
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Feb 4, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know 98 Degrees nor have I met them. This is just a story it never happened and most likely never will. I made all of this up in my own little world. In other words it's not real.

Warning: This has a bit of a dark super natural twist. I'm going to warn you now it really does follow it's title. I have an idea where I'm going but after that it's all up for grabs. There may be sex, most likely that will happen. You know the rules that follow that. I don't know how long it's going to be. I could end up only writing one or two parts, but it will have an ending.

Authors Note: It's me again, I'm back and with a new story and guess what it's not BSB. Ok where should I start? Oh yes with my symbols, I love them so. These *** mean a character change or who's point of view it's in the beginning. If I'm starting a new chapter, the name will be I the middle of the symbols. After that if I change characters the name will follow the symbols. This is the first time writing a 98 Degrees story, so I hope you like it. If you don't mind drop me a line and tell me your thoughts. Ok now on with the story. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


I had decided to stay out of Drew's dreams for a while. It took a great deal of power out of me. So I watched over him as he slept, he looked so innocent. I watched the sun rise smiling to myself. I floated down to the kitchen and started breakfast, I hadn't cooked in a long time. I found that it wasn't that hard, I had watched a lot of people cook while living here. I set the table and went to wake Drew up, he kept groaning at me. I tickled his sides making him jump out of bed. "I'm up, god, you're worse then my mother." I shrugged and moved down the stairs with him right behind me. "Do I smell food, are you cooking? I don't remember you cook, you never cook." He was my John, back from the dead to heal my heart. He was right, I had never cooked but things changed, people changed. "I hope you like it, I can only cook what I've seen cooked." He looked at the table and his jaw dropped. "You cooked enough to feed a house full." I looked at the table and smiled. "I hope your hungry, cause I don't eat." He smiled and sat down, so I started feeding him. After three plates and four glasses of orange juice he stopped me. We spent the day talking and hanging out a little. He even showed me how to play football. He said that I was a cheater, since he couldn't touch me. I just stuck my tongue out at him, he laughed.

I hadn't been so happy in so long, he was back. I cooked him a small lunch and then dinner. "I'm going to get fat if I keep eating like this." I smiled to myself, he was just so cute. "Well, I know a few things that burn fat." He raised an eyebrow at me, I could just smile. We moved to the bedroom and he lay back slowly. "Take your clothes off, if you don't want them to get messy." He started laughing softly as he stripped down, he was so beautiful. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to slip off to sleep. I pushed myself into his mind slowly. I pulled another world together, it was from my memories. I had not been born in America. So I pulled my own world together, one that was over two hundred years old. I pulled him to me slowly, no need to rush anything. "This place is wonderful, but it looks so real." I nodded, it was once my home. I had lived in the country. "Is that a castle over there?" I nodded again, that had been my home a long time ago. I had given it all up to come to America, to be with John. "This was once my home, I wasn't a prince or anything. I just owned the land and the castle, it was a beautiful home." He nodded as I pulled him closer to my body. "Why did you leave it, I mean you and John could have been happy here." I shook my head, it was worse here than in America.

He looked really confused and I didn't feel like telling the story. "It was a small price to pay, and I would do it again." I pressed my lips against his softly, soon we were rolling in the grass. "So why did I have to take my clothes off?" I smiled to myself, it was time to give him the best wet dream. I could do so much here, and it wouldn't put him in any danger. In the dream we were both dressed as if we still lived in that time period. I pulled at a certain memory of the master bedroom. I sat on his hips and wiggled a little, he was smiling brightly. I pulled the strings out of his shirt slowly, in this world I ruled. I pulled his pants off slowly, moving my hands down his hips. There was one down fall in this world of dreams. It was the one place I could feel pain, and I didn't even understand that. So this would be more real for me, than for him. I even got hungry while I was in someone's dream. It was like I had returned to the human world, that I had come back to life. It also drained me of a great deal of my strength; I had to depend on the house. He flipped me onto my back so quickly. I hadn't even seen him move, another thing with the world of dreams. After hours of love making I laid beside him, my body ached slightly. It felt so good to feel once again.

Something was wrong, the world I built was falling apart. "Devon, what's going on, are you doing this?" I shook my head and looked around, we were moving. Then I felt it, I was being thrown out of Drew's body. It hurt like nothing I had ever felt before, and I was so weak. I could almost see, two people were caring Drew away. It was Nick and Jeff, what were they doing? I could feel something burning slightly, I was feeling pain. I looked back to the house, it was on fire. I looked back to Drew who was awake now, he was trying to get to me. I moved through the house and tried to put the fires out, but it was out of my control. "Devon, you have to get out of here now. Nick and Jeff set it on fire to save me." Drew was in the house, I was too weak to save the house. "Drew, I can't leave, I am the house, when it goes, I go." He was shaking his head, tears streaming down his face. I could now feel myself burning slowly, it hurt so much. "You have to hurry Drew, I can't stop it, now go save yourself." He wouldn't leave without me, it touched my heart. "Good bye, Drew, we'll meet again, just don't repeat my mistake. I love you Drew, love you so much." I pushed him out of the house, I could see him on the lawn. Jeff and Nick were holding him back, I thanked them.

I could see the pain in Drew's eyes, he still fault with them. I had lost total control over the house. I could do so very little to help anyone now, my powers were leaving me. The heart of the house had not caught fire yet. When it did I would truly start to end, Drew had broken free again. This time I used the last of my strength to push him out of the yard. Then I prayed to god to keep him from entering the yard. I prayed that he would keep everyone from entering. I didn't want anyone to even come close to getting hurt over this. I had lived and died once before, but it wasn't this painful. I could still see Drew, he was all I could see. The pain on his face crushed my heart, I had caused this to happen. I knew that Jeff and Nick had started the fire. They had done it to save Drew, I couldn't blame them. Then what I had feared happened, the center of the house started burning. "I love you Drew, so much, love you so much." I could hear my voice echoing. I could feel my soul burning. The pain was like nothing I had ever felt in life, or death. It was like everything that I was or had ever been was dying. Memories flashed before my eyes, one after another. I remembered John, and then Drew, they were the same. This time I was leaving him alone. I prayed that he wouldn't make my mistakes.

The pain had stopped, the house was in ashes. I could see Drew crying, his hands beating the side walk. Then a light took my body to another place. I stood before two angel's, this time there was no anger. "Will I see him again?" The one with black hair smiled softly. "Yes, sooner than you think, much sooner." I looked at the angel and shook my head. "No, you have to stop him, you can't let him take his life. Listen I'll do anything to keep him safe, give me enteral pain. I'll pay any price you ask, just save him please. You can't let this happen, he has so much to live for." I knew I was crying and holding onto the angel. They looked from one another then back to me. "You have changed a great deal since we last met." I didn't care about myself, only Drew mattered and would always be the only thing that mattered. "Don't you see, I don't matter, only him, you have to save him. I know I haven't anything to really give, but I'll do anything you ask. Just help him, please, I beg you, please help him." They looked at me closely then one looked past me. "Look, you can see him." I turned and looked at him, he was in such pain. I reached out touching the picture, I could almost feel him. I wanted to wipe his tears away from his eyes.

The angel's had moved away slightly, they were taking to something. I didn't care, he was in pain, I had to find a way to stop it. I pushed with my soul to tell him that I loved him. That I was here with him, even if he couldn't see me. "We are sorry, Devon, but you must pay the price that you didn't when you took your life. It was the punishment you should have gotten, but didn't." I looked at them, that was ok I would take any punishment. "Just help him, and I'll take your punishment with a smile. Just help him, he means more than I ever did." They smiled, it was such a simple thing. A light surrounded me slowly. Then I was falling slowly, there was pain but I could stand it. I found myself somewhere cold, it was dark. Fear over took my body, then the pain hit me so hard. I screamed out but my soul screamed in victory, they would save him. "Some punishments can truly set you free." The angel repeated it once more and then he was gone. The pain continued it was like needles digging into every part of my body. Then there was a feeling of being burned. I knew that as long as Drew lived I could take any amount of pain. Even if that pain never stopped, I could take it for him. I owed him so much, more than he would ever know. He had given his life to save me once, I had no life to give. I could on the other hand give my soul to save him. Then as quickly as it had started the pain stopped. Then I was cold so cold, the darkness took hold.


I couldn't get to him, he was hurting I could feel it. He had pushed me out to save me and now he was dying. I could see him, I could see his tears as he burned. As the house fell apart so did Devon, his cries were so loud. He screamed my name out so many times. The fire department had pulled up but they couldn't even enter the yard. I broke free from Nick and Jeff, I would die with him. Then I felt the force pushing me back to save me. It was so strong, and I wasn't the only one pushed out of the yard. Nick and Jeff laid on the side walk just looking at the house. I tried to go back in but something blocked the way. I could now hear what Devon was saying more clearly. He kept repeating, love you so much Drew, love you so much. I had thought he had been crying out for me. He had just been telling me he loved me, loved me so much. I fell back to the ground and looked to the heavens. I didn't see any angels coming to save him, it was his punishment. His punishment for loving, for dying before his time. His punishment for a human temper, and imperfection. He was being punished for being himself, for his sadness. I didn't understand how God could be so cruel, it didn't make sense. I wanted to join him, but something in my heart told me not to.

It had been a week since Devon's house had burnt to the ground. It was never mine, it was always his. I walked into the yard, I would rebuild the house. I would make like it had been once before, only stronger. I had this small glimmer of hope that if I rebuilt the house I would rebuild him. I had covered my brothers tracks, said it was a candle that fell over. After that I wouldn't even talk to either of them, I just couldn't. They had taken him away from me, I couldn't forgive them. I wasn't going to leave the band, it was my source for rebuilding this place. I wanted it look like it once had, strong and beautiful. I could feel the tears falling from my eyes. I stood in the same place I had that night Jeff and Nick had been holding me. I could still see him burning, I could still hear his cries. I closed my eyes and looked back into my memory. I could still see the look of pain in his eyes. I knelt down and picked up what looked like a note. As I read the note I knew it was from him to me. The note was very old, I wondered if he had written when he was alive. I decided that I would read the note out loud.

"Dearest John, my love for you grows every second you're near. My heart beats for you alone, as it will always do. I know that I could just tell you this, but I wanted you to always remember. If I had never met you, my life would have been meaningless. You are my sunlight, my starlight, my everything. The time I spend in your arms is the happiest time of my life. I have loved you from day one, and I will love you forever. There will not be a day that you don't cross my mind. Whether we are worlds apart, you are always in my heart. Your smile brightens my day, your touch is like heaven. I know that when I leave this world I will soon again be in your arms. I would also like for you to have my dairy. It has so much more in it then I can write in this letter. I hid it under the tool shed, I hope you can find it. Always and forever, I will love you Devon." The last sentence was new, he had written this while burning. I moved to the tool shed that still stood. I opened the doors and started searching for his dairy. After four hours I found it under the ground in a silver box. I sat down and started flipping through the pages. I skipped to the last entree of the dairy. I started reading out loud again, it made it feel more real. "Dearest Drew, if your reading this, I'm gone. I know it must be hard, but it will get better my love. Now I can watch over you from heaven every second. I hope anyway, if not I'll find my way back to you. Know that my love for you will never end. Until I'm in your arms once again, Devon." I dropped the book and let the tears fall.

It had been seven months since I had found his dairy. The house was almost done, or so I hoped. I was on tour, which wasn't going to well. Nick and Jeff would tell me they were sorry everyday. I just pretended that I couldn't hear them, I did my job. It was what I called it now, once it had been my life. Now it was just a job that helped build my dream home. I would read Devon's dairy every night before I slept, I would dream of him. I sometimes found myself thinking that he was once again real. I could really be holding him in my arms again. Those dreams always ended in tears, I always had to wake up. I knew that I was going to be getting a break pretty soon. I had already made plans to fly back to the house. I knew that by the time the break came, the house should be done. I pray every night that by some weird miracle Devon was once again there, and he would be waiting for me. I knew that it was selfish, but I missed him more every second. It took everything I had to not try to join him, I had come close a few times. I just missed everything about him, his touch, his smile. It was bad enough that I had my own memories of him, but I carried some from the past. I had lived two lives loving him and losing him now he was gone. I was left alone to face the day, to face the world.

I stood in front of the new house, it looked like it had once been. I looked in each window hoping to see a glimmer. I walked to the front door and just closed my eyes. I opened them slowly, knowing the door hadn't opened on it's own. I put the key in the lock and turned slowly. I pushed the door open and entered looking around. It was so empty, it was like walking into pit of darkness. I walked into each room and whispered his name. I never got an answer, a part of me knew that I wouldn't. I found myself in my bed room, the memories were so painful. I left the room quickly, I ran out of the house. It was too much to bear, so much to see. I now found myself on the sidewalk crying, I would never see him again. "Are you ok man, you look a little upset." My blood turned to ice hearing that voice. I looked up slowly to see a man standing before me. I slowly stood up trying to meet his eyes. I reached out and moved his hair away from his eyes. My breath caught in my chest, it was him, but it couldn't be. "Some punishments aren't that bad, Drew. Some can set you free, or give you another chance." He pulled me into his arms, his human arms. His lips met mine, it was like lighting striking, but no pain. I slowly pulled away and looked into his eyes.

He had told me everything that had happened. It was like something you would read in a story or even watch on TV. "So if you hadn't flipped them off, you just would have been given another chance?" He slowly nodded and started laughing softly. "When the house burnt down I was set free. I met with angels once again, this time I was as nice as I could be. I don't remember everything, I know there was pain and darkness. Then I woke up on a beach in France, I've been trying to get back here ever since. I knew that I had to find you and this was the only place I knew of. I've been living on the streets for a while, but it was worth it." I couldn't believe it, I had been given a second chance. I could make this work, we could both have a chance at happiness. I pulled him into my arms and held him there all night long. He had fallen to sleep after a few more hours of talking. I still had a lot of questions, like how did he get from France to LA. I would wait for the answers forever if it was needed. I guess it didn't really matter, I had him in my arms. He was alive, I was alive and the world didn't look so dark anymore. I soon fell to sleep, the dreams came but when I woke up in the morning the tears didn't come. He was still there smiling like a child, his touch was warm. I could tell you what else happened after that. But that, my friends, is a different story that has yet to be wrote.

Dreams End

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