Getting Reacquainted

By moc.loa@dreNAslieN

Published on Nov 2, 1999


DISCLAIMER: This story is not for those under the age of 18 years (21 in some areas). It includes discriptions of male/male sexual acts. This story includes celebrity persona; however, it is not meant to imply or suggest the sexual orientation of those celebrities.

------------------- Getting Reaquainted ------------------- by Neil Please e-mail me at

Part XIII ---------

"Hey, sunshine, time to get up." Brian is calling at me and slapping the side of my face. I open my eyes. "We leave today, remember?"

I yawn and sit up. "Uuuuhhhhhnnnnn.......yeah, yeah, I remember. Just give me a minute." I fall back into my sleeping position.

"Oh no you don't!" He grabs my arms and pulls me up again. "Get up and shower, sweetie. We're supposed to be at the airport in two hours."

After I showered and got all pretty for him, we pack our bags. "It has to be perfect, doesn't it?"

I look up at him to see him looking at my suitcase. I look down and see that I have everything in as neatly as possible. "So I like things to be neat, sue me."

"Alrighty then." He grabs me around my waist and pulls me down to the bed. He presses his lips against mine. In a few seconds, I feel his tongue runing along the length of my lips. I open my mouth, and his tongue enters. His right hand slides down my body to the bulge in my pants. He starts to unbutton my pants, but I stop him and pull his head away from mine.

"Brian, I said sue me. Sue, not do."

"Oh. Weeeellllll....can't we do this instead?" He gives me that 'I'm Brian Littrell and dangerously cute, so you will do what I say' look. However, I somehow find the willpower to resist.

"No, and you know that. Besides, it'll be sorta fun to wait." I pull his head down for a quick peck on the lips, then he gets up off of me. We finish packing our bags and place them beside the door. "Where's breakfast this morning?"

He gives me an exasperated look. "Nick's room." Oh no.

I knock. Nick yells something from inside the room. Then we hear cluttering noises. Finally, he opens the door, then turns and heads back into the room. Well, what used to be a room. One reason why we never hang out in Nick's room: there is no place to sit down. Clothes, CDs, papers, everything, just thrown about. Nick walks over to the table, grabs the various items on it, and throws them behind this back. Brian looks at me and shakes his head. I drag the food tray in behind me and bring it beside the table. Brian and I set up the dishes while Nick romps around the room. There's a knock on the door; Brian answers it. AJ, Howie, and Kevin walk in and sit at the table. Nick finally joins us, and we all start to eat.

After a minute, I decide to start something of a conversation. "Well, Nick, after we're done eating, I'd be glad to help you pack." At this comment, Brian and Howie utter "oh no", AJ laughs, and Kevin just shakes his head.

Nick replies, "Really? Great! Thanks!"

I look at the others with a questioning look. Kevin answers it: "Never offer to help Nick pack. First of all, he's surprisingly picky about how his things are packed. Secondly, you won't be helping him pack, you'll be doing all the work."

Nick retorts, "Hey! It's not like that! I pack too." I could tell by the looks the others gave him that he didn't. And I was in for it now. After all, I'd already offered, so I can't take it back.

Kevin was sooooo right. "Picky" wouldn't have been the word I would have used. And here, when he packed my bags back at my house, he just threw everything in a bag. But not his stuff. I had to do everything just right. "Nick, you know it's possible to supervise me and do some packing yourself at the same time."

"Nah, that's too much work for me. Besides, you're doing a good job."

"Alright, that's it." I just stopped and started towards the door.

"Hey! You said you'd help!"

"Yes, help. Goodbye, Nick. I'll see you later." And I walked out.

"Back so soon? It usually takes a lot longer for an idiot to pack Nick's bags for him." Brian laughs.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just shut up. Ready for the Windy City?" Chicago. I hate cold weather.

"Yeah! I like Chicago. And Oprah rules!"

"Geez, Brian, a bit excited about doing 'Oprah'?" I meant her show.

"No, you know I'm not that way. There's only one person I get excited about doing." He smiles. I roll my eyes and head towards the desk.

"You're on a roll, Brian. However, since you are the only person laughing at your jokes...." I indicate AJ and Howie, who are on the couch watching TV.

"Hey, they'd be laughing their asses off if they weren't too engrossed by that Jennifer Lopez video."

"You gotta admit, she is pretty hot." I have to get revenge somehow.

"Hey!" He gets a shocked/hurt look.

"What? I just said she's hot. And I'm a know...hetero-curious." This brings AJ out of his Jennifer-induced stupor; he laughs at my comment. Brian slaps the back of his head.

"That's not funny! You're not supposed to be telling your fiancee this kind of stuff!" This comment makes everyone in the room stop what they're doing and turn to look at us. Then we both realize we never told them. Brian addresses them all, "Not real, legal, fiancee. Just between the two of us."

"Yeah, we're not going to run off to Hawaii to get married or anything. This is just for us." AJ and Howie sigh in relief.

Kevin says, "You just about gave me a heart attack. But I am still a bit mad."

Brian looks at his cousin. "Why's that?"

"None of us were invited!" Brian smiles.

I say, "Well then, I am now inviting all of you. And Nick, if he ever decides to get his ass in gear."

Kevin's cell phone rings. He answers it and talks for a couple minutes. Brian and I keep our mouths occupied while he chats. "Alright, that's enough, you two. The limo will be here in half an hour, and our flight leaves in just over an hour. So, Chris, I'm guessing you took the AJ-approach and just walked out on Nick?"


"Good. I wish I would have done that. Everyone else packed and ready to go?" Everyone nodded, except Brian, who yelled an enthusiastic 'Yes!'

About 20 minutes later, Nick joined us. We sat around for a few minutes after, then gathered our bags and headed to the lobby. When we stepped off the elevator, we could already hear the mob of fans outside. The Boys braced themselves for the attack, then we all rushed to the limo. We brought all our bags into the seating area with us, so it was very crowded. The driver stopped a few miles down the road so we could put everything into the trunk. Along the way, my cell phone rings. "Chris Paige speaking."

"Hi, dear." Mom.

"Hey, mom. How's Aunt Beth?"

"They put her into Intensive Care this morning. They found out she has terminal cancer that has spread everywhere. It doesn't look good. If she starts chemo right away, there's a chance, but it doesn't look good." She sobs.

"Mom, it's going to be all right. Aunt Beth's too stubborn to let this get to her." She chuckles a little. "Do you need me there?"

"Oh, no, Chris. You must be so busy. Besides, she'll be all right." I knew she'd tell me if she wanted me there, so I won't fight about it. The limo stops in front of the airport.

"Well, we're headed to Chicago now, so I have to go. Tell everyone I said Hi and I love them."

"Okay, Chris. I love you. Bye."

"I love you too. Bye." A tear slid down my cheek. I quickly wiped it.

Kevin asks the question on everyone's mind: "Chris, what's wrong?"

"I'll tell you on the plane. I don't want to face that crowd crying." I point out the window to yet another mob of fans.

We make it to the terminal, and then onto the jet, with surprisingly minimal trouble. Once we're on the jet, we all strap in. I look around to see them all looking at me. Oh yeah. "Well, my Aunt Beth was put in Intensive Care this morning." The tears start again. "They say it doesn't look good. It's probably too late." Brian's arm comes around me.

After a minute, Nick asks, "What's wrong with her?"

"It's :sniffles:....she has terminal cancer spread throughout her." Kevin shoots me a look, then looks down at the floor. The jet is just now lifting into the air. While Brian, Nick, AJ, and Howie try to comfort me, I notice Kevin wiping his face. I forgot he lost his father to cancer. "Oh, Kevin, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have"

"No, it's all right." Everyone else turns to Kevin to see him crying. Howie takes his hand and squeezes it. We ride in silence for about half an hour.

I yawn. Brian notices and says, "Here, lean up against me." He undoes my safety belt and pulls me into him. Minutes later, I'm asleep.

A loud, rough noise wakes me up. After opening my eyes, I hear it again. I lift my head. It's Brian's snoring. With my ear against his chest, the sound was amplified. I chuckle and straighten myself up in my seat. I see that Nick, AJ, and Howie are also asleep. Kevin isn't in his seat. I stand up and stretch. I make my way into the other part of the jet and see Kevin. He sitting in a chair facing the window, staring at the clouds. I put my hand on his shoulder, startling him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Chris, I'm okay. Just when you said that...."

"I know. You don't have to explain." I sit in a chair. He looks at me.

"When I was really young, my parents told me that when people died they went up to the clouds. You know, a few minutes ago I wished they were right. Then I just knew I would see my father." He starts to cry again. I get up and hug him.

"I wish they were right, too. But you know he's watching over you, taking care of his little boy." He nodded his head in my arms. I never thought I'd see Kevin like this. He was always so calm and collected. "You know, Kevin, you don't have to put on your cherade around me. We've known each other for years. If you need to yell or cry or bitch about anything, you can come to me." He nods his agreement. He sniffles more. I cradle his head in my arms and kiss his forehead.

"Gentlemen, please take your seats. We'll be arriving in Chicago in a couple minutes." The intercom was very loud, in my opinion. I help Kevin stand. He wipes away the last few tears and follows me into the seating area. Kevin nudges Howie, waking him.

Kevin says to him, "Landing." This immediately brings Howie into a very excited mood. I give him an odd look.

Howie says, "What? I like landings! They're fun!" Wow, the boy needs a life.

"Should I wake the others?"

Kevin answers, "No. Brian and Nick hate landings, and AJ is usually a grouch when someone wakes him up. When the plane stops moving, he'll wake up on his own." I nod and look out the window as we approach the city. I swear I can feel the cold wind already....

"The Marriott, please." The driver nods and cuts off a car as he enters traffic. Is it a rule that taxis have to smell bad? I scrunch my nose at the smell, causing Brian and Nick to laugh. "Well, gentlemen, we have the rest of the day off. Brian, I believe we have some shopping to do."

"We d....oh, right." He smiles and whispers in my ear, "I love you so much."

Nick says, "Well, I guess the rest of us will probably hang out at the hotel until you two get back."

At the mall. "Alright, time to split up." Brian looks at me when I say this.


"You heard me. I think it'd be interesting to see what kind of ring you get me, and what kind of ring I get you."

He thinks about this for a second. "I have to agree with you on that one." He gets a devilish grin.

"I don't even want to know what's going on in that head of yours."

"Good, because I wasn't going to tell you. Let's meet back here in two hours."

"Alright." I wanted to kiss him, but we're standing in the middle of the mall. Instead, I just walk away, shaking my ass just a little so he'd notice. I look back to see him shaking his head and smiling.

How many more jewelry stores are there!?! Agh! I only have 20 minutes until I meet Brian, so this place better have one I like.

"May I help you, sir?"

"Yeah, you could not call me 'sir'. It makes me feel old." She laughs. "I think I'll just look around for a bit."

"Alright, if you need any help, my name is Carrie." She walks to an older couple to assist them.

Brian...Brian...I need something that says 'Brian'. THERE!! That is it! A simple gold band with a dark blue sapphire in the shape of a heart! "Carrie?"

"Yes, sir? Oops, sorry."

I smile. "It's alright. Could I see that one?" She opens the cabinet and gets it out for me. "This is perfect."

"She'll love it" Carrie says. 'Yeah, if I had a she' I think.

"I know she will. I'll take it, if you have one in this size." I hand her the little slip of paper.

She wraps it around one of those measuring things. "This ring is exactly this size. You're in luck."

She rings me up. I'm reading the receipt as I open the door, so I wasn't watching what I was doing. I push the door right into somebody. I look up at him; it's Brian.

"Sorry about that, Brian. My, my, looks like somebody is in a hurry." He's out of breath.

"Hey, I'm not in a hurry. I was just conserving time. Mind if I take a look in your bag?"

"Yes, I mind. You know the rules. Now move because we're blocking these people's way." I walk out of the store, and the elderly couple walks out behind me. "You know, you don't have to get it today. We could do this some other day."

"Well, I want this to happen soon. I'm going in there. Just wait for me out here" he suggests. I nod and watch through the windows as he looks at the display cases. Once he's found something and asked Carrie to see it, he looks out the window to see me watching him. I quickly look up to the second floor and try to hold back a laugh. He sees me do this, laughs, and moves his body so that he's blocking my view of whatever he is looking at. He and Carrie move over to the register, and he pays for a ring. He comes out smiling. "That's no fair, you were cheating!"

"Hey, it's too far away for me to see whatever teeny thing you bought me, you cheap-ass." He knew I was just joking (although I really hope he didn't spend more than I did), and laughs with me. "So, when do you want to do this thing?"

"'This thing.' You make is sound insignifcant."

"Fine." I get a little lounder. "Mr. Brian Thomas Littrell of the Backstreet Boys, when do you want to get marr" He clasps his hand over my mouth and looks around. He uncovers my mouth.

"Alright, alright, I get it. How about this evening?"

"Hhhhmmm....I guess that could work. But that means you'll have to take a taxi back to the hotel now."


"Because I have some more shopping to do, alone." I raise an eyebrow and smile.

"You are such a tease."

"I know. Doesn't it suck?" I laugh and walk away. I turn to see him walking towards the exit of the mall.

As I make my way down the mall again, I see one store's employees putting up a huge display. Victoria's Secret, I should have known. I walk into the store and am greeted with an "How can I help you?" The lady is about 30, and her name tag says "Tonya."

"Tonya, may I speak to your manager?"

"I am the manager."

"Well, perfect then. Listen, I work on the prop design team for the Backstreet Boys." I pull out my wallet and show her my offical BSB worker's card. "I was wondering if there was any way I could purchase one of those huge velvet drapes...."

I stop at a few more stores. Then I get a taxi back to the hotel.

I lug my bags into my room, and a bell boy follows me in, carrying the roled-up drape. I tell him to lay it down anywhere, and he does. After I tip him, he leaves. I hear Brian in his room next door in his closet. We didn't unpack when we got here, so I guess that's what he's doing now. I think I'll do the same. I slide the drape under the bed so it's hidden. I also put the other stuff I bought today under there.

Brian must have heard me, because he knocks on the door. "Hey, Chris?"


"Would you open the door? I want to see you."

"Isn't that bad luck, to see the bride before the wedding?"

"You're technically not a bride."

As I open the door, I say "Got me on a technicality."

He walks in and puts his arms around my waist. "If a technicality's all it takes to get you, I'd better keep my eyes open."

"No, you'd better keep your eyes open because I'm around those other four cuties all the time." I wink at him and pull him close. I whisper in his ear, "But something tells me they wouldn't be interested in what I have in mind." I quickly slap his butt and escape from his arms. I run to the far side of my bed. He runs to the other. He starts to come around, so I jump up onto the bed in an attempt to escape. But he also gets up on, and grabs my feet, making me fall. Now my legs and butt are on the bed, and the rest of me is hanging over, belly-down. He holds my legs in place while he climbs up and lays his head down on my butt.

"Well now, this is comfy." He moves his head back and forth, like he was lying on a pillow. It actually feels kinda good.

"Yeah, well, you're not the one whose blood is filling his head."

"Actually, Chris...." He chuckles.

"Ugh, can't you just wait? Now let me up before I puke." He gets up off of me. I try to stand, but I get really light-headed. He catches me and holds me up against him until I'm good again.

"I told the guys the two of us were going to eat together, then they could come in and watch. Then they are going to leave and not disturb us all_night."

"Sounds like a good plan, but I'll have to see it to believe it. I mean, those four could bug the heck out of anybody." We both laugh. "Why don't you go to your room and order dinner? I have a few things to take care of in here, then I'll come over."

"Alrighty." He kisses me on the lips, then heads to his room through the joining doors. I pick up the phone.

"Hello?" Kevin's voice answers.

"Hey Kev. It's Chris. I need you and someone else to come help me for a few minutes."

"Okay, I'll bring AJ. Nick and Howie are busy playing video games."

"Alriht. See you in a few. And don't knock, I'll leave the door open."

"Okay, what do you want us to do?" AJ whispers. I already told them that I didn't want Brian to know they were here.

I whisper back, "Help me move the dresser and bed." I direct us all as we move the furniture around, leaving a wide open space in the center of the room. Then I get out the velvet drape, and we spread it out.

"Damn, Chris, you really planned a lot." Kevin notes.

"Yeah, well, I wanted this to be absolutely perfect. I can handle the rest from here. Thanks, guys. We'll be seeing you in a while." They wave goodbye and leave my room. I grab one of the bags and get out candles. Dark red to match the velvet. And white to offset it. I position them around the room. I turn out the lights as I make my way to Brian's room.

To Be Continued.... I'm going to stop the story here. My next installment will be dinner, the wedding, and the honeymoon. I want to get all that stuff in one part, just because it's so different from everything else. I hope you're all enjoying the story so far. If you have any comments, complaints, suggestions, just e-mail me at I love to hear from everyone.

Next: Chapter 14

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