Getting to Know a Brother

By Humphrey

Published on Jul 10, 2006


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I couldn't help thinking about Mike all day. He was so using me but I didn't mind...much. It was kind of a turn on to be his ...his...what was I anyway.

Well, I showed up that night right on time. I knocked on the door and Mike meet me with racquetball equipment in his hands. He said he felt sort of bad about the way he had treated me this morning and thought we could do something fun together. He asked if I played racquetball. I said I did a little. He said "Good." Then we headed for the courts.

He had pulled some strings with a friend that reserved the courts for the college and booked the court for hours. We played. And we played hard. I took a punding at times and so did he. At the end I was exhausted. Greg, Mike's friend, came around to tell us it was past time to close up. Greg said he had to take off. He tossed Mike a set of keys, asked him to walk him out and lock the doors, and then to make sure and lock them as we left. Mike briefly introduced me as one of his fraternity brothers. As Mike walked Greg out I gathered our things.

Mike came back in. He asked me if I was ready for another go around. I was exhausted but by the look in his eye I knew what he really wanted me to so I said yes. He started stripping down until he was naked except for his shoes. He stood still and stared at me until I followed his lead in getting naked.

It was wierd and a turn on at the same time. Mike didn't seem to let the nudity distract him but as I watched his flaccid cock flop around as he played I became quite hard and distracted. Mike defeated me easily. Mike laughed at me and asked why I was distracted. I grinned and didn't answer. But he knew and his cock started to lengthen as well.

Mike said we should call it a night. We gathered our things again and Mike lead me to the shower room. He kicked off his shoes and socks and headed for the showers. I found myself following again. Mike turned on all the showers to hot. The room steamed up fast. He went to his locker and brought a bar of soap, a few towels, some shampoo with him. He asked me to grab a chair on my way in. I thought this was strange but I grabbed a metal folding chair and drug it into the room

As the room filled with steam and got hotter and hotter. I seemed to get weaker and weaker .Mike had washed his hair and then rinsed it. Mike asked me to give him a hand with his back. I went to him and eagerly rubbed his back and ass and then his legs and feet with soap. He turned around and I soaped his chest and stomach. Then his cock and balls and worked my way down to his thighs, knees, and ankles.

Mike asked if I was tired. I said yes. He pulled the chair under a stream of water and told me to sit down. He lathered up my hair with shampoo. His big, strong hands felt so good. He then lathered up my neck and kind of massaged me as he soaped me up. He worked down to my chest. He then worked over and lathered up my arms and pits. I was amazed that this forceful hunk was attending to me this way.

He lather me all the way down to my toes. By then I was really feeling weak. I remembered I had skipped lunch and was weak from hunger and exhaustion. Mike stood me up and lathered the back of my neck all the way down to my ankles in the back. He then went back up to my ass and really worked on massaging it. I was worn out, weak, and sooooo sooooo horny.

He soaped up my ass and worked a finger in there. I started moaning. My hand instinctively went to my dick. Mike pushed it away and said he was goind to take care of me tonight. He then bent me over the chair and started finger fucking me with two fingers. He then reached around and using shampoo for lube started fisting my cock all the way up and down my shaft. I started moaning loudly. He encouraged me to be as loud as I wanted because we were all alone. I moaned and groaned and started bucking back and forth. I was fucking his hand and impaling myself the now three fingers up my ass.

Before long I shot massive amounts of jizz all over the chair, the floor, even the wall. I almost collapsed. Mike helped me up. Rised me off and lead me to the locker room bench. He laid me down and then went back in to turn off all the water and move the chair back where I had gotten it from.

I just lay there panting. My limp cock had left a trail of ooze down my thigh as I deflated from the orgasm. Mike came around and stood over me. He asked me if I was OK. I nodded yes. I then reached up to take his cock in my hand. He removed it and told me I could take care of him later if I wanted. He wanted to get something to eat and had a surprise for me.

We went to a McDonald's near by and ate like we had not eaten in weeks. As we did we talked. Mike seemed really interested in my past sex life. I told him I had been with seven different girls. Most had been in relationships that had lasted more than three months but not more than six. No, I was not dating anyone now. He asked if I had ever had anal sex before. I said no. Yes, he was the first guy I had even had any sexual contact with. No, I had not even jerked off with anyone in middle or high school. Yes, I jerk off a lot. Yes, probably as least two, but usually three times a day if possible. Sometimes more.

He asked me if I was up for a little surprise as we dumped our trays in the trash bin. I said yes. We walked to an apartment complex next door to campus. Greg answered the door. Mike walked in and I followed.

We sat on the couch and Greg offered to get us some beer. When he came back to give us the beer he was naked. Greg was tall, skinny, with piercing blue eyes and almost white blonde hair. He had quite a thick bunch of pubic hair which was much darker surrounding a thick flaccid cut penis.

Mike stood up and told me that Greg was his surprise. Mike explain that Greg had been his fuck toy for several months now. They had meet at the racquetball courts in a tournament and Greg had offering up his ass to Mike quite frequently ever since. Mike said he had felt a little bad treating me, a fellow frat like he had and had thought of Greg as a way of making things up to me.

He also then told Greg I was amazing at giving head and could teach him a thing or too. He looked at me and asked me if I minded teaching Greg how to give head, in return Greg would be my first real "Piece of Ass" with that he gave Greg as hard slap on the ass.

Mike suggested we all get more comfortable like Greg as he finished off his beer. He asked Greg for another round and quickly disrobed down to his boxers. I followed suit by finishing off my beer and stripping down as well. Greg brought out an ice chest full of brews. Mike and I cracked open another each.

Greg then pulled Mike's boxers down asked me what he thought of his techniique. He started sucking Mike's semi-hard cock. It didn't take long before he started gagging. I told him to step back and showed him how to use his hand at the base to make sure Mike didn't throatfuck him too deep. Then he took my boxers down and sucked my hard cock using his hands of course to help. After a few minutes Mike asked Greg if he was ready to pay up.

Greg got up and came back from the bathroom with a box of Trojan lubed and some KY jelly. Mike told me too lube up my fingers and loosen up Greg's ass. This was exciting --put strange. The stuff was cold to the touch and Greg flinched when I touched his hairy ass. I worked in two fingers and Greg started to jerk me off. I heard Mike's cellphone camera click away.

Greg then laid back on the edge of the couch with his ankles on his shoulders. He asked me to fuck him. I grabbed some latex and rolled one on. I lubed it up and then lined my cock up to this blonde boy's rosebud. I sank in a few inches easily. Greg moaned and started urging me to fuck him; to fuck him good. I started to work in a groove when I felt Mike behind me. He asked me if I liked topping a guy. I said yes. Then he stuck a lubed finger up my ass and asked me if I liked that too. He started fingering my ass as I fucked Greg. Then he worked in another finger.

He was really messing up my rythmn and Greg was looking a little bored when I felt Mike place his cock at me buttcrack. He told me to push all the way into Greg. I did. Then he lined up to place his cock at my asshole ring. He told me to ease back. Greg smiled and perked up a little.

I rocked back and impaled Mike's cockhead in me. Then Mike pushed in a little further. Now Mike told me to fuck Greg. As I did I was making Mike fuck my ass as well. This felt amazing. I worked myself into a frenzy. If felt soooo good. I was moaning and groaning. Greg was starting to really get into it now and was really hard. As I was sandwhiched between them he started jerking himself off. Mike started to really fuck me hard too. I felt his balls slap my ass when I pushed back. It was too much.

Greg came all overhimself. Then Mike grunted and collapsed on my back as he came. I still had not cum. Mike pulled out and ouch that hurt and I felt a little empty but Mike told me to fuck away. Greg urged me to fuck him as he turned around doggie style without ever taking my cock out of his ass. He started yelling harder and faster. I just really let loose and fucked him for all I was worth. I pounded his white ass and pounded it. Mike reached around and grabbed by nuts and licked my neck and that was it-- I came hard. I felt myself spurt time and time again inside Greg's ass.

When I pulled out Mike took his used condom and poured out his spent cum on Greg's chest. I did the same and Greg rubbed it all overhimself. Mike took another picture. We drank a few more beers and then we went home for the night. Mike promised to call the next day.

Next: Chapter 5

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