Getting Reacquainted

By moc.loa@dreNAslieN

Published on Sep 16, 1999


DISCLAIMER: This story is not for those under the age of 18 years (21 in some areas). It includes discriptions of male/male sexual acts. This story includes celebrity persona; however, it is not meant to imply or suggest the sexual orientation of those celebrities.

------------------- Getting Reaquainted ------------------- by Neil e-mail me at

Part VII --------

This isn't my cover. This isn't my room. Where am I? I sit up and put my hand on my forehead, trying to remember. The TV's bolted to the table. A hotel. Now I remember. The clock says it's 5:58. Just 24 hours ago I was in the hospital in New York, recovering from a relapse to sleeping pills. Now I was across the country with the biggest pop group in the world. Quite a change.

I know myself well enough to know that I'm not going to fall back to sleep, so I decide to get up. It feels like I need to stretch myself to the ceiling. I'm feeling much stronger; I guess food did give me some strength back. I grab a change of clothes from one of my bags and head to the bathroom. The hot water feels so good. It wakes me up even more. Although I feel like I could stay here forever, I know that I have to get out.

I peek into Brian's room. He is still snuggled up in bed. I won't wake him. Instead, I grab a sketch book and a couple pencils and head up onto the roof.

The sun is rising, casting a pinkish glow over the city. I find the view I want, then sit down on the cool, rocky roof. I start to draw. I draw his figure first. Side view, looking over the city. I give him a long coat, blowing in the wind. Then I add the rooftop and the buildings beyond. The hill, then the clouds. Then I concentrate on his face. A serious look, like he's trying to find that one person in the crowd below. Proper shadowing, then a few little touch-ups.

"That's pretty good." The voice scares me, and I jerk. This causes my pencil to slide across half of the picture. It's a light mark, but I know it'll still be noticable after I try to erase it.

"Brian, what the heck? Look what you made me do. What are you doing up here anyway? And what time is it?" I noticed that the sun has appeared fully.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I couldn't find you, and I know how you just love heights. So I figured.... And it's just after 8."

I get up and turn to look at him for the first time. He's a magnificent man. Simply beautiful in the sunlight. He takes the book from my hands and examines it. "You did this from memory?" I put my hand on the side of his face.

"I know you that well. Besides, who can forget a face like this?" I pinch his cheek and shake it back and forth, like some child's aunt. "But there is one thing I see I did forget." I take the sketch book back and sign the picture. Brian smiles. He again takes the sketch book out of my hands, and a pencil. He signs it along the top.

"Now it will actually be worth something." I furrow my eyebrows and drop my jaw at this. "There, now we're even." I smile. "I love it when you smile."

"That's funny, 'cause it usually only happens when you're around." I step up to him. He drops the sketch book and pencil and take me into his arms. This time I let his tongue enter my waiting mouth. As we kiss, his hands roam down my back to my ass. He gently squeezes. I moan. I slide my hands up under his shirt and let them play on his muscular chest. Our erection press against each other through the fabric of our pants, but we both know that this is as far as it's oging to get for now. After about five minutes of making out, we decide to go to breakfast.

The waiter hands me my apple juice. This time there's no hair in it. He takes our orders and leaves. Just then, AJ slides in the booth ride beside me. "Don't you just love these mornings, having breakfast with the one you love?" he asks with a smile.

"Gee, AJ, I wouldn't know. Suddenly there's more people here than just the one I love." I said this as Nick gets into the booth beside Brian, pushing him up against the wall. Kevin and Howie join us in a couple minutes.

Brian and I couldn't stop looking at each other throughout breakfast. I don't know what it was, but we just couldn't keep our eyes away form each other. I didn't hear half of what the other Boys were talking about. I think at this moment I knew that I truly, undoubtedly loved Brian Littrell.

"We should be back in two hours, tops." Kevin assures me. After breakfast, Brian escorted me to my room, and things were just starting to get...heated. Kevin walked in on us and had to grab Brian by the throat to 'persuade' him to leave. "When we get back, you two can suck each others' lips off all you want."

"Just lips?" First sexual joke I'd ever heard Brian crack. Kevin, too, was surprised, and he released Brian and threw his arms up in the air. They both leave, still laughing.

There. Done unpacking. We're going to be here a week, might as well get this place as close to home as I can. Let's see...20 minutes?! That only took 20 minutes? Yeah, this is going to be a fun hour and a half. Well, I've roamed nearly every street in New York and survived, so why not try Los Angeles?

Things seem so different here, yet so similar. The people are just as fake. The air is just as nasty. The traffic is bad. Different people, same roles. I stop in a pet store. I don't know why, but I head directly to the snakes. Small, simple creatures. Yet how many people, myself included, fear them. "Hey, buddy, you wanna buy one or just stare at it all day?" The shopkeeper smiles thinking he made a joke. I smile out of politeness and exit the store. I think I've already had enough of this city.

The connecting door is thrown open. Brian hurriedly walks up to me and kisses me hard. He unbuttons and unzips his pants as his tongue pushes into my mouth. I stop kissing him. "Whoa there, cowboy! Just what do you think you're doing?"

"Picking up where we left off."

"We weren't quite there." I pointed to the tent in his underwear. "And we're not going to be for a while, remember? Slowly." At first he got a look of disappointment, then he shook it off. He zipped his pants, then started to turn away from me. I catch his arm to stop him. "But that doesn't mean you can't have any of this." I step up to him and take his earlobe in my mouth. I lick the outer rim of his ear, then inside his ear. He starts to moan.

"That'll do just fine" he says like a cowboy. His Kentucky accent helped some. I laugh a little, then walk around behind him to the other ear. After I thought I had sufficiently made up to him, I stopped.

"Where are the other guys?"

"In Howie's room just chillin'."

"Let's go."

We hung out for a couple hours. Howie ordered a movie on pay-per-view. We spent the whole time mimicking the characters. Kevin does one good Christopher Walken. Sometimes we would mute it and make up the lines. It was a blast.

After the movie, we decided to go down to the hotel's game hall that Nick had found. After wasting enough quarters on video games, we decided on a game of pool. Me, Howie, and Nick against Brian, Kevin, and AJ. While Nick chalked his hands, he put his pool cue between his legs so it wouldn't fall. It looked very suggestive. Howie noticed and said, "Nick, in your dreams!" Nick didn't know what he was talking about at first, but he caught on.

"Well, just because it's true...."

I pipe in, "If it's true, to Hell with you, Brian!" I starte to laugh. Then I notice nobody else is laughing. "Hahaha...." Not Nick or Howie. "...haha...ha..." Not AJ. I turn to Brian. He definitly isn't laughing, and behind him, Kevin is shaking his head. "...ha...ha.....eeeeuuuuu...." Yeah, I guess Brian is just as pious as ever. What have I done? "Guys, could you excuse me and Brian for just a minute?" They leave without a word. As I see the door close, I can feel his eyes burning right through me. I turn to see a mixture of hurt and anger on his face. "Brian, I'm really sorry. I was just joking around. I didn't mean it like that." I go to hug him. I put my arms around him, but he doesn't do the same for me. I whisper in his ear, "If you went, I'd follow right behind. No, I'd go ahead of you. I'd burn in your fire to save you from the pain." I felt one hand on my back. "I love you that much, Brian Littrell." The second arm wraps around me, and he squeezes me tight. After a minute, we break the hug. I look deep into his eyes. I kiss him. Slowly. With all the love that I could put into the kiss. It wasn't lustful; it wasn't a very hot kiss. But I felt that this was one of the most important things in our relationship so far. As I move away from his face, our eyes slowly open. We stare at each other for a minute. Then I do my best at puppy-dog eyes. "Forgive me?"

"Yes, I forgive you. But stop trying to do that. You're no good at it." He smiles and kisses me on the cheeck.

We walk out of the game room hand-in-hand. Howie, Nick, and AJ smile, but Kevin glares at us. It takes me just a second to realize why, then I release Brian's hand. We're in the lobby of a major hotel in LA; he can't be seen holding a guy's hand. We all go back up to Brian's room. Just as we enter, the phone rings. I go to answer it.


"Yes, is this one of the Backstreet Boys?" I didn't know who it was or what they wanted.

"No, none of them are here right now." I gave the Boys a look. "However, I am their personal assistant, so maybe I can help you?"

"Yeah, tell them we've got an emergency down here in the studio. They're going to have to re-record their new song before we can mix the radio cut."

"Alright I'll give them the message. Thank you. Bye." They all look at me when I hang up the phone. "Well, Boys, your free day is over. Emergency at the studio; you have to re-record." They all groan and roll their eyes. They ask me to come along. Remembering my boredom this morning, I decide to go.

"...That makes you larger....that makes you larger...that makes you larger than life." Their group chorus recording is finally finished (after many, many takes). Kevin and Howie come into the booth. Time for individual recording. Brian's up first, then Nick, then AJ. 4 hours after we arrived, we're all sick of hearing that song, but the recording is done. We leave to get something to eat.

While eating, one little girl about 7 years old came up to our table and asked for their autographs. They agreed, smiling the whole time. Once she left, Nick said, "That's what it's all about." Everyone else nodded in agreement. I squeezed Brian's hand under the table.

We went back to the hotel, this time to Nick's room. Again, the phone rings. I answer. And again, it was the studio.

"Hey, Chris, this is Carl down at the studio."

"Hey, Carl." The Boys looked at me in disbelief. "What's up?"

"Why'd you all take off so soon? I go to the back to get some tapes, when I come back, you're all gone! We have to have a meeting to discuss how they want this thing done."

"Oh, so you need them for a meeting this late in the evening?" They all shook their heads NO and gave hateful looks. "Sorry, I can't commit them to that, Carl. This was their closest thing to a free day here in LA, and you've already ruined it. Let me look at their schedule." Kevin gets up quickly from a chair and hands me a notebook. He points to a 1:00 time slot. "How does 1 o'clock tomorrow sound? It's the best I can do."

"That'll be fine. Thanks, Chris." We hang up.

"How does he know?" Howie asks. We all chuckle.

"You guys really have to work 24-7?"

Nick answers, "Oh, yeah. Record execs and studios don't care about our personal lives. They just want the product. Besides, it's what we do, and it's been the best thing for us. So I guess we really can't complain."

"I think I would really hate it. I can't even imagine."

Brian chimes in, "Well, you're going to have to, hon. You're our personal assistant. You get to go to all our meetings and everything!" He bounces up and down on the couch very excitedly.

"Oh, goody...."

AJ: "Well, guys, if we start coming up with ideas now, the meeting won't last so long." So they got into a conversation about the different kinds of mixes and all that other stuff I don't understand yet. It was nice to watch them just brainstorm and talk about it. Wow, to be a part of this....

"Good night, dear." I kissed Brian on the forehead like his mother would when I spent the night at his house when we were younger. He smiles. It's after midnight, and he's exhausted. His breathing is louder now; he's already asleep. I turn to the connecting doors to see Kevin standing there. I walk up to him and motion him into my room. I close just my side's door on my way into my room.

"You really love him, don't you?"

"Like nothing else." There was nothing I could do to stop that dreamy look from crossing my face.

Kevin nods. "I want to apologize. About the way I acted at your house. It wasn't any of my business. Heaven knows we don't get much of a personal life, and for me to try to control Brian's was wrong."

"Apology accepted, Kevin. Don't beat yourself up about it. And I have to apologize, too."

"For what?"

"Well, for yelling at you. Nick kinda interrupted us. And for the whole balcony thing." He laughs. "What's so funny?"

"After I came back inside, I had to go to the bathroom. AJ saw me coming out and said it looked like I had it scared out of me." I laugh. "Apologies accepted." We stood there for a moment.

"Remember that time we were having a sleepover in the treehouse, and Brian was the first to fall asleep?" He thinks about it, then a smile crosses his face.

"Yeah, but I don't know about this. He was pretty tired tonight."

"Well then, he won't wake up. We just have to get everyone into his room before he does in the morning."

"It's your idea, so you go get the stuff. And you have to say it's your idea so he knows which one of us to kill."

"Alright, alright. You know where a 24-hour pharmacy is?"

"Yeah. Exit out the front and turn right. It's two blocks down, on the corner." I still don't know how or why Kevin memorizes this kind of stuff.

So I leave. I am actually afraid of the two-block walk. And I guess I should be. There are a lot of weirdos out tonight. I make it to the pharmacy. The lady behind the counter watches me oddly as I put the various items into my basket, laughing quietly the whole time.

I walk back into my room to see Kevin still there alone, watching TV. When he hears me, he turns off the tv and grabs the bag out of my hand. "This is perfect! He'll kill both of us for this."

We sneak into Brian's room. I go to one side of the bed; Kevin goes to the other. And we carry out the plan.

"See you bright and early in the morning, Chris. We'll come by your room before going to Brain's."

"Alright. Good night."

As I lay in my bed, I can't help but laugh. He got mad enough the first time we did this to him, and it was only me and Kevin who saw him the morning after. Now his best friends are going to see. And Howie is sure to tape it! I wonder if I should write my will?

To Be Continued....

Next: Chapter 8

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