Getting to First Base with Miguel

By Damian

Published on Jun 30, 2010


The following story about Will, an 18-year-old man in California, and Miguel, a 19-year-old baseball player from the Dominican Republic, is a work of fiction. I made it up and used names not associated with anyone I know. If you're a minor, you don't belong here, but you know that already. Go do something productive instead.

Please don't reproduce this story in any form without my permission -- it's my creation and I own the rights to it. Please let me know what you think of it at It will continue for a few more chapters.

  • Damian


Miguel and I didn't fuck a lot after that first time, but I finally got to pop his cherry one Friday night and loved doing it. More often we just enjoyed sucking each other off and cuddling before we fell asleep. If I wasn't sure I was gay before, I was sure of it now!

But just as we were settling into a routine of sorts, there was another big surprise in store for both of us.


Toward the middle of April I had a spring break from school. Long before Miguel arrived, I had made plans to go with some buddies up to Lake Tahoe for some late winter skiing for several days. I wanted to take Miguel along, but of course his baseball schedule didn't permit that. It would be the first time in over a month that I'd been away from him overnight. It was really tough leaving him behind because we had grown to depend so much on each other's company -- not to mention, of course, that I was head over heels in love with him. And I knew he felt the same way about me.

What was really difficult was not being able to talk about it. Mom and Dad knew Miguel and I had grown very close, but I don't think they had any idea just how passionately I was feeling about him. And of course I couldn't begin to broach the subject with my buddies. As far as they knew, Miguel was just a roommate and friend but nothing more.

The ski conditions at Tahoe were awesome. We skied Heavenly, which has runs into both Nevada and California from a mountain that overlooks the lake. There's hardly a view in the world that's more beautiful than that, especially on a sunny crisp day with snow on all the peaks.

My three buddies and I had crowded into one two-bed rental cottage in South Lake Tahoe during the ski trip. I'd been used to hanging around Miguel nude most of the time, and this wasn't much different. We all shared the same bathroom, so there wasn't much thought given to covering up. Besides we were all gymnastics teammates, so I'd already seen all their bodies dozens of times in the past. But sleeping was another matter. No one but me wanted to sleep nude, so we all wore our underwear for sleeping. That didn't mean we didn't do a little ass grabbing when the occasion called for it, but it wasn't overtly sexual. I had a hunch I could've "had" any of the three guys under the right circumstances, but Miguel was the only one I really wanted. Still, it was a little hard to stop myself from snuggling in the middle of the night with the one I was sleeping with -- it had become almost second nature to me with Miguel

lately. (Sigh...)

I'm sure we all jacked off in the shower at various times during the week. I know I did. But I was plenty horny on the way home and couldn't wait to jump Miguel's pretty bones as soon as I got there. We came home late on Saturday evening, a day early, because one of my buddies had injured his ankle skiing that morning. Besides, by then we had all but run out of money and were eating bologna sandwiches and Oreos for meals from the few groceries we could afford at Safeway. I was looking forward to a home-cooked meal almost as much as a romp in the sack with Miguel.

The house was dark when I got home, so I let myself in with my key, stashed my ski gear in the utility room, and made my way to the back of the house, where my room was. I had to pee, so I opened the bathroom door first. Either Dad or Miguel was in the shower, I guess, because I heard the water running. Through the translucent shower door and the steam I could make out brown skin, so I decided to strip off silently and surprise him. He didn't hear me open the shower door and step in. I grabbed those bronze globes of his and said, "Guess who's home, lover boy!"

He gasped and dropped the bar of soap he had in his hand.

"Who are you???" he yelled, his eyes wide as saucers.

Through the steam I could see that I had the wrong number, so to speak. Standing before me was this beautiful brown kid who couldn't have been more than 16 or 17 years old. I don't know which one of us was more startled. We looked each other up and down warily. He looked enough like Miguel that he could have been his bro... Omigod, he was! Miguel had said he was homesick, but I never suspected that any of his family would show up here so soon.

"Oh, sorry, kid. I'm Will. I live here. Who are you?"

"Oh, you scared the shit outta me! I'm Ricardo, Miguel's brother. You can call me Ricky. I've been here since Wednesday."

"Ricky, I'm so sorry. Obviously, I thought you were Miguel. I'm already half wet, so do you mind if I shower with you?"

"Uh, I guess not," he said, noticing my hard-on that was meant for his older brother. "I was almost done anyway."

"Want me to wash your back, Ricky?" I said. It was more of a statement than a question, and I didn't wait for an answer before I lathered up my hands and started in on him. His back was tense as hell, and I knew he was probably mortified to have this total stranger washing his naked body. I wanted to wash more than just his back, but I decided to be good and let him finish the rest. He quickly rinsed off.

"Do you mind returning the favor?" I asked, holding the soap out in my hand for him.

"Uh, okay," he said, not sure of what he should do. He washed my back quickly and then made his exit from the shower stall to the safety of his towel. "Will, can I brush my teeth while I'm in here?" I heard him ask.

"Be my guest, Ricky. Take your time."

I washed quickly and then stepped out of the shower and dried myself off with a towel while Ricky was at the sink with his towel around his waist, trying unsuccessfully not to look at me in the mirror.

"How long are you going to be here?" I asked him.

He turned and I noticed his eyes taking in the total sight of my still naked body. He seemed transfixed. Maybe he'd never seen a circumcised man before. I just let him look to his heart's content.

"Just till Tuesday," he said. "I wanted to come and see Miguel and go to his first game. It was today. I have to go back to school next week."

"Cool," I replied. "I'm glad you're here. Sorry I scared the crap out of you earlier."

He smiled back at me weakly. When I was done with my towel, I had a wicked idea. I wanted to surprise Miguel by walking back into the bedroom together with Ricky, both of us stark naked. I doubted that he even knew I was home yet. I ran the idea past Ricky. He blushed.

"Yeah, that would kinda be fun, but won't someone catch us in the hallway?"

"Not at this time of night," I reassured him.

We hung up our towels and grinned at each other. We walked to the room I was sharing with Miguel and opened the door.

"Surprise, roomie, I'm home. Look who I found in our shower!"

You should've seen Miguel's mouth drop to the floor as he saw us both walk in. It was the first he knew that I was even home, and here I was walking in the door naked with his equally nude brother. Miguel was naked, too.

"Will! What the heck! What're you doing home? I thought you were coming home tomorrow."

"Change of plans, Miguel. Aren't you glad to see me?"

"Yeah, but what're you doing naked with my brother?"

"I thought it was you in the shower, so I stripped and went in there to surprise you. Turns out the surprise was on Ricky and me. He let me shower with him anyway, so we thought we'd turn the surprise on you."

"Well, that's one way to get acquainted with a stranger, isn't it? It's a good thing for you that he didn't deck you."

"He grabbed me on the butt, Miguel, and called me `lover boy,'" Ricky said. "Is that, uh, something you guys do all the time?

Miguel and I traded a look, and I jumped in to save him from embarrassment.

"We do things like that to have fun, Ricky. Your brother is quite a jokester, and so am I."

Miguel looked relieved. I was pretty sure he hadn't let on to Ricky what he and I had been doing together for the past few weeks. Now though was the harder part -- I wanted desperately to hug my Miguel after not seeing him for a week, but I didn't want to do anything to upset the apple cart. And just what were the sleeping arrangements going to be here? Even if Miguel and I were going to sleep together in my larger bed, I couldn't imagine keeping my hands off of him all night. It would be torture!

"I'm bushed, guys. Where are we all sleeping?" I said, throwing the decision to the other two.

"Ricky's been sleeping in my bed since he got here, Will, and I've been using yours. Okay with you if we keep doing it that way?"

"Sure," I said. "Whatever's most comfortable for you two."

Miguel went to brush his teeth, and I made small talk with Ricky -- still naked as newborn babies. He was making no move to cover up, so I didn't either. He was really a very handsome young man, and I had to try hard not to stare. I didn't think I should be perving on Miguel's little brother, but the more I saw of him the more I liked. I wondered if all his brothers looked this good. I'd seen photos of his family, but Ricky looked older and a whole lot more appealing in person than he had in the photos.

I learned the next day that Miguel had had another meltdown after I left and called his parents in tears, begging them to send someone from his family for a visit. As it turned out, Ricky was the most available and wanted to see Miguel play in his home opener, so he was here within two days and he and Miguel had been holed up in this room most of the time since then, except for mealtimes with the family.

At last we were ready to turn out the lights, with Ricky in the little bed and Miguel and me in my full-size one -- all of us sleeping naked. We didn't want to make out in front of Ricky -- and I was almost too tired to anyway -- but we did manage a little quiet kissing and holding of each other's various appendages under the sheet. I wanted in the worst way to jump on him and make love to all his body parts, but it didn't seem like a good idea with Ricky sleeping only a few feet away.

Reluctantly, I drifted off -- unsatisfied but happy to be home with my sweetie in bed with me -- but I also found myself profoundly attracted to the young newcomer in the next bed. What would tomorrow bring? Would Ricky learn what was going on right under his nose between his brother and me? If so, how would he react?

(To be continued soon. Please send any feedback to Damian at Please mention your first name and location in your message. I like to know where my readers live. Thanks for reading my story.)

Next: Chapter 9

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