Gina in the park

By dale

Published on Sep 25, 2007



It had been a while since I'd been out as 'Slut Gina', so, since the weather had been so nice and was predicted to continue this way, I decided that I'd dress and hit the local cruising park this evening. After a long bath and a complete body shave, I did my nails in a vivd pink, then started to dress. A pink garter belt hooked up to a pair of lacy pink nylons, a pink front hook bra followed, then a pair of white sheer thong panties. I slid a white very short, tight lycra dress on, one that zipped open completely down the front, then stepped into a pair of white, open-toed 4" heels. I spent a little extra time applying my make-up, added some matching pink lipstick, then added some costume jewelry for a finishing touch. A little work on my hair and I was ready, and looking pretty damned hot, if I don't mind saying so myself. I made sure I had enough condoms, lube, and paper towels in my small duffel, got in my car and headed to the park. I almost changed my mind when I arrived at the parking area when I saw how many cars were there, but since I recognised many of them, I decided to continue. I parked, had a quick smoke, then got out.

Grabbing my duffel & beach blanket, I started up one of the trails, and almost immediately started spotting guys, both couples and singles, in various spots. Some engaged in sexual action, some just watching, and others obviously looking for some fun. Several smiled at me, almost as many whistled, and, as I got near one of the small clearings, I noticed one guy following me. Slowing, I let him get closer, then walked into the clear spot, spread the blanket, dropped some condoms & lube on it, and turned to see him standing just a few feet away, his fingers lightly rubbing a nicely bulged crotch. As he watched, I slowly eased the zipper of my dress down, then let the dress drop to the ground. My clitty cock was already hard and making a nice tent of my panties. I placed my hands on my hips and smiled at him.

"If you'd like to have some hot fun, Babe" I said softly. "Why don't you come here and get naked."

He took the few steps to reach the blanket, then quickly peeled his shirt & shorts off, revealing a nice, trim body and a very hard 8" cock. It had a fat head on it, and was reasonably thick, with a very nice set of balls swaying below. I slipped my arms over his shoulders and locked my lips to his. We kissed for a while, then I pulled my lips away and licked my way down to his hard cock. After licking his hard cock and furry balls a bit, I eased my lips over his cockhead and swallowed him to the base. He moaned and grabbed my head, then started fucking my mouth.. I let him face-fuck me for a short time, but this wasn't how I wanted him to cum, so before he got to close to cumming, I slipped my lips off his cock and rolled onto my back on the blanket. As he dropped to his hands & knees between my wide spread legs, I arched my hips up and let him pull my panties down. Leaving the panties dangling from one ankle, he dropped his head and devoured my hard clitty-cock. He started sucking my clitty-cock like a man possessed and when I started getting too close I reluctantly asked him to stop. As his lips left my manclitty, I grabbed a condom and handed it to him.

"Why don't you put this on, lube my asspussy, and fuck my brains out, Honey" I purred saucily, as I raised my legs, knees to my chest, and spread them wide.

He had the condom on in a nanosecond, then took the lube, smeared a generous amount on his cock, added a squirt to my asslips and moved into position. My heels resting on his shoulders, I guided his cock to my winking ass portal and strained out as he pressed inward. His cockhead popped right in, then, with a low moan of pleasure, he slid the whole thing in until his balls rapped against my upturned ass. I clamped down tightly on his throbbing cock and made him moan again. He began fucking me with full-length strokes, his balls slapping gently on my ass each time he drove his cock into me. After just a couple minutes of fucking my mancunt, I could tell he was getting close.

"Stop fucking me for a minute, Hon" I whispered. "Just keep your cock buried in my manpussy until that feeling goes away and then you can fuck me longer. Let's make this last." I added.

He stopped with his cock all the way in my ass canal, flexing it and causing little tingles of pleasure to surge through my groin. I started milking his cock with my inner muscles after a bit, and this drove him wild! I strained up until I could kiss him, and just before our lips met I told him to start fucking my mancunt again. He began humping my asspussy, faster this time, until he once more got close, then stopped again. He brought himself to edge several times before he finally cried out that he couldn't hold off any longer, slammed his cock deep into my manpussy and started to cum. I felt his cock pulsing as the cum spurted into the condom and felt the heat of his thick mancream as the condom filled. I milked his cock hard and kept at it until he eased his cock from my asslips and stood up. He quietly cleaned himself, and as I watched him dress, I wiped my asscrack and lay back. He thanked me and quickly walked away.

As he left, I noticed two guys standing on the edge of the trail. The way they were stroking their exposed and very hard cocks, they'd obviously been watching the action. I called out to them that if they'd rather have a hot mouth & tight asspussy working their cocks, then they should join me. They looked at each other, then quickly walked over, their hard cocks bobbing from open zippers as they moved. When they reached my blanket, I told them that they had to be naked to play with me, and they had to use condoms when fucking me. They wasted no time ripping their clothes off, revealing nice, slender bodies. One had a long, slim cock: about 8" long but rather thin, with a nice pink head. The other's was shorter, maybe 7" long, but at least twice as thick as his buddies. I tossed a condom to the one with the thicker cock, then grabbed his hard cock & pulled him close until it touched my lips. I licked the fat head for a bit, then swallowed him right to the pube hairs. He groaned loudly at this, so I started bobbing my head, sucking his hot cock fairly fast. From his sounds, I knew he'd cum quick if I let him, so I abruptly pulled my mouth off his cock, told him to 'rubber up', then turned my attention to his buddy. I swallowed his long, thin cock easily, then sucked him like I'd just done to the other. I could see his friend out of the corner of my eye, and when he had the condom on, I slipped the cock out of my mouth and told the one I'd just been sucking to lay down. I tossed the lube to the other, telling him to fuck my asscunt whenever he was ready, then dropped to my hands & knees between skinny-dick's legs and lowered my lips over his cock. I took his whole cock in and was working him with my mouth when I felt the other cock slide up & down my asscrack. Once he'd centerd that fat cockhead against my hole, I strained out and eased my ass back a bit, allowing the thick head to pop into my asscunt. Once the head was in, he wasted no time jamming the whole, fat cock into me. I had a cock buried to the hilt on each end and was loving it. The cock in my ass started sawing in & out rather rapidly, so I tried to bob my mouth on the other somewhat in rythm. I managed to get them both in sync, then just concewntrated on the one in my mouth, letting the one fucking my manpussy fend for himself. I used one hand to fondle the balls of the guy I was sucking, ocassionally allowing my fingers to rub up & down his asscrack. Too soon, I could sense he was getting close. I tightened my ass canal on the cock in my asspussy, increased the suction on the one in my mouth, then let two fingers slide into the rather tight asshole of the guy I was sucking. The fingers were all it took, and a second later his cock pulsed & spasmed, then spurt after spurt of hot, thick cum shot down my throat. I rapidly pumped my fingers in his tight hole and was rewarded by a couple more spurts of mancream, then the flow turned to a drbble and stopped. The cock in my asscunt picked up speed when his buddy started crying out as he came, then suddenly slammed into my asspussy hard and stayed there. I could fee lhis cock pulse as he came, and once it felt like he was through, I milked him a bit with my inner muscles as I continued suckling on the now-softening cock in my mouth. Finally, I let the cock in my mouth slip out, then eased forward to let the cock in my mancunt do the same and stood up. I grabbed a towel & was wiping my asscrack, watching them clean themselves up when I decided it was time for me to cum. I was standing there in my lingerie with my hard clittycock sticking up, while both of the guys were watching me while they cleaned themselves off.

"Either of you honies want to get me off , now that I've made you cum?" I asked softly. "A tight asshole or hot mouth would do the trick rather quickly." I added.

I was guessing that neither would offer, but the dude with the thick cock suprised me by saying he would do it, as long as I used a condom if I fucked him. Elated, I asked him to kneel and suck me a bit, which he did with suprising speed. And he was a fairly good cocksucker, I might add! Once his hot mouth had me hot & hard, I eased my clittycock from his lips and stretched out on my back, holding my hard cock up as I rolled a condom onto it. I lubed it generously, then asked him to sit on it. He quickly squatted over my hips, then lowered his ass down until my cockhead wedged between his cheeks. A few moments later, my namclitty was fully enveloped by an incredibly tight asshole. He paused a bit, then, when I told him to ride me, he started slowly sliding his asshole up & down my hard clittycock. His buddy started egging him on, telling him to 'ride that pussycock', and 'bounce his slut ass on that girlycock', which served to make him ride my cock faster. I started slamming my hips up to meet him, and my cock was ramming into his whole hard with each thrust. A few minutes of this intense fucking, and the cum started boiling up from my balls. I grabbed his hips, slammed my clittycok into him hard, and held there as my cum filled the condom deep in his ass. I held his hips down tight and kept him there until my manclitty started to soften, then let him ease his ass off of me. I thanked him as he stood up, then eased the condom off and cleaned myself. I stood and started dressing as they did the same. Once I was 'presentable' again, I grabbed my stuff and headed back to the car. Alas, I only made it to the next clearing when I spotted a cute guy standing beside the trail with a nice, thick 6" cock sticking out of his fly. I stopped in front of him and told him that if he wanted this girly-guy to help him cum, he'd have to strip naked first. I think the fact that I wasn't really a woman shook him a bit at first, but when I reached out and grabbed his very hard cock, I think he no longer cared. I licked my lips sensuously as he looked at me, then whispered again for him to strip. He fumbled at it, but managed to get his clothes of rather quickly. Not waiting, I grabbed his head and gave him a hot, sloppy kiss, making sure he got to sample a bit of tongue, then dropped to my knees onto his crumpled pants. Instead of heading straight for his hard cock, I instead licked his thighs a while, then spent a good long time working his balls with my tongue & lips. He began moaning in pleasure as I lapped his balls, so I wet a finger, slid it under to his asscrack, and slipped it into his rather tight asshole. He cried out softly at that, but didn't pull away, so I began fingerfucking him slowly as my lips found his throbbing cockhead. I started sucking his lovely cock slowly, more or less in rythm to my finger pumping his hole. This brought more pleasure moans from him, so I began working a second finger into him. He protested a bit at this, but I persisted and soon had 2 fingers sliding in & out of his hole. Once his hole adjusted he must have liked it, since he started pumping his cock in my mouth. I tightened my lips on him and let him facefuck me at his own pace. I held my fingers steady enough so that as he was fucking my mouth, he was also fucking his own hole on me. Way too soon for me, he suddenly grunted and filled my mouth with his hot, creamy cum, his asshole clamping down amazingly hard on my fingers as he came. I kept working his cock with my mouth and his ass with my fingers, until his cock softened completely. I slipped my fingers from his ass, wiped them on his shorts, then let his cock slip from my lips. I stood quickly, and before he had time to react, I grabbed his hand and slid it up under my short skirt until it was pressing tight against my silky-covered cock. His hand squeezed my clittycock a few times, and when I released it, he kept his hold on me. I smiled at him, then kissed him again as he continued squeezing my cock. After a long kiss, I pulled back and looked at him.

"I just wanted you to know for sure that I really am a guy" I said softly, as I removed his hand from under my skirt. "But I'll be here again soon, if you'd like to experience some more of this. But next time, I want your hard cock in my mancunt, and I intend to slip my clittycock in your ass" I continued.

With that, I wandered away and reached my car with no further interuption, alas. But I fully intended to be back here as Gina, and soon. I'll keep y'all posted......

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