Getting Reacquainted

By moc.loa@dreNAslieN

Published on Nov 16, 1999


DISCLAIMER: This story is not for those under the age of 18 years (21 in some areas). It includes discriptions of male/male sexual acts. This story includes celebrity persona; however, it is not meant to imply or suggest the sexual orientation of those celebrities.

------------------- Getting Reaquainted ------------------- by Neil Please e-mail me at ICQ # 49278358

Part XV -------

A gentle stroking of my face wakes me up. I open my eyes to see Brian in all his beauty. I smile and lean up to kiss him. When our lips are sufficiently locked, I fall back down, pulling him on top of me. I run my hands over his back while his support him above me. It's a wonderful kiss. I playfully suck and bite his lower lip. He breaks the kiss and just looks down at me. "What are you looking at, Mr. Littrell?"


" 'Yep' what?"

"I'm looking at Mr. Littrell." He smiles.

"Not the name thing again." I laugh and push him off of me. "I'm going to take a shower."

"Need company?" He looks at me hopefully.

"NO, I do not. We do not need any distractions because we have a meeting in...." I look at the clock. "SHIT! We're already late! I can't believe this!"

He just laughs. "Kevin said he and the others would take care of this meeting so we could be alone for a while."

I pretend to actually be saddened by it, then I think. "Oh, well then...I guess that means I could use a little company in the shower." I blink my eyes, and he's already in the bathroom.

"Come on, what's takin' ya?" A few seconds later, we're both naked and enjoying the hot water. I grab the shampoo bottle. I open the top, but then he grabs it out of my hands.

"What are" He kisses me. He forces my body up against the still-cold tile of the stall. It sends a somewhat erotic shiver down my spine. He moves from my lips across my cheek to my ear. He licks inside it and nibbles on the lobe.

He whispers in my ear, "I want you inside me." He moves back to face me. I can tell by the look on his face that he really wants it. I nod. He turns around in the stall. I move up behind him and bend down a little to kiss the back of his neck. I separate his butt cheeks with my hands and move my cock into position. I slowly move forward, and the head pops in. His head jerks up a bit, and he moans. He pushes back on me, easing me further into him. When he gets me all the way in, he nods. "Fuck me, Chris." I fuck him slowly at first, then pick up the pace. I reach around him to jerk him. He pinches his own nipples.

A few minutes later, I can feel the cum rising in my cock. "It's coming, baby, it's coming." He reaches his hands back to my butt, and slams me into him harder. "Uuuuuhhhhhh!!" My dick spews inside him. Once my orgasm has subsided, I let out my held breath. Right then, his cum squirts out onto the shower floor. I bring myself out of him and turn him around. We kiss passionately. Smiling, he hands me the shampoo bottle. I take it, and we wash up.

Coming out of the bathroom, he puts on his blue robe and I put on my white one. He takes my hands and sits me down on the bed, then sits beside me. We each bring our right hand up, palm to palm. Then we intertwine our fingers. I kiss his ring. When he sees me do it, he kisses mine. This becomes something of a secret handshake between us, without us even discussing it.

"Christopher, how do you feel? I mean, how do you really feel?" Our hands drop between us, still locked together.

I think about it for a minute. "Wonderful. Complete. Indestructible. Carefree. Just really indescribable." I smile at him, and he returns it. "Let's get dressed and order some food."

We ate brunch out on the table in the living room of the suite. I catch him staring at my ring and chuckling to himself. "Okay, what's funny? You didn't get this out of one of those quarter machines, did you?" I laugh.

"No. I just...." He can't continue because of his laughter.

"Brian, babe, calm down. Take some deep breaths and tell me what the heck is so funny about my ring before you have to have it surgically removed from your forehead."

He does take some deep breaths. Then he says, "I was just thinking about how that nice saleslady - Carrie - was ssoooo willing to tell me which ring you bought once she found out who I was." He started laughing again.

"Brian Thomas Littrell! You little...!" I start to laugh as well. "You suck!"

He stops laughing. "You know what? You're right." Before I can ask what he means, he gets down under the large white tablecloth and under the table. A second later, I feel his hands working at my pants. This is new and interesting. Once my cock is free, he runs his hands up and down it a few times. Then I feel his hot breath on it.

Just then, the door to the suite opens. AJ, Howie, Nick, and lastly Kevin walk in without a word. They turn to see me sitting at the table, my face already very red. Kevin gives me a questioning look. It is contagious, as the others get it as well. I wildly motion for them to leave. Brian chooses this time to engulf my dick in one motion. My hands instinctivly grab the tablecloth, and I jerk up straight in my chair and grunt. The other Boys look at me like some freak. I continue to motion for them to leave. AJ opens his mouth to speak, but I cut him off with "No!"

From under the table, Brian says sexily, "No? I always thought I was pretty good at sucking cock." I started to laugh since I knew the other Boys heard that.

Nick yells, "OH MY GOD!"

The chairs around the table are scooted around as Brian pops up from under it. He sees the others standing there and also yells, "OH MY GOD!"

I was laughing so hard. I settle down, cover my face with my hands, shake my head, and say, "Oh my God." Brian and I are crimson by now. I reach down to redo my pants.

Howie comes forward and offers, "None of us is to ever, ever speak of this. Agreed?" He looks around to everyone's nodding heads. "Good. Now, why don't we all just go to our rooms and...handle things in there." He said "we all", but he meant me and Brian.

"Yeah, I think that might be a good idea" I say as I grab Brian's hand and lead him to his room. Once we're inside and I've closed the door, I bust out laughing.

"Well, I'm glad you think it's so funny. Aren't you the least bit embarassed?"

"Yes, but the look on Nick's and your faces!" I laughed even harder. My laughing immediately ceases when he comes up and kisses me hard. His tongue forces its way into my mouth. He unbuttons and unzip my pants again. "Brian, the moments gone. I just can't do it right now." I start to laugh again. Brian just shook his head and fell down on his bed.

"I cannot go out there and face them, Chris." He smiles.

I sit down beside him. "Oh, come on, you big wuss. You'll have to sometime. You have that photo shoot in a couple hours." I pull him up off of the bed. I drag him behind me out of the room. AJ and Nick are watching TV. Kevin is at the table (actually scooted a little bit away from the table) reading a magazine. Howie must have gone to his room.

AJ: "You two just getting up? We've already had breakfast, went to a meeting, and came back." He smirks a bit.

Brian answers, "No, we've been up for a while now. We had brunch."

Nick mumbles something, and he and AJ burst out in laughter. I lean down from behind Nick and lick his cheek. "Uh-oh, Nick. I just realized I don't know what all I've had in my mouth since last night."

He jumps up from the couch and yells, "OH GROSS!" He runs to his room, trying to rub a layer of skin from his cheek with his sleeve. AJ, Kevin, and Brian all laugh.

Howie comes into the room and sees us all laughing. "What did I miss?"

I reply, "You don't want to know, Howie." He holds his hands up in the air, signaling his agreement. Howie sits in a chair opposite the couch.

A minute later, Nick grumbles back into the room and sits back down. A vicious, yet familiar, odor follows him in.

I ask, "Is that rubbing alcohol?" Everyone except Howie and Nick chuckles.

"Well, you said....eeewww...I don't even want to think about it."

I lean down in between him and AJ and whisper, "As if I'd leave some in my mouth."

AJ immediately stands up and yells, "Oh no! You didn't just...! ACK! [and more gagging noises] Brian, your boyfriend is grossing us out! Make him stop!"

Brian looks at me. "What did you say, Christopher?" he scolds.

I put my arms behind my back, pretend to dig a hole in the carpet with my right foot, lower my head, and give him the innocent child look. "Nooothiiiing...." It melts him.

Kevin finally speaks up. "Well, if you're all done with the pranks and jokes this morning, there has been a slight change of plans. The photo shoot is moved up an hour, so we have to be at the studio in 45 minutes. Let's go get ready."

Now we're at the studio. I've just been walking around while they have been getting make-up and hair done. I head back towards the backdrop and hear voices.


"Mr. Littrell, the magazine specifically wanted no jewelry at all."

"I don't care. I'm not taking it off."

"None of the others care. Mr. McLean isn't even going to wear sunglasses. That is a miracle in itself, but now you"

"I told you more than once, and I am telling you for the last time: I am not taking off this ring."

I see Brian arguing with the photographer. I speak up, "Excuse me, Mr. Littrell? May I see you for a moment?" Brian walks over to me without even excusing himself from the photographer. "Brian, take it off."

"What?!" He asks.

"Listen. It's not going to be forever. I am really touched that you don't want to take it off, but it's getting in the way here. Just give it to me, and I'll hold it until you're done." I can tell he doesn't want to, but he slips it off his finger and puts it in the palm of my hand. "Good. Now go look beautiful for the world." He smiles and goes back over to the backdrop.

"He really loves you. I've never seen him like that." Howie's voice startles me. "Sorry."

"That's alright. I just wasn't expecting it." A little pause. "And I really love him too. It just feels so....right, to be with him."

"It feels right to all of us too." I look at him weird. "Oh, sure, how the heck would I know? I can't explain it, Chris, but we talked about it this morning. You two were made for each other. All of us want and hope for the best for you guys." He flashes me a nice, caring smile.

"Thank you, Howie." He nods and goes off to finish his photos.

"Uuuuhh, I can't see!" AJ jokingly rubs his eyes as we enter the suite at the hotel. He, Howie, Nick, and Kevin go to sit on the couches. Brian asks, "Anybody want something to drink?" Nick and Howie raise their hands. I am following him to the kitchenette, but then we hear my cell phone ring from my room.

"Well, I guess I gotta get that."

"I'll miss you." He puts up his right hand.

I put mine in it, we intertwine our fingers, and we kiss each other's ring, completing the secret handshake. "I'll miss you too." I turn and jog to my room.

Kevin says flatly, "I've never been so sick since that one Halloween I ate my whole bag of candy in one hour."


I hear sniffles at first, then my father's voice. "Christopher."

"Dad. I'm almost afraid to ask what's wrong."

"Your Aunt Beth died just over an hour ago. We've been trying to reach you."

"I forgot my cell phone here at the hotel. I'm so sorry. How are you? How is mom?"

"I'm managing, but your mom isn't doing so hot. She didn't want me to tell you that she wants you here because you're out there, but I felt I had to."

"Yeah, okay, I'll be there as soon as I can. What's everyone doing now?"

"Well, we're here at Beth's house. Everyone is know...grieving and everything. The funeral is in a couple days, but I think you can be here before then."

"Yeah, I can. Listen, I have to call the airports and everything. Tell mom I'll see her soon. And I'll see you soon too."

"Okay, Chris. I love you."

"Love you too, Dad. Bye."

I closed the phone and fell to my knees. At first there was just a steady stream of tears, then I started sobbing. Soon I felt a pair of arms wrapping me up. I looked up to see Nick, Howie, Kevin, and AJ looking at me from the bedroom door. Kevin was crying too. Brian was at my side, holding me close. I steeled myself and stopped crying. "I have to go to Little Rock." Brian just nodded his head.

A second later he added, "I'm coming with you."

Kevin said, "Brian, the next couple days are really busy, I don't think you can." He said it really apologetically because he knew Brian was going to get angry. But he didn't. Brian just looked at Kevin and knew he was right. Brian looked back to me.

"No, Brian, you don't have to come." I wiped the last couple tears from my face. "I can do this. You do have a busy week."

He brushed some hair from my forehead. "Just get back to me as soon as you can." I smiled and nodded.

"Chris, I'll call the airport for you."

"Thanks, Kev. I owe you one." I weakly smiled. He went back to the living room.

"I have to get packed." I stood and went to the closet. I threw one of my bags out of it. As I watched it fly towards the bed, an envelope came out and landed on the floor beside the bed. I went over and picked it up. "Geez, I forgot all about this. Dad gave this to me right before I left" [WAY back in part 6]. I sit on the bed and open it. Nick, Howie, and AJ have moved into the room by now. They are all watching me. "Oh my...." I chuckle a little at the pictures.

Brian asks, "What are they?" I motion him towards me. He sits beside me on the bed and looks. "Wow. Did you know they had these?"

"No, but I'm glad they did."

AJ: "Come on, you two, don't leave us in the dark!"

"Sorry, AJ. These are pictures of me and Brian years ago."

"Really? Wow!" Nick practically vaults over me to look over my shoulder. Howie and AJ stroll over and look as well. We all laugh at me and Brian in the pictures, sporting the early-80's looks.

When he comes to one picture, Brian says, "The carnival!" I quickly look over and laugh. There we were, barely-teenaged Brian and Chris, waiting in line for a ride. "Remember what happened on that ride, Chris?" he asked a bit forcefully through gritted teeth.

I took a moment to remember, then I laughed. "I am sorry, Brian, but I told you I shouldn't ride rides so soon after eating."

Howie says, "You didn't."

Brian repsonds, "Yes, he did. All over my new shirt. I had to spend the rest of the time smelling like that." I was laughing very hard by now. But I got a strange feeling as a lot of memories came flooding back into my mind. Too many, too fast in fact.

Kevin walks back into the room. "Alright, your flight leaves at 6." I stop laughing immediately as I remember my aunt's death.

Nick says, "Oh, way to kill the mood, Kev. We were just laughing it up about these pictures of Brian and Chris."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know. What pictures?" I get up off the bed and motion for him to sit there. Brian flips through some more pictures. I head back to the closet.

AJ asks, "Who's the mop-top?" He points to an older teenager sitting with me and Brian at a softball game.

Kevin turns and smacks his forehead. "That's me. And it was cool at the time."

From the closest (a safe distance from his hand), I say, "But Kevin, didn't you return to that look, oh, say 6 or 7 years ago? You know, when it was only cool for Beatles' wannabe rip-offs?" Everyone but Kevin laughs.

Kevin smartly replies, "Oh yes, of course. Funny, funny, Chris. Way too funny for me." I smirk at him.

"Well, guys, you can take those pictures to the living room, because I need some time alone." They all look up at me with concern. "Don't worry. I'm just going to pack and call Dr. Miller. Now shoo." They get up and leave the room. Brian smiles and winks at me before he closes the door.

"Hello. Dr. Laura Miller speaking."

I mimick her in a high-pitched, snotty voice. "'Hello. Dr. Laura Miller speaking'."

"This is either Chris Paige or some really nutty freak." She laughs.

"Puh-leez. You know those are one and the same."

"To what do I owe the pleasure, Chris?"

"To my Aunt Beth's death."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean"

"It's alright, Dr. Miller. I just thought I needed someone else to talk to besides the five freaks. You know, someone more feminine."

"Oh, gee thanks. Being called 'feminine' in comparison to five cute...and muscular, hot, sweaty, hunky"

"Uuuhh...Dr. Miller?"

"Hehehe, sorry about that. The temperature just jumped up a notch or two."

"By the sound of it, you're probably smoking a cigarette by now."

She laughs again. "Now, come on, time to get serious. How are you feeling about it?"

"Of course I'm hurting because she's family. And I'm really sad that my parents are hurting right now, especially my mom. Dad says she isn't doing so well with it. But Bri--the guys have been comforting me. I just discovered a bunch of pictures of me and Brian from a time ago. We had a few laughs about that. And a whole flood of memories came back, Dr. Miller. It felt like my mind was going to explode with all the new...old memories."

"That's a good thing, Chris. Keeping things locked up inside isn't good. And you know you do that a lot. How much have you actually grieved?"

"Well, when I got off the phone with dad, I cried some. But then the guys came to my room, so I stopped myself."

"You shouldn't be able to do that. You shouldn't stop yourself. Are you alone?"

"Yeah, and I will be while I pack."

"Good. Then promise me something."


"Cry. Shout if you want. Don't if you don't want to. Just don't hold it in."

I thought about it and sighed. "Alright. I promise."

"Now, promise me something else."


"Talk to yourself about all those memories that came back."

"Talk to myself? Isn't that a bad thing to you people?" I laugh.

"Yes, but in this case I'll make an exception. Now is that all? I'm kinda busy making dinner."

"Making dinner? Ms.Mother-Slash-Businesswoman is making dinner?"

"I have a date tonight."

"WOO-HOO!! Who is he? Is he cute?"

"Chris, I am not discussing this with you right now. Goodbye." She was trying to sound exasperated, but I knew she was smiling.

"Goodbye. And get lucky; you need it." I hang up the phone just as she was about to say something.

Okay, so I have to pack, I have to cry, and I have to talk to myself. How am I going to cry? I laugh at the absolute absurdity of the question. Then I notice a picture lying on the floor in front of the door. I go over and pick it up. It's a picture of that Christmas Brian spent at my house. There's my parents, me, Aunt Alice, and Brian all standing, then Aunt Beth sitting in an old chair. She's scowling at Brian. At first I smile at the look, then the tears start. I am actually going to miss the old witch. The way she would only send me a card on my birthday (and even then it was late), and the card would tell me how I was a lazy bum who didn't have a job and didn't go to college. Then it would be signed "Love, Aunt Beth" right after she was done criticizing me. Again, I fall to my knees and start crying. I reach up and lock the door so he won't interrupt me.

After about five minutes of crying, I look up at the clock. Close to 4:30. I'd better pack now. I continue to cry, not holding anything in and not wiping away my tears, as I pack my stuff. I also start talking. First thing out of my mouth: "Weirdo idea of hers. As if I can actually talk to myself about this stuff." I proved myself wrong.

"Take care, man" Nick says as he hugs me at the airport terminal. They just called my flight.

"Yeah, come back soon. We don't want to have to see Brian distraught all the time" AJ jokes when he replaces Nick.

"Distraught? Ooohh, someone's using the big words now." He playfully slaps my arm.

"We'll see you soon." Howie's turn to hug me.

Kevin says, "Take care" as he puts out his hand. I shake it, then he pulls me into a hug.

Brian. We just look at each other for a few second. I hug him and whisper, "I'll be back soon. I love you."

"I love you too." He sniffles. I turn away as soon as I'm out of the hug; I don't want to see him crying. I head to the plane.

"Sir, would you care for anything right now?"

"Water and a pillow would be nice, thanks." She hands me a bottle of water and a pillow. I open the bottle and quickly down half of its contents. I've already been in the air for half an hour, I might as well try to get some sleep.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing at Little Rock National Airport in 10 minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts, put your seats in an upright position, and return the food trays to the original closed position." This comes over the speakers as I make my way back from the lavatory after waking up just a couple minutes ago. Boy, I'm glad I've been able to sleep through these flights. Otherwise, I'd be bored out of my mind. The plane lands, and we all exit. I go to baggage claim and pick up my bags, which were surprisingly some of the first ones out of the chute. I quickly exit the airport and get a cab.

DING-DONG. This is the only doorbell that I have ever heard that actually sounds like those words. My 13 year old cousin Becka opens the door. "Chris! Oh my gosh, is it true you're working for the Backstreet Boys?!?"

I hug her as she shows me in. "Yes, it's true. What, you didn't know I went to school with Brian?"

"No, I didn't! Oh my gosh, that is too cool!"

I met the rest of my family in the living room. Amazingly, we talk more about my new job than about Aunt Beth. By the time we all went to bed, I'd heard enough "oh my gosh"es out of Becka to last me a lifetime.


The same brick wall stands before me. Again, one brick is missing. I look through and see Brian yelling. He's mad! I try to see what he's yelling at. It's a stone statue....of Kevin! As Brian yells at it, little cracks appear across the surface of the statue. Brian draws back to punch it. His fist flies towards Kevin's stone likeness.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 16

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