Getting Schooled

By matt chambers

Published on Aug 9, 2006


For future reference please be patient, it does take me a while to think, write, type, and then submit each chapter. I will try to keep at least one new chapter per week, but depending on my schedule I may be too busy some weeks. And please send feedback to

"Can we see John down in guidance?" the old voice from the intercom asked.

I grudgingly got up and headed toward the guidance office. My footsteps echoed in the empty stairwell. I passed a window on my way down and stopped to try and manage my shaggy brown hair. Some days it cooperates, and other days, like today, it curls. Finally getting so annoyed I decide to head on.

"You called me down?" I asked the old guidance secretary. There's a rumor that she never leaves her chair because her fat has fused into it. But that's probably bullshit.

"Yes, Mrs. Bozito wants to talk to you." She replied with her usual glare. Mrs. Bozito was the freshman guidance counselor, why did she want to see me? I thought as I headed back.

"Good morning John!" Mrs. Bozito said without moving her big butt out of her chair. "I need you to do something for me."

"Okay, what is it?" I asked her a little annoyed with her already.

"Well, there's a freshman that's having trouble in English, and I thought, you know, since you can relate I thought you might be able to help him out." Oh ya, I had almost forgotten about my wonderful freshman English class experience. You see, as a freshman I slacked off in English class because some of my best friends where in there. As a result, I barely passed with a 70. My freshman English teacher then sent me to summer school and is convinced she's the reason I'm doing well in English now.

"So what would I exactly have to do?" I asked while swaying back and forth on my feet like I always do when bored.

"Well you'd have to meet with him privately and tutor him. You could choose when and where you meet to fit both your schedules. This student does prefer afternoon lessons though since he relies on an older brother for a ride every morning."

"Is he a slacker or just doesn't get it? I don't want to be stuck with a slacker and then get blamed for his failure." I told Mrs. Bozito

"Isn't that a little hypocritical John? He's not a slacker though, he tries hard and just doesn't get it." Mrs. Bozito replied while cracking her swollen knuckles.

"Okay, I guess I'll help the little guy out." I said after pondering it for a minute

"That's wonderful! He'll be happy to hear that." Mrs. Bozito said while hugging me. That was the first time I'd ever seen her get up other than to leave. "He asked if you could do a lesson today in the library. Can you?"

"Ya, that sounds fine. Tell him I'll meet him there." I said while starting to turn to leave

"Oh! Wait, you don't know his name yet." Mrs. Bozito shouted. "It's Alec Lior."

"Um,..ok, see you later." I said while stammering out of her office. I couldn't believe it, I'll be helping Alec Lior, Nick Lior's little brother!! They're only the two hottest guys in the school. Oh, I guess if you didn't know my secret that sounded weird. Ya, I'm homosexual...or for those that are stupid, gay. I realized I was gay in the seventh grade when I first had a crush on Nick. This is gonna be a sweet job! I thought to myself while actually skipped back to class, that was until Mr. Gerald stopped me.

"What are you doing?" he inquired

"I was going back to class, I just came from guidance." I said, my hazel eyes staring into his

"Well try not to be so happy about it," he said as we parted ways. That's one thing I loved about Mr. Gerald, he had a good sense of humor but could be serious when he needed to be.

The rest of the day went by as normal. In science I stared at Nick almost the whole time. It probably was not the best thing to do when I should be keeping a low profile about being gay. If you're gay in this town, people jump all over you and hate you. Finally the bell rang signaling the end of the school day. I stopped at my locker to put up the stuff I didn't need and then I headed toward the library. I wasn't exactly sure what I'd do, I'd never tutored before. As I neared the library I saw Alec, and right next to him was Nick.

"Hey Alec, is it? I'm Matt." I said extending my hand out to him

"Hey man, thanks so much for doing this." He replied looking a little embarrassed.

"He's in your hands now Matt, do a good job or you'll have to deal with me." Nick said patting me on the back

"Okay I will." I practically shouted since Nick had started to walk away

Alec and I headed toward the room in the back of the library for more privacy. I let him lead the way so I could check him out more. He was about 5 feet 6 inches and 125 pounds. He had the best looking skin I had ever seen, other than his brothers. They both had naturally tanned skin that never changed. He was wearing a burgundy polo shirt over what I guessed was a white t-shirt. He also was wearing khaki pants that were in between casual and dress. Alec also was wearing some nice boots. They were black leather-ish material and looked really good against the pants.

"Well let's get this started" I said taking a seat right next to him at an old creaky table "What are you having trouble with?" He turned toward me to answer and I realized that I loved his eyes! They were so brown and deep that I could stare into them forever.

"Well, mainly with writing essays, like the grammar part." Alec replied. Before I knew it, our session had gone on for forty minutes. Alec realized it before I did.

"Crap! I've got to go, my brother's my ride home and he'll leave me if I'm not at his car by 4 o'clock." He said hastily gathering his stuff from the table

"Okay, how's another session on Thursday sound?" I asked helping him pack up

"Um, can we do it somewhere else? I don't like the possibility of people seeing me getting help." Alec said almost pleading

"Sure, why didn't you say so earlier? Where would you feel most comfortable?" I asked as we started walking out of the library toward the parking lot.

"I really feel loose and comfortable in my house, is there any chance we could hold these sessions there?" he asked staring into my eyes. This was a dream come true, I had the chance to go to Nick and Alec Lior's house! And into Alec's room!!

"Yeah, that sounds cool, what's your address?" I said trying to hold back my excitement

"It's 709 Pelston Point, it's right off Johnson Road." Alec said. Little did he know I already knew where he lived when I passed his house one day and saw Nick working in the yard shirtless. Needless to say, I had passed it many times hoping to see that same sight again.

"Okay, I'll meet you there on Thursday around 3:30." I said as I climbed in my car and Alec climbed into Nick's Mustang convertible. This is a miracle! Thank you Lord!

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Next: Chapter 2

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