Getting What You Want

Published on Jul 18, 1993



Part 01

Type P to Pause, S to Stop listing

============================ GETTING WHAT YOU REALLY WANT ============================

College. A big place. The buildings are big, the class size is big, the campus is big. But I had no idea what else could be big!

Every year, the population of the place grew. I, myself, would often walk around, just looking. I knew several of the teachers, ok, "professors" if you will, that taught there. I just called them teachers. I mean, they teach, don't they?

Biology, 101. The teacher was a good friend of mine. He, however, had no idea how I was like, if you get my drift. I was in his class visiting so much, most of the staff thought I was a student. Hardly. Excuse me, HARDly.

The kids that were in his class, jocks, preppies, "brains". All the people that would make tomorrow. But hey, I wanted something today. I knew several of the guys in his class. I, myself, was pretty old. Well, I think 29's pretty old. Everyone younger than me, to me, was a kid. You walk in, and see all those guys, the ones you're just sure get laid by the cheerleaders after the college football games, you tend to get disappointed. But I'd had it with fantasizing. Surely, out of all those guys, a couple must feel the same way I do. One person in particular I liked.

The kid that I always used to watch was a boy named Aron. He was built well, and had a nice ass, and an even nicer piece of meat. I would have given anything to have one night of fun with him, the only problem was, he hated me. So I finally decided that the only way to get him was to rape him. Not any physical violence, but to kidnap him, and go for it.

So, I got in my van right after school, and drove to one of the streets he walded on frequently, and just waited. It was around 4, and one thing for sure, it was definitely hot. I had shut off my engine, and was just about to turn it back on so I could turn on the A/C, when I saw him walking. I was in luck, he was alone. No one was around. I started my van up, and did a U-turn so I was driving against the sidewalk. I drove about 20 feet ahead of him, stopped, and opened the side door. He walked up, tried to walk around me, but I grabbed him. I picked him up (keep in mind that I was a little bigger than he was), and put him in my van. I set him in the seat, put on the belt, and flipped a little switch on the side of it. which locked the belt so pushing the button would not open it, and put a sleeping pill into his mouth. I rubbed his neck in front until he swollowed it.

He was trying to get out, but the pill, (Unisom I think it was), was starting to work, and he was getting tired, and exhausted from wiggling around.

I drove to my house. It took about 25 minutes, and by that time he was asleep. I undid the seat belt, and carried him down to my room.

I took off his shirt, and using a couple of leather straps from an old saddle I had, tied his arms to the headboard.

So there he was, bare chest, tied to a bed with leather straps, totally asleep. I had him. But I decided to wait until he awoke to continue.

I waited about an hour and a half, and started hearing moaning from my room. I walked down and opened the door, and there he was, just like before. "Here we go," I told him.

I took all my clothes off, exposing my own hard rod, which I think had been hard since I first planned it about 2 weeks ago. I crawled onto the bed, and started removing his clothes, shoes first. He start kicking. "If you don't be still, I'm going to get the gun in that chest over there, and kill you."

Of course, I had no such gun, but HE didn't know that, so he quit, and let me continue. I removed his socks, savoring them as I did so. I crawled up, undoing his belt, then his snap and zipper, and opening the flap of his Levis. I could see the outline of his beautiful cock just inside his underwear. I couldn't wait much longer. I slowly pulled off his pants. His legs were smooth and tanned, just like the rest of his body. He played football, and his muscles were adding to my pleasure.

I peeled back his underpants. Behind them was just what I was waiting for. I stroked my finger across it. It was limber, but it quickly responded, and grew. And boy, did it grow!

I continued touching it, rubbing my fingers along the shaft, and along his balls, which were pleasingly cold. My room was burning up, since I had no air conditioner, and as I mentioned, it was summer. He was sweating, and so was I. That just added to it.

I finally could wait no longer. I reached down, and placed my hands on his feet, and placed my mouth right over his meat. He let his head fall backwards on the pillow, and started moaning. I let it slide in and out, enjoying licking off sweat.

I stopped, and lifed his legs above his head, exposing the pure, pink, hairless ass that I had admired for so long. I reached down by the side of my bed, for the lubricant I always used. I put some on my own cock, and heavily doused his hole, rubbing my fingers in and out of it. I set it aside.

I grabbed hold of my rod, and guided it into him. He moaned loud enough, but didn't scream. I was glad, I don't think I could handle that. I slid it all the way in, making him groan some more, and slid it back out, except for the head of it. I continued to do this, until I almost came, then I pulled out completely, and set his legs back down, so he was in the original position.

I crawled up to his chest, and leaned over, forcing my dick into his mouth. "Suck on this, or you'll walk out of here missing various parts of your anatomy," I told him. He responded, and started sucking vigor- ously. I finally came, and shot one of the biggest loads in my life into his mouth. He started swallowing it, which surprised me, since that was one of the last things I expected him to do.

One last thing was left, I had to make this kid come. I slid down his over-sweating body, and started guiding my mouth over his over- hard meat again, this time rubbing his rubbery-feeling nipples with my hands. He groaned, and I sucked. He groaned louder, and I sucked harder. The feeling was so intense I could hardly stand it. Then, with one final GIANT moan, his body shuddered, and a few drops of juice leaked out of his tool. I knew then, it had been his first time ever.

We both laid on the bed, panting, sweating, enjoying it. I reached up and undid the straps. "Get dressed and get out of here."

He got up, and started, but stopped short. "You know, " he started, "I really don't have to be anywhere another two hours."

I looked at him and smiled, and he smiled back. He crawled back under the covers with me, and I knew this was just going to be kept between me, him, and his great meat.

Part two coming soon. Watch for GETTING2.TXT on a board near you<<

Part 02

Type P to Pause, S to Stop listing

================================ Getting what you want part two.. ================================

I sure tell you one thing. After that night with Aron, I was completely exhausted. During that last two hours, I had gone through moves that I didn't know my body could do.

But that was last week. Friday. Today was Monday. I had gone over to Aron's class, again. He smiled at me when he saw me, and I smiled back.

Some of the other guys were looking good to me. There was this one guy named Willie. He was about the same size as Aron, blond hair, green eyes. Not blue, but what the hell. I could get that from Aron. Sometime during his class, he got up and walked over to me when I wasn't doing anything. "Aron told a few of us what went on last Friday, " he said. I jumped back. I wasn't sure what Aron had done. Then he continued. "Several of us, along with a few guys from some other classes are getting together over at Justin's house. We all decided we wanted you to come." I was pleasantly surprised. "Sure," I told him. He have me the address and told me that him, Tim, Aron, Steve, and of course Justin were going to be there at the "party". Tim was slightly older than Willie and Aron, dark hair, always talked about the strangest things. Steve was about Willie's age, shorter though and spanish. Justin himself was the age of Aron, brown hair just a little longer than Willie's. But one thing that I'd bet anything on is the fact that they must have, all of them, some of the greatest pieces of meat anywhere. I was going to find out.

On the night of the party, I headed over there. When I got there, the place was extremely crowded. My rod was so hard it hurt, and to walk in there with all those guys was wonderful. Truly great. I looked around for the guys, and saw Tim over by the kitchen. As I was walking over there, I happened to see Shawn. Shawn was my age, blond, and a great ass.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"The same thing everyone else is. Want to suck off?"

I was shocked at how forward he had been. What could I say? "Sure, let's go for it," and we walked into one of the bedrooms.

I shut the door, and walked over to him. It was dim in the room, but I could see him perfectly. I started stripping his clothes off, and he did the same to me. At the same time, I stuck my toungue deep into his mouth, and started to rub my jeans against the front of him. I also put my finger down the back of his pants, and into his ass. Between the kissing, the fingering, and the rubbing, I was enjoying this. I couldn't wait much longer. I pushed him down onto the bed behind us, and practically ripped off his jeans. I set my mouth over his cock, the one that I had wanted for years, and now I finally had it. It was all that I had expected it to be. This went on for I don't know how long. The motion, the sweating, the panting, the groaning. It's so hard to describe how I felt, let alone how he did. After what seemed like eternity, he finally came. And when he did, look out! I didn't think one person could hold that much. I was exhausted, he was practically passed out. I layed down beside him. A long pause followed.

"Thanks," I told him. He looked over, and paused.

"That was really done well." I smiled. "We'll have to do it sometime again."

I just looked at him for a while. "We better get out there, people need this room."

"Wait," he spoke, and he leaned over and kissed me. "Ok."

I got dressed, and walked out. People were still coming. I noticed a few girls my age in the crowd, I wasn't sure whether they were lezzies, or here to satisfy a few bi guys. I didn't care either.

As I was walking around, I happened to notice Willie just sitting against the wall over by the stairs. I walked over to him.

"Hey Will"

"Oh Hi," he said. "Glad you could make it." He was sitting down, rubbing the front of his jeans, very slowly. Like something was wrong.

"You look a little down. What's a matter?"

He paused. "Is my dick all right?"

"Looks ok to me. Why?"

Another pause. "Haven't been that busy tonight, and was just wondering."

I looked at him for a while, he was starting at his own meat. "Do you want a little action?"

He smiled. "Sure, let's go."

We walked into another bedroom. I hadn't had much of anything on since doing Shawn, and he didn't, appearantly having been served on this night already. So I wasn't the first, who cares. I had always liked him, he had a good personality, and was real easy to get along with. I had gotten the feeling that he wanted me a while back, but never pursued the matter. Now I finally had. I layed him down on the bed, and put my mouth on his. I deep tounge kissed him, and ruffeled his hair, rolling around on the bed. My hard cock kept pressing against his, and when we flipped over, the constantly rubbed together. I got on top of him, and reached down and started rubbing his dick. It felt rubbery, cold, and good. He flipped me over, and got me on all fours. He went behind me, and put his weenie into my ass. I started to moan. Here I was, and this guy was giving me the best piece of meat that I had ever had. Even better than Aron, though I won't testify to that. He was rubbing in and out, and he reached around and started rubbing my own cock. One thing I give him credit for is timing, because just as he spurted in me, I spurted out. He left his dick in me for a little bit, getting soft, and then pulled out. I was spent. He fell on top of me, and started deep tounge kissing me again. There was sperm all over my stomach, and he was rubbing it in. I never felt so good in my life. After a few minutes, we walked back out to the party.

Aron was outside the door, with another guy that I didn't know. The guy walked in, and as Aron was walking in, I grabbed down at his cock, and rubbed it a little bit.

"Take care of it," I told him. He smiled, and went inside and shut the door. I walked around a little bit, checking out who was there.

"Hey!" Someone called over to me.

I turned around, and found Steve calling me. "Come over here, we need another person!"

I walked into the bedroom where he was, where four very horny guys were, all with no clothes on. I took off what I had on, and walked over to Steve. He said, "Get down on all fours."

I did as told, and Tim came over to me and stuck his wenier into my mouth, along with Steve sticking it into my ass. Someone else got on top of me, and Steve was sucking his meat.

I moved my tounge under Tim's foreskin. The warm, hot flesh in my mouth was certainly welcome. Steve had stopped moving, con- centrating more on the rod in his mouth than me, so I moved backwards, and he got the message and started getting active. Tim was getting harder, and so was Steve. I'm still not sure which one came first, I think Tim did, but of course, you can tell if something's in your mouth quicker than something in your ass. Steve pulled out, and finished off whoever was on top of me. I wished it had been a little faster, whoever it was, was heavy. Tim fell onto the floor with exhaustion, panting. He hadn't done this very much, I could tell, and he was having a rough night. Justin was the one on top of me, he got off, and walked out in a robe.

"Either of you know where Aron is," I asked.

"Sure, he's right outside. I'll go ahead and get him." He motioned toward the other, and they left. A second later, Aron entered. He was completely nude. He slid over to me, and pushed me to the floor. He straddled my chest, I was sitting upright, and placed that wonderful meat inside my mouth. There was sperm all over it, some his, some not. He had been served by a lot of guys tonight. Can anyone really blame them? All I could do was suck. Nothing else was running through my mind. I was sweating, feverish, cold, chilling, and horny all at the same time. What a combo.

He let go, his entire wad, everything that was left in his ultra-firm body was ejected into me. I fell on the floor.

"That was even better than last time," he said. He walked out. A few minutes later, I did the same. People were leaving, the party was over.

As I was walking out, Justin caught me by the arm. "Listen, thanks for coming tonight."

"Sure. (I laughed) To say I had fun would be too much of an understatement, know what I mean?"

"See you tomorrow."

"See ya...," I walked out. I got in my van, and went home. Trust me, I needed the sleep. I knew what was going to happen next.

Part 3 soon. >>>Watch for GETTING3.TXT<<<

Part 03

Type P to Pause, S to Stop listing

=================================== Getting what you want part three... ===================================

Aron and I screwed each other ALL THE TIME! Every single day after classes, we were over at my house, or his, humping each other away. On most days, I usually served another person too. Normally, someone else from his class, or some class near. I was amazed that the only people who knew what I did, were people who liked to do it too.

It got to the point where just about 3pm, my cock would start to get hard, just from knowing what was going on. Aron was the one that I did every day. Everyone else I did was on a schedule. Willie on Monday, Tim on Tuesday, Steve on Wednesday, Justin on Thursday, sometimes Shawn on Friday, and then usually another one of the famous parties on Saturday night.

One time, I got so excited that just as Aron and I got into my house, we started making out, right with the door open. Luckily, Willie was the one outside.

When I say all the time, I mean it. On the days he was sick, I would go over to his house, and fuck him while he was lying in bed. If someone in my family was home, then I'd go over to their house. Remember Tim from the party (that was about 6 weeks ago)? Well, he has gotten much better. He's had enough practice!

At the end of the semester, we all went over to my house, and had a teriffic party. I was laying everybody, and everybody was laying me. I was so sweaty by the end of that session, I had to take a shower. Of course, everyone else did with me, so we were all rolling around in the bathtub, sucking cocks. Half the time, I didn't know who I was sucking, the dick was just standing straight up, and I put my mouth over it. I could pretty much tell which one was Aron. For one thing, his was the biggest. And, his come was a little sweeter that everyone elses. You can usually tell who eats junk food, by how their come tastes. He ate the most, so it's obvious. They were all great. That next weekend, we did it again. The next weekend, we did it at Tim's house. Tim's little brother was there, watching us, I think he went into another room to jack off. But the best one was the following weekend, over at Aron's house.

"Be over there at 9 tonight," he had said as he was walking out of my house.

"I'll be there."

"You better be, you've got a lot of people who want a taste of you."

That night, I drove over there. His house is only about 5 blocks away, which makes it easy to see how we could spend so much time together.

The front door was locked, so I went around to the back. A guy who I didn't know was there.

"What's the passline?"

"I'm looking for some big hotdogs," I replied.

"OK, go on through. Go into the dining room, leave all your clothes there, everyone else is in the living room."

I did as told, and walked into the living room. Everyone that I had ever seen was there. The usual crowd, Tim, Will, Justin, Shawn, Steve, and of course Aron, along with several people I didn't know.

They were in the middle of the floor, trying to see how many people could fuck at one time. There was a line, one person would stand, the person would stand behind him, and stick their cock into the ass of the person in front, and then another person behind them would do the same thing, and so on. About 12 people were doing this, all in unison. They were passing along a jar of lubricant, I walked over and grabbed some, and went to the end of the line. Willie was the one on the end. I upped him, he groaned. Someone else did the same behind me. I turned around.

"Oh Hi there," I said. It was (you guessed it) Aron.

"Hey, how you doin'?"

"Hard as ever." He put his dick in me. I think this was the first time he had ever butt-fucked me. It was always me upping him, or some other activity. Kinda fun for a change.

Someone about in the middle, came, and fell over, and of course, the entire line fell apart. Willie fell right on top of me, forcing my cock into him, as far as it would go. He screamed,

"Sorry 'bout that." I pulled him off me, and started jacking him off. "You need your mom to kiss that?"

"I think I'd rather have you do it." We started walking back toward the bedrooms. Willie turned around. "Aron, come on."

"Yeah, " I said, "two's great, three's a fucking good time."

He walked back with us, into an empty bedroom. I stood behind Willie, and bent him over, uppping him. "I want to finish this."

Willie yelled out, "Aron, get over here, I want your dick in my mouth."

Aron walked over, and Willie started giving him a blow job. I was about ready to come. I reached around, and started to jack off Willie, like I did outside. He shaved his hair off there, so it was always smooth. I was rubbing his balls around in my palm, when he came. All over my hand. I ejected violently into him, and appearantly Aron came into Willie. All about at the same time. We were getting this timing thing down pretty well if you ask me. I started licking cum off my hand. It was pretty good. I pulled out, and Aron walked behind me.

"Grab your ankles, man, I want you NOW!" He said.

I bent over, and he drove straight in. I groaned in pleasure. Willie was in front of me, I pulled him over, and started sucking Aron's come off his wenier. Willie had grabbed a handful of it, and smeared it on himself, after I let go of him after my hand job. Sweet. I kept bumping Aron's balls. I was groaning, and Gawd! was it hot in there. I was sweating like anything. Aron finally came into me. I don't think the kid has any lungs, just huge come vats in his body, because he's got the most cream I've EVER seen out of a guy.

I kept rubbing my tounge over Will's balls. They were cold, comfortable, and smooth. I stuck my mouth back over his dick, and ran my tounge over that. It was warm, and extremely soft. I reached with my hands to his butt, and started fingering him. I felt my own come inside his body. I was still sweating. Aron got under me, and started sucking me off. I was about to pass out.

Willie let go with full force. My mouth filled up in about 2 seconds, he REALLY let go. I came all over Aron's body, he was watching Willie when I came, and he didn't see it till it was all over his chest. Aron and Willie went over to the bed, Will started rubbing it into Aron. I went over and helped him, and fondling his penis at the same time. Justin walked in the room.

He flipped me over on the floor, and onto my back. He sat down with his dick right over my mouth, and leaned forward, pushing it in. I ran my tounge under his foreskin, he was running his hands through my hair, moaning. This boy came quick, let me tell you. Just about 30 seconds, all I tasted was come.

Justin slipped down, and stuck his tounge deep into my mouth, it was coated with come, he had sucked someone else not long ago. I got up, and Willie was done with Aron. I layed on top of Aron, and Justin and Willie left to another room. I made out with Aron for I don't know how long. Probably about 15, 20 minutes. My cock was rubbing against his leg, and he knew it. He slipped down, and started sucking me off. He spread my legs apart, and stuck his finger deep into my ass. I came almost instantly. Believe me, he drank it all.

I went back out to the party. More people there. More adventures. I met this guy named Mark, and the guy had a dick to holler about. Literally. But that's next chapter. Stay tuned.

The "Getting" series is written by Nick Tails. Watch for it<<<

Part 04

Type P to Pause, S to Stop listing

================================= Getting what you want, part four. =================================

Note from Nick Tails. I'd like some response from my readers on >>these files. Whether you like them or not, and how you would >>improve them. Please leave a message on GC Fido, in Denver Co, >>to Nick Tails.

The party was going great. I met Mark, I mentioned that. His dick was long. I'm not talking "more than average", I mean LONG. And I'm one that thought the Sears tower was impressive.

I never mentioned it. It beat Willie. It even beat Aron. And it certainly beat myself.

We walked into a back bedroom. He spoke.

"I've been watching you. Aron told me about you. He said that you were one of the best studs around here. (Aron said that about me?) I want to find out how good a fuck you really are. Bend over, man."

I did as told. He was talking in this "I rule you" type voice, but he really was a nice guy. He grabbed a jar of oil, smeared me and him, and drove for home. It was incredible.

He worked in a little at a time, this took almost 15 minutes. I was in heaven here. Slow, hot, LONG...this went on for almost a half hour. In, out, in, out. Almost like a money account at the bank. Except, I wasn't losing intrest in this.

GUSH! That was the sound I heard when this guy came. I had come all over me, him, the floor. Everything. I fell from him straight down to the floor. I was exhausted. I didn't see him, but I heard him leave. I was hoping to see him again. Aron walked in.

"I see you met Mark."

I got up, and walked toward him. "All right, get over here."

"What?" He walked over. I pushed him down to his knees.

"I'm one of the best studs around here." I was smiling. "So suck me."

He did as told, he was lapping up come all over the place. I moved back to the bed behind me, and he followed. I layed down, he was between my legs, sucking my balls.

"All this damn hair gets in the way." He quit, and walked over to a drawer. He pulled out these electric trimmers, and turned them on. He proceeded to shave me bald down there.

"OK, now it's smooth. That's the way to do it." He continued his earlier assignment of sucking me off.

I reached down and brushed his soft cheek with my hand. "Come here."

He slid up, and I started kissing. I was running my hands through his hair, feeling his entire body on top of mine. He put his hands on my sides, and turned me over. Then he surprised me.

He grabbed my hands, and put me in handcuffs. He yelled out into the hall, "Got 'em!"

Our gang came in. The brought in a coffee table, and tied me to it, facing down, with enough room between me and it for a person to fit in, which is what Steve did. Tim got in front of me, and Justin got behind me. They did what their positions intended. Steve on my dick, Tim in my mouth, Justin in my ass. I was so hot by this point that I'm not sure how long I could hold out.

Remember what I keep saying about timing? Everyone, all at once. Me, them. Come ALL OVER the room. Aron was on the bed, jacking himself off. Probably just watching him would have done the trick of setting me off, but these guys were just too much.

They untied me, and I collapsed onto the floor. I was panting for breath. Justin sat on top of me. He started rubbing come (his) into my chest.

"You have got to me one of the busiest guys around here. I think you service more people than anyone else I've ever known. Personally, I don't know how you do it."

"That makes two of us," I panted.

He lied down on top of me, his wenier was against my stomach. His face was on my shoulder (he was a little short), and he just lied there. So did I. His warm body against mine was one of the best feelings in the world. Just all that relaxation in one shot. I fell asleep.

I woke up about 3 hours later, but nothing had changed. Justin had fallen asleep himself, and his head was now resting on the opposite shoulder, and Steve was on the opposite side of the room, but everyone else was the same. Asleep, happy.

"WHAT THE FUCK'S GOIN' ON?", someone yelled. It was Shawn, he had burst through the door, scaring the shit out of everyone in the room. I went into panic. I was out of breath. Justin had woke, but he had seen that it was just Shawn, and he layed back down on me, trying to get some more sleep. I put my hand on his head. I felt weird, because I hadn't been this close with anyone except Aron. I had a feeling that something was going to start happening. I turned my attention to Shawn.

"You scared the hell out of us. Where have you been?"

He smiled. "Just with some other guys." He went over to Aron, Shawn hadn't woken him. He was gently stroking Aron's cock, Aron was waking up. What a great way to be waken in the morning. (Just one thing, it wasn't morning). It was about 2am.

"MAANAAFUBBER HUH?". Aron was awake now.

"Hey Aron, you're house is empty. There's no one else but us guys."

"Lemme get a little sleee.." His words trailed off. He wasn't going to be in reality till tomorrow morning. (Or was that later this morning.) He fell back asleep. Shawn went over to talk to Tim, who was awake too, when Shawn came in. Steve went back to sleep. So did I.

The sun woke me up. You know how when the sun is right in you're eyes, and even if you've got them closed, you can still see it? Life looks red? It's bad if it's in the middle of the day. It's worse when that's what you first see when you wake up.

But it didn't matter. I looked around. Justin (still) was on top of me, Steve was now on the bed where Aron was earlier, but both Aron and Tim were out of the room. Shawn was on the floor, not to far away.

I rubbed Justin's back till he woke up.

"Good Morning."

"Morn." He was still waking up. It took him a minute, but he got up. I followed, we both found something to wear, and walked into the kitchen. Aron was making coffee.

"That looks good. You're going to have to give me some, or I'm not going to make it today."

"Sure." He was talking in the type of voice you hear in the morning, when they haven't decided what type of attitude to have for the day yet. "You want some cream in that?"

I laughed slightly. "I got all the cream I want last night." Justin had slumped onto the table, with his head burried into his arms. I walked over to him, and reached into his lap.

"You're dick is hard this morning."

"It's hard 'vrey mornin...Eveyone izzz.." His speech was slurred, he still hadn't awoke completely.

"How is it?"

He looked up. "It got more use in the past 12 hours, than it ever has in the past 12 years."

For some reason I felt sorry that I had asked that.

Throughout the morning, we stumbled around. I drove Justin home on the way to my house. He lives about a mile from me. Not too far, really.

"Listen, thanks for last night., really enjoyed it."

He flashed a huge smile. "You really are the stud of the century, you know that?"

"Yeah, I know that." I couldn't help but laugh. "But listen to me, you keep going like you did last night, and I know who'll take my place when I leave."

He paused for a little bit. The morning wind was running through his light brown hair. He had that "glow" that all morning people have. Radiant. I could just sit there and watch him forever. He finally spoke.

"I'm going up to a cabin in the mountains in about a week, would you be interested in coming with me?"

"Are you kidding, of course!" He checked around for people in the area. None. He kissed me briefly, and started walking into his house. He turned around and ran back.

"Come on, let's fuckin' go for it!"

I ran up to him, and we both ran into his house. The door closed. And if what I got that morning was what I was going to get at his cabin, I couldn't wait.

Nick Tails<<

Watch for GETTING5.TXT, coming to a BBS near you.

Part 05

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=============================== Getting what you want, part 5.. ===============================

It was probably about 5 or so by the time that I arrived at Justin's cabin. It was used by his dad, and he got use of it for the weekend. We pulled up, and got out. It was a beautiful place, a beach, wood cabin, picnic table. Perfect. Justin and I got inside, and by that time I was so ready for some action I couldn't believe it. The seat belt in his pickup kept tightening as we went over bumps in the road, and I was pretty stimulated. We hauled our luggage inside, and I went over and shut the door. "Want something to drink?" he asked. I said sure, and we pulled a couple of cold ones out from the cooler we brought. He gave them to me, and we practically grabbed each other. We dropped to the floor, and began taking our clothes off. "After that trip, I need some man," he groaned. I was quick to oblige, and sat on top of him. I leaned over, and my dick went into his mouth. He began to suck eagerly, and I turned around so I could get to his cock. I took it in my mouth, and ran my tounge over the big head that he had. All the time I kept pumping my cock in and out of his mouth, coming dangerously close to climaxing. I grabbed his balls with my hand, and squeezed. He growled, and I shoved my rod deep within his throat. I licked my finger, and pressed it deep within his ass, and proceeded to finger-fuck him. He was coming close to orgasm himself, and I slowed down to drag it out. I slowed my body as well. Justin started to rub my butt, and probing my ass, similar to what I was doing to him. He tickled the outside of my balls, and kept swirling his tounge around my rod. In a constant motion, I was moving up and down, rubbing the head of my weiner against the back of his throat. His ass was tightening around my finger, and I knew that he was going to come pretty soon. I slowed even more. I slid my body against his chest, smooth with sweat, and kept my penis in action in his mouth. His ass kept tightening around my finger, and his cock in my mouth was letting out an abundance of pre-cum juice. I ran my tounge up and down the shaft, and licked his balls until they were shining with my saliva. I rammed his cock deep within my throat and pumped my cock within his throat. Faster, gaining speed, while his butt was sweating and scrotum tightening. His got spray was welcome against the back of my dry throat. I was eager to lap it up, trying to catch the streams running out from the side of my mouth. I took my finger out of his ass, and pumped my cock faster, until I shot my load all over his face. He licked me clean, and I did the same. He fell back on the floor, panting. "I guess we don't need the drinks," he said.

Two days later, on the last day, Aron showed up at the door. "What are you doing here?" Justin asked him. "You gave me the directions," he started off. But Justin made the motions to quiet down, and I got the feeling that this had been planned out for my benefit. But without my consent, not that I would complain in the slightest. Aron came in, and Justin walked out of the room. Aron walked over and sat down by me. "You know, when you 'raped' me a few months ago, I never really did thank you." That sounded weird. No one "thanks" you for raping them. Even though it turned out to be something we both wanted, it was still funny. "Well, " I started, "how did you want to thank me?" "By doing that to you," he said smiling. At that moment, I started blackening out from the drink Justin had given me before Aron got here. Now this was starting to make sense.

When I woke, I was in a familiar position. Tied with leather straps to bedposts, with no shirt. It kind of spoiled it, knowing what was going to happen, moment for moment, but as it turns out, Aron changed a few things. He walked in a few minutes later, and performed a strip show for me. Tossing all his clothes in my face, letting me get a good scent of him. He got a vibrator out of a dresser, greased it, and shoved it up my ass, and turned it on. My entire set of organs began to vibrate and hum, and it actually felt pretty good. He climbed on top of me, and removed the rest of my clothes, including my pants and underwear, that he had just pulled down to insert the "joy rider". He climbed up, and plunged his tounge deep within my mouth. I sucked on it with glee. I've never used that word before. He began to lick my chest, and suck on my nipples, making them smooth and tight. He started to fondle my balls, still vibrating, and he took the sac within his mouth. He ran his tounge between my two balls, and slowly up the shaft of my rod. Never missing a spot, he slowly went up swirling his tounge, taking only a moment's break to rewet his tounge. After reaching the head of my cock, he grabbed the shaft with his hand, and began to jerk me off. Starting slowly, and building up the momentum. He gained speed, going faster, and still vibrating. He pumped, and I was groaning. And within seconds, he stopped. Cold turkey. The vibrator was still going as he called Justin in the room. Justin walked in wearing nothing, as Aron was. Aron bent him over, and stuck his tounge deep within his ass, wetting his pink hole. He stood up, and placed his hard rod within Justin's sweet ass. They began to hump each other in front of me, with myself in straps, and a vibrator up my ass. Aron pulled out, and took Justin's cock within his mouth. Boy, did he know how to make a guy suffer. To watch these two, while I was struggling all along was too much. As Aron rubbed Justin's chest, while vigorously sucking him was incredible. Then, Aron pulled out, and they both stood up, and rubbed their cocks against each other. They had appearently rehersed this. All this was just too much. I shot my load, and my ass tightened around the vibrating machine, as my wad was spread all over my stomach. In front of me, both Justin and Aron shot into the air, letting the come drop onto the floor. My ass was beginning to hurt from the vibrator still tucked tightly in it. Aron came over, and took it out, while Justin undid me. Justin grabbed a little of my cum, and ate it, while Aron finger-rubbed my ass back to normality. "All right, Aron, you thanked me," I said. He smiled.

I memorized that face. That smile. I think it was the best thing that happened, and that was the best facial expression that I ever got out of him. We left that afternoon, Aron went home in his car, and myself and Justin in our truck. I fell asleep.

Nick Tails>>>

GETTING6.TXT >>Coming soon. Locate it.

Part 06

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======================================= Getting what you really want, Part Six. =======================================

It had been a couple of weeks since I had really talked to anybody, then out of the blue, Willie called me up.

"So what have you been doing lately?" he asked. I paused. "I have been bored as hell. What's going on?" "Been going down to the track quite a bit. The whole gang has, and we've been trying to get a hold of you." "Sorry," I apologized. "I've been in and out, went on a vacation about 3 weeks ago." "I heard about that (like I didn't know who told him). How was it?" "Hot," I told him. It had been 95 degrees, but I think he knew that wasn't what I meant. "So anyway, " he started, "are you going to be there?" "Where?" "At the track!" "Sure, I guess. What time?" "Oh, " he paused, "can you be here about 1 or so?" "I don't have anything to do, sure"

1pm. I was at the track. Dressed in a super-jock, and running around this pitiful little track inside a fenced area with my friends. It wasn't exactly what I had imagined it would be, but it was ok for physical exercise. But I know of more exciting ways to get your heard rapidly beating for a half hour or so.

Just about 2pm. All of us, myself, Willie, Tim, Justin, Shawn, and Steve (Aron was out of town), were in my house. Sitting around, talking.

"So I want to hear about this little trip of yours and Justin's," Steve started off. I was getting sick of talking about it. I THOUGHT that things like that were more or less personal. But with this crowd, as I had learned, anything can happen. "What can I tell you?" I started for the Who-Knows-How-Manith time. "Justin and I went up, Aron was there, and we did a little screwing around. That's all there is!" Tim whispered over to Steve. "I bet Aron overtook him." "HE DID NOT!", I yelled. That quieted everybody down. And I felt bad for having yelled at Tim. I really cared about the guy, he was a good man. And I know he didn't do anything intentional to hurt me. "I have to go," he said getting up. I knew he was just leaving because he was hurt." "Tim, don't go." "No, I really have to." "Tim," I cut him off in conversation. I got up and walked over to him. "Tim, I didn't mean to yell. I was out of line...I'm sorry." He didn't move. But he didn't continue leaving either. I decided to change the subject. "Anyone for something else to drink?" I asked the crowd. Everyone answered at once. I finally just gave up trying to sort out conversational answers, and just went in and pulled out a six pack. I walked back in, and Tim wasn't there. "Where did Tim go?" Everyone pointed toward my bedroom. I finished handing out cans, and walked in. Tim shut the door, and walked over to me. He put his hands around me, and we began to gently kiss. It was small at first, the kind of thing you do when you're not sure what to do. This was a first for both of us, and we were taking it slow. We fell back against the matress, and continued to kiss, building up speed. We slowed, and he began to undress me. I did the same to him. Once fully in the nude, he began to give me a body wash with his tounge. He started from my chest, working my shoulders gently, and moving down, making small, circular motions as he moved down. He reached my nipples, caressing them, and wetting them, making them firm, and ready in attention. He decended lower, gradually to the bottom part of my rib cage, and gently rubbing the stomach. Getting the sides, and making them soft. Lower, to the waistline, and moving down. He caressed my newly grown pubic hair, making it stand erect, as if finely combed. He massaged my testicals, until they were firm, and warm. He moved back up my body, rubbing his stomach against my firm rod. He placed his tounge in my mouth, while continuing to rub, very slowly. I rubbed his shoulders and his back, soft and virtually hairless, and massaged his firm butt. His stomach muscles were caressing my firm lovetool. Letting the heat flow from his body to mine, and back again. Feeling one another melt. I ran my hands through his fine brown hair, feeling the texture as I did so. My body was filled with tension, but very relaxed at the same time. I adjusted his penis to rub against my leg, and the feeling of a warm organ was welcome. He moved with rhythmic motion, like a heartbeat. I began to orgasm, feeling the hot fluid penatrate the bond. He was still moving, letting it rub into my body and his. He was soon to follow, gently massaging my leg with a firm erection. He stopped, and we continued caressing each other, letting ourselves relax. He fell beside me. We were both content. "That...That was incredible," he told me. I watched him say it, and it came out meaning more than most people could ever try to make it mean. "I love you, Tim," I told him. He bent over and kissed me.

Out in my living room, things were DEFINITELY a lot wilder than what Tim and I went through. Shawn was on top of Justin on my couch, Willie and Steve were upping each other in my kitchen. I walked in there, still feeling good, and they were wanting me to join in. Somehow, it just didn't seem to be enough anymore. Sure, I could screw with the "gang", go after Aron (who, by the way, was becoming a little bit of a bastard lately), and do all the things that everyone here does, but isn't there more? I walked back in my living room, and sat down with Tim on (of all places) my loveseat. But, who could sit down on the couch with all that bouncing? I watched Tim for a while, and eventually fell back on him. It was like that for the better part of the evening, and when everyone had left, Tim stayed behind. "Some afternoon," I said, sitting down. "You are going to have to buy a deodorant housespray to get rid of the sweat in here." I laughed. "Can you believe them?" I looked over at him. I had a light sitting over by where he was sitting, behind him, and it appeared to make him glow. I watched him for a while, not really wanting anything but to be with him.

He stayed the night.

================= Getting7.txt soon =================

Nick Tails

Part 07

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========================================= Getting what you really want, part Seven. ========================================= Written by Nicolus Tails =========================================

I opened my door that Sunday Morning and stared out at the sky. I always knew it was a Sunday because I got a fat paper and no mail. But what wasn't a joke was the headline.

"Chicago Murder leaves 1 dead, 24 injured"

It blared at me every time I looked over. That "1" was Aron. He had been out of town on a business trip to Chicago, walked into a fast food restraunt to eat, and some nut walked in and started shooting up the place. Aron was the closest to him, sitting right by the door, and he was shot severely.

I shut the door and walked back into my bedroom. Tim was still asleep, and I was careful to be quiet as I got dressed, and walked in the kitchen.

"John Whyter has been taken into custody for the brutal shooting in a local Burger King in Downtown Chicago late last night. 24 people were injured, and a Denver man were killed in the incident. Most of the 24 were treated for minor injuries and released, a few are in critical condition."

"What's that?" Tim asked. I looked up, and he was standing in the hallway by the kitchen. I didn't say anything. I got up for more coffee, and let him look at the paper. He sounded as shocked as I was. "Oh shit..." he trailed off.

I just sat down and thought about him. We hadn't gotten along with him in the past couple of weeks, none of our "gang" had. I thought about the first time though. I remembered:

Aron walked into the classroom. I was still talking with my friend, the professor when he came in. At a good 5ft 9in, short compared to most of the people in the class, but he was well built. Blond, short hair, looking good. "Who is that?" I asked Jon. Jon was the professer. "Aron. Why?" "What do you know about him?" "Good student. That's as far as I take things in here. Had a girlfriend for a while, I think. Some lady from another school. They broke up shortly after school started." "Why?" "Don't know," he said.

I was helping Jon in all my spare time, he had enough to do on his own. He was married for a second time, and his first wife had a kid from him, and was pregnant with another, and wanted alimony payments from Jon for it, even though it wasn't his kid. But she never remarried, and her boyfriend, who she started with while her and Jon were married, ran out on her, and she needed the money badly. Add all that on top of a class of 39, and that with the fact he wasn't there a lot (trips to his lawyer), really made things difficult. I often subbed for his class when he wasn't there, and that's how I really got to know some of the kids in his class. That's how I got to know Aron. Sometime in August I was in for Jon, and I called Aron up.

"Yeah?" he said, letting me know he didn't enjoy my company. "I need papers from you, where are they?" "I didn't get to them, ok?" I was stuck. "Well, what do you want me to do?" I asked him. "Don't do anything." He turned around, and went back to his seat. It was at that moment I first realized that I couldn't make a move on him. Although I wouldn't admit it till later on, I was physically attracted to him. He hung around cheerleaders a lot, so I didn't suspect that he was Gay like I was. Things didn't change much, untill I made the poor choice of letting my personal feelings rule my actions. That's when I kidnapped him, and went to my house. Don't ask me why that changed his feelings towards me, I was surprised. The next morning things were different. That's when Will came over to me.

"Aron told me what went on last night," he said, or something like that. We went through the conversation that I'm sure you've heard before, and a little later on, I caught Aron out on the campus.

"ARON!" I called over. He came over. "What?" "Now I don't get this. You invited me to a party instead of calling the police. What is going on?" I asked him. "Nothing." "Don't give me that shit, Aron." "Nothing is going on." He walked away, and I was sure that he was planning something. I didn't know what. But the party happened that night, and I just decided that Aron was a man of few words. At that time, anyhow.

Someone knocked on my door. It took me a second to come back to reality. Tim was reading the article for the fifth time know, my coffee was cold, as was the house, and everything was silent. I answered the door. Justin was standing there. "Have you heard about Aron?" he asked. I indicated the paper Tim was reading, and Justin came in. He sat down depressed. "When is the funeral?" Tim asked. I just shrugged. It suddenly occured to me that I hadn't said anything since I got up. Justin was just about to cry. "This really hit you, didn't it?" I asked him. "Aron and I have...had known each other since the second grade. We didn't exactly LIKE each other that long, but we knew each other. It wasn't until High School that we got to know each other." He was beginning to sound a little better. Sometimes talking about people do that. We went into the living room and he continued.

"We went running around with each other all through school. I remember this one time, we ended up driving out of state just to see how far we could get in an hour, and ended up running out of gas. (He smiled.) Since it was dark, and at least an hour's walk to the next town, and my parents knew I was staying at his house, and his parents were on vacation, we just decided to stay the night in the car. "I kept watching him, and just the light coming from outside was beautiful. He was just lying there, watching me, exactly the same thing that I was doing to him. All of a sudden, he leaned over and kissed me. At first I was in shock, but I started realizing we were both Gay. "I had considered that fact all the way from 7th grade, but when you're that young, you just think "That's disgusting" or something, exactly what all your friends think. But I just felt like that was how I was. I didn't bother arguing it, I didn't think it would just "go away" or something, but I never really did anything about it. I guess Aron knew how he was, maybe that's why he was around me so much, maybe he knew how I was before I did. "We spent that whole night just being relaxed with each other. We didn't exactly do anything, we kissed a little, but for the most part, just held each other. I don't think we ever went to sleep."

Justin was beginning to break apart again. I never knew about him and Aron, and I had never given it any thought. I never really knew what happened. I remembered in the classroom, before my first adventure with Aron:

"Don't try to talk to him. He's impossible to deal with," he told me. "Why?" Justin paused. "He thinks he's perfect. I heard him telling someone else that he's the most popular person in the entire class."

Justin was still sitting on my couch. I asked him, "Justin, how come you broke up with Aron." "Well, we never really broke up, he just started hanging around with the wrong people, and got hard to deal with. He never really recovered from that."

But whatever he had to "recover" from, he did a pretty good job. Every one of us, Tim, Justin, Shawn, Steve, and myself, and even Jon were at his funeral. I introduced Shawn and Jon to Aron's parents, they were the only ones that they didn't know. I had met them one time in the classroom. His parents didn't know about myself and Aron, or "Justin and Aron", or anything like that, but they didn't have to. Justin did. I did. Aron did. That was enough. As I was walking to the car, Justin stopped and looked at the ground where Aron was put. "I still love you, Aron," he whispered. I put my hand on Justin's shoulder, and we walked back to the car. I knew that whatever Aron had done, hadn't really destroyed anything.

============================================================================= Watch for Getting8.txt, coming soon to a BBS near you.

Nick Tails

Part 08

Type P to Pause, S to Stop listing

============================================================================= Getting what you really want, Part Eight ============================================================================= by Nicolus Tails ====================

It had been more than two days since Aron's funeral. No one had talked much about him. Tim had been staying with me for several days, since something serious had evolved. But more than that...something good. I missed Aron, I really did. I didn't have any idea how much I really cared about him, and I guess you really don't until they die, but it actually shocked me how much it hurt me. I was irritable, almost to the point where Tim would get mad and walk out the door when I would start arguing. I was hurt, I was depressed, and I felt bad for pushing my feelings onto other people. Too many times I had sat down and cried over what had happened. I visited the place Aron would remain. His parents had bought an elaborate stone for a marker, but it didn't fit. It somehow gave you the impression that he was one of the upper class, rich snobs that looked down on anybody who made less of a salary than they did. But Aron wasn't like that. I don't care what anyone says, Aron was a real human inside. But I didn't know how much until I talked to Justin.

Justin had come over a few times in the past few days, but it was always for idle conversation. Nothing ever serious came from it. We would always talk about this, and talk about that...but nothing really.

It was Saturday Night. Tim and I had just finished eating, Justin showed up. By this time, I had known it was him. Tim answered the door, and Justin walked into the living room. "I figured it was you," I told him. He looked at me. He looked at me with the type of expression that immediately lets you know something has gone wrong. I stopped, and just on reaction, walked to a chair and sat down, not knowing what to expect him to say. "Justin, is there something wrong?" He fell back against the sofa. He looked like he was in emotional pain. "Justin, what is it?" Still, no answer. He was silent. It was like he was dying inside. I got up, and sat down next to him. I put my hand on his shoulder, and looked up to Tim in front of me for suggestions. He was as blank as I was. "Justin" I said, practically begging him to talk to me. "Oh God..." he whined, as he started to break apart. I pulled him over to me, and held him for a few minutes, as he was crying into my chest. It pained me not to know what to do for him. I looked at Tim, who was looking at Justin. No one said anything.

About an hour later, Justin was lying down on my bed. He was still upset, but becoming more emotionally stable as time passed. I sat up on the bed, and Tim was sitting on the dresser in the bedroom. I still didn't know what to do, but Justin started speaking. "Nick, I'm sorry about this," he told me. "Don't worry about it. Really. I understand. I guess I'd expect it if the same thing happened to me." More silence. I could hear my digital clock, it was so quiet in there. "Can I talk to you. I mean, really talk?" he asked. I motioned for him to continue. "I don't mean to be a bother or anything...I just...It...(He paused, and started again.)...I got into an arguement with Aron the night he left. We were mad at each other, something to do with...I dunno...I think I got mad at him because he wouldn't cooperate or something...I got mad, I told him off, and told him I'd be better of if he died tomorrow." I sank down into the bed. Now it was starting to make sense, at least the immediate depression. I put my hand around Justin, some sort of dubious comfort, but moot at best. I tried to think of ways to make him feel better. "What kind of thing did you do together?" I asked. He stayed quiet for a long time, then continued. "One of the best times was about the end of last year. We were running around together, this was shortly after you started to help out with the course in school:

"Justin, get out here!" Aron yelled. He was sitting in his car in front of Justin's house. Justin scrambled out. "I'm hurrying!" he yelled back, almost tripping over himself. He got in the car, and they went off. "Didn't you say this thing started at 11pm?" Aron asked. "Sometime around there. You can slow down, I think this car is capable of going under 95." Aron eased up, and stared into the night sky. "Look," Aron said, point up. Justin gazed into the field of lights above. The light from the city was getting dimmer as they left the limits, and the sky kept getting darker. They pulled up to a lit house, out in the country. Lots of cars were parked in the area. They walked up, and went inside. Loud music filled the house, people were crammed from one side to the other. Aron and Justin had to squeeze through, and eventually went into the kitchen. "I'll be right back," Aron told Justin. Aron walked into the next room, and Justin walked to the doorway. Aron went up to two of the guys there, and started talking to them. Justin couldn't hear what was going on, but he noticed some money and a bag change hands. Aron stuffed the bag into his jacket, and then placed it in a cabnit in the kitchen. Justin walked up. "What was that?" "What was what?" Aron replied, acting innocent. "The what, the bag." "Nothing. Forget it. Go have fun." "I'm just asking what it was," Justin begged. "And I'm telling you it's none of your damn business!" Aron shot back. Justin stood surprised, then turned, and walked out. Aron just shook his head and walked into the crowd.

"I don't remember now how I got home," Justin told me, sinking deeper into my bed. "I think I got a ride from someone, but that was a little while back." "Did you ever find out what it was?" Tim asked him. "No. I asked, but he always pushed it off like he did the first time. He never apologized for snapping either. It was the wrong crowd that did it." I fell back onto the bed, thinking about it. It certainly was a different Aron that I had gotten to know toward the end. I told Justin that. "Well you know that first time I met him?" I asked Justin. "Sure." "Well, that was the first time that I really saw Aron as a person. He was gentle, considerate. I really loved that. But after a few months, we started to slip apart. He was with the wrong people, doing the wrong things...I just..." Justin slowed. He started to slip back again, getting upset. I looked at Tim for support. "Need another story about Aron?" Tim asked. "What do you mean?" "I was around him for a while. I remember I was over at his house, this is when we were still in High school, last winter:

"Have you got a glass?" Tim asked Aron with a mouthful of toothpaste. Aron ran into the kitchen and got one. He brought it to Tim. Aron walked over to the stereo and turned it on. One of the soft stations that Aron's parents listened to was on, and Aron was fixing to change it when... "Wait, leave it there," Tim interjected. Aron shrugged and left it alone. He walked over and got a couple of drinks for himself and Tim. Tim finished in the bathroom, and sat down on the couch with Aron. The night was cold outside, but inside the fire in the fireplace cracked and heated the room. Since Aron's parents were on vacation, as they were most of the time on weekends, they were alone. Aron got up and sat down in front of the fireplace, and Tim did the same. The lights were soft, and the music filled the room. The glow from the fireplace illuminated the two as they relaxed. Aron was watching Tim. An occasional glance at first, but gradually it increased more and more. Aron realized what he was doing and stopped himself. "So, do you have any idea what colleage you're planning to go to?" Aron asked. Tim looked surprised. "Are we talking about school?" "Have you got another topic?" Tim just shrugged, and warmed his hands against the heat of the fire. "I don't know, actually. Hadn't given it much thought." "Are you planning to go onto colleage?" "Sure." "Are you Gay?" Tim stopped moving, and looked over at Aron. "What did you ask?" Tim inquired. Aron shook his head. "Never mind, ignore that." "No, I want to know what you asked?" "Nothing, forget about it," Aron told him. Tim just paused. "Besides," Aron started, "I think you know what I asked anyway." Tim had to stop for a moment. "So much for small talk." "Are you?" Aron persisted. "Why do you ask?" "Just a curious feeling," Aron told him. Tim still was a little surprised. "All right, assuming I was, what difference would it make?" "None, really," Aron said. "I just asked." Tim didn't say anything. He looked back into the fire. He looked back at Aron, who he found looking at him. Tim said, "You're Gay too, aren't you?" Aron didn't say anything, he just continued to look at him, then he turned at watched the fire.

"That was almost as good as answering me," Tim said. I looked down at Justin, who was half asleep, half thinking. Somehow he had this image of a little boy who had just realized there was no Santa. Only the situation was a little more real. "Come on," I said, shaking Justin out of his daze. He really did look a lot better than he did to start with. I got him up, and gave him a hug, and Tim did the same. We walked into the living room. It was pretty dark outside, the day had slipped away from us. Justin looked out my windows into the sky. "Nick, come here," he called. I walked over, and he pointed out to the sky. "See that constallation?" he asked. I looked up. "Leo?" "Yeah. That's the first one I saw when I was with Aron that first night in the car. When we ran out of gas. We started stargazing, and we both found that one together." He continued to stare up in the sky. "Aron was a Leo," he told me. I searched the sky and found a few more, but Justin continued to look at that one. I rested my hand on his shoulder, then walked into the kitchen, ajacent to the dining room where he was. "Do you mind if I stay here for tonight?" he asked. "No problem. Do you want to stay in the spare bedroom or on the couch?" "Isn't Tim using the spare bedroom?" I poked my head under the row of cabnits and looked at him. "Oh," he said. I smiled, and went to the fridge. "Doesn't matter."

I woke up sometime during the night and walked to the big windows, looking out. The night had cleared all the clouds that remained in the sky, so it was relatively clear. I looked for Leo, but it had already set in the distance. I thought of Aron. I wondered what he was doing right now, if he could do anything at all. I started thinking about life and death, and all the usual things you wonder about when a close friend or relative dies. I wasn't sure exactly what happened, but I didn't worry about it. Sometimes, when a person dies, he doesn't really die. He just puts his life into those around him, and in that sense, lives forever. For if someone is remembered, then they never really die at all. And sometimes, they live more after death, than they ever did before.

Nick Tails


Part 09

Type P to Pause, S to Stop listing

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================

Getting what you really want. Part Nine Written by Nicolus Tails

============================================================================= -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

It was probably about a quarter 'till ten when I woke up. It was Sunday, so I didn't have to worry about getting anywhere early. Tim was lying beside me, wide awake, staring at the ceiling. "What are you thinking about?" I asked him. "Only the same thing we've been talking about for weeks now. I had a really weird dream last night." "Aron was in it I assume?" "Alive and well sipping Pina Coladas on the beaches of Maui." I smiled, picturing the image.

I walked into the kitchen and started making coffee. "Luke Wells International Coffees" it said on the side of the can. I started that brewing, and went into the spare bedroom. Justin had pulled all the windows and shades completely shut, so he had no concept of night or day, and as a result, was still asleep as if it were 3am. I opened the shades, and sunlight from the morning flooded the room. The room was on the front of my house, and I could see people in my neighborhood out doing the usual for this time of morning on a weekend. It was a pretty nice neighborhood, a lot of people retired, a few working class people, and even a few children running around on the street. It was right out of a storybook, but this was real. I switched on the radio. "...and should be partly to mostly cloudy over most of the day, high very cool, around 74 degrees. Tonight, most of the same, low around 50, and more of the same throughout the week, highs in the high 70s. This is KHOW, 630 AM." I went over and pulled off the covers on Justin's bed. He was a slow waker, and it took quite a bit of noise or commotion to bring him out of sleep. He meerly turned over, and put his face in his pillow. I just pulled all the top covers off the bed, and dropped them on the floor. When he started to get cold, he'd get up. Music was coming over the radio, bringing in with it something special. Tim was cooking in my kitchen, and I walked out to get the paper. "1 dead, 24 injured..." I expected to see that headline start off again, as it had done two weeks ago on this Sunday. I began to worry a little that this wouldn't be a good day for Justin, but in the past two weeks, there weren't any, so it couldn't be much worse. I went back inside, and began to undo the band, and pull out the various parts of the paper. Madonna's "Material Girl" was coming over the speaker, which I had wired all over the house. Justin stumbled into the living room wearing nothing, and collapsed onto the couch. He was like I was. Never awake until a hot shower and hot coffee. If I didn't get that, I'd never make it past the kitchen. "What is today?" Justin asked. "July 17th, '88. Want a section of the paper?" "No thanks." Tim walked in with two cups of coffee, and gave one to me. He noticed Justin. "Oh, Justin, want some coffee?" "Sure," Justin said. He was still half asleep. The radio came back on. "Good morning. This is Hal, it's 10:15. Still no lead to speak of on that Chicago massacare that occured two weeks ago today, leaving a Denver man, Aron Mason dead, and 24 injured. Police are still not ruling out the possibility of a freak shooting. In other news, Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis is whipping up more campaign spirit with running mate..." I switched off the radio. Justin was sitting up, wide awake with his cup. I got the weirdest feeling that he was going to start telling "Aron stories" again. I didn't have anything against that, but for the past two weeks, everytime he talked, it was about Aron. This morning, I just didn't want to hear it. But that never stopped him before. "I remember one time in High school. He was always getting out of classes, it was like an obsession with him to see if he could do it without getting caught. And for four years, he never did. One time he did it with faking death. He had me call in, and I told him that Aron had died, and we had it printed in the school paper and everything. (He laughed a little.) He got out of classes for about three weeks, then went back. Everyone was shocked, but he just claimed it was a mistake, someone else had died, and he was all right." Justin stopped short of finishing the sentence. He looked at me, realizing what he had just said. "Why would he do that," Justin asked me. I didn't answer immediately. "Tim, call the airlines," I said. Tim hurried out of the room.

Chicago O'Hare Airport. Justin and I landed about 2 in the afternoon, rented a car, and got on the freeway. "OK," I started, "where was Aron supposed to go when he was in Chicago?" "He had a job interview with some company here. National firm, but this is where they like to hold all the evaluations." "Do you know what company?" I asked him. "Reston Industries."

Within an hour, we found the building in question. A huge sign was in front, with chrome letters spelling out "RI". We went into the lobby up to the receptionist. "Can I help you?" It was a lady sitting behind a huge desk, which she probably didn't need. "I want to know if you had an Aron Mason come to this firm two weeks ago yesterday. He was here for a job interview." "Just a moment." She pulled out this huge book of appointments and scanned through. It took a little while, but she ended up going through all the appointments made. I began to wonder why she didn't have it put in on a computer, but I wasn't in the mood to suggest ideas. "I'm sorry, no Aron Mason listed," she told us. Justin turned and walked away. "Thanks anyway," I told her, then followed Justin outside. We walked to the car. "OK," he said, "he lied to me, and didn't really come here. So just where in the hell did he go?" "Do you know what motel he was staying at?" "No, but it's a good bet it was one of those near the airport."

We started to check around. It took a couple of hours, as it turned out the motel he was at wasn't near the airport. But it was in our area, so we went over there. After haggling with the manager, we finally talked him out of the key to the room. We walked inside. "What are we looking for?" Justin asked. "Anything that will tell us what's going on." We went all over that room several times. It was only a single room, so there really wasn't that much to cover, but there was nothing. We were just about to walk out, when Justin happened to glance behind a dresser. An envelope had falled behind there. It took a little bit to fish it out, but we finally managed to grab it. It was a letter.

"1200 Grand. 13 A.M."

"What is 13am? There's only 12am, then it's pm," Justin commented. I didn't know what was going on. We located Grand, and by that time it was about 6pm, and I was pretty hungary. We stopped in a parking lot, and walked inside. "They must be remodeling," I told Justin. Several of the counters were being torn town, some walls were having some work done. Then it suddenly dawned on me where we were. I looked up, and the sign read "Welcome to Burger King." I tugged on Justin, and we left in a rush. I had lost my appitite, as Justin had, so we continued to find the house. As it turned out, 1200 Grand was a warehouse. An empty warehouse, actually. We went around the grounds, but there was nothing.

We heard a voice behind us. "Freeze assholes!" Then a click of a revolver.

We were drug inside the warehouse. Some guy walked up to us. "So what are you doing on my property?" I didn't answer him. He jabbed his fist into my stomach, and I winced, but tried to hide it. He seemed to be getting impatient. "What are you doing here?" he repeated. Justin spoke. "We're just looking for a friend," he said, almost whining. Justin wasn't the type of person that was used to this. Not that I was, but could handle this a little better then Justin could. "Oh a 'friend' are you? And just who might that be?" I was hoping that Justin would just be quiet. But I knew he couldn't be, or these people we were dealing with could do some damage. But I didn't say anthing.

But Justin hesitated. He finally said it though. "Aron Mason." Suddenly the guy looked at Justin with interest. "Aron Mason you say? Well I hate to disappoint you, but the boy's been done blown away. He did some work for me, and I just couldn't let him continue any longer." "What work?" I asked him. He looked over at me. "The same kind of work he's always done." Then he made a motion to another guy, who shoved us out the door. We were a little stunned, but none-the-less went back to our car. Actually, we ran all the way back. We located a hotel near the airport, and stayed the night.

Justin came over to me, as I was getting ready for bed. "Do you get the feeling that something just isn't quite right?" "Why do you say that?" I asked. "What's going on with Aron, it just isn't making sense. Like what that one guy said..."The same thing that he's been doing."...what?" "Do you want an honest answer?" "Yes." "I think he's been running drugs. You remember when you told me the story about the one party, with the bag. That's what I figured it was." "Well, that's the first thing I considered. But ever since I knew him in high school, he's the type of person who's watching out for law, not breaking it." "Yeah, but in the past couple of years he's changed. I'm not sure it wasn't." He didn't respond. But he looked hurt, like he was going to break again. I really wished he wouldn't. I walked over to his bed to help him. He rested his head on my shoulder, and looked out the window. Nothing could be seen because of Chicago's lights, but the city looked beautiful. I placed my hand around him, and squeezed him gently, and he kissed me for it. "Do you want to make love?" he asked me. I pushed him down on the bed, and we kissed. I relaxed with him, and tried to make this worthwhile. As we gradually disrobed, I felt like he was treating me like he once treated Aron. He was gentler than he usually was. As we continued, I felt like we were becoming the same person. Somehow, this was really special. I felt like I was really comfortable with Justin, but somehow I felt like I was cheeting on Tim. Although I never mentioned this to Justin, it bothered me. We layed back on the bed, both of us feeling wonderful. But I knew deep in my heart that I was cheeting on Tim, and more so, I knew Justin was cheeting on Aron. I knew Aron was out there somewhere. I was confused about what was going on, but I didn't want to think about. I fell asleep dreaming, and for a moment, I felt Aron was with me. I felt he was with Justin. I felt he was with everyone.

Nick Tails ============================================================================= -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Part 10

Type P to Pause, S to Stop listing

############################################################################# Getting what you really want 10. #############################################################################

Monday, July 18th, 1988. "1200 Grand. 13 A.M." That was what it said on the letter. "Damnit!" I said, waking Justin up beside me. "What's a matter?" he said, half asleep. "13 A.M...13am...," I kept repeating. It didn't make sense anyway you put it. I jumped out of bed, and grabbed the letter out of the suitcase. I examined it, I held it up to the light, I was ready to send it out for fingerprints. That's when I happened to notice it. Something else had been written on it, on top of it. Someone had written something on a sheet of paper above this one, and the indentions were showing through. I grabbed a pencil, and started to rub it lightly along the paper. That "13" was becoming "135 Park A.M.". "Justin! Get up!" I told him. He turned over, and I kept mentioning the letter. He finally got up, and within 15 minutes, we were on our way to Park. It was in the older section of town, and 135 Park was actually an office building. A government agency. I walked inside and went to the receptionist. "Who can I talk to about missing persons?" "Who's missing?" she asked. "Aron Mason." The whole office quieted down. A man from another office came over, and led myself and Justin into his office. He shut the door behind us. We sat down behind his desk, and he went before us. "What do you know about Aron Mason?" "Do you know him?" "He works for us. Who are you?" Justin came in. "He just happens to be the best friend I've got." "You must be Justin Parker. Mr. Mason told us about you." He looked in my direction. "And you are...?" "Nicolus Tails," I told him. He nodded like he knew exactly who I was, and started explaining what was going on. "Mason told us that if you were to wind up here, to go ahead and explain what the situation is, so feel privelaged. I want the both of you to know that this is classified government information, and it is not to leave this office. Do you understand?" We both nodded. "All right. Aron Mason works for us in drug trafficking. An 'underground' man." "A Narc," Justin said. The man nodded. "If you want to call it that. He went undercover for us, we did a bust, and then staged a murder of him to keep him out of the public view. If the drug runners believed he was dead, then there was less of a chance to worry about anything." "Then he's alive?" "He's in Boston." Justin looked relieved. He looked refreshed. He looked better than he had in two weeks. The man continued. "We've been working on this for more than three years." "Can we see him?" I asked. He hesitated. "He was originally going to go on the WPR program, Witness Protection and Relocation. He's been in court, and the people we busted are in jail. But he didn't want it, even though the risks are pretty high. He's going back to Denver tomorrow. But I guess you can call him if you want." He wrote the number down, and handed it to me. "He's registered as Larry Pregnall." He left the room, and Justin dialed the phone. He gave the name, and miles away, in Boston, Aron was in his hotel room. The phone rang. "Hello?" "Aron?" "Sorry, this is Larry Pregnall." "I know it's you. This is Justin." "Justin? Justin! Oh God, I've missed you."

They went back and forth in conversation, I just sat back and watched Justin talk. I was really glad about Aron being alive. That night, Justin and I flew back into Stapleton International in Denver, and after dropping Justin off at his home, I drove to my house. I walked in the door, and was greeted by various aromas of food. The dining table was complete, and I walked in and looked around. "Nick, you're home!" Tim greeted me. He walked in from the hallway, and came up to me. "Do you know what it's like not having a good, decent meal in two days?" I asked him. "Not really. Did you find Aron?" "He's in Boston, he's coming back tomorrow." "He's alive? Thank God. What about the funeral?" "What about it?" I asked. "Well, we had an entire funeral for him. How did that work?" "It was a closed casket. No one ever saw a body. We're supposed to keep this to a minimum. God only knows what would happen if the press found out he was alive. Worse, if one of the people that he put in jail did." "Aron put who in jail?"

I explained the entire situation to him. About the letter, which we finally figured out the "A.M." stood for "Aron Mason". I felt real stupid after I figured it out. I told him about the warehouse, and about the agency, and about Justin's reaction when talking to him. All he did was smile. "Quite a story," he said. I just nodded. "Are we eating?" "Sure," I told him. We sat down, and just looked at each other. I started to eat, and even though I found out that Tim's not made to be a cook, it was still a beautiful situation. "I Had the Time of my Life" was coming over the radio. It was romantic, it was secure, it was perfect. I got up, and after several awkward moves, we were dancing, slow, in the bedroom. I had my arms around him, moving to the mood. It felt good to be around someone that I really loved. I think he felt the same way about me. I kissed him gently, and rested my head on his shoulder, feeling his blood pulse through his body. I shut my eyes, remembering when we were at the party, one of the first times that I was with him. It started out just being sex, and that's all it was, but that was months ago, and I know what Justin was talking about, that "something special". We felt this, I felt this. It seemed like the two of us were melting into each other. I relaxed my body, and moved closer to him. He was resting his head on my shoulder, as I was doing to him, and I knew that he loved me. I kissed him again, and we started to kiss each other. We were feeling each other's warmth, and I felt that I was glowing. He was soft, his face was soft. I was pressed against his chest, and could feel his heart beating like I'm sure he could feel mine. With every beat, going gently into purity. We slowly moved down onto the top of the bed. I felt him against me, letting loose all tension and stress. Slowly moving into total relaxation. I no longer felt alone. I felt like I was part of him, and I truely believe that he felt he was a part of me. I ran my hands through his hair, feeling it, caressing it, trying to make out its texture, but it was fine and soft. It flowed like the ocean in Hawaii. I could easily imagine us there, with the bright red sun in the distance, illuminating him and me. Illuminating me and him. I looked into his eyes, and they were like a calm lake, perfect and mirrored, but you could see the tenderness. I gradually undid the buttons on his shirt, being careful not to disturb him. I gently kissed him, moving downward toward his chest, and making sure that he was in no way tense. I slipped him out of his shirt, and layed my head against his chest. I could hear his heart, and felt it against the side of my face. He started masassing my shoulders, and I easliy slipped out of my shirt, and turned over, letting him massage my back, feeling his gripping hands against my bare skin. I let my thoughts go, feeling us anywhere, just together. I turned, and began to slowly slip his trousers from his body. He did the same to me, and I began to gently rub his legs, feeling the rippling muscles from the life that supported him. As he got behind me, he slipped the remaining covering from me, and continuously rubbed my body. Freeing himself from any last remaining clothes, and moving toward me to be warmed by the heat from my body, he slowly moved his erect penis near me. I felt it against my buttocks, and when he touched me, I could feel the energy flow between us. He slowly guiding his throbbing organ inside me. I felt it as a bond. A link between the two of us. He took my shoulders with his hands, gentle and soft, but muscular and manly. He massaged, and continued to rotate his body, in a manner that wasn't wild, but more satisfying and more fulfilling than anything that I had felt. I felt a man who loved me. I felt him. Although I could tell he was nearing his final point, he never rushed. He slowed, allowing me to feel him, and contain him. I could sense the heat coming from his body, letting me warm myself, beyond heat. I could imagine myself glowing, illuminating my partner and myself, letting the world know that what I was feeling was something that no other person could ever find. But I also imagined keeping it. A secret, something that you would let no one know about, something that you couldn't let anyone tell. It seemed right. The glow illuminated from him. I felt him throb, and I felt him ejaculate deep into space, and felt him retract. I felt him pulse. As he retreated, I turned over, and pulled him near me. I kissed him, and as I did so, grabbed his body, never planning to let it go. I wanted to hold on to him as no other person could. I rubbed myself against him, and he began to decend on my body. He caressed my chest, my waist, my thighs. He decended lower, and took my heartwarming organ into his mouth, and I went back in true, loving ecstacy. The bond was there, but more importantly the love. No one except the true caring people of this world allow you to have this pleasure. He was moving his firm hands across my body, across my back, across me. My heart was rapid, but my movements were slow. My blood was flowing through his body, and his was in mine. I could tell. I felt myself explode into him, and my body shuddered and tensed, before letting relaxation take over again. Tim pulled away, and moved beside me, letting me examine his face. I wrapped my arms around him, and fell asleep in his arms.

============================================================================= >>>Nick Tails

Part 11

Type P to Pause, S to Stop listing


Getting What You Really Want Part Eleven Nick Tails


"You're what?" I asked him. "I can't stay any more," Tim explained. I couldn't believe it. I had just walked in the door, and he sat me down at started telling me he's leaving. "Why?" "Because I don't feel the same that I do a while back. I've just changed." "Changed, how?" He sat down on the other end of the couch in our living room, and continued. "I'm not Gay anymore, Nick. I decided that I wasn't happy with myself, and I'm changing a few things in my life." "Tim, you don't just suddenly decide you're not Gay. You can't do that." "It's been a long time coming. I've thought about this for months, before I was really involved with you, or really knew you." I fell back against the back. I didn't want to hear this. I had just spent all this time planning what we could do. Now it was over. I was shocked, but more than that, I felt cheated. I felt like he had just taken away something from me. "Nick," he started, "I just want to tell you that I still love you, I just don't love you as Gay." I looked straight at him. "Get the fuck out." That's all I said. He first looked hurt, then surprised, then finally depleted. He briefly packed, taking only a few things, and walked into the living room. He turned. "Maybe you'll understand." I didn't look at him. I heard him walk out, and close the door. In a few moments, a car engine drifted into the distance.

############### Two Weeks Later ###############

I was suicidal. I walked around the house, looking at all the things that had meant so much. Now they were just artifacts in an empty house. Throwing myself into my job helped a little, but still, only 8 hours a day, maybe overtime sometimes, just worked during the day. I came home to the house that was once a home. I was so lonely. I just sat down on our cou...on my couch and started to cry. I cried myself asleep. I probably woke up about 9 that next morning, Saturday. The doorbell woke me up. "You haven't answered the phone in a week. What's wrong?" Aron was at the door. He was alone. "What?" I said still half asleep. "Oh, the phone. I haven't been home...come on in." I walked away from the door, he came in and shut it. "Nick you look like you haven't eaten in 2 weeks." "I haven't really...just something here and there..." He followed me into the kitchen. "How much weight have you lost?" I wandered around the kitchen floor. "30 or 35 pounds I guess..." Aron quickly looked around him. "Where's Tim?" "Gone," I said, grabbing the last cup of coffee in the house. "What do you mean 'gone'? Where is he?" "I don't know. He said he didn't love me, and he left." "No...that isn't Tim," Aron returned. "What happened between you and him?" "He said he wasn't Gay. So he left." Aron kept looking at me with a look you couldn't mistake for anything. He was confused. "Tim left?" "Bottom line, buddy." He sat down on a bar stool in the kitchen. "I'm surprised he didn't tell you," I said. "No, not a word..." He looked at me. "Get dressed, we're going out for breakfast."

"Are you going to get back into dating?" he asked me. I was staring down at the slimy eggs on my plate. "I don't know. After you've been involved with a relationship, it's kind of hard to do that, you know?" "I guess it would be," he told me. I realized that he had been with Justin nearly all his life since high school, so he probably didn't understand as much as I thought he would. "What would be my first move?" I asked him. "What did you do before you met Tim?" "I met all of you in the college course, remember? Before that, nothing. We were all screwing around at those parties, then we settled down. Those didn't go on for very long. None of us were up to it." He thought about it. "You wouldn't want to go back to college, would you?" he asked, half laughing. I smiled. "Don't think I could handle it again."

That evening, Aron and Justin were over. We had been discussing the situation, but no one really had much to say. I went into the kitchen. "Anyone want more coffee?" I hollered. Both of them came back with their cups. Aron set his down. "Fill me up, I'll be right back." He walked out of the room. Justin spoke. "That's funny. Aron never has a second cup of coffee at home." "I don't want to hear it," I told him. "You know, I've got a friend who you might like to meet...that is, if you're interested." "Sure, " I said. I wasn't very enthusiastic with my answer, and I got the feeling Justin didn't think I was serious, so I continued. "What's his name?" "Hmmm?" Justin looked up. "Oh, Trevor Basinger. He's Canadian, about your age." "Is this a fix up?" "Does it sound that way?" "Honestly? Yeah," I told him. "Do you want to meet him?" I sighed, and paused. "I have to do something to get back in my life." "I'll call him and let you know." I thought about it for a moment. "No. If I'm going to get back into life, I want to do it on my own." "You sure?" "Thanks, but...I want to do my own thing...If that's ok" "No problem, I'm not offended. I'm proud of you." I smiled at him.

That next evening, I went out to "Denver Knights", one of the more popular Gay bars in the area. Going to a Gay bar instead of meeting a friend of Justin's might sound like the wrong move, but this was more like a restraunt than anything. This place was anything but a pick-up bar. The images of crowds around the bar, guys going along and sprouting lines to other guys in hopes of a one night stand just didn't exist here. It was more like a Gay restraunt, where a male//male couple could go and enjoy themselves, without having to worry about what the people around them thought. All the people by themselves were seated at a huge table in the middle of the dining room, where I was seated. I ordered something to eat, and received my drink. "Have you ever had their shrimp?" It was the man seated next to me. I jumped a little. "No, I don't believe so." "It's pretty good." I slightly smiled, and turned away. He continued talking. "That's just about the only thing that I have...It's probably the best thing on the menu..." He noticed I was a little uneasy. "I'm sorry, I guess I should tell you who I am. I tend to just talk to people and they freak." I laughed a little at his last statement, and turned to him. "I'm John," he told me. I introduced myself as Roger. Why I lied about my name I don't know, but it seemed like a good idea when dealing with a stranger. "So, Roger, how come your alone. You don't look like you're the type of person who likes to be alone." "Lost my lover a couple of weeks ago."

"I know the feeling. My companion left me about two months ago. Still haven't quite gotten over it." "What happened?" I asked him. "I think he found someone else that he liked better. I don't know, maybe he was just tired of me. For some reason, I seem to bore people or something like that." "Why would you say that?" "I just seem to have that effect on people. I've had 6 lovers in the last 5 months. It's like I'm some kind of disease." "I know that feeling. You just feel like people are uncomfortable with you." "Yeah," he continued. "They want to escape, and keep giving you the attitude that they feel they can do better." "That's it," I said. My dinner was set in front of me. We continued to talk through the course of my meal. I discovered that we had a lot more in common than I originally discovered. Not necessarily about physical things, but a lot of the same opinions and feelings about different topics. It was kind of nice to meet someone that you felt like you could say anything to, and trust them. Even if you hadn't known them for that long. As the meal came to a close, I was very much interested in this person. "I do have to tell you one thing though," I told him. "What is it?" "My name's not Roger. I'm Nick Tails." "You're like me, you use a alias. My name's Trevor Basinger." I practically died laughing. "What is it?" "You're Justin Parker's friend, aren't you?" "That's right." "He was supposed to fix a meeting up for me with you. Kind of ironic. I told him that I was going to go and find a friend on my own. This is weird." "No, this is fate." I nodded. "Something like that. Mind if I talk to you sometime again?" "I'd love to," he told me. He gave me his phone number, and I did the same. We walked out into the parking lot, and then parted. It was kind of strange feeling close to someone you hardly know. You always hear it happening, but this was the first time that I had actually felt this way. I knew I'd see him again. If I lost the number or something, getting it from Justin wouldn't be a problem. I was all set to go and tell Justin about it, but I decided that the next time he was around, I'd just let him see us together. It would make more of an impact that way. I got in my car and started it up. I just sat for a moment, feeling content. Actually, relaxed is more of an appropriate word. I didn't feel as alone as I did. It certainly wasn't the "Tim. Who needs him." type attitude, I could never do that, but the wound was beginning to heal.

I called Aron back that evening. "Hello?" It was Aron. "Hey Aron, what's going on?" "Very little." "Maybe you were right. Getting back into life was what I needed." "I will assume that you have met somebody." "That I did. Just do me a favor and don't let on to Justin. I'll explain why later." "Sure, buddy. I'm happy for you." "Why have you been letting your feelings flow lately. Are you in a particularly good mood? Is this going to last?" "I don't get what you mean," he told me. "I mean, you've been saying things like 'I'm happy' and 'proud of you'. Just things that you haven't said before." "Just changing I guess." "I know what you mean," I told him. "I'll let you go. See if you can't come on over within a few days. Just call first." "OK, Nick. Talk to you later." "Bye," I said, then hung up the phone.

What's really weird about life is the fact that you can't really get completely depressed. Life itself has kind of a back-up system. If absolutely everything goes wrong, then for some strange reason you laugh. So if you ever get depressed, and feel you can't go on, and aren't laughing, then there's got to be something that is still worth sticking around for. My friends are what I was left with. People you can depend on. Though it may not seem like they care, they really do inside. That's what makes it nice. And thoughout all that I go through, they're there for me. It's comforting.

############################################################################# Nick Tails

Part 12

Type P to Pause, S to Stop listing

***************************************** Part 12 of Getting What You Really Want Nick Tails *****************************************

Sunday, December 25th, 1988. Christmas. The air was frosty outside, in that sort of haze that forms when it's snowing and cold. It hung over the land, topping everything. Icicles were hanging from the trees and houses, and in my neighborhood, you could see kids running around in the snow that had already settled in the yards. I shut my curtain and went back over to the fireplace. Trevor was still talking with Aron and Justin. I had received a postcard from Shawn addressed to all of us. He was still traveling, and had ended up in Germany for the holidays. None of us had heard from Tim since he left. Even though I hated the bastard for leaving me, I still hoped he had a good holiday. Then he could rot in hell. But please don't get the idea I don't like him. Some people might call that a conflict of interest, but when you don't have any interest anymore, you can't have much of a conflict, can you? But onto lighter things. Trevor had helped me pick out the tree that was now decorated in front of the window. I had been with Trevor for almost 4 months now. At first I was kind of worried that he had been a person I got to know on the rebound, someone to pick up after Tim had left. But if that was the case he and I would have parted long before now. It was now to the point where a day didn't go by without us seeing each other. I don't know if he'd been with other men, or if he knew about myself and Aron for a while. But I had told him about Tim. Actually, he had told me in the restraunt that he had been left several times, and that's what probably enrichened our relationship, having been through the same experiences and both knowing each other's background without having to ask or anything like that. I had passed around more eggnog, the "traditional" drink of Christmas, although I don't think what I put in it was too traditional, but that's another story entirely. One that I particularly don't want to discuss. We had already opened presents. Trevor had gotten me a couple of CD's, Aron gave me a jacket, and I received a subscription to a hi-tech magazine from Justin. I had given out articles of clothing and such, and you could pretty much tell that I let Christmas slip up on me this year, as I had just about every year since I was 13 or so, and my parents had quit reminding me to buy things for relatives. "What time is it?" Aron asked. We all looked at our watch. Aron then remembered Justin had gotten him a watch for Christmas, so he located that one. "5:30," he said, answering his own question. "We better go." "What time does it start?" I asked. "6:00 I think." Justin spoke. "It only takes about 15 minutes to get to downtown from here, doesn't it?" "Something like that," Aron returned. We all got up and put on our jackets, making a point of putting on the one Aron gave me. We all climbed in the Blazer in my driveway that Justin owned, and headed downtown where the annual Christmas parade was starting. At 6:15 the parade started. At 6:30 we all were pretty much shivering. At 6:35 we were all in the car again, watching the parade in a distance with the heater blowing at us. "How cold is it, anyway?" Aron asked. " 'bout 10 below, something like that," I replied. There had been a pretty good turn out, however, so we couldn't get our car too close because of the crowd. It didn't matter, however. Aron was sitting in the driver's seat, opposite Justin who was trying to huddle around one of the vents. I was in the back with Trevor, and we were both leaning forward, trying to reach the heat. About 15 minutes later, we all decided to head back, but we ended up touring the suburbs, looking at Christmas lights. You could hear some people singing Christmas songs outside, and it was all very romantic. I leaned back in my seat, with Trevor leaning against me. I watched as the snow was falling, and the gentle hum of the engine as we moved along. Aron and Justin kept looking out the windows, but were glancing at each other and smiling, and you could tell that they were feeling close. I was feeling soft as we pulled into my driveway once again. Trevor and myself got out, and went inside. I turned around, and found that Aron was still in the car with Justin. "We better go, we'll talk to you tomorrow," he called, his voice making fog in the cold. "Are you sure?" I hollered back. "Yeah, we'll drop back by in the morning." Trevor and I waved as they did, pulling out of the driveway. I watched the Blazer travel into the white that covered. I returned inside, and he shut the door behind me. I put my coat down, looking it over. Trevor walked up behind me, and put his hands over me, draping himself on me. "I wonder how much that cost," he inquired. "It doesn't matter." I turned around and placed my arms around him. "Merry Christmas" "Merry Christmas," he replied. We gently kissed, and I held him, his head resting against my body. We moved to the invisable record playing inside us, slowly going around the room. I broke for a moment, getting us both drinks, and closing the curtain. We lied down on the couch, watching the Christmas tree sparkle. He held me, not tight, but comforting. I turned over and faced him, and slowly pulled him toward me, kissing him. I put my hand on his chest, and he tensed. "What's wrong?" He paused. "I'm not sure I'm ready for this." "I'm sorry." "No, it's all right, I just want to take this slowly." I nodded, understanding. I kissed him again, and just took him in my arms. We fell asleep.

Monday, December 26th, 1988. When Christmas is on a Sunday like it was this year, most places will give you Monday off. It was the case this year, where all of us worked. Aron and Justin were over, as mentioned. Aron and Trevor were in the living room talking back and forth, and I dragged Justin into the kitchen. "What?" "You have to confirm a suspicion. When you and Aron got home last night, you went right to bed, didn't you?" "What makes you think we made it to our house?" I looked at him with surprise. "I'm serious," he continued. "We made it to the end of your block, turned the corner, and stopped." " one saw you?" "If they did, they didn't care." I laughed, Justin did too, but quietly enough where we couldn't be heard out of the room.

I returned to the living room with Justin, and took a seat. "Know what we need to do?" Aron asked. I shrugged. "We need to have another party." "What kind of party?" I asked. "What do you mean 'what kind'? Like the ones we had in college!" "Those weren't parties, those were orgies. Besides, we all settled down, didn't we?" "We did?" he answered. Justin spoke. "Why not? We could hold it here or at our house." "Wait," I started. "Are you considering the fact that you're going to have other people interested in sex with you?" "I don't mind," Justin told me. "Doesn't that fall under the same catagory as 'wife swapping'?" "Do you feel threatened by that?" Aron asked. "No, don't you?" "I'm completely secure. What's wrong with sharing our bodies with another person, if you still love the person that you're with?" I was sitting there, trying to spell out morals to two horny lovers here, and it just wasn't working. "Look, if you're interested, with all due respect, go for it. I'd prefer to stick with one person." Trevor started, "I don't know, it might be kind of fun." I covered my eyes. "I don't believe this. I actually cannot believe that you're about to do this. I walked off, and they continued to talk.

"So when do you think we could do this," Aron said. "How about New Year's Eve?" Justin suggested. "I'm going to be out of town then. We'll have to make it afterwards." "When will you get back?" "January 7th." "Seventh is good for me," Justin confirmed. "Trevor?" "Sounds fine," Trevor returned. "Nick?" I turned around. "I'm not involved with this. You do what you want." They got it all set up before Aron and Justin left. They were going to hold it at their house. They had already located Will and Steve, both of whom they hadn't contacted in a while. I was starting to plan what to do on that evening, since Trevor would appearantly be gone. It was two weeks away, however, so I didn't worry about it too much.

January 1st, 1989. With the holidays gone, things had slowed down considerably. We took the tree down...well, it started out as "we", and was "I" in about 10 minutes...the rest of the holiday season was packed away and stored. I finally pinned down Trevor enough to talk to him.

"What about?" he asked. "Tell me something, Trevor. How come you're going to the party?" "It's not really a party," he defended. "It's more of a get- together." "Tell me that with a straight face." He remained silent. "I don't get it. You turned down a romantic evening, saying 'no, I'm not ready for sex' and then turn around and prepare to go out and fuck the first person you can land on the floor. Explain that one..." "Nicolus, I think you're taking this the wrong way... I just..." "All right," I interrupted. "Please tell me how I should take it." He remained silent still. "You've never met any of these people before, and you have absolutely no reservations about what you're setting yourself up for. And what makes it worse is you have absolutely no feelings for me." "That's not true...I care about you!" "Yeah, right..." I turned and walked out of the room.

Saturday, January 7th, 1989. By the time the date rolled around, I had calmed down a little. I had to consider one important fact: Although I felt that Trevor and I were close, neither one of us had made any real commitment, and had taken little action expressing how I felt. I began to consider the possibility that I had built the relationship up in my mind to something completely over what it was. If nothing else, it was a possibility. Finally striking up the courage to at least stop by, I arrived at Justin's house about 8. The party had been going on for an hour already, and I still hesitated to go up. But Aron and Justin both had consistantly tried to talk me into showing up, just to see people I hadn't seen in a while, such as Willie and Steve, even if I wasn't interested in anything else. So I went up to the house. Justin greeted me at the door. "Hey, Nick. Come on in..." he trailed. Judging by his breath, he was a little drunk. The one aspect of Justin I don't think will ever change. I walked inside, and found everyone. It was all pretty friendly, and after a while, I decided that I was glad I had stopped in. I talked with Willie alone in the kitchen. "I haven't seen you in forever, what happened to you?" I asked him. "Moved up to Seattle. Interesting country up there..." He paused, as if considering something. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Can I ask you something?" "Sure." He hesitated. "Will you make love to me?" I just stopped still for a moment. In college, that's all it took to get a person into the bedroom. I briefly thought about Trevor. Is this cheeting. No, not if he's here to, and I'm sure he's done the same thing. Is this something I want to do...honestly... I think I'd love to. "Come on..." I said. I took his hand, and led him into Aron's room, and locked the door. "I didn't mean to be that straight forward, but this is something that I never really got a chance to do... And if you don't want to..." I stopped him in the middle of the sentence, and kissed him. He reached around me, and I did the same. It had been so long since I had done this, it felt wonderful start again. I pushed all the thoughts out of my mind, about Trevor, about Tim, about everyone. Willie reached under my shirt, and felt my chest. His hands were firm and warm, and he began to massage the front of my body. We were still kissing, never stopping to take a breath. I removed his shirt, as he did the same to me, and felt his warmth against me. The remaining clothes came off, and he took me and spun me around, falling to the bed. I held him tight against me, just to feel him, and make the moment last. I kissed him again, nibbling at his jaw, which I had remembered had drove him crazy. I watched him, feeling wonderful. His blond hair, penatrating eyes, and his round boyish face all seemed to sparkle. He kissed me. I moved his ankles around my waist, and positioned myself to penetrate him. In one gentle motion, I was inside of him. I was moving slowly, still kissing him, and letting my hands explore his body. His chest was hard, and I pulled him against me. I worked my penis into him, slowly moving to intensify the moment. He moved his hands to my back, down to my behind, and pulled me in more, harder and faster. My breathing was becoming irregular and faster, his tounge going deeper into my mouth. I was working hard to keep our bodies together, trying to keep Will around me. It went from hard breathing to panting, with him still over my mouth. I continued faster still, reaching around to his back, and pulling him as tight against me as possible. His hard body fused with mine, with heat searing between us. The sexual excitement was beginning to peak. Willie began to groan as I pulsed inside him. He was moving his body in motion with mine. The bed was shaking, and he was having a difficult time keeping his legs around my body. The sweat and excitement seemed to push them away. The heat in the room seemed minute to the head radiating from us. Pushing harder and harder into him, swelling inside, sweating and panting. I let out a small cry, and felt myself orgasm inside his bowel. I slowed and stopped, leaving myself inside, and resting to regain a normal heartbeat. I was still sweating, and had to grab a sheet to wipe my forehead. Will pressed his forehead against my chest, and held onto me tightly. He was breathing heavily too, and sweating as much as I was. He grabbed onto me, and felt my chest against his cheek. I pulled him tight, and held him. It felt like I was taking care of him, and giving him support when he needed it. I kissed the top of his head, and he moved to kiss me. His tounge went deep inside my mouth. I felt bonded with him. I slipped my legs up on his body, and he moved into the same position on me I had him in previously. With a gasp, I held him inside me. We never stopped kissing. His body was soft as he continued, and I continually held him against me. He pumped slowly, always keeping a firm grip. I was on my back, and he moved on top of me. I ran my hands along his back, all along he was holding onto my shoulders. The movements became faster. He placed his hands on my waist, and speeded up his pace. Sweat was pouring down him, his chest lushed and hard. My heart was beating hard. Will once again picked the pace up, and it wouldn't be too much longer. Breathing became an impossibility, as one final shudder came from Willie's immense body, and he collapsed on top of me. I was exhausted. My throat was dry and hurting from hard breathing. I just lay in the bed for a few moments, catching my breath. We didn't say a word. I climbed out, and stood and looked at him. He gave me a shy smile, and turned into the pillow. I dressed and walked through the door.

Trevor was standing outside. I stopped short. He gave me a harsh look, and walked off. I looked at Justin, wondering what the problem was. "I think you just blew all the trust he had in you," Justin told me. I walked outside, following him. "Would you like to start explaining the problem, please?!" I yelled at him. He spun around on the driveway and yelled. "As I recall, you were the one who was bitching at me about fucking the first person I could get down! Did it ever occur to you that maybe this was my chance to see how much you trusted me?! Did it ever occur to you at all that maybe I was in love with you, and just had to make sure?!" I stood silent, suddenly crushed. "You never got it, did you... I set this up intentionally. I thought you cared about me. You finally bothered to show up, and the first thing you do is go in, acting like some goddamn male slut!" He turned around again, and got into the car, driving off. I just stood there, unable to move. I was about ready to break down. I had just done the one thing I'd swore I'd never do:Cheat on a person I loved. I could barely stand myself. I got in my car, and drove back to my street. Trevor was at the house, presumably packing. I didn't stop, I just continued down the street. I ended up driving down to one of the local bars in town. It was a Gay bar, but I didn't go there for a partner. I just needed a drink. Any bar would have done, this one was just the closest. I walked in, and ordered. I thought about what Trevor had said. I had to figure out a way out of this. I was about to lose the best person that I'd ever had. I started thinking that maybe I just wasn't made to keep one person very long. I was depressed. "Can I talk to you for a minute, Nick?" a voice came from behind me. It wasn't Trevor, it wasn't his voice. I turned around. Tim was staring me in the face. I stayed silent for a moment, not sure what to do. Common sense, however, at least said allow him to sit down. "Yeah, sure...have a seat," I said quietly. "You look a little depressed." "What are you doing here?" I asked, changing the subject. "I was going to call you in the next few days, but I saw you here, and took my chance." "What about?" I asked. I didn't look up from my drink. "You were right. About me, what you said. A person can't just suddenly go straight. I've been Gay since I was college age...I was stupid to think that I could do anything else." "What are you getting at, Tim?" He paused. "I love you, and I want you back." I stopped for a moment. "Tim, listen to me. You stay with me as long as you did, you then tell me that it's never meant anything because you aren't Gay, and leave me with nothing. I never hear a word from you for almost 6 months, at least, and now you expect me to pick up where 'you left me', with severe emphasis on those last three words." I was beginning to remind myself of Trevor, using the same speech as he did. "Are you at least going to think about it?" I stayed silent. Too much was happening at once. I was going to need some time.

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