Getting to First Base with Miguel

By Damian

Published on Jun 1, 2010


The following story about Will, an 18-year-old man in California, and Miguel, a 19-year-old baseball player from the Dominican Republic, is a work of fiction. I made it up and used names not associated with anyone I know. If you're a minor, you don't belong here, but you know that already. Go do something productive instead.

Please don't reproduce this story in any form without my permission -- it's my creation and I own the rights to it. Now sit back and enjoy; then please let me know what you think of it at It will continue for several chapters.

  • Damian


"Good night, Will," he mumbled. "See you in the morning. Hope you didn't mind that I came into the bathroom while you were showering."

"No problem. Good night, Miguel," I stammered, glad to finally know who was looking at my ass in the shower. I wanted to check my e-mail but was so tired from the long road trip, with little sleep, that I decided that would have to wait until tomorrow. I turned off the lamp on the nightstand between us and crawled under my sheet, still in my clean briefs. I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.


Sometime in the night I was aware of Miguel getting up to go the bathroom. When I woke up the next morning, he was still asleep and I noticed that the boxers that had been on the floor when he went to sleep last night were no longer there.

Miguel was sleeping on his back, and I noticed a definite tent in the sheet covering him, indicating that he had some serious morning wood going on. I still hadn't seen anything of him below the waist and was eagerly looking forward to seeing him emerge from under the covers.

My patient wait was finally rewarded, as Miguel yawned and stretched and came to life. At first I don't think he remembered where he was because he looked around the room, finally looking over at me. I was lying on my back under my sheet, too, and I saw his eyes go first to my tenting crotch and then to my eyes.

", good morning, roommate," he said, with a winning smile that stirred something in my groin.

"Morning, Miguel," I answered back. Our eyes locked for a second or two longer than I was normally comfortable with. "Sleep well?"

"Ah, yes... I think my jet lag is finally under control."

I decided to make the first move. I threw back my sheet and sat up on the side of my bed, facing Miguel's. His eyes dropped to my briefs-covered hard-on and my muscular, nearly hairless legs.

"Uh, Will, I was wondering about something."

"What's that?"

"Well, last night I wore just my boxers when I got up to go to the bathroom. Is that okay here? I mean, at home I'm used to being pretty casual about that, but you have sisters around and I don't. Would they or your mom freak if I went out in the hall that way and they caught me?"

I thought of my sisters and how hot they thought Miguel was (we all did, actually) and smiled as I thought of them catching him in his boxers. I was looking forward to it myself and knew it was only seconds away.

"I'll leave that up to you, Miguel. I usually wear a robe. You might want to do the same thing -- you can use mine." I paused while looking over at his sheet-covered bulge and added, "But you might want to get that wood under control first."

"Wood? Oh, this -- is that what you Americans call it?" Even through his Caribbean-colored skin he seemed to be blushing. By now, so was I.

Finally, he threw his sheet off and swung his legs over toward me. I glanced down at his dark, hairy legs and then to that spot where they meet. My heart almost stopped when I saw the head of his very hard cock poking through the fly of his boxers. Below the belt I saw that he was just as amazing looking as he was above it, as I took in the sight of his nearly nude body for the first time.

"Here, maybe you'd better wear my robe to the bathroom," I offered, nodding in the direction of his unintended exposure.

"Thanks, Will. That would probably be a good idea," he said, accepting my offer. "Looks like something popped out."

When he stood up, I realized that he was taller than me. But I couldn't help but notice something else, too -- his entire hard cock was out in the open, not three feet from my eyes! I couldn't help staring openly at it as he put the robe on. Turning aside, with the robe still open but not so I could see inside it, he pulled his boxers off and dropped them on the floor.

"I'm going to take a quick shower. See you at breakfast. Save me some coffee," he said with a wink. He tied the flimsy robe closed and left the room. I picked up his boxers and allowed myself a quick sniff before putting them back where they were. I was intoxicated not only with that but also the almost full view I'd just enjoyed of his beautiful brown body. Maybe this arrangement was going to be okay after all!

I wanted to stick around and watch Miguel get dressed after his shower, but from what he said when he left I knew he expected me to be gone when he got back. So I threw on some clothes and went to see what was for breakfast.

But then I remembered in all the excitement that I hadn't peed yet. Feeling more comfortable with my new roommate now, I decided to follow his lead and just pop in the bathroom for a quick leak while he was in the shower. With the water running, I'm not even sure he knew I was there. Through the translucent shower door I could see a fuzzy outline of his body, but he had his back to me and I couldn't see much. I could, however, see shampoo suds trailing down his back and funneling into his ass crack -- something that always turns me on when I see it in locker room showers. I just did my business, washed my hands, and backed out of the room just as he turned the shower water off.

"Damn," I thought to myself. "Rotten timing, but I'll catch him later." My legs felt a little weak as I walked to the kitchen, and I took a big breath to steady my nerves.

"Morning, Mom," I said.

Everyone seems to eat breakfast on their own schedule at our house, especially on Sundays. Mom and Dad were up, but my sisters probably wouldn't be seen for a couple of hours yet. As soon as the three of us sat down, Miguel appeared in the doorway like a breath of fresh morning air. This was my first view of him in street clothes -- a tight pullover top and hip-hugging jeans. What was this guy doing playing minor league baseball when he could've been a GQ model?

"Buenos dias, everyone," he greeted us with a broad smile, lighting up the whole room.

"Good morning, Miguel -- how did you sleep?" Dad said.

"Great," he replied, taking a seat next to me and briefly patting my thigh. "Will's room is very comfortable, and I feel almost at home. You've all treated me so nice, and I'm very glad to be here."

I was glad he was here, too. I'm usually a pretty cool dude, but this guy had me worked up and feeling like a kid with his first crush. I hope I didn't come across that way.

Miguel wolfed down a hearty breakfast and then excused himself and took his dishes to the sink. Mom wasn't used to that. I'm sure she was hoping that Miguel's good manners would rub off on the rest of us. He grabbed a jacket to ward off the cool morning air that he wasn't used to, and was soon picked up by his team manager for an orientation session. He was gone until nearly 5.

Having my room to myself for the first time in almost 48 hours, I took advantage of it to read my e-mail and surf some of my favorite web sites all morning. I noticed that Miguel had made his bed and put away his things before he left. This guy was a mother's dream come true, and I saw that I was going to have to clean up my act a bit if we were going to be roommates.

I always leave my computer on sleep mode when I'm not home and overnight so I can load my favorite sites immediately -- instant gratification is my way of life. I usually go to my history to click on my favorite sites, and I noticed something interesting. There were some Spanish language sites in my history! Aha -- Miguel had used my computer yesterday. I wondered if he had noticed what sites were in my history -- I'd forgotten to clear it before leaving on Friday. My heart started racing at the thought of Miguel opening up the gay porn sites that I favor. Had he already figured me out?

The Spanish language sites he had visited didn't give me any clues to his sexuality. They appeared to be just news and sports sites. However, I did notice one that turned out to be a men's fitness site. This wasn't too surprising, since he was an athlete after all, but I noticed that the guys on the site were wearing some awfully skimpy outfits. I found myself getting hard looking at some of these photos. They weren't explicitly sexual, but they didn't leave much to the imagination.

I decided I needed to be more careful about erasing my history every time I got up from my computer. I wasn't ready to come out to Miguel yet, but I also had to wonder if he had already figured me out. If he had, he didn't show it, but I was still kind of nervous.

I scrimmaged with some of my buddies on a nearby outdoor basketball court in the afternoon and returned to the house about the time that Miguel did. We were both in need of another shower, and he said I should go first since I hadn't had one yet today. I stripped off my gear and remembered when I dropped my shorts that I was wearing just a jockstrap underneath. Suddenly, without turning around to be sure, I felt Miguel's eyes on my bare ass. He'd already seen plenty, so I just dropped the jock, too, grabbed my robe out of my closet, and headed for the bathroom.

I figured he'd follow me in soon, and he didn't disappoint. This time he talked to me about his day while he took a whiz, watching me take a shower behind the door that he couldn't quite see through. When I was finished washing myself, he was still there chatting away. I didn't know whether to turn off the water or not, but eventually I had to. My towel was on the other side of the door. Miguel saw my predicament and didn't want to embarrass me, I guess, so he took his leave and let me dry off in private.

I felt like we were playing some sort of game with each other, and I didn't know the rules. He didn't either, so we were two guys -- almost strangers to each other -- trying to share a bedroom and a bathroom as casually as possible but with definite sexual tension in the air. If he turned out to be straight, it was going to be awkward for both of us.

Back in my room, I put on some clean briefs before removing my robe and then decided to just lie like that on top of my bed and see what happened. My 7-incher wasn't hard, but it was full and not easy to hide under the kind of underwear I had on. We talked for a while, with me on my back and Miguel stripping out of his day clothes. He followed my lead and asked to borrow my robe before taking off his boxers and heading for the shower. I didn't go in there this time, not wanting to appear overeager, but I really wanted to. I pictured Miguel standing naked in the same spot where I had just showered, and I wondered if he was thinking the same thing.

I was pretending to read a magazine, still lying on top of my bed in my skimpy briefs, when he got back from his shower. Like me, he threw on some boxers before removing his robe and lay back on his bed like I had. We talked some more, and he admitted using my computer the first day before I got home from my overnight gymnastics meet.

"Do you mind, Will?" he asked. "I don't have a laptop, and we only have one computer back home for all of us. I want to stay in touch with my family, and e-mail seems to be the only affordable way to do it."

"No, it's cool," I replied, still wondering if he'd looked at any of the sites in my history. If he did, he never let on.

Dad called us to dinner at 6:15, so we got dressed and joined the rest of the family. I hardly got a word in edgewise with my sisters peppering Miguel with all their inane questions -- they hardly touched their food. He was very patient and told us all about his life in the Dominican Republic and how excited he was to be here and be able to join a semi-professional baseball team. We learned that he was 19 years old -- a year older than I was -- and had three younger brothers and two married sisters. His dad was a business owner, and his mom stayed home to raise the kids. They'd never been apart from one another before, so there had been a tearful departure at the Santo Domingo airport. He had flown first to Miami, then to Houston, and finally to Sacramento on Friday, arriving in the late afternoon. This was, of course, his first time flying, and he loved the experience.

We all hung on his every word -- he was a real charmer and knew all the right things to say to make us feel glad that we had agreed to host him. His team always looked for home-like accommodations for their new players, many of whom were from far-flung destinations, so that they would feel welcome in their new surroundings. Miguel had learned English at an early age, so there was no language barrier for us to deal with. I could see that he would quickly become almost like one of the family.

Later that evening I did some homework, and then we lounged around in our underwear again and continued to get acquainted. We both had a high interest in sports, so that was some common ground. I asked him if he had a girlfriend back home. He paused for a few seconds and then just said "No" with no elaboration.

"Do you?" he asked, looking at me with a look I didn't recognize.

"No, I hang out with friends a lot, and some of them are girls, but I don't have anyone special in my life right now. Since I'm going to college in the fall, I don't want to get involved with anyone right now. I like my independence."

"Me, too," he said. I thought he looked pleased with my answer.

I could tell that something more was on his mind. He finally blurted it out.

"Will, I don't know how you feel about...well, wearing anything to bed. My brothers and I are used to sleeping in the same room with nothing on. Would you, uh, mind if I slept that way here?"

"Not a problem, Miguel. I usually do the same thing. Just don't go to the bathroom that way, or you might start a riot. I'll leave my robe here on the chair so we can both reach it."

We got ready for bed, taking turns with the robe so we could go brush our teeth and take a leak first. Miguel kept his boxers on until just before slipping under his sheet. I got a good look at his shapely bare butt, but nothing else. I slipped my undies off, too, and turned off the light. Miguel discreetly kept his back to me.

"Good night, Will."

"Good night, Miguel."

I lay there for a while knowing that two very naked dudes were occupying the room, but in separate beds -- my full-size one and Miguel's twin-size one. I wondered when I would get my first unencumbered look at Miguel's body -- and when he would get a look at mine. I drifted off to sleep thinking about it and hoping it wasn't too far off.

(To be continued soon. Much more to come. Comments? Please write to Damian at Please state your first name and location in your message. I like to know where my readers live. Thanks for reading my story.)

Next: Chapter 3

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