Ghostly Hours

By moc.liamtoh@MDJeM

Published on Jul 21, 2000


The responses to my story have been so amazing! Thank you everyone. You all make it hard to even take a break from writing. =:o)

***The people depicted in this story of fiction are not known by me nor is their sexuality.


Chapter Three

Hidden Secrets


"Ugh what is that smell?" Justin plugged his nose.

"Oh, sorry." Joey blushed at his release.

"Oh man Joey. That is rank." Lance moved a little away from Joey, fanning the air. Everyone chuckled a little.

"Oh remember that time everyone had Taco Bell after that concert in St. Louis." Justin began the story but was interrupted by JC.

"And then Joey let that big one out." Soon everyone began adding their part to the story.

(Lance)"And everyone tried to get off the bus but the doors were jammed."

(Joey)"And by the time the doors were opened, the burritos had kicked in."

(Justin)"I don't believe I have ever appreciated fresh air more."

(Joey)"Remember Chris was making out with the air."

(JC)"Whatever happened to the picture of that."

(Lance)"It got lost after Chris got a hold of it."

A smile was on everyone's face as each of them remembered their little moments with Chris. Silence was interrupted only by a slight chuckle now and then.

"Well it is getting late." Joey stood up, stretching. The rest of the guys followed suit.

"Night all." Everyone practically spoke at the same time, cause a small laughter to spread throughout the house as everyone went towards their respective rooms. As JC passed Justin's he was stopped.

"We need to talk Josh." JC knew they had to. But he was afraid. 'Did he love him back? Is going to tell me off? Is he even gay? Does he like Lance?' Justin noticed the fear in JC's eyes. "It's all right if you don't want to."

"No, you're right." JC followed Justin into his room. JC sat down on the chair by the door, watching Justin sit on the bed. They waited in silence. Neither sure of where to start. Justin became anxious and decided to get to the point.

"Do you love me?" JC cringed at Justin's question. 'Of coarse I love you. Why are you torturing me?' JC remained silent so Justin walked over to JC, meeting his gaze. "Do you love me?"

JC's voice was low. It seemed like he was going to cry. "Yes." His voice gained more strength, but not much. "Do you love me?" 'JC, you are the biggest idiot alive.'

Justin rubbed his hand along JC's cheek. "Of coarse I do."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why didn't you tell ME?"

"Touché." They locked gaze, unsure of what to do. A want was present in their eyes. A need. As if almost by an unknown force, they tilted their heads, leaning in. 'This is what I want, isn't it? JC is all I've wanted for so long.' Their lips touched, sending shivers down their spines. Sensations of love and lust mixed as they kissed. It started slow but picked up pace. They needed each other. Justin's left hand wrapped around JC, his hand going under his shirt. 'God I want him.' He felt JC's hands massage his back and move lower and lower. JC pulled Justin against him, grabbing his ass. Two moans were caught in the kiss. They stood up, JC leading Justin to the bed. Unsure of the distance they kept walking until they fell back onto it. Justin felt some pain in his right arm, but tried to ignore it. 'Damn cast.' Their hands wandered across the other's body, their kiss intensifying. Their breaths quickened as they couldn't get enough of each other. Their passions were too great for what they were doing. They need more.

"Justin...Closet Cries." Chris voice whispered in Justin's ears. Justin ignored it, concentrating on JC. 'Go away. If I ignore you, you'll go away.'

"God Justin." JC moan as he began to kiss along Justin's neck, causing Justin to tilt his head back.

"JUSTIN...Closet Cries.' Chris was yelling yet whispering now. Justin ignored him again, trying to relish the moment with JC.

"JC, oh." Suddenly a crash was heard in the room. Both JC and Justin's head flew up in the direction of the sound. A small vase that used to be on Justin's dresser was now on the floor in pieces. Breathing was the only sound that could be heard for the moment. Then footsteps started getting closer to the room. JC pulled back from Justin, not wanting the others to know.

"Hey guys, we heard something. Is everything all right?" Joey spoke as he and Lance rushed into the room.

"Yeah yeah. A vase fell." Justin quickly spoke, trying not to draw suspicion to their ravaged clothing or hair.

"Oh good. Okay well as long as everyone's all right, I'm tired." Joey exited the room, followed by the silent Lance. They stayed there, separated. Justin reached over and turned JC with his hand.

"Would you stay with me? I...I don't want to be alone." Justin shivered at the thought. 'Please say yes. Please say yes.'

"Of course." JC lay down beside Justin. Justin scooted over put his head on JC's chest while JC wrapped his arms around Justin. 'I will always be here for you.'

"Night Josh." Justin closed his eyes as JC reached over and turned off the light, quickly returning his arm around Justin.

"Night Justin." JC ran his fingers through Justin's hair until he fell asleep.

Justin wandered around his house. He was so bored. 'Man there is nothing to do.' He wandered around some more when he saw the door to the guestroom Chris had been staying in before they left to England. It seemed to beckon him to come inside. Something seemed to pull him. He practically glided to the door. He reached out and touched it, watching it open. He walked inside, smiling at Chris' stuff. Again that beckoning called him, but this time to the closet. He walked over and opened it. At first he saw nothing but clothes but then he began to dig. Throwing clothes out everywhere, searching for something. Then there it was. A black metallic box. A small keyhole in front prevented its opening.

Justin's eyes fluttered open, as his mouth drew a smile. He realized two things that made him feel great. JC's touch and the knowledge from his dream. He didn't want to leave the serenity but he knew he had to. He had to know. 'Chris' Closet.' He slowly got up from the bed, silently walking to the door, making sure not to step on the broken vase. He looked down the hall at Chris' room. None of them had been in there since Chris had died. As in the dream, something seemed to pull him to the door. He sneaked over to it, not wanted to wake anyone, and stopped. 'God, can I do this?' He took a deep breath and turned the knob. The cold metal sent goosebumps up his arm and shivers down his spine. Pushing the door open, he walked into the room. 'Chris' room'. He turned his head to the closet. He crept over to it, almost as if he made too much noise something would happen. Opening the door, he looked down. There was the same pile of clothes. He picked them up and gently put them to his left. Doing it with one arm was not helping him any. After clearing the clothing, all that was left was the black box. He touched the outside with his hand. The cold, smooth surface brought a feeling of dread. 'I wonder what's inside?' He ran his fingers over the keyhole. 'Okay, the key has to be small. Oh that helps.'

He picked up the box and walked back to his room. He saw JC was still asleep so he put the box in his top dresser drawer. He looked into the mirror connected to it. 'Is this Closet Cries?' He closed the drawer and walked back to bed, laying the same position as when he left. JC's arms went around Justin, pulling him close. Justin looked at JC's sleeping face. 'He loves me.'


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