
By Mike Green

Published on Jun 29, 2010


GINO - Part 4

by Mike Down Under (

Hi guys, this is my first attempt at writing erotica for men. If you are not into consenting adult M2M sex or swearing and if course language is not your scene then please, go elsewhere. This story is partly based on fact and partly on fiction. I have taken a long time to set the scene for what follows, not only in this part but in subsequent adventures as well. So do persevere with it.

Previously... bucked upwards off the fucking bed, my face was held tight against his groin, so I had no option but to play follow the leader with my face as we went back down with both his hands forcing my face into his cock. A face that was literally glued to Gino's cock and balls while he fucked it. By now I could smell his spunk as well as taste it. It had a very heady aroma I might add - and could hear very loud guttural groans, moans and sighs of contentment coming from Gino. Fucking hell! He was cumming in buckets all over himself and my face but still with the cock head inside his jocks - sorry, G-string.

His bucking and bouncing around lessened and he just lay there trembling from head to toe from the reaction of his cumming. I felt him go limp and then his hands, still on my head, started to run their fingers through my hair. I took the opportunity to take in a few deep gulps of air while managing to raise my head sufficiently to see his belly covered in cum as was the front of his G; I watched, fascinated as his spunk spread as it was soaked up by the satin covering; spreading like a cancer over his G as it mixed with my spit and Gino's precum;. Meanwhile his cock still let lose the left-over cum from those fucking big balls below. My face felt somewhat sticky.

Gino and I just lay there for a minute or so; neither of us moving or saying anything. I think we both needed the breather. I was kneeling on the floor between his legs as they dangled over the edge of the bed. I felt his legs move and then felt strong hands grab my shoulders to lift, or rather, slide me upwards to finish flat on Gino's chest. He wrapped his arms around me and whispered "Grazie Bello, grazie. That was beautiful. I love you Bello" I could only raise my head and smile at him in acknowledgement. He on the other hand moved his mouth onto mine and kissed me gently and then I felt his arms tighten around me and before I could blink I was flat on my back with the fucking big lug on top of me smiling down at me.

"Mike" Gino started to say, and hesitated. This kind of got me as he never called me anything but Bello, even in front of co-workers. So what was I to make of this? I soon found out as he continued, "For a man who has never been with a guy before you certainly knew what to do!"

Imprisoned as I was with Gino on top of me with his arms around me still, all I could really move were my head and feet. Not much to defend myself from a killer if he decided to head-butt me to death. But always ready with the flippant remark I replied, "Hey stronzo!! Where did you learn to direct guys in bed like you did with me? A seasoned trooper if ever I had one"

The big lugs eyes kind of misted over at the idea of me finding him out. As if I cared anyway. I had got what I wanted, well almost everything. There was just one more thing I needed from him. Before I could say or do anything Gino rolled off me and broke up into a long, throaty, and very sexy, dirty chuckle and exclaimed. "Touche Bello; sprung me haven't you?"

I rolled onto my side and rested my head on his chest and thought I would suffocate as my nose got buried in the coconut matting it sunk into. Without thinking I moved my hand down to Gino's crotch and lightly touched his cock, which, surprisingly, was still almost as stiff as it was a minute or so ago. He jack knifed his legs up to his chest and nearly knocked me out as his fucking knees slammed into my head. "No! Bello. Please. NO!! I'm too sensitive" He cried out in agony at my touching his cock.

I knelt up, still a bit groggy from the battering from his knees, and started to apologise. His arms came around me and he kissed me to shut me up. That's one of the things I loved about that big lug. As big as he was, and as dangerous as he was, he could still be a gentle guy, romantic, warm and loving and he did really care about me as he showed me time and again in different situations we found ourselves in. So naturally I melted back into the security of his arms and suffocated myself some more as the coconut matting worked its way up my nostrils. I think the next few minutes would have had to be some of the tenderest and rewarding minutes we ever had together; kind of an after-glow from sex. No words were said as we just lay, in peace, and contentment as we drifted off to sleep. Now that I think of it in hindsight, both of us had been up since early the previous day, so yes, sleep was a good option even if it was no more than 30 minutes or so.

Sometime later I sort of came to and felt something brushing or stroking the side of my face. I brushed it away with a sleepy hand and drifted off again. The feeling started again and I swiped at the fly, or what I thought was a fly as I started to come to and realised that something was stroking my face. Well not just "something" but that lovely big lug. I opened my eyes properly, engaged my brain into awake and looked up. There above my face was a smiling Gino. He face came down and then his lips brushed mine. He raised his head and said "Welcome back Bello. You look like and angel when asleep"

As usual back went the flippant remark from big mouth here. "What? an angel when asleep only?" I saw the hurt look in Gino's eyes and realized my dumb remark had cut deep. I reached up with my hand and pulled his face to mine. "Sorry my love; I didn't mean it like that." With that I held him tight around the neck and proceeded to eat his face and kiss it all over. I felt him relax so I somehow managed to roll him over and onto his back. I opened his legs with one of my knees, slid between them and rested my belly on his then placed my elbows either side of his massive chest with my arms up under his shoulders. I proceeded once more to eat and kiss his face, licking it, his ears, and nibbling on his ear lobes as I licked his neck in between everything else I was doing to him. Of course my groin got into the act as it started to slow hump the groin underneath. WELL!! I had been having some tuition of late so was certain I knew what I was doing LOL. All Gino did was rub his warm and gentle hands over my back and ass.

I was starting to find my way back to piggy heaven when Gino exclaimed, "Bello, you still have your clothes on. I must have got so carried away I didn't realize you were still dressed and you poor man, no relief, no wonder you humping me." That remark was followed by Gino's deliciously deep and sexy chuckle as he laughed at his own joke.

Before I had time to blink, Gino had flipped me over and straddled me with his arse firmly pressed down on my stiff cock. He reached out, and before I could say anything, started to unbutton my shirt. All the while he was looking me right in the eyes and I saw the devotion, or was it love in his eyes, or something else to dark for me to understand?

Gino gently raised me up slightly with one big paw under my neck, with the other hand he slid the shirt off my shoulders and then proceeded to take each of my arms out. He never blinked or looked away from me. I, did, though, feel a slow humping on my cock with his arse. Fuck!! I thought to myself, doesn't he ever stop, but then, all he was doing was getting me hot with a bit of teasing in readiness for what was to follow. By then I was somewhat mesmerized with his stare, his hands and the increasing pressure on my crotch as my cock stiffened a bit more and started to pulsate. Gino leant forward and kissed me passionately, and as he did so, his arse rose as it followed his body. He lowered it again and pressed down hard on my cock which I'm sure was leaking buckets of precum judging by the dampness around and on my cock.

Slipping down below my knees Gino undid my belt and top button. I felt him fumble at the zip then felt it slide down in one motion. His warm fingers slipped down under the band of my jocks and touched my cock which by then was slippery and wet with the aforementioned precum. Those fingers worked my skin and cock head for a few minutes as I just lay there with eyes closed taking in the eroticism of the man on top of me and how his gentleness made me revel in the sensuality of his touch. I felt Gino shift position as he slid my jocks and pants down to around my ankles. He removed one leg, then the other; my socks were the last item of clothing to be removed. Apart from shopping and eating out, I was to wear nothing all weekend during the fuck fest that was to follow; but more about that later.

In the mean time, once I was divested of all clothing, Gino gently opened my legs wide, got between them, and kneeling there, began to run his fingers over my cock and balls, up the inside of my thighs, across my belly and down the outside of my thighs. The touch was soft and gentle but at times the pressure decreased or increased so that I was never able to adjust to any one stroke or pressure. Fuck he was good. NO!! Great!!! Never before had I been so aroused, and that's not counting him jacking me off earlier as we stood beside the river; and I was nowhere near ready to spunk either. Gino's hands and fingers worked their magic on my body as he used my precum as an added lubrication while he worked my cock and foreskin. The big lug even managed to squeeze my balls rather hard, which was unusual as I usually had no tolerance for pain of any kind; but here I was starting to moan and groan as he continued to play with me and squeeze my balls.

With my eyes still closed I felt the bed bounce and as I opened my eyes I saw Gino getting off the bed. He looked down at me, blew me a kiss as he grabbed my ankles then turned me around so my knees were at the edge of the bed and my legs dangled over. I didn't get to much time to take in his body but I did see that fucking great bulge in his G-string and also had time to notice it was covered in dry cum over the front, as was Gino's belly hair.

I started to speak but was silenced by the lug as he knelt on the floor between my legs. Gino's hands reached out again as if to stiffen my already stiff and pulsating 6.5 inches of thick man meat that quivered in the air. "..Ah Bello. Relax and enjoy." then added for good measure and with the usual sexy, throaty chuckle. "..Your dick is more Bello than you" I caught the twinkle in his eye and the big lug must have seen I was about to respond with another flippant remark (which I was) and before I had my mouth half open he leant forward and swallowed my cock right up to its fucking hilt without stopping to adjust for length or size then sucked hard on it so that it felt as it was in a fucking vacuum. I could hear, or rather, feel, vibrations on my cock as Gino started to chuckle at my surprise.

Then I was in heaven. I've had my cock sucked many times but never like Gino was doing to it. Still not sure what it really was he was doing, but my cock felt as if it was inside a vacuum all the time as he slid his mouth up and down my cock shaft. ALL the while he was caressing my balls, now squeezing them, now caressing them. He moved slightly (still with cock in mouth) then I felt his hands slide under my upper thighs, loop back and from there those fuckin great paws of his slide up my belly; this made me open my legs wider as his broad shoulders were now deep within my thighs, my cock in his mouth and my brain in piggy heaven again. In this position Gino was somehow able to move his hands up and down my thighs and belly and around the base of my throbbing cock whenever he wanted to; this he did often and frequently. In some ways I was trapped under him but had no thought to escape as his mouth and hands loved me.

As Gino's mouth worked on my cock, his forehead and hair would slide up and down my belly adding a further erotic dimension to his love making. In time, he changed position by sliding his hands back down within my thighs. It was then the tempo picked up. I felt warm finger tips rubbing my groin between cock and the crease in my groin where the pubic area joins the top of my thighs. Then he moved his fingers up to my pubic bone and effectively pressed down very hard on my pubic bone with his fingers while at the same literally squeezing my pubic area as he changed cock sucking technique. Every so often as he circled my pubic/groin area his fingers came into contact with my balls; these he flicked and rubbed. But, it was to my cock he paid most attention.

The sensations from Gino's mouth servicing my cock were out of this world. His lips slid my foreskin down the shaft and his teeth (yes teeth) would catch the bottom of my cock head and gently bite it at that most tender of spots. But his biting wasn't hard, more of a very light nip or grab with the teeth; I still jumped every time he did that. While this was happening I felt his tongue licking and playing with my piss slit. It probed and probed, ran around my cock head and then returned to my slit trying to get in as if wanting to fuck it. In some ways it was being fucked; as was the whole of my cock and balls. Not to be forgotten, those hairy low hangers of mine were now being licked, sucked and nibbled on just as much as my cock. Every so often as he worked my cock with his mouth, Gino would take my balls between his fingers and squeeze, roll them around and gently massage them. All I could do was lay there, flat on my back with my big lug kneeling on the floor between my very open and willing legs and enjoy the sensation of being sucked off. Not much later I felt my balls begin to tighten up and my hips began that slow, regular, humping known and enjoyed by men as they build to orgasm.

Gino's mouth came off my cock suddenly and then I felt his tongue licking my balls as if it was an ice-cream on a stick. He licked them all over then sucked one into his mouth and before I could moan my approval, both balls were in his mouth. Then he sucked and ran his tongue over my balls at the same time; not to be out done, my stiff and well slicked cock quivered and pulsated until it felt warm loving fingers grabbed it as they started to pull on it from the piss slit to the base.

Needless to say I was starting to moan and groan, and began to get my whole body into the act by thrashing around on the bed. But, the loving big lug had me pinned to the bed so all I could really do was to put my legs over his broad shoulders, wrap my thighs around his neck and head and get him in a kind of scissors hold as I felt the spunk starting it's short journey up from my balls and into my cock. As I did this, Gino, somehow, anticipated my scissors hold and, once more, swallowed my cock to its hilt; before I knew it I was shooting spunk everywhere; well at least down my sweet stronzo's throat. Gino never lost a beat on my balls or cock, not that he could really do much anyway as he was being squeezed hard between my thighs as I shot my hot man juice down his constricting throat; then I heard myself moaning and groaning until at the height of my orgasm I screamed something about loving him and not to stop sucking my cock. Then my whole body shook and bounced around the bed as my thighs lost their grip on Gino's head. The sweet man must have come off my cock as I felt cool air on it. I realized in my delirious pleasure that he was probably getting some air into his lungs before I suffocated him. I shuddered again when I felt Gino's warm loving lips engulf my cock once more as I was in the process of shooting the last few bits of cum but was still as stiff as ever. He swallowed my cock again and as I finished shooting I felt the constrictions of his throat as it milked me dry.

I lay there, on the bed, on my back, legs open wide, with my chest heaving with the effort of the best fucking orgasm I had ever had. Fuck Gino was hot. I felt his hands on my thighs and then the big lug slid up my body. I felt him all the way up like a second skin.

I opened my eyes when I felt his full weight pressing down on my chest. I looked into his brown eyes and could only mouth, thank you, I love you. He just smiled. Of course it goes without saying that I could feel his clothed cock being gently rubbed against my naked one and as he finished smiling and said "I love you too Bello"

I threw my arms around his neck and told him the same thing. I then, somehow, managed to roll him off and finished up straddling his thighs with my naked cock playing hide and seek with his covered one. I reached down to touch his and was going to pull the G down so I could once and for all see what the fuck it was that was imprisoned in the G-string. Gino grabbed my hand and tightened his grip to the point it was painful. I looked up and caught the look in his eyes. I can't be sure what that look was, but even today, I had the feeling he was petrified of something. He turned his head sharply so I couldn't read his eyes. I knew something was wrong but had no idea what. Surprisingly, within the space of a few seconds of this happening Gino's cock went down and back to sleep while mine was as rampart as ever and oozed precum all over his G and belly.

"Gino, what's wrong?" I asked. He just lay there with his eyes closed as if to block the world out. I reached forward and caught his chin and tried to turn it so his face was pointing in my direction. But being Gino, he was able to resist any force. This I had found out many times when we skylarked about and never, ever, by pushing and tugging at him as hard as I could, never able to move him. He stood there, always, as if made of granite. So knowing this, I had to try something else to bring him back from where ever he was. I slid down and managed to open his arm so I could lay against his chest with his arm sort of draped over my shoulder. I cocked my leg over his groin area and put my hand on his cheek and waited. His whole body was tense and as taunt as a spring. All I could do was, wait, and show him I did care for him and more importantly, worried about him.

Laying against Gino and having gotten as close as I could physically I began to slowly stroke the big lugs face. He was starting to worry me because I had never seen him like this; always he was the jovial one, the teaser, the one laughing; the talkative of the two, the touchy feely one, the protector and the romantic. Many things raced through my mind but they all came to a stop when I realized I just had to wait until he wanted to tell me; if indeed he actually would talk. I say this as though he was everything just mentioned, little did he really tell me about his inner self and what drove him. His breathing became shallow and I could feel him starting to relax. Sad to say, but such was the state I was getting myself into that, for fuck's sake, I started to cry. Me a grown man with tears forming in my eyes. Some of them must have escaped and dropped onto Gino because he came back from where ever he had been and swept me up into his arms.

"Bello you're crying, why?" He asked then continued "What's wrong, have I upset you babe?"

I only sniffled, wiped my eyes and raising myself so I could see his eyes and asked "What's got into you Gino? You are a hunk of shit but for some reason you won't let me see your cock. Why? "

Gino looked downcast and turned his gaze away from me and appeared to be unsure of himself which, again, was unlike him. I looked and waited, and waited and not able to hold it any longer said. "Well, I'm waiting"; still no response.

I was starting to freak out again at this change and realized that I would only make things worse if I started yelling at him as I wanted to do, as I had done often in the past when he frustrated me over something, so I put one hand under his chin and moved his face so he was looking into my eyes again. There was no life in them and it seemed as if no one was home. Oh Shit! I thought to myself, have I really got a weirdo here as some of them at work suggested he was. For some reason I bent my head and put my lips to his and kissed him gently, his arm tightened around my shoulders so I knew at least he was still in there and at home. I snuggled into his shoulder and neck and said softly, "Gino, for what it's worth I do love you and if you have something that needs to be said or a problem you need help with I am here when you are ready to talk" His response was to hug me tight with the arm that was around my shoulder.

I continued quietly "Sweetheart, you are a beautiful man with a big heart who loves life and the people in it. You're always smiling, hugging and making people glad they have met you and to be alive. People look to you for support from time to time and you give it them with no questions asked, yet here you are with a problem that you can't tell me about, why my love? You know me well enough to know that I wouldn't intentionally hurt you or belittle you in anyway. Why! I have you to thank for bringing me back to life and helping me walk in the sunshine again .and yes, I'm giving you another one of my lectures." When I mentioned another lecture the big lug put both arms around me and squeezed the shit out of me, rolled onto the top of me and buried his head in the crook of my neck. At last I was getting a reaction and hopefully making progress

Side-tracking briefly; I was always giving Gino lectures on things in life, what he should or shouldn't do, how he dressed, ate, drank; Just general run of the mill things that really had no effect as he still did what he wanted anyway. He got to the point where he would stop what he was doing, look at me with full attention then give me a big smile and ask "Another lecture Bello?" In the end it became a bit of a joke between us.

Now, there I was, under the lug with his arms around me and his face buried in the crook of my neck. I heard him say something but the sound was muffled in my neck. "What did you say?" I asked.

He raised his faced sufficiently to tell me he had a deformed dick.

TO BE CONTINUED... part 5 cumming soon

Next: Chapter 5

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