Getting Reacquainted

By moc.loa@dreNAslieN

Published on Dec 7, 1999


DISCLAIMER: This story is not for those under the age of 18 years (21 in some areas). It could include discriptions of male/male sexual acts. This story includes celebrity persona; however, it is not meant to imply or suggest the sexual orientation of those celebrities.

------------------- Getting Reaquainted ------------------- by Neil ICQ # 49278358 ** Screen name (for AOL and AIM users): PsychGuy06 **

  • Wow, Part 20. I never thought it would go on this long. And I have so many ideas, it's going to go on for a while longer. I really appreciate the e-mail you're sending me. And if you're not sending me any, then I'd like it if you did (no pressure).

  • Also, I don't know how my story will come along between December 17th and January 10th. That's my break from college, and I know I can't work as much on this at home. Thanks for understanding!

Part XX -------

A kiss wakes me. A tongue presses against my lips; I open my mouth to accept it. I cross my arms around my lover's neck and pull him on top of me. After a minute of exploring his mouth with my tongue, we stop kissing. He rolls onto his side beside me. I keep my eyes closed and smile.

"I didn't taste any alcohol, so that couldn't have been AJ. I can only dream about which other Backstreet Boy is making out with me." I turn my head to him and open my eyes. Brian already has that great smile on his face. "Damn it, you're not Nick!"

He tries to get a shocked look, but can't control the chuckles. "You better not be wanting a different Backstreet Boy, cuz you're stuck with me."

I pretend to consider, then say "I guess that'll have to do." I turn my body to face him. I grab him again and kiss him. That's when I make a startling discovery. "'re naked" I say, as if informing him.

He grins and says, "I know."

"Why are you naked?"

He puts a hand on the side of my face. He massages my cheeck as he says, "Because I love you, and I wanted to show you. Because I wanted us to make love." I look deeper into his beautiful eyes.

"Brian, we can not make love in a place like this." I motion about the room. "I mean, who makes love in a skanky, old motel?" He gets a look of disappointment, then rejection on his face. I smirk and say, "However, we could have wild, dirty sex."

He smiles big. He drops it as he pretends to consider it, as I had done. Then he says, "I guess that'll have to do."

He quickly stripped me of my shirt, and went to work on my pants. I wrapped my hand around his cock, and I stroke him as we kiss. I throw back the covers so I could finish getting my pants and underwear off. I push him onto his back and attack his chest with my mouth while still stroking his hard shaft. I work to put a hickey on his chest. I move from that spot to suddenly take his cock into my mouth, all the way. I lash my tongue round the head and along the underside. I reach one hand up to pinch Brian's nipples as my head bobs up and down on his hot member. I reach under him with my other hand. When my fingers find his hole, I use one finger to play with the outside. He lifts his legs into the air to give me better access. I slowly insert a finger into him. Brian puts one hand on the back of my head to push me down deeper onto his cock. I gladly oblige.

I insert a second finger into his ass, and I wiggle them around inside of him. "Ooohh, Chris, you're so good..." he moans. When I insert a third finger, he winces, then the look is replaced by one of ecstacy. "I'm not gonna last!"

I pull up off of his cock. I whisper in his ear, "I want you to cum in me, Brian. Fuck me, right now." Then I kiss him. While we kiss, he turns us around, so that I am now laying on my back. He raises my legs and, almost in one quick motion, pushes himself into me. He instantly has his rhythm going, sending waves of pleasure through me. A minute later, he cries out, "Oh, Chris!" I feel him throb inside of me, and there is an immense heat as his juices fill me. When he is finished, he pulls out of me and lays on top of me. We kiss more. Just as I turn us over again, there is a knocking at the door.

AJ yells, "Hey, come on you two! The cavalry is here! Pack up quick, we're leaving."

I groan out, "Shit." Brian chuckles, and we get out of bed. We hurry to get dressed and packed, then we join the others on a second bus.

As we set off, I'm still a bit aroused, so I try to think of things to get my mind off of sex. Seeing a certain look on my face, Howie asks, "Chris, is something wrong?" The others look at me with concern.

"No, not really. I'm just a" I look at Brian to see a confused look. I look him in the eyes for a minute before he realizes what I mean. Then he cracks up laughing, and the others are still confused. "Don't worry about it, guys. Nothing's wrong." That seemed to satisfy them.

Not wanting to sleep, the six of us talk in the back of the bus for a couple hours. Then AJ suggests, "Hey! Let's play Truth or Dare."

"Truth or Dare? What are you, 14?" I ask. After some begging, and help from Nick, AJ gets all of us to agree.

AJ: "Alright! I get firsts! I wanna ask a group Truth question."

"Can you do that?" I protest.

Kevin says, "Sure, why not? Go for it."

AJ thinks for a minute, then gets an evil grin. "Alright. Who here...has ever had sex in an dirty old motel?"

Knowing now that he just wanted to embarass me and Brian, I counter. I quickly raise my hand and excitedly say, "Oooh! Oooh! Me, me, me!" Not seeing Brian answer, I respond for him. I grab his arm, put it up in the air, and say, "Brian too! Brian too!"

A couple hours later, we arrived in Salt Lake City. We went directly to the arena where the concert was to be held, for they needed to practice. Then we have some food in a spare room before the actual concert. Things were pretty packed that day.

After the concert, we were all hanging out in the dressing room. Brian and I were on one couch, lost in our own world. What I didn't notice was a bodyguard come up to Nick to talk to him.

"Mr. Carter, there's a young lady backstage who says she knows you. Now, I know they'll try anything, but she had this picture." He hands Nick a picture.

Nick chuckles at the picture and says, "Yeah, sure, let her in." The bodyguard leaves and comes back with the girl. Nick looks at her and goes over to hug her. Brian and I still hadn't seen all of this happen. Nick introduces her to AJ, Howie, then Kevin. Then he walks her over to the couch, where my back was turned to her. "Brian, Chris, I'd like you to meet Sandra Jenkins." He was close enough to break us back into the real world.

We both stood. When I turned to see who he was talking about, my heart skipped a beat. Her eyes got wide, as I'm sure mine did. I quickly regained control and slowly extended a hand to her. "Sandra, I'm Chris Paige. Nice to meet you." We slowly shook hands. When she took my hand, I could almost feel physical pain. Then Brian introduced himself. Nick says, "I met Sandra last time I was in New York visiting family. We became good friends." He puts his arm around her shoulder, and she smiles up at him.

Brian slaps his shoulder and says, "Good friends, huh? Looks like more than that." He laughs.

Nick hugs her closer and says, "Hey, now, no teasing. Sandra's not used to you all yet."

I leave them suddenly to go talk to Kevin. He's just watching AJ and Howie have a conversation. I sit down beside him as memories of Sandra flood back into my mind. Kevin asks, "Chris, what's wrong? You look...funny, for lack of a better word."

"We'll talk about it later, Kevin." The various conversations continued for about 20 minutes, while the buses were being loaded and all that. We had an overnight trip to another city.

Nick comes running over to us. He looks back, making sure she wasn't watching him, then whispers to us, "Isn't she great?! Hey, we have a plan. Sandra came here with her friend Michelle. She's going to send Michelle home because she's going with us to the next stop! Isn't that great?!" 'Smile and nod, smile and nod' went through my head. So I smile and nod. Kevin notices that I'm not really too enthusiastic about it; Nick doesn't.

Once we're on our now-repaired bus, we all move into the living area of it. AJ's hungry stomach pulls him to the refrigerator, while the rest of us take seats. Well, most of us. Seems there aren't enough seats for everyone, and Howie doesn't have a seat. Once I see this, I get up and offer Howie my seat. "I'm tired. I'm going to sleep. Good night, all." I see Kevin look at me with concern. I had told Brian that we couldn't act like a couple in front of Sandra, so he didn't follow me in. A few minutes after I had slid into my bunk, Kevin comes in.

"Chris? You asleep already?" he whispers.

I open my eyes to look at him. "No." I get out of my bunk and sit on AJ's. He sits on his, across from me.

"So, how do you know Sandra?"

I take a deep breath and sigh. "We went to the same private school in New York. The two of us had all our classes together, so we became friends. I felt this bond with her, and I thought she felt the same with me. It was like we were made to be best friends. We went and did everything together. We were best friends for a couple of years, but I still hadn't came out to her. Then one day I decided I would. When I did, she was hurt. But she was more angry and...disgusted. She called me a 'fucking fag' along with some other cruel things. When I reminded her that I was still the same person, her best friend for years, she just laughed. She told me she was only using me because I'd do her homework and pay for her meals and all that. Part of me, to this day, doesn't believe that. I want to believe that she was my best friend but only said those things because she didn't understand. It hurt me, Kevin; she hurt me bad that day."

Tears were flowing, and Kevin got up to sit beside me. He wiped my face and hugged me. "That bitch." That made me laugh, and he laughed too. "She seems so nice. Nick is totally crazy about her; I can tell. I think the others can too. I wouldn't have agreed to letting her come if I had known this."

"No, it's alright, Kevin. Maybe she's changed. I hope she's changed. You have to let everyone else know that she can't know that Brian and I are together, or even that Brian is gay."

"Yeah, I'll find a way to let them know." He still has his arms around me, and I feel safe. Safe like when I'm in Brian's arms. "I have to get out there before somebody spills it." He releases me and walks to the curtain. When he pulls it back, Nick is standing there, with a look of confusion and disappointment. He puts a hand on Kevin and gently pushes him back into the bunk area. Then he pulls the curtain closed.

I ask, "What are you doing?"

"I needed to talk to Kevin, so I followed him here. I didn't want to yell for him because I thought you might be asleep. I stopped at the curtain when I heard you two talking about Sandra. Please tell me that isn't true, Chris, please tell me it isn't." He looks, pleading with me. Like the truth would just kill him.

I stand up and put a hand on Nick's shoulder. "Nick, I won't lie to you and tell you it's not true. But I meant what I said. Maybe she said it because she didn't understand. We were teenagers, and maybe she couldn't handle it right then. And even if she was like that, maybe she's changed. I have to tell you that I don't really much care for her, but if you still want to go for her, I'll be happy for you."

He thought for a moment. "Do you really think I should still go for her?" By the way he asked it, and the look on his face, I knew that my answer would decide for him. I could take the selfish route and tell him 'no', but that's not like me. Besides, he does really like her.

"Yes, I do. You two seem great together." I give him a hug. Breaking the hug, I say, "Now, I want all of this to stay between the three of us."

Kevin says, "Not even Brian gets to know?"

"No, not even Brian. I hate to keep this from him, but the more people that know, the harder it'll be for Sandra to feel accepted here. How long is she going to be with us?" I ask Nick, letting all the fear slip out into the question.

He puts his hand on my arm. "We have two shows at the next stop. She's flying back to New York before the second show. So a couple days." I nod my head, and a tear slides down my cheek.

We made it to the next city early the next morning. We went straight to the hotel. I say, "I'll go get our rooms."

Surprisingly, Sandra says, "I'll go with Chris." She gets out of the bus behind me. As we walk towards the hotel she says, "This is one amazingly small world, isn't it, Chris?"

"One could say that." I made sure she knew I was mad.

She put her hand on my arm and stopped me. "Chris, I am so sorry about that day. I know I hurt you, and I'm sorry for that. It just surprised me, that's all. I was harsh, and I shouldn't have been. Again, I'm sorry." I looked into her eyes. I don't know what I see. I'm not sure that it's sincerity, but I'm not sure that it isn't either.

I'll chance it, but I'll keep my eye on her. "Okay. We were different people then. You've obviously done some growing up. I forgive you." When I said it, she smiled. Then she hugged me. I returned the hug. We walked into the hotel lobby and got a suite. We also got another room for Sandra. Brian and Nick shared a room. Once we were all settled in, we all went to sleep.

A few hours later, I woke up. I took a shower, shaved, and brushed my teeth. Once I was dressed, I went out into the living room of the suite. I decide to go ahead and order breakfast for everyone. Once that is taken care of, I sit by the window and look out. Another big city. I am definitely settling down in some small, rural area. I hope Brian feels the same. But what if Brian and I aren't together any more when that time comes? I shake my head rapidly. Chris, what are you thinking? Of course you and Brian will be together.

My cell phone rings. "Hello?"

"Hi, Chris. This is Janice. I just found out that there's one of those huge music celebrity bashes tonight, and I think it'd be good if the guys went." She gave me all the info.

"Yeah, sure, I think they'll want to go. Thanks, Janice. Bye." Just then, Howie and Kevin come into the room. Not far behind is AJ and Nick. "G'morning, guys!"

Kevin says, "uuuuuhhhh....How can you be up so early and cheerful?" I just laugh.

Nick says, "Brian was tossing and turning the whole time. I don't think he got a wink of sleep."

"He didn't" Brian says as he comes into the room.

"Aaaww, what was wrong, Brian?"

He gets a goofy grin on his face. "I was just a bit lonely."

Nick retorts. "Hey! I was in the room with you."

"But you don't let me hold you." Nick just nodded his agreement with that, making us all laugh. Soon Sandra joined us, and breakfast came. We all had a blast just talking and laughing. Sandra had a lot of embarassing stories about me; however, I countered with some about her. I loosened up a lot around Sandra, but I wasn't going to be careless around her. Kevin had told them all that she wasn't to know that Brian was gay. After breakfast, the guys wanted to play basketball, so we all went out to find a court. Teams were uneven (Sandra and I didn't play); however, my egocentric boyfriend conceded that he is "as good as two people." Sandra and I sat on a bench on the sidelines.

"So which one are you with?" she asks.

"I'm not with any of them."

"Oh, come on. Since when do they need a 'personal assistant'? I've heard how Kevin handles most of the stuff."

"Not 'most of the stuff', just some of it. And he only handles that because he'd go crazy if he didn't have anything to do. I'm telling you, I'm not with any of them. Before I moved to New York, I went to school with Brian. Then went to a mall signing a few weeks ago to do some catching up. Turns out I click with them all, so they hired me as a personal assistant. They needed one, and I didn't have a job or go to college. So I took their offer. End of story."

She said she understood, but her face told me that she didn't believe a word of it.

Later. We've returned to the hotel after a rehearsal. We are getting ready to get some dinner before the celebrity bash. I have to make myself presentable in front of all those celebrities I'm going to meet! I am so excited! I pick out a light blue button-up shirt and dark blue dress pants. Then I do my hair and brush my teeth. I step out of my room and almost run into AJ. He stops and looks me up and down. He crosses his arms and shakes his head. "What?" He just pushes me backwards back into my room. "AJ, what are you doing?" He goes over to my suitcases and starts throwing out clothes. "Um, AJ, that's my stuff you're messing up....AJ....AJ, stop it....AJ?" Finally, he stops. He shoves a white tee shirt, that blue color-changing shirt, and black pants in my face. I take them and sigh.

"We're going to a party. You need to look like a PARTY ANIMAL!!!" He laughs and leaves the room, closing the door behind him so I can change. 'Well, at least I won't end up looking like him.' He was wearing a yellow shirt and brown corduroy pants with yellow patches and drawstrings. Where he finds this stuff, I do not know.

We had dinner at one of those local places. It was very nice. Everyone enjoyed their food. I noticed Nick and Sandra's hands were under the table as much as they could be.

The limo pulls up to the theatre where this party is. The Boys step out first, causing millions of little camera flashes to go off. Sandra and I step out behind them, and we go into the theatre. Kevin and Howie took a few moments to speak to a few reporters. As I step into the theatre, my feet suddenly get heavy and my heart starts racing. Celebrities everywhere! Everybody who is anybody is here. Just then I see a woman hug AJ.

She says, "AJ McLean! How are you doing?"

"Just great. How are you and the little one?"

She releases him. "We're both fine." She shakes and says 'hello' to the other Boys. Then she comes to stand in front of me. And I recognize her finally.

Brian introduces us. "This is Christopher Paige, one of our friends and our personal assistant. Chris, this is Madonna." She puts out her hand, and I shake it.

"Uh ng duh hhn uh...words...should be...coming out now...." She laughs at me.

"Maybe they will when you finally let go of my hand." Using her eyes, she indicates that I still have a grip on her.

"Oh, sorry." I let go. "It's really...great to meet you."

"Likewise. Hey, I'll see you all around!" She waves bye and walks off.

Watching her walk off, I say, "That was Madonna." I was in shock.

Brian and the others laugh. "Yeah, we know."

"Bu...but...that was Madonna." I underlined her name with my hand as I said it.

Nick says, "I think Chris needs to sit down." He put his arm around my shoulder and led me to a table.

On the way to the table, I was generally mumbling, "Maybe if I'd met some lesser celebrities before, I could have built up to Madonna. But to get Madonna all at once, so soon, I just....and I acted like an idiot!" Nick just laughed. Once we sat, a waiter came by. I immediately ordered a gin and tonic, which drew some surprised looks from the guys. "Nerves." AJ orders a beer, and the others order non-alcoholic drinks. While we sat and drank, a few other celebrities came by to say hello to the guys. I notice that Howie isn't really all that happy. I lean over to AJ and ask him what's wrong.

"His mom is sick. It's nothing to worry about, but he just hates that she's sick." I nod.

After a little bit, they felt like getting up and roaming or dancing. "I'll just hang out here." Brian nodded. I watch them get swallowed by the crowd. Sandra went with them. I finish my drink and decide to head up to the balcony to look over the crowd below.

I hadn't expected anyone to be up here, but there was one young woman. I took a place leaning up against the banister beside her. She looked over and nodded. I really looked at her, and I was about to take a dangerous guess. "Geri Halliwell?" You never guess because you might be wrong.

She turned her head to me. "Do we know each other?" Her English accent was on full-blast.

I laugh at her confusion. "No, but I'm a big fan...of your solo work. My name is Chris Paige." I put out my hand, and she shakes it and smiles.

"Funny, I didn't know I had any fans."

"Oh now, you're good! I mean, come on, 'Look At Me', how good was that?"

She cracks a smile. "You wouldn't know it by the way people ignored me once the four bitches got here." She points down into the crowd, and I see the Spice Girls.

I get a plan. "Listen, what if I told you I knew a way to make you the life of the party and get your CD a little exposure? All we'd need is a copy of it."

"My agent carries one with her all the time." She turns to me, cocks an eyebrow, and smiles. "What do you have in mind?"

Approximatly half an hour later. I went back to the table and was chewed out by Kevin for taking off without telling anyone. I shot back that I was a grown man and that I could do just as I pleased. Did not make him very happy. We had once again separated, as several photographers for the event wanted their pictures. I went over to the stage area and talked to the DJ. I handed him a copy of "Schizophonic" and told him what to do. I go back to the table to see the guys looking around for me. Kevin sees me first and just glares.

Brian asks, "Where were you?"

"Not in my assigned seat." I glare back at Kevin. I don't know what crawled up his ass tonight.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please." The DJ starts, and I get excited. "Seems we have a special performance tonight. This is a song called 'Mi Chico Latino' from her solo debut, 'Schizophonic'. Give it up for Geri Halliwell!" The crowd applauds, except for the Spice Girls. I laugh at their scowls. Geri takes the stage and strikes a pose. The music starts. She very seductivley dances down the steps while lip syncing to the song. She dances her way over to our table. She gives me a quick wink, then makes her way over to Howie. She grabs his hands right as the chorus comes up [*Note: I don't know Spanish, so I won't even attempt it. The song is mostly English, but I don't wanna ruin it by messing up the Spanish parts]. He somewhat reluctantly goes to the dance floor with her. Then he gets into the dancing. They dance a kind of salsa/tango blend. It looked like they had the whole thing planned. They were great.

"...Mi chico Latino-ooooo." Howie dips Geri as the song ends. The crowd goes insane! It was great. I could tell Howie had a blast. He couldn't stop smiling and laughing. Those two came back to the table, giggling the whole way.

"You two were great!" I yell at them. The other Boys agree. Howie starts to introduce Geri to the guys, then he comes to me.

"And this is"

She interrupts him. "Chris! That was great! Did you see the looks on their faces?"

"You bet I did!" I put up a hand, and we high-five. "Great moves, Ger. And you two, Howie. I coulda sworn you two had been practicing for weeks on that."

Brian laughs. "I should have known. I just should have known that you were behind this." We talked until everyone was tired, then we left. The ride back to the hotel was loud, each of us talking about who we'd met and everything.

Once we were back at the suite, Kevin says, "Chris, can I see you in my room for a minute?" I quickly look at the others and Sandra, then agree. We walk into his room, and he closes the door behind him. I turn to face him. "Chris, I'm sorry for being an ass tonight. I didn't mean to get all preachy to you, it's just that you were drinking and..."

"Kevin, I had one drink. ONE. Come on, I have a bit more tolerance than that." I playfully slap his arm. "Apology accepted." I laugh, but he doesn't.

Finally he smiles and says, "Can I get a hug?" He puts out his arms and grins. odd, but how can I resist such a cute sight? I hug him. He moans. We stop hugging.

"Ok, Kevin, what's on yer mind? You're weirding out on me, man. Spill it." He sits down on the bed and pats the area beside him. I sit.

"Well....I like someone...."

To Be Continued.... *I didn't want to end it like this, but my computer is telling me that there's not enough memory to complete the function, or something like that. Keep reading!

Next: Chapter 21

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