Getting to First Base with Miguel

By Damian

Published on Jun 15, 2010


The following story about Will, an 18-year-old man in California, and Miguel, a 19-year-old baseball player from the Dominican Republic, is a work of fiction. I made it up and used names not associated with anyone I know. If you're a minor, you don't belong here, but you know that already. Go do something productive instead.

Please don't reproduce this story in any form without my permission -- it's my creation and I own the rights to it. Please let me know what you think of it at It will continue for several more chapters.

  • Damian


We took turns with the robe and the bathroom and soon were ready to turn off the lamp between our beds. After a few seconds of tension-filled silence, Miguel spoke up again.

"Now that we have no secrets from each other, I think I need to take care of some business," he said, throwing back his sheet and preparing to do what he thought he'd done in private in the middle of last night.

"Don't let me stop you," I said, trying to ignore his comment about having no secrets, "but you're not the only one who's kinda horned up."

I threw back my own sheet and matched him stroke for stroke in our separate beds. We finished in nearly a dead heat, cleaned ourselves up, and dropped into a deep, contented sleep. I dreamed about my hot naked new roommate, never expecting the incredible turn that our budding friendship would take a few nights later.


The next day Miguel and I had a little pow-wow with Dad about how we were going to go about sharing a bathroom. We told him that we were comfortable with another coming in to use the sink or take a leak while we were in the shower and that he should feel free to just walk in if the door was unlocked. We would only lock it if we were sitting on the toilet.

He agreed with this plan and told us we could do likewise. As you can imagine, this meant that we would all be seeing each other in various states of dress -- and undress -- on a regular basis. I'd never been that open about my body with Dad before, but I figured there was no need to be prudish now that he'd seen Miguel and me totally naked -- and even hard -- in our bedroom.

Besides, I'd always been curious about my dad's body -- he was relatively young (41) and very fit, and I really wanted to see more of him. Pretty soon I was seeing as much of him as there was to see -- and quite often. Dad's body was a turn-on, frankly, and it was difficult not to get hard around him.

Sometimes we'd all three be in there at the same time -- one at each sink and one in the shower. The robe Miguel and I had been using at first soon went by the wayside, and we were walking to and from the bathroom in just our underwear or a towel. In the middle of the night, we'd just go there butt naked. Mom and my sisters never caught us since they used a bathroom in a different part of the house.

I never knew that Dad liked to shave naked, but we discovered that pretty quickly. So pretty soon Miguel and I were doing the same thing. Miguel and I would sometimes shower together -- washing each other, of course -- when we were in a hurry, but we never showered with Dad. That would have been a little too intimate. But it wasn't uncommon after a while for all three of us to be in the bathroom doing various necessary things stark naked. Erections would happen but were not discussed openly. A raised eyebrow, a wink, or a sly grin said it all. I think Dad liked seeing Miguel and me that way, and I know I enjoyed it too.

As for Miguel, he seemed to be more comfortable naked than dressed. Now instead of wearing our underwear together in our room after dinner, we spent hours in there studying, reading, using the computer, or just hanging out in the complete nude. It was wonderful, and we got to know each other's bodies very well.

As for getting off, we did it quite openly, although it was always in our own bed and usually after lights out. I wanted more, but I wasn't sure how to make it happen. For some reason, I was still afraid to come out to Miguel, and he'd made no further moves for any more intimacy than we'd already experienced. One Friday night, however, in late March something unexpected happened that would bring us closer together -- in every sense of the word.

Miguel had had a particularly grueling week at baseball practice. I could see growing discouragement in his eyes by the day. The transition to the American minor leagues was apparently proving to be more difficult than he had imagined. At the end of the week he came home with some very sore muscles. He soaked in the tub after dinner but was still hurting at bedtime. Being a gymnast, I knew a thing or two about sore muscles and how we would help each other out sometimes with massages. I always enjoyed rubbing and being rubbed, and I thought Miguel might as well -- not to mention that it would give me the perfect opportunity to get my hands on his warm, naked body for an extended period of time. What was not to like about that?

I told Miguel that I thought a good massage would help him sleep better. He asked me if I knew anyone who could do that, and I said, "You're lookin' at him!" His troubled eyes got kind of big, but he was hurting so much that he jumped at the chance for some relief. I had some massage oil in my gym bag, and I told him to lie on his stomach on his bed and let me straddle him. We turned off all the lights in the room except for one dim one, locked the door, and turned on some quiet music. We were both nude, of course.

Straddling him over his upper thighs, I started in on his back with a firm touch and soon had him purring contently. Though he was very muscular, his skin was soft and supple, and I was loving being able to touch him like this for the first time. I don't have long arms, so when I was rubbing his upper back and shoulders my cock and balls often rested directly on his ass. I found this to be very erotic. My cock of course responded in the usual way, and I wondered what Miguel was thinking. It wouldn't be long until I knew.

I repositioned myself between his legs and started in on his lower back, butt, and upper thighs. I didn't hold back a bit -- I massaged those wonderful bronze globes of his for several minutes. This was going to be one of those moments I would think about for a long time, and I didn't want to hurry things. Miguel's cock and balls were partly visible between his legs, as he was lying with his penis pointing downward. I desperately wanted to touch him there, but I thought I should concentrate instead on his aching muscles.

All of a sudden I could feel Miguel shaking all over, and then I heard him sobbing.

"Miguel, what's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

After a minute or so he almost got himself under control. "I need you to hold me, Will," he said between sobs. He turned over and pulled me down beside him so that we were facing each other lying on our sides with our arms tightly around each other.

Again I asked him what was wrong.

"I don't know, Will -- I'm just such a mess. I came here with such high hopes, but the other players on the team are doing better than I am. It's a real struggle for me to keep up. I'm also homesick as hell -- I've never been away from home before, and I miss my family so much."

"I'm so sorry, Miguel," I told him, wanting to help but feeling like there was little I could do.

"But there's more," he said after a long pause. "I think I should probably find somewhere else to live."

This hit me like a sharp stab in the gut.

"Why, Miguel? Aren't you happy here? We've all tried to make you feel welcome and comfortable. I -- we all -- really like you a lot, and you've become almost like the brother I never had."

Now I was starting to cry, too, and that started Miguel into more sobs.

"I know -- I feel the same way, Will. My own brothers have never treated me better than you have. But I just don't understand these feelings going on inside me. I get so turned on when... I mean I just feel so good around you, and...well...being able to spend time with you like this has meant so much to me. I never thought... I mean seeing you like this every day and now having you touch me like this -- it's all so overwhelming and I need it so bad, but at the same time it seems so wrong!"

Miguel dissolved into another fit of sobbing and we just held each other tightly as I tried to calm him down. I'd never seen a guy in such an emotional meltdown, but I had to admit that I knew some of what he was feeling because I had some of the same concerns.

"Miguel, listen to me. Calm down and just let me hold you. I'll hold you all night if you want me to -- I'm not going to turn my back on you, but you can't even think of leaving. We've grown so close so fast that I'd be devastated if you left so soon."

"Thanks, Will, but it's just too scary for me...I mean these feelings I have for you are like nothing I've ever felt before. Men aren't supposed to feel this way, are they? I mean I like girls, but none of them have ever made me feel the way I feel around you. You're just so handsome and so nice and so open about everything with me. I don't deserve this."

"Miguel, Miguel," I said, holding him even more tightly. "You have no idea what effect you've had on me since you got here. I feel incredibly close to you, too, and I'm just as scared and confused about my feelings for you as you say you are about me."

My erection that I got when massaging Miguel had never gone down, and now I felt something else down there getting hard as well. Miguel had to feel it too -- our hard-ons were now touching. I looked into his eyes and smiled, and I rubbed his tears away with my thumb. My fingers lingered on his face, but his tears kept coming faster than I could wipe them away.

I don't know what came over me, but soon I found myself licking his tears with my tongue -- he tasted so good and I couldn't get enough of him. Before I could even think about what I was doing, I found myself softly kissing his lips -- the first time I'd ever kissed another guy, and it felt so wonderful! He didn't back away in shock or surprise. In fact, I felt him leaning into me and kissing me back with all the urgency that I felt inside myself. He opened his mouth and my tongue found his -- we eagerly explored each other's mouth and lips for a minute or so, and then Miguel broke the kiss and pulled away from me.

"I'm sorry -- I never meant for that to happen. Where I come from, men don't do that to each other, but I just got so carried away with what you were doing to me and it felt so good I didn't want to stop."

"It doesn't have to stop, Miguel," I told him. "As long as two people want to kiss and hold each other and show affection, that's just between them and no one else, isn't it? Do you have any idea how much I've been wanting to kiss you? I thought it was wonderful. Didn't you?"

He turned his head as if he needed to think about that for a minute.

"I've been wanting to touch you and kiss you, too, Will. But does this means we're gay?" he finally said. "I never thought I was, but after living here with you and seeing you naked so much and hard and jacking off and everything...well, it's just been the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me. I don't know what this means for the future. I don't think we can ever go back to the way it was before."

"You don't have to put a label on it, Miguel -- let's just enjoy each other and be there for each other. You can tell me anything, and I want to be able to tell you anything as well. I really need you in my life right now. Someday we'll have to go our separate ways, but can't we just enjoy what we have now for the time being?"

He stared at the ceiling and sighed deeply before deciding what he wanted to say next.

"Well...maybe we can start with you finishing that massage you started. I don't think you've done my, uh, front side yet, have you?"

"No, I guess I haven't. Would you like that?"

"More than anything, amigo, but under one condition."

"What's that, Miguel?"

He looked away again for a moment, then looked me squarely in the eyes. "I want you to touch me everywhere, Will. And I really do mean everywhere!"

"It would be my pleasure, my friend. Close your eyes and let me take you to a place you've never been before."

I spent the better part of 30 minutes massaging his front side, touching him -- as he told me to -- everywhere. After I finished his chest, arms, feet, and the front of his legs I finally grasped his magnificent cock, which had been rock hard the whole time. I purposely saved it for last, although I had brushed by it -- and his sexy balls -- a few times, teasing him until he was practically begging for direct contact down there.

I put some extra lube on his cock and slowly and gently began to stroke him. His hardness gave me all the encouragement I needed. He was so hard that his foreskin was fully retracted, and I ran my thumb over his glans, pee slit, and frenulum over and over, enjoying the silky sensation. He purred, moaned, writhed, and finally yelled out as he all too quickly reached the peak of his ecstasy and let loose with a powerful orgasm -- volley after volley spewed out of his cock as his body tensed and strained before finally relaxing. While he was coming down from his high, I unloaded a gusher of my own onto his belly and chest, commingling my own cum with his. Then I just collapsed on top of his body and tasted his sweet lips one more time. I had taken us both to a place we'd never been before.

Between the massage oil and our cum, we were a sticky mess and needed to jump in the shower before hitting the sack for good. We silently and lovingly washed and then dried each other's body, savoring every wonderful touch, and then walked naked and clean back to our room.

Nothing more was said about sleeping arrangements -- Miguel just crawled into my bed for the first time ever, spooning my body against his. He thanked me for "everything" as he held me tightly and kissed me gently on back of my neck. We slept like babies for the rest of the night. We had crossed a line in our young relationship, and nothing would ever be the same again.

But there would be unexpected consequences to face, beginning the next morning.

(To be continued soon. Please send any feedback to Damian at Please mention your first name and location in your message. I like to know where my readers live. Thanks for reading my story.)

Next: Chapter 6

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