered and swaying to the music in my mind. My nipples were now staying erect on their own, fueled by the visions of Victoria constantly flowing through my mind. I decided that a little more was needed and I removed the bottoms. I tried on a couple of pairs of panties, and finally decided on a tiny white beaded thong which was more decoration than common sense clothing. It just barely covered the remaining hair on my pussy. I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut the remaining hair back, short enough that it wasn't sticking out of the sides of the thong. The thong was barely wide enough to cover my slit, and the expanse of skin showing between my legs on both sides, up to the material, was now smooth and silky. I put my pajama bottoms back on and hiked the sides of the thong up over my hips to make them visible over the top of the pajamas, which I allowed to ride low so that the top of my ass crack was peeking out over the top. From the back you could just see the back of the thong disappearing between my ass cheeks.

I applied a few more drops of perfume and then slid the silk pajama top on, and let my breasts sway unencumbered against the sensual material. The top had three buttons across the breasts. I left the top one undone and buttoned the bottom two. Below my breasts the pajama top was open, exposing my belly and navel. My nipples immediately reacted as they slid under the silk, and pushed out to full erection under the thin soft material. Bare feet and a little lipstick were all that was needed to prepare for my fashion show.

I went to the kitchen, mixed a very large batch of martinis and poured myself one as I prepared the plate of fruit and cheeses. I placed the fruit out in the living room with a second martini glass. It was now 6:30. I put on some quiet music, and sat on the couch sipping my drink, waiting for Victoria to arrive.

I pulled her photographs out to peek at them one more time before returning them to Victoria. I again ad examined the pictures, especially the ones that revealed Victoria's lovely body. A warm feeling was spreading between my legs, dampening my tiny thong, as I looked again at her lovely breasts with their nipples riding proudly for the world to see.

Then a tiny piece of paper fell out. It was a hand written not that said " To remind you of what to expect when we see each other again" This must be for Ron, I thought, putting the pictures back in the envelope and placing them on the table where Victoria would remember to take them.

Then the door bell rang. I rushed to the door, feeling the silk caress my entire body. My nipples, already stiff, were about to burst, as the feeling of silk sent tiny electric shocks through me.

I opened the door and saw Victoria as I never saw her before. She was drop dead gorgeous, and dressed to kill. She was wearing a black knit dress that clung to her body, accentuating every curve. The dress was short, coming half way down her taut thighs, and buttoned down the front. The neckline dropped to between her small round breasts, and the tight thin material clung to them. I could clearly see the outline of her nipples and the slightly raised aureoles surrounding them. Her lovely neck sported a string of pearls that dangled down between her breasts. I glanced down and saw that the bottom several buttons were left undone, exposing the tops of her black nylons. She wore black heals, and her makeup was exquisite. Her hair was curly, framing her lovely face, with its blue eyes, pixie nose, freckles and full red lips. She carried a black pocketbook and another small paper bag with her.

"Do you like?

""Victoria, you look lovely. I had no idea that you were going to get so dressed up. I would have done better" I replied.

"This is what I put together for the special evening I told you about. And you're dressed perfectly for the evening. Probably overdressed. When I suggested a fashion show, I didn't place any requirements or expectations. I just wanted to show this off for someone who would appreciate it."

As she passed me into the living room I again admired her from behind, trying to consume as much of her visually as I could. I looked at her lovely tanned neck, arms and legs, and glanced down to her muscled back. My eyes dropped further, taking in her slim waist, flowing into her feminine hips. My eyes stopped at that lovely ass again, round and firm. I momentarily stopped breathing as I scrutinized the outline of her twin mounds, separated by the valley of her ass crack. I watched her ass and hips sway seductively as she walked past me. The heels and dress accentuated this sway, and Victoria did little to control it.

She was one sexy woman. I never noticed how attractive she was until recently. Maybe it was the pictures from her vacation, but I was seeing her in a new light now. How stupid her husband Ron was, not to appreciate her. She was the best thing in his life. She would be the best thing in anyone's life.

I closed the door and came over to her, near the couch where she was placing her pocketbook and paper bag. I noticed that here were a few wrapped packages in the bag. She turned to me and I leaned forward to give her a quick hug. I kissed her on the cheek, and she hugged me back, holding me just briefly, but pulling me tightly against her, so that our breasts met and pushed together. The pressure on my silk covered breasts startled me, and again my body reacted to the stimulation.

I poured her a martini, which she consumed too quickly, and I poured her another one as we chatted and gossiped. She was now sitting on the couch with her legs drawn up under her. Her knees were pointing toward me, and her body was facing me. My eyes kept glancing from one of her eyes to the other and dropping to her full red lips. At times I found myself looking down to her breasts and the outlines of her nipples, which she freely offered to my eyes. I also stole glances at the tops of her thighs. I could see the tanned skin above the tops of her stockings and garter belt straps holding her stockings up. I think she noticed my indiscretions, but it apparently didn't bother her. She shifted so that her legs opened slightly and her hem rose a little higher. It seemed as if she was actively participating in this little game, letting my eyes secretly feast on her features.

As we chatted we continued to sip our drinks and picked at the fruit and cheese. I watched as she wrapped her lips around the pieces of fruit and at times tasted them with her tongue. She looked into my eyes as she wrapped her lips around a strawberry, sensuously biting off the tip. A little stream of juice trickled onto her bottom lip, and she slowly wiped it off with the bottom of her tongue. She licked her lips, wetting them so that they glistened. I was entranced, and Victoria was doing little to discourage my interest.

"I took a peek at these pictures. They're pretty cute and some of them are real interesting."

"I left them here so you could look at them in your spare time, when you could take your time. Which one was the most interesting?"

"I loved the ones of you on the beach. I liked the ones where you are by yourself the most" I said coyly.

"And not the one with me and the strange man?" She quipped.

"No. was handsome and looked great, if you like horse dicks" I laughed, then added "I only have eyes for you."

"You've got good taste, then. Want to see the rest of the pictures? These are the ones that I needed liquid courage to take and t5o show."

She slid closer, her leg and arm against mine."

"And I don't like horse dicks. I prefer something a little softer and sweeter" she said as she cuddled up close to me. She pulled the pictures out and started to show them to me.

"This is the man, Jon, in the picture with me. You've got good sense and taste. He's gay."

She handed me a picture of Jon , another man, and Victoria on a balcony at the resort. All were naked. The other man was behind Jon, who was bending over the balcony railing. The other man, also young and handsome, was bending over Jon, and with this hips pushed against Jon's ass. Victoria was laughing and facing the camera. Her hand was hidden behind Jon's hips, leaving its purpose to my imagination. Victoria stood proudly with her legs apart. I could now see the rind protruding from her pubic slit. The two men were obviously interested in their own union, and not in any addition that Victoria had to offer.

"Your tan looks great. I was admiring your pictures on the beach in the earlier pictures." I said. I was now getting a little excited and tried to hide my interest in her, pretending to look at the two men.

Victoria moved away from me, to my disappointment, and put the pictures down. She reached over and picked up the paper bag she brought with her. "These were some of the things I gathered for that special nigh. I've decided that it's not for Ron. I've decided to share the night with you instead" she explained and took out a small box, handing it to me.

"I'm sorry about Ron" I said.

"This isn't about Ron anymore. Even when I was on vacation with him I knew that he didn't love me, and I was slowly moving away from him. I wanted to salvage whatever I could, but that's not going to happen. I can now share my time with someone who I clove and who will love me in return. Let's not let this go to waste. Open the box."

She nestled in again next to me, close enough that I could feel the heat from her body warming mine. She put her hand on my knee as I cut the ribbon and opened the small box. Inside was a card that said "This guarantees the bearer one evening of pure pleasure, and a lifetime of love afterwards." Under the card were three joints.

I looked up in surprise and she said "Ron's gone. Let's not waste this moment".

With that she took one of joints and lit it. She took a toke and handed it to me. I pulled on the joint, inhaled, and passed it back to her. The soft music set the mood as we shared the marijuana. We both slowly drifted off into our own little worlds, allowing time and place to become unimportant. AT the moment I was only aware of the soft music, and the warmth next to me. I could smell her perfume, an intoxicating aroma that had captivated my attention all evening. However, it was now becoming the dominant factor in my sensual universe, all else becoming unimportant in the soft dim light.

My mind drifted to a paradise where I would taste an evening of pure pleasure and a lifetime of love. I saw Victoria as my guide in paradise, my instructor in the ways of erotic pleasure. I forced myself to come back to reality.

We finished the first joint and Victoria pulled out the pictures again. She continued to sit next to me, allowing me to continue to inhale her perfume and her heat. I was getting warm and flushed a combination of the pot, the alcohol, and the proximity of Victoria's body. Without thinking I reached up and unbuttoned one of the buttons of my top, leaned forward, and pulled the material open slightly to relieve the heat. I saw Victoria's eye drop to my breasts, trying to observe the new view that I provided. I held the top open slightly longer than expected for her benefit, offering a brief glance at the full curve of my breast and my stiff nipple. She smiled in appreciation and her eyes returned to mine.

She then handed me the next picture, a picture of two women holding hands. She explained that they befriended her and Ron at the resort. And yes, Maja and Carly were lesbians who had been together for a number of years. Victoria handed me the next picture of herself and the two women dancing at a club, a most innocent picture. The one that followed was not so innocent, and Victoria took another drink of her martini before showing it to me.

"We got a little carried away around midnight" she explained, as she handed me a picture of the three of them still dancing but Victoria's blouse was wide open, with her breasts uncovered. Behind her Mja had her hands on Victoria's hips, and was grinding her pelvis into Victoria's ass. Carly was stooped down in front of Victoria; with her face about three inches from her pussy. One of her hands was resting on Victoria's stomach, and the other was holding onto her ass. Carly was looking up, with apparent pleasure, and the bottoms of Victoria's small pert breasts. Her pointed nipples and the look of pleasure on her face indicated that she was enjoying herself.

She then handed me the next picture, and it was of the three women on the beach. All three had tossed aside their bathing suites. Victoria's tanned body blended in well with the two European women, who appeared to spend considerable time outside, being well tanned all over. Both women were closer to my size, with larger breasts and thick nipples. Maja's pubic hair was sparse and blonde, matching her Nordic complexion.. Carly appeared to be more of the Mediterranean type, with long, curly matted, dark pubic hair. I could make out the slightly open slit, exposing deep red colored flesh hidden in this mass. In contrast, Victoria had already trimmed hers to the point of almost being bald. The little ring at the top of her slit was again visible. They stood facing the camera, with arms around each others' waists. All looked like they were enjoying their selves. She handed me the next picture, of Maja applying oil to Carly's naked body. Carly was lying on her stomach, and had her legs slightly parted. Maja straddled one of the legs, and had her knee up against Carly's pussy, no doubt massaging it as she coated her lover's back and ass with the oil. Finally, in the last picture, Victoria lay on her back as both women rubbed oil onto her legs, breasts, and stomach. Victoria was watching my expressions as I looked at the pictures, watching for a sign or reaction.

I turned to her and said "a lovely picture. I wish I had been there with you to meet them'.

She simply leaned over, squeezed my hand, and kissed my cheek. An electric bolt shot through my body as a result of this tender act. She then reached down and lit the second joint, pulled on it, and handed it to me. We shared this second joint in silence, listening to the music. I was overwhelmed by her perfume and her body heat. I laid my head and shoulders back on the couch, and my pajama top fell away from my belly. Only the single button held it closed over my breasts, now straining against the smooth soft silk. She didn't hide the fact that she was now looking at my body, my barely covered breasts, my bare stomach, and the top of my abdomen above the draws string at the waist of my pajamas. Her closeness, which may have put me off in the past, now seemed natural and the thing I wanted most in my life. I again started to dream of an erotic paradise where my time was spent making love with my dearest friend for eternity, Victoria.

Victoria finally spoke, very quietly. "I learned a lot from that trip. I realized that investing my love and efforts into Ron was a waste. He didn't appreciate it, and I don't think I really loved him. I loved the idea of loving and pleasing him. This doesn't mean that my life is over. In fact, without Ron, I can start an important part of my life."

I looked into her eyes as she continued "I watched you as you looked at the pictures of me and my two friends. We were clowning around in the pictures, and we really didn't do anything. Not that I didn't find them both to be very sexy, and I would have joined them if they asked or even intimated any interest in physical contact."

"However, I did learn one thing from them. They were very much in love. As much in love as any two people I ever saw. Their world revolved around the two of them. They found each other quite by accident. Both were unhappily married, and both discovered that what they wanted most in life was right under their noses. They only had to look."

My mind was a blur from the marijuana and the martinis. I wasn't sure of what to think. Her aroma and closeness was intoxicating. I was loosing control of the situation, and falling under her spell. I didn't want this to stop.

With that, she reached into her bag of gifts and pulled out another small box and handed it to me. She was very close now, her left breast resting against my right arm. I started to open the box and she took it back.

"Stand up" she said softly, and I rose. She took my by the hand to the full length mirror on the door. I stood in front of the mirror, looking at myself in my white silk pajamas. My breasts swayed with each motion, and my nipples were pushing out against the thin material. She opened the box, removed the contents, and walked up behind me. I trembled in anticipation, not knowing what to expect next. She raised her arms above my head, and lowered a necklace around my neck. It was a tiny gold chain with a small heart on it. She carefully arranged it, brushing my breasts and nipples in the process. My pussy was now fully wet and my thin thong was soaked.

I stood there looking at the necklace and her lovely face behind mine. She whispered in my ear "It says 'I love you' on the heart". Her mouth remained by my ear, breathing moistly near it. The warmth continued to spread throughout my body. She was now pressing against my back as she said, "sometimes you just have to open your eyes and look to find the one you really love."

The CD changed, and a slow number was now playing. She reached to turn out the light, and turned me around, saying, "Dance with me" as she kicked off her heals.

With that, she took me in her arms, slowly leading me. We moved slowly, breast against breast, belly flat against belly, legs touching and brushing against each other. We moved slowly, as if time and place had no meaning. Her right hand, on the small of my back, slid down a little, grabbing the bottom of my pajama top, and then slid under it to the skin waiting for her touch. Her hand was now entwined in the waistband of my thong in back. Her left hand let go of mine and she put it on the back of my head, pulling me into her neck. I placed my two hands on the side of her rib cage, with my thumbs resting just below her breasts. We stood there, holding each other, pushing into each other. She moved her leg a little to push between my thighs, and her pelvis pushed against my extended clit.

I slowly extended my tongue and touched the bottom of her ear. She shuddered at the first touch at her ear, and moaned softly. I again extended my tongue, this time brushing the outside of her ear, and then running the wet tip inside of it.

"I knew you would understand" she said softly as her hand pulled on the back waistband of my tiny thong, pulling it up further into my ass crack. Her hand then slowly stroked up my back under my pajamas, and then slid down to the top of my pajama pants in back. Her hand was now just slightly inside of the back of my pants.

She pulled her face slightly away from mine, looked at me and said, "We can stop this now, if you want. We can pretend that we didn't feel this way, that we don't want each other. Your call."

"Don't stop" I whispered as I drew close to her ear again. I again touched her ear with my tongue, leaving a wet trail. I gently blew warm air against the wetness, watching her as she reacted positively to this. Her other hand moved down my back, sending chills racing through my overheated body, and finally found its way to the small of my back. Her face was still close to mine, and I continued to caress her ear, and now her neck and cheek with my wet tongue. Slowly licking from her neck to her ear, then sliding the bottom of my tongue back down again. Every pass of my tongue drew soft moans, indicating that I was pleasing her. Both of her hands were now snaking down occasionally into the back of my pajama pants while slowly rubbing the bare skin above it. She had already pulled the thin thong strap as tight as it could go, and I could feel the material pushing up between my cheeks and into my wet slit. >From time to time a sudden jerk would pull up against my clit, further exciting me.

My increased breathing rate gave my excitement away, as Victoria slid both hands up, scratching my back in the process. She continued to softly graze her finger hails up and down my back.

"Do you want me to continue? Talk to me lover. Tell me what you want tonight." She said softly but firmly into my ear, following the words with a warm, wet kiss. Her tongue briefly slipped into my ear and down my neck, as I continued to gently kiss her neck, face and ear.

"I want you to continue" I said. Was I dreaming this? Only a short time ago I never even considered the possibility of kissing any woman, especially by my best friend in a sexually suggestive manner. Only recently I started to fantasize about Victoria, but never expected this to amount to anything. But here I was, in the arms of a woman I loved and who I knew to be capable of unremitting and unselfish love. And she was holding me, seducing me, confessing her love for me. I had already committed to submitting to her advances, allowing the seduction to continue, encouraging her to continue.

She needed little more encouragement after my request to continue. Her hands slipped into my pants, her long slender fingers slowly moving down over my ass cheeks. How slowly and sensuously she moved. Her hands finally rested fully on my twin cheeks, and she squeezed my flesh, alternately pushing it together and then pulling the cheeks apart. She used her hands to push me further into her hips. Ever so slowly we continued to sway to the music, as our bodies rubbed together. She pushed her hips forward, and her mound pushed into mine, pushing against my clit. The friction on my clit caused me to melt further into her embrace, as we continued to dance this new dance of exotic love.

My hands were now floating over Victoria's body. Her mouth searched for mine, and I gave my mouth to her. Her tongue found its way to my lips, which I opened for her. My tongue met hers at the gate, offering an invitation to my sweet lover. Guiding her in, I allowed her freedom to taste me. I had anticipated this since our first kiss, just several weeks ago, and I dreamed of the time when she would again sample my gifts. My tongue played with hers, and I followed it into her, now sharing this kiss with her. Our lips, tongues and teeth continued to mingle as we stood trying to retain our balance while still slowly dancing to the soft music.

As we kissed, Victoria's hands continued to kneed my ass and rub my back. Her finger tips would stroke the soft skin and trace up and down my ass crack. At times her fingers, much to my delight, would follow the thong strap into its hiding place, spread my cheeks a little, and run her fingers into the crevice, brushing against my sensitive anal bud.

My hands were now running over her back and ass, searching for the places that I had only dreamed of seeing in her photos. I could feel the lines of her panties under the thin knit dress, and I could also feel the outline of her garter belt through the thin knitted dress. She continued to encourage my touches, sighing and moaning as I touched her in her in the right places. I sensed she would be a vocal lover, and signal when I was pleasing her. This observation proved to be correct as we continued, and her vocal feedback increased in tempo and volume.

She started to slowly guide me backward, inching me to the couch. We continued to caress and hug while moving, caring little about the consequences of loosing balance. Finally, my legs touched the couch and I fell back into it, with Victoria still clutching to my body. Our lips briefly parted, and then she found me again. Her lips covered mine and her tongue reinvaded my mouth, as she rearranged herself on top of me. She quickly straddled her legs on either side of my hips, her warm center resting on my stomach. I could feel the moisture between her legs against my belly. I lay back waiting for her to get comfortable. She started to slowly rock her hips, rubbing herself against my belly, in an attempt to continue her stimulation. I found this to be extremely erotic and continued to lie passively on the couch while she entertained herself against my body.

She raised herself up and smiled, looking directly into my eyes, while continuing to rock and gyrate her hips. Her own eyes were glazed and her pupils were dilated, and looking at me intently with desire.

She quickly reached over to the table nearby and picked up the card that was in the box with the three joints and handed it to me. "It looks like I have to deliver a night of pure pleasure to my lover as I promised in the card," she quipped. With that she reached down and undid the last button on my pajama top and with both hands she opened my top, exposing my breasts to the night air. Her finger nails brushed my breasts, and then my nipples.

Cupping my breasts softly in her hands, she said "These are beautiful. I've wanted breasts like this for years. I guess that now I have them." My nipples again were at maximum erection, and I realized that the crotch of my pajama bottom was probably soaked with the liquid that was now flowing out of me, in a quantity that was way too heavy to be retained by my thong.

Apparently Victoria was in the same predicament, as I could sense wet streaks on my belly where she was still rubbing against me. I found this physical evidence of her desire for me to be extremely erotic, and sexually exciting. I had never experienced this level of desire in any previous lover.

Victoria started to kiss my neck, and slowly moved her warm soft lips down to my shoulders. Her hand was now cupping my breast, tweaking at the nipple and softly pulling on it.

"I'd like to see more of you also, Victoria" I sad, as I traced my hand slowly over her hip and up her side.

She flashed a big grin and said, "All part of your entertainment package tonight, love". With that she pulled some pillows from under me and then placed them on the floor. She pulled me off the couch to the floor, and positioned me so that I was reclined on the pillows. She then climbed on top of me again with her knees on both sides of my hips, and rested her weight on her knees, with her crotch up of my body. I saw her breasts pushing against the thin knit material. The nipples looked like they were ready to pierce through the black dress, and the string of pearls was now caught on one of her breasts. I reached up to straighten the pearls and touched her breast for the first time. I felt her react, pushing her breast into my hand. I raised my other hand, cupping her second breast and she released an audible moan. She allowed me to work at her small breasts for a while, and then pulled my hands away. She guided them to my sides and said, "Slowly my dear. Take your time. And I'm not done with your entertainment package. There's more to come. We have all night. By the end of the night we'll have made love to our hearts' content. But for now, let me entice and play with you. I want to make this a special night that you will remember."

"Victoria, I've never made love to a woman. I don't want to let you down, but I'm not very experienced at this."

She answered "When I was with Carly and Maja, we talked about this very subject. First, we talked about Ron moving out of my life, and that maybe he wasn't the one I really loved. Maybe he was a substitute. I realized from them that true love was not gender specific. I told them about you, and my feelings for you. We talked about love between women, and sharing that love. Part of our discussion was a sexual relationship between two women in love. I expressed the same concerns, as I had only had sexual relations with Ron for all of my life. I've never touched anyone but him. Never. Their suggestion was to dream of how I would want to be treated sexually. What I wanted someone to do to me. They suggested that I start to visualize making love to you, and seeing you do these things to me. What I wanted done to me was a good starting point for what I would offer to you. The rest would just fall into place. They told me that animal instinct, and your reaction, would guide me the rest of the way. I think we'll figure this out throughout the night."

I was now reclining on the pillows, but propped up so that I was able to clearly see her. She continued to straddle my waist, with her legs within reach of my hands. I reached out and touched her knee, stroking the black nylon covered flesh. She sat up straight, and her hands moved to her breasts. She cupped them and then pulled at both nipples, trying to elongate them further. I intently watched her as my hands became more aggressive. I started to rub her legs, slowly moving over the tops of her nylons to the silky smooth skin above them. I slipped my hands under the hem of her short dress, already riding high on her long slim legs, encouraging it to move further up. Noticing my interest in her thighs, she reached down and undid several of the lower buttons on her dress. The material fell away further, revealing the straps of her garter belt. I continued to play with her tantalizing thigh flesh, moving my hands in a rhythmic pattern, but constantly inching my hands, and her hem, higher.

She leaned close to me, causing the string of peals to drop off her breasts into my face. She reached down and took one of my hands and placed it on her still covered breast. Her hand covered mine, squeezing it and moving it slowly over her breast, showing me the pattern she now wanted. I continued to massage her breast in this manner, while my other hand continued to rub the flesh high on her thigh.

Victoria started to unbutton the top buttons of her dress, very slowly, while I continued to run my hands over her. She smiled at me and said "I've wanted to offer myself to you for some time. I've wanted you to touch me like this, as a lover would. " Her dress was now unbuttoned to her navel, and I slipped both hands into the top part, taking both of her breasts in my palms. I continued to cup them, feeling the nipples scrape against my palms in contrast to the soft pliant orbs of her breasts. Continuing her eye contact, she finished unbuttoning the last buttons of the dress, allowing it to fall open from top to bottom. She was still on top of me, straddled over my hips. She sat upright and the dress fell back, exposing her small tanned breasts and abdomen. Her breasts were like two ripe pears. Her nipples were large and puffed out from the breasts, looking like two Hershey's Kisses atop the two tanned mounds. She pulled the dress off, tossing it aside, and rolled off of me. She moved next to me, reclining on the pillows with me. I looked down to examine my lover's body, now practically uncovered.

Her body was still very tan from her vacation, in contrast to mine. She was lean and had well toned muscles. I just loved her breasts, just slightly smaller than I could hold in my opened hands. I loved them, the shape and size, the soft skin. In the past, she had worried that men found her flat chested. This would never be a problem with me. I always admired them, and would treat them as special gifts whenever she offered them to me in the future. Her arms where thin, now wrapping around me in an embrace. Her belly was flat, pushing against my side. Her rounded hips still held the black lace garter belt that supported her nylons. What a strange accessory in this day and age. Totally non-functional, yet extremely erotic. She also wore tiny black lace panties that matched the garter belt. She was pushing her pubic area against my leg, letting me know of her needs. I couldn't see it, but I could feel the warm wetness of her crotch pushed against my leg. Her honey was flowing through her panties and through my silk bottom. I looked further down and again admired her firm round ass, now practically exposed. I could see the twin mounds and her barely covered crack, followed by the backs of her long thin legs.

"Victoria, you are lovely. I kept looking at your pictures over the last week. I wanted to see more but never thought I would. I'm really glad that this is happening. I wanted it, and didn't know how to tell you."

Victoria found my waiting mouth, and we started to kiss again. My hands were now stroking her back and neck, stroking her breasts and nipples, and running my fingers down to her ass, causing her to jump when I ran my finger tips up and down between her cheeks. Her tongue left the safely of my mouth, and started to trail down my neck. "I want more of you too." She said, as her mouth now found my breast. "I've always wanted these" she said as she kissed and fondled my breasts. Her mouth alternated between tender licks and kisses, and nibbles and bites. She used her mouth to bring me to the brink, and then I felt her hand between my legs, softly brushing my pussy over my wet bottoms. Acting instinctively, I opened my legs and arched toward her hand. She continued to mouth my breasts as she gently stroked her finger tips across the top of my slit, just touching my clit lightly.

I had been in a state of sexual excitement for hours now, and her constantly increasing sexual favors had brought me to the brink. I suddenly tumbled over the edge. My muscles contracted and I momentarily froze, then wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure swept my body. Her light touch had ignited a flame that was not to be easily quenched now. My pants were now soaked from constant seepage from my pussy, followed by this massive orgasm.

She held me in her arms until the waves of pleasure subsided, and then kissed my lips gently. She then started to trail her mouth down my body again, but kept going after she stopped briefly at my breasts. She lingered at my navel, and then also at the top of my thong. Her lips and tongue again lingered, gently nipping and kissing at whatever skin they could find as her long slender fingers traced down my body to my hips.

While her mouth kept up its assault on my belly, abdomen and hips, her hands untied the belt still barely holding my pajama bottoms on.

Without saying a word, she then tugged at the panties and pants, pulling them toward my knees. I lifted my ass up to assist her in her efforts, and then my legs to allow her to completely remove my remaining clothes. I was now naked, except for the necklace she gave me earlier. Her mouth continued toward my center, now no longer guarded by my damp clothes. She traced a line from my navel to the top of my mound, stopping just short of my pubic hair. She lowered her nose into the short hair and inhaled deeply, obviously enjoying the scent of my perfume and natural feminine aroma. She buried her nose into the hair, continuing to inhale my scent, as her tongue traced lower to the top of my slit. Her hand was now under me, searching for entry. I shifted my body to accommodate her search, allowing her to quickly insert two fingers into my pussy. They slipped in easily, as I was wet, and my juices were pouring out of my pussy in response to her long seduction. I was now on fire with lust and desire, wanting her to take me and again bring me to another orgasm.

She then dropped her tongue into my slit, and covered my lips to the best of her ability to hold my juices in. She slowly traced her tongue up and down my slit, and also over my vaginal lips, washing away the excess juices that evidenced the pleasure she was providing. Her tongue and lips now moved up to my clit, slowly circling it, teasing the hood, touching on each side, and then sliding the bottom of her tongue over it, finally licking lightly just under my extended bud. She continued this teasing as her fingers slowly churned inside of my cunt, and as her mouth tried to suck up the juices rolling out of me.

I was now pushing my hips up, trying to smash my pussy into her face to increase the level of stimulation on my clit. She started to pump her fingers in and out of me in a rhythmic pattern, as fingers on her other hand found my clitoral hood and pulled it back slightly. I started to feel the tension build again, knowing that she would soon touch me at my most sensitive spot. I know that my lover would soon take me over the edge again. While holding my hood back, her lips surrounded the bud of sensitive flesh and started to slowly suck it, while alternately brushing the tip of her tongue directly onto the now exposed bundle of excited nerve endings.

The tension continued to build to climax, and I grabbed her hair with both of my hands. As I started to cum again, I found myself saying aloud "Victoria, I love you." She brought me to two more climaxes without taking her mouth away from my pussy, drinking whatever juices I offered in this ritual of love, as I continued to verbally express my love for her. She remained at my pussy until she was sure that I was done, and then quickly moved up next to me, still reclining on the pillows.

I could smell myself on her face and hands, and enjoyed the scent of sex now permeating the room. She curled up against me with her legs over mine and her arms tightly holding me in a loving embrace. I kissed her, tasting myself on her lips and tongue.

From my years knowing Victoria, I realized that her primary goal was to give, and she had given me love and pleasure unselfishly. She would not ask for, nor expect anything in return. Only a fool, like Ron, would take advantage of her like that; take her love and generosity for granted.

"Victoria, I love you. I've been thinking about making love to you since our first kiss, and can't get it out of my mind. I've wanted to see you, all of you, and touch you. I wanted to be on the beach with you, being the one to put the oil on your shoulders. I wanted to rub oil over you, then over me, and slide against you. I wanted to kiss you, taste your breasts, and take you as my lover."

I stroked her hair, and ran my nails down her back to the top of her garter belt. She moaned in approval, and moved to allow me to continue my access to her back. She stretched out on her stomach, like a cat in the sun, with her arms spread above her head. I jumped at this bait, continuing to move my hands over her shoulders and back. She continued to moan softly in response as I dropped my hands to the clasp of her garter belt and undid it. The black garter belt fell from her body, still attached to the nylons, but hanging limply, now away from her body. My hands slid down her buttocks, testing the quality of her taut muscles under the scant mesh of her tiny panties. I pulled at her legs, spreading them a little, and climbed between them so that I was directly behind her. My hands continued to caress her tight ass flesh and her lightly padded hips. I leaned forward so that my mouth came in contact with the skin on the middle of her back, and I planted a wet kiss, to her surprise. I was now stroking the length of her back from her shoulders to her ass cheeks, squeezing the pliant flesh of her bottom, as my mouth continued to plant small wet kisses along her spine. As my mouth moved lover on her back, my hands started to play with the garter straps. I easily undid the back straps, and they fell away from her nylons. I started to fumble with the front straps, between her and the floor. She lifted her hips up, assisting me in my efforts. As she raised her hips, her wet pussy found one of my thighs. She held her hips off the ground, allowing my hands access to the straps and I soon had the garter belt off and away from her body.

I looked down at my conquest, enjoying the erotic site in front of me. Her tan taut thin body was stretched out ahead of me, now clothed in only her nylons and tiny panties. I could now see her ass crack clearly showing through the thin mesh panty material. Her panties were wet, evidence of her excitement. She was now slowly rolling her hips, grinding against my leg, leaving trails of moisture on my thigh as if marking me as her sexual possession. I continued to play with her ass and now the backs of her thighs, above the nylons. My mouth continued to slide lower, with my lips, tongue and teeth playing with the small of her back.

As I moved lower I started to sense the aroma emanating from between her legs, now drawing me to its source. My mouth reached the top of her ass, which was no longer adequately covered by the tiny panty. I was on all fours now, between her legs, and she had her hips off the ground, offering herself to me. She continued to role and gyrate her hips, attempting to come into better contact with my mouth, encouraging me to move closer to her source of need. I started to kiss her round globes, biting them lightly, as she continued to push herself into my face. My hands took her panties and pulled them down so that her ass was half exposed, and I traced her ass crack with the tip of my tongue. She raised her hips higher in a positive response. I could feel the wet material against my chin. Her exquisite aroma was driving me now, guiding me to its source. I pulled her panties down to her knees, and slid my tongue down the rest of her ass to the bottom of her pussy. She gasped as I drove my tongue into her cleft, deep into her for the first time. Tasting the forbidden fruits that I desired but until now denied. For the first time I tasted my lover, savoring the flavor and aroma of her passion. Yes, for the first time, and I wanted more.

She rose higher, exposing her prominent mound encased between her thin legs. My face moved closer to take advantage of my lover's eagerly offered access and I started to run my tongue over the shortly cropped hair of her vaginal lips. Her entire bottom was covered with her secretions, and I eagerly licked these and I inhaled my lover's scent. I continued to trace my tongue along her lips and cleft, until I reached the top. I crossed over her clit, and found the ring in her hood, as I suspected. I mouthed the ring, tugging it slightly with my lips as my hands held her hips to steady our bodies.

She strained to allow for better access, spreading her legs as far apart, but the panties at her knees restricted this. I pushed her lightly to the side, signaling my wish for her to turn over. She readily responded, rolling over to her back, with her legs in the air. I pulled the panties from her legs, and she threw them widely apart with abandon as an invitation for me to rejoin her. I looked down at her body, the small breasts, the flat stomach, and her lovely, practically bare mound. Her pussy lay open, with the meaty red inner lips and clit waiting for my return. Her ring an invitation, waiting for my mouth. She pulled me to her, between her legs. I lay on top of her, our breasts and nipples pressed tight against each other. Our bellies met, and then I moved my pussy against hers. She was wet and slick and her inner flesh was fully exposed. I positioned my pussy against hers so that my clit could slide over hers. With every move, our extended clits were nudged, pulled or rubbed by soft slippery flesh. Every move resulted in further sexual tension, building the level to a feverish height. She was moving under me now, rubbing clit to clit, and dragging her flesh against mine. With every move of her hips and pussy we moved closer to consummation of our love as we moved against each other's hardened bud.

Our juice coated lips and faces were together, mixing our scents together. This heady aroma, mixed with our perfumes, left me wanting to taste my lover again. I slid away down her neck and shoulders, until my mouth found her breasts. I took her rock hard nipple into my mouth and started to suck and bite hard on it. She grabbed my head and held my face locked to her breast, relishing my teeth and mouth. My hand again found her gaping pussy, and I started to manually stimulate her clit, occasionally diving my fingers into her wet hole. I sensed that she was nearing an orgasm, as I felt her muscles tensing, and I pulled my head free and dove between her legs. I locked my mouth onto her pussy and started to rapidly lick her clit, waiting for her to release a flood of cum. She was now groaning audibly, and rocking her hips. Her long thin fingers were tied in my hair, pushing my face closer, locking me in place until I finished. Her nylon covered thighs pulled in, closing around my ears, and she groaned as she found release. She flooded my mouth, which I eagerly accepted. She relaxed somewhat but I continued my assault on her pussy, and soon she was climaxing violently again. We continued this until she was spent.

We took each other in our arms, cooling down, holding each other while gently kissing and caressing each other. Finally Victoria said" Carly and Maja told me that it would come naturally once I found the person I loved and who loved me."

"I think we both found that" I replied. We lay together, in each other's arms, until we drifted asleep.

That night and throughout the entire next day we continued to make love. We bathed each other, laughed together, and shared our bodies and hearts with each other. Neither of us had ever experienced this level of sensual fever or the satisfaction of finding our true love. Victoria did not return home for several days, and Ron vehemently expressed his dissatisfaction at her absence. She soon left him, and moved in with me. We've lived together as lovers and friends for almost eight years now, realizing that we had each other for the rest of our lives. We only had to open our eyes and look. The answer was so obvious.

Ladies: Please write to me at Let's share fantasies and erotic secrets.

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