Getting to First Base with Miguel

By Damian

Published on Jul 14, 2010


The following story about Will, an 18-year-old man in California, and Miguel, a 19-year-old baseball player from the Dominican Republic, is a work of fiction. I made it up and used names not associated with anyone I know. If you're a minor, you don't belong here, but you know that already. Go do something productive instead.

Please don't reproduce this story in any form without my permission -- it's my creation and I own the rights to it. Please let me know what you think of it at Thanks.

  • Damian


A little trail of tears trickled out of Ricky's eyes, and he gave me a little kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you for everything, Will. And I do mean everything!"

"You bet, champ. You're really a special guy. Don't let that brother of yours get on the plane with you."

With that he smiled, turned, and was gone. The ski trip I'd just gone on seemed like ancient history now. I never knew on the way home from it what awaited me here in this bedroom -- formerly my quiet personal sanctuary and now the scene of my greatest pleasure and satisfaction.

But as much as I had enjoyed Ricky, I couldn't wait to be alone with Miguel again.


When I got home from school that afternoon, Miguel was there. Since his team had won both of their games on the weekend, their coaches decided to cut them a little slack and give them a couple of afternoons off. Miguel was using his to catch a nap since he had to get up so early this morning to take Ricky to the airport.

When I came into the room, he was dead to the world, and I took the opportunity to just look at him intently. By now we were no longer strangers to each other's body, but I could never get enough of Miguel's. He always took my breath away.

I thought of him playing baseball in his sexy uniform the other day and how much I wanted to just go out there and rip it off of him and make love to him right there on first base. (That would've raised a few eyebrows -- can't you just hear the announcer giving a play by play of that for the crowd?) I managed to restrain myself then, but now he was here in the bare flesh in my very bedroom -- the one I'd been sharing with him for nearly two months now -- and a swell of excitement and pride surged through me.

His clothes were on the floor (he had lately taken after me in that respect, unfortunately), and he was under his bed sheet, which covered him only from the waist down. I gazed with increasing lust at his muscular brown back and his well-developed arms as he purred away, not the least bit aware of my presence. He had a hairy chest and legs, but he was completely smooth on his back, like I am all over.

I knelt on the floor beside his bed and gently lifted his sheet down below his bronze melons. David's marble buns might have been harder, but he couldn't hold a candle to the beauties here that I drank in with my eyes. Miguel had just a hint of dark hair in the crack of his buns, which were otherwise as smooth as his back.

As I lowered the sheet even more, I exposed his gorgeous muscular thighs. He was lying mostly on his side with one knee bent, which gave me an unobstructed view of the back of his scrotum and part of his penis, which was pointed toward his feet. Even flaccid, it was a good six inches long.

He was still sleeping, but he must have been enjoying this exposure on some level because I saw his dick starting to lengthen a bit under him. Little by little, his head poked its way through his foreskin. Knowing he needed the sleep, I didn't want to wake him, but this scenario was getting the best of me, and my own "bat" was now hardening inside my jeans.

Never taking my eyes off this Caribbean stud's ass, I stood up and removed all my clothing until I was as naked as he was. Now out in the open air, Will Junior was throbbing in front of me, begging for attention. Getting more brazen, I removed the sheet entirely from Miguel's body. I could've sold a picture of this scene for a small fortune. His cock head was now almost fully extended from his foreskin. Was he dreaming about me? I hoped so.

I sat on the end of Miguel's bed and rested my hand on the bed between his open legs. Gradually I moved my fingers closer to his crotch. I couldn't resist one little touch on the tip of his cock -- okay, maybe two. He moved a little but didn't seem to wake up.

Just then I remembered something that I hadn't seen since Miguel moved in. You're gonna think this is crazy, unless you've tried it yourself, but I had bought and stashed away a small feather duster in my room because I wanted to see what it would feel like on my body. It felt fantastic to ever-so-lightly brush those feathers over my various body parts as foreplay to a jack-off session. I hadn't used it lately, but I thought...why not? But it wasn't my own body that I planned to use it on.

I found it stashed away in my closet and returned to Miguel's bed. Standing over him, I barely touched him with it on his ass cheeks and down his thighs. I swear I could actually see goose bumps emerging from his exposed brown skin. This had to feel like heaven to him, asleep or not. His cock got even longer and now protruded fully from his foreskin, still pointing toward his feet. I touched the feather duster to the underside of his cock. This caused him to jump a little, and he turned over on his back, still very much asleep.

What a view I had now! I barely tweaked his chest and nipples with the feathers, then moved down his body -- over his engorged cock, across his balls, and down one leg and up the other. I repeated this cycle several times. By now, pre-cum was emerging from his slit and dripping onto his belly. How he could still be sleeping through this was amazing to me, but he was.

Then I moved the feathers to my own body, starting with my ears and neck and working downward past my now-hard nipples to my own throbbing cock. Every nerve ending in my body was on high alert, and my own pre-cum started forming. I put one foot up on Miguel's bed and slowly worked the feathers over my balls and in that sensitive valley between them and my thighs.

"What the hell are you doing, Will?"

My eyes had been closed and my head reared back when Miguel's voice brought me out of the trance I had taken myself into.

"Hi, stud," I smiled. "Just dusting my balls. What's up with you?"

Miguel propped himself up on elbows, with his jaw still dropping at the sight before him -- his very naked and hard roommate pleasuring himself with a feather duster!

"Is that supposed to feel good, or what?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"I tried it on you first, and look what happened," I said pointing to his erection.

"You did? I didn't wake up."

"Maybe not all of you, but your cock certainly stood up and took notice."

He looked down at it as if to be sure.

"I've never heard of such a thing. Are all you Americans that kinky?"

"Kinky is in the hand of the beholder," I shot back. "Don't knock it till you've tried it."

"Is that your mother's feather duster? You're getting it wet with your pre-cum."

"No, I bought it myself and hid it in the closet. I'd forgotten all about it until I saw you sleeping in your birthday suit and thought you could use a little stimulation."

"You're all the stimulation I need, amigo. Put that thing down and stimulate me with that rod between your legs."

Needing no second invitation for that, I lay down on top of Miguel's body -- cock to cock -- and melted into his open arms. God, between my ski trip and Ricky's visit we hadn't done this for 10 days, and I was starved for some real one-on-one action with my brown boyfriend. We kissed hungrily, blew in each other's ears, tweaked nipples, and just generally reveled in finally being alone together after such a long time.

"I missed you last week, Will."

"I bet I missed you more, lover boy."

"Not possible, amigo. Not possible!"

I couldn't believe I was lying here naked talking to another man like this -- especially one I didn't know existed until a couple of months ago. We were really and truly boyfriends now -- there was no doubt in my mind -- and we were carrying on like a couple of lovesick guys who couldn't get enough of one another. I was head over heels in love with Miguel, and my body craved his every touch and his every word. I finally knew true intimacy, and I was never going back to the way things were -- ever.

I wanted to try something new to celebrate our being alone together again, so I grabbed the lube out of the drawer and went to work (well, it wasn't "work" -- believe me!) on Miguel's hard brown dick, getting him as rock hard as he could get. I put a condom on him, lubed up my asshole, and proceeded to mount him for a ride on his joystick. This was a position we'd never tried, but I'd wanted to.

I liked it a lot -- I could control the speed and direction of penetration, slowing down when it hurt and speeding up when I got used to it. Miguel liked it too, if his facial expressions were any indication. Pretty soon we were both moaning in pleasure as I felt my lover's rod scoot past my prostate repeatedly. After a few short minutes of this, he suddenly filled up the condom with his cum as he grabbed my arms. Staying in him as long as I could, I bent over and kissed him.

"How was that, big boy?"

"Holy shit -- you need to try that sometime, Will. You're always coming up with surprises, but that feather duster takes the cake."

"I've only just begun to find ways to please you, Miguel. Fasten your seat belt because it's gonna be a fun ride. Stick with me, babe."

"You got it, guy, you got it."

We traded places so that Miguel was on top, and he rewarded me with one of his phenomenal blow jobs that left me gasping for breath and weak as a wet noodle. Then we just lay beside each other, trying to summon the strength to clean up before dinner.

After dinner we beat our usual retreat to our room (yes it was now "our" room, not "my" room). I had a little homework to do, and Miguel checked his e-mail to see if Ricky got home okay. He had a sweet e-mail from his brother, thanking him (and my family and me) for a great time in the U.S. He said he would miss us and would be sure to return as soon as he could.

That gave me a chance to ask Miguel how he felt about all that we "did" with Ricky the last two evenings.

"Well, it was certainly an eye-opening experience for both Ricky and me," he said. "We'd jacked each other off before -- many times -- but we'd never been so blatantly sexual and affectionate with each other before. I certainly loved it, and I think Ricky did, too."

"Do you think he might be gay like us?" I asked.

Miguel paused and looked away.

"I'm still having trouble with that word, Will. You said we didn't have to put a label on it, didn't you? That we could just have fun and enjoy each other?"

"Yes, and I meant it, Miguel. But..."

"But what?"

"How can we love each other so much -- you told me yourself the day you first fucked me -- and not be gay?"

Miguel paused again as if to figure out what he wanted to say.

"I don't think you have to be gay to love another man, do you? I mean I love my dad and my brothers -- my brothers and I are even sexual with each other to a point, but I never thought of us as gay. It was just youthful experimentation. I'll bet a lot of boys do that with their brothers and friends and then grow up to get married and have babies. Where I come from that's the expectation that everyone has for us."

"Miguel, I'm 18 and you're 19. This doesn't feel like `youthful experimentation' to me. This is the real honest-to-goodness thing, isn't it? We're having sex nearly every day and sleeping in each other's arms. You've stirred emotions in me that I never thought I was capable of. I know that's true for you, too, unless you've been lying to me. Have you?"

"I don't know, Will. This is all moving down the tracks like a bullet train, and I'm having trouble keeping up with it inside. What would my baseball team think if they had the slightest clue what's been going on here? What would my family think? I'm scared to death that Ricky is going to say something to them when his passions have cooled down and he realizes the full extent of what his brother has been doing with an American man. He watched me give you a blow job, for God's sake, and he's barely 17. He knows his brother is a cocksucker! I can't believe I let him see that!"

Miguel was really getting worked up now. I didn't know what to say to him, but I was getting a little panicked. I'd never seen him like this. His face was like stone. We had been in our underwear for the past hour or so, but suddenly he starting pulling his clothes back on.

"I need some time alone, Will. I'm going for a walk. Don't wait up for me."

Just like that he was gone, with not so much as a glance back. I felt crushed -- here I thought everything was going so well, and now all of a sudden I was alone and felt like he was ready to tell me that everything we'd been building together for the past two month was just a house of cards. With a lump in my throat, I turned off the lights and curled up in a fetal position in bed. I hurt so bad I cried.

About an hour or so later, I heard a noise in the bathroom and prayed it was Miguel and not Dad. Then a few minutes later, the bedroom door opened and I could hear Miguel getting undressed in the dark.

Which bed would he crawl into?

I held my breath when I heard Miguel pull off his boxers -- I knew that sound so well -- hoping for some sign from him that he had calmed down. I was lying facing his direction, and he could probably tell from my breathing that I wasn't asleep. I wanted him to know that, but I didn't say anything. I ached to the very core of my body for him, feeling very afraid and vulnerable. The ball was in his court.

In the scant light coming in from the window, I saw him standing between our beds. Then he made up his mind.

(To be continued soon. Please send any feedback to Damian at Please mention your first name and location in your message. I like to know where my readers live. Thanks for reading my story.)

Next: Chapter 12

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