
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Feb 1, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know 98 Degrees nor have I met them. This is just a story it never happened and most likely never will. I made all of this up in my own little world. In other words it's not real.

Warning: This has a bit of a dark super natural twist. I'm going to warn you now it really does follow it's title. I have an idea where I'm going but after that it's all up for grabs. There may be sex, most likely that will happen. You know the rules that follow that. I don't know how long it's going to be. I could end up only writing one or two parts, but it will have an ending.

Authors Note: It's me again, I'm back and with a new story and guess what it's not BSB. Ok where should I start? Oh yes with my symbols, I love them so. These *** mean a character change or who's point of view it's in the beginning. If I'm starting a new chapter, the name will be I the middle of the symbols. After that if I change characters the name will follow the symbols. This is the first time writing a 98 Degrees story, so I hope you like it. If you don't mind drop me a line and tell me your thoughts. Ok now on with the story. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


I stood in the window watching the new family move into my house. I had chased every other family out, this was my home. This time was different they wouldn't be able to get into my room. As long as they stayed out there wouldn't be a problem. Maybe I should tell you who and what I am. My name was Devon, and I am trapped in this house. It was my punishment for killing myself so long ago. I had killed myself over two hundred years ago. I had lost my mind in depression then I ended it, I thought my pain would end to. It hadn't, I found out that my pain was only starting. I had lost the only man I had ever loved, all because of hate. The people couldn't understand how two men could love one another. So he was killed and then I killed myself to join him. I had found out that I could never be with him. The angels said that I had to pay a price for taking my life. I had flipped them off and told them to go to hell in a hand basket. I later learned that was a huge mistake. So now I was stuck in this place watching the world go by. This was the first family I had even let enter the house without a few problems. I had decided that I would allow them to live as long as they stayed away from me. The old owners of the house had sealed this room thinking it would trap me. I had laughed at them, nothing could hold me to a single room.

I felt kind of bad, I had chased off another family and this one had only been here a week. They had taken the chains and boards off my door and entered. They were showing the house again. I found it strange, normally it took at the least a year before someone else came. It was a young man looking at it, he was short and had a hat. He was kind of cute, he had another man with him. For the first time I decided that I wouldn't chase them off no matter what. I would watch over them with everything I had. If they were a couple I could keep them safe, I would not let history repeat itself. They moved in a few week's later, they seemed happy. I even helped them a little once they were past the line I couldn't cross. I could leave the house but not past a certain line. I could move freely in the front and back yard. I noticed that why they were outside they never touched. It was like they were afraid to, it was something I understood. I watched them all the time, I knew that I was invading. But it was my house and I could live threw them in a weird way. They could have everything I had always craved, and it made me happy. I looked up to the skies and laughed at the angels, they had lost. I wasn't in pain any longer, I was happy.

That happiness didn't last long and I regained my pain. The short male was crying because his boyfriend had left him. I wanted to help him, but I knew I would only scare him. It wasn't that I was ugly or anything in fact I thought myself beautiful. It was just you could see through me and when touched it felt weird. I wasn't going to let him stay unhappy, I couldn't. I knew what depression led to and I couldn't let that happen again. He was standing in the bathroom, he had a razor in his hand. He was standing in the same place I had so long ago. "Don't do it, it's not worth it." My voice sounded odd to even me, it had been so long since I had spoken. The man turned around quickly, his eyes were wide. "Who said that, where are you, show yourself." I didn't know if it would be wise to show myself. "You have to promise not to run or scream." He looked around trying to find my voice. "Ok I promise I won't run or scream." I pulled myself together in the doorway. His eyes got really wide and he back away slowly. I could see the fear running threw his veins. "I'm not here to hurt you, only to help. This is my house I've been here for two hundred years." He didn't look scared anymore, he looked sorry. "So you've been alone for two hundred years?" I nodded and he just shook his head.

I learned that his name was Drew, and he was in a band. I found it weird that he was so open to the super natural. Some people had holy men come and try to rid themselves of me. That never worked out to well, in fact it never would. "Jeff and I have been together for a long time. He's in the band to, but I just found out he left me for my brother." I couldn't believe it so I put my hand on his shoulder and patted it slightly. "Your hand, it's not cold or anything, why is that." I looked at my hand should it be cold? "I don't know, that's just the way it is." He smiled and leaned into me resting his head on my shoulder. "It almost feel's real, but there's this weird feeling to. It almost tickles, but at the same time it's warm." I smiled brightly, I liked having him pressed against me. "What were people like when you were alive?" I thought about his question, in some ways they were the same as now. "They were human, and in being human they gave in to fear. If the people of my time were like the people of this time, I might be in heaven." He titled his head up and looked into my eyes. "Were you killed or something?" I took a deep breath, it was something I had never talked about. "My lover was killed, and then I killed myself. It's why I'm here in this house, I'm trapped here forever." He sat up and looked at me, I knew what his next question would be.

He looked like he was afraid to ask me. "Why was your lover killed?" I closed my eyes and remembered the night. "I had kissed him and he kissed back. People saw it and thought it was evil. They killed him, because we weren't like them. I had gotten away because he saved me. I returned to my home and slit my wrist, I died in the bathroom. I thought that I would join him, but the angels had other ideas. They got me upset so I flipped them off and told them to go to hell." He had tears in his eyes, he knew that it still happened today. "So my punishment is to be here forever, I can deal with it." He pulled my face to his and kissed my lips softly. I could feel his warmth, I could feel him. I had never tired to touch anyone. I didn't know how it would work out, and I had never let anyone touch me. I let myself get lost in his touch, it made me feel real and alive. Then the feeling left and I slowly opened my eyes. His eyes were wide and he was looking around. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to invade your space, please come back." I pulled myself back together as quickly as I could. "It wasn't that Drew, it just takes a lot for to hold myself together. I got lost in your touch, so I let myself go." He was smiling again, such a sweet smile. "I have an idea, but it involves your going to sleep." He looked at me like I was crazy but that was ok.

He had finally fallen to sleep, it had taken close to an hour. Now he was sleeping peacefully, so I entered his dreams. It was something I had done before to scare people this time it was different. In the world of dreams I was just as real as he was, which said a lot. I pulled a beautiful world together and pulled him to me. "Is this real, I mean can it be real?" I smiled and nodded slowly, it was as real as I could make it. "Yes, and no, it is your dreams but here I won't fade away. I has a form here, and I can lose myself as much as I want to. So where were we, oh yes I believe kissing." I pulled him into my arms and touched his lips with mine. I could feel it as if I really were alive, I hoped he felt the same. "This is wonderful, it's like a dream come true." I almost laughed in a way that was what was happening. "You could say that, but we can't live here forever. It would be really unhealthy for you." He smiled and wrapped me in his arms and held me tightly. "I could see why I wouldn't mind staying here." I nodded I wouldn't mind myself if I didn't know the price. "Well, I believe there was a song I heard once. It was a long time ago, so I don't remember all of the lyrics. It went something like she has your days and I have your nights. But in our case the world has your days and I have your nights." He nodded slowly and deepened the kiss.

I could feel the sun rising slowly, it was time to wake Drew. He had told me that he had to go practice. We had spent the whole night making out, it was wonderful. I pulled myself out of his mind and looked around the room. I was a little weak, it had taken a lot to stay with him for so long. I didn't mind, I had him I could feel once again and it took me to new places. I gently woke him up, he groaned slightly and turned his back to me. That was a mistake, I traced his spine sending dozens of chills running up it. His eyes flew open and he turned over smiling. "Do you have any idea what you just did to me?" I smiled and shook my head as he pointed downward. He was as hard as a rock, and twitching. "Well, it's good to know I have a good affect on you." He smiled and got out of bed slowly. I hadn't noticed the night before but he wasn't wearing any clothing. I couldn't help but stare, he had a body like a God. If I still had a breath to draw I would have been breathing deeply. He left his room and went to the bathroom, I was tempted to follow him. If I could give him a hard on by touching his spine what else could I do? I could hear the water running, so I entered the shower. It had caught him off guard for a few seconds.

I ran my hands up his spine and he moaned deeply. I kissed the back of his neck and he arched his back. I moved my hand to his manhood and took firm hold. I stroked slowly sending a tingling feeling through his body. I slowly pressed my body against the back of his. I had a feeling it was doing something very interesting to him. His eyes were closed and his body seemed to quake with pleasure. He started shooting his load on the wall the water washing it away. He fell back into me and I held him tightly as he regained himself. "That was the most amazing feeling I've ever had." I smiled myself, it was pretty good for me to. I may not be able to feel what he feels, but knowing I could please him. It was just that, I had made him happy and in return I was happy. I helped him wash the rest of his body. He then got dressed and left the house, I watched as he pulled out of the drive. I walked outside and looked at how much my house had changed. A lot of thing's had been added, I guessed it wasn't so bad. I had never let them take something from my home. Once a family had tried to take down a tool shack I had built. I made them pay for that thought, I had hurt them so to speak. I just made them think that was what I was going to do.


I was on cloud nine at the moment, and I knew I could face Jeff. He had broken my heart but in one night Devon had fixed it. I felt connected to Devon, he was like a dream. I felt like I have known him forever. I had flashes of a different life when I was in his arms, but not his. It had felt like I belonged in his arms, that I had been there once before. At first I thought that I was seeing his life pass by me. Then I noticed that we were running somewhere. He was in front of me and he looked so scared. Then there was a shot and everything went black. I had other thing's running around in my mind along with this. I had to find out what his lovers name was. It was driving me mad not knowing but I didn't really know how to ask. I pulled into the parking lot and jumped out of the car making my way to the entrance. Justin rushed to my side the second I entered the doors. While Nick and Jeff just looked away, I just smiled. I was over him, maybe I had been for a while now. I had thought something was going on for a while, now I knew. I didn't really care anymore, I had someone new. I had someone old too, he went back so far and I could learn so much. "It's ok Justin, I'm fine really." Justin nodded and moved away slowly.

I didn't talk to Nick or Jeff, I was going to give them the cold shoulder. I would only act like I still cared about either one of them. That was it, when the time came I wouldn't even do that. Both of them had tried to talk to me, but I treated them like they didn't exist. I could be as childish as the next person, it had been proven. I did what I had to do and as soon as I could leave I did. I waved to Justin, he waved back with a worried look on his face. I went and got some take out and headed back to my house. It was in my name not Jeff's, and I already had his stuff packed. I knew he would be coming by soon, and when he did his stuff would be on the front lawn. I couldn't wait to see Devon, he was just so amazing. His touch was so unreal, it could do thing's no normal human could hope for. It was like, I don't know it was just amazing. Then the dream factor really kicked in, it was so real. I could feel him as if he were alive and breathing. I wanted to take things to another level. I could see myself spending the rest of my life with him. I didn't know how to deal with touring anymore. I knew that I could call the house but could he talk over a phone? I guess I would have to ask, maybe we could find a way for him to come with me.

I knew that it was a really big long shot. He had said it was his punishment, but for what. Was it his punishment for flipping them off, or killing himself. If it was killing himself then maybe I could join him in his world. It had crossed my mind more then once. If I had killed myself that night would I have been stuck there? I could hope that would be the price to pay it didn't sound so bad. If I could spend forever in his arms I didn't see that as a punishment. Then another thought hit me, what if I was punished. That would mean I wouldn't be able to be with him. I don't think he would let me anyway, he just didn't seem that selfish. I knew some people that were selfish my brother and ex for one. I guess that maybe I wasn't as over it as I had thought. I knew that it didn't hurt as much but it still pissed me off. I had been with Jeff for close to five years, I had gotten married to hide our relationship. Then I find out that he's been cheating on me with Nick for the past year and a half. I wanted revenge and I was starting to find a way to get it. I could invite them over and had Devon scare the hell out of them. I'm sure he would go for it, he had been doing it for two hundred years. I pulled into the driveway and got out of my car. The front door opened without my touching it. I could get use to something like this.

The house looked magical, there were candles everywhere. I could see rose petals on the floor leading up the stairs. I walked to the stairs and found a note waiting, it said to leave my clothes. I stripped down to my boxers and walked up the stairs as I got a little closer a note fell out of nowhere. It said all of my clothes, and I mean all of them. I laughed and slipped my boxers off. The hand writing on the note was beautiful it added something to it. When I got to the room the door swung open and he was standing before me. His body looked great for a dead person. "Lay down on the bed Drew I have something I would like to try." I nodded and laid down on the bed, closing my eyes. I felt a cold wind blow over my body and then I was being lifted. When I opened my eyes my body was below me. It almost scared me until I felt his touch on my lower back. "I can only keep us like this for three hours. Then I have to put you back in your body." It felt so different, and he felt more solid this way. He felt alive to the touch, it was beyond anything I had ever hoped for. "In this form there is no pain only pleasure, which makes for an interesting night." His smile said so much more then his words could ever. Then he was pressed against me tightly.

I liked this a lot more, he was real here in his own world. "I think it's time to show you a few thing's about my world." We started phasing into the floor and soon we were in the living room. He opened his hand and all of the candles went out, but it wasn't dark. Then we walked out side, I got shy really quickly. "No one can see us Drew, as of now your a ghost. That won't last but it's what you are right now." He held my hand and walked to the back yard. I was in for a really big surprise, there was a bed waiting for us. "Have you ever made love under the stars?" I shook my head and he kissed my deeply. I thought I had an idea about romance. He had me beat hands down in some areas, I wasn't minding it at all. We laid down on the bed, he kissed his way down my body. Then he took my hardening member into his mouth and started bobbing his head. Then he made his way back up my body slowly. I could feel something else happening as I entered him quickly. "No pain, only pleasure." He repeated those words softly into my ear. He pulled me up and laid back as I started thrusting into him. I could feel every inch of him, it wasn't like normal sex. It was beyond that, because it was like our soul's were merging.

When my climax came it didn't end, it just kept going. I knew that I wasn't blowing my load, there was nothing to blow. Then very quickly I was on my back and he was in me. It was like the pleasure only increased by a hundred. If I had been in my body I would have been shaking nonstop. I moaned it was all I could do, there was just so much. Then he let out a roar of some sort and fell onto my chest. Our lip's met seconds later and it was like I could feel him. Everything that he was feeling I felt and the same thing was happening to him. I was having more flashes, one after another. I didn't know who I was anymore. Devon looked worried as he pulled me back up. "What's wrong Drew are you ok?" I could speak I was living another life, it was mine. Then I realized that it was my life once. I had been here before, in this same place doing the same thing. I was being moved quickly, I could tell that Devon was caring me somewhere. "I'm putting you back in your body Drew." I felt a rush of heat and then I was back and my body was shaking. I was now blowing my load, and it was going everywhere. Soon it stopped and my heart rate returned to normal. "I thought it would be safe I'm so sorry Drew, please forgive me." He was crying, even in his form he could cry and it broke my heart.

I couldn't talk it was like every bit of strength had been sucked out. I could only look at him as he started to fade away. "Wait, Devon, it wasn't that wait." He stopped and looked at me. "What was your lovers name I have to know." He looked confused and looked around the room. "His name was John, John Lashay." I had a hard time seeing straight. "Devon my middle name is John, and my last name is Lachey." His eyes got wide and he faded away. I soon passed out my body had enough, it couldn't take anymore. I had dreams that night, normal dreams with weird meanings. I woke up the next morning with someone standing over me. "I just came to get my stuff Drew, but I can't find it." I just got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I turned the water on and stepped in, my mind wasn't working yet. I head a small voice behind my ear it was whispering something. "Want me to give him a reason to not come back here?" I nodded slowly, but still my mind hadn't kicked into high gear. About five minutes later I heard a loud scream. Now my mind was awake, what had I just done? "You have entered the house of hell. I am the prince of darkness, you will not survive." I almost started laughing he sounded like a corny movie. I jumped out of the shower and ran to my window in time to see Jeff running out.

He stopped at the side walk and looked back at the house. He looked up at the window I was in and started shaking. "He thinks that I'm about to kill you, so when I say now fall." I just nodded and looked at Jeff confused, he was screaming something. "Now" it was such and easy thing to do, so I hit the ground. I could see Devon standing over me with an evil smile. He had a bloody knife in his hands and he was dancing in circles. His hand went below the window seal like he was grabbing something. When he pulled his hand back up he was holding a blood head. It looked just like mine, now he was dancing again. "He's looking up at the window and crying at the same time. I think he might try to come back in." I heard door's start slamming shut one by one. Devon was really going all out, I still didn't understand how he controlled the house. It was like he was the house, and he could do anything here. "He's running back in and I've opened the front door for him. He's running up the stairs two at a time, he's pretty healthy." I could hear someone beating on my bed room door. "Time for act two, by the way you'll need to take another shower." My body moved by itself and now I was half way under the bed. I felt something sticky all over my back, and it was dripping. The door flew open and Jeff faced off against Devon. "The brave man returns to face the demon." From what I could see, Jeff charged at Devon.

I heard the window shatter and then a loud scream. I pulled myself from the bed to see Devon standing at the window. "He's not dead just floating in the air, I've done this number before. Would you like him to lose his clothing while he hanging there?" I smiled to myself and nodded slowly. I watched as Jeff's clothes went flying everywhere. Then I watched as all of his clothes in the house flew out the front door. "Leave and never return foolish mortal." Then Jeff hit the ground softly, he ran to his car and he was gone. "Ok time to clean the place up, hit the shower Drew." I just did what he told me to do, I had fake blood all over me. I got back in the shower and washed myself off slowly. I felt something ride up and down on my spine. It was the biggest turn on that could exist, then the kisses on my neck. "The house is in order, and all of the cheats clothes are neatly folded. When he comes back with the police, it'll just look like he's nuts." I couldn't speak, it was like his touch took that away. I felt something grab hold of my member and start stroking slowly. "I love you Drew." I nodded and leaned back into him, I had loved him for over two hundred years. "I love you to Dev, and I always will." Shortly after the words left my mouth my body gave into his touch. He washed me off and carried me back to my room.

The room was spotless, and the window was fixed. It was amazing, as I looked out the window it looked like nothing had happened. "I need to talk to you about last night, it's really important." Devon looked a little scared at first, then he nodded slowly. "I've been having flashes since I met you. At first I thought it was your life I was seeing, but then I knew other wise. Last night had sent me back, back to the night that you and I first made love. It was under the stars in that same bed, the house wasn't built yet. I also remember the night we died. I had pushed you in front of me as the mob got closer. I thought that we could both get away, then there was the shot. I also heard you scream out, you screamed that you would have your vengeance." His eyes had gotten wider as I spoke. "I had thought of ways to kill them all, but I only ended up killing myself." The whole house seemed to shimmer. It was like taking a step back in time, the house had changed. I looked out the window to see Devon running into the house. He fell on the ground just before he reached the front door. He stayed there crying and holding himself his whole body shook with pain. He slowly stood and entered the house, he looked different.

I moved down the stairs quickly, he was standing in a very different living room. "I'll kill them all, then we'll see who carries the most hate." He moved to the kitchen but stopped in the doorway. He turned slowly and walked to the fire place, above a necklace hung. He lifted the necklace and looked at it. "Why John, why did you have to leave me? You told me that everything would be all right. You said this place was different, the land of the free. You told me I could love you in the open, and never fear for my life." He then fell to his knees and looked around the room. "I'll be with you soon my love, they won't keep you from me." He stood and started up the stairs, he entered a room that looked was now the bathroom. It was a washroom, there was a razor laying beside a bowl. He lifted the razor and held it to his wrist. He made a quick movement down, he had done it perfectly. The blood flowed like a river and he fell to the ground. He then placed the razor in his mouth, he held it there. He brought his other wrist up and did it again, blood smeared his face. The razor fell, he closed his eyes and held his head high. "They won't keep you from me my love, never will I be without you." Then his body fell forward, he was still breathing.

I moved to his side and tried to pick him up. A light took the room by storm and Devon stood up. His body was left behind, he stood before two angels. "You have taken your life, a gift that was not yours to give up. For this you must suffer a punishment, what do you to say to this?" Devon smiled darkly and held his middle finger up. "You can go to hell in a hand basket that's what I have to say. You have no right keeping me from my love, now set me free you foolish beings." I could see how he pissed the angels off, he wasn't even trying. "For this act, a heavier punishment must be handed down. So for as long as this house stand's so shall you. You are one with this place, and so you shall remain. Some punishments aren't so bad young one. Some could have truly set you free, but now you pay the price." Then they were gone and the house roared in outrage. The house started changing again, now Devon stood before me again. "It was just a memoire from the house. They made it that way, I'm one with this place. We built it, John and myself, we worked for years. Over the years things have changed and gotten better. I allow that, but nothing is to be taken from this house. For something to be taken it hurts me in so many ways." I nodded slowly, it was starting to make sense. I could hear sirens coming form the outside of the house.

I had ran to the front door, but then saw that I didn't have any clothes on. "Don't worry about it, open the doors." It was a whisper behind my ear and I trusted it. As I opened the door I felt something wash over me. Two police stood before me with a grim look on their faces. "Are you Drew Lachey?" I nodded and smiled sweetly, then I saw Jeff rush in and pick me up. "I thought you were dead, that thing it looked like it killed you." After thirty minutes of talking with the police they left. Jeff was sitting on the couch shaking his head. "How could you do that to me Drew?" I looked at him, but it wasn't there no pity or sorrow. " I could ask you the same Jeff, but then again I would get the same lie." He looked up and I could see the tears hanging in his eyes. I heard foot steps coming down the stairs and for a second I was scared. "Oh Jeff you look so funny when your scared. But I find that most mortals are funny when fear takes hold." Devon stood on the last stair smiling, he looked evil. Jeff was looking from me to Devon his eyes getting wider. "You hurt him Jeff, and you think he'll pity you?" Jeff was shaking his head slowly, trying to stand. "I am a ghost Jeff, a very powerful one. I've been dead for over two hundred years." Jeff was backing toward the door when it flew open.

I saw Nick standing in the doorway, tears falling like a river. He pulled me in his arms and start telling me how sorry he was. The door slammed shut, it was so loud. Jeff had froze in his place while Devon started laughing. Nick slowly looked up and pulled me toward the door. "You can't open it, I won't let you, not until I'm finished." I was scared for myself but I knew that I was safe. I was then pulled away from Nick and now stood beside Devon. "They do look so cute together, don't they my love?" I nodded and placed my hand in his. Nick tried to move toward me, but found that he couldn't. "It's ok boys I'm not going to hurt you, it's not my style. Then again, I wonder what you would look like as ribbons." Dozens of knifes flew out of the kitchen and just floated around them. He smiled and squeezed my hand gently, then the knifes fell to the ground. "I do believe that your clothes are on the front lawn. Why don't you and your back stabbing boyfriend go collect them?" The door flew open and they flew out of the house. Devon started laughing his head off, it was a normal laugh I remembered it. I knew that after tonight nothing would ever be the same. I didn't mind it that much, it was the way the world went.

Next: Chapter 2

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