Getting Reacquainted

By moc.loa@dreNAslieN

Published on Oct 9, 1999


DISCLAIMER: This story is not for those under the age of 18 years (21 in some areas). It includes discriptions of male/male sexual acts. This story includes celebrity persona; however, it is not meant to imply or suggest the sexual orientation of those celebrities.

------------------- Getting Reaquainted ------------------- by Neil Please e-mail me at

Part IX -------

The telephone rings, waking me up. After three rings, I have rolled close enough to it and have begun to reach for it. Just then, Brian swings open the connecting door and makes a run for the phone. Seeing me already reaching for it, he stops.


"Yeah, Chris, this is Carl again. I couldn't get a hold of you guys yesterday, so I thought I'd call this morning to see if they had any time today."

"Sorry about yesterday. Things were a bit...hectic around here." Brian, still standing in the middle of the room, lowers his head. I reach beside the phone and get a little appointment book. "They have a 3:30 open, but it's only half an hour."

"That's fine. It shouldn't take too long. They just have to 'okay' the mix. See ya then, Chris."

"Bye, Carl." I hang up the phone. "Get your ass over here, Brian." I smile at the comment. He looks up and smiles too, then jumps onto the bed. He snuggles up into my arms, his back to me. "Looks like a busy day."

"No alone time?" He uses a childish voice.

"No, honey, no alone time." I squeeze him and kiss the top of his head. I'm perfectly content just holding him in my arms. He sighs and wriggles out of my arms. "Where do you think you're going?"

"ME NEED FOOD!" He grunts out of the room like a caveman. I love it when he makes me laugh. I guess I'd better get ready for breakfast as well.

"How's your head this morning?" Nick asks.

"Just fine. It doesn't hurt at all. In fact, I'd forgotten about it."

AJ speaks, "That's good. Now, if I remember correctly, we have a pretty packed day?"

"Oh, yeah, pretty packed. Starting in an hour and a half from now. Oh, and now it's even more packed. Carl called this morning, and you're off to the studio at 3:30 to okay the mix." Oooh, sounding like I know what I'm talking about. Kevin and AJ nod their heads. Howie eats a bite of sausage. When he sees me look at him, he shifts his eyes towards Brian. I look, and Brian's spaced out again. I run my foot up his leg, which startles him. He jumps, spilling his milk onto the table. Nick and Howie are on the ends, so they get out in time. Kevin and I get milk on our pants. Brian is franticly grabbing napkins to sop up the mess.

"I'm sorry, guys. Chris just scared me." Oh sure, blame ME. The waitress comes over with a handful of napkins. Kevin and I get out of the booth.

"Well, I guess I'd better go change my pants. Brian, could I see you in my room?" One of the Boys 'oooohhhh's, but I don't know which one.

Back in my room. "What is up with you? What are you thinking about that you won't tell me? Is it something I did?"

"No, Chris. You didn't do anything. It's just....come here, I want to show you." He takes my hand and leads me into his room, beside his bed. He opens the nightstand and pulls out a book. "When you told me about your dream, I really got interested. And then what you you took it so seriously, I went out and bought this. I wanted to help you. I've been reading it, and that's what I've been thinking about." He turns sideways from me.

Dream Analysis: Symbols and Interpretations "Brian, that's very sweet of you!" I grab him and hug him from behind. I kiss the back of his neck. He tastes so good. I kiss it again. Then I lick from his neck to behind his ear. He moves his head back slightly. "I love you." And I kiss and lick the side of his neck. I move my hands under his shirt and feel his chest. "Brian?"


"Make love to me." He turns suddenly at this comment. I have to admit, I didn't even know I was going to say it. His questioning face meets my hopeful one, and he kisses me. Without further words, he lays me on the bed. As our tongues explore each others' mouths, he removes his pants then mine. He gets up to remove his shirt, so I remove mine. He removes my underwear, then his. He lays back on top of me. We kiss more. His hardness is pressing into mine. As we kiss, his hand searches the nightstand drawer. It pulls out some lubricant. He pulls my legs up and applies some lube to his throbbing member.


"Yeah." I feel it press up against my asshole. Brian closes his eyes as he pushes into me. Slowly, he gets all 9 inches into me. He then lays back on top of me and kisses me. He begins to move in and out of me. "Mmmmm....." It's all I can say with his tongue down my throat. After a minute, he breaks the kiss and concentrates his mouth on my neck. "Brian, do it harder! Uuuhhn!" He complies and goes faster. My dick rubs against his muscular stomach. He still works his mouth on my neck. After a moment, I feel him burst inside of me. The heat fills me. Brian slowly pulls out and collapses beside me. I wrap my arm around him and pull him close.

Wait just one minute: Kevin was afraid to tell me that? I don't think so. There's something else going on. I really want to say something to Brian, but now's not a good time. "Um, Brian, I hate to remind you, but you have to get ready for your busy day."

"OUR busy day."

"Right, our busy day."

After showering and getting ready, we joined everyone else in Howie's room. When he opened the door and looked at me, he gave Brian a look, then invited us in. Brian and I sat beside each other on the bed, Kevin and Howie in chairs, and AJ and Nick on the floor. As we go over the day's minute-by-minute schedule, I notice they keep looking at me and holding back laughs or smiles.

"Okay, what is it? Do I have something on my face?"

AJ answers, "Not on your face...."

I get up and walk over to the mirror. "Brian Littrell! You gave me a hickey?!?" Everyone busts out laughing. "I cannot believe this."

"I really didn't mean to. I just wasn't paying attention to that. You're not mad, are you?" He gives me puppy dog eyes.

"No, I'm not mad. But next time pay attention to your lips as much as your hips." Immediately Nick rolls over sideways onto the floor in laughter. Howie, AJ, and Kevin laugh at Brian when he turns red. "Now I have to go put on something with a collar."

I have been in this waiting room for almost an hour. They're in there doing an interview for this teen magazine. And of course, back issues of that magazine are the only reading materials in the waiting room. Sorry, but I don't think my man has another woman, and I don't need to know the new summer shades of mascara.

"Mr. Paige?"


"Sorry, but we need you to fill out a few more forms."

"Oh, goody." The receptionist laughs.

"I've never been so bored in my life. Why did the interview take so long?"

Nick replies, "We don't know. We had to wait a long time before the interviewer even showed up. And then she wasn't ready or anything."

"Well, now's a meeting with management. Something about record sales and video budgets."

I end up having to write down pages of information and numbers. They want me to keep track of all expenses and everything.

Next we were off to an autograph signing at a mall. Then lunch, which went by way too fast. Then we went to the arena where the next night's concert would be held. They checked out the stage, backstage, dressing rooms, everything. When they came back, they saw me asleep in a front row seat.

AJ: "You wanna wake him, Brian, or should we?"

Brian responds, "It's too public here to do it my way." AJ rolls his eyes. The five, really unsure as to how to go about waking me, resort to poking me in different parts of my body. Very annoying. "Alright already, I'm awake. You can stop it now."

Before I knew it, time came to go to the studio. We listen to the song, and it totally rocks. So the Boys agree that it's going to be released. And we can leave!

"Wow, that didn't take long. And we even have 45 minutes before your next appointment." Everyone in the limo rejoices. Just then, my cell phone rings.

"Hello. This is Chris Paige speaking."

"Hello, Mr. Paige. This is Lauren Harrison, we spoke yesterday?"

"Oh, yes. How are you, Miss Harrison?"

"Just fine. I wanted to call you to tell you that something has just this minute come up, and we're going to have to cancel the meeting today."

"Alright, I'll give them the message. I'm sure they'll be happy. Call me to reschedule?"

"Sure. Good bye." She hangs up.

"Well, guys, the meeting at 4 has just been cancelled. So we are free until 6." More (and louder) rejoicing. I pick up the limo phone and tell the driver to take us back to the hotel.

"Brian, I've got to talk to Kevin about this thing at 6. I'll be back in a minute." He just nods as he lays on his bed.

I knock on the door. "Who is it?"

"Chris." I hear him walk to the door and unlock it. I open the door and walk in. "Kevin, Brian told me what's bugging him."

"He did?" Kevin has a puzzled look.

"Yeah. And I want to know why you couldn't tell me that he bought a dream analysis book."

He thinks for a minute. "Well, he just...wanted to tell you himself. That's all."

"Bullshit, Kevin. That is bullshit, and what he told me is bullshit. Kevin, please, I'm begging you, please tell me what's wrong?" I didn't know that I felt so strongly about this; I started to cry. My legs shook, and I fell onto my knees and sat on my feet.

"What, did he teach you that or something?" I look up at him. He just shakes his head. "Okay, stop crying. I'm not supposed to say anything, but I don't want to see you like this." He helps me up and sits me on the bed. "I guess it all boils down to...that you confuse Brian."

"I confuse him?"

"That's what it sounds like. He told me that you told him that you want to take it slow, then't. And he doesn't like that you turn into somebody else around the rest of us. He says you don't pay any attention to him when we're around, that you're always joking around with us instead. I have to say, I've noticed that too."

I lower my head and think about it. "My God, you're right. What have I done? Why didn't he say anything to me? I didn't even realize this was happening." I stand. "Thank you, Kevin. You have no idea what you've just done for me." He nods, and I walk out. Geez, how do I make this up to him? Obviously by changing now.

I go to Brian's room. He's looking through his luggage, trying to find something to wear. "How about the light blue sshirt? It looks really good on you."

"You really think so?" He holds it up against his torso. "Okay then." He pulls off his te shirt and puts the shirt on. Then he notices me giving him a look. "What?"

"I was just hoping that I could've helped you with that. But since you've already" I'm cut off by a knocking at the door. Brian sighs and answers it.

AJ, Nick, and Howie. The three walk into the room and take seats. I guess now's my chance. "Hey, you guys. What's going on?"

Howie answers, "Not much. Just thought we'd make a social call. We're not interrupting anything, are we?"

"Nope, not at all." I walk over to stand in front of Brian. "Now, where were we? Ah yes, But since you've already put a shirt on, I guess I'll have to settle for this." I grab him and kiss him. I know he's shocked. I hear somebody groan. Since he's still near the door, I push him up against it and continue my assualt on his mouth.

When I finally do stop kissing him, Nick says, "We did NOT need to see that."

I take Brian's hand and lead him to the bed, where we sit. "Well, if you're going to be hanging around us, you need to get used to it." Brain turns to me and smiles. We have several little peck kisses.

I hold his hand as we talk forever, it seems. Eventually, Kevin and Howie found us and joined us. When I knew nobody was watching, I mouthed the words "thank you" to Kevin. He slightly nodded and smiled.

"Oh no! It's a quarter 'til 6! We better get our asses in gear!" I frantically called down to have our limo ready while the Boys went to their rooms to get some stuff. I got all the paperwork in my briefcase (not as neatly as I would have wanted), and we were off.

The meeting wasn't too terrible or long. It was about their tour and all related items. I think they could tell none of us wanted to be there, so they ended it quick.

In the limo. Nick sees me half-smile and shake my head slightly while looking out the window. "What're you thinking about, Chris?" I turn to look at him and see everyone looking at me.

"I just realized that it's been just over a week, and my whole life has been turned upside down. It seems like it's been longer. That's all."

"I hope your life has been turned upside down in the good way" Brian says. He's sitting beside me.

"You know it." I kiss him quickly on the cheek and lay my head on his shoulder.

AJ jokesin a hick accent, "Aaawww, now ain't that perty as a picture?" Everyone chuckles.

My room back at the hotel. Brain and I ordered a movie. He lays on the bed, and I lay beside him, snuggled up close. I don't make it twenty minutes into the movie before I fall asleep.

"Chris? Chris, wake up." I open my eyes to see Kevin, Howie, and Nick standing over me and Brian. "Did AJ tell you anything about where he was going tonight?"

I sit up and notice the ending credits are running. I blink my eyes a couple of times. "No, he didn't say anything to me. He's missing?"

Brian gets up now that I'm off of him. Kevin says, "Yeah, none of us have seen him since we got back. I though maybe he'd told you something."

"No, he didn't. But I'm sure he's alright. He's a big boy now. And since I think he knows how worried you're going to be, I'm sure he'll take it easy and be careful."

"I hope you're right." The five of us talk about where he could have gone for a while, then we end up talking about other stuff. After an hour of talking, I'm still tired.

"I usually don't make it a habit to kick people out of my room, but I am just way too tired."

"It's alright, Chris. Good night." Nick says as he gets up to leave. Kevin and Howie follow suit. Brian tucks me into my bed.

"Good night, Chris. I love you."

"Love you too, Brian." He walks out after turning out the lights.

Hours later, a warm, moist sensation behind my ear wakes me up. A tongue. "Brian, not now. I'm sleepy."

"Hey, I'm not Brian." That voice is definitly not Brian. I spin around. AJ.

"AJ! What are you doing?!"

"I dunno. Just seeing what it was like." His speech is slurred. "Why's it so dark in here?" I turn on the light.

"You have your sunglasses on." I remove them to look at his eyes. "AJ, you're drunk off of your ass. Where were you tonight?"

"I went to a couple bars and clubs, and some bars too. Yeah, I guess I got drunk."

"How did you get into my room?" He falls onto my bed.

His voice is weaker and still slurred. "I told them I lost the key to my room and this was my room, so they let me in."

"Well, get back to your room."

"What, you don't want to do it?" I started to laugh at him.

"No, AJ, I don't. I would, but I'm with Brian, remember?" I was just humoring him.

"Oh, yeah. I don't think I'm gay anyways." This is too funny.

"Okay then. Now, do you need help getting to your room?" Nothing. "AJ?" Still no answer. "Crap." I have to get up and pull him to the other side of the bed. He stirs.

"It's too hot. I need my shirt off." I almost protested, but figured that the sooner he fell asleep, the sooner I could. I take his shirt off. "I'm still too hot. My legs are hot." After much deliberation, I take off his pants and throw them on the chair with his shirt. "Are you going to get naked too?"

"No, AJ. I'm not going to get naked. Now go to sleep." I get back into the bed and turn off the light. Soon enough, I hear his breathing slow. And then he starts to snore. Wonderful.

To Be Continued....

Next: Chapter 10

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