Getting Reacquainted

By moc.loa@dreNAslieN

Published on Feb 18, 2000


DISCLAIMER: This story is not for those under the age of 18 years (21 in some areas). It could include discriptions of male/male sexual acts. This story includes celebrity persona; however, it is not meant to imply or suggest the sexual orientation of those celebrities.

------------------- Getting Reaquainted ------------------- by Neil ICQ # 49278358 Screen name (for AOL and AIM users): CMeGoNSane

***I'm SO sorry my story is taking so long. This semester at college is a killer, and I don't have that much time. Thank you all for putting up with my lazy-ass ways. I promise I'll try to get on the ball with this. ~ !!

Part XXII ---------

Kevin and I walked into Nick's room to see him crying. He motions for us to sit down on the bed, and we do. He stands in front of us. "I just...I want to apologize to you two. I acted like such an ass when it came to Sandra. I should have listened to you, Kev. I'm really sorry." He had to stop this statement a few times to sniffle or sob.

Kevin stands up and hugs Nick. Nick clings to him. "It's alright, Nickolas, we understand. Dumb love, it strikes us all." Nick chuckles a little and lets Kevin go.

I grab him and pat him on the back. "Yeah, we forgive you. Just forget about it."

Nick whispers in my ear, "I have to talk to you alone." I nod.

"Kev, could you give Nick and me a moment alone? I just remembered I owe him one major ass-kicking." Kevin and Nick both laugh.

"Sure. I'll see y'all in a bit." He leaves the room, leaving Nick and I looking at each other. I plop down on his bed.

"What's on yer mind, Nick?"


I sit up. "Oh..." I am not altogether surprised.

"I just can't believe it, you know? I thought we were great together. I thought I'd finally found someone that I could get into a serious relationship with. It's like...she just understood me and knew me. And now she's just some writer, looking for the big story." New tears formed in his eyes. I patted the bed beside me, and he sat. I put an arm around him and hugged him a little. "It just really sucks, Chris. I mean, she was my first...." He trailed off.

"Sandra was your first girlfriend?!?" This time, I'm surprised.

"-No-. She was my fiiirrssst...." He accents using hand gestures.

Then I get it. "Oooohh! Oh, geez, sorry. I just didn't get it. Wow, man, I don't know what to say."

"Well, I don't guess there's anything you can say. It's like she....robbed me of it, you know? I was saving myself for someone like I thought she was. And that's pretty hard when thousands of people across the world are throwing themselves at you." That last sentence was meant to make himself laugh, I could tell. I laugh along with him.

"I wish I could change that, but I can't. But I'll tell you something.

I think that maybe she isn't as cold as she sounded on that recording. Maybe she regrets it. Maybe this will change her. I don't know, but if you still like her, you can hope." Deja vu.

"Nah, I couldn't. Even if she did say she changed, I couldn't go back out with her. I can't forgive her for this." He shakes his head. "Absolutely no way...."

"Oh, Thank You for saying that! You have no idea how much it killed me to say that. I hate the bitch!" Nick doubled over in laughter. "Argh! First the thing with my being gay, then she has to do this, hurting my best friends." I was over-acting, ranting and raving, just to make him laugh more. And it was working. So I switch to Valley Girl talk. "It's, like, she is, like, -such- a bitch. And that hair! Yuck-o-rama. Could it get any more frizzy?" I had him almost falling to the floor laughing. "It's, like, giirrrll, you just need to be steppin' on outta here." I got the whole head-movin', hand-wavin' "thang" down.

Nick grabbed his stomach. " more..." he managed to say between bursts of laughter.

I waited until he had regained his breath, then I pat his back. "Feeling better?"

He looks into my face and smiles. "Yeah....thanks, Chris." Then he surprises me by hugging me.

"No problem, man. Now, why don't we go join the others?"

He jumps up and nods. "Yeah." He reaches out his hand to help me stand. We head back out to see everyone in the living room, each of them just staring off into nothingness. Brian looks at me when we enter. I give him a smile and nod to let him know that everything is alright. Then I go over to sit on his lap.

He wraps his arms around me. "Mmmmm...this is nice." I lean forward to nuzzle into his neck. I kiss his neck and run my hand up under his shirt. Brian moans.

Howie laughs, "Would you two like some privacy?"

"You'd leave for us?" I ask.

AJ says, "No, I wanna stay and watch." He lifts his eyebrows a couple of times. Everyone laughs.

I raise at eyebrow at him and ask, "Why, you wanna know how to do it right next time your in bed with me?"

Nick "oooooh"s. Howie howls with laughter. AJ blushes, and Kevin blushes too. I guess he must feel embarassed about this conversation. Kevin says, "Whatever, guys. We have 3 hours until we leave for the show." I get up off of Brian and head to the mini fridge.

Nick says, "3 hours? Wow Bri, you and Chris could do it, like, 10 times." Everyone chuckles.

Brian replies, "Please, Chris could do it 10 times in 3 minutes." Everyone freezes, and I can feel them look at me. I have my back to them, but I slowly turn.

I can see them all on the verge of laughter, and Brian has a twinkle in his eye. I close my eyes to slits, shake my head a little, and say, "You are so dead." Everyone cracks up. Brian jumps up off of the couch and runs to my room. I take off after him. He attempts to shut the door on me, but I slam my body into it. I almost fall into my room, but I regain balance. Brian, however, isn't so lucky. My momentum sent the door flying into him, knocking him backwards onto the floor. He starts to get up, but I plant my foot on his chest. "Stay!" I command. He laughs. I take a couple steps back to shut and lock the door. I go back and stradle across him, with each knee beside his pelvis. I put my left hand to the side of his head and support myself. I poke him in the chest and say, "You know you're in trouble for that little comment out there."

"Oh goody." He smiles. I return the smile and kiss him. I lick at his lips, which he parts to let my tongue enter his mouth. I run my tongue along his. His hands join at the small of my back. I move my legs back to settle all of my weight onto him. I'm getting aroused, and judging by a certain feeling up against my leg, he is too. I rub his crotch through his jeans. He moans into my mouth. I suck his bottom lip into my mouth. His hot breath escapes onto my face. I sit up and unbutton my shirt, teasing him a time or two. He smiles and runs his hands up my stomach and chest. "You're so beautiful, Chris. I love you so much."

I feel the smile spread across my face. I lean back down over him. "Brian, I love you too. Very much so." I kiss him sweetly, passionately. I pull his shirt up to his chest. He leans up a little so I can get it off of him. Then I lay back down on him. The feel of his smooth skin against my chest is so hot and soothing. I plant little kisses on is chin, around his jaw, and down his neck. He tilts his head back. I swirl my tongue over his adams apple and into that little crevass between his collar bones. His hands come to the back of my neck, and he massages. I get up and take off my pants and underwear, then remove his as well. His cock springs up and hits his stomach.

"Make love to me, Christopher. Do it now." I hear the urgency in his voice. My reply is to grab his legs and open them up so I can kneel between them. He lifts them into the air, and I position myself. I push forward. Without any type of lubrication, not even saliva, it's quite a battle. The head pops in, the Brian gasps in air.

"Am I hurting you? I mean"

"No, just go." Once I'm halfway in, I lean back over him and kiss his chest. "Shit, Chris, it feels so good. You're so hot." I thrust deep into him quickly. He cries out loud. I cover his mouth with mine. He grabs my head and holds it to his as I move in and out of him. I can feel him clench around my cock. His tongue forces its way into my mouth. He wraps his legs around me and helps me pump into his ass. I can feel the sweat building up on my back and between our bodies. He groans loudly into my mouth. His legs tighten around mine, and I feel his hot cum hit my stomach. This sets me off as well, and I cum inside him. Load after load comes from me. I collapse on top of Brian, moving my head to the side of his. His juices are still hot between us. Neither of us make an attempt to move. We just lay there, breathing heavily.

Once I've gained the strength to move again, I pick my head up and kiss his shoulder. I continue my journey downwards, stopping to suck his nipple and lick at his navel. I surprise him when I take his member into my mouth.

His back arches, and he raises his knees. "Shit no, Chris. It's too sensitive." Instead of licking the head with the rought top of my tongue, I just hold him in my mouth, against the soft underside of my tongue. I keep him in my mouth until he had gotten a full erection again. I start to bob on him, slowly. I see his face scrunch up. I go to pull off of him, but his hands grab my head. "Don't fucking stop now" he says with a grin. I smile as best I can with his cock in my mouth, then I continue the blowjob. I can taste and smell the cum from just a moment ago, and it is driving me wild. Brian runs his fingers through my hair and down my cheeks. He starts bucking his hips, he moans a little moan, and a trickle of his juices enters my mouth. He come up off of him and kiss my way up his torso and neck to his mouth. I lay halfway on top of him, with my knee between his legs. Our tongues duel for a few minutes, then I suggest, "Let's take a nap before we have to go."

"Alright." He leans up to give me a kiss. I stand up and help him up.

I get in the bed. Brian pulls down the covers most of the way and climbs in sideways, laying his head on my stomach. I pull the covers up so that they cover all but his head and from my stomach up. It must have been a sight. Brian reaches up and strokes my face. "Chris, you are a wonderful man. Wonderful, wonderful man."

I smile and take his hand. I kiss the back of it, then free it. "Good. That means that I'm worthy to be with the most caring, beautiful person on the planet." We both smile. "I love you."

"Love you too." He closes his eyes. I stare at him for a moment. We're so happy together. For some reason, thoughts of Kevin enter my mind. He has been watching us lately. I think he's lonely; he's probably looking for something like Brian and I have.

I feel a tapping on my chest. I look back down at Brian to see him looking up at me. "What are you thinking about?"

"Kevin." Brian gets a confused look. "Have you noticed him watching us lately?" Brian shakes his head no. It feels odd up against my stomach. "He's a great guy, Brian. I think he needs a girlfriend. He's too lonely, watching after everyone and doing stuff all the time."

"I think you're right, but I also think it's none of your business, Chris." The corners of my mouth turn up. "Kevin's a big boy. He will get a girlfriend if he wants one. Remember, he told us he didn't want any of us to fix him up."

"I know, I know."

"Good. Then let's sleep."

"Okay." Brian picks his head up to kiss my stomach, then lays back down. I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling of Brian next to (well, sort of next to) me.

Invasion, heat, passion. These feelings wake me up. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the boyfriend who has his tongue in my mouth. "Mmmmmm" I moan and start to laugh. Brian sits up again. "'re already dressed."

He smiles and runs his hands over his - MY - shirt. "Yep, all dressed and ready to go."

"Isn't that m"

"Sssoooo...why don't you get up and ready? Nick pounded on the door and woke me, but you didn't budge. I let you sleep a few minutes while I decided on somthing to wear." A sly grin crosses his face. I match it, and climb out of bed. He slaps my naked ass as I walk by.

"You bitch." I grab some boxers and socks out of my suitcase. I open the other one and find a shirt and pants to wear. As I pull the pants up, I say, "You know, Brian, as much as you must like it, it's a bit creepy that you watch me dress."

"Why? I've seen you dressed before, and I've seen you naked before. Of course, I like one more than the other...."

"Yeah, yeah." I go to the bathroom to fix my hair.

As I go back into the bedroom, I can hear Nick outside the door. "OPEN, OPEN, OPEN, OPEN!!!" Brian walks to the door and opens it. He is almost slammed into the wall as Nick rushes through it, wearing only his boxers. "CLOSE THE DOOR!!!" Nick commands. Brian doesn't have time to react before AJ, wearing only a towel, runs through.

"You little shit! Tell me where the camera is!" AJ is on one side of the bed, closest to the door, and Nick is on the other. Nick starts to laugh.

"Whoa! You guys mind telling us what is going on here?" Brian asks.

"Nickolas here thought it'd be funny to snap a picture of me while I was in the shower. Now the little bugger's going to tell me where the camera is or die!"

"Little? Who are you calling little?" Nick stands straight up and on his tip-toes. "I could get on my knees and be taller than you!"

I say, "Hhhmmm....if there's a nudie pic of AJ involved, I'm on Nick's side." I grin at Nick, who smiles. AJ laughs. Brian tries a mock hurt look, but the smile breaks through. I sit in a chair to get my shoes on. AJ and Nick continue their chase around the edges of the bed. Seizing an opportunity, I get up and say, "But why should I settle for just a picture?"

With that, I grab AJ's towel from behind and yank it as hard as I can. It comes free. Brian and I get a short look at AJ's butt before he hops in under the covers. Nick, Brian, and I all laugh hard. AJ blushes, but begins to chuckle a minute later.

Brian says, "My, my, AJ, once again trying to get Chris. This time you've gone all-out though. Climbing into his bed naked."

I say, "And just a minute ago Nick offered to get on his knees." I briskly rub my hands together and continue, "Wow, Brian, I think we might have a good time tonight!" Nick's turn to blush.

"What is all the screaming and running around going on in here?" Kevin asks as he comes to the doorway. Just behind him, Howie approaches.

Howie asks, "Chris, Brian, are you two being good?"

Brian replies smartly, "Hey, look. Chris and I are dressed and ready to go. Nick's only wearing boxers, and AJ is naked. And you think that we are misbehaving?" Brian puts his arm around me on the "we".

Kevin and Howie look at us, then at Nick, then at AJ. Kevin shakes his head and says, "I'm not even going to ask. I'm sure I don't want to know. AJ, Nick, put some clothes on or we'll be late." He and Howie leave. Then Brian steps out, followed by Nick.

As I turn to leave, AJ says, "Um, Chris?"

I turn back to him. "Yeah?"

"Could I have my towel back?"

The next couple of weeks actually flew by. The worst part was all the bus travelling, but I got used to it pretty well. It just so turns out that the last show before a week break was in New York. When I told my parents of this, they insisted that we all stay at the house. They guys had no problem whatsoever with this. AJ, Kevin, Howie, and Brian just didn't want to stay at any more hotels; Nick, however, just wanted to play in the Maze some more. I promised him that I would be victorious next time.

"Honey, it's so good to see you again!!!" My mother crushes me to death in one heck of a bear hug. She releases me to grab Brian. "And you too, Brian!"

He pats her back. "It's great to see you too, Mrs. Paige."

She lets go of him. "Oh, pish." She grabs his right hand and brings it up to his face so he can see the ring on it. "Call me Mom now." Brian blushes and looks down at his feet. My mother is busy greeting the other guys, so I grab his hand.

I drag him upstairs to my room, leaving all our bags behind. "I love being home!" I practically shout as I open the door to my room. We both stop immediatelly in our tracks. On one wall is this large picture in a frame. It's me and Brian as youngsters, but also as a kind of weird double-image, is me and Brian now. The 'now' pictures of me and Brian weren't taken together, but it still looked pretty darn good. It's like the 'now' us is standing behind the boys, like ghosts. The whole thing had a yellowish-bronze tint to it. "Oh my God, it's"

"so beautiful." Brian finishes for me. He releases my hand and walks to the picture. I come up behind him and put my arms around him. I kiss his neck and whisper in his ear, "You think one day there will be a couple of old geezers in that picture?"

He chuckles and turns around in my arms. "I hope so." He places his hands on my shoulders and draws me towards him. My lips meet his. We hold this little, yet oh so very passionate, kiss for a minute. His hands run up to the back of my head. I move mine to his sides. His tongue presses at my lips and teeth, and I accept it into my mouth. Brian's tongue moves along mine, tasting every part of my mouth.

Once we part, a voice scares us back into reality: "Wow, after a kiss like that, I'm ready for a cigarette." I jump a little, and Brian just jerks his head in the direction of the voice.

"Aunt Alice!" I go to her and hug her.

She lets go of me. "Brian Thomas Littrell, it has been too long." She takes a few steps towards him with her arms outstretched.

"Yeah, it has." He hugs her too. "How have you been in the past...oh, eight or nine years?" We all laugh, and she releases him.

"I've been doing pretty well. Not as well as a mister bigshot somebody...." He blushes and looks down to his feet again.

"You and mom have got to stop doing that to him" I scolded her. I move in between them and put one arm over Brian's shoulder and one over Alice's. "Let's go eat, I'm starving."

Dinner conversation was really light. We just talked about nothing and laughed about even more nothing. Howie brought up those pictures that Dad had given me.

Dad says, "Oh, we've had those stashed away for years. When we found out Brian was here, that was the first thing I did, search for those pictures. I was hoping that you two could put whatever bad blood you had behind you." I smiled at Brian and put my hand on his thigh under the table.

Kevin got a look on his face. "What did happen to you two anyway?"

Brian and I look at each other, the question in both of our eyes. Then he turned to everyone else and said, "I ran." He looked down at his plate. Kevin motions with his hands for Brian to continue. "I guess Chris and I had been seeing each other for....geez, 6 months or so, and....uh...."

I could see he was having trouble with the proper direction, so I stepped in. "Our 'relationship' was basically based on sex." Brian was shocked at my being so blunt. "But I felt more than that. Brian was becoming more than just my best friend. I loved him. So one day, I told him, 'Brian, I think I love you.' He turned and ran."

Brian took over again. "I wanted to hear those words so badly, and I couldn't believe that he actually said them. But when he did, everything just hit me at once. I mean, after hearing so many people saying it was wrong, and then I knew I'd feel like an outcast at school, even if nobody else knew. And I didn't even want to think about what my parents would do if they found out."

My mother gasped, barely audibly. However, it did catch my, Brian's, AJ's, and dad's attention. "Mom, what's wrong?" She and my father exchanged a glance. By now, everyone was looking at mom.

"Well....Chris, Brian, I'm so sorry. When you all agreed to stay here, I called Jackie up. We hadn't talked in so long, and I thought she and Harold might want to come up as well." She paused to take a long breath. "And once we were caught up, I started talking about the two of you." Then Brian gasped, and tears almost immediately came to his eyes. I knew then what was happening: His parents hadn't known. Mom continued, "Brian, I don't know if I can apologize enough. But I thought that she knew, and I...."

Seeing Brian hurting like this made me so mad. I stood up from my chair. "You had NO right to do that!" My outburst scared everyone. "What were you thinking?!?"

Mom says, "Chris, she was fine with it! She was a little shocked, but after we talked for a couple minutes, she said she was willing to accept it and even back you two up."

Brian asks, "She did?" I couldn't see his face because it was turned to mom, but I knew that made him so happy.

"Yeah. She loves you, Brian, and she wants you two to visit as soon as possible."

Even though this was having a happy ending, I was still fuming. "That's not the point! You didn't even fucking ask us!"

My father was on his feet in an instant. "Christopher Michael Paige, you watch your language."

I didn't want any more confrontation, so I just stormed up to my room. I closed the door behind me and sat on the edge of my bed, burying my face in my hands. I laugh. 'Yeah, I don't want any more confrontation, but I caused all of it.' I look up to the picture of Brian and me. Realizing that I haven't yet been out to my balcony, I do just that. Opening the doors, the familiar scene is drawn out before me. I take a deep breath. I know, it's not any different than the air out in the driveway, but it still feels differently. I go over and lean over the banister. 'Love it out here.' Feeling a bit daring, I get up and stand on the banister. I look straight up and stretch my arms out.

I feel some fingers hook into my belt loops. "You know, It'd be much more fun if your hands were in my back pockets."

"Sorry, that's my cousin's territory." Kevin and I laugh. "What did I tell you about being careful up here?"

" told me to be careful."

"Right. And I don't think that standing on the edge of the banister qualifies as 'careful'. So get your little butt down before I have to pull you down myself."

I laugh and step down. "My 'little butt.' So you were looking?" We chuckle again. Then he goes over to lean up backwards against the banister.

"Do you mind telling me what that was about in there?" Kevin asks.

I take a deep breath and sigh. "She shouldn't have just assumed that Jackie and Harold knew. I don't know, I just exploded."

He nodded his head. "Brian's talking to his parents now. Your mom is really upset; I think you should go talk to her and apologize."

"Yeah, I agree. Where's everyone at?"

"Nick, Howie, and AJ went to take naps. Brian's just inside, in your room actually. And your parents are in their bedroom."

I turn and go back into my room, just in time to hear Brian say, "Yes, mom, I love him beyond anything else."

"Aaawww" I say. He turns around and smiles adn gives me the thumbs-up.

"I love you too, Brian." I wink at him. "I'll be back. Gotta straighten things out with my folks."

He mouths "okay". I leave and go to my parents' bedroom. I knock on the door before opening it. They are both sitting on the bed. "Mom, Dad, I'm really sorry about my little outburst out there. I just exploded weren't careful. I mean, you can imagine what it would be like if the world knew."

My dad says, "Yes, Chris, we understand."

Mom says, "Chris, I am so sorry too. You're right: I should have asked you two first. If Jackie hadn't been so accepting of it, I would just hate myself right now." My parents and I talked a few more minutes.

I left their room and returned to mine. I saw Brian out on the balcony, looking over the edge. When he heard me, he turned around quickly.

"Chris! Kevin fell off the balcony!"

To Be Continued.... *Hehehehe, you weren't expecting that one, were you? E-mail me and tell me what you think, please!

Next: Chapter 23

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