Gift of the Goddess - Part I

By Softly Susan

Published on Jan 21, 2011




By: Softly Susan

It has only been mere minutes since your wife slipped the ancient necklace around your neck. The decision to use the amulet took months of intense emotional discussion, but here you are now, lying on your back in the bed in which you consummated your marriage all those years ago. Your wife is lying naked across the foot of the bed, rubbing her pussy gently as she watches your body change shape.

"I can't believe it", she moans, "You are becoming like me. You are becoming a woman".

Your cock is sinking slowly into your body. The tip is becoming more sensitive as it goes. Your testicles have begun to migrate up into your abdomen, and are becoming ovaries and a uterus. The sides of your scrotum are thickening and becoming labia. Your voice has already risen in pitch. You release a series of feminine moans in anticipation of the new pussy you are about to have.

"It's so hot watching your cock disappear", your wife continues, "I've always wished you had a pussy like me. It feels so good. I can't wait until you get to experience it with me. I can't wait to lick and suck your vagina until you're screaming in pleasure." Taking her hand away from her own pussy momentarily, she reaches between your smooth feminized thighs and gently squeezes the tip of your shrinking penis. It feels incredible, and a womanly gasp escapes your lips.

"That's nothing", she says, "Wait until it turns into a clit!"

Just then, you feel a stirring in your chest, and look down in time to see your nipples growing and new breasts expanding slowly outward. They are beautiful, soft and round, and your hands slide up to greet them. You feel them growing outward, and you don't want them to stop.

"Oh my God", your wife exclaims, "You're growing tits! This is so wonderful! You're going to love having boobs!"

She crawls up to your chest, resting her own boobs against your stomach, and she grasps your expanding breasts, squeezing and kneading them. It feels so good, and you moan uncontrollably. She smiles up at you, and without breaking her lust-filled gaze, she takes a newly enlarged nipple into her mouth and sucks. The feeling is incredible, and causes you to arch your bad and gasp. You feel your bi-gendered genitals respond, tingling as your now-miniscule penis grows erect.

Your cock is so small now, and you and your wife watch the last centimeter retreat into your body, and gaze in amazement as a hood grows over it. The hood caresses your new clit as it spreads across the surface, and your moans grow stronger than ever. Your hips are wide, your skin is soft, and your hands and feet small and delicate. You join your wife and hold your large tits in your small hands, and squeeze them together in a haze of feminine pleasure as you feel your pussy lips thicken, your slit deepen and your vaginal canal forming. Every physical sensation is pure ecstasy.

Your former wife- or rather your new lesbian lover- straddles your face with her glistening vagina as she looks over her shoulder, witnessing the final changes taking place between your legs. "Look at what you're about to have", she says, "Look at my beautiful pussy". You do as she instructs, studying her vagina. You love her mound, the way it appears dramatically at her pubic bone and curves deliciously downward between her legs, ending just before her asshole. Her pussy slit makes you salivate, and you wonder in amazement at the way it begins at the thickest part of her mound, a thin black line that continues downward to her vaginal canal, where it widens slightly, giving you a beautiful glimpse at her labia minora tucked inside. You know those lips open like an exotic flower when she spreads her legs, and you long to lick and suck them. You are amazed at the curvaceousness of it all, at the thick, luxurious softness of her lips and mound.

You sense a sort of finality in your own groin, and press your knees together in curiosity. Your knees touch, but your thighs do not. You feel a cool emptiness between your legs, even as you feel the complex layers of your new pussy gather and squeeze together. It feels like a small ball of soft flesh with a cool indent running the length, down to your anus. You can't wait to touch it.

"I love how your body turned out, although I didn't expect you to have a completely bald pussy. There's no hair anywhere! You look delicious!", she says softly, caressing one of your smooth thighs. "I'm so glad you wanted to become a woman. I was craving pussy so bad, and I would have left you for a woman if you hadn't agreed to become one. This makes things so much easier."

Her hand slides down your thigh and touches your new pussy. You feel how incredibly soft and flat it is compared to your cock. Your cunt yields to her finger as she slides it gently through your pussy lips.

"Yum", she says, "Are you ready for some fun?"

"Yes", you purr, surprised by your own feminine voice, "This feels so good!"

"Wait until you feel what I'm about to do", she whispers, "My girlfriends and I used to do this with our smooth wet pussies before we were married. I miss it so bad".

Without hesitation, your wife spreads her legs and positions her vagina over yours. It's wetter than you've ever seen it before, and you hear a slight smacking sound as it opens up. You realize all the headaches, all the dodging, all the claims that she was on her period or suffering from yeast infections during your marriage were simply due to lack of interest in your hairy, cumbersome male body. She's always been a pussy-hungry lesbian. She's proving that to you now.

Suddenly, you feel her thick, soft, wet vulva mash against your own. Your pussy lips plump up and spread open to greet hers, and you feel one of her puffy labia settle into your hungry slit. You can't believe how good it feels, the ultra-sensitive flesh of your pussy against hers, and you nearly pass out from the pleasure of first contact. She moans through a smile, and laughs. "I think someone likes being a woman. I think someone likes their soft, wet, pussy. I certainly love mine".

She slides her wet pussy against yours, and the plump glistening folds mingle in a deep, satisfying cunt kiss. It feels incredible, and when you experience her clit bump into yours for the first time- like the tip of two stiff orgasmic tongues meeting in an open eager mouths- you let out a feminine squeal.

"Ahh, I found your clitty didn't I?", your wife smiles.

"Is that what it was?", you pant in surprise, "How can anything feel that good? I can't believe it!"

"There will be many things you can't believe from now on", she answers, "Being a woman, being a lesbian woman, is better than anything. Men can only imagine the pleasure our pussies are capable of giving us".

The two of you continue tribbing, your soft folds mashing against one another, swollen lips swirling around in a dance of slick wet flesh. Your clits are bumping in a rhythm now, and you can feel an orgasm building. It has already surpassed what you've ever felt as a male, and you scream with wild abandon. Your soft, fleshy body has a mind of its own. You can't control it. You have to let go. You can feel your tits growing big and firm as your climax approaches. You love the way they bounce gently on your chest. You love the sight of your erect nipples, so big and hard. You become aware of your vaginal canal as a steady stream of girl cum flows out of your new hole and the walls begin to ripple and pulse with the inevitable explosion of pleasure.

Then it hits.

Your pussy throbs, and it feels as if your whole abdomen is swallowing. Waves of pleasure flow up from your clit through your body. Your open vagina ejaculates girl cum into your wife?s waiting pussy. Your eyes roll back in your head. You scream in delight, having never felt this kind of pleasure. It is so blindingly intense that you lose your connection with your surroundings. The whole world is you and your soft, throbbing snatch.

"Oh God, yes. " you scream.

Somewhere, far away, you hear your wife doing the same. You both have pussies now, you're both equal. No longer do you have to guess what it feels like for her, for all women. No longer do you have to lumber clumsily through the world in your ugly male body. No longer is she deprived of a gorgeous wet pussy and soft tits to give her pleasure every night, rather than the musky, ugly hard cock you used to have. You don't miss it. You know you never will. You have a mound of heavenly pussy flesh between your legs now. You are a woman.

After the two of you come down together, she gives your hard nipple a quick suck, making you jump in pleasure again. She hands you a pair of silken panties.

"Put these on", she says, "And savor the way they hug your slit. I know it will be your first time feeling it".

You pull them on, one leg at a time, and slide them up. The gusset touches your bald wet pussy, and then conforms to it. You spread your legs slightly, and the elastic bands pull up into the crevices between your cunt and your thighs. It feels amazing. The fabric touches every inch of you, and you feel cradled. You reach down slowly, cup your soft vulva in your hand, and squeeze.

"Oh", you say, feeling the big soft lips of your puffy camel toe pussy and the pouting slit between through the satin fabric. You look down at your curvaceous vulva nestled beautifully in your panties and you touch your mound, pulling upward and causing the two impossibly soft lips that frame your cunt to pop out revealingly through the fabric. It is one of the most beautiful and soul-satisfying images you have ever seen. "It's so pretty! I'm going to love having a cunt so much!", you exclaim.

"I'm going to love it too", your wife smiles, and she gives you a hug. You notice the feel of your large tits mashing into hers, and you nearly cry in happiness. Your pussies touch as well, two soft mounds of quivering flesh hidden between your silken thighs. You realize you will never regret becoming a woman. "Let?s go take a dip in our whirlpool tub", she adds, "I want to soap up your tits and massage them. I want to wash your thick, luxurious hair, and kiss your feminine mouth. You can do the same for me".

"With pleasure", you answer, and take her soft little hand in yours, enjoying the look of her curvaceous feminine ass as she leads you to the bathroom, knowing your ass looks similar now. She bends over to turn the water on, and her puffy pussy appears between her legs like two gossamer pillows mashed together. She notices your gaze.

"Do you like the way my pussy looks when I bend over?", she says, "I bet your cunt looks even more beautiful than mine. Pull down your panties and let me see it!"

You comply, pulling the silken panties down your smooth thighs. You gasp as the panty gusset leaves your soft vulva exposed to the cool air. After you step out of the panties, you bend over as your wife requested. As you do so, you feel your curvaceous slit pop out between your legs, your thighs mashing your pussy together into a irresistible camel toe. As the tub fills with water and bubbles, you wife bends down behind you and runs her tongue through your vulva.

Oh God", you moan, "That feels so wonderful. What have you done to me?"

"I've given you a beautiful gift", you wife answers, taking her face away from your wanton pussy, "I've given you the gift of womanhood, of soft yielding flesh, of gentle curves, long life, beauty, and multiple orgasm. Most men think that living as a woman- living without a cock dangling between their hairy legs- would be a step down in life. Little do they know that the opposite is true."

"I understand now", you say, "I could never live as a man again".

"I am so glad", she answers, "Besides, you can never go back. You will never have a cock again. You will be a woman for the rest of your life."

"A very happy woman", you add, embracing your smooth, naked wife in a gentle feminine hug.

You step into the hot whirlpool tub with your wife, and your smooth skin is coated in lavender bubbles. Your wife approaches you, gives you a deep kiss that lasts for several minutes, and begins massaging your breasts. The lavender oils have coated your large tits, and her hands slide smoothly over your soft flesh. She squeezes your glorious mounds together, lets them slide slowly out of her embrace, then slips her hands underneath and does it again. The feel your wife's hands swirling around your boobs, the feel of your large chest being squeezed and cradled by her, makes you gasp with pleasure. When she takes a nipple in her mouth, you can feel your pussy pulse and open wide in response.

"I bet this is making your cunt so hot", your wife tell you.

"Oooh yes", you say, hoping she doesn't stop what she was doing, "I can feel it enlarging... growing wet and open".

"I have just the remedy", she smiles teasingly, and she reaches her hand along the side of the tub and switches on the water jets. "Lift your sexy ass high enough to let the water run through your pussy slit", she commands.

You comply, finding a jet behind you. As you lift your curvaceous butt and spread your legs, you feel the water rushing through your crack. It feels wonderful on your soft, hairless ass. Suddenly, however, the jet finds the wide, feminine gap between your thighs, and the water rushes straight through your swollen vulva.

"Ooooh", you moan loudly, "I can't believe how good this feels. This can't be possible. How can it feel so good?"

Your wife, holding you now, her round oiled breasts fighting for space with slick tits in a delicious mammary dance, whispers in your ear. "Because the goddess blessed women with pussies, with ultra-sensitive clits and deep vaginas. She rewarded us in so many ways."

"Ooooohhh", you continue to moan as the water runs over your swollen clitoris, an organ no bigger than the tip of your pinky finger but with more nerve endings than your former cock, "Why don't all men become women? It feels so good, so fulfilling!"

Your wife smiles broadly. "Men are useful. We use them to do the dangerous and heavy work. We use them for the money they generate. We use them for sperm. Some are even pleasant to spend time with, and a woman can learn to care deeply for a man, as I did with you. You, my love, were a rare kind of man, a man with a feminine spirit. It is why I was attracted to you in the beginning, it is why the Goddess heard my pleas, and it is why you are now a woman. As for average men, though they are dull, mecnanical creatures, we need SOME of them. They're a means to an end!"

You miss her last few words. The water sliding through your vagina, rippling your labia minora and hitting your clit with delicious force, has brought you to your second climax as a woman. You suck on your wife's neck as your pussy explodes with pleasure, better than before. With your legs spread, and the entrance to your new vagina open, you can feel your cunt spasms so acutely. Your canal constricts and relaxes in waves of spasm that leave you breathless. Your clit spreads warm pleasure through your body, ten times more intense than your best male orgasm, like a rush of hot liquid. It doesn't stop. It keeps going, and you feel as if you will be driven insane by the sheer ecstasy of the never-ending moment. All you see is white light. You are riding on the edge of a cloud in a heavenly realm, and you are only dimly aware of your own passionate screams. You've always wondered why women make these sounds. Now you know.

As you come down from the orgasm, shaking and weak, you relax into your wife's arms. She holds you gently, maternally. She caresses your thick, luxurious hair... hair you did not have only an hour ago. You feel your pussy, plump and soft between your closed legs, continue to send random spasms of pleasure into your abdomen. It doesn't want to stop. It doesn't have to stop. It's a cunt, not a cock.

"Did I die?", you whisper into your wife?s soft bosom, "Did I go to heaven?"

"No, my love", she answers, "But you have left hell. You've left the hell of being trapped, for life, in the body of a man".

With her words, you begin to cry. Not tears of sadness, but tears of joy. You never knew you wanted to be a woman. You thought you liked being a man. When your wife approached you, telling you she could no longer live without the soft and deeply fulfilling presence of another woman in her bed, you thought your marriage was over. You had such deep love for her that you were willing to let her go and find happiness with another. You wished you had the qualities that she desired, but knew that it was not possible. You could never become a real woman. You could only become a rough facsimile, a man to whom estrogen had given small breasts and soft skin, but who could never have the real shape, and the real feminine equipment, of a woman born female. When you told your wife you understood, and supported her decisions, whatever they may be, she told you about the amulet. She told you it was very old, older than history. She said it had saved humanity on many occasions, when we lived in small tribes, and too many young women died in childbirth for the race to continue on. You learned about the sisterhood, about how all societies are, at their core, defined by women. You learned that the amulet was a gift of the goddess, who still touched the lives of all women, who blessed their existence with wonderful gifts and secret knowledge.

When your wife said that you could become her lesbian soul partner, that there was a way for you to become a real woman, you were skeptical at first. You promised her you would do it if you could, but did not believe it was truly possible. You didn't want to be a transsexual, seen as a man in a dress for the rest of your life. She laughed then, and invited you to a secret meeting of the sisterhood. It was in the guise of a baby shower, and you were greeted warmly by throngs of women in a large, remote suburban home. There was another man at the party, and he arrived in pair of loose jeans and a button shirt with a bundle of women's clothing in his arms. Your wife and you sat in a large gathering circle with the women, and the man took his place in the center. He faced what your wife said was the high priestess, and she asked him many gentle questions.

"You are transsexual?", she inquired.

"Yes, and no", he answered in a delicate voice, "I am what medicine calls an 'xxy male'. Although I look male on the outside, I have always felt myself to be female. The y gene I inherited has only provided a cruel kind of emotional torture, masking the true feminine nature that was my genetic birthright."

You noted the murmurs of empathy from around the circle. There was much love in the room.

"Have you committed rape or child abuse? Have you defiled other women?"

"I have not priestess", he answered, bowing respectfully.

"Then the amulet will be placed around your neck", she said softly, "Your maleness will be purged, and you will be whole. Your new name will be Susan."

"Bless you priestess", he returned.

From another room, a woman in a white flowing gown walked gracefully to the man, and placed an ancient necklace with glowing amulet around his still-kneeling neck. Once finished she helped the man lay on his back in a pile of soft pillows. The amulet worked at once, and you watched in amazement as the man's skin and hair became more feminine in appearance. The button shirt began to expand outward as two large breasts grew quickly on his chest. He slid his now delicate hands up to feel them for the first time, and moans of pleasure poured involuntarily from his mouth. Hips expanded to fill the loose jeans, even as they and the shirt grew loose everywhere else. The man was moaning loudly now, and your wife bent over to whisper in your ear.

"He's experiencing the final changes", she said, "He's growing a soft, beautiful pussy. It's almost over".

Less than a minute later, then man slumped quietly into the pillows, exhausted. The priestess arose and helped him, or rather her, to her feet. She lifted the button shirt over the new woman's head, revealing beautiful round breasts. Then, she helped the new woman out of the old jeans and the boxers underneath. The new woman's body was stunning, and you felt your cock stir in your pants. The priestess took the feminine clothing, a gorgeous loose summer dress, and slipped it over the new woman's body. When finished, she stood back a little, holding the woman's hands in hers.

"Welcome to the sisterhood Susan", she said happily, and the circle burst into cheers, rising to their feet and running to greet the new member. You could not believe what you were witnessing. The new woman sobbed tears of joy while her sisters, one of whom was your wife, hugged and kissed her. The ritual was beautiful.

"Where did you go?", your wife asks you, "You look as if you're a thousand miles away."

You suddenly remember where you are, who you are. You are a new woman, like the man who was transformed in the ritual a month earlier, and you are naked and submerged in warm soapy water, cradled in your wife's ample bosom. You feel large, round tits hanging off your chest, the nipples like hard sensitive buttons. You feel your pussy between your legs, two thick, soft lips pressed between your thighs protecting an ultra-sensitive clit and the entrance to your new vagina. Like the woman who was transformed, you are incredibly happy.

"I was thinking about the sisterhood, about the man who became a soft, beautiful woman before my eyes".

"Yes", your wife answers, "He was blessed. The priestess met him on the street at the market. He was dressed in women's clothing, wearing a wig and makeup and attempting to live as a woman, even though he was large and masculine and had no pussy. He was taking estrogen, and the changes to his body were so slight that he had no chance of ever passing. People stared at him, and treated him like a freak. All he wanted was a normal life as a woman, and he had to suffer for it. Hormones, hair removal, invasive surgery... and despite it all, his prospects were bleak. The priestess took pity on him, approaching him and inviting him to a meeting of the sisterhood. He gladly accepted, and the process began. We all interviewed him. Through ancient magic, we allowed him to feel what we feel as women, a life in a curvaceous body, with breasts and a plump wet vagina hidden between our thighs. He passed our tests, and the priestess approved the ritual you witnessed. She is one of us now."

"How is she doing?", you ask.

"She is doing well. She is now one of the many lesbian lovers of the priestess, living in a large communal home in the high canyons. It is a secluded property where women can roam nude, exposing their nude pussies and soft breasts to the natural world around them. It is as it should be. The property is protected by the Goddess. Men who ignore the No Trespassing signs and wander on are stripped of their masculinity. They are not given a beautiful soft vagina, as you and I have, but their cock and balls shrink into their body, and they are blank between their legs. Their facial and body hair disappears as well, their bodies grow short and thin, their muscles weak.

"I've seen a story about that on the local news", you say in amazement, "Men who come back from hunting trips looking completely different. Shorter, thinner, hairless and without a penis".

"Now you know why", your wife answers. "They will remain in that form for the rest of their lives, unless the Goddess decides to show mercy, and split their blank crotches into fully functioning pussies".

"That can happen?", you ask excitedly.

"Oh yes", your wife smiles, "Imagine it. You are just living your life, a bald, flat, hairless mound between your legs. You cannot have an orgasm, but can only urinate through a tiny hole. One day, quite suddenly, you feel a stirring between your legs. You run to the bathroom for privacy, pull down your pants, and spread your legs wide, pulling your panties to the side. To your amazement, your crotch begins to plump up and soften. You feel churning beneath your skin, and you grasp your groin, wondering what's happening. For the first time in years, there is an orgasmic feeling there, especially when you rub the top of your mound where you now feel a hard little nub just under the skin. A gentle ripping sensation begins at the indentation, and your brand new pussy lips pull apart from there like two sheets of sticky soft dough. Your eyes widen in amazement. Is this really happening? Your fingers, which had been rubbing that nub, fall gently into the soft, wet folds of your beautiful pussy... the most sensitive place you've ever experienced in your lifetime. The fingers find the nub, and touch it directly... moving it from side to side or tracing circles around it. Moving downward, your fingers fall into your new hole. The thick lips of your vagina stretch to accommodate them, and you moan loudly. You notice a jiggly sensation on your chest. You look down to find that your t-shirt has been filled with two huge mounds of tit-flesh. You squeeze one of your new breasts, and the sensation is amazing. You notice, looking down, that your hips have widened, and you realize you have become a woman. You slide a hand across your scalp, and you feel a full, luxurious head of hair.

You call out to your loving wife, who has remained with you through your mysterious ordeal. "Honey!", you exclaim in your new feminine voice, grasping your throat when you hear it, "Something just happened! I need you!." You make your way to your bed awkwardly, not used to your new, lower center of gravity. You can feel your soft, plump pussy between your legs where your blank crotch used to be, stretching the gusset of your now-tight panties into a plump camel-toe. You feel the lips of your pussy slide against one another as you walk, and you feel drips of wetness come from your vagina hole. You fall onto the bed and spread your legs, grasping your new pussy mound, just as your wife walks through the door. "Honey, I don't know what's happening!", you mutter, almost apologetically, and she stands there, seemingly unable to process what she's seeing. You begin to worry, but unbeknown to you, the Goddess is working on her mind. Suddenly, she is overwhelmed by the beauty of your form. She is attracted to you as a female in a way she never felt about another woman. The Goddess gifts her with deep, lesbian lust, and without a word, she kneels by the foot of the bed, pulls your hand and your panties gently to the side, and buries her mouth in your wet, open vulva. Though she has never craved pussy before, your slit feels soft, silky and intoxicating to her, and when she feels you squirm under the expert movements of her lips and tongue, it gratifies her in a way your former cock never did. Soon, her hand dips under the waistband of her panties, and she is working her own clit even as she sucks and licks you to ecstasy. You feel an incredible feeling building in your groin, like a balloon of hot liquid inflating in your body right above your clitoris, and as soon as you feel that it can grow no larger, it breaks. Hot, liquid waves of intense orgasm explode in your new pussy, and flow through your entire body. Your wife, reluctant to pull her face from the wet, gossamer folds of your vagina, cries out in her own orgasm. "I love you!", she screams between waves of pleasure, "I am so happy you are a woman!"

"Oh, how wonderful that would be for those poor men".

"I have a wonderful gift for you as well", your wife answers. She takes your slim, delicate hand in hers, and leads you to the living room. Once again, you enjoy the look of her wide hips and curvaceous ass. You can see the curve of her pussy mound through the gap in her thighs. You know your ass and pussy look the same, and you feel your cunt twitch at the thought. Your snatch is still wet, and you feel your pussy lips sliding gently against one another with every step you take. No longer do you feel the weight of a cock and balls, nor the swinging sensation and stickiness you've become accustomed to. It all serves as a stark reminder that you are no longer a man. Everything you need to be sexually satisfied, to enjoy amazing orgasm on a level you never imagined possible, is tucked neatly inside your soft mound.

"Here we are", your wife says seductively, and pushes you gently into the overstuffed couch. Your body is smaller and lighter now, and with no hair to dull the sensation, you feel as if the couch is holding you, swathing you in soft fabric. Your wife sits at the other end of the couch, and you instinctively intertwine your spread legs in hers, pussies nearly touching. Your cunt feels open, wet and excited, and you resist the urge to slide it toward your wife's vagina, mashing them into a soft, quivering mass of smacking cunt flesh. You resist, because you know your woman has something else in mind.

As if on cue, she reaches into the couch pillows and pulls out a long, thick, penis-shaped double-dildo.

"I've been saving this for just the right occasion", she purrs seductively. Not breaking her loving gaze into your eyes, and the sly little grin on her lips, she slides one of the semi-transparent heads of the red dildo between her breasts, across her flat, smooth stomach, inching it toward her gaping wet hole. Your heart quickens at the beautiful sight, and you realize you are anxious about having such a large object in your tiny little pussy. Will it fit?!?

The head of the faux-cock reaches your wife's snatch, and with no visible resistance, slides in smoothly. "Ohh", she moans, closing her eyes, "You've made me so wet." She slides the dildo in and out of her lovely body a couple times, coating it in her sweet juices, and she opens her eyes again, fixing her gaze on you.

"Your turn", she says.

Leaning forward, your wife takes the exposed end of the double dildo, and arcs it slowly toward your gaping vagina. You close your eyes, breathing rapidly in anticipation. Is this going hurt?

"Relax", your wife says, "Let the cock enter your pussy. Let it slide in."

You relax just as the tip of the phallus touches the top of your slit. Your wife presses on, and the dildo slides smoothly down over your hard clit, making you gasp in pleasure. "Almost there", your lovely wife whispers, and she's right. As the dildo leaves your clit, you feel the resistance to its entrance fall away, it slides between your open pussy lips and into your vagina like a hot knife through butter. Your male mind expects it to stop, but it doesn't. The rubber cock continues to slide inside, and you feel every ripple, every vein, every inch as it goes. You gasp, partly from pleasure and partly from the alien sensations. The cock tugs on your labia minora and underlying tissue, which you understand hold pleasure nerves which fork out from your clit. The hood of your clit is also being tugged gently. You spread your legs wide, and lean forward, gazing into your filled snatch. Once again, there is a cock between your legs, but this time it is inside you, not dangling awkwardly from your body like an ugly garden hose. You are no longer the giver, but the receiver, and it feels delicious. "Ooohhh", you exclaim.

Your wife begins to slide it out, and a whole new group of sensations result. The lips around your hole turn outward, hugging the phallus gently as it leaves your body. It's almost as if your cunt doesn't want to say goodbye. "Your pussy is so tight!", your wife exclaims, "I love the way it looks!"

"I love the way it feels!", you say through rapid breaths.

Suddenly, the dildo pops out of your body, leaving your vagina gaping and empty. "No!", you complain, "I need it inside me! Please!"

"Ooo", your wife teases, "Someone has a hungry pussy!"

She's right. Your vagina feels empty, open, cold and unsatisfied, not unlike the feeling of needing to eat. Although you'd only tried it for the first time mere seconds before, your wife held the world's most gratifying delicacy in her petite hand.

"Please put it in!", you moan, "I need it!"

"With pleasure", your wife answers, and pushes the dildo back into your dripping snatch in one fluid movement. The feeling makes you gasp loudly, taking your breath away, and as you come down, you realize the dildo is moving in and out of your pussy.

You are being fucked for the first time.

"Oh my God, yes!", you scream involuntarily. Your wife is moving her hips wildly, and the double dildo is sliding out of her snatch and into yours, then back again, over and over. It is a rhythmic dance of pleasure like you've never felt before. You join in, bucking your hips as well, and the dildo moves and bends unpredictably, at times not moving at all, and at times popping into your vagina violently, pleasurably. Panting, glistening with sweat, breasts bouncing gorgeously, you mutter through strained breaths, "This is amazing. I never knew it was like this for women! Why didn't you tell me?"

Through labored breathes, smiling and closing her eyes, she answers, "I would never be able to describe it in words. The bodies of men are so dull, so practical, there is nothing to compare it to. They feel a tiny pinprick of pleasure at the tip of their cocks when they come. Women feel ten times that feeling, spread over their entire body. There is no comparison!"

Fucking wildly, you speak in loose jolts, interspersed with cries of pleasure. "Why? Why is it so unequal? It doesn't seem fair!"

Your wife continues to ride the cock, eyes closed. "It's because there is no God, only the Goddess. The Goddess awards those who suffer through a previous life of maleness with a female form, if they have lived decently. You managed to skip over that bit, and I am endlessly happy for you. We will live a beautiful, long life as female lovers, cradled in one another's smooth arms".

(to be continued?)

This Story is Dedicated to Pussy-Loving Women Trapped in Heterosexual Relationships, Wherever You May Be ? Softly Susan


Gift of the Goddess ? Part I is copyrighted (c) 2011 by Softly Susan. All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from the writer.


This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to persons living or dead (unless explicitly noted) is merely coincidental.


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