Getting Reacquainted

By moc.loa@dreNAslieN

Published on Sep 5, 1999


DISCLAIMER: This story is not for those under the age of 18 years (21 in some areas). It includes discriptions of male/male sexual acts. This story includes celebrity persona; however, it is not meant to imply or suggest the sexual orientation of those celebrities.

------------------- Getting Reaquainted ------------------- by Neil e-mail me at

Part IV -------

Pounding headache. That crying session last night really did me in. I move from under the covers slowly so I don't wake Brian. I go to the bathroom to take some aspirin. When I come back, he hasn't moved an inch. It's 8:32 according to the clock. Time for me to wake him up. Of course, I have a more pleasant way in mind. Sneaking up to his side of the bed, I slowly bend down to him. His back is to me. I reach over him with one hand because I have to support myself. I then lower myself to his ear and start licking and sucking it. Almost immediately, his arm moves and a slight moan escapes his throat. Now that I've woken him, I sit on the bed and continue to lick. After a minute I stop and say, "Wake up call."

"Wow, if only they'd do that at hotels."

"What are the guys going to think? After last night, Howie must be suspicious of something. And I'm sure it'll look odd with us coming out of your room together."

"I don't care what they think. It's just Howie and AJ anyways. Nick's fine with it, and Kevin....well, Kevin is Kevin."

"Yeah, don't remind me. I'm going to my room to get ready. I'll see you in a few minutes."

When I went downstairs, Brian had already joined the guys in eating breakfast. I grabbed a plate and some food and sat down.

AJ: "So, the lovebirds finally decide to join us." Brian chokes on his drink. I drop my fork full of egg right into my lap. AJ and Nick just laugh. Howie smiles, and I think Kevin actually grins a little.

"You have got to stop doing that to me" Brian says after his coughing subsides. I'm not going to ask AJ how he knew; I don't care. I think Brian feels the same, because it doesn't come up for the rest of breakfast.

Howie says, "Alright, yet another autograph session at 11, an interview at 2, and our appearance at MTV at 4 today."

"Sounds like you guys have a busy day."

Kevin actually talks to me. "So, what are your plans for today?"

"Well, let's see. I have nothing from after breakfast to lunch, then lunch, then nothing again, then dinner, then nothing, then sleep."

"You plan on getting sleep tonight?" Brian jokingly asks.

"Yes, I'm sure I'll enjoy being in my bed, alone." Everyone, including Kevin, laughs.

After breakfast, I decide to go to my balcony. The Boys join me. "I love it out here" I say.

"It is a great view." This is the first time Nick has been here. He stands beside me. AJ is to my other side, and Howie is next to him. "Hey, Kev, why don't you come on out here? Afraid of falling or something?" When Nick says that, I just turn to Kevin and try my hardest to hold back a laugh.

"Oh, come on, Kevin, I promise nobody'll push you" I tell him while shaking my head. He cautiously walks over to the other side of Nick. "Your turn, Brian. Come on."

"You know I can't." He is all of 10 steps from the banister. None of us can pursuade him to take just one step closer.

"Alright, suit yourself." The six of us chatted for about half an hour about nothing in particular. Then the guys decided to leave in case traffic was bad. So they wouldn't be back until about 6. So, I have eight hours to myself. Great.

Somehow, I don't know how, I have already wasted seven hours. I had taken yet another walk. This time I mostly sat on a bench and watched people. I do that a lot. I had watched the show on MTV; the show was great. They sang their new one, "Larger Than Life." And all the screaming girls took me back to that day when I saw Brian for the first time in years. Just one more hour until I can see Brian again. Just thinking about him makes me feel so darned happy. I have worked out a plan for tonight, but I don't know if it'll work. But I don't want to worry about that now. I tell the cooks to start making dinner for six, and they obey. I help set the table, then I go to the living room. I turn on the television again, and I watch a few music videos. Then I hear them enter. I turn off the tv, then get up to greet them.

"How was your day?"

Howie replies, "Overall, it wasn't a bad day."

"I watched the show. It was...okay." I was joking.

Brian gets an offended look on his face. "What do you mean 'okay'?" I chuckle.

"You guys ready for some dinner?"

AJ, Kevin, Brian, and Nick: "Yes!"

We sit down and have a great meal. We talk about everything: their day, their lives, just about anything you can think of. It wasn't just Brian anymore; when I was around all of them, I felt really good. Then I realize they are the closest friends I have ever had. I've only known them for a few days, but I just feel so good around them. After dinner, we just continue the conversation for another hour. Then everyone but Brian and I decide to go to their rooms.

"Brian." He looks up from his plate. I pause for just a moment before I decide to take the plunge: "I love you." He slowly gets up from his seat. He walks around the table to stand next to me. He puts out his hand. I take it. He lifts me up and puts his arms on my waist.

"I love you, too." Then he hugs me. I hug back. Finally.

"I could stay like this for the rest of time." He gives me a slight squeeze. I feel something wet against my neck. I move out of the hug to see him crying. "What's wrong?" I wipe a tear with my finger.

"Nothing. I just can't believe this is happening."

"You and me both." I pause again before saying, "Listen: meet me tonight at 11 out on my balcony."'

"Out on your balcony?"

"Yes." He groans. "Oh, just do it."

I kiss him quickly on the lips. Then I leave him to go to my room. It's now 10 after 9 o'clock. I turn on my radio and listen to a few songs while I lay on my bed and decide how I want things to play out tonight. Yes, tonight. It has to be. It will be perfect. I catch myself singing along with the radio. 9:45. Wow, I was thinking a long time. I go to my bathroom to take a shower. Once I've dried off, I brush my teeth and do something with my hair. I go to my closet to find something easy to remove. I try on more than enough outfits. I settle on a plain white teeshirt and black pants with a drawstring. 10:25. I straighten up my room until it's almost spotless. Then I call a servant. "John, could you come up to my balcony right away?" He agrees; well, he kinda has to, doesn't he?

I take two ropes and a red rose out onto my balcony. I get up onto the banister and tie my feet down. John steps out. "Sir, what are you doing?"

"Don't question me. Just tie my hands up to the banister over my head and put this rose on my chest when you're done." He does so and leaves. I guess it's just a couple minutes until 11. The sky is so clear. The slight breeze is giving me goosebumps, but I hope in just a moment he'll come to warm me up. My hands and feet are tied to the banister, and the red rose lays on my chest. I close my eyes. A minute later, I hear the glass door slide open and close. My heart is practically pounding out of my chest, but I remain calm. I hear footsteps; then they stop. Then one more. Brian clears his throat. I turn my head to face him and open my eyes. He's about 6 steps from the banister. He takes two more steps, then stops.

"I...." He looks past me, to the height of the balcony. He then looks down as best he can to the ground so far below. He draws his eyes away from the sight and shakes his head. He continues on out to me with his eyes closed until he is right beside me. He lowers his head and kisses me. His hands find the rope around my hands, and they fumble to untie the knot. When my hands are free, I put them around his back as he continues to kiss me. Then he stops kissing me to untie my feet. He quickly does so, then practically drags me back onto the floor of the balcony.

"See, that wasn't so ba..." He shuts me up with another kiss. We clumsily make our way to the glass door, still kissing. Into my room and onto the bed. He lays me down and lays on top of me. He pulls my arms up to the head of the bed. He had kept the ropes. He ties each of my arms to a bedpost. Yeah, sure, I'll try something new. After he's done tying the second rope, he kisses down the length of my arm, up my neck, back to my mouth. Realizing he didn't take my shirt off, he just rips it off. "I'll buy you a new one." Then kisses me again. He licks down my neck to my right nipple.

"Don't....uhn.....bother." Yeah, why did I stop him the other times he wanted to do this? He gently nibbles it; his hands are roaming my exposed body. They find the drawstring and pull it loose. He then slides my pants down and off my feet. He gets up from the bed and walks over to my radio. He turns it on. Perfect, a slow song. He turns to face me and runs his hands underneath his shirt. He slips it off and tweaks his nipples. Wow, to be such a shy guy.... He then moves his hands to the button and zipper of his khakis. He undoes them, and takes the pants off slowly. He is standing there in his briefs. Although I didn't think it was possible, I got even more turned on. He must have saw it because he comes over and stradles across my chest, his back to me. He leans over and moves his hands back up my legs. This gives me a great view of his still covered ass. If my hands weren't tied up.... He kisses the bulge in my boxer-briefs. He grabs the underwear and removes them too. I almost came then and there when his hand grabbed my aching cock. He slides his hand up and down a few times while licking my inner thighs. He gets off of me to move down in between my legs. He moved his tongue to my balls, licking and taking them into his mouth. He licks up the length of my penis, stopping at the head. Waiting for just a moment, he greedily takes it all in his mouth. I knew I was going to cum soon. The warm, moist sensation was almost too much. His tongue circled my cockhead in his mouth. I felt the soft, spongy tissue of the back of his throat when he took all of my 8 inches in. I didn't last five minutes. "Brian, it's coming!" He didn't stop. He started sucking more of the head. I came like I never did before. It was amazing. And he swallowed all of it. After I was finished, he came up to lay beside me and kiss me. I could still taste my cum in his mouth.

"Untie me. It's my turn."

"Oh, no. I'm not done with you yet." I wonder what he meant? Oh, nevermind. He has removed his underwear and has lifted my legs up to his shoulders. Then that part of my brain speaks again.

"Um, you think you might want to get something out of the nightstand there?" He gets a puzzled look. He opens the drawer and finds lubricant and condoms. He gives me an 'Are-you-serious?' look. I return it with a 'You-bet-I'm-serious' look. I haven't forgotten my concerns about what he does on the road. He shakes his head in disbelief for just a second, then puts a condom on and lubricates it.

"Please go slow. It's been a while." He nods and pushes his cockhead against my asshole. He looks at me, then I close my eyes. I can feel myself stretch to accomodate his size as he slowly enters me. It doesn't hurt as much as I expected. He moves in, inch by inch. Once he's all in, he fucks me slowly. Now it starts to feel wonderful. His dick is red hot inside of me. "Faster, Brian." He complies. He throws his head back and moans loudly. Damn, I've missed this. The feeling is sensational. Then I feel his cock throb inside of me, and he slows his pace. I knew he had an orgasm. He is out of breathe as he withdraws. He removes the condom and throws it away. Then he comes to lay beside me sideways. He unties the ropes. I immediately hug and kiss him. He isn't really into the kiss. I stop and look at him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." The tone doesn't make it sound like 'nothing'. Oh, he better not be mad about the condom thing.

"I only asked you to because you still haven't told me what you do on the road." He moves his legs to get up, but I put my hand on him. "I'm not going to get angry this time. I promise. You just can't expect me to.....well, you know...when I don't know your history. I'm really sorry about that, but that's just how it is." In my most sincere and apologetic tone.

"It's really that important to you?" I nod. "Fine. Yes, I have been with other guys on the road. But I don't have a 'fuck-fest before every practice and every show'. And I certainly don't hire any guys. I swear I use protection when I'm with them. I got tested recently for the tour, and I don't have anything. I just thought it could be different with you."

"And you're right. Now it can be." He smiles and kisses me. I move up on top of him, and his hands cup my butt. I take them and pull them up onto the pillows. "You haven't forgotten that it's my turn have you?" He just smiles. I tie the ropes around his wrists not to the bedposts, but to the bar in the center. He gives me a questioning look, but I stop it with a kiss. I put each of my hands over his nipples and squeeze lightly. Then I kiss down his neck, chest, stomach, and leg. I kiss his foot and take his large toe into my mouth. His foot jerks just a little as he says, "That tickles!" I run my tongue over his toes and suck them. He really gets into this.

"Roll over." I command him. He looks up at the ropes, and understand why I tied him like this. He roll onto his stomach. I spread his legs enough so that I can kneel between them. I run my hands up his thighs to his firm ass. I kneed and squeeze it. He moans a little at this. Then I bend down to kiss it. I run my tongue over his smooth flesh. Then I use my hands to part the cheeks. I start to rim him. When my tongue touches the hole, I can feel it tighten up. I rim him for a coule of minutes, then turn him back over.

"Nobody's done that before." I smile at him for just a second before I take his now-hard cock into my mouth. I can still taste his cum just a little. I move my head up and down the length of it. I tighten my lips around it as hard as I can. I run my tongue over the piss-hole, which makes his hips girate up and down. "Chris, I'm going to cum!" So I stop. I wanna have a bit more fun. I get up from the bed and grab my underwear and pants, but I didn't put them on. "Wha...where are you going?"

"I don't know. I'm just not really getting into this." I couldn't look him in the face or he'd know what I was up to.

"You're just going to stop?"

"Stop what?"

"You know...."

"Oh, you want me to continue doing this?" Then I get back on the bed, slide his cock into my mouth all the way to the base, then release it again and get up.

He smiled as he realized what I was doing. "Yeah, that'd be really nice of you. And you were always a very nice person." I drop the underwear and pants. I get up onto the bed and onto him so that our dicks were touching and I was almost lying on top of him. I move my hips back and forth so that his cock is rubbing against mine. I kiss the end of his nose. Then I move back to suck him. I once again lick the cockhead and slowly take him into my mouth. After just a moment, thick streams of cum squirt into my mouth. I wait until the throbbing stops, then I swallow it all. I slowly slide my lips back up the length of his dick until it's out of my mouth.

"What, no warning this time?" I asked.

"I learned my lesson."

"Then maybe you can teach me something."


"How to fuck you. I really don't remember. You're going to have to tell me everything."

He smiles. "First, I'm going to turn over." He turns back onto his stomach and props himself up on his knees. "Then, you grab that lube and put it on your dick." He watches as I follow his directions. "Now, kneel behind me and put the end of your cock to my asshole." I think he's enjoying this as much as I am. "Very slowly push into me." He is very tight, so it takes me a while to get all the way in. I can hear him making grunting noises as I do it. "Now, slowly move in and out of me." I pump in and out of his tight hole. It's so hot in there. "Go faster." I do so. After a coule minutes, I can feel the gism rise through my cock. A few seconds later, my legs start to shake as I have an orgasm inside of him. After the feeling has subsided, I pull out of him. My cock aches becuase it's so tender now. I move up and untie the ropes. I flop down on my back beside of Brian, and he repositions himself to lay beside me. He grabs my side and turns me to lay facing him. He then scoots up very close to me and kisses me. We kiss for a minute. Then he turns over and I wrap my arms around him. We fall asleep.

-----My Dream-----

This huge hole in the ground. I'm stuck in the middle. It's very cold, but I can sense warmth over the edge of the pit. The walls are too steep and made out of loose dirt, so I can't climb out. A snake. Just one at first. It appears over the edge and slithers down towards me. It's jade green. When it reaches the bottom of the pit, it 'stands' up and hisses a loud hiss. Three more snakes appear from where it came. These are red. They slither down the wall and stay behind the green snake. Then they circle around me. The green snake suddenly lunges for me and opens its jaws....

To Be Continued....

Next: Chapter 5

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