Getting to Know Trent

By Porn Writer

Published on May 22, 2023



This story is intended for an adult audience and contains sexually explicit content. If you are under 18 years of age or are offended homosexual erotica, please do not read this story. Likewise, please do not read this story if it violates the laws or regulations applicable to you.

The events and characters depicted in this story are purely fictional, and should not be misconstrued for real life events and characters. Any similarities are purely coincidental.

Constructive feedback is gratefully accepted. All requests will be considered (Tell me what makes YOU hot). You can email me at

I had just moved into my new place; a one-bedroom condo in a nice part of town. I was single again, and half looking forward to some independence and time alone.

I was coming back in from the store--another quiet Friday night at home--when I heard someone say, "Hello!". As I looked up, I saw my young neighbor--probably in his late 20s, tall, strikingly handsome, and very wholesome looking. "Hey, how's it going?", I responded. He had a big smile on his face, and I thought to myself, "Man, if only I were only a few years younger..."

Who was I kidding, I've always been tragically shy. Odd thing about my personality, when I'm among people who have no sexual significance to me, I'm outgoing and confident. The second I am either interested in someone or feel they're interested in me, it's like my mind shuts down. In this case, I hadn't even considered this guy to be anything more than a neighbor, so we talked with ease.

"I'm Trent," he said with an expectant look on his face. "I'm Paul", I responded, as I shook his outstretched hand. He asked if I had just moved in, and I told him I had. He said he thought he heard someone over there, and then saw lights on, but didn't know whether someone had actually moved in. He said my unit had been vacant for some time.

We stood on the walkway between our second floor units and got to know each other a bit. He is an aspiring chef, and works odd hours. No time for dating, due to his work and school schedules, and the fact that he often ends up working late. He was a clean-cut kid from Nebraska, and I had no doubt he'd freak if he realized he was talking to a gay guy. So, I spoke with ambiguity when I explained that I had just ended a relationship, and moved on. He again emphasized that he hadn't been with a woman in so long, he couldn't remember what it was like.

After about an hour, he said, "So, you have plans tonight?" I told him I didn't, and that I just planned to chill. He said, "Cool, why don't I run up and grab us some beers, and we can hang out." I told him I don't drink, but that I have a six-pack of Corona in the fridge that I keep for company. Living in the Southwest, Corona seems like a beer staple, so I had picked it up along with a couple bottles of wine the last time I was at the store. She said, "Cool, let me change clothes, and I'll be over in a few minutes."

I put away my groceries, and it suddenly occurred to me that I hadn't had dinner. I wondered whether he had, but quickly realized I'd be cooking for someone who views cooking as an art, and not as a means to an end! I thought, about all the local restaurants we could go to, when my mental ramblings were interrupted by a knock at the door.

I answered, and there my new neighbor stood looking absolutely comfortable in a white tank top and some loose fitting cotton shorts. He had on those sandals that have become so popular; the ones with all those little nubs that rub against the soles of his feet as he walks. I couldn't help but notice how big his feet were, but certainly not unusual for someone every bit of 6'6" tall. Anyway, he had a big smile on his face, and I invited him in. "Wow, cool place!", he said. I said, "Isn't it just like yours?" He replied, "Yeah, the layout, but it's cool the way it's decorated." I said, "Oh, cool. Thanks. Sorry, sometimes I'm a little dense."

So, I handed him a beer and he sat down. He started telling me about his day at work, and how it had been a long day. We had talked about a half hour when he told me he was starting to get hungry. Figuring honesty was the easiest way out of this mess, I said, "Okay, look, I was going to make myself a Chicken Caesar Salad for dinner. I'm no chef and don't claim to be, but I'm happy to throw it together for us, if you promise to go easy on me." He looked at me kind of stunned and started to laugh. "Man, will you chill. No worries. I'd appreciate not having to cook anything, to be honest with you."

So, I cooked up some chicken and we had a salad. He had another beer and I could tell he was really getting comfortable. He had kicked of his sandals, not long after he arrived. After dinner, he settled down in the corner of my sectional sofa. Then it happened...

"So, what happened with you and your girlfriend? Wife?", he asked, as if trying to determine exactly what kind of relationship I had ended. I froze like a deer in the headlights. I don't know what expression I had on my face, but he said, "Dude, are you okay? You don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to."

I couldn't do it. I hated to ruin a nice relaxing evening, because I was really enjoying the companionship. So, I said, "Well, I need to be honest with you. It was with a guy, not a girl." He paused for a few minutes, and then said, "So, you're gay?" I said, "Yeah." He said, as if it was no big deal, "So, what happened?"

"Well, he didn't get the meaning of 'monogamy'.", I explained. He said, "Yeah, I hear that a lot. A guy at work just broke up with his girlfriend because of that, and then a woman I go to school with divorced her husband for the same reason. That's why I just figured I wouldn't even try while I'm in school. Don't get me wrong, I really miss the sex, but it's just better this way for now." I understood what he meant. At this point in my life, I figured I'd be taking a break from dating, also. I had ended a several-year long relationship, and admittedly I was showing my age, having gained quite a bit of weight, and lost a lot of sleep lately.

He said he knew some guys at work who were said to be gay, but he didn't discuss it with them. "Dude, I would never have guess YOU were gay. I mean, you don't act gay.", he said. I thought about launching into a speech about gay inaccurate stereotypes, but he interrupted my though by telling me he never understood gay guys, and went on about the kind of women he enjoyed. He said he liked women who enjoyed taking care of him and pleasing him. He wanted a woman who would make him the center of her life. But, he knew that while he was in school that was just not a possibility. It occurred to me that nowhere in his description of the perfect woman did he mention her appearance, but rather focused on how he expected her to behave toward him.

I looked at him and contemplated just how many men and women would kill for a guy like this. Sweet and kind, but with an authoritative side. A guy who likes being loved, but wanted to be in control of the relationship. He started rambling about how sometimes he surfed porn sites, and sometimes got to the state of mind where any woman would do. "Do you ever get like that?" I said, "Yeah, I guess so." He said, "Let me ask you a question, what is it about men that you like?" I told him I loved everything about men. I love the scent of a guy. I like the way his skin feels. I like the way a guy walks, laughs, smiles... He said, "Wow." Then, the inevitable question, "So, what do you like doing with guys." I must have looked as uncomfortable, as I felt.

He laughed, and said, "Dude, it's cool. I'll go first. I love a woman who likes to take care of me. Massage my feet and legs after a long day. I love woman who likes to suck cock; that's the best! I like a woman who enjoys sex, and wants to please me." Okay, now he was starting to get to me. Up until this point, I had put him in the "no chance in hell category," but I admittedly have an insatiable sex drive and my imagination was gearing up. I was starting to imagine what it would be like to be that woman. How hot would that be!? This guy is adorable, and there is something incredibly sensual and authoritative about him. He looks like a laid back farm boy, but has this authoritative side to him, where he knows what he wants, how he wants it, and when. There is something intensely attractive about a guy who is so confident and uninhibited.

Then, I heard myself blurt it out, "I'm kinda the opposite. I love taking care of someone. Love giving massages. Love taking care of a guy. I like a guy who will be open with me and tell me what he likes and doesn't like." He said, "Really? I don't know. I kind of had you pegged for the guy who would be more in control. Maybe be with a more feminine guy." I said, "Nah, I really love every aspect of a guys body. I just love worshipping a guy. Exploring every inch of his body." It suddenly occurred to me what I was saying and my brain was desperately search for whatever connection needed to be broken to disengage my big mouth! It was almost like I was hearing myself in the third person! Why am I telling this guy this!?! Have I lost my mind? At what point will he hit me and run screaming from my condo???

He said, "Wow, so you're like my perfect girl, except that you're a guy!" I said, "Yeah, that's kind of a deal breaker, huh." We both laughed, and I figured that was the end of that. Then, he threw his head back and closed his eyes and let out a sigh. I was looking at him and thinking how beautiful is body is; from his long perfectly shaped toes to his beautiful shaved head, he's just just so sexy. It wasn't just his appearance, though; he seemed to have an energy about him that just drew me to him. Then, without warning, he said, "Well, Dude, if you ever get the urge to give a guy a massage or something like that, you can call me. I can always use one."

What the hell just happened?! Did he just say what I thought he said?! My thought was interrupted when he said, "In fact, I could use a nice massage right now." My eyes shot up, and he had lifted his head and was looking at me with this half smile that said, "I fuckin' know you want this!" And, he was right! As if fantasizing about it openly, he said "Starting with my feet, working up my legs, and just keep going. I'm beat today." He paused as he looked into my stunned face, laughed and said, "Don't worry about it, Dude. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." This was it. This was the very second in a guy's life where he feels helm control being transferred from the bridge to engineering! I suddenly had his foot in my hand and was massaging it. "Nice, that's more like it, Dude." he said.

This guy was totally under the radar. A couple hours ago, I had him pegged for an innocent farm boy from Nebraska, and now he is encouraging me as I massage his feet. Commending me on how well I'm serving him. I was blindsided, but at that moment, there was nothing I wanted more than to please this guy.

As my mind desperately tried to determine when it lost control and how we got to this point, he said "Mmmmmmm, that feels so awesome!" Then, he got up and said, "Okay if I grab another beer?" "Sure", I said.

I immediately felt disappointment and rejection at the fact that he took his foot from my hands, and got up. I figured this was his way of escaping an awkward situation, but then he opened his beer and returned to the sofa. He raised his eyebrows expectantly and said, "Now, where were we?", as he took off his shirt and laid back, putting his foot back in my reach. As I took that big foot back into my hand, I looked up the length of his body. I was relieved that I hadn't done something to disappoint him and that he was even more comfortable than before.

He had a perfect build, tall and slender, and it was easy to see he was one of those people gifted with it. His body was proportionate, with a muscular tone to it. Not much hair on his chest, but some on his legs, and a beautiful trail leading from his belly button down into his shorts. He was simply beautiful. As I looked up at him, he flashed this big smile that made deep dimples in his cheeks, and had this knowing look in his eyes. I understood he knew full well we were having a symbiotic experience, where I was fulfilling my need to please, and he was fulfilling his need to be pleased; a sort of natural balance between two compatible personality types.

I again started rubbing and massaging his foot. He had beautiful feet. His toes were perfectly shaped and matched his body. His nails were well groomed, and the sole of his foot was incredibly smooth. He was moaning and sighing as I worked on his foot, and that encouragement made my heart race. Trying to be discreet, I decided to push the envelope a bit. I continued to massage, all the while moving his foot closer and closer to my face. I could now smell his aroma, and there was no turning back. He had me going nuts. Before I knew it, I had the sole of his foot against my face, and it smelled and felt amazing, even as I heard him say, "Aw, Dude, you like that big foot? You really DO love men, huh?" As if to prove my point, I slowly licked the bottom of his foot, from the heel to his toes, then took his big toe into my mouth and started sucking. He gasped, but somewhere in my mind, I believe I had decided I would continue on until he stopped me. "Dude, that's hot!" he exclaimed.

He was moaning and encouraging me, telling me how great it felt and how he had never experienced anything like it. I was in heaven. I licked and sucked each toe, licking between each of them, and loving every minute of it. He kept the encouragement coming. True to his word, this guy just loved having someone worship him. "Oh, yeah, suck my toe. That feels so good. Man, you like that, don't ya. I think we're gonna have to do this more often. Come on, Dude, lick the bottom of my foot, again. Does it smell good? You like my smells, dontcha? Yeah, dude, work on my toes with that tongue." This kid had me in ecstasy with the constant narration and instruction. If he could be sexier, I don't know how!

After a while, of worshipping his feet, I started massaging his calves. He had great legs, and you could tell they get a regular workout. Lightly hairy and firm, but I couldn't help looking up the length of his body as I worked on his long legs. I wanted more, but had no idea how I would tell him. Soon, my question was answered, when he said, "Here, pull my shorts off for me." I did, and realized he wasn't wearing underpants.

They he was, lying there with these two large eggs hanging between his legs in a nice sack, and a probably a 7.5 inch cock, though admittedly it looked much bigger. It was thick and it was beautiful. This is a cock they could make sex toy molds from, I thought. Looking up his body again, I noticed he seemed to have a perfect form. His long arms turned into big hands, with long fingers that he used to caress his body as I massaged him. This guy loved being pleased and I was loving every second of pleasing him.

I was now much less intimidated, and was kissing my way up his legs. He was reveling in being worshiped, moaning and sighing as though all was right in his world. As I got above his knees, I noticed his cock throb from time to time. I couldn't wait to get on that cock of his; I wanted to suck him so badly. But, I refrained. I made my way up to his nuts, and gently pulled the first one into my mouth, sucking and licking on it. He let out a groan, and I felt one of those big hands on the back of my head, as he said, "Yeah, Baby, suck that nut." This guy was HOT! He was driving me insane! "Come on, Baby, do the other one. Now, get 'em both in that mouth. Come on, you can get both my big nuts in your mouth, cantcha?" he hissed. Soon, I had both of his nuts in my mouth, and I could tell by the look in his eyes, he was enjoying it. No mistake about it, this guy LOVES having his nuts sucked. As I held his big balls in my mouth, I feverishly bathed them with my tongue. I saw his body shudder and his eyes close, as he breathed in through his teeth. Suddenly, he grabbed my head and said, "Stop. Stop. Stop."

Fearful I had done something wrong. I looked up at him. He said, "I'm sorry. I haven't cum for a few days, and you're getting me too close. I don't want to cum yet." I didn't want him to cum yet either. After a couple minutes of panting, he broke into a big grin and threw himself back on the sofa and said, "This is SO FUCKING HOT!!!! I love having a guy worship my body. You're makin' me crazy, Dude." I just smiled and said,"You are beautiful."

As I looked at him, I realize his cock was drooling precum like a river. I reached up, grabbed the shaft and took it into my mouth. His back arched and he screamed, "OH, SHIT!!!!" I realized I was so anxious to clean that cock of his, that I had taken every inch, and had my face buried in his pubes. He starting thumping on the head like a melon, half laughing, and yelling, "Stop Dude, Stop!" He collapsed back on the sofa and started giggling like a kid, "FUCK! No one has ever taken me like that. Fuck, you've got me right on the edge!!!! You like that taste of my precum?" "Hell yeah.", I said. He said, "Wait, Dude, are you going to swallow my load when I cum." "Every last drop," I said. He said, "No fucking way! Aw, this is insane!" I then licked the fresh flow of precum from his cock, knowing at this point he had a hair trigger, and being careful not to trip it.

I nuzzled his nuts, and licked the crevice where his legs meet his thighs. He smells so good. Tastes so good. I wonder... I slowly lift his balls and start to lick under his nuts. He's laying back with his hands behind his head, holding onto the back of the sofa, as he feels my tongue touch his asshole for the first time. He jumps and says, "Aw, Dude, you just licked my hole! What the fuck?!" Thinking I had crossed the line, I apologized, "I'm sorry. I guess I shouldn't have done that." He responded, "Fuck that! Dude, you weren't lying. You really DO like to worship a guy. I have never found a chick who will do this shit!" He paused, "Dude, you want to eat my ass?" I said, "Hell yeah!" He said, "Okay, Dude. You want it? It's all yours. Go to town on it. Get that tongue back in there.", as he used one hand to guide my face back between his legs.

I was stunned when he stood up and turned around, positioning himself with his knees on the edge of the sofa and ass up the the air, presenting his beautiful hole to me for worship. "Come on, Dude, get in there. Eat my ass for me. This is fuckin' hot!", he said. I ran my hands up the outside of his legs, as I buried my face in his ass. He let out a loud groan, followed by "OH MY FUCKING GOD, DUDE!!! Get in there, Dude. Get in there! This is so hot." With that, he reached back and spread his cheeks for me.

I was in ecstasy, as I backed up to take in the view. Those long fingers were like webs across each of his ass cheeks, spreading his hole so that there was a perfect ring of hair, encircling a beautiful pink pucker. I noticed he had his face turned to the side and his eyes closed, and it looked as if he was anxious to feel my tongue in his hole again, so I leaned in and gently blew on his whole. He was half laughing when he said, "Dude, you TOTALLY know what you're doing. That feels incredible!" I returned my face to his ass, and felt one of his hands release his ass cheek, and grab the back of my head. This was one hot scene, and it was heightened by his constant instructions, "Oh, Dude, you must really like that. Do I taste good, Dude? You like that? Get in there, man. Let me feel that tongue way up in there. Aw, you're making my ass feel so good." It was hard NOT to do a good job with that constant encouragement. He was really getting into it, and I could feel is hole opening up for me, allowing my tongue to slip past his ass ring. He was pushing his ass back onto my tongue and panting.

Suddenly, he said, "Okay, stop. Stop." I backed away from his ass, and he said, "Here, get up here on the sofa on your back." I followed his instructions, and was pleasantly surprised when I saw that he intended to reward me by settling his hot little ass on my face. He squatted down, my head nestled between those two big beautiful feet, and that hot ass settling on my face. Again, he reached back and spread his ass, and pushed down onto my face. At that moment, I almost wanted to crawl up inside him. There is nothing like rimming someone who is enthusiastic about it and truly enjoys it, and this guy was totally caught up in the moment. He was totally getting off on the idea that I was enjoying eating his ass, and he was doing everything in his power to make sure I got a proper dose of his ass.

But, something about him was changing. He was getting more aggressive; more primal. Every few seconds, I could see his body tremble, and he was starting to sweat. I was worried he was going to blow his load all over my chest, and there was nothing I wanted more right now than to take his load and taste his cum. I was so caught up in the moment I had few remaining inhibitions.

I pushed his thighs back a bit so I was licking his balls. His voice had changed from a direct and forceful to more of a pleading pant. I kept hearing him say things like, "Oh god." and "Oh yes." interspersed with guttural groans of ecstasy. There was no doubt about it that he was getting close.

I didn't want to disrupt his heightened emotions to change position abruptly, so I guided him back a bit further, and licked the precum off the bottom of his shaft. Then, he suddenly backed up a bit and put the head of his cock in my mouth. Still squatting, the alignment wasn't quite right, but he quickly remedied that by grabbing a cushion from the back of the sofa, and embracing it in his arms between us. As the upper part of his body sank into the cushion, he got on his knees, aligning rock hard cock with my throat. Suddenly, and without notice, I felt his cock penetrate my throat. As I looked up, I could see his big balls balls draped across my eyes and the bridge of my nose, and his ass crack above that, with that beautiful little tuft of hair that grows in his crevice. As I look up, following his muscular legs, I realize they disappear up over the end of the sofa.

Honestly, I had never had this done before, and I was flooded with a mixture of emotions: panic, a sense of fulfilment, and unbridled ecstasy. To my relief, he pulled his cock out of my throat and I was able to take a big breath of air. He raised up on his knees and looked down at me. Looking up the length of his body, I was absolutely enthralled with this guy. He looked into my eyes with a look of crazed lust and said, "I'm going to fuck your throat until I cum. Do you want my cum?" I said, ""Yes". He asked again, "You want my cum, don't you, Dude?" I said, "Fuck yes! I want it!" He looked down and smiled, and then said, "Good, 'cause you're gonna get it. Open your mouth nice and wide for me. Give me that throat, Baby."

He had a look of accomplishment and total domination on his face as I opened my mouth. But, then he backed up and bent down, so his face was just inches from my own."What the hell is he doing??", I thought to myself. Then, I looked into his eyes, as he spit into my mouth, and then put two of his long fingers in my mouth, as if to massage his spit into my tongue. "Oh yeah, that's where I'm going to cum. Right there in that hot mouth of yours. That's what you want, isn't it." "Uh hm...", was all I could muster. I had never had anyone put their fingers in my mouth, never mind spit in it. But there was something strangely erotic about being dominated like this. There was no doubt he had me under his complete control, and I could see in his eyes that he loved it. It seemed that no matter how far he went, I wanted more.

He rose up and again positioned the head of his cock at my throat. His balls were already drawing up, as he plunged his tool into my throat and let out a primal yell, "Oooooh, Fuuuuuuck, yeah." I had no clue how this was going to go. Would he literally pump his load into my throat, so that I wouldn't taste it or would he give me a mouthful. With his balls now right above my eyes, I could see them tensing up. He was still talking, but I could no longer concentrate on what he was saying. My eyes were watering, but I was in heaving as he moved in and out of my throat, completely using me for his own pleasure. As he thrust into my throat, I could see sweat glistening on his muscular ass, and he smelled so masculine. He was moving more quickly now, and my only focus was to breathe when I could, so as not to interrupt his pleasure.

And then, the moment came. His body became more tense, as every muscle began to tighten. I could hear his breathing and panting becoming more erratic. His balls were drawing up, and then his entire body went rigid and he let out a yell, "Aaaaarrgggghhhhh", and I felt his rod start delivering its load to my throat. He was balls deep in my throat, and as I tasted his cum filling my mouth and throat, I felt my own body grow rigid, as my own cock finally blew its load. Luckily, there was a cushion and my clothing between us, so I was sure not to gross him out by coming on his chest.

He was still trembling. I had swallowed every drop of his cum, but he was keeping his dick in my mouth. Admittedly, I didn't want it to end either. His head was now resting on the sofa cushion he positioned between our bodies, and his sweaty ass was up in the air with his back still arched.

He was still for a couple of minutes, and then slowly started working his cock in and out of my mouth, so that the head was resting against my tongue. I figured he was just feeding me the last few drops. Then, I heard him say, "Oh god. You want more, Baby. You want more of my cum???" Stunned, I started grunting "Um hm", which was the best I could do with my mouth full of his cock. He said, "Aw, man, you're gonna get it. I'm gonna feed you another load. You ready for another load? Here ya go. Take that cum. ARGHHHHHHH" I felt his cock head swell against my tongue, and then I felt another huge load start filling my mouth. He was going nuts, and keeping his head against my tongue. As he started to wind down, he again entered my throat, and I gratefully accepted him. I didn't want it to end.

Then, slowly, he pulled his cock out of my mouth and moved forward, so his ass was once again positioned over my face. "Eat it some more." was all he said, and I eagerly complied. He sat on my face for another ten minutes or so, before announcing he had to go home and crash. We sat there for a minute, both of us collecting our thoughts and our breath. He looked up at me and said, "That fuckin' rocked!" I said, "That was incredible." He said, "Dude, you really liked that? You just fuckin' love my body, don't you? You can't get enough." "You are hot." was all I could say.

He said he had to leave, but gave me his number and got mine. He asked if I wanted to get together again. I said, "Anytime you want. You just let me know." He said, "Be careful, I may just take you up on that offer." I said, "I sure as hell hope so. Come on, let's go again." He burst into laughter, and said, "Dude, I haven't had sex in months, you gotta let me ease back into it." I chuckled and said, "Good night."

As I closed the door, I said, "THAT's what he calls 'easing' back into it?" I tried to imagine what might happen in the future or if there would even be any future sessions. I went to bed shortly after he left, but all night I kept waking up thinking about this surreal experience. Knowing that he was sleeping on the other side of the wall from me, didn't help much. I wanted more of him.

Next: Chapter 2

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