Getting Reacquainted

By moc.loa@dreNAslieN

Published on Aug 31, 1999


DISCLAIMER: This story is not for those under the age of 18 years (21 in some areas). It includes discriptions of male/male sexual acts. This story includes celebrity persona; however, it is not meant to imply or suggest the sexual orientation of those celebrities.

------------------- Getting Reaquainted ------------------- by Neil e-mail me at

Part II -------

The sunlight suddenly shines directly into my eyes, waking me up. I shield them with my hand as I look around the room. Brian had drawn back the curtains. When I see him, I throw my head back down onto my pillow. The bed starts shaking wildly for a few seconds; he had jumped on.

"What are you doing?"

"Waking you up. It's almost 10 o'clock."

"TEN?!?" I say, jolting up in my bed. "I didn't realize it was so late!"

"Well, I can see why you'd want to dream of me for such a long time." He gets a big grin. I grab my pillow and hit him in the head with it.

"Gee, someone's full of himself this morning."

Against his wishes, I excused Brian out of my room as I got ready ("You don't have anything I haven't seen before" didn't work on me). After I had showered and dressed, I joined the Boys down in the kitchen.

AJ was on his cell phone with their manager. He hung up and went over the day's schedule with the others. "We have an interview at two, then a photo shoot at 4:30. We'll have about an hour between. The rehearsal today was cancelled, but we have an extra hour tomorrow."

"Well then, what'll we do 'til then?" Nick asks. Nobody said anything, so I suggested something.

"If you guys wanna have some fun, I do have this game down in the basement."

"What kind of game?"

"You'll see."

Now, after we moved to New York, I had a really hard time making friends. My parents did and bought anything they thought would make me feel better about it, and it worked for a short while. Then one day, my dad announced he had bought a new garage and was going to move his car collection there. So the rather large basement was left empty. But while I was away at summer camp, my mother had ideas for what to do with it....

I lead them down a small flight of stairs. "What in the world?" Howie asks when I hand them all laser tag guns and helmets. I then unlock the door marked "The Maze." Yeah, so I was a spoiled rich kid.

"Here are the rules. I'm setting this timer for three minutes. That's how long we have to split up. No shooting until you hear the buzzer. Aim for the target on the helmets. If you're shot ten times, you're dead. Your gun will stop working. Last one alive wins. Dead people can find your way back to the front here by looking for this light." I pointed to a blue light above the door that could be seen from anywhere in the maze because the walls weren't all the way up to the ceiling. "Now, is everyone ready?"

"I feel ridiculous. I can't believe I'm doing this" Kevin states.

"You better be glad these aren't real guns" AJ says to him as he squints his eyes and grins. "GO!" I push the button on the timer, and we all scramble around. I know this maze like the back of my hand, so I run to my favorite spot and squat down. I see Nick run in front of me, but he doesn't see me.

The buzzer goes off. Immediately I'm hit. I spin around to look for whoever hit me. I see someone's leg go around the corner. I slowly walk towards it and jump around the corner. Instead of ambushing someone, I am ambushed. Of course, it's Brian. He drags me down to the ground. He sits on top of me and puts his gun to my helmet. "Go ahead, make my day" he quotes. In an attempt to make him forget what he's doing, I whisper, "You wanna know what would make my day?" and cock an eyebrow. He stops laughing and looks at me interestedly. Then his helmet started to vibrate as he is hit. It gets him off of me, and I run. I look back to see Brian shooting back at Kevin. Then I see a little red target just over the wall next to me, so I shoot it. "Hey, what the?" It's Nick.

"That's what you get for being so darn tall." I yell over the wall.

It seemed like the game ended too soon. As soon as I 'died', I joined AJ and Kevin at the front of the maze. Nick and Brian shortly followed. "Hey, Howie, you won! Everyone else is dead!" I yell so he can hear me.

"Woo-Hoo!" he shouts back from the far corner of the maze.

We go back up to the sitting room.

"That was fun. What're we going to do now?"

"Geez, Nick, must you always be doing something? Can't you just sit down and relax?" AJ says.

"No, I can't. Not until I win some game."

Kevin says, "We'll play again some other time. Right now we should get something to eat." My stomach growls loudly, which draws everyone's attention.

"Sorry, but I didn't have breakfast. And now that food was mentioned...."

"Alright then, let's go get ready."

I'm standing in front of my closet. What am I going to wear to lunch? My door opens, and Brian walks in. As soon as I see him, I turn back around to my closet. "Can't you see I'm getting ready? And shouldn't you be doing the same?" He wraps his arms around me from behind, his right hand on my shirt over my left nipple and his left hand heading up my t-shirt. He whispers into my ear, "I still want to know what would make your day." Then he licks just below my ear. I spin around and push him off of me.

"Brian Thomas Littrell! What do you think you're doing? Didn't we have a discussion about making it work this time?! Or are you still just a horndog?" I'm really angry at him, so I give a mean look at him.

"I'm sorry, I's weird being around you again. I just think about all the good times we had together. Remember, Kissy?" He calls me by a nickname he had for me oh so many years ago.

"Don't call me that. Just go get ready."

"First tell me what you mean by 'still just a horndog'."

"You know exactly what I mean. Every day after school, we'd walk to my house, you'd get your rocks off, then you'd go home. I can't believe I put up with it for such a long time."

He doesn't know what to say.

"Brian, just go." He leaves. What the heck was he doing? I guess I'm partially to blame; I did say that to him in the Maze. But we still had that talk. Then I notice I have a hardon. Oh, great. He had turned me on. But I still couldn't let him just take advantage of me, again.

Having lunch with him was odd, and it must have been obvious to the others. When I went to the bathroom of the Chinese restaurant we went to, Kevin volunteered to join me.

"What is going on? You and Brian haven't said a word to each other since we left your house."

"Kevin, it's really none...I just don't want to talk about it."

"Well, I can't just sit and watch my cousin acting like that. So we're going to go back to the hotel, unless you two work whatever it is out."

"Kevin." I pause and I can feel tears start to form in my eyes. I have to tell somebody. Why not the one person who I think will be caring and understanding? "Brian and I....used to be together. TOGETHER together." His eyes widened. "Back before I moved, we were...ya know."

"Yeah, I think I do. I can't believe it." A pause. "But that was a long time ago. Why is it upsetting him now?"

"Because back at my house yesterday, when everyone was asleep, we decided that we wanted to get together again, and"

He interrupted: "You can't do that! Do you even realize the situation he's in?!?"

"Kevin, calm down. Yes, I know. But just before we came here, he came to my room, and I kinda blew up on him. I really wish I hadn't said what I did, but...oh, it's just a big mess." The crying had commenced. He went to the paper towel dispenser to get me something to wipe my face.

"Stop crying. We have to go back out there. It'll be alright. This evening after the photo shoot, you two need to sit down and talk about everything. Then we'll go our separate ways when we have to leave." Now just wait one second: was he telling me that Brian and I weren't going to be together? I didn't have to strength to fight with him, so I let this one go.

After lunch, the guys had to head off for the interview. They said they were going to go to a mini mall before the photo shoot, and asked if I wanted to meet them there. I declined, looking straight at Brian.

What am I going to say to him? I know I have to apologize for yelling at him earlier. I just can't think! To blow off some steam, I head to the shooting range. Besides collecting cars, my father also loves guns. My mother says it's a useless hobby since we have "the best security system money can buy." "Pull!" I hate living in this house. "Pull!" I hate everybody hating me because I'm rich. "Pull!" I hate how things are turning out with Brian. "Pull!" I hate Kevin rejecting that we want to get back together. "Pull!" I hate hating Brian. 18 for 20, my personal best.

They should be at that mini mall by now. My stomach wasn't satisfied with my lunch, so I fix a hot fudge sundae. I turn on the TV to see what's on. Some movie about a girl who got preganant; a mid-season replacement sitcom; game show; news. I fall asleep.

"Hey, Chris. Hey" A whisper in my ear accompanied by a gentle shake of my shoulder.

"Huh? Wha...what?" It's AJ.

He still shispers. "Hey, man. We just got back from the photo shoot. Brian ran to his room and won't talk to anyone. Kevin's outside his door trying to get him to open it. Also, you have melted ice cream all over your couch."

"Oh, darn it!" I jump off of the couch, ice cream running down my leg and onto the floor. I grab my napkin and wipe up as much as I can get with it. Then I go to the phone and call the maid's room.

"C'mon, Brian, open up. You know you can talk to me." Kevin is still trying to talk to Brian as I turn the corner. He sees me and motions to the door.

"Brian, it's Chris. Open the door, please. We need to talk." I hear it unlock. I look at Kevin, who says, "Are you two still going to try to get back together?"

"I don't know, Kevin. I hope so." He rolls his eyes just slightly. He still doesn't approve. I pretend not to notice it, though, as I open the door, enter, and close it. It's pitch dark in the room.

"Brian, where are you? Why is it so dark?"

"Over here" comes from the bed. I feel my way over and sit on the foot of it.

"Brian, I know I shouldn't have yelled at you earlier. I'm really sorry for saying the stuff I did. It's just that you really hurt me when we were younger, and I guess I've just kept it in all these years."

Sniffles. I figure he is laying down on the bed sideways, with his feet behind me.

"Brian? Would you please say something?" More sniffles. My eyes have adjusted enough so I can see his form on the bed. He is laying across the bed, stomach down and his head over the side. I get up and walk around to the side where his head is. I kneel down beside it. I put my hand on the back of his head.

"I'm sorry." He finally speaks.

"For what? I am the one who should be sorry. Not you. You haven't done anything. I flew off the handle, and I shouldn't have."

"No, I'm sorry about what happened between us years ago. I shouldn't have treated you like that. I never realized it until you told me, but I was just using you. I hate myself for it." He starts to sob. I get up and sit beside him. Then I roll him over so his head is in my lap. I hold his head in my arms as he continues to cry.

"Don't hate yourself for it. You didn't know you were doing it. Besides, it was a long time ago. Now I forgive you for it."

"You do?"

"Yes, of course." I feel his arms go around me as he gives me a hug. I help him pull himself up into a sitting position facing me. He wipes his eyes, then hugs me again.

"I'm so glad you said that. I was starting to think that you hate me. I held all this back during lunch and everything. But when I came back here, it just kinda came out. Everyone else must think I'm crazy. Especially Kevin. I bet he doesn't know what to think."

"I'm sure they don't think you're crazy. As for Kevin....well....he knows."

"He what?"

"He knows. During lunch, when we went to the bathroom, I got upset about yelling at you, and he wanted to know what was wrong. I didn't really want to tell him, but I knew I'd feel a lot better if I did."

"What did he say?"

"He was just a bit shocked. But he didn't care about that. He just wanted to know why you were acting strangely. He's quite a good guy." I couldn't tell him that I knew Kevin didn't like the idea of our getting back together. It would just hurt him more.

"Yeah, he is." After he says that, he puts his hand on the side of my face. We both know it's going to happen. He leans in; I lean in. I close my eyes and part my lips just a little. We kiss. Our tongues touch. He nibbles and suck on my lips as we kiss. Eventually, we break the kiss.

"Wow, you've certainly gotten a lot better at that." I say.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"

"Let's just go see what everyone else is doing."

They're all in the living room, watching a movie. Nick is the first to notice us enter. "Hey, isn't that....I just might be...oh my, it IS Brian!"

"Oh, ha ha." Brian says.

"Is everything alright?" Kevin asks.

I reply, "Just fine, Kevin. Just fine."

We joined them in watching TV, but I wasn't really that interested. I would catch Kevin looking at me and at Brian. Other times he would just be staring. After the movie, Howie, AJ, and Brian decided to go to bed. Kevin soon followed. Nick and I sat on the couch. "Oh, I just remembered I have to talk to Kevin about something. Do you mind if I leave you alone?"

"No, go ahead. I'm really getting into this show."


"Come in."


"Oh, hey, Chris. What do you need?"

"You know what I came here to talk about. I hope you can be happy for Brian. This is his choice, you know." He stops folding his clothes and looks at me.

"I know. But I just don't think that it'll be safe with all the exposure we get. And besides, do you two know what you're getting into?"

"No, Kevin, we don't. That's how it works. Nobody knows where a relationship will go. That's just a part of it." I was getting angry again.

"Whoa, calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down! I saw you giving me and Brian looks out in the living room. I don't know what your problem is, but I really don't appreciate it."

"My problem is that you two aren't thinking. What if this thing works out? What if it doesn't? What if people see you two? There's no telling what will happen to the other guys, to the group."

"If this thing works out, then we'll both be happy. If it doesn't, then we'll both be depressed for a little bit, but that'll end. And people won't see us, I promise. As for the group, Brian told me everyone was fine with his being gay. I think you're the only one who would have any doubts about us. I don't see what your problem is!" I storm out of his room and into mine. I flop down onto the bed.

Today has me emotionally drained. I usually keep very much to myself, but today has been the most emotional day of my life. In an attempt to forget about my situation for just a little while, I turn on the radio. Of course, "Quit Playing Games With My Heart" is on. Gee, how ironic. I just as quickly turn it off. What will tomorrow bring us?

To Be Continued....

Next: Chapter 3

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