Getting to Know Him

By Phil Ward

Published on Jun 26, 2012


Thanks for the feedback from Part 1 Heres what happened next :D

I spent the next few weeks leading up to Christmas getting to know Nathan quite well. We became good friends very quickly and I found out we had a great deal in common.

We added each other on the gaming service "Steam" so we could play games together, we talked on Skype a lot and we shared our good and bad times together so we could help each other through it.

Christmas came and went without much incident, I didn't really get to talk to him as much as I had liked but he had his family and girlfriend to attend to and Christmas was a family thing anyways.

I came back to university just before New Year's to get a head start on a big project that was starting next semester; we were working in large teams to make a game and it would require me to do my best. We had to apply for roles and I really wanted to be a team leader so I started to make sure my work was tip top.

About a week later I was sat in the lecture hall reading some notes, while the lecturer was late as always, when I felt someone plop down next to me.

"Hey stranger" came a familiar voice

"Hey fuzzy butt" I replied smiling at him

Fuzzy Butt was a nick name I gave everyone I liked, just a playful pet name.

"Working hard or hardly working?" he asked looking at my notes with a confused look on his face

"You stick to art stuff and I'll stick to design. That way you won't get confused" I said to him closing my note book

"Fine see if I care" he gave me a poke in the ribs which caused me to giggle, which got a little laugh out of him.

"You hoping to get a good role in this project?" he asked after we settled down.

"I hope so. You?" I asked looking to see the lecturer setting up down the front of the hall.

"I'm not really bothered just so long as I'm not with some of these halfwits in here" he said slyly looking around.

"Amen to that" I said as the lights dimmed and the lecture got started.

The next few weeks were spent getting the groups together and figuring out what to do for the project, I didn't get a lead role like I wanted but I was a Junior Lead so I was happy enough. Nathan got an artist role on my team so I was happy I'd see him on an almost daily basis.

January gave way to February and the teams we finalised and the project got under way.

Sitting at my desk around other designers on my team I was working out some of the more complicated mechanics for my level, the art team were sat on the other side of the room figuring out the finer details of a consistent art style the level.

I'd made a list of what I needed to make my level which was simple enough and I was slowly getting some good stuff from them.

Unlike most students I was pretty dedicated to my studies. I did have some days where I just lounged around in my boxers and gamed but I did spend a great deal of time working. It was not uncommon for me to spend 14+ hours in the lab making sure everything was up to date and working correctly.

I few weeks into the project I noticed that Nathan was coming in until midday occasionally. I also knew from conversation the tutors were having that they were getting annoyed at his absence. So I decided to give him a text most mornings to wake him up. It seemed to do the trick but he was still a little late most days.

"What gives dude? You're always late for the morning meetings" I asked out of concern one evening while we were working, though it probably came across as an accusation.

"Its work. I would at my local super market and do the late shift, I don't get in until 10pm and then I'm buggered as I can't wake up in the morning." He said looking a bit depressed.

I gave this some quick thought and suggested something radical.

"Why don't you come and stay at mine after you finish work?"

He looked at me with an odd expression and finally answered "But where would I sleep? On the sofa?"

"God no, you'd freeze to death down there. Nah you'll be sleeping up in my room"

"On the floor?" he said looking unconvinced

"No. I can't let u sleep on the floor. Just sleep in my bed with me"

He gave me a funny look and turned back to his PC. I think I knew what the look meant; not only was my room tiny but my bed was smaller. I'd say it was a single but really I wasn't be enough for me let alone two people.

"I'll think about it" he finally said.

I was sat at my computer at home on a rare night where I had little to do, I was playing Minecraft with some friends when I got a text.

"Just a minute guys I'm buzzing" I said down the Mic.

It was a text from Nathan:

"Hey bro, can I crash at yours tonight? I wanna get an early start tomorrow otherwise I'm a dead man" I smiled at his decision.

"Sure, text me when you're outside and I'll let you in" I sent back and then got back to playing with my friends.

Not too long later I was bussing again:

"Hey let me in I'm getting wet :("

All I could do was laugh a little as I grabbed my keys and opened the front door. He was damp but net wet like he had made out to be. We made our way to my room and he sat down on my bed, he bounced on it to test how soft it was.

"So what made you change your mind?" I asked as I sat down in my chair.

"I just wanted to be in on time for once, I hope you don't mind"

"Not at all" I replied, "I wouldn't have made the offer if I didn't mind would I?"

"I guess not" he said standing up to take off his jacket

We spent a bit of time chatting, gaming and just chilling. It started to get late so I suggested we go to bed.

"I sleep naked just so you know" I said, which gave me a slightly worried look. "but when you stay over I'll sleep in my boxers"

"Oh good" he sighed, "I wouldn't want you to stab me in your sleep"

"Easy tiger you're not as drop dead gorgeous as you think" I said poking him in the forehead

"Liar" he said pushing my hand away "you can't get enough of me" he said laughing as he started to take his clothes off. He was right though I couldn't. it was such a shame that I was falling for a straight taken guy.

"Fuck me" he said stretching in an odd pose. "My back is killing me"

"Stop showing off ya body and get into bed" I poked him in the stomach which got a little laugh from him.

I got into bed first and was against the wall, he was getting ready to bed by taking his contacts out and then climbed in and we lay back to back trying to get comfy on this tiny bed.

"This isn't working is it?" I said after about an hour of getting comfy.

"No" he said flatly. He took a deep breath and sighed deeply then rolled over, got up close and spooned me but didn't put his arm around me.

"This way we have more room to share and we can get comfy" he said into my ear.

"Yea I guess you're right" I got comfy quickly and starting to drift off, then he started snoring. That in kind received a jab in the ribs which stopped it for a few minutes which was just enough time for me to nod off.

In the morning I woke up spooning him. Somehow through the night we had switched over and my arm was now draped over his stomach and my hand resting gently on his boxers.

I quickly moved it in case he would wake up with that, no sooner had I done it that my alarm went off and he rolled over to face me. He looked good with bed hair.

"Morning" he said in a groggy groan.

"Morning you. Sleep ok?" I responded turning off my alarm

"As well as expected I guess" he said back to me rolling onto his back rubbing his eyes. "You're pretty easy to sleep next to unlike my girlfriend" he sat up and stretched. I just lay there marvelling at his slim toned figure.

"We'd best get showered and ready, I'll turn the boiler on." I got out of bed with my obvious tent and turned the boiler on. I wasn't too fussed if he saw it or not, he probably didn't since he didn't have his contacts in. "You want it first or shall I?"

"I'll go in first if you don't mind I wanna get my contacts in" he said getting out of bed. His boxers weren't tented like mine but they were filled out. "You got a towel?"

I handed him a spare towel I had and sat down on my bed and checked my phone, I glanced up as he slid his boxers down and I saw his pale, smooth bum and then he walked into the bathroom.

"Paul?" he shouted through to my room


"How do I turn this thing on?" he said sounding like a lost child

"Just a minute" I said getting up

I walked into the bathroom and he was stood there with the towel wrapped around his waist, I had a quick chance to marvel at his nicely toned stomach and chest. "Damn he's nice, that girl he's got should be happy"

I turned the taps and the shower let out a cold spray.

"Give it a few minutes to warm up then you can hop in, just use my soap" I pointed to the soap next to the taps.

"Got it. Not shoo" he said ushering me out the bathroom.

A little while later he returned as a slightly damp but still sexy guy, I in the meantime was eaten the last of my toast that I had made.

"I made some for you" pointing to the plate on my desk

"Thanks, I'll have it when I get dressed."

"Righto" I said getting up and getting my other towel. "I won't be long"

"Have fun" he said over his shoulder taking off his towel, I lingered just long enough to see that lovely bum again.

My shower was quick and a came out to a full dressed Nathan and he was messing around on his phone. I got dressed and we headed off to university.

On the way there I confessed my sin.

"You know through the night I may have accidently put my hand on your crotch" I said sheepishly

"Really?" he said a bit confused

"Yea I just wanted to come clean just in case you got the wrong idea" I said to him, I did feel bit guilty because he was straight and taken.

"Ah its ok dude, if you hadn't told me I wouldn't have known, but thanks for being honest" he gave me a push in that arm, which got a push back.

We spent the next month or so leading up to February in the same routine. He would come and stay at mine a few nights a week and we'd share a bed and get an early start when we needed.

Valentine 's Day was coming up and I was getting a bit sick of seeing all the lovey dovey people with their partners so just retreated into my work.

The Sunday came without much luck of me finding someone to spend it with; I couldn't say the same for my housemate who must have broken the pelvis of his girlfriend because they were at it all day.

And then something odd happened, I didn't seen him at university at all on Monday. Then Tuesday. And then Wednesday. I just figured he must have been ill, bad Valentine 's Day dinner or something, but he hadn't text me or anything either.

So on the Thursday I gave him a call, to which I got no answer, I was starting to get a bit worried.

I tried to forget about it and got on with work and as usual I worked into the evening.

At around 8pm I got a call on my phone, it was Nathan.

"Hey dude. Are you ok? Where have you been?"

"Hey" he sounded exhausted. "Can I stay at yours tonight I really need someone to talk to" he also sounded coarse.

"Sure but we don't have an early start tomorrow" I said looking at our timetable

"I know but I just need to get out the house. Can I come over now?"

"Yea sure just let me pack up and I'll meet you there."

"I'll be there soon" and he hung up.

I got home as quickly as possible and made sure my room was tidy and I heard my phone go, I didn't even look at it as I knew it was him. I bounded down stairs and opened to door and got the shock of my life.

He looked like hell.

"Damn Nathan you look like you haven't slept in days."

"I haven't" he said in a low voice and stepped in.

We went upstairs and I got him a drink and I asked him what was up.

"She broke up with me" he almost looked like he was gonna cry. "On Sunday she called me and said she had been seeing someone else behind my back and wanted to be with him."

All I could do was put my arms around him as he cried softly into my shoulder. He did this for a good 10 minutes while a tried to calm him by saying things like "She isn't worth it then" or "She doesn't know what she's letting go"

After a little while he calmed down and retreated from my shoulder, which was now wet. He gave a little laugh.

"Sorry dude I didn't mean to get you that wet"

"Ah its ok what are friends for?" I said give him another hug to which he gave me a light one back.

"How bout we order some Indian food and watch a movie tonight?"

"Haven't you got work to do?"

"That's for me to know and for you to wonder. Now what do you wanna eat?" I said getting up a menu from my notice board.

While we waited for the food I started looking through my dvd collection.

"What do you fancy?" I said speaking into my shelves

"How about..." he said squatting down next to me. "Independence day. I haven't seen that"

I gave him a fake shocked look "Blasphemy. It's an awesome movie. I'll stick it on after the food gets here" which only took a few more minutes.

We sat on my bed watching the movie while eating away at the curry. Nathan laughed at my inability to handle spicy food and I enjoyed seeing him smile for the first time all day.

We finished our food and got comfy on my bed and it wasn't working again. I tried my best to kind lean into him without making it look like I wanted to snuggle when he let out a deep sign.

"Look if you wanna cuddle into me now's your chance" he lifted his arm as an invitation. I cuddled into him and we got into the movie.

Towards the end of the movie I was drifting off when he suddenly jerked up.

"Son of a bitch" he said with a hint of pain in his voice

"Whats wrong?" I asked getting my bearings

"My back is hurting, I think I pulled it at work" he was rubbing the middle of his back

"Let's have a look" I moved his hand out the way and had a feel on his back; he was as hard as a rock, no wonder he was in pain. "Lie down and I'll take care of it"

He gave me an almost frightened look.

"I'm not gonna murder you. My ex showed me how to massage people properly and I'll get rid of that for you"

He lie down and I lifted his top.

"I can't do this unless you take it off" he sat back up and took it off and then lay on his front. I got up and got some e45 cream. I straddled him and sat on his bum.

"Now this might be cold" I warned him before squeezing some on his back, he gave an over dramatic shiver as I rubbed it into him and got to work.

I gave his back a good massage for about 30 minutes and I thought he had gone to sleep but when I told him he was done he gave a heavy sigh and turned over, he didn't give me much time to get off and how I was sat here with his semi hard cock pressed up against my bum.

We both had jeans on so I figured he thought I couldn't feel it and he made no attempt to hide it.

"Do the front now please" he give me a smile

"Ok I'll try" I simply said a bit taken back.

I only did his front for about 10 minutes as I was getting harder with every moment that passed. When I finished he had his eyes closed so I took that as my chance to get up and hide my hardon.

"I'll be back in a sec, just gotta wash my hands"

"Ok I'm gonna get ready for bed" he said back to me

When I came back he was under the covers against the wall, which was odd since the wall was my side. I stripped down to my boxers and got in beside him and we got into our usual spooning position expect this time he moved in a bit closer to me than he normally would and put his arm around my chest.

"Thanks for sorting out my back, I think you might have to do that for me everything I come over after work."

"Sure." I said back quietly "Anything to I can do to help"

"Night dude" he said giving me a cuddle


That does it for Part 2 :)

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