Getting Reacquainted

By moc.loa@dreNAslieN

Published on Nov 9, 1999


DISCLAIMER: This story is not for those under the age of 18 years (21 in some areas). It includes discriptions of male/male sexual acts. This story includes celebrity persona; however, it is not meant to imply or suggest the sexual orientation of those celebrities.

------------------- Getting Reaquainted ------------------- by Neil Please e-mail me at

Part XIV --------

-----Dinner, and a little after-----

Brian sits in his chair at the table, facing the joining door. He smiles as I walk through. "Hey, there."

"Hey yourself." I walk to where he's sitting and stradle across his lap, facing him. I wrap my arms wround his neck. "Brian, I love you. I really don't know if there are any more words that can express what I feel for you."

"Those three work just fine, Christopher. I love you too." I can see the love in his eyes. Those perfect eyes that belong to the man I love. Staring at his beautiful face, I feel knots in my stomach. I lean in and kiss him tenderly on the lips. We held this kiss for a minute before we separated. He says, "I love that look."

"What look?"

"The look you just had. You just make this face that makes you look so caring and sweet. It's only happened a couple times, but every time, I feel like I could just melt." I smile at this. He lifts his hands and moves some hair back from my forehead. His hand continues to the back of my head, and he brings me in for another kiss.

I bring one hand to the side of his face. With my index finger, I lightly tickle the outer rim of his ear. He lets out a little moan. Breaking the kiss, I say, "Brian Thomas Paige...."

He chuckles and opens his eyes. "No, I like Christopher Michael Littrell better."

I laugh. "You are so difficult to please."

"No, not really." He smiles. His left hand comes to the center of my chest, then slowly trails downward. "You know what would really please me now?"

"I believe your hand is making it's way there."

"No. This." His right hand grabs the back of my head and pulls me to him. This is a forceful, yet passionate, kiss. His tongue forces its way into my mouth, where it explores every corner. My hands rub his neck and back as we kiss. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. We stop kissing. "Must be dinner. I'll get it." I get up off of him and sit down in a chair. He wheels the cart in. He places the covered plates on the table, then a ice bucket with a bottle of wine. Then he has another bottle of wine.

"Brian, you know you don't have to get me drunk...." I laugh.

"I know. But I think I might need it." Helaughs.

"Why you little" He stops me with a kiss. The kiss is so caring and sweet, I forget what I was going to say. He smiles and takes his seat across from me. We bow our heads, and he prays:

"Lord, bless us and these gifts we are about to receive. Bless those who have followed in your path, and help those who haven't find their way. Thank you for all of the friends, family, and love in our lives. And bless this special day in my and Chris' lives. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen."

"Amen." I uncover my plate as Brian does the same. We both have a nice chicken breast, with mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese. "Mmmm...looks good." Truthfully, I'm so excited I can hardly eat a thing. But I stomach it. Through dinner, we only drink about half a bottle of wine. We eat in silence, occassionally stealing glances at each other. There's a certain twinkle in his eye, one that I've never noticed before. He looks up and sees me looking at him. He reaches over and takes my hand. I squeeze his hand lightly; we smile at each other. That twinkle in his eye has grown to a full gleam. He is so beautiful.

"Um, we're both done with our food." I look down at our plates. He's right.

"You're right. Do you want to call room service or the guys?"

"I'll call the guys. You call room service after you change."

"Change?" He gets up and walks over to his dresser. He gets out some white clothing and hands it to me.

"Change." He pushes me towards my door and closes the connecting doors behind me. I lay the clothes on the bed and start to undress. Nah, I'll call room service now so that tray will be out of our way sooner.

Now that that's taken care of, back to changing clothes. I hear people running down the hall. A knock on Brian's door. He opens it and lets who I assume is the other Boys in.

Now this is what I call an oversized shirt. But he told me to wear it, so I am. I'll only button the few middle buttons. And these white pants are comfy.... No shoes or socks. At least the place has nice carpeting. Well, time to head back on over. I grab the doorknob. Oops! Can't forget the ring! I laugh at myself and shake my head. Getting it from a drawer, I open the ring box and take another look. A tear comes to my eye. Back to the doorknob. I turn it and lean into the door to open it. My head bangs agains the door because it's not budging. "Um, Brian, something's wrong with the door."

Nick's voice comes from the other side. "No, there's not. I'm just blocking it."

"Now why would you be doing that?"

"Because we're not ready yet."

"Oh....well....I'll just wait then."

"Good. You do that." I go over and sit down on my bed. I look around the room. The velvet drape on the floor, the candles. I go over and adjust the lights to a more mood-enhancing level. I tidy a few more things up, then the joining door opens. Nick says, "Come on in." I walk through the door, closing it to make sure Brian can't see into my room.

Wow. The room is practically lit by small Chinese lanterns and candles. Blue Chinese lanterns and candles. Blue everything, as a matter of fact. AJ, Kevin, and Nick stand on one side of the room. Howie has his camera aimed right at me. They're all dressed in suits and ties. Brian stands at the doors leading to his balcony, wearing the same thing as I. The evening sunlight glows orange into the room. I smile and almost cry. It's beautiful. I slowly walk over to him. "Brian, this" "Sssshhhh" He puts a finger up to his lips. He grabs my hands and lifts them between us. Nick walks over to stand beside us. He speaks. "Life. A series of challenges, big and small. A series of choices, right or wrong. Why do we have this Life that God has given us? Nobody knows the answer, but I like to think that Life gives us a chance to encounter. Of all the things we encounter in our lives, the best is Love." He walks back to his spot. AJ comes over. "Love. A force so powerful, it transverses all ages, genders, and distances. It may be the greatest of God's inventions. To feel Love is to feel complete. I look at you two and hope that I may find Love like this one day. Although some people would disapprove of your relationship, I say that you two are the shining example of Love. And when two people Love as you two Love, they show it by Marriage." He walks back. Kevin comes to stand beside us. "Marriage. The showing and sharing of Love between two people for all of Life. Marriage is the bond between two people. A bond that will last forever. Legality is for the courts. _This_ Marriage is for the souls. Two souls of two people in Love." He goes back. Brian releases my left hand and reaches into his pocket. "Christopher Michael Paige, I Love You. I will always love you. You are my strength, my release, my everything. The time I spend with you is the best time of my life. You show me the person I want to be. You are the person I want to be with, for the rest of my life." He opens a ring box and takes out the ring. I watch as he slips it on my right pinkie. It's a different version of the ring I got him: It's silver, with a yellow stone (Yellow is my favorite color) in the heart shape. I smile as I look at it, then I smile even bigger as I look up at him. Now I reach into my pocket to get my ring box. "Brian Thomas Littrell, I Love You. You make me the person I want to be. You complete me. You fill my heart with your Love and laughter. Your tender touch and your tender kiss are just indescribable. You are the one I will be with, for the rest of my life." I open the box and take out his ring. He smiles when he sees it. I slip it onto his finger. We join hands again and look at each other. I see that gleam in his eye. I know this is right. A minute later, Nick almost yells, "Well, come on, you two! Let's see some kissing!" We all laugh. Brian and I come towards each other. Our lips touch. _This_ is the one moment I want to remember for the rest of my life. This is the Magic. This is the Love. I pull his hands behind his back, then let them go. His arms come up over my shoulders as he kisses me deeper. AJ lets out a yell and pops the cork off of a bottle of wine. The cork hits the ceiling over us, scaring us out of our kiss. Everyone laughs. AJ pours the glasses, while Kevin and Nick congratulate us. We talk for a few minutes. "Guys, this was great. I had no idea you were all in on this." Nick: "Well, it was AJ's idea. Mr. Hopeless Romantic." AJ blushes; it's the first time I've seen him blush. "Thank you, AJ. It was wonderful." I hug him. He whispers a congratulations in my ear. I go over to hug Kevin. Brian asks, "Where's Howie?" I release Kevin, look at Brian, and smile. "Oh, I sent him on a little errand. He should be back soon." "Sooner than you thought" Howie says as he enters the room. He gives Brian a hug, then me. We talk for a couple more minutes. Then Brian comes over to me and kisses me. I wrap my arms around him. We slow to a few short pecks on the lips. One peck. Brian: "Guys?" Another peck. AJ answers, "Yeah?" Brian opens his eyes and looks at me. He gives me a half-wink. We both turn to them and say "Leave" at the same time. Nick says, "Whoa, you won't get any arguments from us. C'mon guys." We all laugh. *****The Honeymoon***** Once the door has closed, Brian stoops down and picks me up. He takes me over to his bed and lays me down. He goes to get on top of me, but I roll away. "Nuh uh, Brian, you can't have a honeymoon at the same place you got married." "But" I interrupt: "That's why we're going to _my_ room." He smiles and shakes his head a little. I grab his hand and walk over to the joining door. I take a deep breath and open it, then I lead Brian in. I turn to see his face. He is looking all around. Howie had lit all the candles and turned on some slow jazz music. I had also asked him to run a hot bath for us. "Christopher, this is amazing." He releases my hand and walks towards the center of the room. He looks down and chuckles. He turns to me. "Velvet." I walk over to him and put my hands on his sides. "Yeah, pretty sexy, huh?" "I hadn't noticed. All my attention is on something else." He unbuttons the few buttons of my shirt, then slips it off of my shoulders, kissing each one. It drops to the floor. He kisses up my neck to my mouth. His hands caress the small of my back. I unbutton his shirt and slip it off of him as we kiss. His hand slides under my pants to my butt. He gently squeezes. Then harder. I grab his wrist and pull it out. "This is going to last all night, remember? Follow me." I walk seductively into the bathroom, with Brian following close behind. The hot water has made the room all steamy. The flames of the candles have small halos around them from the steam in the air. I turn around and am immediately wrapped in his arms. I find the drawstring to his pants and pull it loose. Then I slide them down until they fall. He does the same to my pants. We kiss. I slide my underwear down until they fall. Then I brake the kiss and get into the bathtub, easing myself into the hot water. "Joining me?" "You bet." He quickly removes his underwear and gets into the tub with me. He stradles me like I did to him in the chair. We share a passionate kiss. I push him back so he is lying down in the large tub. I lean over him and take his earlobe into my mouth. "Oh, Chris...." I bite it harder than usual, and he gasps. I lick down his neck to his pecs. I look up at him to see him staring down at me. I take a nipple into my mouth and suck it. I reach for his hardness; his whole body tenses when I grab it under the water. I slowly stroke up and down his shaft while I continue to kiss his chest. He sits back up, forcing me upright as well. He reaches his hands under my butt and lifts me so I'm sitting on the edge of the tub. He kisses the insides of my thighs, then plunges my cock into his mouth. He is attacking it full-force. His tongue lashes side to side across the head of my dick. The gentle, yet powerful, sucking pulls me deeper into his mouth. "Brian....ooooohhhh....." The warm, moist sensations of his mouth are too much for me. After a few minutes, I pull his head off of me. "I don't want to yet." I stand up out of the tub and grab a large towel. He gets out as well and comes towards me. I wrap the towel around us, just as he wraps his arms around me. He pulls me very close to his body and kisses me. Sometime during this kiss the towel drops down around our feet. He grabs my hand and leads me back towards the bedroom. Once we're there, he kneels down on the velvet, pulling me down too. We kiss a kiss that seems to last forever (and I'd be quite happy if it did). But then I pull him to his side and lay him down on the smooth velvet. I once again grasp his cock. I bring my liips down to the head and gently rub it against them. I kiss the very tip, then blow across it. I look up to see his eyes pleading with me. I wink at him and smile as I slowly take him into my mouth. I flick my tongue across his piss-hole; this drives him wild. ONe of his hands pulls my head further down on him. He helps me get a rhythm between my bobbing and his hips thrusting. After a couple minutes, I pull off of him. "Tell me when you're ready." He nods, and I continue to suck him. Just a few minutes later, he says, "Chris, soon." I let him out of my mouth. I come up to his face; I notice he has a questioning look. I take an earlobe into my mouth and suck it. I whisper in his ear, "I want you inside me." Then I move back to look into his eyes. Those gorgeous blue eyes that could light the deepest, darkest pits of the Earth. I see the love and compassion in those eyes. I move up to straddle him, then position my ass right over his cock. I slowlylower myself onto him. He closes his eyes and throws his head back. There is a little pain, but it quickly fades. Once he is all the way in me, I moves up and down. He moans, "'re so hot." He jerks me. Once I've found a rhythm to my movements, it's wonderful. The combined pleasure of his cock inside me and his jerking me sends me over the edge. I cum on his chest, stomach, and neck. The orgasm causes my hole to tighten around his cock. "Aaaaaahhhh!!" I feel his dick throb inside me, and a warmth fills my bowels. Once both of us have calmed our breathing, I sit up so his dick comes out of me. I lay beside him. He turns to me and lays an arm over me. He kisses me gently. I see him look up. "It's two in the morning." "Are you serious?!" I look up at the clock. It is two in the morning. "Wow, Brian." He yawns. "Looks like somebody could use some sleep. I'll take it as a compiment." I wink, causing him to chuckle. Then I yawn too. "Looks like I'm not the only one who gets complimented." We stand up. He goes to blow out the candles on one side of the room; I go to the other. He waits until I'm done, then carries the last lit candle to light his way to the bed. I got our underwear and slipped my boxers back on. I hand him his, and he does the same. I climb into bed. He still stands by the bed. He brings the candle up to his face and looks me in the eyes. I say to him, "my God, you're perfect." The soft glow glistens on his beautiful face. The flickering flame makes the light dance across every curve of this face. He smiles and blows out the candle. Then he climbs into the bed. He turns me so my back is to him, then spoons me. He kisses the back of my neck. I say, "Goodnight, my love." "Goodnight." To Be Continued.... *NOTE: I hope you all enjoyed this installment of my story. Sorry, I have to admit: I cried as I wrote the wedding. I'm a big sap. Any comments, suggestions, complaints, or whatever are always welcome at I'll be watching for them!

Next: Chapter 15

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