Ginger Mania

By Dr Throat

Published on Apr 1, 2021



Ginger Mania

As soon as I finished my most recent story The Shuttle Bus Ride, I got the inspiration to finally write this story here as well. I was ruminating scenarios of what could happen between the two characters and finally all the pieces came together. The ginger in the story has been my colleague for a few years already. Yes, I was the one in charge of hiring him. And I did that part with no ulterior motive. But ever since, I just melt whenever we have a cordial work-related conversation. I find myself unable to look him directly in the eyes when we talk about work stuff. I just can't act normal around him. He's that good looking and built!

As those of you who have read my other stories know, there will be graphic sex in this story as well. However, my particular style of storytelling is about the art of the chase. It is about the circumstances, the missed signals, the trepidations that will eventually lead to explosive sex. I usually do a very good job of character development, so by the time we get to the sex it makes so much more sense. Any my specialty is straight guys. Or at least the ones who think they are straight until they discover otherwise. Or the guys we would otherwise assume are straight, but then we find a whole less obvious side to them.

Any resemblance to real people or events is a pure desire for what I wished actually did happen in real life, but never did. So much of it was inspired by events in real life, but the actual events of the story are more wishful thinking rather than actual occurrences.

This story is about sexual fiction between consenting adults. It does not specifically mention the use of safe sex, nor does it make a statement about not using it. It was not part of the story line. But you and I and everyone should always use safe sex. Always.

If you enjoy this story, drop me an email with your feedback at

Ginger Mania

Hi. I'm Jake. I'm a good looking 37-year-old gay man. When the events of this story happened, I was fresh off a break up after a long-term relationship. I had dated Brent for 9 years. We lived together, and for all intents and purposes we behaved like a married couple. We broke up for reasons I'd rather not discuss. Fine, the bastard cheated on me. Not that I'm such an innocent flower myself. Listen, if he was getting tired of monogamy, then he should have come and talked to me about it. Maybe I would have been fine with a 3-way. Maybe I would have been fine with an open relationship. But he never bothered bringing it up. He just went behind my back and had many sexual escapades. When I found out and confronted him, he wasn't even brave enough to deal with it. So we parted ways. I kept the puppy; the asshole was not getting that little cutie.

Then I re-entered the dating scene. Or more correctly, the dating games. Lots of potential. Lots of guys out there. I dated a lot, but had not found the next Mr. Right. At least I was having fun. I know you want to find out what happened between me and this ginger I mentioned in the introduction. So, let's set up the scene.

I have been out since college. Everyone at work and all other aspects of my work know it. They had all met my ex at our office holiday parties before we separated. No secrets there.

I am Dermatologist. Right out of residency I joined this boutique practice on the Upper East Side in New York. Most of our work is cosmetic rather than popping zits. Somehow we have managed to recruit a whole bunch of good looking doctors and staff, very befitting for our practice. The only one who looks like a slob is our senior partner and director.

We all wear these super high end custom scrubs to work all day. Scrubs are a real test of your sex appeal. If you're fit and tanned and toned, the scrubs make you look like eye candy. If you're out of shape and have hairy arms like my senior partner, then they really accentuate all your flaws a hundredfold.

The said senior partner, about 15 years older than me, developed a liking to me in a mentor kind of way. I quickly became the vice chairman of our firm, even though there were a few other doctors there more senior than me. One of my duties was to run the day-to-day affairs of the entire practice, including recruitment.

Recruiting office staff is a never-ending job. Somebody is always on some sick leave or something like that. Good staff often gets poached buy other practices. So I had done some staff recruiting already in my first year in that position. But then the partners decided it was time to recruit a junior doctor. I placed an ad in various Dermatology publications. As soon as the ad was published, I got more than 20 resumes from potential candidates. It was my job to sort them out and see who was worthy of an interview.

Then our plans got changed. Suddenly we got approached by a competing office to talk about a possible merger. As such, we thought it would not be appropriate to start interviewing in good faith for the junior position if we don't know what the future of the practice would look like. So one by one I had to write back each of the applicants and apologize for the premature ad we had placed. I wished them well and hoped our paths would cross at a future date.

Except this one guy Seth just did not accept that as an answer. He wrote a rather candid response back saying that it has always been his dream to move to New York and when he saw our ad, he knew that this is the opportunity for him. He would be willing to take the chances on the merger with us and would not hold us accountable for misrepresentation. In fact, he was coming to New York for a personal matter the following week and he asked if I would be kind enough to meet him informally for coffee at some point. He knew that this would not constitute a formal interview, but he would really appreciate the opportunity to meet me in person while here.

I was of two hearts what is the right thing to do. The partners group had already decided to retract the job posting. Why should I meet this kid (he was only 7 years younger than me, not really a kid) and give him false hope? Is that fair to anyone?

Next step I decided to google him. As soon as the first image of him loaded on the search page, my heart sank. He was a drop-dead gorgeous ginger! And that's my weak spot. I crave gingers with pale porcelain skin and toned bodies. And he was exactly just that. I clicked his Facebook page and various pictures of him in athletic gear and poses popped up. He was fit, with broad shoulders and very defined pecs and biceps. Nothing too slutty, just a whole bunch of sports and activity pictures.

Fuck, now what do I do? Do I agree just to meet him to enjoy the eye candy, even though I knew I have no job to offer him? He's going to be in New York anyway, so what's the harm??? It's just coffee, not a job interview, as he said himself.

Against my good judgement, I agreed to meet him the following week. We set a time and place on a Saturday afternoon. I showed up in casual weekend clothes. He came wearing the tightest fitting sport jacket, freshly ironed dress shirt with no tie, and a very metrosexual fitting tight slacks that ended slightly above the ankle. Fancy socks and shoes to match. He was around 5'9". Gorgeous ginger hair with a fresh haircut. The skin of a porcelain doll with not even a single wrinkle or blemish. Perfectly blue eyes as deep as the ocean.

He came into the coffee shop and started looking around to find me. I pretended I didn't know it was him, as his application by law did not contain a photo of him. Eventually he figured out it was me he was looking for and came over to my table. We shook hands to introduce ourselves. Solid manly palm and a firm shake. Those powerful biceps of his were powering the hand that shook me to my core.

I already had my coffee, so I offered for him to go get one for himself if he wanted to. He said that would be great and headed to the order counter. Which gave me a great look at his tushy. Plump and well-shaped. Those glutes were screaming for attention from all the admiring eyes.

At this point, even though we had not started the non-interview, I already knew it would not go well. When I am in company of super attractive men, the kind that are too handsome to even be true, I just don't know how to behave myself. I immediately regress into a 15 year old school girl debilitated with shyness. I mumble, stutter, and I usually cannot finish my sentences. For sure, I cannot maintain normal eye contact that is expected during the course of any normal conversation. In those instances, I keep looking at something else, anything else, just so I don't give away my extreme state of being uncomfortable with myself.

He got his coffee and came back and sat down. As predicted, I acted all uncomfortable and shy. He was talking, but maybe I actually understood like half of it. My mind was going places of how I should behave and not make a fool out of myself. I managed to steal a glance down whatever portion of chest that was showing from his dress shirt. Smooth and not a single hair coming away from the top. If I could only go over and peak into the rest of what he was hiding inside his shirt.

Even though I did not absorb everything he was saying, as I was very distracted by the situation, I did grasp a few things. It seemed that he also had a long-term relationship with his now ex-fiancé. And this fiancé was a woman by the name Chloe. They broke things off and now he was looking for a fresh start. He had been in his current practice for two years, but he thought this was the perfect time to pick up and move to New York before he got more vested in that practice.

So now we knew that he's straight. But of course he was. All the good looking, hunky, fit, masculine guys that come into my life are straight. And that's my type. I just can't help being drawn to all that masculinity. Except that most of the time it is not reciprocal. This guy Seth is straight. And even if he weren't, this was not a date. We were here on a non-interview job application. I needed to act more professional.

What I could not understand was how could anyone in their right mind let of go of this most spectacular specimen of a man? How could anyone in their right mind, male or female, deprive themselves from having wild passionate sex with him for the rest of their lives together? Women! I just don't understand how they don't appreciate the male form the way they should.

I once again told him we were no longer offering the spot. He said he understood. He said he was willing to accept whatever we had in mind to offer without trying to haggle. He was also willing to take his chances that, if and when the merger happened, there would also be a spot for him. He indicated that he was really eager to make the move and we were the only one job opening he had even come across for the past 6 months. I enjoyed shaking his hand good bye one more time. I forced myself to glance straight into his eyes and make appropriate eye contact as I wasn't sure if I would ever see him again, lest in some medical conference in the future. I wished him well no matter what happened.

Even before I got home, he had already sent me a very genuine thank you email for agreeing to meet him. He once again said that he was aware of our situation and he was willing to take the chances with us.

Ok, so now I had to take all this back to the partners group. I explained that despite the group consensus, I had met this one candidate. I told them how eager he was to take whatever offer we had, and he was fine with the uncertainty of the merger. In my heart I secretly really did want to recruit him, but I also managed to keep it all objective and professional. Yes, he was super attractive, but I and the rest of the partners had a moral obligation to uphold in our hiring practices.

The group decided to proceed with negotiations with Seth. In no time he had the contract signed and sent back. He would start the following month. Again, I did really keep my sexual attractions out of the hiring decision. It was all done in good faith.

[Real-life "Seth": if you ever come across this story, please be reassured that I did really keep it all professional when we went through the hiring process. You were hired based on your merits. And I always made a point of not crossing the line in our professional relationship.]

I told you about our custom scrubs already. Whatever you imagined about a young handsome and fit doctor in scrubs just melting your heart, just multiply it times a million to get an image of what Seth looked like. The first day at work, he had managed to select the most form fitting size he could find. It looked like the scrubs were hand tailored for him in the fanciest fashion house on Madison Ave. His bulging porcelain biceps filled the armholes to the max. His pecs filled the top portion of the scrubs, while what looked like a zero-fat 6 pack tight belly was perfectly at home in the rest of the outfit. His scrub pants showed that his waist was no bigger than size 30. His ass cheeks filled the back of the scrub pants, while a good-sized package occupied the front without being vulgar. He had picked the jogger-type scrub pants, so it tailored to a tight cuff just above his ankles. He was wearing no show athletic socks and shoes that matched the navy color of our scrubs. He looked more like a model from one of those medical outfit catalogs rather than an actual doctor that has spent years studying in libraries.

My next duty as the recruitment officer was to spend the first day with him to show him the usual flow of our office and our medical records. I sat down shoulder to shoulder to him looking at his computer terminal as I gave him a quick course about our medical records. Many times we had to alternate who would drive the mouse to achieve certain tasks. My hand almost touched his a million times. I was as giddy as a school girl again in his presence, but luckily we both were looking at the computer screen rather than each other. I don't think I would have survived being that close to him AND having to look him in the eyes. That was the longest one hour of my life to that point.

That whole first day of me overlooking his shoulder and him overlooking mine was very tough. I was glad the day was over. I was glad I could go home and yank out a good one to take it out of my system. I know, it is kinda incestuous to jerk off to your colleague, but it is all just innocent fantasy. As long as I kept it professional at work, all was fine.

As he got busier for the next few weeks and more used to our office, I didn't have to supervise him as much. Which was good for my own sanity. But every time he walked into my office to ask a question, one look at his gorgeous biceps almost ripping the armhole of the scrub tops and I was back at school girl giddiness. I just couldn't help myself. And since I was the recruitment officer, and technically his mentor, he came to me for every single issue and question. I was more than glad to answer them all.

A couple of months into it, and he walked into my office for another question. Except this time it was not about work. Valentine's day was coming up, and he wanted to take his new girlfriend out to some place special, and he needed restaurant advice from a seasoned New Yorker. Well, he was not wasting any time. Only a couple of months ago he was giving me the sob story about breaking up with his fiancé, and now he's already got some other chick serious enough for Valentine's Day special dinner. Good for him. And even better for her. She would take him home later that night and enjoy every inch of his body. I could just imagine her devouring his nipples, kissing his tight abs, and sucking on his cock till all hours of the night. And I was jealous it wasn't me. Anyway, I did steer him in the right direction. I gave reference for a really romantic place downtown that is super cute but not unnecessarily pricey. The following week he walked into my office again, and thanked me for the reference. I assume he got lucky afterwards, but it would be too unprofessional to ask. I let it be.

Over the next few months, things were on cruise control. He didn't have as many questions any more. It seems that he had blended well into New York as well as our practice. One time he mentioned something about going to his girlfriend's grandfather's funeral. So I assumed they were still dating, though I did not pry.

A few months later, he walked into my office on a random Monday morning. "I was wondering if you can help me on a personal matter," he said. "I need to get a pelvic X-Ray and I was wondering if you could enter the order for it under your name as the ordering physician."

Well, that was odd! We're Dermatologists. We don't normally order X-Rays. Specially not for the pelvis. Turned out he was out playing basketball with his buddies the day before. When he went to dunk the ball, he fell flat on his ass and it's been hurting ever since. He thought he might have broken his coccyx (the tail bone in lay man's terms). So, yes, normally that is detected by a pelvic X-Ray. He didn't feel like making an appointment to go see his primary doctor who would in turn refer him to see an orthopedist. He wanted to get the X-Ray done first on his own to see if there was a fracture. If there was no fracture then he would just tough it out.

I wasn't sure exactly how to order the correct version of the X-Ray, so he told me he had researched it already. Technically as doctors we can order X-Rays for anyone, including our own selves. If it were me, I would have just written a prescription for myself and go get it done privately. But he wanted to keep it clean and legit. So we ordered it through the medical record system and he was going to go during his lunch break to get it done.

Later that day I got a notification in the medical records that there were some results ready for me to review. Usually labs etc. I opened it and it was the X-Ray results for Seth. I read the report. It said there was a fracture of the coccyx. Ouch! Then I saw a link to view the image. I remembered my anatomy from medical school. I also remembered reviewing all kinds of X-Rays from internship. I had seen pelvic X-Rays in the past, although I would no longer consider myself an expert at reviewing them. Since this was a clear case of a fracture, and technically I was the ordering doctor, I did not think it was an invasion of privacy to look at the results. So I clicked at the link. And that was a huge mistake...

Yes, there was the outline of his pelvic bones. In the middle there was his tail bone. Seriously, I couldn't tell where this fracture was they were talking about. I'm not a radiologist. But the big surprise I was not expecting was that pelvic X-Rays show more than just bones. You see the outlines of any soft tissues. And the soft tissue I was not expecting was his dick that easily measured 5 inches when not even erect. It was massive! And it was right there looking at me. We all have heard about people getting dick pics. But this was the medical equivalent of a dick pic, albeit it was not sent to me with that intent. I just couldn't take my eyes off of it. That dick in the X-Ray was hypnotizing me. That was more information than I had bargained to see that day. Never mind not being able to look him in the eyes, now I had his dick image on my laptop.

While I was totally lost in the moment, guess who walked into my office? Yes, Seth, as his dick pic X-Ray was blaring all over my laptop screen. Reflexively, I quickly shut down the lid so he couldn't see the screen. He wanted to know if the results were ready. I told him the bad news, though didn't mention anything about me being mesmerized by his giant dick on my screen. He said he would make the appointment to see an Orthopedist now that the fracture was confirmed.

The whole rest of the afternoon I was not myself. I was overcome with joy for seeing the outline of his dick, yet I felt guilty for doing it. It is one thing if he walked around all day with his biceps showing and it was in open space for everyone to admire. It is another thing to virtually peek into his pants to check out his dick.

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that the image of his dick I saw was the topic of many jerk off sessions for the next two weeks.

Fast forward to the next Winter. I was getting used to salivating all day every day as I saw Seth going from one exam room to the next. I gawked at his biceps from the front, and at his tight ass from the behind. There was not a single bad angle to him. I had dated a few guys here and there. One of them happened to be a redhead too, but nowhere near as striking as Seth. Anyway, there was no chemistry with this other ginger and we moved on.

My office was considering buying a new fancy equipment for laser resurfacing of skin. As vice chair, I was the one doing all the negotiations and comparison shopping. Toward the end of the negotiations, they offered to fly me for a 4-day retreat to Florida to get more didactic on the device and some hands-on experience. I've been on these retreats before. They really are greasing you up. But due to regulations, they have to provide educational content as well. Usually we have classes half the day and the other half you have free time to enjoy whatever resort you're staying at. The retreat was the second week of December on the gulf coast in Florida. I had never been to that part of Florida, and winter in New York could be very cold and gray. So I accepted the offer to go.

We usually have our office holiday party the first week of December, before people go away on all kinds of breaks. I was not dating anyone seriously so I had gone solo. During the office holiday party I was chitchatting with various people, including Seth and the rest of the crew. Seth was there solo as well. I didn't want to ask what happened to the girlfriend. None of my business. I learned that Seth was also invited to the same retreat and was also going. Usually if they had empty spots, the device company should have asked me to see who else in the practice was the most likely to benefit from the retreat and its educational material. But they had invited Seth on their own and he was eager to go. Cool. This really would be the first time that we would be hanging out outside of the confines of the office besides that one coffee meet up as his non-interview.

We had a very early morning flight out of New York. They wanted us to arrive to have some didactic time and still allow for off time the very first day. Cheap bastards had booked us in coach. And Seth was a few rows behind me. We arrived and they bussed us to the resort. The setting was beautiful, but a bit dated. It was a huge sprawling property. Not a high rise like some of the resorts on the East coast of Florida. Each room was its own separate structure. There were a whole bunch of freestanding bungalow rooms on each walk. Luckily, they had booked all the attendees of our conference in the best section of the resort, facing the pool and overlooking the ocean. The rooms were built on the diagonal to each other, so you could have some privacy. And there were enough green shrubs that you could feel safe even if the curtains were open. Seth's room was right behind mine.

We had enough time to drop off our bags in the room and show up at the first day's didactic session. Seth sat next me. There were around 20 of us at the conference. I saw Seth wave across the room to some female doctor who was also attending. I didn't ask who she was.

Once the didactic session was over, that woman ran to our side of the room. Her name was Amanda, and she and Seth went to the same medical school. They went to different Dermatology residencies and did not keep much in touch after that. But it was a big surprise they were both here at the same time. Small world after all. Specially if you work in a small field like Dermatology.

She joined us for lunch. Most of the time it was the two of them reminiscing about people and places from way back, and me just nodding. I was left out. Which was fine for me. I was already used to feeling awkward around Seth, and now at least Amanda was taking some of the attention away.

It was free time after lunch. I really needed to work on my tan (ironic for a Dermatologist, right?), so I told them I'm heading to the beach. Seth and Amanda said they wanted to check out the tennis courts. We all went our respective ways. Dinner was being served around 8, so I didn't assume I would see them before that. All I could say is that they were a bit too chummy for two people who had gone to medical school together but didn't even keep in touch.

I headed to the beach. When in mixed company like this, I wear board shorts rather than the usual slutty bathing suits I wear in Fire Island or those trips to Ibiza or Greece. I'm decently toned and fit, so I look a bit butch in those form fitting board shorts.

The beach was perfect. Pristine blue and calm waters. Enough of a breeze to keep you cool, but not make all your stuff fly all over. The cabana boy set up a chair and umbrella for me. I applied ample amount of sun protection (Dermatologist, I told you), and plopped myself to read the non-medical book I had brought with me. It was just a perfectly relaxing setting.

About half an hour later I heard a light chatter from behind. Yup, it was the awesome twosome Seth and Amanda. The tennis courts did not have any spare rackets. So unless you had brought your own, you couldn't play. How odd. They decided to call it a day and come join me. On the one hand I was a bit annoyed that my relative peace and quiet was going to be interrupted. But then it dawned on me that Seth, already wearing his board shorts bathing suit, was about to take off his shirt and reveal his gorgeous torso to me and everyone else on the beach. I always wanted to know what his body really looked under those sexy scrubs. Today was my day.

I could have cum right then and there when the shirt came off. It was everything I imagined it to be and then some. Pale pink juicy man nipples you could sink your teeth into. The shoulders seemed even more broad with no fabric on them. And the tight six pack was the stuff of legends. Not an ounce of body fat to be found anywhere. Pure muscle definition in the front and back. Not a single hair anywhere either, except when you saw a faint hint of fire crotch treasure trail that went into his board shorts. I really had to recompose myself. I had to use my book to cover the semi-wood that was springing in my pants.

All that manliness trimmed into a waist with absolutely no hint of muffin top. He was wearing plain royal blue board shorts that matched his eyes and the ocean water all at the same time. In the back, his ass was well defined and plump. In the front the crotch was ever more so noticeable, more in line of what the X-Ray had told me about his package a few months ago. The shorts did not go all the way to his knees, like many straight boys like them. Instead, they ended midway down his thighs, giving me good view of the muscle definition. There was just enough manly hair on his calves to convey masculinity. His ankles were well defined and muscular. Each toe was perfectly shaped and pedicured. I could suck on each of them for hours.

They pulled up two beach chairs next to me and set up their towels. Like all good Dermatologists, the first thing Seth and Amanda did was to apply sun protection. Seth took out a very high-end SPF 70 lotion from his bag. He started by applying and massaging in a good amount on his calves and porcelain thighs. Then he applied an equally generous amount to each arm and shoulder, and took his time massaging it in until it was all absorbed. Next came a huge handful of lotion that got rubbed all over his pecs and six pack. By then his porcelain skin was glistening in the sun and I was just mesmerized.

We all have seen those nightmares where a straight boy does not apply enough lotion to his back and does not ask anyone to help him and the skin is burnt. Not so much if you're a Dermatologist. In our heteronormative society, Seth asked Amanda to apply lotion to his back. And she obliged. Carefully she applied the lotion to every single inch of his muscular back. I was in a trans as I traced her hands all over him, and just wished it was me, with my hands, who was the one doing it. Instead, I hid my boner with my hard cover book and tried to act normal.

After a half hour of chitchat, Seth saw the resort had paddleboards and asked if anyone was up for an adventure. Amanda said she had booked a massage in the spa later and she didn't want to ger hair wet anyway. Women! Me, I was fine just sitting and reading my book, but I figured whey not partake on a one-on-one activity with Seth. My boner was more controlled and I didn't mind getting up now. I've done paddleboarding a few times the past, so I wasn't a complete novice.

We took the boards out and started paddling in the clear waters. Big mistake! Before you knew it, the sun and the moisture made us break into a sweat even though we were doing minimal effort. Those sweat beads glistened all over his back and torso and like diamonds with brilliant shine. My boner was re-forming in my shorts. It would be too obvious if I tried to adjust myself right there in front of him and try to paddle at the same time. I had to steer my board so that Seth couldn't see the front of my shorts. Just as I was busy protecting whatever was left of my dignity, a big wave came out of nowhere, carried my board and I crashed into his board. We both fell over into the pristine water with a big splash. Each of us came back for air clinging to our boards right next to each other. He was laughing hard because of the freak accident, I was just relieved that my boner was now below water level and he couldn't see it.

We bobbled in the water for a few minutes. His bulging biceps were hugging his board as we threaded water and just relaxed. I was content just being there forever. The situation allowed me to focus on his luscious arms, now glistening with the water and the sun. Once my boner was gone from soaking in the water, we tried to do a couple of more laps but the waves were picking up and we fell in a few more times. So we came back to shore. Parked the paddleboards and went back to our seats. I just sunk into my seat to enjoy some more sun.

The pale ginger Seth, with a Dermatology degree, knew it was time to re-apply suntan protection after all the sweating and floating in the water. He once again started his ritual of applying ample lotion to each leg and massaging it in. He then did the same to his shoulder, his arms, his chest, and his torso. Each time he squeezed more of the lotion into his hand and massaged it into the body part. And like a deer stuck in headlight, I just followed with my eyes to whatever part of his body that was getting that awesome attention.

Ok, he was all lubed all. The show was over. Or at least I thought it was. Once he finished with everything he was doing, he turned to me.

"Would you mind applying lotion to my back? Otherwise I will get real burnt and it's gonna be ugly," he said.

That is a big no-no in the hetero world. But he knew that he needed the protection for his porcelain skin. And Amanda was gone, and there was no other females around.

Now, we are both doctors, and Dermatologists for that matter. We have each touched thousands of patients, male and female, over every possible area of their skin. But somehow applying lotion to someone's back has an erotic connotation associated with it. Technically it was a question that he had asked to see if I minded to apply the lotion. But it was not the kind of question that anyone say no to. I obliged, despite my best judgment. I knew that I was going to inject much more eroticism into the situation than he intended. I was going to be nervous, and my hands were going to tremble. I did the best I could.

I stretched my hand for him to give me the lotion container. Instead, he squirted a healthy portion of the lotion into my outstretched hand. That alone was already too erotic for me. He then turned around, bent down his shoulders ever so slightly and propped his ass out so I would have an easier time applying the lotion. I started with the left shoulder and glided my hand to the right. I made zigzags to distribute the lotion all over. Then with both hands I made circular patterns all over every inch of his back to massage it in. It was orgasmic. It was heaven. His skin felt so good under my palms. It was better than real sex. I didn't want this moment to ever end. I could do this all day. Just to be able to touch him as he yielded his body to mine. But alas the moment had to end. No less than by my boner once again giving away secrets publicly.

I took off my hands and he understood the lotion was all in. Before he turned back toward me, I had managed to lay back on my beach chair, this time laying on my belly to hide the boner. The innocent guy thought that was some kind of hint for him to reciprocate. He asked if I wanted him to apply lotion to my back. Really, that was not my intention at all, and that is as much physical contact I could endure for one day without creaming in my pants. I told him that was very kind of him and that with my Mediterranean complexion I didn't need another layer of lotion right away.

After a while, I think we both had enough sun. "I think I'm gonna check out the spa and the gym. Maybe even book myself a massage for tomorrow," I said.

"Great idea, I'm coming too," he invited himself to come along.

We headed to the health complex. First we passed by the gym area. Large air-conditioned room with multiple cardio and weight stations. The cardio equipment faced the big floor to ceiling windows as the weights were in the back. Then we continued to the spa. We came to the receptionist and she greeted us in that soft Zen voice they are used to. She introduced us to some of the services and gave us a massage menu. I knew I wanted a deep tissue sports massage already.

"I would like a sports massage for tomorrow around this time please," I said.

"I'll do the same please," Seth was quick to follow.

As the receptionist took the menus back to register us, it dawned on her: "Oh, would you like a couple's massage?" She thought she was being very progressive.

With that both Seth and I burst into a loud laughter. I somehow managed to say in between my laughter: "Yeah, he wishes!" I thought that would lighten things up. Seth was still laughing when he looked at me with a half-surprised look at how quick I came out with that comment.

We booked our massages for the next day, for separate rooms, and I told Seth I was gonna change and hit the gym after this. But of course Seth said he was planning the same. He told me he will also change and he'll see me there.

I went back to my room. Even though I was about to go sweat some more, I needed a cold shower. I needed to wash away the sun and the sand and the lotion. More importantly, I needed to let my mind and body cool down from all that Seth overstimulation I had endured. Maybe even a quick jerk off in the shower, but I found myself too distracted for that. I put on my gym clothes and headed back there.

By the time I arrived, Seth was already there. He was on one of the treadmills facing the window. He had his AirPods on watching something on his iPad as he was bouncing with full force on the machine. Every step, every skip, was a perfect specimen of manhood. He was wearing a very revealing muscle tank and generic straight boy gym shorts that go all the way to the knees. There were a couple of other people there also doing various exercises. I nodded hi and he responded the same as I walked in. I headed to the back to do some weights. For cardio I had planned to get up early next morning and go running outdoors.

I went from one weight station to the next, doing weights, sit ups, pulls ups, and any possible way to take out some sexual frustration as the object of my desire was only a few feet away. I had a prefect view of him from everywhere I went. As the minutes went on, he broke into a sweat. His tank top, whatever little fabric there was to it, was completely drenched. His shorts were getting a bit soggy too. And all around him on the floor a pool of fresh man sweat was building up. Oh, what I would give to go over and lick all the sweat, his sweat, off the floor.

Around 20 minutes later the two other people in the gym left. It was only Seth and me there now. As soon as they turned the corner, Seth took off his completely drenched tank top and slapped it on the handlebar of the treadmill. He was now topless even though there was a sign against it on the gym door. I totally didn't mind, and most certainly was going to enjoy the view as long as I could. Beads of sweat kept forming on his neck and trickled all the way down his back. There were glistening on his porcelain back, the same back I had rubbed oil on a couple of hours ago. Some of the sweat dripped down his shorts all the way to his muscular legs. Some of it flew in every possible direction as he bounced up and down. At the end, that puddle of sweat on the floor was getting bigger and bigger.

I was flat on the floor in between sets of sit-ups as I heard the treadmill come to a stop. Before I knew it, sweat-drenched Seth with his tank top flung over his one shoulder was standing over the top of my mat. My legs were pointing in the other direction and he looked at me upside down. From where I was on the floor I could make some shadows inside his wide-legged hetero gym shorts.

"See you later at dinner?" he said, although I didn't really hear any of it. By this time the shadows I had seen were more clearly the outlines of assless jockstraps. Just then a drop of his sweat came out of nowhere and hit my left shoulder. I don't think he noticed that.

"You're going later to dinner?" he repeated. His tone jolted me back to reality.

"Sure. Save me a seat," I said. He nodded and left the gym.

I was still on the floor. Mesmerized by seeing him bounce up and down like a triathlon athlete on a treadmill, mostly shirtless, for 45 minutes. Mesmerized from being able to peak into his shorts to see his jockstrap. But even more mesmerized from that single drop of sweat that landed on my shoulder. It would be raunchy to lick all that puddle of sweat from the floor; as a doctor I knew better. But the single drop of sweat that landed on my shoulder was fair game. I brought my one shoulder to my mouth and licked the are clean. I didn't know how much of the perspiration was my own and where exactly was that one drop that came from him. I didn't care. I licked the entire area clean. I had some of him in me now. I was drunk. From that one single drop. I stayed on the floor for the next 10 minutes. Luckily nobody came in the gym all that time and I just lay on the floor and enjoyed my orgasmic high.

Later I made it to my room. I really needed a cold shower this time. And that's what I did. I still had time before dinner. I laid on my bed and retraced all the events of the day. I had more direct interaction and more physical contact with him today than we did ever since he came to work with us. This was definitely a Seth overload kind of day. I managed to gawk at him shirtless, and with his approval I got to rub lotion all over his back. I saw him in his jockstraps. I even managed to lick his man sweat off of me. Up to this point seeing the outline of his dick on that pelvic X-Ray was a high, but today was many more firsts, and most of it with his knowledge. All the events kept flying in my head.

It was getting to be dinner time. I got ready, and figured I'll take a leak in my own room before heading out. Never been a fan of public restrooms, unless it involved glory holes (different story). The toilet was in the very back of the room to the one side. And the crapper was to the side of that. In there, there was a single small square window on the side wall that could be opened if you really stink up the place, but would otherwise keep closed with the air conditioning on. This window faced in the direction of Seth's bungalow room behind me. It looked directly into the side window of the bedroom area the way the rooms were staggered. I thought they had enough bushes and shrubs for privacy, but this particular window had an unobstructed side view of Seth's room. I tried to look in. The privacy shades were drawn in and the lights were off. I guess Seth had left already.

I headed to the dining area. Seth and Amanda were at the bar and looked like they already had a couple of drinks each. Both greeted me very joyfully, as one does when they have drinks on an empty stomach (do I sound like an old man?). We headed to the inside and sat down. Throughout the dinner I was definitely the third wheel in the Seth and Amanda show. They kept giggling about their memories and drinking more. I noticed some scratches on Seth's hands that were not there before, and some green stain under one fingernail. What had he done in between when I saw him last and now? That boy was very intriguing. I didn't know what to make of that. Instead, I had a lovely conversation with this older woman to my right.

After dinner most of us were too exhausted from the early flights and the long day to hang out more. The property was not terribly well lit and luckily the light from the full moon guided us where to go. We all went in the direction of our rooms and one by one each of the conference attendees went into their respective rooms. Amanda had already gone into her room at the beginning of our alley, and I said good night to Seth as we approached our adjacent rooms.

I took off my clothes, down to my underwear, and got ready for sleep. One last piss before calling it a night. As I stood in the crapper again, I looked sideways through the window toward Seth's room. The privacy screen was still pulled. Behind it I could see lights were on and an occasional motion, but you couldn't tell anything though the shades. Off to bed. Sleep tight Seth.

I guess I'm getting old. Or maybe I hydrated too much and too late. At 2 in the morning, I woke up with a fierce urge to pee. With my eyes half closed and with only the light from a full moon shining in from the outside, I found my way to the bathroom. As I stood there and peed like a horse, I took a glance sideways again to see what's happing at Seth's. This time the privacy curtain was gone. Inside his room was dark, except for that bright moon light shining on everything.

All of sudden I totally woke up from what I saw. I could totally make out the inside of Seth's bedroom. The headboard was to the left, and foot of the bed to the right, facing the door across from it. Basically the exact replica of my room. Seth was sleeping on top the covers, naked! He was facing away from me, with his bright porcelain ass shining in the moonlight in full view of my eyes. He was hugging his pillow very tight. He was fast asleep. He wasn't moving.

I was totally awake now. This was the cherry on top of the pie for this spectacular day. Full view of his naked ass, shining with the moonlight, even if it were about 15 feet away. He was sleeping and didn't move. I didn't move. I just kept staring. Oh, what would I give to be able to over and eat that porcelain ass of his. I kept looking and looking for at least half an hour, hoping at some point he would turn around and I would see his dick too. Bust alas, that never happened. He just lay in that one position forever.

Finally my eyes had enough and I went back to bed. I still couldn't believe what I had just seen. And I saw so much of it that I was satiated. I felt I was finally in the right mood to jerk myself off. One thought of that gorgeous ass I just stared at for half an hour, and it took me like 30 seconds to cum. I was happy. This was a very good day. Even though so much of it transpired in my dirty mind, it was a good day.

I had already set up my alarm clock for 6:30 AM so I could go for a run before breakfast. I should have turned it off. Too late. I was awake already. And without missing a beat I rushed to the window in the crapper. He was still there, in the bed, on top of the covers, naked. He was in a slightly different position than I remembered from last night, but still turned away from me and with his ass to my direction. It was even more luscious in daylight.

I could have spent the rest of the day just camping out there waiting for him to wake up. But I didn't want to chance it for him to turn around during daytime and see me gawking at him. I went back, put my running shoes on, and headed for a run. By the time I got back, I sneaked another peak through the crapper window. The privacy curtain was drawn back in. I had no idea if he was till there or not. Show was over.

I saw Seth and the rest of the gang at breakfast. He definitely looked a bit hung over, though not a total mess. After that we had three hours of didactic in the windowless conference room, and then group lunch. Once again, I was the third wheel in the Seth and Amanda show.

It was an overcast day, not the kind you would spend on the beach or the pool. Besides, I did not get a good night of sleep last night. I needed nap big time. I went to back to my room and slept like a rock. Luckily, I had set my alarm so I wouldn't miss my massage.

I headed to the spa 20 minutes ahead of time. The same lady greeted me and directed me to my massage room. I didn't see Seth, I didn't know if he was keeping his plans for a massage at the same time or had changed his mind.

The massage was good. The masseur was not cute, and definitely nothing kinky in a reputable resort like this. After the massage the masseur recommended I should go in the steam room to relax all my muscles. I was so relaxed that I just followed his orders.

There was already this one other guy there when I went in. Nobody you would want to start something kinky with. Not here anyways. Then, but of course, in walked Seth with just a standard bath towel wrapped around his waist. I had totally forgotten that he also was getting a massage at the same time and probably his masseur also told him to come to the steam room.

"Oh, hi. How was your massage?" he said as he sat himself right next to me.

"Very relaxing," I replied. Picture this, both of us naked except for a bath towel wrapped around us with the slit to the front. As he sat down, somehow the end of the towel that was covering his right knee, the knee closest to me, fell to the side. It gave me a full view of his one thigh all the way, almost maybe an inch away from his crotch. I knew his naked crotch was right there. I could see his red hot pubes from the top of the towel, and some more fine red hair on the inner side of his thighs though the slit in the towel.

I felt like I couldn't breathe. His naked dick was one inch under a lousy piece of fabric. It took an extreme amount of self-restraint for me not to just reach under his towel and grab it all. I could almost smell it. I wanted it. But that was so wrong. Instead, I kept thinking to myself: Dead kittens! Dead kitten! Dead kittens! I needed to suppress any chance of me popping wood with only that same towel covering my naked dick only a few inches away from his.

Luckily, Seth was in a talking mood and he, without me asking, gave me the whole tea about Amanda. Back in medical school they actually dated for a hot minute. Yes, they slept together. Then they figured out they would be better as friends rather than lovers. So they remained friendly, but not enough to keep in touch after so many years. On and on he gave me the details. I didn't hear most of it. The whole time all I was hearing was the voice in my head: Dead kittens! Dead kitten! Dead kittens! Luckily it worked. No boner. I guess the embarrassment of the possibility totally killed any urge to pop wood. Which under the circumstance was a very good thing.

I was still in my own mind when Seth announced he had enough steam and that he was heading out. He got up and headed toward the door. Right before he left, his towel almost came loose. He grabbed the two ends, flapped the whole towel open totally exposing himself for a split second to realign the towel, and then wrapped himself again. Throughout this whole split second maneuver, he was looking me directly in the eyes. He then nodded good bye and left the steam room.

Now I really couldn't breathe. Wait, I just saw his real dick and sack, for just a split second. The real thing. It was the most beautiful sight every. Perfectly trimmed pubes, a good 5 inches when limp. Nice shaved balls. And I saw it all for a split second.

But wait. He was looking at me as he adjusted the towel. Was he flashing me on purpose? Or was he trying to making sure that the gay man in the steam room was hopefully not checking him as he needed a moment of privacy. Was I supposed to look at his junk? Did I cross a line? Why would he want me to see his junk? Am I that desperate that I come up with all these dirty man scenarios about unsuspecting straight boys?

I was shaken to my core. I allowed enough time for Seth to do whatever he needed to do in the locker area outside and leave the spa before I left the steam room. When I went out, he was gone already. Thanks heavens. I didn't need another odd moment right now. I got dressed and got back to my room. I think I had crossed a line and I didn't think I could face him. It was bad enough I had a hard time looking him in the eyes without giggling like a school girl beforehand, but now after I sneaked a peak at his package I couldn't bring myself to face him.

I had half a mind to skip the group dinner and just order room service. Then I thought it would be some kind of admission of guilt if I did that. Best course was to go hang out and pretend nothing happened. It took all my might and force to do just that.

Once again Seth and Amanda were all chummy near the bar. I ran across the female doctor from last night's dinner and we continued our chat. For dinner we sat in all the same spots as the previous night. Seth was occupied with Amanda, and I chatted with my new friend to the right.

They had set up buffet dessert for our group poolside. It was a full moon and the natural light was breathtaking. We all headed to the pool area. I chatted invariably with Seth and Amanda as well as some of the others. One by one people headed back to their rooms. Seth went back rather early. I hung out almost till midnight with the female colleague as we shared some life experiences. You could tell she was a fag had looking for a new gay BFF.

Eventually I said good bye and headed back too. Took off my clothes, brushed my teeth, and took a final piss. And then, I took another glance into the window of the crapper. I didn't know what to expect.

Well, I almost had a heart attack. The privacy shades were open at Seth's. The lights were off but there was so much natural moonlight that you could see everything. Seth lay naked in the center of the bed and he was stroking his meat!!! No, for reals! He was just 15 feet away and jerking off, and I had full view. Right away I turned off all the bathroom lights so he wouldn't see me. I needed the cover of the dark so I could gaze all I wanted.

He kept stroking his meat with such admiration. His back was partially leaning against the headboard, partially reclining. His thighs were spread apart, his knees were bent, and his feet touched each other. His crotch was the center of his body, the center of his attention. With his bulging biceps and pecs, he was using both hands to wrap around his dick. But there was so much dick in between his legs that I could still see a lot of it. He kept stroking himself up and down, invariably leaning his head back with ecstasy. Then he let go of his right hand, the one nearest me, and grabbed his luscious nipples. He squeezed his nipples with his right hand as he jacked himself off with his left hand. Then he took his left hand off, exposing his entire dick. He spit into his hand and went back for a lubricated feel. He kept doing this for a while. Then he changed the roles of his left hand and the right hand, and a few minutes later he changed once again.

Of course, I couldn't watch all this and not touch myself. My underwear was all the way on the floor around my ankles. I was massaging my wood standing over the crapper and looking sideway at the most spectacular view in the world.

The bright moonlight had shed a magical blue cast over everything in Seth's room. I could no longer see ginger. It was all shades of blue. All the while that Seth was pleasuring himself and I was spying on him. Pure magic.

Then I saw that his pecs became super tense. His abs tensed up, and predictably gobs of Seth sperm squirted out of his peehole. I couldn't see the actual squirts themselves, but I could make out the accumulating wet cum glistening in moonlight on his belly and chest. I think I even saw one spot on his neck. I couldn't tell.

With that, I exploded too. I shot my load all over the crapper, the walls, and the floor. I don't even know where it all landed. He shot his load, and I shot mine. We were both happy, although is such different ways.

What happened next I never expected. Once he was able to catch his breath, he used his hand to wipe all the cum from his belly and chest and proceeded to lick it all of his fingers. He ate all his own cum. He licked every little last finger in every way to get all of it back into him. He then even cleaned that one spot on his neck and licked that from his finger too. He was getting as much pleasure from licking his cum filled fingers as he did jerking off. I had never seen any guy enjoy his own cum in a such a delightful manner, gay or straight.

Once all the cum was cleaned off, he rolled to the other side with his ass toward the window facing me, just like I had seen him last night, and went to sleep in the same exact position like last night. The peep show was over.

I went back to my bed too. I was drunk with excitement. Just by serendipity, I was there at the right moment to catch him jerking off. Five minutes earlier or later I would have missed the whole thing. Who knows, maybe there was a peep show last night as well that I missed. But I was content.

I thought getting a sneak peak of his dick in the steam room was a big deal earlier in the day, but spying on him jerking off and then eating it all was a present my eyes never expected. I was on cloud nine. I couldn't have him, but I will forever remember this night in Florida. The night I saw Seth naked, jerking off, cumming, and eating all his cum. Just wow. I will never ever forget this day. This night.

I knew better not to set my alarm so early again the next day. I got up with just enough time to get ready for breakfast. A mandatory peak from the crapper window, and Seth's privacy shades were closed again. No clue what was going on there.

I did see him at breakfast. It took a lot of effort on my end to act as normal as I could and pretend I saw nothing. Of course I couldn't blab it out. What I did was immoral, peaking into his room even if the shades were open. It might even be illegal, but don't quote me on that. But definitely immoral.

All morning this guy was talking about the laser properties of the new fancy equipment. I didn't absorb any of it. I recreated the images from the previous night over and over again in my mind. All I could see in front of my eyes was Seth's massive dick, his cum, and how he swallowed all his cum the way I turned to swallow that one drop of his sweat that had landed on my shoulder in the gym. Oh, Seth, if you only would let me, I would gladly jerk you off any time you want me to. I'll lick your cum off your abs, or I'll feed it back to you if you want me to. Anything you want me to do for you, I'll do. If you would only let me have just one night with you the way Amanda and so many other girls have had you. Oh, Seth, I will worship your body in more ways than you can possibly imagine.

The lights came back on at the end of lecture and I was awakened from my daydream. I had been in a happy place, but now back to reality. I was still frozen in my seat half drunk.

"Lunch?" Seth tapped on my shoulder.

"Ah sure," I replied, still fazed.

"Are you OK. Did you fall asleep during the lecture?"

"No, I was just going through something in my mind. It's cool. Let's go, I need some sustenance."

I deserve an Oscar for how I did my best to act normal sitting at the lunch table with Seth and Amanda. They were too drowned in their own conversations to see if I was in a different zone. In retrospect, I must have acted like a zombie. Lunch was over. They told me they had managed to find spare tennis rackets and they were heading back to the courts to get some exercise. I told them I will be at the beach again. This time, they never came back to the beach to disturb my peace and quiet. I had the whole afternoon off to read my book and enjoy some solace. Normally I try to take a nap on the beach if I can. But I was afraid if I put down my book, images of last night would pop up again and disturb my quiet time. I'd rather be distracted by my book than remember how shamelessly I spied on my colleague jerking off last night.

Dinner was the same exact scenario again. But for dessert they had set up a local reggae band to play by the pool. I went there on a mission. Even though I was talking with my new fag hag BFF, I kept Seth within my view. I had a plan. I was going to go back to my room 10 minutes after him and camp out all night in the crapper trying to see if there will be another peep show tonight. I was ready to spend all night standing there if I had to.

Eventually Seth said good night and went to his room. I had told myself I would wait 10 minutes, but as soon as Seth closed his room door behind him I dropped my fag hag mid-sentence and rushed to my room. I turned off all the lights so he couldn't see me. I got totally naked. Then I parked myself by the crapper window. I was fully erect and oozing precum and nothing had even happened yet.

Over at Seth's, the lights were on, and the privacy curtain was open. I could clearly see his bed. Nobody within view. Just to the right of the window, beyond where I could see, it seemed like there was some movement. I could see shadows moving from the lamp. But I could not see Seth. I knew he was there. This went on for another 5 minutes at least.

Then I saw a single article of clothing fly across the room. Then another piece. It all happened too fast for me to see clearly what piece of clothing. And it all landed beyond where I could see into the room.

Then, naked Seth, in full light, walked across the room, across the window, into the bathroom area of his bungalow room. I had seen him totally naked last night with moonlight, and I had seen a glimpse of him in the steam room as well. But this was my first full view, even if it were for a split second again. He had walked too fast for me to have a good look. I could see his dick dangling, and the red hot pubic hair. And then he was out of sight.

So, he was in the bathroom now. My guess is he was brushing his teeth and getting ready for bed. I had no idea if all this was going to lead to another peep show like last night or not. For all I knew, he was going to crawl under the covers and go to sleep. Or maybe I'll have another chance to see him jerk off. I had no clue how horny he was and how regularly he needed to relieve himself. No clue.

After what seemed like a lifetime, or but probably was more like 5 minutes, naked Seth emerged from the bathroom. The lights were still on. OK, what's about to happen? He stopped smack in the middle of the room, in direct view for me, as he checked something on his phone. It looked like he was sending a text or sending an email. All the while standing completely naked and giving me a full view of all his glory. This is the most I've ever seen in full light. What a beautiful full thickness cock. What beautiful tight abs tapering to his dick as though they were making an arrow where one should look.

He then turned around facing the bed, with his ass showing to me. He did something more to the phone, maybe set his alarm, and put the phone on the night stand. Was he going to sleep now? Was the show over?

He crawled on top of the covers, to the same spot and pose as when he was jerking off last night. My heart skipped a beat. Was he going to do it again? Was there going to be a repeat performance? Oh boy, the anticipation! Except this time the lights were on. No more soft moonlight casting a blue hue all over the room. The lights were still on and I could see the ginger crotch and the porcelain skin as clearly as possibe.

Yup, he was back in the same pose again, the head leaning on the headboard and the rest of the body in a reclining position on the pillows and the mattress. The thighs spread apart, knees bent, and feet coming back together. Once again, the crotch was the center of attention. With his left hand he grabbed his dick that was still not at full attention. With his right hand he started pinching his right nipple, stimulating himself. He then titled his head back and closed his eyes. With the lights on I could see every single detail.

The massive dick took no time coming to full boner. It was large and thick. His one hand was no match for it, it was definitely a double fister kind of dick. He kept stroking himself, and I could tell his breathing was picking up. His chest was taking ever deeper breaths in a state of pleasure. He titled his head back toward his crotch, opened his eyes and fixated on his dick. If I had a dick like that I would be fixating on it as well. If I had a dick like that, I would never leave home; I would just sit home and stroke it all day. If my boyfriend or husband had a dick like that, I would never let him leave home. I would pleasure him every single minute of every single day.

He still had both fists on his cock. Stroking up and down. And again there was plenty of dick not even covered by both fists. His gaze was fixated on his crotch, on the center of his entire body. Ant then with one rapid motion, as he kept stroking his dick, he turned his face in the direction of the window facing me. Shit! Did he see me there? I couldn't duck now, he would clearly see I was hiding in my bathroom this whole time. Is he looking at me really, or just gazing out the window to the outside?

He didn't make any effort to cover himself. He just kept stroking and looking out his window. I was convinced there was no way he could see me in the absolute darkness of my bathroom. He must be just looking out the window. And he just kept looking, and kept stroking. He never looked back at his cock. He kept massaging and looking out the window.

After a few minutes he brought his tongue out. He slid his tongue from the corner of his mouth, across his upper lip, to the opposite corner of his mouth. He kept doing this back and forth, all the while he was stroking himself, looking out the window. I was looking directly into his eyes from a distance, even though I was convinced he could not see me in the darkness.

A few minutes of this, and he took his right hand off his dick. He still kept massaging his massive cock with his left hand, as he stretched his right arm all the way toward the window on top of the covers. The palm of his hand was up. With his fingers, he gave that "come hither" gesture I had used myself oh so many times in the steam room back home. He was motioning for something to come over. But who? Was there anyone else there? Again, he couldn't possibly see me.

He repeated the "come hither" motion with his right hand a few more times. Then the tone changed. Like a pantomime, he went into an exaggerated expression mode. First, he lifted his right arm all the way in the air, and with his index finger pointed out 3 times to the direction of the window, meaning "you, yes, you". Then he made a very exaggerated "come over here" waving gesture with the same hand. Then he pointed with his index finger toward his dick a few times, meaning "come get it" in pantomime speak. After that he made a gesture as if a dick is going in his mouth, meaning "come over here and suck me off."

Not only was I busted, but I was being invited to join in. I was breathless. Could it be? Was he telling me to go over? Now? To help him jerk off? Could this really be happening? Am I dreaming all this?

Then it dawned on me that I have been had. He knew what was going on and was playing games with me. That bastard knew I might see him from the window and had put up a peep show. And now he was summoning me to go join in to finish the party. Fucking bastard!

Like a zombie, I left my post at the crapper window, went out into my room, left my room all naked and with raging boner, and went in the direction of his room. His door was just slightly open. Has it been open this whole time? I didn't see him get up to go open the door as he saw me leave the window to go to his room.

I walked up and opened the door. He was in the same spot as I had seen him 10 seconds ago. Yes, the door had been open this whole time. He knew all along I'd be in his room in no time. That fucking asshole!

He was still stroking his dick when I got there. When he saw me, he gave me a naughty smile. He then put both hands behind the back of his head. His entire crotch was now open access, a gift to me. He just laid there with, crotch exposed, waiting for me to go over and service him. That bastard! This whole thing was a mind game he had planned and perfectly executed.

This was not the time to raise issues. This was the time to enjoy the prize I had yearned for such a long time. He wanted me to service his dick. Occasionally straight horny boys don't mind the attention of a gay mouth. Yes, I'm his colleague and his boss, and this could complicate things royally. But I couldn't care less. If I had the chance to have his cock, I was willing to give up anything and everything. All just for this one night.

He looked so smug as he had his hands behind his head waiting for me to go over and blow him. I didn't know if I should do that or actually smack him. But his cock was the tie breaker. I needed his cock. I closed the door behind me. I went over the edge of his bed. With a smug face, he tensed his crotch muscles to wave his dick at me. I knew what I needed to do. What I wanted to do. I crawled on the bed and planted my face on his crotch.

OMG. I had dreamt of this moment. I had jerked off thinking of this moment. And for the past couple of days I had been involved in a series of events, each one allowing me more access to more intimate parts of his body. But this was the culmination. The absolute first prize. His dick, in my mouth. For real.

It was massive, and it was tasty. Solid and thick. No curves. No veins. Just solid flesh. It must weigh at least 10 pounds when it is stiff like this. I tried my best to take it all in, and I almost did. But it was massive. Where my mouth and throat failed me for not being deep enough, I used my hand to cover the base of his shaft. Every time I went down I gagged more, and more of my saliva drooled all over his crotch. I needed him as deep in me as I could. I was in heaven. Just the other day licking a drop of his sweat unbeknownst to him was an orgasm. Tonight I had his whole dick in my mouth, and at his explicit invitation.

Enjoy yourself Jake, I told myself. Make the moment last. Don't make him cum too fast, but also don't bore him. I used every single blow job trick I knew, just to keep the moment going. And every time I looked up, he looked like he was enjoying himself. He still had both hands behind his head, elbows sticking out, just admiring seeing me on his cock. Such a relaxed and smug pose. He was really happy with himself the way things turned out. And I was in no position to complain either. I was there to service him, and I totally loved my part.

Around 10 minutes into this, and he moved his hands finally. He reached over down below and put his hands under my armpits as I was still blowing him. I wasn't sure where he was going with that. He lifted me up until I was kneeling in front of him. He then flipped himself, belly on the mattress, ass up in the air, and planted his head on my dick. This, I did not see coming. I thought I was there to suck him dry. I didn't imagine he was gonna want some dick too. My dick. I never imagined in all my fantasies him servicing me. It was always me servicing him.

But that's what this hetero boy wanted right now. And I was not about to complain. He put my dick in his mouth and went to town with it. It was not his first time. No sir. He's done this before. He knew what he was doing. And he was enjoying it, not merely reciprocating a favor. He seemed to be enjoying it even more than I was enjoying his dick moments ago. I was the one getting serviced, but he was moaning in pleasure even louder than me. Even louder than when I was blowing him. He kept pushing his face deeper and deeper. My dick was not as massive as his, so he was able to take it all in. The whole time I looked down to see his gorgeous ginger head of hair covering my crotch as further down his juicy ass was in prime view.

I didn't know whatever other agenda he had in mind, but I was not done with his dick. I needed more. I was fine with him blowing me, but I needed to blow him back too. This time I took charge. I peeled his head off my dick and laid him flat on his back on the bed. I straddled him in a 69. I laid on top of him and fed him my dick as I put his dick back in my mouth. Now we were both getting what we wanted. The circle was complete.

Giving him a 69, I had a better view of his balls. His sack was all shaven. Softest porcelain skin leading to a beautiful pale taint. Just a hint of red hair leading in between his ass cheeks. I couldn't see his hole from this angle with his legs all down. I didn't know if he might like me to play with his ass or if that would freak him out. Straight boys might enjoy a blow job, but their ass is usually off limits.

I was really getting to love his cock. I liked how it was a heavy piece of meat. Just a perfect cylinder of meat. And below me, he looked like he liked where he was too. He kept bopping his head higher and higher to take all my dick in. This was a kinky side of him I never imagined.

As he was gagging himself on my dick, he managed to yell out "I'm gonna cum." That was my fair warning that gushes of Seth sperm were about to squirt out. I was given the chance to pull away if I wanted to. But I didn't want to. I wanted it all in me. I wanted his sperm down my throat. I wanted to inhale anything he could give me. I tightened my lips around his dick lest anything should drip out. I waited for the explosion.

The first spasm, and a large squirt went down my throat. It was hot and thick and manly. And it was 100% Seth. He was not done yet, but my own body decided to climax too. I wasn't about to let go of his dick to warn him I was cumming. Instead, I pushed my pelvis all the way down and choked him on the mattress. And right then, with no warning, I started filling his throat with my hot cum as more of his cum was still coming into my mouth. We orgasmed in unison, each one filling the other one with hot and sticky man juice. And each one of us swallowed every last little drop from the other one's cock. I don't remember that last time I came so forcefully. And I can't remember that last time that anyone had squirted such a large amount of cum in my throat.

I had already figured out that I had walked into a staged trap. I did what I was summoned to do. I just never thought he would want to blow me too. And drink all my cum. Up until half an hour ago I thought he was totally straight. If he were gay, he would have told me something by now. And what about all his ex-fiancé and the other girls?

Not knowing what his mind frame was, if I was done performing my duties and was expected to leave or not, I lifted my body up and rolled to the side. For a moment I looked down where his head was still at the same level as my crotch. His head was still down, looking straight up to the ceiling. He was in a zone. He looked very content. I turned around and planted my body next him, now our heads at the same level. I stared at the ceiling to see what he was looking at. Our shoulders were touching. Normally, at this point either me or the other guy I just had sex with would come for a post-sex embrace. The gentle hug after sex could be even more satisfying. But I didn't want to freak him out.

Eventually, he tilted his head and laid it on my shoulder. He brought his arm all the way across and gave me a soft embrace. He gave me a single kiss on my shoulder, where his head was. Just a single kiss. It is interesting how things naturally unfold. We already blew each other and swallowed each other's cum, but in the past year since I've known him, this was our first kiss ever.

I was happy staying like this forever. I could lay in this bed with him and never leave. Skip the conference tomorrow. Never go home. Never go to work. Just have him lean his shoulder on me in this bed for as long as we shall both live. But my bladder was full and I needed to use the bathroom. I started to move a bit and was about to tell him I needed to go pee.

He sensed me moving, picked up his head and looked me directly in the eyes: "Will you please stay the night?" I guess he thought I was about to get up and leave. So sweet.

"I would love to. But I have to go pee before it gets ugly." I gave him a kiss on the forehead and went to the bathroom. He followed me there, and we both peed in the crapper at the same time. I remember those moments of bliss, just two guys peeing at the same time, from all my happy times with my ex.

We came back to the bedroom. He turned off the lights and crawled under the covers. He held the covers open for me inviting me to join him there. I did. I crawled under the covers. He came over and embraced me and made me his little spoon. I got the hint and turned away to face the side window, the one that has been facing the crapper window of my room next door. Yes, there was a clear path of view between his bed and my window there. I couldn't tell how obvious my presence might have been for him to see him spying on him. I was too tired. I closed my eyes. We both fell asleep spooned together.

The morning sun woke me up since the privacy curtain was still open. I opened my eyes, and without an effort, I looked directly out. Right out the window, toward the window in the crapper in my bungalow room. Something was off.

Without waking him, I got out of bed quietly. I walked over to the window. Yes, there was a line of bushes and shrubs that are meant to give privacy between the two units. Right where the little window of my crapper was, on Seth's side of the yard, there was a perfectly cut gap in all the bushes and shrubs. Freshly cut edges made a perfect square gap to match with the window right behind it. And on the ground, there were all the branches and twigs that were freshly cut to make that perfect gap.

I turned around to see Seth. He was still asleep with a very content expression. That bastard!!! He had been planning this whole thing out. Down to flashing me in the steam room. To cutting the shrubs and hoping I would catch him jerking off. To making me rub suntan oil all over his body. This was not a serendipitous turn of events. This was a perfectly planned scheme to seduce me in multiple steps, drawing me crazy in the process. He could have just expressed interest and see if I responded back, but he chose to drive me crazy with desire. He had manipulated me. And I loved it! I loved that he took such a methodical approach to trap me. It showed commitment. It showed absolute intent.

Just as I was mulling all this in my head, he slowly opened his eyes. His pale porcelain skin against the bleach-white sheets in the morning sun was absolutely angelic. Never in a million years when I hired him a year ago did I imagine one day I would wake up naked next to him in the same bed.

He opened the covers and invited me back in. "Come back here," he said. I went back and crawled back under the covers with him.

"You're a fucking bastard, you know that?" I told him. He burst into such a loud laughter. He was so proud of himself. He figured I found him out. He was busted. And I loved it. But I still didn't know what was going through his mind. But this was not the time to interrogate. Just then his alarm went off. It was time to get ready for our last day there and later we had a flight back home.

I needed to go back to my room. But I had come here to Seth's room all naked in the middle of the night. I borrowed one of the bathrobes from his room and made the 10 foot journey back. Luckily, I had closed the front door but it was not locked. I got in. The first thing I did, I went to the crapper and checked out the side window situation again. Yup, direct view of Seth's room, after he had cut off all the bushes. And Seth fully anticipated that this is exactly what I was going to do. He was standing by his window with an ear-to-ear grin, fully naked, and waving at me. I flipped him the bird. With that he grabbed his crotch and waved it at me playfully while winking and sticking his tongue out. He was so proud of himself. Pompous asshole!

I didn't know if to love him or hate him. Either way we had to pack as this was our last day of the conference and we were heading back to the airport after lunch. Just as I was packing, an idea came to my mind. I went on the airline app and used miles to upgrade both of us to business class. I had a plan.

Things at breakfast were a bit different. Seth was already there when I walked in. He had saved a seat next to him for me. This time it was Amanda who was the third wheel as Seth and I winked and giggled the whole time. I absolutely absorbed nothing of the didactic session that followed. Nothing. My mind was recreating last night's events over and over.

After a quick lunch, they bussed us back to the airport. Most other attendees naturally went to check in at the coach counter. I pulled Seth in the direction of business class check in. He looked puzzled. I told him to trust me. He was genuinely surprised to see I had upgraded us both. As I said, I had a plan.

The business class section had two seats per each side of the aisle. Nice wide seat. And on domestic flights, they don't have a big huge barrier between the two adjacent seats. As soon as we took off and got to our cruising altitude, I took out the supplied blanket and spread it sideways to cover both of our laps from shoulder to knees.

At first Seth motioned to me he was not cold and didn't want to be covered by a blanket. I gave him a wink and he understood something was up. Once the blanket was covering both our bodies, I slid my hand straight to his crotch. Even without being erect there was a lot of meat there. As I said, I had a plan. I started massaging his dick under the blanket and through his pants. He was hesitant at first, thinking we might get caught. I insisted. Once he was fully hard, I took it further. With the one hand I unzipped his pants, undid his belt buckle, and opened up his junk. I lowered his underwear and released his erect dick right into my hand. Up until this point, I was also looking around a bit to make sure nobody was noticing. But once I had the dick in my hand all my trepidations were no longer an issue.

I looked him straight into the eyes as I massaged his dick under the blanket. He looked straight back at me. I kept staring back. I had always been nervous looking into his eyes more than 30 seconds at a time. But this time I was able to maintain my stare. Not just for 30 seconds, a minute, or even 10. I kept staring into his eyes for the next 2.5 hours of the flight, and he stared back at me without saying a word. And the whole time, I just gently and slowly massaged his dick. I didn't jerk him off, just a massage. I didn't want him to cum. I just wanted to hold his dick in my hand as long as I could. And he stayed stiff the whole flight. The whole time! As we looked into each other's eyes and never exchanged any words.

Eventually the plane arrived and they told us to pack up. He struggled to get his erect dick back into his pants while sitting. It just did not fit back in. It was that big. We eventually unboraded and proceeded to the exit.

I took a leap of faith. "Would you like to come home with me?" I asked.

"I thought you'd never ask," he replied.

Bitch! I upgraded you to business and massaged your dick for 2.5 hours straight, so don't you `oh, I thought you'd never ask' me!

We took a taxi to my apartment. We were well behaved in the taxi and even in the elevator ride up. But as soon as I shut the apartment door behind us, I attacked him. I needed him. I needed all of him. Last night I had his dick, which was glorious. But I adored all his body, not just the dick. I needed to get every inch of his porcelain skin in my mouth. I needed to lick, kiss, bite, and inhale all of it.

With each hand I grabbed one end of his shirt collar and pushed him against the wall in the foyer. I quickly planted my lips on his. I squeezed my face so hard on his, and my tongue went in to wrestle his. He reciprocated by bringing his hands up and grabbing my head by the ears. He used all his might to further push my face onto his. I kissed him so hard I was forgetting to breathe in between. My chest was rubbing his, my belly was hugging his, and our now-erect boners struggled through the fabric of both of our pants to kiss as well.

Just then, as I still held the two ends of his shirt collar in my hands, I forcefully opened my arms to purposefully rip his shirt apart at the buttons. And those buttons went flying all over the place. His naked chest and belly were on full display. I went crazy when I saw his pale pink luscious nipples. I had dreamt about sucking on them so many times. And in no time, I did just that. I let go of his face and went down to his chest. In one big mouthful, I took his right nipple and everything around it, peaking from his muscular pecs, into my mouth. That was the sweetest taste I can remember. It was everything I dreamed of. I munched on his nipple like it was the last thing I was ever going to eat. I tried to milk every ounce of manhood out of his nipple. I sucked on it until it was sore.

Then I further lowered his shirt until it was just hanging by the sleeves around his wrists. His biceps, those meaty biceps, were going to be my next snack. I had seen those biceps bulging from his scrub tops all these months, and they had driven me crazy with lust every time. I just planted my face on his right biceps. How do you eat a bicep? I don't know. But I tried to get as much of it as I could into my mouth. I was devouring him like a cannibal. There was so much bicep, my mouth was failing me in biting, licking, and adoring as much of it as fast as I could. I was eating it all and I was still famished for his flesh.

After an eternity, I needed to go for his third erogenous zone. His tight abs. They had been in open view ever since I ripped his shirt open. But I was preoccupied with his upper torso. Time for me to devour his washboard. I left his right bicep and went for the top of his abs. Those abs were too tight to bite. It was a flat board. I stuck my tongue as far out as I could and started licking it all. Left to right, up and down. All of his six packs, all his muscle definition is their full glory. This whole time, as I had been helping myself to his body, he had just relaxed his head back on the wall where I had planted it. He had been moaning intermittently from pleasure, or from pain when I bit him too hard.

After what looked like hours of abs worship, I needed his pants off. I knelt on the floor in front of him. My face was now at the level of his crotch. I had already unbuckled him once in the flight and knew what to do. Off came the pants. I had a bit more difficulty releasing his massive hard cock from his underwear. But eventually I won. The spring action of his stiff cock hit me in the face. He was rock hard. Even more hard than when I blew him for the first time last night.

That cock disappeared into my mouth in no time. It was its rightful place. In me. In my throat. How sweet it is to have Seth's ginger cock in my mouth and try my best to bury the rest of face in his sweet ginger pubic hair. I could do this for the rest of eternity. I could offer myself to be his exclusive cocksucker for the rest of my life. This, was pure heaven.

My head started bopping up and down on his gorgeous shaft. No veins, no kinks. Just a solid cylinder of flesh. Firm all along the shaft, and soft and spongy on the hood. And it was the perfect fit for my mouth. I loved sucking on him. I loved having his manhood feeding me his precum. I can forever devour whatever secretions came out of him: sweat, precum, and eventually his cum.

My eyes caught sight of his balls and I went into overdrive. I needed his dick, but I also needed his balls. I needed it all. So I went further down. To his clean-shaven soft porcelain balls. They were just absolutely perfect. And full of Seth's sperm. The sperm I would want to spew at me at any orifice he wanted. As many times as he wanted. And as often as he wanted. He could empty his balls on me and I would cherish it every single time.

I licked his balls, one at a time. I tried to get both into my mouth, shuffle them around, and lick it all over. All the while that I was jerking him off with my right hand. His crotch was my perfect feast. All of it, for me to enjoy. And I did. I was getting even more pleasure servicing him that he was from being serviced. I have been addicted to his physique all these months and the wait was over.

Just then he finally looked down at me on his crotch and said: "Let's go to the bedroom, I need a taste of you as well."

I remembered I needed to breathe. All this time I had been inhaling him and forgot to catch my breath. I looked at him with his balls still in my mouth and his cock in my hand. I finally had the confidence of looking him in the eyes for as long as I wanted without getting nervous. I didn't want to let go of this moment, but I knew better things were yet to come. I got up, my breath still smelling like his crotch, and gave him another rough kiss on the mouth. I ripped the rest of his shirt from his wrists. I took his hand, attached to his naked torso, and took him to my bedroom.

This time he took charge. I wasn't the only one who was hungry for flesh. He stood me in front of my bed. He grabbed my sweatshirt and pulled it off in one swift motion. He then put his muscular hands under my armpits, like he had done last night, and like a toy lifted me and tossed me on my bed. We were the same height, but I was no match for his muscular build. He could do anything to me he wanted to.

He took off his shoes, pants, and socks. He was naked again. And all for me. He crawled naked on the bed, my bed. With both hands he grabbed the waistband of my sweatpants. He managed to hook his hands under my underwear too. With such force he pulled both layers down in one motion. He continued the forceful undressing around my ankles and somehow my socks and sneakers came off too. I was naked. For him. By him.

He had the upper hand. I was wondering what he wanted to do. In his eyes I could see he was ravenous. He didn't want to be the hunted, he wanted to be the hunter. With each hand he grabbed my matching hand and pinned me down on the mattress. He gave me a single kiss on the lips and then made a beeline to my dick. My hunger for his dick was no match for how he took my cock in his mouth. I thought I might never see my dick again. He inhaled it and moaned all at the same time. It was enough for me to climax prematurely, but I knew better. I had to make this last as long as I could.

Yes, my previously-known-as-hetero boy here was no stranger to cock. He's done this before. And I'm sure had taken mental notes of all the times his cock was sucked by others. Yes, he knew how to service a cock well. And he did it with such zest, such force. It was like a lion devouring its prey.

He didn't seem to care about my balls, but went straight for the butthole. He flung my legs up and took a long and deep look at my asshole. He looked up at me, and then buried his face in my ass with the same hunger that he had swallowed my dick. Full force.

There was no foreplay or gentle teasing. It was 100% full on from the first moment. Before I knew it, his tongue was already past my sphincter and inside my ass. There was no negotiation. And my tight ass knew not to put up a fight. It knew it had met the object of my heart's desires and yielded itself to the hot ginger in between my ass cheeks. I could only see his eyes and his gorgeous orange head of hair as the rest of his face was up my bowels. He was eating me out like it a savage beast.

He helped his face to my ass like it was a buffet. He had his fill. My ass had relaxed so much his tongue was just easily sliding in and out. Which was a good thing, considering what I knew was coming next. I grabbed the back of my knees with my hands, pulled my knees to my chest, and really exposed myself to him. He looked up at me.

"Go for it, cowboy!" I told him.

He knew what to do next. He kneeled up next to my ass, spit a heavy load into his muscular palm and lubed up his porcelain dick. He lined up his pelvis next to mine. Just then the tip of his dick touched my asshole. It was an electric shock all over my body. It is possible that after all these months of yearning, it is going to happen? Have all my dreams come true? Yes, Seth was about to fuck me and make me his bitch.

His dick was massive. Even though his tongue had teased me, it was no match for his huge dick. It stretched all kinds of sphincter muscles on the way in. It was pain and pleasure all wrapped up in one. And it was pure ecstasy.

He slowly put all that huge monster in me. I didn't think I was going to be able to take it all in, but his orange pubes were kissing my taint. He was all in. And then he slowly pulled out, only to push back in with the same rhythm. He knew he had a big dick and he should be careful with that weapon. He's done this before, too.

With his piercing eyes, he looked directly into my eyes. I was not nervous or shy any more. I looked right back at him. I was going to keep looking right into his soul as he had his meat in me. I was not going to break eye contact. No, this was a different kind of connection now. No more shy school girl. This was man-on-man real sex.

He picked up his pace. Gentle at first, but before I knew it the beast in him came out again. Within a few minutes he was pounding me as hard as he had been eating my ass. All of that monster cock made it way all the way out and in. The heat, the friction, the passion.

I was still holding my knees to my chest with both hands. I couldn't go grab my dick. But it didn't need any more stimulation that what I was getting internally. With every pounding, more precum oozed out of my dick onto my chest. Eventually the pressure was too much. Still looking into his eyes, and without touching myself, I was ready. I was at climax. The precum was replaced by gushes of hot cum that spilled all over my chest and neck.

Seth saw this and let go of a loud groan. I could feel pumping action inside of my ass. And then a sudden heat took over. My bowels were getting filled from his sperm. I had billions of Seth sperm in me now. Life was good.

He pulled out and some cum spilled out of my ass with it. I was so dilated at that point. He collapsed on top of me. His muscular torso was on top of mine. He buried his face on my left shoulder and neck and stayed there motionless. I brought my arms around and hugged him. He was mine. At least for now. At least for tonight. I still didn't know what was going no through his mind.

Eventually he pulled away and laid to my side. We laid on our backs, looking at the ceiling. He was in no rush to go anywhere. I didn't want him to go anywhere. We just laid there in post-coital bliss. Neither one said anything.

After about half an hour, he grabbed my body and as if I were his toy, pulled me toward him and made me his little spoon again. His large but limp dick was glued to my aching ass still full of his cum. His massive biceps came around to hug me and pull me ever more closer to him. He was breathing sweet little puffs of air that landed on my shoulder from behind. "Good night," he said.

I wasn't going to move. I did manage to use my voice to tell Alexa to wake us up in the morning so we can get to work. He spent the night there. He showered with me and we took a ride to work together. We were going to the same office after all.

All day at work we stole glance and we gave each other winks as we passed each other in the hallways. I wasn't sure if this meant we were an item now or was it all just some hijinks on a business trip.

The first day back at work is always super busy. Emergency appointments, lab results that need to be reviewed, and also all kinds of paper work about running the office. I took all of five minutes for lunch. After that last patient, I went back to my office to finish loads of work. I'm sure Seth had a lot to catch up with as well, even though his patient volume was not yet as busy as mine and he had no office responsibilities. One by one all the assistants left for the day. I was still reviewing paperwork.

Just then Seth barged into my office. He closed and locked the door behind him. Here? In the office? I'm sure everyone is already gone, but here? Now?

He didn't say a word. He came around my desk and turned me to face him. No kiss. No foreplay. He immediately knelt in front of me on the floor and untied my scrub pants. With his forceful hands he pulled the pants and underwear all the way down to my ankles. But that time I was already fully erect. Without missing a beat, his face was on my cock. All I could see was his orange hair bopping up and down on my cock. He was even more ravenous than last night, if you could imagine that is even possible. First he went up and down, and the he switched to more of a circular motion around my cock. He wanted that cock. He was hungry for my cock.

He then brought his hands and cupped my asscheeks as I was still sitting on my deskchair. He flexed his biceps to pull me even deeper. He stopped bopping his head, and instead used his arms to make my pelvis fuck his mouth. It was a different motion altogether. It was my dick that was doing the face fucking, but all the muscular effort was coming from his biceps.

Well, this was a new climax for me. The whole things lasted maybe 5 minutes. Once again, loads of my cum shot out of me. Like a water hose, I filled his mouth and throat with every single last drop of cum that was left in me. He had a tight seal on my dick and swallowed all of it. He kept his face on my dick until it was all gone and emptied. He still didn't let go of my dick. He made sucking motions to get out any little last bit of sperm still in the shaft.

He got up. I was fully ready to service him and return the favor. Instead he said: "I needed that badly all day." He turned around and left.

I was still frozen in my seat. Wow! What part of Seth has he unleashed on me? There was a whole new dimension of him I knew nothing about. And now I was on the receiving end of that passion and pent-up sex drive. And I loved it.

The next day there were a series of winks and stolen glances at work again. I went back to my office after the last patient to see if he will come in for a repeat performance, but he was a no show. The following day he was in a chipper mood as always, same more stolen glances were exchanged. I had a non-stop hard on all morning, and those scrub pants are very unforgiving when you have a bulge like that poking out.

By lunch time, I saw him in his office. It was me who went in unannounced this time and locked the door behind me. The lunch area was right outside, with a few employees sitting there eating and chatting. I didn't care.

I made him stand up, pull his scrubs to his ankles, and sucked him dry. He came in less than 5 minutes. I kissed him with my cum breath. "And today I needed THAT," I said on the way out.

Thursday and Friday were regular days. Neither one of us made any advances at work. That Sunday I got a text from Seth around 4 PM to see if I wanted to come over his place. I knew what this was. A booty call. Sure, I wanted to come over. Make me your booty any time you want. And I did go over. And we made passionate sex. We explored every inch of each other's body. I loved it.

But it was different this time. We spent an hour blowing each other until our jaws were sore, and then he pounded my ass real hard till we came. By 6 PM we were exhausted. He asked me to stay, if I was not busy and didn't have any other plans. Oh, Seth, I will cancel any plans to be able to hang out with you. Yes, I will be free.

At his suggestion we ordered Chinese take-out. We sat there naked on the sofa and ate it like hungry puppies. Then he asked if I felt like hanging out and watching something on Netflix. Sure, if it meant I would have the chance to hang out with him some more. He flipped Netflix on and we browsed the movies. He suggested some movie I had seen already, but since he seemed so eager I pretended I had not seen it yet and let him put it on.

Without missing a beat, as soon as the movie started, he once again put his muscular hands under my armpit and pulled me into his lap and made me his little spoon again. He wrapped both his legs around my legs, and used both arms to hug my body. His chin was inches away behind my shoulder. I'm 7 years older than him, and at work I'm his senior and supervisor, but right here in his embrace I was happy to be his little spoon again. But then again, where is this relationship going? Are we dating now? Was I just a booty call? What was going on in his mind?

Luckily, I had seen the movie already and did not need to concentrate. I laughed when he laughed, even though my mind was distracted. I was enjoying my warm Seth embrace too much to pay attention to the TV. The eroticism of the moment, me sitting naked in Seth's lap, was much more engaging of my attention. Slowly my dick recovered from its rest and started to get hard again. When it was fully hard, it inadvertently hit the back of Seth's arm as he was still hugging me watching TV.

He looked down to confirm his suspicions and said: "You horny bastard!"

"Do you blame me?" I replied.

Just then I started to feel a twitch on my right asscheek, the one that was resting on Seth's naked crotch this whole time. Yup, he was getting erect too. He leaned over and started nibbling on the earlobe closest to his face. I leaned my had back toward him as far as I could. I brought his muscular hand to my crotch and he understood that he should stroke me as he kept nibbling. He then started kissing me all over my neck and shoulder as he kept massaging my dick. I already had precum coming out of me.

I turned around and faced him. A hot passionate kissing session ensued. I pushed him back flat on the sofa. I had a plan.

I showered every inch of his neck and shoulder with puppy kisses, somewhere between kissing and licking. All the while I was stroking his meat with the one hand. I paid homage to his nipple and his abs and went down for my prize, his dick. His dick and my mouth had become fast friends in past week. It fit my mouth like a lock and key. It was my dessert, my candy, my reward. I wanted it in my mouth for as long as possible. But I had other plans.

I made sure he felt the ecstasy, but did not cum. Just when the amount of precum coming out of him was picking pace, I switched to his balls. Oh, those soft ginger balls of his. Those soft balls that had unloaded themselves in me so many times this past week. I made sure I marked every single inch of his sac as mine with my saliva. It was all mine.

Then, I needed to explore his ass. I had seen his gorgeous muscular mounds so many times, but had never seen what's in between his crack. There was a slight trail of ginger hair that went from his taint to the crack. I put my hands under his knees and lifted his legs up to the ceiling. His ass was in full view. That little trail of hair gave away his secret that he is a true ginger, but was not overbearing. He did not need to shave it. In fact, I preferred the little bit of ginger bush there. Made it so manly and inviting. But I had a plan.

Just when he thought I might bury my face there, I pulled up my face up and knelt near him. I was still holding his legs up. I bent my head down and gathered the largest spitball I could come up with and spat it right onto his hole that was facing me.

"You're ready for me, lover boy?" I asked.

"I thought you'd never ask," he replied.

What was up with all that `I thought you'd never ask' shit of his? Bitch, I'm just now getting to know you sexually. I don't know what you are and aren't into. Until last week I thought you were totally straight. So my plan all along was to see if he was fine with getting fucked up the ass. I didn't know if he was a top, vers, or even gay for that matter. This would be a good test of it, and he was going along with it.

Let's just say his hole had not had as much lifetime practice as mine did. He was tight! But I did not relent. My respectable yet average size dick will do. Slow baby pushes, quarter of an inch at time, and I was finally in. I was all the way in. My dick was all the way inside Seth's ass. As I live and breathe.

I grabbed his dick and started massaging it again and I picked up the pace of fucking him. Both rhythms and intensities got faster as we both relaxed and were enjoying the moment. Eventually I felt the unannounced spasms in his dick that led to a predictable gush of Seth sperm spilling everyone around my hand. That was all the physical and visual stimulus that I needed. I shot my load up his ass. My sperm, little baby Jakes, up Seth's ass. We had now completed the cycle of sucking and fucking each other.

I let go of his legs and pulled out. Then I collapsed on top of him, as he was still there with his back to the sofa. He instinctively brought both arms around and embraced me. Another post-coital bliss.

I just laid there for a few minutes, with my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. Eventually I said: "So what's your story anyway?"

"What do you mean?" he said.

"I mean sexually. I've known you for a year and I never got any gay vibes or stories out of you. And then you set up an elaborate trap to seduce me. And I'm your boss mind you. Are you on the down low?"

I guess he was surprised by the sudden turn of events. He was happy to lay there with me naked on top of him. But I needed some clarity. I needed to know what he was feeling.

"Well," he said, "I'm sexually fluid. I guess the closest term that comes to mind is bisexual. But I don't identify as that either. I'm just open to all kinds of sexual ideas. I find myself able to enjoy both genders, as well as many versions with each gender. I'm part of the generation that we don't go by definitions, we just do."

Well, all that was all new to me. I wasn't sure what to make of it, but I knew I needed to stay open minded and respectful.

"So, am I part of an experiment with you then?" I asked.

"Not at all. I have been with enough guys to know I like what I'm doing. Not an experiment. You have been for sure a most desired outcome to prior experiments I've done in the past."

He looked at me and he understood I was puzzled.

"I have been with guys and girls before. I know what I like. When I met you at our coffee interview a year ago, I knew you were a special kind of guy. Good looking, successful, fit, charming, and with a heart of gold. But I was applying to be your employee. So I couldn't cross the line and tell you about me. I thought I should keep it professional. But I saw how you ogled over me, and I appreciated it. Truth is I ogled over you just as much, but maybe did a better job of hiding it. I didn't want to jeopardize anything at work.

"When I found out you were going to the conference in Florida, I managed to get myself an invite. Behind your back. I then had to come up with a plan for a big reveal. As the conference dragged, I drew you in. Little physical contact here, little flashing there. I knew that some of it was mind games, but it was all in good humor. I was just so happy when you went along to seal the deal. I am so happy we crossed that line. I am so happy you are here with me. I am so happy everything worked out well."

So far. But where does that leave me? Was all his attraction to me physical or emotional? It was too presumptuous to ask. And he was bisexual, even though he called it some other name. Would I ever have a future with him? Was it all about just the sex?

I had to know. "So what happened to the girl you were engaged to? How come you did not go through with it? Was it because you are sexually fluid?" I made sure I used the correct term.

"Kinda. She was very nice. A sweetheart, really. She knew I was sexually fluid too. And we even experimented with threesomes a few times. Both with women and men. As a sexually fluid person, eventually I would have to settle down with one person. And that someone could be a man or a woman. As long as my heart tells me that is the one person. At the end I thought she was probably not the one. I couldn't go through with it."

That did not bode well for me and him. I had already fallen for him, even before he revealed himself to me. But now I knew I am just another fuck buddy. A damn good fuck buddy. But I couldn't hope for something more serious. Even if things got more serious, what assurance I would have that he won't want to go back to pussy one day? I wasn't ready for that heartbreak. I didn't say anything more.

He re-tightened his embrace around me and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Thanks for listening to me," he said. "I don't always find people are open to someone being sexually fluid. I don't always share that so readily. But I know I can trust you. You have made me feel so comfortable around you I feel like I can tell you anything. You have already changed my life in more ways than you can imagine. You were gracious enough to give me an interview when you weren't even sure there was a job to offer. You vouched for me and gave me the chance of a lifetime to move to New York with a really good job, a real dream come true. At first I thought maybe my attraction to you was as my mentor. But then I found it was much more personal and physical, regardless of our situation in the office. My whole life is different now because of you."

That was already too much information for one night. We just lay there. Eventually that Netflix movie that had been playing in the background ended. We turned off the TV. He held my hand and guided me back to his bedroom. He opened a brand new toothbrush for me. We both cleaned up and got ready for bed. From there he held my hand again and took me to his bed. He lifted the covers, went in first, and held the covers open for me to step in. My heart was heavy, but this was the exact spot on earth I wanted to be. In his bed. He turned me around and made me his little spoon again. We went to sleep. He managed to give me another little kiss on my shoulder where his head was behind me as we fell asleep.

Monday morning we woke up to go to work. Second time we had spent Sunday night together and were showing up to the office together. Luckily we wear scrubs supplied by the office and never have to worry about being seen with yesterday's clothes dragging in.

Nothing happened that Monday. Tuesday I attacked him in his office and sucked him dry. Thursday night I got a booty call text at 10 PM. I dropped everything and went over. We flip-flopped and went to sleep all exhausted but happy.

That following Sunday I got the same text message around 4 PM. I asked him to come over this time. We had sex, then ordered dinner, then pretended to start watching a movie as we started another sexual escapade 10 minutes into the movie. He spent the night. I had already bought a new tooth brush for him to use.

Over the next month and a half we went through a routine of one of us attacking the other one at work, either during lunch or after everybody left, and maybe one or two booty calls midweek. But the Sunday 4 PM booty call had become a routine. If he did not send me a text by 4:00, I sent him one by 4:01. His place or mine. The sex was still great, giving me access in our own privacy to worship every inch of his body. I had come to learn his kinks, his likes and dislikes, and some of his other habits. Yes, then there was the moment we became comfortable farting in the presence of each other. That is always a milestone in any relationship.

But each Sunday we spent more and more quality time rather than just having sex. We were home naked the whole time, and I really enjoyed the intimacy of being naked with the object of my desires for prolonged periods of time. We opened up and our life experiences. Experiences from college, from medical school. People we had dated, vacations we had been to. The bucket list of places each one of us wanted to go visit. We talked about the places we grew up, about our families. I really came to enjoy his company, not just his body. I looked forward to those Sunday afternoons and nights more than anything else.

It was the last Sunday before Valentine's Day. I was over at his place. First round of sex and dinner were already taken care of. I needed to go to the bathroom. When I opened the door and stepped out, he was right there, naked, down on one knee on the floor. With one hand he was holding something behind his back.

All I could see was black. I got nauseous. What was he up to? No, no, no, no, no, please don't do this. No, we're not at that point. We haven't even officially dated yet. Please don't have a ring behind you. Please don't fuck up everything. Because the answer is going to be `no'. As enticing the idea of marrying Seth and having him all to myself was, our relationship was not at that point. And what about his sexual fluidity? Seth, please don't fuck up this beautiful thing we have built so far.

He was nervous too. His porcelain skin was even more pale than usual. You could see he was breathing heavy. He looked me in the eyes. He must have seen the terror in my eyes.

He brought out the one hand from behind and it was a single red rose. "Jake Andrew Mullen, will you be my Valentine?"

Phew. Disaster averted. It was just a rose, not a ring. Finally I could breathe again. Thank heavens he did not do what I thought he was about to do. I didn't want to say yes, even though being his Valentine would be the sweetest thing ever.

"That is so sweet of you. My heart says yes. But my pesky brain says let's talk for a second."

He was not as taken back by that answer as much as I thought. Maybe he had mentally prepared himself for all possibilities.

I took the rose from him, gave him my other hand to help him up, and took him back to the sofa.

"Let's talk," I said. "You know how much I adore you both emotionally and physically. But what is going on in your heart? I know this is all premature to discuss, but I have floated all kinds of scenarios in my head for a while. If I accept your offer, what kind of future I am in for? Are you going to be satisfied with just me?"

He had an answer ready. "Jake, I have met so many people over my life. As a sexually fluid person, which is the topic I imagine you're concerned about, I have had so many varied experiences. Everyone else I had met had come up short in some sense of how I feel at harmony with them. You are the first and only person who had been the entire package for me. You make me feel safe. You make me feel special. I adore you and I know you adore me back. Dare I say it is love in my heart I feel for you, and I am now ready to fully commit myself to you. That is if you feel the same. I want you to be my boyfriend, not my boss or my fuck buddy. I want us to go on dates. I want us to go the opera, take those vacations we talked about. In due time, I would love it if we could make things more serious. All in due time, but I am committed. I am yours, if you'd have me."

Tears of joy welled in my eyes. Silly me and all the times I had yearned to be his other half, wanting to offer myself to be his for eternity. And here he was, doing exactly that to me. In real life. No gimmicks.

I threw both my arms around him and gave him the tightest hug. "Yes, Seth Jason Weiss, I will be your Valentine." He burst out from excitement. He let go of my embrace, cupped my face with both his hands, and brought me in a rush to his lips. He gave me a million little wet kisses all over my face in the span of a minute. Just like an excited puppy. I could hear his heart racing just inches away. His plan went well.

That night we had the most passionate sex ever. The physical aspect was awesome as usual, but now I knew I was making love, not just having sex. And even he was so much passionate that all prior times. He was more of a Romeo that night rather than a Hercules.

For Valentine's Day he insisted on making all the arrangements. He took me to a very romantic restaurant downtown. We went back to his place afterwards. He asked me to wait in the lobby and come up only after he called me.

When I took the elevator up, there was a trail of loose red rose petals all the way to his door. The door was already partially open, anticipating my arrival (he had used this trick on me once already). When I opened the door, I lost my breath again.

All the furniture in the living room had been moved to the side. In the middle of the room there was a huge tent made of sheer material, what could pass a as a mosquito net for a canopy bed, that took most of the room. There were at least 100 little candles of all sizes all over everywhere. Inside the tent there was a mattress and a whole bunch of throw pillows I had never seen bore. On a little table there as a plate of fresh strawberries and chocolate fondue, judging by the smell. A romantic track was playing in the background.

In the middle of all this was naked Seth and his porcelain skin, giving me that `come hither' gesture from back at the resort. I didn't hesitate. I didn't need him to go into that exaggerated pantomime mode. I closed the door, took off all my clothes and joined him in the tent on the mattress. We fed each other strawberries. We licked the chocolate from all kinds of body parts. We make hot passionate love all night. It wasn't just sex. It was love.

In between one of the rounds of sex, as I lay on top of him with my head on his chest listening to his soothing heartbeat, I was overcome with joy. I don't know what come over me. In a complete moment of mental carelessness I blurted: "I love you Seth."

Shit, did that just come out of me? Was I supposed to say it so soon? I only agreed to be his Valentine a week ago.

Without missing a beat, he replied: "I love you too Jake. More than you can possibly imagine. More than I knew love is possible."

From that moment on we were inseparable. We knew we should take things slowly as our romance was blooming, but we could not get enough of each other. I wanted to spend every single moment of every day with, and so did he. When you find your soulmate, you are inseparable. It was abundantly clear that we were meant to be together forever. We did eventually move in together a couple of months later. 2 years later he repeated the scene where I come out of the bathroom and he had something hiding in his one hand behind him. This time it was a real engagement ring. And the answer was an astounding yes.


Guilty embarrassing admission: This story was too long to write in one sitting. I wrote the part about them doing a 69 in the hotel bedroom while I was at lunch break at work in my office. The real-life "Seth" was just a few feet away in the lunch room. By the time I had finished writing that segment and got up to go back to work, I noticed a huge precum stain in the front of my pants. There was no way I could go back to work with that stain in a very obvious spot. Luckily I had a spare pair of pants in the office and quickly changed before I reported back to duty. Disaster averted. The other scene about their first encounter in Jake's apartment I also wrote on a subsequent lunch break at work. This time I made sure I put a whole bunch of tissues in my underwear to make sure we don't have another fiasco.

I'm really glad how this story wrote itself from some basic plot lines I had in my mind. It is also a very good homage to the real life "Seth". What a shame I can't just give him a copy so that he would know someone thinks of him so highly to write an entire story like this about him.

As always, your feedback is always appreciated. Feel free to send me an email at

Feel free to check out some of my other stories at:

The Shuttle Bus Ride

Will You Help Me Fulfill My Fantasy?

The Sperm Sample

The Intern

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