Gift Wrapped

By The Pin (Lawrence Bradman, LB, Green)

Published on Apr 3, 2010


That evening I'd turned up at the usual watering hole, we tended to congregate there after work, not only was it a friendly Pub but we used it as a sort of, well sex exchange. Most of us were young and in those permissive days just about anything went...for example although only just turned 19 I'd already had quite a variety of partners, male and female. Only one thing remained - as far as I knew - and I cast an eye over the assembled company, no strange wait..there she was, young and possibly younger than me and over with the German contingent...strange, no one seemed to be chatting her up, she was visibly ill at ease too. Curious I drifted over and seeing where I was headed, received the following advice. Nodding in her direction "Little" Klaus commented

"Just out, first time - if you feel sure about it, depends what you thinks".

Vaguely alerted though not quite getting his drift I edged in beside her. Dark eyes looked anxiously out at me, above these was what appeared to be natural blond hair cropped short in one of those page boy crops that used to be so fashionable. Slim build, breasts not obvious but the legs, wow, mini skirted like most other girls of her age those legs were certainly a feature, long and slender they riveted my attention. Finally looking up I caught her cynical expression...and apologised. She blushed for some reason and then asked my name...overhearing her one of our companions chimed in...

"Er, this is - Hanna - by the way, she's from near Hannover...Hanna, this is xxxxxx, English and works with us."

He turned away then and left us to it...why I wondered was such a pretty little thing so neglected? Then, I noticed it, her anxiety. There was only one thing to do, my doubts were growing and I needed to sort things out with her, this was obviously not the place and I thought I knew why. Diffidently I took her elbow and put it to her

"Do you want to finish that drink, then perhaps we could move on, maybe talk?"

Her face brightened hopefully then she hesitated..and I thought I knew why. Uncertainly

"Well OK but not too far perhaps, I may need to come back here...?"

Of course, these were her countrymen around me, some sort of security and more certain than ever now, I steered her out the door. As we left I caught "Little" Klaus' anxious glance - then casually waved at him to reassure. Some girls are awkward to walk with, others, well they seem to fit in, a natural rhythm, synchronisation of step makes them a joy to be with and this is what I felt. As promised I only took her around the corner to another establishment I knew, less crowded here I seated us at a small table. Slowly she relaxed and began to tell me about herself, German yes and she was a trainee Librarian at home and now on exchange, it was all very strange and lonely until she'd heard about that Pub we'd left. She wanted to improved her English too so while it was good to be with her countrymen, it was also good to talk with someone like me. She was very pretty and again I caught myself staring - then apologised as I saw her blush. Impulsively I lifted her hand - and kissed it. Then silence before nervously, she cleared her throat..

"I think perhaps, I'd like you, perhaps lots, yes and then you like what you see too? So, I should say it now..and then no one is hurt yes?"

I smiled at her earnest expression and guessed what was coming

"This has been difficult, always it is the clothes, the girl's clothes - for me, it is how I feel, the clothing is girl's but I am boy, a boy who thinks like a girl and likes - other boys"

I pretended shock horror then seeing her dismay abandoned the act, quietly I smiled at her and then under the table, carefully placed a hand upon her thigh and left it there. I felt her stiffen, for me the temptation was too much, I let my hand move to gently caress her stocking top. She still met my eyes but all of a sudden, I felt a little hand resting upon mine. Encouraged and emboldened I slid fingers up under her skirt, she didn't move and then I found it, straining against panties - her erection.

"May I sweetie?" I asked

She nodded wordlessly as I began to fondle her jutting shaft and beneath the table, spread her legs...for me this was too much, I knew as it was that I'd be walking bow legged for a while so reluctantly withdrew my hand. She I noticed was flushed and breathing heavily, as I told her

"I'd suspected, then as we talked in the other place I was fairly certain...but I wanted a quiet place for us and that's why we're here, looks like I might have a new blond girlfriend too...are you really blond?"

She nodded sheepishly and answered

"Yes, but you won't be able to check, you see I am careful - down there - I shave and things all the time so I'm to be smooth," My hand was itching to get back there! So I took it up "Will you go out with me then? I don't know much since you're the first person I've met who is like this but I want to try, I think you're very sexy and perhaps - you're a nice person too, I want to find out."

I noticed her relax some more, now she confided

"Me, I don't know much either, I've been with other boys, yes but this is quite new - dressed how I like it and going out - so I am nervous, the others they all knew because I asked them to help."

I sat back and admired the fine features, huge dark eyes and petite frame...but those legs! I had a thought

"Well, perhaps we should be getting back, or I think your friends might be - getting worried?"

She smiled weakly, then as we left, I took her hand - now her grin was more confident and the little thing minced along happily beside me. I was excited because this could be interesting, I paused outside the door of the other Pub

"Come on then, nice happy smile?"

She obliged and amid the stares I led her up to the bar. First one guttural voice and then another,

"I'll buy these, you put that money away..."

Somehow, what I'd done seemed reckless - on one level - but on another, as I looked at her and felt the warmth of her hand, and saw those big eyes open and the moisture forming...then and there before her countrymen, I leaned over and kissed her on the lips. What a funny feeling in my tummy I thought....what ARE we going to do, neither of us knows much about this....yet as she pressed up against me the doubts vanished. Time to make plans but first one step at a time and my, this could be fun!

Next: Chapter 2

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