Ghostly Hours

By moc.liamtoh@MDJeM

Published on Jul 20, 2000


Well I hope you are enjoying this story so far. And thank you to all the people that e-mailed me. After I read them I knew I had to get this written. So here it is, I hope ya'll enjoy it. Send all comments to

***This story is totally fiction. I don't know anyone mention here nor of their sexuality.


Chapter Two



'Damn Prick!' Lance paced about his room. Joey had just told him off after Lance finally won at the game. 'I win once and he flips. God, Chris would have never...Oh god I miss him. Okay, Joey is just missing Chris. I mean they were like best buds. Man, now I feel bad.' Lance walked out of his room to find Joey, but something stopped him. 'Why should I apologize? He yelled at ME. And god what is going on between JC and Justin. Are they together or what? God I knew that would happen. Justin always gets what he wants.' Lance stormed back into his room, slamming the door.

'Damn it. Why did I do that?' Joey walked along the outside of the house watching the night being taken over by the sun, which was inching over the horizon. His mind raced a mile a minute of why he yelled at Lance. Then his thoughts floated to Chris. 'Why did you leave us?' Joey released a tear, letting it fall free to the ground. 'Did we do something wrong? Did I do something?'

Justin's body tensed up as his eyes and mouth opened. Quickly regaining his sense, he realized he was in the arms of JC. He saw small rays of light peeking through the blinds. Morning. Sweat was still dripping from his body as he unwrapped himself from JC's arms. A felt a little weak as he headed to the bathroom. The past days had taken so much out of him. Splashing some water on his face, he looked in the mirror and jumped, expecting to see Chris. Justin shook his head. 'God I miss you.' As he walked back into his room, JC was sitting on the bed waiting for his return. JC stood when he saw Justin.

"Another nightmare?" Opening his arms to allow Justin in them, JC walked forward. Justin except the embrace, sniffling a little.

"God, I swear I keep seeing him."

"You just have to let go. He'll stay as long as you make him." JC tried to help Justin, but he knew in the end, Justin had to help himself.

"I know. But I feel so alone without him here."

"I know if feels like that, but we are all here for you. I will never leave you alone. Never. I love you." JC realized what he said and tensed a little. Justin backed out of his arms and looked into his eyes. 'Did he just say what I think he did.' "Oh god Justin I...I." Fear filled JC's eyes.

Justin spoke softly at the revelation. "You love me?"

"Y-Y-Yes I do." JC was looking into Justin's eyes, pleading them for an answer.

"JC I...I..." Justin's eyes widened.

Chris voice softly filled the room. "Justin...listen" Justin could practically feel Chris' breath.

"No, NO! You're NOT real. LEAVE ME ALONE!" Justin bolted out of the room, leaving a confused JC. JC quickly followed close behind. Justin was running down the stairs, trying to escape. He needed to escape. Chris was there at the bottom. "NO! GO AWAY!" Justin tried to turn around but slipped. His body began the fall down the stairs. JC saw the events unfold as he tried to run to Justin before he fell. But he was too late and Justin hit the bottom with a crack.

"JUSTIN!" JC was running down the stairs. Footsteps from different places of the house could be heard. Mrs. Timberlake came into the room just as JC reached Justin. "Justin. Justin. Speak to me." Justin was still breathing. A small cut on his forehead began to bleed. "911. SOMEBODY CALL 911." Mrs. Timberlake was already on the phone speaking frantically. She hung up the phone and ran to her son.

"Oh my god. JC what happened?" She began to panic as she looked at her unconscious son.

"I don't know. We were talking and the next thing I know he is yelling and running away. Something about something not being real." JC left out the details of the conversation. 'Did I cause this? Am I at fault? Please be okay. I can't lose you. Please be okay.' JC repeated the statements over and over in his head. He wanted to cradle Justin but unsure of his injuries.

Lance and Joey soon appeared in the room, in panic. After calming them down, JC asked if they could open the front door for the paramedic. After a few minutes, they arrived and quickly asked everyone back so they could assess the situation. After seeing he was not going to die anytime soon, they put him on a stretcher and asked who was coming with. Mrs. Timberlake went with them, while the rest of the guys climbed into Lance's 4runner and followed the ambulance to the hospital.

After an hour of waiting, the doctor walked into the waiting room. Everyone stood for the results, holding their breaths. "Well, he will be all right. He is still sleeping. He has a cast on his left arm from a hairline fracture, which will have to stay for at least a month. Nothing else was really hurt except for some bruises and the cut on his forehead. You can take him home today." Everyone exhaled. They followed the doctor to where Justin was. "Now make sure he gets plenty of sleep and fluids. Is something troubling him? He is mumbling something about Chris."

"Chris was his friend. He died about a week ago." Mrs. Timberlake sighed at her son's condition. 'Oh Chris, why couldn't you still be here.'

"Mom?" Justin's eyes opened slightly, a dull look in them.

"I'm here." She grabbed Justin's right hand.

"Justin..." Justin heard Chris' voice but ignored it. "Justin..."

Justin sat up after a little help from his mom. "Can we go?"

"Sure honey."

"Justin...Danger." Justin's eyes widened at the mention of danger. He immediately told everyone his arm had hurt for a moment.

The ride home was filled with "Justin, are you okay?" He couldn't tell them what was happening, they would think he was crazier. 'Maybe I am nuts?' Once again, his mind wandered to memories of Chris. How he would crack a joke at the right time. How he would make sure everyone was doing all right. How Joey and him would play pranks on everyone. How he...

"Hey ya'll." Justin walked into the house. Joey and Lance were playing video games while JC watched. The rustling of dishes could be heard from the kitchen. A rank odor filled the whole house.

"Hey curly." JC stood up and gave Justin a warm embrace as he entered the room. "You doing okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Arm hurts a little. What's that smell?" Justin gave JC a smile, but wiggled his nose.

"Oh nothing. I want you to meet someone." Justin followed JC his into the living room. "You remember Chris right?"

There was Chris. His body had begun to deteriorate a little but the smell was overwhelming. He sat up walking towards Justin. "Justin..." Justin fled from the room only to run into Chris. "Justin...Danger." Justin's breathing became quick and short.

"What about danger?" Justin started to crawl away, never letting Chris leave his sight.

"Danger...You...Closet...Cries." Chris' words felt like they were burning into his soul. Justin tried to escape from fear. He stood and ran into Chris again. Chris grabbed his and pulled his face up to Justin's. "Closet Cries."

Justin's woke up with someone shaking him. His breathing was raspy as sweat poured from him.

"Justin, wake up? Justin look at me." JC turned Justin's head towards his. "You're fine. You're not in danger." Justin's eyes were full of fear as the dream world was being replaced with reality. Hope was regained in Justin, as the first thing he saw was a pair of caring blue eyes. His left arm wrapped around JC, grabbing with as his might. JC hugged him back. 'Oh god Justin.' The rest of the trip home was quick but seemed to take forever. Once the car stopped, everyone left JC and Justin in the car, Justin still holding on.

"JC, why don't go in. I'll join everyone in a minute. I just need to think." Justin immediately saw the sudden fear in JC's eyes.

"Are you sure? I'm mean I can stay." JC didn't want to leave Justin. He didn't want him to be alone. 'I wanna stay with you, always.'

"Yes I will be fine. And we will talk later okay?" Justin grabbed JC's head and planted a small kiss on his forehead.

"Okay. See you in a few." JC's hand touched Justin cheek. He was tempted to kiss him but reached over and opened the door. He stepped out and walked to the house, never letting Justin leave his sight until the front door was closed.

"Okay. Closet Cries. What does that mean?" Justin's mind reeled at Chris' words. 'Does he mean to check his closet? Wait it was a dream. He is not real. But he seemed so real. Maybe it's his ghost. Maybe I'm nuts. And maybe I should just go inside.' Justin took a deep breath, something he seemed to be doing a lot lately. Justin stood up and walked towards the house. Taking another deep, cleansing breath, he opened the door and went inside.

"Hey ya'll." Justin walked into the house. Joey and Lance were playing video games while JC watched. The rustling of dishes could be heard from the kitchen. Justin quickly took a quick smell of the air, nothing but freshly cut flowers.

"Hey curly." JC stood up and gave Justin a warm embrace as he entered the room. "You doing okay?"

"Arm hurts a little but other than that." Justin gave JC a smile, but panicked at the situation.

"Well, Someone's here and they want to see you." Justin followed JC into the living room, looking ahead to see if Chris was there. Instead a small dog on the couch, Busta.

"But how?" Justin was confused. The dog was given to Chris' family.

"Chris' mom decided to give it to us as something to remember Chris by. That and he is like our group Mascot." JC gave a pained smile, hoping to bring one out of Justin. 'The group. What will we do without Chris.' JC hated management's idea of replacing Chris. But to stay in full harmony, he knew they would have to. 'Maybe we should just break up.'

Justin cracked a small smile as he walked up to Busta. "Hey guy. How ya been?" He scratched behind the dog's right ear. The dog thumped his foot against the couch. "Oh oh, got an itch." He picked the dog up and sat down, putting Busta on his lap. Everyone exchanged glances of relief at Justin's sudden change of mood. JC smiled, 'Maybe everything is going to be all right.' Justin took a deep breath of relief but then realized something. 'What's that smell?'

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Next: Chapter 3

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