Gift Wrapped

By The Pin (Lawrence Bradman, LB, Green)

Published on Apr 4, 2010


The crowd around us, they were jovial and raucous as ever but this time I sensed something else - was it relieved laughter now they'd noted the manner of our return? If that was the case it would seem that my little friend was held in some regard, what else would engender such concern on his behalf? So shielding his diminutive form as best I could I steered us to what was the closest thing this place had to a quiet corner, clutching our drinks I attempted small talk, difficult, occasionally a spare male would attempt to cut in only to feel some large hand on his shoulder and after listening to the whispered advice would back away apologetically. As we talked I felt it difficult to keep my eyes off him, so delicately fine featured and with that startling colouring he gazed back under long lashes - his own I reckoned. All in all I thought, mannerisms, build, looks, all told me this was a most attractive young girl I'd latched on to and then there was that pleading look almost suppressed - he desperately wanted me to accept him. "Accept him as what?" I thought and was silent for a while as I thought furiously, all I could see just now were the complications....luckily I realised the negative trend and concentrated my thoughts elsewhere, he was charming, delicately attractive...this I already knew - but what else? By now he too had fallen silent, then tentatively I felt an arm link itself in mine, on tiptoe he whispered

"I think I would like to get it over with, I mean - I want you to know as much about me as soon as possible and then, then perhaps you can decide? I know that for you this is hard, for me it is hard too - wanting something that I probably can't have so I want to know, then you can decide...and I won't be any trouble. Will you come home with me now, I can cook you a meal if you are hungry? I gulped and made a decision, nothing could be lost and well who knew what might eventuate? Best not to put it off either, he was quite right there...a shrewd assessment on his part. This time, he led me out and as he did so I noticed the anxious eyes - for a hard boiled group of drunken reprobates those countrymen of his were decidedly protective! On the Underground it was standing room as usual, and the little body pressed tight, again I noticed the admiring stares and no wonder, his legs, they were truly superb and that barely concealed bottom - well even I had trouble reconciling it with his nominal gender. Eventually we got off at one of those North London Stations, Archway actually and negotiated the grey streets, decayed genteel terraced houses everywhere, all subdivided to buggery to squeeze in flats, flatlets, bedsits - you name it. Creaky stairs underfoot, a muttered

"I've only been here a couple of months"

and the door swung open to a cosy little niche, he'd been busy, very busy, for a bedsit it was exceptionally well disguised - and tidy! He sat me down with some magazines (they're from the Library - we get sent extras of everything!), asked if I was hungry and when I nodded, he got busy. Asking if I could help

"I think not yet perhaps, this is German stuff - and I hope you like - but cooking is different, just see what you think?"

I cast an eye around the room, I'd been in many such rooms occupied by girls and "yes" there I spotted it, the wooden concertina frame, festooned with nylons, undies and etceteras all out to dry...I turned back to the magazine I was holding, then with a start noticed I was being offered a plate. Wow, the genuine Frankfurt with sauerkraut, rye bread, mustard - excellent and filling too - I told him so and he beamed. We finished up and this time I was allowed to help him wash dishes, he was certainly a methodical little soul. After we sat awkwardly on the couch, here I broke the ice by placing an arm around his shoulders, his response was to timidly snuggle up. He really was adorable, idly I ran my fingers through his hair, such a slender neck too, quite lovely in profile, I forgot I was staring until I noticed him looking up at me. It seemed quite natural that I should bend and kiss him....but I let it linger until to my consternation, he began to shake, and little fingers dug into my back

"Sorry, so sorry, haven't had a visitor here and before has been a little time since, no, do it some more if you like"

So I did, and as an experiment, I reckoned this was "OK" to put it mildly, it was a classic situation, boy with very attractive girl together on a couch, she with mini skirt hitched up to reveal generous expanse of slender leg...only...I examined his features carefully, I doubted he'd need to shave, the eyelashes were definitely his own, and that colouring, so smooth and delicate the skin and the pale blond locks - they felt literally like silk in my fingers...hard to believe but - I carefully unbuttoned his blouse, he didn't resist. Searching fingers found the little bra and in a second had it unclipped and there....little mounds, sweet swellings no more but the nipples - stiff upright and oh so firm. I caressed each carefully, they reflected the excitement I now detected, his quick breaths and flushed face, they in turn quickened my own breathing and again I kissed him, as his hand came up behind my head to press me to him, his teeth unclenched and our tongues began to dance. After a while, I broke for air, looking and the diminutive doll beside me I thought careful then said

"This could get, you know, serious....and I don't know, I just don't see I do find you very attractive but - I just don't want to use you, not just for sex, I think you deserve much more than that...but I can't promise anything and I admit, I'm confused...very confused"

He looked back at me calmly and said

"I don't expect you to make any promises but remember, I'm offering, you can take as much or as little as you want and I've decided that I'll be happy with whatever it is. Perhaps there could be more and we don't know but I can promise you that if you want me, just for now, you and me we will really enjoy it. After, later, we can be all serious if you like but just for now, please, why can't we enjoy?"

As he finished, my hand was already at the top of his stocking, under the skirt and teasing his hardness through frilly panties. He sighed happily and parted his legs wide, meanwhile I sensed movement at my zip where looking down I glimpsed slim little fingers reaching in. I pulled his shapely body across me and held him tight. Almost incoherent I whispered

"How could I resist....yes, we'll just enjoy what happens and after...who knows....oh but - you are lovely!"

Again I felt those shivers start as my fingers began to caress.

Next: Chapter 3

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