Getting to First Base with Miguel

By Damian

Published on Jun 20, 2010


The following story about Will, an 18-year-old man in California, and Miguel, a 19-year-old baseball player from the Dominican Republic, is a work of fiction. I made it up and used names not associated with anyone I know. If you're a minor, you don't belong here, but you know that already. Go do something productive instead.

Please don't reproduce this story in any form without my permission -- it's my creation and I own the rights to it. Please let me know what you think of it at It will continue for several more chapters.

  • Damian


Between the massage oil and our cum, we were a sticky mess and needed to jump in the shower before hitting the sack for good. We silently and lovingly washed and then dried each other's body, savoring every wonderful touch, and then walked naked and clean back to our room.

Nothing more was said about sleeping arrangements -- Miguel just crawled into my bed for the first time ever, spooning my body against his. He thanked me for "everything" as he held me tightly and kissed me gently on back of my neck. We slept like babies for the rest of the night. We had crossed a line in our young relationship, and nothing would ever be the same again.

But there would be unintended consequences to face, beginning the next morning.


We awoke on Saturday morning to the sound of my dad's voice wanting to know if we were "still alive in there." We'd forgotten to lock the door after our shower, and he opened it when we didn't respond right away. He took in the sight of Miguel and me sleeping in my bed. Somehow we had kicked off most of the top sheet in the night, so he could see that we were naked with our arms and legs intertwined. I awoke when he opened, and then closed, the door.

"Oh, shit," I thought. "The jig is up." Miguel had apparently not heard him and was still in la-la land.

"Miguel, better wake up. It's after 10 and dad just caught us in bed together."

"Oh?" he said groggily. "That's not a good thing, is it?"

"No, it's certainly not. I'm going to have to have a little talk with him after breakfast."

"What are you going to say to him?" Miguel wondered out loud.

"I don't know yet, but it had better be good."

Everyone else -- even my late-sleeping sisters -- had already had breakfast and were out doing things with Mom by the time Miguel and I got to the kitchen. We ate a quick bowl of cereal, and then I told Miguel I should go out to talk to Dad, who was working in the back yard.

"Do you want me to go with you?" he offered.

"Thanks, but no. This is something I should do on my own. Why don't you go strip our sheets and put them in the washer? I think yours got a little messy last night."

"Oh, you think?" he said with a smile. I was glad to see that Miguel was apparently in a better mood this morning. It made me feel good that I'd been able to "comfort" him last night in his bed -- and be comforted in return all night long in mine.

"How are your body aches this morning?"

"Almost all gone, Will. You sure worked some magic with those hands of yours last night. And...well...we'll talk about the rest later."

It was beginning to look like today was going to be a "talking day" in more ways than one. I took a deep breath and walked out the back door to face the first one, my stomach in knots.

Dad had his back to me when I approached him, trying to tune up the lawnmower engine.

"Hi, Dad. How's it goin'?"

"Good morning, Will," he said without turning around. That wasn't like him, and I could see that this wasn't going to be easy.

"Can we talk, Dad? I can explain what you saw this morning."

"Oh, can you?" he replied, kind of icily I thought. "I'd be real interested in knowing what Miguel was doing naked in your bed. Was he there all night?"

"Yeah, Dad, but there was a good reason for it. Miguel had a rough week at baseball training, and he came home kind of banged up last night, as he mentioned at dinner. I offered to give him a massage, like my teammates and I do sometimes do after gymnastics practice. In the middle of it, he seemed to have some kind of emotional meltdown, telling me how hard it was to keep up in the minors and even -- you probably don't know this -- but he's getting pretty homesick for his family."

I paused before continuing. By now, Dad was looking at me and had put his work aside.

"Dad, he really needed some comforting last night in the worst way. I felt really sorry for him, so I let him sleep with me. It was the first time, and I think it really helped. He's in a much better mood this morning."

Dad listened carefully, then looked down at the ground before responding.

"Will, I know how close you guys are getting to each other. I can see it in your eyes and your actions around each other. I'm just concerned that maybe we should have waited to take Miguel in until after you went away to college. I think your relationship is bordering on something unnatural."

My face flushed. So he suspected even before catching us in bed this morning. We both looked at the ground silently for an awkwardly long time. Finally Dad spoke up, using a tone of voice I'd never heard from him before.

"You love him, don't you, Will?"

Oh, God, it was like he was reading my mind! I hadn't even admitted that to myself yet, but I could no longer deny it.

"We all love Miguel, Dad. He's a great guy. And I'm glad that he came when he did, or I would've missed out on..." I choked up and couldn't continue.

"Yes, Will, we all love Miguel, but it's more than that with you. Isn't it?"

I almost turned and ran back to the house, but I held my ground, crocodile tears forming in my eyes. I couldn't look at my father just then, but I needed someone to understand my intense feelings for Miguel. Finally I was able to get a few words out.

"I can't deny it, Dad. He means so much to me, and we've become like brothers to each other in such a short time."

"Brothers don't sleep naked with each other at your age, Will. Son, you need to level with me. Is Miguel turning you gay, because if he is I think we need to help him find someplace else to live."

"No, Dad, please don't blame Miguel. It isn't his fault. I was gay before he got here, and I'm going to be gay when he leaves. It's time you knew, I guess. If he hadn't come along, I'd be no less or nor more gay than I was already. I wasn't going to tell you until after I left for college, but you might as well know now. Please don't send Miguel away -- it would break my heart, and his, too."

"Does he feel the same way about you that you do about him?"

"I wasn't sure until last night, Dad, but I think the answer is yes. He's been struggling with his feelings toward me for the past few weeks, too, and last night everything seemed to come out in the open between us. I'm just not sure yet how this is all gonna to get resolved. Maybe he'll change his mind, but I know I won't. I love him, Dad -- I really, really love him. We may not have a future together, but having him here has helped me feel sure that I can never be happy living with a woman -- it has to be a man I can love as much as I know I love Miguel today. For that I'm going to be eternally grateful to him. Just please, please tell me you won't send him away. If you do, I'm going with him -- that's how strongly I feel about this."

"I see," Dad said after another long awkward pause. "Well, Son, I can't say that I'm happy about this. But I...I think I see someone who could use a hug about now."

I melted into my father's arms, and he silently held me for a long time there in the back yard. I wondered if anyone could see, but I didn't really care. I just knew that he loved me, and that's all that mattered right then.

"Thanks, Dad," I finally managed to say, when I could talk again. "I love you, and I need you to try to understand me. I need to be allowed to be gay, but I guess I still need a dad, too."

"I'll need some time to get used to this, Will, but I'll never turn my back on you. I love you, too, and I just want you to be happy and safe. We're going to have to let your mom in on this, too, so you just tell me when and how you want to do it. The sooner the better, I think, because I think she's suspecting the same thing I was about you and Miguel."

"She is? Well, at least give me a couple of days before you say anything to her. I need to have a long talk with Miguel before I totally understand what's going on between us. Thanks for listening to me. It means everything to me that you're trying to understand, and I'm sorry it's so hard on you."

We finally broke our embrace and managed an awkward smile between us.

"Thanks for leveling with me, Will. Why don't you go wash your face and pull yourself together? Mom and I and the girls are going to a play this afternoon -- some silly thing your sisters talked us into. That should give you and Miguel a block of time to have a heart to-heart...and whatever else you two need to do for yourselves."

He gave me a slap on the butt and returned to his work. I have the best dad in the world!

"Will! How did it go out there?" Miguel said when I got back inside. "I saw you and your dad hugging. Was that a good sign?"

"Yes, it was awkward at first, but it ended on a good note. It could've been much worse."

"How did you explain our sleeping in the same bed last night?"

"Well, I started by telling him about offering you a massage and then trying to comfort you because you'd had a bad week at baseball practice. I also told him that you were feeling homesick and really needed someone to hold you last night."

"I'm embarrassed that you had to let him know that I was homesick, Will. Now he's gonna think I'm weak."

"I had to tell him, Miguel. It was the only way I could justify spending the whole night with you in one bed. It's perfectly natural for you to feel homesick since this is your first time so far from home. It's not a sign of weakness."

"Maybe not in your culture, but where I come from men are supposed to be strong and not be crybabies about things like that."

"Well, don't worry about it. No one here is going to think less of you for missing your family. In fact, we'd wonder about you if you didn't miss them."

"Do you think your dad suspects that we might be doing things we shouldn't?"

"They're all going to a play this afternoon, Miguel, and we'll have the house all to ourselves for a few hours. Can we postpone this discussion until after they leave? Let's change the sheets and try to look productive around here. Then we can talk all we want."

Miguel looked a bit nervous about my putting off any further talking for a while, but he went along with it. Mom and the girls came back home from shopping and we all had a nice lunch together. Dad didn't let on that anything unusual happened while they were away, and everyone seemed in good spirits.

They left about 1:30 and said they'd be gone until dinner time. They had some errands to run before and after the play. Dad gave me another weak smile and a wink before they all left. I knew he was struggling with this situation. I don't think he'd ever suspected that I might be gay before, but he was a fair-minded and reasonable sort of guy who would do his best to hold his family together despite curve balls like he'd experienced this morning. At least, that's what I told myself -- I had to hold onto hope that he wouldn't come between Miguel and me.

When we were at last alone, I took Miguel by the hand and walked him back to our room.

(To be continued soon. I promise more "action" in the next part. Please send any feedback to Damian at Please mention your first name and location in your message. I like to know where my readers live. Thanks for reading my story.)

Next: Chapter 7

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