Gift Wrapped

By The Pin (Lawrence Bradman, LB, Green)

Published on Apr 5, 2010


I had lifted his skirt above his waist, with him lying across my thighs I could look down at frilly panties and began to ease them down, as I did so, his neat little erection released itself and I settled down to fondle then masturbate, all went quiet for a spell for I was enjoying this, I glanced up and caught the happy smile, he had lovely smooth loins and the shape of his elegantly formed that

"I want to suck you for a bit, can I?"

"Yes but careful - or I'll be cumming!"

What soft skin he had, placing my hands upon his thighs I took him in my mouth, luxury! I ran my tongue around the head, there's nothing like the feel of someone's penis in your mouth and I'd sampled a few but this, this one felt special and I took my time, I wasn't trying to make him cum but for thoroughly selfish reasons wished to savour the texture and I lingered. Fingers twisted in my hair and a hand stroked the back of my neck

" what you are doing I can tell, I used to think it was - too small but for you and what you are doing, it is just right, wonderful but please no more...I'm getting too excited and I have other things to offer you so please, you have used a boy but now...please I want you to...use me as a woman...please? I know what to do, men have been doing it to me since I was in school, I....want me...."

I'd raised myself and looked down on the fragile boy, time to undress him and of course, I had help. Still it was an amazing experience, without skirt and panties I had a better chance to enjoy the view, blouse unbuttoned I glimpsed the soft swellings and swollen nipples I'd sampled earlier but, he actually had a waist with trim little hips...but as for those legs, so long! And as I rand a hand down - silky smooth thighs, firm calf muscles then slender ankles, somehow he wouldn't be out of place in a two piece swimming costume....and he'd asked me to "use me as a woman" hadn't he? Catching his anxious glance I blew a kiss, reassuringly I told him

"You have a fabulous little body, lovely figure in fact...trouble is, once I come in..I might not last long enough to do you justice?"

He obviously took me seriously, for after a moment's worried consideration he brightened and said

"But, then you will cum again - yes?"

There was really only one way to set about this...and I'd want to do it with us facing each other, pressed close too, then I noticed him offering me a tube, aha, good!

"I want you to do it, put it in me please, carefully - I've done it plenty of times with other men, this is true but it has not been for more than a year now and I think I will be tight for you, so use plenty, please."

I was quite eager to assist, it would also give me the chance to feel him up - back there, which I was soon busy doing. Another surprise, buttocks full and generous on his slim frame...firm but soft too...and I realised, more like a girl's - I knew this for I often indulged in anal sex with girls, it was surprising how many actually enjoyed it. So, having fooled around his plump mounds I parted his cheeks, there it was, puckered tight. On the spur of the moment, I stooped and kissed the back of his neck - there was an appreciative murmur and he wriggled hips. Coated fingers probed and...slipped in, I heard a sigh, idly I thrust them back and forth, it is always pleasant to do this with a boy that first know he's going to let you "do it" and can anticipate, as I was, eventually I was satisfied, now I turned him on his back. With a hand wrapped around his penis I explored a tiny breast with the other...while the little blond head began to toss from side to side..

"Please, please come in....don't wait any more, I want you, in me...please"

In itself it was a turn on - clasping those thighs and lifting them, then the view as I parted his legs, pushing them further back until, yes there it was, neatly exposed and glistening at the edges, jerky fingers felt for my penis, impatient, he placed me. Then I leaned gently forward, it was like coming home I thought, smooth tight fit, he'd even gasped at first...and I watched as my length slid deep within. As our tummies met, I paused, his eyes opened wide and he smiled, he'd been holding his legs back for this last bit but now they locked around my waist, his hands free he began to caress me, still not moving I lay there with him impaled - and simply admired the view. The thrust of hips awoke me and I began to ease in and out, it was a delicate dance almost and above all there was the contact, his penis rubbing against my belly as we moved and his face - so tantalisingly close....yes, caught his lips, pulled back and smiled at him, it was then I realised, we'd be in for a lengthy session...he knew what he was doing all right, and since men had been using him from an early age, it was hardly surprising, time and again he sensed I was about to cum...and just on the threshold he'd pause and relax his muscles, I'd close my eyes and count to ten, then resume. This was a truly lovely boy, what a wonderful relaxed way to make love, then I felt his fingers - they were digging in to my back, he was tensing and I realised what was about to happen, then he let himself go and warmth spread upon my tummy, between our bodies. Delicious.

"Cum for me now, please?"

I was cuming anyway, only trouble was, it seemed never ending, those delicious buttocks of his, God I was squirting deep, I could hear the stuff as I still moved within, fingers were playing in my hair as I continued to jerk and heave, gasping. After a while silence, timidly a finger stroked my cheek

"I think, I must have needed that very much...."

He was anxious, I could tell so what to do? As I finally slid out the best I could manage was to press him to me, a lengthy kiss followed and then I pulled back to regard him. Uncertainly, he smiled

"Are you going now?"

"Only if you want to kick me out, that was lovely, and so are, how about we tell each other about ourselves..."

As I spoke I began running hands slowly over his smooth flanks...I was in no hurry and as he snuggled up I sensed - neither was he, and watched as little fingers tentatively sought my penis.

Next: Chapter 4

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