Gina 2

By K D

Published on Jun 3, 1999



Part 1

Gina shuddered as was being lead down the cold hallway by two women in nurses uniforms. She was handcuffed and blindfolded and couldn't see anything. She heard a door creak, at least she knew that she was being taken to a room. She was lead to a table and her blindfold was removed. She saw a table with cutouts. The cutouts were at the arms and legs, this allowed her to be cuffed into t he table and be stretched out like an "X" shape. The nurses then removed her robe, leaving her only her bra and panties. She was then told to sit on the table, there they cuffed both of her wrists and ankles to the table. The nurses left and Gina sat in silence.

She heard the door creak again and in walked in Mistress Kira. She encircled the table admiring the beautiful, helpless girl under the cuffs. Oddly enough she was in a doctors lad coat, what happened to her usual tight black cat suit?? "Good morning Gina," she said. "Good morning Mistress Kira," Gina responded with obedience. The Mistress continued, "I know this may seem unusual to our routine, and that is because it is. Today you will address me as Doctor, and only that." Gina responded, "Yes Doctor." Mistress Kira smiled, "Very good Gina. Today I will be performing several examinations on you.." She walked over to a panel on the wall and lifted a cover to press a button. Soon right before her eyes a thin white wall lifted and revealed four more doctors. But they were no ordinary doctors they were Mistresses Bianca, Theresa, Fiona, and Sarah. "Good morning ladies," Mistress Kira said, "Now Gina they will be observing this examination while it is in action. Now let's begin."

Part 2

One nurse handed Mistress Kira a pair of scissors. Mistress Kira then opened and closed them for effect and placed the cold steel against Gina cheek, she shuddered at the touch of it. Mistress Kira then ran the cold steel scissors along Gina's right shoulder and cut the strap of her bra, the she ran it along her chest and cut the other strap. Mistress Kira smiled when she saw Gina's 36 C breasts being push out at the top by her constraining bra. With one fell-swoop she cut right up the middle of the bra let her breasts flow free and unbound. Mistress Kira then snapped her fingers and a second nurse had brought a handkerchief, the nurses opened it and inside were two nipple clamps. Mistress Kira loved using nipple clamps, or any kind of clap really. Mistress Kira twisted her right nipple and teased it with her long sharp fingernails, soon it became erect and she attached the first nipple clamp. SLAM, it closed around her nipple completely, it was cold and very tight and she whimpered at it sharp bite. Mistress Kira smiled to see Gina squirming in her bonding. Then Mistress Kira teased her left nipple and Gina's nipple felt the same pain, she was now breathing erratically and Mistress Kira was happy to see Gina's reaction and so did the other Mistresses. Mistress Kira heard a small faint words coming from Gina.."Doctor" Mistress Kira smiled and continued on. Next she ran the cold scissors down Gina's flat stomach and passed it over her panties. Then she cut the left side of her panties and then the right. Just for fun, and to entertain her fellow Mistresses she cut the panties right at the crotch. Mistress Kira was pleased to see that Gina was shaven. Mistress Kira's nurses were told to remove the pieces of bra and panties from the table. Quickly a nurse returned with another clamp and Mistress Kira instructed the two nurses to at both sides of Gina and pull her labia taut and wide. Mistress Kira instructed, "Wider, they pulled, and just for fun she called out, even wider." Mistress Kira placed the clamp on Gina's clitty and it's bite made her flinch. Mistress Kira then twisted it several times and squeezed it. Gina moaned and lifted her chest and torso in response. She was now fully open and vulnerable to whatever Mistress Kira wanted to do and Mistress Kira loved it that way.

Part 3

"Now ladies, as you can see Gina is completely helpless under her bonds. Gina please try to escape for us." Gina tried and she couldn't, each time she tried however her clamps got tighter and tighter, the other Mistresses knew this and smiled. "Let us continue with the examination, nurse let us set up the table please." The nurse came over and helped the Mistress. "Ladies, the first step in setting up for this examination is to put on the waist immobilizer." Mistress Kira opened a panel in the table and pulled out a steel metal circle, it wrapped fully around her waist and locked on the other side. "Now, let me tighten it, good. Next we spread the table into it's rightful position." The table was adjusted by remote control. First Mistress Kira pushed a blue button and it started to spread her arms out like a spread eagle position. Next she pressed a red button and this spread her legs apart. "What do you say ladies, Mistress Kira continued, should we spread it wider?" The Mistresses nodded and smiled and Mistress Kira caused to to go wider. "Wider, wider, umm, just one last bit, yes perfect," Mistress Kira was proud of her work. Next I will have the nurses bring out my new invention." The nurses brought out what appeared to be two wide tweezers with strings at the ends. "Ladies these are my labia pullers, when attached to the labia it allows it to be pulled as far apart and taut as you want." The nurses placed the two strings into a panel and they fit right in, Gina realized the table was made for this exact examination. "Ladies please come down and join me," said Mistress Kira. The ladies entered and surrounded Gina. Two started squeezing Gina's breasts and nipple clamps, others stood next to Mistress Kira. "Now would you two like to help me?, asked Mistress Kira. They nodded with a smile. "Good, now each of you take a side and pick up the puller. Then place it on the labia and step back," Mistress Kira told them. The ladies all came around and watched when Mistress Kira pushed a button. Gina's labia was being pulled apart, wide, wider, wider, and even more. "Docor please, she moaned, not any" Just for that demand Mistress Kira pulled it wider, and even wider. Gina yelped and moaned. " ohhh..please...ohhh" Gina protested. The Ladies were all pleased at Gina's reaction as was Mistress Kira.

Part 4

"The next part of the examination is what I like to call testing the pressure points. This is how far a tool can be placed in Gina's vagina. To begin this process I will need my tools. Nurse bring them over," Mistress Kira ordered. The nurse brought them over and placed them on a small desk near Mistress Kira. "The most important part about testing the pressure point is to have a pressure point reader such as this one," she held up a tiny micro chip, "this is to be placed inside the vagina in order to read on the monitor over to your right," She pointed to the small machine in the corner. "Nurse," she called out, "bring the monitor and we shall begin." With that the nurse wheeled over the monitor and turned it on with the flick of a switch. Gina's clitty clamp was removed and she breathed a sigh of relief. Next Mistress Kira attached the micro chip to a long rod. Mistress Kira then told the nurse to shine some light into Gina's vagina so that the chip could be placed inside. Gina flinched as the cold steel rod moved slowly in her vagina. She felt something like a small grab inside her as the chip was attached in her. "Good, now we can proceed with the testing," said Mistress Kira. Mistress Kira picked up a short thick steel rod and handed it to Mistress Fiona. Mistress Fiona didn't even bat and eye, she immediately inserted it into Gina. "Good work Fiona, now we need to push it deeper, we need to fit the other tools," said Mistress Kira. "More tools?", Gina thoguht to herself. "Deeper," called out Mistress Kira, "deeper, more, more.." The rod pushed farther and farther in, deeper each time. Gina began to moan and roll her head side to side. "Please...ohhh...not" With that little protest Mistress Fiona pushed it deeper and deeper. The moniter was reading the findings. "One mark to the pressure point." said the nurse. "Good," said Mistress Kira and she pushed it farther and deeper. "Ohhh...ohhh..ohh," Gina moaned out. "Two marks past the pressure point," said the nurse. "Very good Gina, you withstood that well," said Mistress Kira, "Now we are going to add more rods, but these are long and thin and we will add as many as needed that will occupy her vagina fully." With that Mistress Kira handed each Mistress two rods. She then pushed the button and made the labia pullers pull her labia wider. First Mistress Theresa placed her rods in. She placed in the first one and pushed it hard causing Gina to moan. The she placed in the second on even harder, this time it touched the small rod already inside her and it pushed it farther down. Gina yelped and moaned again. "" Next Mistress Bianca placed her first one in and twisted it in her vagina and slamed it in in hard causing Gina to moan loudly, "ohhh....oooh". The next one she placed in and pushed it deep. Next Mistress Theresa inserted both at the same time with great force and it made Gina lift her chest up in the air and off the table, Mistress Theresa walked over and sqeezed her nipple clamps making her yelp with delight. Next Mistress Fiona ran one rod over Gina's already sweaty body. Over her neck, then her breasts, over her nipple clamps, and she tapped on them several times, then down her stoamch and then she pushed it into her vagina. The second soon followed. With eight rods in her Gina doubted anymore would fit. But Mistress Kira pulled her labia more and fit in ther last remaing three rods she had. "Now ladies I hope you enjoyed this little interaction. Next I will place this pair of panties on Gina as we move into another room," said Mistress Kira. And with that Gina was unlocked from the table. The Mistresses left for the next room. The nurses helped her put on the special panties Mistress Kira had ordered. Her nipple clamps were removed and Gina was glad about that. The nurses left her standing for a moment and Gina saw the door was left open she made a run for it. One nurse grabbed her by the arm and swung her around fast, but Gina punched her. The second nurse was stronger and grabbed her arms and pinned her against a cold steel wall. She then kneed Gina in the vagina, pushing the rods deeper than ever. Gina yelped and fell to the ground. The nurse handcuffed her and said, "Mistress Kira will surely punish you for this!" With that Gina was taken out of the room and down a flight of stairs.

Part 5

Gina was lead down the stairs to an open room. The nurse removed the panties she had on with new ones. But these were no ordinary panties, these were made of a prickly fabric. The nurse instructed Gina that Mistress Kira wanted the panties to be pulled between the ass cheeks and labia. The nurse adjusted the panties in the back first pulling it between her ass cheeks, it pricked as she did so and Gina let out a small moan. Then the nurse pulled the panties taut in the front and like magic it went between her labia. Gina moaned as it pricked against the inside of her sensitive labia. "Very good," said the nurse, "Now please step over here." Gina did so and the nurse cuffed Gina and tied the cuffs to a ring bolt in the ceiling. She then instructed Gina to place her ankles in the stocks. This allowed her to stand and her legs were spread wide. Just then Mistress Kira walked in with the other ladies. "Gina, I hear you have been a bad girl," said Mistress Kira as she walked over to her, "Is this true?" Gina said "Yes doctor." Mistress Kira looked at the other ladies and turned back to look over Gina's helpless body. "For that you shall recieve a harder examination." she said. Mistress Kira walked over to Gina and was pleased to see the lovely prickly panties concealed in her labia. "Now Gina," she said, and pulled on the front of the panties hard causing them to prick hard against her labia and force the rods deeper,Gina moaned, "ohhh...oooo." Mistress Kira continued, "We shall continue with the next part of the examination. First we shall use the whip. Two Mistresses will recieve a chance to examine you with it. Ladies, all parts of Gina are open to be whipped." With that Mistress Kira handed the whip to Mistress Fiona who was pleased to go first. She let the whip fly and it wrapped around Gina's waist. Mistress Fiona pulled her foward and put her hand on Gina's sex and pushed the rods deep causing her to tilt her head back and moan. Mistress Fiona was pleased to hear her soft whimper for mercy and whipped her sex many times. Each time Gina let out small whimpers and moans making Mistress Fiona want to whip her sex even more. When she finished whipping her sex she squeezed her nipples hard. Gina moaned, "oohhh..ummmm.ohh". Mistress Fiona handed the whip to Mistress Bianca who took it happily. "Now Gina," she said, "I so do love our tits. I beleieve your nipples need more attention." With that she struck Gina's left nipple, leaving her to yelp, then she struck the right nipple, causing her to yelp yet again. She did this routine several times attacking each nipple, making sure she moaned every time. Mistress Bianca finished and handed the whip back to Mistress Kira. "Very well done ladies," said Mistress Kira, "Now I believe it is time to tie up our little patient. Nurse have her ready." The Mistresses left the room and the nurse took Gina out of the stocks and off the ringbolt. She then took her to another room.

Part 6

The nurse helped her remove the prickly panties. They had been pulled so much that they were deep in her pussy. Gina flinched as the nurse removed them. Gina was then told to sit on a steel chair and to push her pussy into it. Gina did so and the rods went deeper causing her to become aroused. The ladies stepped in and found Gina sitting in the chair as she had been ordered to do. They were carring several ropes and chains with them. Mistress Kira instructed Gina to come and sit on a leather bench. She was then told to lie down and let her arms go down at her sides. Then the Mistresses took the first cold steel chain and wrapped it around her waist and the bench. Next, they pulled it tight so that she couldn't move. Then they took that same chain and wrapped it like an "X" over her breasts and tied it under the bench. Then they took another chain and wrapped around her right breast and back over neck to wrap it around her left breast. Finally they took one more chain and placed right underneather her breasts allowing them to push upwards. Now Gina's lovely 36 C's were up and out and perky. "How beautiful," said Mistress Theresa as smiled at their great work. Then they tied her arms above her head and her ankles to the legs of the bench. The placed a pillow under Gina's butt to elevate her vagina upwards for better access. "Very lovely Gina," said Mistress Kira as she massaged Gina's sex. Gina could ony whimper in response. "Would you like the rods removed Gina?" asked Mistress Kira. In a soft moan Gina answered, "Ohh..only if the doctor..umm...ohh...believes it time too..ohh." "Yes Gina, I do," said Mistress Kira, "But I will put these nipple clamps on you first." Mistress Bianca pinched her nipples. "No..please doctor..ohh..they hurt too much...ohhh..please..ohh," she moaned. "Oh Gina," said Mistress Kira, "I have to, and I know they hurt dear, they pich, and sting, and bite hard don't they? But that is what I like about them, I love to see you squirm under their bite." And with that said she placed a nipple clamp on Gina's left nipple, she moaned, and then on her right nipple. She arched her back in the air but the strong clamps would never let her go. "Ohhhh...oummm..ohhh," Gina pleaded. "Ok Gina," said Mistress Kira, "I will now remove the rods. Hold still." Mistress Kira smiled at the ladies. Mistress Kira removed the first slowly furthering Gina's torture. Then with the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth she did the same. One more was left and Gina was moaning uncontrolably. Mistress Kira started to take it out, but Mistress Fiona offered to finish the job. Mistress Kira kindly allowed her to do it. Mistress Fiona slowly eased it out and with a grin she slamed it back in. Gina moaned loudly, "Ohhhhhh." Then Mistress Fiona removed the last rod. "Well Gina," said Mistress Kira, "There is one more left. The small rod was still there along with the pressure point reader. Nurse," she called, "Get the reacher and the presure point monitor." The nurse brought in the monitor and the reacher. Mistress Kira turned the monitor on and saw that the pressure point had been exceeded by 10 marks. She was pleased that Gina took so much pain so well. She realized she would need a longer reacher. She told the nurse to get a longer one. With the long reacher in hand Mistress Kira was ready to pull out the small rod. "Since I don't have the labia pullers here Mistress Sarah and Theresa will pull the labia." The Mistresses came around, Mistress Sarah on the right, Mistress Theresa on the left. They both took a good grip of Gina's labia and pulled it wide. Gina moaned as she felt the air enter her pussy. "Wider," ordered Mistress Kira, "Wider, more, yes , more, wider, wider, wider, more," Gina yelped, "Good." The Mistress Kira pushed the reacher into Gina's pussy in search of the rod inside. Gina moaned. "Mark two," called out the nurse, "five," Gina moaned louder, "mark 8," Gina moaned, "ohhhh...ohhhh." "Mark 10," said the nurse. Mistress Kira grabbed hold of the rod and slowly pulled it out. It had gone very deep in Gina's sex and was covered in her juices. Gina moaned and was relieved that the rod was out. Next Mistress Kira took out the reader with no problems. "Nurse, untie Gina and bring her to the next room," ordered Mistress Kira. Then the ladies were gone and the nurse untied Gina and lead her to the next room.

Part 7

Next Gina was taken in a room that seemed to look like a small lab. She shackled to a steel table in the same "X" shape and left to wait for the ladies. She heard the door open and in walked in the ladies. "Hello Gina," said Mistress Kira, "Ladies, this next examination will involve small shocks. Here I have two rods that are attached to a tiny electrical current. Also I have these nipple and clitoris clamps that have the same. When placed on or in Gina it will send a small current of electricity through her. Let us begin." "I don't know if I can take the shocks doctor," protested Gina. "Well that is what we shall see my dear. Now be silent, I want to hear nothing from you but moans," said . With that Mistress Kira cliped on the nipple clamps and squeezed them slightly. "Please turn on the power nurse," she ordered. Mistress Kira clicked the button and small shocks ran through her nipples and breasts causing her to moan and arched her back. "Get the waist immobilizer," said Mistress Kira. Mistress Kira placed her hand on Gina's heaving torso and lightly pushed her down. She then locked the immobilizer in place to prevent her from thrashing up to high. Gina moaned, "" The ladies were pleased with Gina's reaction, she was very sexy. Then Mistress Kira placed on the clitty clamp and shocked that. It sent Gina thrashing once more and whimpering more. The Mistress Kira inserted the steel rods deep, and the other ladies helped her push it farther down, deep, deep, deeper. Gina moaned as the rods went farther and deeper into her vagina. Mistress Kira pushed the button and Gina was being shocked throught. She yelped, moaned, and whimpered. The shocks took over her helpless body. She became a prisoner to their power and moment by moment more surges overpowered her. " it down...ohhhhhhh.." Gina moaned out. Mistress Kira shut down the machine and remover the clamps and rods. "Nurse," she ordered, "Please remove her from the table and bring her to the final room."

Part 8

Gina was taken to the next room. The ladies entered. Mistress Kira spoke, "This is the final room. Here we will perform two more examinations. One the horse and two rope play. Now let's begin with the horse." Mistress Kira instructed Gina to sit on the horse. It had a dildo like rod in the middle of it. Mistress Sarah helped her onto the dildo. When Gina sat, the dildo went straight into her vagina and it went very, very deep, all her wieght was on it. Then her ankles and legs were tied to the side of the horse, and her arms and wrists where also tied at her sides. "Now then let us turn on the horse." said Mistress Kira. Then the horse was turned on and it bucked, and slowly moved like a real horse galloping. Each time it forced the dildo deeper and it moved the dildo causing Gina to become excited. Mistress Kira increased the speed of the horse, making it go faster and faster. Gina moaned in pleasure, "Ohhhhh." Mistress Kira whispered to the ladies, "Now let me show you my little invention." She pushed a button and the dildo became a vibrator. It sent orgasams one after the other through Gina's now limp body. She moaned, "Ohhhh...ahhh", as aonther orgasam engulfed her. Soon the ride was over and she was removed from the horse by the nurses. she was allowed to rest momentarily as the ladies prepared for the next examination. "Okay ladies," spoke Mistress Kira, "The next examination will be rope play. In this examination, we will tie up Gina however we please and do what we will. Gina was told to stand as she was cuffed to a ring bolt in the ceiling, her arms tied striaght above her. Next, ropes were tied around her breasts forcing them out and up. Next, a string was brought out. On it were three very long steel rods, two thin, and between them one thick one. The rods were inserted into her pussy and the ropes held the wicked crotch rope in place. The rope dug deep in her labia, scratching and rubbing against her clitty, making her aroused. With Gina now in place she was put in the legs stocks and her legs were pushed wide. Mistress Kira placed nipple clamps on her first right, then left. Their ferocious bite sank deep into her throbbing nipples. Mistress Kira smiled when she saw Gina squirm in her bonds. Mistress Sarah came up to Gina and placed a chian on the nipple clamps. She then added two small wieghts to it. Gina moaned from the pressure being put on her aching nipples, " no..oohh." Mistress Bianca loved to hear Gina in pain so she added three more wieghts and kneed Gina in the vagina pushing the rods deeper into her. Gina yelped and moaned. Mistress Theresa did the same and rammed her knee into Gina's weak pussy. Gina whimpered as the rods went deeper and she felt one break from the rope. Next Mistress Fiona added four more wieghts and twisted the clamps on Gina's nipples. Gina moaned, "Noo..ahhh..oohh," Mistress Fiona kneed her also and it sent the loosened rod deeper into her sex. Gina yelp in pleasure and pain. Soon after Mistress Kira once again took over. She pulled the crotch rope taut at the front to cause rope burn in Gina's labia. Gina moaned as the friction became harder and faster. The rods pumped inside her and against her clitty. She felt them go deep and deeper inside. Soon more wieghts were added to the nipple clamps leaving Gina to tilt her had back and moan in pleasure. The ladies were pleased with the examination and it was soon over. Gina was untied and lead to a table were the wieghts were slowly removed from the nipple clamps. Then the nipple clamps were also removed. Mistress Kira massaged Gina's aching nipples and cooled them with some ice. Gina breathed out slowly and a little, "Ohhh," came from her lips. Then the pussy rope was removed and out came two rods. "Well, looks like we'll have to retrieve the other, " said Mistress Kira. She took the reacher in her hand and told the other ladies to hold her labia wide open. Gina started to squrim, so she had to be restrained once again in the "X" table. "Lift your butt Gina," Mistress Kira said as she placed a pillow underneath it. Now she had a good view of Gina's sex and she saw just the tip of the rod. The slowly inserted the reacher and grabbed a hold of the rod and pulled it out. The nurse took away all the tools and now Gina and the Mistresses were left alone i the cold room.

Part 9

Still tied to the "X" table Gina was vulnerable. The ladies encircled her. Two Mistresses attended to her breasts and three to her sex. The two Mistresses, one on the left, one on the right, fondled each breast, grabbing it, pinching its delicate sore nipples. " doctors please..ohhh they hurt too much..noo...ohh," Gina whimpered out. At the same time the two Mistresses Theresa and Sarah smiled, they placed the nipple clamps on Gina and she thrashed upwards, "Ahhh...ohhh," shw moaned, her chest in the air. Mistress Kira placed the waist immobilizer on her to keep her steady. Mistresses Sarah and Theresa continued their tity torture while Mistress Kira was being assisted by Bianca and Fiona. Bianca grabbed Gina's right labia and Fiona grabbed her left. They pulled it apart wide causing Gina to moan, "Noooo..please..noo...ohhhhh". Mistress Kira then placed a blindfold on Gina, she couldn't see a thing. "Wider," Mistress Kira order. And the ladies pulled her wide. Then Gina heard a buzzing, it was a vibrator. What she couldn't see was that it was really a machine with a vibrator attached to it. Mistress Kira lowered the machine near Gina's pussy. Then she pressed a button and it entered her vagina. The ladies let her labia go and it surrounded the vibrator. Soon it was pumping in and out of her. Faster and faster, deeper and deeper. The ladies loved watching as Gina's orgasm bulit and then ride over. Finally she was removed from the machine and the table and told to sit on a nearby stool. She did so and was tied to the stool by the ladies. She was on her back against the stool and her vagina was exposed to the ladies. Mistress Kira got and ice tray and cracked the ice out. She then had Mistress Bianca insert them into Gina's pussy. One by one all five cold ice cubes were pushed deep into Gina's hot sex. Then Mistress Kira picked up the whip. "For the final test I shall whip you Gina, and then this will be over." With that said Mistress Kira struck Gina's wide open pussy, the tip of the whip hitting on her aching clitty. Gina screamed out and the lashes continued. "," Gina pleaded. But was only met with a lash to the nipples, again and again. The ladies looked on pleased by the whipping. The ice melting in her sex dripped out cooling her whipped labia. Soon the lashing was over. The Mistresses thanked Mistress Kira for the entertainment and soon left. Mistress Kira then walked over to Gina who was already untied and in panties. "You passed my examination Gina," she said. "Thank you doctor," Gina responded. Mistress Kira simply pinched Gina's right nipple hard in response.

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