Getting to Know the Neighbors Son

By gritsy78

Published on May 5, 2020


This is a work of fiction and depicts m/m sex. If you are underage or offended by stories of this nature, then do not read. All names and places are fictitious. Any comments can be sent to

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Getting to Know the Neighbor's Son

My wife and I moved into a new house located at the end of a cul-de-sac in a quiet Midwestern neighborhood on the outskirts of a mid-size city. She had been transferred to a new position at a pharmaceutical company. I had to quit my job, and I decided to cast my fortunes into starting a new business. My wife was making more than enough money in her new position to provide a very comfortable lifestyle for us.

We married five-years ago at a small ceremony out West and became Mr. and Mrs. Cameron and Katelyn Jackson. We had been together for a total of eight years. We first met when we were both 27 and it was an instant attraction. She was very beautiful, but also very career driven. At first the sex was fantastic. We were young and in love, but as our relationship grew, our sex life did not. Soon after marriage, my wife's career took off, so she was usually exhausted by the time she came home. If she wasn't exhausted, she was out of town working on another project for her company. We used to have sex several times a week, but eventually that slowed to once a week, then once a month, to I can't remember the last time. We even made the decision that kids would not be an option in our lives, so I couldn't even use that as an excuse to have sex. Her career was becoming top priority in the relationship, and it caused a bit of strain from time-to-time. At 35 years of age, we found ourselves in a sexless marriage.

Before we left, I suspected she was seeing someone on the side, and my suspicions were confirmed when I accidentally peaked at an email to a friend of hers on our computer. In it she was expressing regret and guilt over sleeping with a colleague while on the road. I was hurt, but I chose not to confront her about the situation. She seemed genuinely regretful, so I decided to drop it. I saw our move to a new town as a fresh start for our relationship as well. I had no idea what kind of change would be in store for me.

My experience with men had been very limited. In college, a friend of a coworker came close to giving me a blow job after a night of drinking. He was taking me home in his car, and he parked in a secluded parking lot because he needed to take a leak. He stayed in his seat and kept rubbing his dick through his jeans. Soon we were talking about sex and how horny we both were, and that lead to him asking if I would ever let a guy blow me. His hand moved to my thigh and said it would just be between us and no one would know. He then leaned toward me and kissed me on the lips. I started getting turned on by this, and I kissed him back. My cock started growing as he undid my pants. He was about to go down on me when a car's headlights appeared in the same parking lot. He freaked out, pulled out of there, and dropped me off at my apartment. I never saw him after that experience. Afterwards, I grew more curious about gay sex and that drew me to a few internet sites, but I took it no further than that. I liked watching men have sex, but I wasn't sure at the time how to go about hooking-up with a guy. Not too long after that, I met a girl, and we were together for several years. After that relationship ended, I met the woman who would become my wife. My cravings for men lingered in the back of my mind throughout my hetero relationships. Occasionally I would masturbate to gay porn on the internet, and that was the only way I lived out my fantasy. Now that my sex-life with my wife was non-existent, those feelings began to surface once again. Even more nights were spent looking at gay porn. I began to think about my past encounter, and what it would have felt like to not just get a blow job, but to have had sex with that guy. Now that my wife was spending more time away from home, I was thinking about opportunities to turn fantasy and past regrets into reality.

Our neighbors were a middle-aged couple who had lived in the town for their entire life. They introduced themselves to us the day we moved in. As we settled in and became more acquainted with one another, they started inviting me over for dinner, especially when Katelyn started working longer hours or traveled out of town. Our neighbors, John and Carol Abbott, were high school sweethearts who married right after graduation and had their first kid, James, soon after. He would be coming home for the summer after spending his first year away at State College. His senior year portrait hung in their foyer. In his photo, a gangly 5'9" teenager wore a varsity jacket and stood on a track. He had short, blond hair and stared back at me with piercing blue eyes. I was always drawn to that picture when I was in their house. I memorized every feature on his face, but most strikingly was his blue eyes. They looked out directly into mine, and I looked forward to meeting him.

After five months of living in our new house, Katelyn had to leave town on an extended business trip. We were looking forward to taking a trip together over the Memorial Day weekend, but we had to cancel. I needed to focus on developing my business anyway. I was in the process of putting together a business plan, scouting retail locations, and trying to secure a loan. It was aggravating, so I decided since it was a gorgeous start to the Memorial Day weekend, to go for a run to clear my mind. I ran in high school, and I continued with it as I grew older. Running helped me maintain my fitness. As I got older, it took more work to maintain my 6', 190 lb., trim and fairly muscular frame. Near my house was a local forest preserve with a series of running trails for public use. I hit the trail and was three miles into a five-mile jog when I heard a noise behind me. I glanced back and noticed a young man running behind me and gaining ground. It didn't take long for him to catch up to me.

"On your right" I heard him say, and he didn't even sound winded.

He cruised past me and gave me a half wave as he did so. His sweat glistened on his body as he ran through shafts of light breaking between the trees in the forest. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and he had on the shortest pair of red running shorts I had ever seen. He was a little taller than me, thin, and incredibly toned. His blond, shaggy hair bounced up and down with every foot fall. He was a very confident runner. As I ran, my gaze kept falling on his incredible bubble-butt in those red running shorts. With each step, the flap on the back of his shorts would move and reveal the bottom of his ass cheek and jockstrap, so I picked up my pace to continue looking at his ass. I became mesmerized as I watched it move with every step he took. I was snapped out of my trance when I tripped over a root jutting into the path and tumbled to the ground.

"Hey, man. Are you all right?" I heard someone say.

I rolled over and sat checking the blood slowly seeping out of a scrape on my knee and palm. I wiped the dirt from around the wound, and squeezed the small scrape on my knee. It stung slightly, and I winced when I did that.

"Dude, are you all right? What happened?" I heard a voice ask again.

I looked up, and I recognized the pair of piercing blues eyes staring at me.

"James?" I asked.

"Yeah" he said looking confused. "Do I know you?"

"Sort of. I'm your neighbor. I moved in next to your parents a few months ago. I recognized you from your senior picture hanging in their foyer."

The James crouching in front of me was not the same James from the portrait in the foyer. He was definitely taller and more muscular than he was in his senior picture. The blues eyes were the same, but his face was more chiseled than it was before he left for college. The year away from home had done wonders for him. The girls must be all over him at school.

"Oh!" he said excitedly, "You're Mr. Jackson! My parents told me about you. I was hoping I would get a chance to meet you, but not like this. You still haven't answered. Are you all right?"

As he crouched next to me, he spread his knees, and I spied his jockstrap underneath his tiny running shorts. It wasn't so much the jockstrap that shocked me, but rather what the jockstrap was holding inside it. The way he was crouching and with his legs spread, I could see a very large bulge straining his shorts. A few minutes ago, I was staring at his ass, now I'm staring at his crotch. Not only was I staring, but I couldn't take my eyes off his bulge, and I wondered just how big his dick could be.

"Mr. Jackson? Can you hear me? Are you all right? You didn't hit your head, did you?

"Huh? Oh, yeahÉI'll be fine, James. Just a little scrape. I-I'll be fine."

I glanced at his crotch again. I didn't want to take my eyes off of it.

"You look a little distracted. Here, let me help you up."

I extended my hand and he gripped it tightly and helped me up. I stumbled forward, and he caught me in his arms. I wanted to stay right there. Awkwardly, I pulled away and stared back down at my knee.

"Take it easy there, Mr. Jackson. I don't want to see you take another tumble. How did that happen anyway?"

I blushed and stammered. I couldn't exactly tell him I was hypnotized by his ass, even I didn't know what to think about that.

"Uh, I tripped over that tree root across the path."

"Yeah, you gotta watch out for those on these trails. I've tripped over a few out here."

He put his hand on my shoulder and gave a friendly squeeze. I didn't want him to stop. As he did that I felt my cock begin to grow in my gym shorts.

"I-I will. Thanks for the advice. You're home from school, eh."

"Yeah, I got in last night. My dad picked me up at State. I wanted to get out and get run in to start the day. I'm trying to keep the same routine I had at school. I always ran in the morning before going to class. Do you run here often?"

Now he glanced down at my crotch and he must have seen the bulge forming in my shorts. He tilted his head slightly and a smirk crossed his lips.

"I've been running here a lot more lately. It's peaceful. There always seems like a lot of cars but I don't often run into people."

"I like it, too. There's a ton of trails, but you have to be careful. A person can get lost easily out here. And you never know what you're gonna see."

He winked in my direction, and he tugged at his dick through the ultra-thin fabric of his shorts.

"Well, I think I'm going to cut my run short today. I'm not sure if I can handle any more trouble today."

"There's nothing wrong with a little trouble now and then."

Again, he winked and flashed a wicked grin my way.

Here I glanced at his crotch and noticed the bulge inside his shorts continued to grow. I kept thinking if it grows anymore, it will pop out of those tiny running shorts.

"Mr. Jackson?

"Huh? What?"

"I asked if you'll be all right running home by yourself. Why don't I run with you to make sure you get home in one piece?"

"Sure! I'd like that!"

Why did I sound so excited? I changed my tone quickly.

"I mean if you want to" I corrected.

"I think I do" he said with another grin.

My heart started beating a little quicker and my dick twitched again in my shorts when he said that. The entire run home, I kept second guessing whether this kid was coming on to me. I didn't get a chance to talk much on the run home. He dominated the conversation by telling me about how he grew up in this town, his time away at college, and how much everything had changed since he had been away for a year.

"Well, you certainly have changed from your senior year photo," I said and immediately regretted it.

"I started increasing the mileage in my runs, eating better, and working out. Not to mention I grew, like, five inches. It sort of worked out for me, I guess."

"It has definitely worked out for you. You look really good."

"You think so, Mr. Jackson?"

What the fuck was I saying. Am I hitting on my neighbor's eighteen-year-old son? I better change the subject.

"Oh, hey. I just bought a new television. 75-inches, 8K, but I'm having trouble setting it up."

"I could help you do that. I set up our TV when I was home for Christmas. 75-inchesÉwow! You must like `em big"

"Yeah. The bigger the better" I said, definitely thinking he was flirting with me now.

We ran up into my driveway. We stood there for a moment, and I looked his sweat glistened body up and down. He glanced toward his house, and I thought he was going to make an excuse to go home.

"How about we take a look at that TV, Mr. Jackson?" he said.

"You want to look at it right now? Aren't your parents expecting you?"

"No. They left for their trip this morning. They won't be home for a couple weeks. What about your wife. Is she home?"

"No. She's out of town for work. She left last night and won't be home for a few weeks as well."

"Looks like we're on our own for a couple weeks," he said as he adjusted his crotch again, "We'll have to take advantage of that."

I nearly fainted right then and there. For some reason I started back-peddling and tried to change the subject.

"So, the girls must be all over you at school. I remember when I was 18, I wanted sex every second."

I wasn't very subtle.

"Umm. Girls aren't exactly an issue. And I'm 19 now. Relax, Mr. Jackson, I'll be gentle. With your TV that is."

The next thing I knew I was leading a half-naked 19-year-old down the stairs into my basement. The TV was on the wall, and he grabbed the remote, punched in a few buttons and started setting it up. I had to relinquish my wi-fi password, and in a few minutes he had me up and running.

"You know what's great about these new TV's is they have access to the internet. I'll bet porn looks awesome on this TV, Mr. Jackson. Here let me show you this site I found. I think you'll like it."

I sat on the couch and watched him work his magic. He pulled up a porn site and started streaming one. Two guys, one older, one younger, were making out on the screen.

"What do you think, Mr. Jackson? Pretty hot, right?"

It was, but I couldn't speak. I was incredibly turned on at this moment, but I didn't know what to do next. I was very nervous and tense. James could tell. His hand reached over and started rubbing my thigh. I was instantly transported to a parking lot in the middle of the night when my first gay experience fizzled in front of me.

"You look a little tense there, Mr. Jackson. I think I can help you out with that."

He had me sit on the floor in front of the couch. He sat down behind me, his legs straddling me. He reached out and started rubbing my shoulders. His hands working each one delicately, then the pressure increased. My heart was racing, and my cock started swelling in my gym shorts.

"Here, let me help you with this" he said as he started lifting the shirt over my head.

I raised my arms to help, and he tossed the shirt aside. James went back to massaging my shoulders.

"Do you like what we're watching, Mr. Jackson?" He whispered in my ear as he continued his massage. "I thought you would, after all I did catch you gazing at my cock a few times on the running trail. I had a feeling about you, Mr. Jackson, and it looks like I was right."

He moved down to my chest. I was breathing heavily. He rubbed my nipples between his forefinger and thumb. I let out a soft moan. He then turned my head to the side and leaned around to face me, and his lips grazed my lips ever so slightly. Gently he kissed me, and I kissed back. As he did this, he pressed himself forward and I could feel his rock-hard cock pressing against the back of my head. We began kissing each other more passionately, our mouths parted and his tongue danced around with my tongue. I didn't want him to stop. I turned completely around, and he embraced me as the kissing intensified. It had been a long time since anyone kissed me this way.

Our tongues were entwined, then he pulled away and said, "You're a pretty good kisser. Hey, look at the screen. He's sucking the older guy. Do you want me to suck your cock, Mr. Jackson?"

Before I could respond, James told me to stand up. I obeyed and stood in front of him. His hands rubbed up and down my sides, then he grabbed a hold of the waistband of my shorts and pulled them and my underwear down to my ankles. My hard 7" cock sprung from workout shorts, pre-cum glistening on the tip.

"You have a nice cock, Mr. Jackson."

He took a hold of my shaft and stroked up and down. His thumb swirled in my pre-cum and he jerked my cock a few more times. James looked up at me and those piercing blue eyes stared lustily into mine. Not even breaking eye-contact, he opened his mouth and engulfed my cock. His tongue swirled the tip, he licked up and down my shaft, he licked my balls. My wife rarely sucked my dick and never this good. James was amazing. His golden locks bounced up and down as he began deep throating my cock. My breathing intensified, my balls stirred. I ran my fingers through his golden fleece of hair. I was moaning in a way I had never moaned in my life.

His suction increased. His hands reached around and gripped my ass, spreading my cheeks apart. I felt a finger trace the crack of my ass and press gently against my asshole. He slurped the side of my cock, and again looked up. I stared back at him and wondered for a brief moment if all this was real. The pressure of his finger at my hole continued, and as it was about to enter my ass, I knew I could hold out no longer.

"I think I'm going to cum" I managed to relay to James.

No sooner had I uttered those words, my first load launched from my cock. James pulled off it just in time, and cum splattered across his right cheek. And then volleys of cum streamed from my cock landing on his forehead, his lips, his hair, and the couch. He looked up at me and licked his cum covered lips. His head tilted forward and returned to my dick. The head of my cock has always been super sensitive after shooting a load, and as soon as his lips touched the head, electricity shot through me and I could barely stand. I collapsed on the couch next to James. He leaned over, and we kissed. I could taste my own cum on his lips as our tongues darted in and out of our mouths.

James smiled at me.

"That was pretty good, Mr. Jackson."

All I could muster was, "yeah."

I looked down at James' crotch, and his massive cock was poking through the top of his running shorts. I reached over, touched his cock and traced its rigid outline in his shorts. This was the first cock I touched other than my own. Pre-cum oozed out, so I swirled my fingers in it.

"Do you want to suck it, Mr. Jackson?"

"Yes, James. It's justÉI've never done it beforeÉI-I don't want to screw it up."

He kissed me and stood up in front of me. Slowly he dropped his running shorts and jockstrap to his ankles. This 19-year-old stud was completely naked in front of me with a 9" cock about to enter my mouth.

"Just open your mouth, try not to take it all at once, and try not to use your teeth."

I liked the way he was taking charge and teaching me how to give a blow job. I was his eager student. His cock rubbed across my lips coating them in pre-cum. I licked my lips and tasted his salty seed. I hesitated at first. He continued wiping his cum on my lips. Finally, I opened my mouth slightly, and he pressed forward. Inch by inch his cock slid into my mouth. I began to suck as best I knew how. His cock went a little too far, and I pulled off gagging.

"Take it easy, Mr. Jackson. You're doing fine. Just try to control your breathing."

I licked up and down his shaft. His balls were musty from his run, but I didn't care. I moved back to his cock and continued sucking. I wanted to taste all of it at once but knew I wouldn't be able to just yet. I wrapped my mouth around what I could and began moving my head up and down. My hands reached around and gripped his rock-hard ass like he did to me. I looked up at him to see if I was doing it right.

"Oh, fuck! You're doing great, Mr. Jackson."

I tried to imagine this picture in my head as I was stuffing a 9" cock in my mouth. There I was sitting on the couch in my basement rec room, a completely naked 19-year-old moaning loudly, and a 9" cock in my mouth. Every now and then, he would pull out and gently slap my cheeks with his dick. I was loving every minute of it. I was so glad I decided to go for a run that morning.

His breathing intensified. His ass clenched together. His fingers gripped my hair tighter. Without warning, he pulled his cock out of my mouth and he shot his load. Wave after wave of cum splashed on my face and chest. He pulled me up to him, and we kissed again. We continued kissing as we dropped back down to the couch. I didn't want this to end.

"Did you enjoy yourself, Mr. Jackson?"

"That was unbelievable, James."

"You did pretty good. It gets better, trust me."

We laid next to each other on the couch and kissed while watching the porn on the TV. The younger guy was now fucking the older guy. I wondered what that would feel like to have James 9 inches deep in my ass.

"I want to fuck you, Mr. Jackson, I want to stick my dick deep inside you. Would you like that?"

"I would, James. I want it so badly, but I don't think I'm ready for that right now."

"Don't worry, Mr. Jackson. We'll get there soon enough."

We continued kissing and eventually both of us fell asleep on the couch. When I awoke, I was completely naked with dried cum on my face and chest. The TV was off and James was gone.

Next: Chapter 2

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