Getting to First Base with Miguel

By Damian

Published on Jul 5, 2010


The following story about Will, an 18-year-old man in California, and Miguel, a 19-year-old baseball player from the Dominican Republic, is a work of fiction. I made it up and used names not associated with anyone I know. If you're a minor, you don't belong here, but you know that already. Go do something productive instead.

Please don't reproduce this story in any form without my permission -- it's my creation and I own the rights to it. Please let me know what you think of it at It will continue for a few more chapters.

  • Damian


At last we were ready to turn out the lights, with Ricky in the little bed and Miguel and me in my full-size one -- all of us sleeping naked. We didn't want to make out in front of Ricky -- and I was almost too tired to anyway -- but we did manage a little quiet kissing and holding of each other's various appendages under the sheet. I wanted in the worst way to jump on him and make love to all his body parts, but it didn't seem like a good idea with Ricky sleeping only a few feet away.

Reluctantly, I drifted off -- unsatisfied but happy to be home with my sweetie in bed with me -- but I also found myself profoundly attracted to the young newcomer in the next bed. What would tomorrow bring? Would Ricky learn what was going on right under his nose between his brother and me? If so, how would he react?


The next day was Sunday, and Miguel had another afternoon home game. The whole family and Ricky went to watch them. The Cats had won handily, 8-3, yesterday against the Reno Aces, but today they had to struggle to eke out a 2-1 win. Ricky stayed behind with the team for the post-game celebration and showers. A big baseball fan himself, Ricky was thrilled to get the chance to come to the U.S. to watch his brother in action and to get a taste of American baseball firsthand.

The brothers didn't get home until after 7, so we had a late dinner. My sisters were practically beside themselves with both Ricky and Miguel at our dinner table, and Connie, the 16-year-old, was trying every trick in the book to get their attention directed in her way. Debbie, the 14-year-old one, was doing her best, too, but our Dominican visitors seemed more interested in talking about sports and how cool it was to be in the U.S. together. I kind of understood now why Miguel didn't pay the girls much attention, but I noticed that Ricky was the same way -- polite but clearly disinterested in their drivel and blatant flirting.

That evening we all climbed into my bed and watched a movie on TV together in our underwear, with Miguel sitting propped up between Ricky and me. Finally, when it was bedtime, we all stripped naked once again.

"Guys," Ricky asked quietly, "could I sleep with you tonight in the big bed? I've only got two more nights here, and I'm tired of sleeping alone. I won't take up much room. How 'bout it?"

Ricky looked so cute standing there with nothing on. This was very unlike him-- most of the time he was very quiet and didn't ask for anything. It was obvious to me that this was something he really wanted. His prick was about one quarter hard and peeking out noticeably from his foreskin. I wanted to ravage his brown teen body and swallow him whole.

"I'm game if you are, Miguel," I said. Besides, I figured, it would give Miguel and me an excuse to sleep even closer together than we'd done last night -- and that couldn't be all bad, could it?

So after brushing our teeth we turned off the lights and lay down in the same order we'd watched the movie in -- with Miguel in the middle, where he belonged. Ricky and I lay on our sides facing him, and Miguel was on his back. Out of necessity (or preference, if the truth be known), we were physically very close in the bed that was meant for only two.

"Snuggle up, guys -- I love this," Miguel said, so we did. Ricky had his arm on his brother's bare chest, and I stroked his tummy, letting my fingers "drift" rather often to that very sensitive area between his navel and his pubes. Pretty soon I noticed that his long cock had hardened up and was competing with my hand for the same space. He was practically purring with contentment, and I could tell how much this meant to him to have us close up against his body -- his favorite brother from back home and his new American boyfriend.

"I have to tell you guys something," Miguel finally said, after a few minutes of silence.

"Will, you know that my brothers and I used to hang out naked in our room a lot and even jack off in front of each other. What I haven't told you is that we used to, uh, kind of `help out' each other, if you know what I mean."

"You did?" I said, totally surprised by this revelation.

"Yeah, like almost every night. Ricky, I'm sorry if it embarrasses you for me to tell that to Will, but I'm really horny tonight, and I need to get off before I can sleep. And something else, Ricky." Miguel took a deep breath. "You might as well know that Will and I have been helping each other out in the same way."

"You have?" Ricky said, also surprised by his brother's candor.

"I can't keep it from you any longer. This touching you're both doing is driving me wild, and neither one of you probably knows that I'm holding a hard cock in each hand right now."

Of course, I thought I was the only one Miguel was holding like that, and Ricky probably thought he was the only one, too. What a hoot -- who knew? We kicked off the top sheet, leaving ourselves fully exposed. I hoped that someone had remembered to lock the bedroom door, but at that moment I was too excited to care.

Not being a shy and retiring type of dude, I decided to take the bull by the horns, so to speak, and encircled Miguel's erection with my free hand, slowly moving his foreskin over his glans repeatedly. He moaned with pleasure, and then I felt another hand that wasn't my own playing with the same now-hard cock. I lowered my hand to Miguel's balls and played with them for a while, while Ricky played with his big brother's cock. Now Miguel was almost thrashing with the excitement of having two hands playing with his package at the same time.

Ricky's hand and mine continued to play with Miguel's front side, from balls to nipples and then back again. Ricky and I were facing each other, propped up on our other hand and arm. We were kissing Miguel softly on opposite sides of his face while we stroked him everywhere we could reach. He tensed and moaned with pleasure as two hands caressed him.

Inevitably, I guess, Ricky and I began directing our attentions not only to Miguel but to each other, touching our hands together on Miguel's tummy and finally meeting our lips together with Miguel's. It kind of started with all three of our mouths joining together, but it progressed to Ricky and me kissing each other directly and then taking turns kissing his brother while he continued to squeeze a willing, hard cock in each hand.

My hand then drifted to Ricky's smooth body, and I stroked him up and down his side, finally resting my hand on the curve of his round, firm butt and squeezing it gently. Emboldened by my move on him, he returned the gesture. As our thighs rested on Miguel's legs I felt my knee touching Ricky's knee, and I stroked him from knee to hip to ass and back again. I loved being able to touch both of these sexy Dominicans at the same time. This was my first three-way, and so far I was thrilled with the way it was developing -- not having had a clue 30 minutes earlier that we would all become this intimate together.

I doubted that Ricky and Miguel had done more than this with each other before, especially since they had two younger brothers sleeping in the same room with them back home. I desperately wanted to take a cock in my mouth -- either one! -- but I decided that I'd not push things too far and risk backlash from either of them.

So I just looked over at Ricky and said, "Why don't you stroke off your brother while I play with his balls?" He didn't hesitate a bit. I put a little lube on Miguel's hard penis, and Ricky went to work on it. Seeing Ricky's hand moving up and down Miguel's cock was really hot! Pretty soon his brother's direct stroking had him on the edge. While "playing ball" with Miguel, I also ran my tongue inside of his ear -- driving him into an even deeper frenzy. He couldn't hold out any longer -- pretty soon he was blasting away in complete ecstasy, all over his stomach and chest, while he was squeezing my hard cock -- and Ricky's, too, I assumed -- tightly.

"Sweet Jesus!" I heard him say under his breath as he came back down from his high. "That was incredible."

"You were right about being horny, my friend," I teased him. "That was quite a display of fireworks."

"You have no idea, Will!" he said. "You have no idea. Wow!"

That left one very satisfied young man in the bed and two that still longed to be. After we got Miguel cleaned up, we put Ricky in the middle and eagerly gave him the same treatment. What a wonderful body he had! I loved touching and kissing him everywhere, almost as much as I did Miguel. His cock and balls were a little smaller than his brother's, but they were just as exciting for me to play with. I was starting to wish I had a foreskin myself, and I'd never really thought about that before. Miguel lubed Ricky's cock up for me and let me do the honors. Before long -- the kid had a hair trigger, I discovered -- he moaned and shot several volleys of cum like his brother had, while we fondled and kissed him all over.

"I can't believe how that felt, guys," he said. "I think I'm moving in!"

Then it was equal time for Will. I had never felt so loved and worshiped as I did by these two hotties. Their mouths and hands were all over me, and Ricky finished me off with his hand and some lube, as I had done to him. As much as I loved Miguel, there's nothing like the feel of "fresh meat," especially when he's related to my wonderful roommate and lover. As I came down from my own high, I felt like a million bucks. I'm sure we looked like one big Oreo cookie, with my white skin in the middle between these two beautiful brown boys.

They cleaned me up like I had cleaned them, and we all drifted off to sleep, skin to skin, with me still in the middle -- never more contented. What a night and we still had one more left!

(To be continued soon. Please send any feedback to Damian at Please mention your first name and location in your message. I like to know where my readers live. Thanks for reading my story.)

Next: Chapter 10

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