Getting Reacquainted

By moc.loa@dreNAslieN

Published on Jan 20, 2000


DISCLAIMER: This story is not for those under the age of 18 years (21 in some areas). It could include discriptions of male/male sexual acts. This story includes celebrity persona; however, it is not meant to imply or suggest the sexual orientation of those celebrities.

------------------- Getting Reaquainted ------------------- by Neil ICQ # 49278358 Screen name (for AOL and AIM users): I told you PsychGuy06, but I never use that one, so try CMeGoNSane. I"m always on under that name, but sometimes I'm Away.

*NOTE: I am so sorry, guys (& gals?)! I told you I didn't know how my story would come along during my semester break, but I thought I'd at least work on it some. However, I couldn't find the opportunity to do so. I'm sorry again!

Part XXI --------

"Like someone? Who is it?" I smile and nudge him with my elbow.

"I don't think I'm ready to share that information." He blushes.

I do a southern belle accent. "Why, Kevin Richardson, I do believe you're blushing." We laugh. "Come on, you're not even going to tell me?"

He shakes his head while smiling. "No, not right now."

"Then why did you bring it up, you big tease!" We both laugh.

"Because I want your advice. What would you do if you liked someone, but they never thought that you could ever, ever like them?"

"Ah now, come on, what girl in their right mind would turn you down? I say confront her, tell her how you feel. Or, if you're kinda close to her and maybe think that she might have feelings for you too, do something I've always thought was so very romantic. Just grab her and look deep into her eyes. If you don't see any resistance, kiss her. To me, that is just" He laughs.

"You know, I'm actually going to think about that."

"Good, because it's good advice. Do I get some initials?"

He laughs at my persistance. "No, not even initials. Now get outta here before I do something I'd regret."

I immediately stand and put up my fists. "Yeah, yeah, come on. You couldn't take me. Just because you're a good half a foot taller than me, and damn well built...oh wait, maybe you could." We laugh again. "G'night, Kev."

"Good night." I leave. Everyone else is in the living room, still talking about the party.

Brian says, "What was that all about?"

"Just some girl talk." I sit down in a chair opposite him.

Howie prys. "About what?"

"I am not at liberty to share that information, Howard."

AJ is next. "Ah, pleeease tell us."

"Stop trying; it's not going to work." They give up. I yawn. "Well, looks like it's time for me to go to bed. Sweet dreams, everyone." I get up and head to my room. I change clothes and brush my teeth. I hop into the bed, really happy about my good deed of the day. I really miss Brian. I know, he's only a couple doors down, but he's not here so I'm allowed to miss him. I go to sleep.


Brian is yelling at me again. He's so mad.... And I can', I can move. I look down at my body; I'm not stone anymore. I can't hear when Brian is saying, but it's making me angry. I try to yell back, but I have no voice. I do it anyway. I glance over to the brick wall and see Kevin's eyes looking through the hole in it. He looks so sad. A voice rings loudly, all of a sudden: "Chris!"


"Chris! Wake up!" Someone is calling me and shaking me. I realize I was asleep and dreaming, and I pull myself into the waking world. I sit up sharply in bed and look around. AJ has his hand on my shoulder. "Chris, are you alright? You were yelling in your sleep. You're all sweaty."

I wipe my forehead. I am indeed sweating profusely. And I'm very cold. A shiver runs down my spine. "Oh geez....I guess it was just a bad dream."

"Are you sure? Do you remember anything about it?"

"I'm sure. The only thing I can remember is Brian yelling at me. It's so weird. I think I've had this dream before, but something...something was different."

AJ walked over to the desk and got a box of tissues. He grabbed one out of the box and handed it to me. "Well, Brian yelling at you would definitely be a bad dream." He smiles.

I take the tissue and nod my thanks. I wipe my face. "I don't know. There's something else. Something weird about it."

"You're probably not going to be able to force yourself to remember it.

I never can anyway. Try to get some more sleep." He walks to my door and opens it.

"Thanks, AJ." He waves and walks out. I grab my watch off of the endtable. 3:17 am. I hope I can get some more sleep.

{Nick and Sandra}

"Oh my God, Nick...." Sandra breathes heavily. She and her new lover are exhausted. She shifts a little in the bed to lay beside him. She snuggles her naked body up next to him and lays her head on his shoulder.

"Sandra." She tilts her head back to look at him. He looks deep into her eyes. "I love you." She smiles and leans up to kiss Nick.

"I love you too." And they sleep.


'Nick better not be doing what I think he's doing.' Brian turns onto his other side, away from the empty twin bed where Nick should be. 'It is so lonely without Chris. I would go to his room, but Kevin told me that we can't let Sandra know that I am gay and with Chris. I don't see why not. Sandra and Chris are old friends, and they get along great.' Then he says out loud, "Ah! Why can't I sleep?!"


"Chris. Chris." I'd recognize that voice anywhere.

"Brian, you'd better be here to get in bed with me."

"Sorry, I just came to wake you up because breakfast is here." I groan and open my eyes. He pulls the covers off of me. "Now come on, sleepy-head, or we'll be late."

He pulled me into the dining area before I could change clothes or anything. Everyone else was already up. They all looked at me strangely. I must look hideous because I haven't cleaned up yet. "It's Brian's fault I'm not pretty yet." For some reason, they found this incredibly, unbelievably funny. I just look at them like they're all high or something.

Whatever. I sit at the table and uncover my plate of food. I take a few bites of egg, then pour myself some apple juice. I take a drink. I set the glass back down and start to eat again, but I notice something very interesting. Lipstick stain on my glass. How did it get there? Ugh, apparently the kitchen staff isn't all too great. I pick it up and examine.

Then it finally clicks. "Oh funny, guys. Extremly hilarious. I just hope you all did a better job on me than we did on Brian." Everyone bursts out into laughter. "Ok, ok, whose idea was this?"

I am answered by fingers pointing to all different people. However Howie, who is sitting beside me, is the one not looking me in the eye. I get up from the table. I pretend to go back to my room, but turn around. I sneak up behind Howie, putting a finger to my lips to keep the people on the other side of the table from saying anything. I grab his head and plant a big kiss right on his cheek. "AAAAHHH!!" he yells. Everyone laughs.

I stop kissing him and look at the red lipstick on his cheek; I still have a hold of his head. "Ooh, you got some schmutz on your face!" I spit in my hand and rub it in his face, which only smears the lipstick around.

"CHRIS! Stop it!!! AAGH!" He stands and escapes my grasp. We each head to our rooms to clean up. I look into the mirror. They actually did a decent job. I yell, "Damn! I would make one FINE woman!" I hear them laughing. When I come back out, we resume eating breakfast.

About 10 minutes later, Nick and Sandra come into the room. I guess they didn't think we'd be up, for they were sneaking. When they see us sitting at the table finishing up breakfast, they stop. Nick says, "uuhh...hey guys. Good morning."

I say, "It certainly is, isn't it?" I smile widely. "Sandra dear, I'm glad you came along. I need to talk to my room...about something urgent...right now." I force a smile the whole time.

Kevin says, "That's funny. I was just about to ask Nick to come to my room." He stands and motions Nick to follow him. I get up as well and head to my room with Sandra.

I close the door behind her and turn around. "Please tell me you didn't. Please, PLEASE tell me you didn't."

She says, "Alright, we didn't." I sigh in relief. "But you just asked me to lie to you."

I throw my head back and rub my forehead. "Okay, I am going to tell you exactly what I am thinking about all of this. I don't like it. I know it's none of my business, bu"

She interrupts, "You're damn right it's none of your business. And exactly where do you get off acting like Nick is your child?"

"Sandra, calm down. It's just that Nick is so young, and he's still a bit immature. I mean, you two haven't known each other that long, and I'm not too sure how he'll handle this relationship."

{Kevin and Nick}

"Nick....Did you two do what I think you did?"

Nick throws his hands up in the air. "Here we go. Yes, Daddy, I did. Sandra and I made love. We fucked all night long. What are you going to do, Daddy, punish me? God, Kevin, I can't believe how you think you're in charge of everybody's lives."

"Nick, I do not think I'm in charge of your lives. I just wanted to know. I am just concerned, but you can do whatever you please. It's just that you two haven't known each other long enough to have built a"

Nick interrrupts him. "What, now you get to decide who can and can't have sex? You get to set the time limits? Why can't you just mind your own damn business?!" Nick storms out of Kevin's room.

Kevin looks down to the floor. He says, "Alright, Nick, but don't say I didn't warn you." He looks up and heads to his shower.

{Chris and Sandra}

"Why don't you let Nick and I handle our relationship? Why you, Kevin, and half the civilized world have to butt into things is beyond me!" Sandra screams.

"Sandra, I am only concerned. Both of you are my friends, and I don't want to see either of you hurt. But if you really don't want me to do or say anything to either of you about it, fine, I won't."

"Good! 'Cause that's exactly what I want! Butt out!" She rushes out of the room.

I come out of the room after changing clothes and catch Kevin coming out of his. We give each other an exasperated look, and we join Brian, AJ, and Howie in the living room. I ask Brian, "Where are Nick and Sandra?"

"They both left after coming out of your and Kevin's rooms. You two did a number on them, didn't you?"

Kevin says, "I didn't 'do a number' on him, I just told him that I was concerned."

"That's what I said to Sandra. But she blew up anyways. I'll have to apologize to her later. You don't think Nick will miss practice at one, do you?"

AJ says, "Nah, he said he'd be back in time for that."

We passed an hour of the time watching tv. The phone rang. I answer, "Hello, Chris speaking." The guys turn to look at me.

"Chris. How are you?" The British accent is unmistakable.

"I'm just great, Geri. How are you?" I get a puzzled look. Howie looks surprised.

"I'm good too. Hey, is my chico Latino around?" We laugh at her little joke.

"He is indeed. I'll get him for you." I lower the phone just a little and yell, "Hey, there's an incredibly sexy and talented English woman on the phone asking for Howie. I think she might have the wrong Howie." I hear Geri laugh in the phone. Howie blushes, and we all laugh. I hand him the phone and sit back down between Brian's legs. AJ has turned down the tv volume.

Howie's end of the conversation: "Hi, Geri....just fine, and you?....That's good....Tonight? Aw, I can't. We have a show....Oh hey! Do you wanna come? We could pick you up, I'm it....see you later, Geri....Bye!" He hung up the phone, smiling ear-to-ear. He came back and sat down, holding back.

"Let it out." As soon as I say it, I regret it. I forgot that Howie does those high-flying falsettoes. But he certainly reminded me. "Okay, as soon as I can hear again, I'll ask why you're so happy."

"Geri's coming to the concert, that's all." He bounces his legs up and down.

Brian whispers in my ear, "It's been a long time since Howie's been like this. Thank you." He kisses me on the cheek.

I whisper back, "Why are you thanking me?"

"Because I want to. I love you." He kisses my cheek again, then heads south to my neck. I moan louder than I would have wanted to.

AJ looks back when I moan. "Oh man, you two are at it again? Geez." He turns up the volume. I chuckle; Brian continues to kiss my neck. I open my eyes to catch Kevin looking at us. When we make eye contact, he turns to the tv. With Brian coming to a spot right below my ear that drives me wild, I don't think any more about Kevin. As soon as Brian hits that spot, I am ready! I stand up and grab his hands. He looks confused.

I say, "With Sandra gone, I was thinking we could spend some time together, you know, alone." I wink. Howie rolls his eyes.

He smiles and say, "Right behind ya." We go to my room. He pushes me down onto the bed and lays on top of me. He kisses me forcefully. This kiss definitely makes up for the times when we couldn't. When he comes up for air, he says, "I just realized I need to pay you back for the other morning at that motel." With that, he starts to slide my shirt up off of me. I finish taking it off as he starts on my pants. After unbuttoning and unzipping, he grabs the pant cuffs and pulls them off in one whisk. He takes off his shirt to reveal his smooth, muscular body. He climbs back onto the bed, crawling with a knee on either side of me. I sit up abruptly and kiss his chest. I take a nipple into my mouth. He puts a hand on the back of my head and groans. He pulls my head back and says, "No, no, no. This time it's all about you."

"But I was having fun!" I whine as he pushes me back into a laying position.

"Well, I wanna have some fun now." His eyes never leave mine as he kisses the center of my chest. He slips his warm tongue out of his mouth and onto my skin. He moves it back and forth as he moves down my body. He plunges it into my belly button and wiggles it.

I laugh. "Brian, that tickles." He takes it out and circles his tongue around. It is so sensual. I close my eyes and moan. He rubs my rock-hard cock through my boxers as his lips contact every part of my stomach. Then he takes my cockhead and the fabric over it into his mouth. He gently bites me. I groan loudly at the new sensation, and a look of pain crosses my face.

"I'm sorry, I hurt you." I open my eyes and look at his concerned face.

"No, it was a good pain." He smiles and pulls off my boxers. He grabs the base of my cock. Brian blows gently across the tip of my cockhead before licking it. In seconds, he has me writhing underneath him as he bobs up and down on my cock. He lets it out of his mouth and licks the sensitive underside. He kisses my scrotum, momentarily pulling on the skin with his teeth. He reaches under my legs and lifts them into the air. His mouth continues down. His tongue darts out onto the skin of my butt. I hold my legs up with my hands, freeing his hands to squeeze and rub my ass. His tongue enters the crack. He finds my anus and rims me. "Oh God, Brian, that feels so good" I moan. He flicks his tongue across it, driving me wild. Next I feel a finger at the hole, pushing its way in.

He puts his other hand on my legs and pushes them down so that he can continue the blowjob. He takes me in one gulp. The finger is in as far as it can go I imagine. I feel it wiggling around inside of me. He slips the finger out of me. Just as I get a look of disappointment, I feel two fingers working their way into my ass. I put my arms back behind my head and lay my head back on them. He sucks hard on the head of my cock and jerks the shaft with his free hand. "Babe, I am not going to last much longer."

He comes up off of me just long enough to say, "Good, 'cause I don't want you to." He smiles and resumes the task at hand. Just moments later, I feel the orgasm building. My back arches uncontrollably as wave after wave of cum shoots into my lover's mouth. He immediately lunges on top of me. He kisses me deeply, giving me a portion of my own juices. Our tongues enter each others' mouth. Our lips lock in a kiss I wish would last forever. After we're done kissing, he plops down beside me and puts his head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around him and pull him closer. He puts a hand on my chest and plays with the light covering of hair.

We just lay there for a couple minutes. He startles me when he says, "What are you thinking about?" I look at him to see him looking at me.

"Well...I just don't want you to think that you ever have to 'pay me back' for anything. I mean, that just makes it seem like a favor, like 'You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' or something."

He squeezes me. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

I put a hand on top of his head and play with his hair. "I know, hon. Just forget it." I sigh. "I guess we'd better get back out there." He grunts and holds me down when I try to get up. "Come on, Brian, you have a rehearsal for which to get ready, and I have a meeting at the same time. We have to get up." He crawls further up onto me, laying his head on my chest.

He pretends to be asleep and snores loudly. "Nice try."

He whines, "Chris, do we really have to get up and ready?"

"Yes, Brian. Now come on." We got out of the bed. Brian was content watching me change clothes, but I shove him out my door and towards his room when I am done. I fix my hair, straighten my tie, grab my briefcase, and head on out into the living room to meet up with the rest of the guys.

Just as I take a seat beside AJ on the couch, Nick and Sandra walk into the door. Sandra has a hand up to her forehead, and Nick guides her to his and Brian's room. A second later, Brian comes out, shaking his head. When he sits down, Kevin asks, "What's going on?"

"Sandra has a headache, so she's going to stay here and lay down while we rehearse."

I say, "Hhhmm....that's odd."

Howie asks, "What is?"

"Nevermind for now. I have to go apologize to her for earlier. I'll be right back." I pick up my briefcase and head to Nick and Brian's room, passing Nick on his way out. I enter and close the door behind me. "Sandra?"

"Not now, Chris, I have a headache." She turns on the bed, away from me. She can't see what I'm doing, so this is Perfect!

Three hours later, we're walking back into the hotel room. Nick whines, "I cannot believe they held us there for so long! Like it's our fault the sound system went haywire." We all plop down on various pieces of furniture. Then Sandra comes into the room, looking as if she just woke up.

Nick asks, "We didn't wake you up, did we?"

"No, I've been awake for a little bit now. My headache isn't gone, but I just can't stand laying there any longer."

Sandra sits on Nick's lap, resulting in an eye-roll from AJ. I get up and go to my room. Once I'm inside, I peek back out to make sure no one can see me. I tip-toe to Nick and Brian's room. I reach behind the nightstand to recover the object I placed there earlier. I sneak back to my room.

I rewind the dictaphone and hit the Play button. Nothing for quite a while. Then I hear a muffled voice, which becomes clearer. I listen to a good part of the tape, skipping here and there. I rewind to where you can first hear the voice, then go back out into the living room.

As I walk out, I say, "I found it! I knew it had to be here somewhere!" I get a bunch of confused looks. I wave the dictaphone in the air. "And it was even on Record the whole time! You'll never guess what it recorded." The smile that was at first faked became genuine when I saw the look on Sandra's face.

Howie chuckles and says, "What, Sandra snoring?" Everyone laughs except Sandra. Then she fakes a nervous laugh.

"Nah, not quite, but this is even better." I turn the volume up as high as it can get and hit Play.

"[muffled voice for about a minute]...couldn't just be a 'personal assistant', so I snooped in his room and found rather suggestive drawings of Brian. I went down to the office area and copied them....I know it doesn't necessarily mean that, but people will believe what I tell them...pity, one of the most popluar BSB is gay...hahaha!...Nick? Oh please, he wouldn't know anything if I got it tattooed on my forehead. However, I am getting something of a bonus from this job...."

Sandra tries to jump out of Nick's lap and run out of the room, but he grabs her arms. His face shows the obvious anger and betrayal.

Her voice continues: "....hehehe, well let's just say that millions of Nick-fans would be SO jealous of me...You bet we did!, I couldn't put that into the story...Oh, that reminds me: You know I'm freelance, so I'm selling to whoever offers the most...Hey, I'm a tabloid reporter, you think I have ethics? Haha! Yeah, I'll call you when I get back to New York....sure thing...Bye." I turn it off.

I stand up and face Sandra. I shake my head. "Sandra, Sandra, Sandra.

Here I was hoping you weren't still such a bitch, but I was wrong. Whatever will we do with you?"

Nick stands from the chair and pushes Sandra down onto it. He loudly says, "How the hell could you do this to us - to ME? I thought...I thought we had...." He stops talking and runs to his room. This just makes the rest of us so much madder.

AJ says, "I say we throw her over the balcony." I know he's joking, but it is so tempting it's scary.

I say, "I agree." AJ and I each grab an arm and stand her up. He drags her (and therefore me) towards the balcony door.

Sandra looks scared. "Hey! What the hell? You crazy shits! You can't do this! HELmmmpmf." I cover her mouth with my free hand.

Howie walks up to her. "Oh no, we can do this. You think people will believe the Backstreet Boys killed someone?"

Brian: "As if five down-to-earth, all-around good guys revered the world around would murder somebody."

Kevin speaks up. "Nobody heard about that guy who lives - well, lived - in Boston, so I'm pretty sure nobody will give a shit about you." Damn he's hot when he does that angry look. He goes a step further and opens the balcony door for AJ and me. We drag her out. I'm still covering her mouth.

AJ and I push her back up against the railing, just so she'd know it was there. She looks so scared I can barely contain my laughter. But I manage. "You know, I think I might be in a negotiative mood. I think that maybe, if she gives us the copies and agrees not to write this story, we don't really have to kill her."

AJ considers it. "I was kinda looking forward to the push. I like to hear 'em scream as they plummet to their deaths."

Brian says, "Ah, come on, Chris. I was going to start a pool on exactly how long it would take her to reach the pavement. I was guessing about 10 seconds."

Howie looks over the railing. "I don't know, Brian. Thirteen stories....I'd go for 8 seconds."

Kevin says, "I'm with Chris on this one. I'm not really in the mood for a killing tonight. Besides, in that very small chance that she'd survive, she could tell the police or something, and we really don't need that right now."

I step in front of her to look her in the eyes. "Sandra, where are the copies and everything else you have about this?" I uncover her mouth.

"Even if you do get all the stuff, I still know all about it!" She is one stubborn little woman. AJ leans her back, actually so her head and shoulders are over the banister. This actually surprised all of us. She is terrified! "OK! OK! Under the mattress of Brian's bed! And I SWEAR I won't write the story, just don't kill me!" AJ pulls her back upright.

I lean forward so my face is just an inch or two away from hers. "I want you to leave. Leave this place; leave us. Never come into my life or theirs ever again. I swear if I see your face again, I'll mess it up so bad you'll wish you were dead. Now get your pathetic ass outta here." AJ lets her go, and she runs for the door. I walk over to the banister and lean over. "Damn her."

A hand rubs my back. I turn, and it's Howie. He says, "Don't worry about her. I don't think she'll do anything."

"I hope you're right. Hey, shouldn't someone go see on Nick?" I ask all of them, but I look at Brian when I ask it. He nods and walks back in. I turn back to the banister.

Kevin says, "I can't believe that happened. I mean, she....we....ugh, I don't know what to say!" I just know he's thrown his hands up in the air.

AJ laughs and pats his back. "I know, bud. Trust me, we all know."

Howie says, "Poor Nick. I can't imagine what this is like for him." I look straight down to the street and sigh. "Something wrong, Chris? Well, besides the obvious...."

"Nah, nothing's really wrong. Just a bit homesick, I guess. I never realized it."

Kevin comes to stand beside me. "Oh yeah, we know what that's like."

Brian comes back out onto the balcony. "Kevin and Chris, Nick wants to see you two." Kevin and I exchange a glance, then turn to go to his room.

To Be Continued.... *I didn't want to end it there, but I feel really bad about not sending any parts lately. I'm going to start writing as soon as I send this, so hopefully I'll get back on track. Thanks for understanding!

Next: Chapter 22

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