Getting Reacquainted

By moc.loa@dreNAslieN

Published on Oct 25, 1999


DISCLAIMER: This story is not for those under the age of 18 years (21 in some areas). It includes discriptions of male/male sexual acts. This story includes celebrity persona; however, it is not meant to imply or suggest the sexual orientation of those celebrities.

------------------- Getting Reaquainted ------------------- by Neil Please e-mail me at

Part XII --------

I wake up with a Backstreet Boy in my bed. This time it's my boyfriend. When he hears me stir, he opens his eyes. "Good morning."

"Hey, you. When did you get into bed with me?"

"Just a couple hours ago. I woke up, but couldn't get back to sleep. I figured it might help if I was with you."

"And did it?"

"Sure did." I scoot over to lay my head on his bare shoulder. I lay my arm across his chest and close my eyes again. "Chris?"


"I love you."

I pick my head up to kiss his shoulder, then lay it back down. "I love you, too." We lay there for about 10 minutes before the phone rings. "Crap." I pick up the phone. "Hello?"

"Yes, this is the front desk. We've had some complaints about the refridgeration units. May I ask if your refridgerator is running?"

I listen for the hum of the motor. "Yes, it is."


"Freakin' hilarious, Nick. Goodbye." I hang up. Just two seconds later, it rings again. "Hello?"

"I'm looking for.....hahaha....I. P. hahahaah...Freely"

"Howie, leave the joking up to Nick and AJ. They can do it without laughing." I hang up again. And it rings again. "What?"

"This is your neighbors down the hall. Do you have pop in a can?"

"Of course I do, Kevin, and I'll let him out as soon as you guys STOP CALLING ME!!!" I hang up the phone. "Brian, your bandmates are pains in my ass."

"Try being with them for six years."

"Hopefully I will be." I look into his eyes and smile. He smiles back. We kiss. He lets my tongue enter his mouth.

Then the sound of eight fists pounding on the door. AJ yells, "You two decent?"

Brian gets up and opens the door just a crack, then hops back into the bed. The guys walk in.

"We were having a very nice morning until four idiots started calling me." They laugh. "We were just about right here." I resume kissing Brian.

"Please stop it" AJ requests. I move on top of Brian then stop kissing him. I wink at him slightly. Then I move down on him. I kiss down his chest. Then I'm completely covered by the sheets and comforter. I'm not doing anything to him under here, but Brian moans and starts moving his body.

"I'm going to be sick! Let's get out of here" Nick says, and the four turn to leave. Brian and I burst out laughing, so they stop. I come up from under the covers and flop down on my side of the bed.

I say, "You guys are too easy."

Kevin says, "That was just too sick to be funny."

Brian replies, "Well, I kinda enjoyed it."

AJ: "Of course you did."

I say, "I like the real thing better." Brian makes a sound in his throat, and we kiss more.

Howie pleads, "Would it help if we begged you two to stop it?"

"Well, I guess you're right. I mean, we do have all day."

Nick pops up in his chair. "Free day?"

I smile. "Free day." Yells of excitement (or relief).

We enjoy a nice, unhurried breakfast down in the hotel's dining area. After breakfast, we start talking about what we want to do today.

Nick: "Hey, Rok, wanna play some ball? There's a court two blocks away."

Brian looks at me. "Go ahead, Brian, I wanted to go shopping with Howie, AJ, and Kevin anyways."

"Alright. I'll miss you as I'm showing Nick how it's done." Nick starts with a comeback, but I guess he either decides against it or can't think of one.

"Where do we head to first, gentlemen?" Kevin asks.

"Let's just walk. We'll run into a store eventually" Howie answers.

"Sounds good to me."

We walk around the streets for a while, stopping in just a few clothing stores. I don't know why, but I actually let them convince me to buy some clothing that was just not me. They told me I need a new look.

"What is wrong with my look?"

AJ answers, "Well, you're Brian's age, but you dress like you're a middle-aged businessman or something. Come on, you're still young, be wild!"

"Fine. You guys pick out some clothes, and I'll okay them." This sent them into a craze while they picked out a bunch of bright, flashy clothes. AJ brought me this silver shirt that almost blinded me. "No." Howie picks out a shirt that has a bunch of different colors all over it. "I don't think so." Kevin actually brings me something that I like: a tight-fitting, blue shiny shirt that changes shades from different angles. He rubs it in the guys' faces that he was the first to get something I liked. I tried it on, and it met with their approval. They brought me more outfits to try, and I ended up buying most of them. Kevin decided for me that I would wear the last outfit I tried on out of the store. It was a short-sleeve, deep maroon, velvet-like shirt that had these weird hook things for buttons and a pair of black pants.

AJ looks me up and down. "You know what I'm thinking, guys?"

Howie looks at him and nods. "Red or blonde?"

Kevin says, "I think red."

AJ adds, "Just streaks in the front."

"Oh, no, there is absolutely NO way...."

The stylist washes the coloring out of my hair. After she's done blowdrying and fixing it with some mousse, she spins me around to let me look in the mirror. "Oh my...." This person doesn't even look like me any more. Besides the red streaks, they convinced me to get the top part cut shorter than the bangs, so my hair is longer in the front.

Kevin comments, "I like it!"

Howie says, "Lookin' good."

"Now that is more like it" AJ says.

I reply, "You know? I kinda like it too." The Boys smile and shake hands. "Now, Brian"

"Oh, screw Brian" AJ says. I give a dreamy look. He continues, "Oh, nevermind...."

Kevin says, "I just saw that Chris has a noticable lack of jewelry."

"I hadn't even thought about that, Kevin. But you're right. Let's go to that jewelry store down the street" AJ suggests.

"He'll wear them home" Howie answers for me. Two small silver rings and what they call a "snake chain" [if you don't know what I'm talking about, go to a jewelry store. They're pretty cool.].

"Well, I guess I'll wear them home then. Thank you for your help" I say to the salesperson. She nods and waves goodbye. "I am sorry, guys, but I am just not a jewelry person."

Kevin says, "You'll get used to it."

"I hope so. Man, I don't know what got into me today. I hadn't planned on buying anything, except maybe a shirt or two. Instead, you guys are having to help me with all these bags."

AJ: "Hey, we have that effect on people. It's kinda our fault you have so much stuff anyway."

"Kinda your fault?"

"Okay, it's all our fault. But you'll like the new you, just wait and see." I sigh and shake my head.

After putting all my new clothes away , I join the three in Howie's room. We get to talking about nothing in particular. Then there's a knock on the door. Howie gets up to answer it. Nick and Brian walk into the room, smelling shower-fresh. Brian has his hands raised over his head in a vicortious manner. When he sees me, he stops and blinks his eyes a couple times. He lowers his arms and furrows his eyebrows. "What have you three done to my boyfriend?"

I open my mouth several times to say something, but I don't know what to say. Finally I spit out, "I guess they're really good at persuasion. Or I'm really weak."

AJ says, "I think it's both." He, Howie, and Kevin laugh.

Nick says, "Cool. I like it."

I look at Brian. He's still making up his mind. He nods his head a little and half-smiles. "Yeah." Relief. I jump up off of the couch and go over and hug him. "Ouch!"

"What?" I move away from him. One of the hook things of my shirt is caught on his tee shirt. After undoing that, I laugh. "Sorry."

He feels the fabric of my shirt. "Velvet. Sexy."

Nick jokes, "You're not going to jump him right now, are you?"

I look at Nick and say, "I wish he would, but we don't want to hear you complain any more." Everyone laughs. I take a seat in an empty chair, and Brian sits in front of me on the floor. Nick takes my spot on the couch. "So, there's still plenty of Free Day left. Anybody got any ideas?" I put my hands on Brian's shoulders; I notice that he's very tense.

"I have no clue." Kevin replies.

I start rubbing Brian's shoulders. "Ooooohhh, that feels good." I just smile.

Howie suggests, "Well, we could go watch a movie. We haven't done that for a while."

Nick: "That sounds good."

They talk of a few more possibilites. I give Brian a massage the whole time.

"Chris, what do you think?"

"A movie sounds good." I stop rubbing his shoulders.

"Hey, why'd you stop?"

"My hands got tired. Besides, you could hire someone to do that."

"I could also hire someone to sleep with me, but I'd still rather have you do it." This earned him a slap on the back of the head. Everyone laughs.

"Well, break out your wallet, 'cause you just might have to hire somebody for that."

Nick 'oooooohhhhh's, and everyone laughs.

We watched some new horror flick. Not really paying attention to the movie, I look around. I notice two girls keep looking back at us. "Kevin, you've got a couple fans in the middle row."

Kevin whispers, "I noticed. I don't think it'll be a problem though." He resumes watching the movie.

After the movie was over and people began to get up out of their seats, the two girls just spun around in theirs and watched us. We waited until the rush to the door was over, then got up. The girls get up at the same time we do, then come running up to us right before we get to the door of the theatre. "Excuse me?" one girl, with short brown hair, says. We all turn around.

Howie answers, "Yes?"

"Oh my God, it is them!" says the other girl. She then proceeded to bounce up and down excitedly.

AJ tells her, "Whoa, calm down."

They exchanged 'hello's and other pleasantries, then the girls asked for their autographs. When that was over with, we leave and get into the limo.

Nick looks at his watch. "It's only after 5 o'clock. What are we going to do now?"

I say, "I plan on spending a couple hours in my bedroom. If only someone were nice enough to join me...." Nick rolls his eyes.

Brian: "Hhhmm...I think I might be able to squeeze that in my schedule."


AJ jokes, "Yeah, I think I could even join you two."

"I don't know, AJ. Three's a crowd. Or, depending on the situation, it could be called an orgy." Everyone laughs.

Brian opens the door for me. "Thank you, kind sir."

"You're very welcome" he replies as he shuts the door after walking in after me. I sit on the edge of the bed to remove my shoes and socks, then fall backwards onto the bed. I pat the mattress beside me, and Brian lays down.

"I didn't tell you there's a new part to my dream. I touch you, your face I think it is, and a white light appears. It feels like it pulls me into you. But then I woke up." No use telling him exactly when I had this new part of the dream; couldn't make him feel guilty again about the snake thing.


"Well, Mr. Dream Analysis, what does it mean?"

"Hey, I haven't read the whole thing, let alone memorized all the symbols and stuff. But if you'd like me to go get the book"

"No, don't leave me here all alone." I scoot myself up so that my whole body is on the bed. He does the same and crosses his arms behind his head. I turn sideways to face him. I put my hand over his face and lightly let my fingers run over his lips. He closes his eyes. After a few minutes, I speak. "Brian, you are so special to me. Whenever you're near, I feel like I could run the world around and never tire. And your love, your love feels like it could fill all the oceans. I never thought I'd ever find something like this. I truly love you, Brian, with all of my being." My hand has come to a rest on his heart; I can feel the little pulses as it beats. He puts a hand over mine and opens his eyes. He turns his head towards me. His thumb strokes the back of my hand. Then he takes it in both of his hands.

"Chris, my love for you could fill all the oceans. And all the lakes, rivers, and streams. And when you're around, I feel like I'm floating off of the ground. Your love lifts me higher than I have ever been. I feel like I could give up everything I have and still be the happiest man on this great Earth as long as you're with me. As for finding something like this, we've had it all along." He smiles.

After a minute of looking at his perfect face: "Hey, Brian, I have a crazy idea."

"What's that?"

"Let's get married."

This surprises him. He lets the shock disappear from his face, then says, "Chris, you know I couldn't."

"I didn't exactly mean legally or anything. We'll hold our own ceremony. Just the two of us. I just want to show you how much I care for you and love you."

He smiles, then looks up at the ceiling. "Alright. Let's do it."

"No, no, no. That will have to wait until our honeymoon." He chuckles. "So, I guess this means we have some ring-shopping to do."

"Oh, I didn't even think of that. You know people will see the ring on my finger and think"

I interrupt him. "Then we'll wear the rings on our right pinkie fingers. Nobody will care about that." I get up from the bed and get a sheet of paper and a pencil. I tear two little strips off. I wrap one around his pinkie finger and mark it. He does the same for my finger. Then he stuffs the strip of paper in his pocket.

We lay back down beside each other, only this time we're not sideways across the bed. Again he lays on his back and I lay sideways facing him. I put my hand on his chest and move my fingers back and forth just a little. I softly begin to sing:

"When I first saw you, I already knew. There was something inside of you. Something I thought that I would never find. Angel of mine."

He turns to me and continues:

"I look at you, looking at me. Now I know why they say the best things are free."

But he is cut off by the phone. "If that is the other guys, they're dead." I answer the phone. "Hello?"

"Chris?" My mother's voice.

"Yeah, mom, it's me. How are you?"

"Not too good right now. That's why I'm calling. Your aunt Beth is sick. They don't know what's wrong. Your father and I are going to Little Rock to visit. We don't know how long we're going to be gone, so I had to call you to let you know."

"Alright. Give her my regards, and tell her I love her. You two have a safe trip. Call me and keep me updated."

"I will, Chris. I love you."

"I love you too, mom. Bye." We hang up. "You wouldn't happen to remember my aunt Beth, would you?"

"Is she the one who was always a bit too happy about things?"

"No, that was aunt Alice. Aunt Beth was the Grinch who stole Christmas."

"Oh! Now I remember." He laughs a little. "That was crazy, wasn't it? It was the first time I was at your house. I guess that was the first year we were friends. Your mom and Alice...well, I just thought they had been into the eggnog already. I guess those two make up for your aunt Beth's attitude."

"Yeah, they certainly do." I take up the story. "So you were meeting everyone and adjusting to being around my family, when Aunt Beth goes into her dissertation about why kids are all spoiled brats who shouldn't be celebrating Christmas when they don't know what it's about. Of course we did, but she was always a negative person."

He takes up the story again. "So, after she ruins the joy of the whole evening, she has to be the first person up in the morning. I guess she wanted to make sure she could yell at the two of us when we ran down the stairs to get to our presents. She really made me feel awful. Like opening the gifts was a sin."

"Me too. I bet you regretted coming to my house and swore you'd never do it again."

"That's for sure. That is, until"

"Let's not go there, Brian." That particular part of Memory Lane was not the most pleasant for me.

"Okay." And he understood that. "Anyway, what about her?"

"Mom says she's sick. They don't know what it is. My parents are flying to Little Rock to visit, so she just thought she'd tell me....I hope she's going to be alright."

"I'm sure she will be."

We lay silently for a long time. I guess it was a long time because he fell asleep. I didn't notice until he mumbled something. Once I saw he was asleep, Nature played a cruel prank: I had to go to the bathroom. So I get up slowly and be as quiet as possible. Once I'm through, I decide that getting back into the bed without waking him would be much more difficult. In a sudden flash of inspiration, I get my sketch pad and pencils out of my bag.

I turn on the electric fireplace (just doesn't feel the same) and turn down the lights. I pull up a chair to the end of the bed and open the book. I draw the beautiful scene in front of me: my true love sleeping peacefully in the bed. Unlike the other drawing, I decided to color this one. The orange glow from the fake fireplace was surprisingly easy to copy. On the sheets, over his body (I drew him without a shirt even though he was wearing one), and on his face. I decided to add some candles and a rose to make it more romantic. Smiling, I sign the picture. I also add the date and place. I went back and did the same to the other picture of him. I close the book and put it back in my bag. Then I quietly leave the room to find the others.

I put my ear up to each door, finding them in Howie's room. I knock. Howie answers the door, obviously out of breath. When he sees it's me, he gasps. "Are you alone?" I nod. He gets a look of relief and says, "Come on in." The others are watching the tv and still laughing. Glancing at the screen, I see the footage of Brian with make-up on. I start to laugh and shake my head. Nick, who is in charge of the remote, rewinds it.

I say, "He would kill us all if he knew we were watching this. How many times have you guys rewound it?"

Kevin answers, "I lost count in the 40's." I was about to ask if he was serious, but then I remembered who I was talking to.

After I got there, we watched it five more times. "Okay, I've had enough already. I don't know how you all can stand to watch that over 50 times. Let's watch something else."

Nick agrees and turns off the tape. There's a knock at the door. Howie answers it, and he brings back a tray of food. We all practically race towards it. Desserts. I reach for a slice of double-chocolate-make-your-teeth-rot cake, but Kevin beats me to it. "Kevin Richardson, you better let me have that...."

"Now why would I do that?"

"Because I'm a chocoholic. I love chocolate. KEVIN, I NEED IT!!!!"

Brian says from the doorway, "Hey, getting it from someone behind my back is bad enough, but it being my cousin is just plain cruel." I guess he only heard the latter part of my comment. Kevin and I look at him and smile.

Then I get a pouting face. I whine, "Brian, he took my cake!"

Kevin also mimicks a child. "Did not! I got it first!"



Brian got a deep, fatherly tone. "That's enough, you two. You can split it and another dessert." I made a mean, scrunched-up face at Kevin. He sticks his tongue out at me. Then he brings the plate up to his mouth and licked the entire piece of cake. He laughs when he sees my gaping mouth, angered look, and clenched fists.

"That won't stop me, Kevin. Remember, I like other guys' saliva." AJ and Howie each just about choke on their desserts. Nick just laughs.

Kevin then made to sneeze on it. He moved his head back a little while taking in short inhales. Plan! I timed it just right: when he jerked his head down to fake-sneeze on it, I brought my hand up under the plate, sending the cake right onto his face. Everyone, except him, bursts out in laughter. He slowly lowers the plate from his face. The chocolate icing and bits of cake are plastered from his eyebrows down to his lower lip. He slowly moves his hand up to wipe the cake from his eyes. He licks his lips and says, "AJ, I believe you have a line here."

AJ first looks confused, then remembers. He clears his throat and says, "Uh-oh."

"WAIT!" I hold up my hands just as they all arm themselves. "NOT in a hotel room. Management has made it very clear that this is not to happen, again." They all lower their weapons. "I apologize I almost got this started, but it was a lesson to Kevin, to all of you: Never mess with my chocolate." Brian, Howie, and Nick smile.

Kevin: "Then I guess I've learned my lesson. Now I have to go clean up."

I spy a glass of water out of the corner of my eye, just within arm's reach. Should I? Nah, I've had enough fun for one evening.

Kevin notices the direction where I'm looking, and he sees the glass of water. "Decided against it, huh?" He looks funny talking with that chocolate all over his face.

I smile. "Yeah, I've had my fun."

He very quickly says, "Then it's time for mine!" He grabs the glass and splashes the water towards me. Since he gave a warning, I had plenty of time to duck. Unfortunately, Brian was coming up behind me. The water hit his face and chest. I look up from my ducking position. The look on Brian's face makes me laugh; everyone else joins me.

Once I'm in a standing position, I take a step over to Brian. "Honey, you're all wet. Let's get that shirt off." Okay, I don't know why my wet boyfriend was turning me on right then. I help him remove his shirt, revealing his muscular, very sexy chest. "Damn, you're a hottie." Then, surprising him, I grab him and kiss him.

Now, before this, I didn't know there was such a thing as "The Kiss". "The Kiss" is the one kiss that...words can't even describe it. But you know it when it happens. For many, it is the first kiss. The world melted away. I was oblivious to the other Boys, any other sounds, even the fact that I was standing. There was only Brian and me. My very soul felt like it was invaded by his. My heart was racing in time with his. Our embrace felt like it would hold us together for eternity. It felt like we were actually becoming one. I don't know how long we kissed. But when we actually stop, he looks into my eyes with a look of disbelief.

I look back and forth between his eyes and see that he felt the same thing I did. Our breathing is deep and a bit rapid. We look into each others' eyes. My right arm is still around his neck while my left hand holds his right hand at my side.

"HEY!!!" Kevin, AJ, Nick, and Howie yell, startling us out of our reverie. We look towards them. The first thing I noticed is that Kevin is already cleaned up.

"What?!" I yell back, a bit angry at being disturbed.

AJ answers, "You two have been going at it for almost 10 minutes. We've been yelling at you for a minute now. It's like you two were on your own planet or something."

Brian says, "I think we were." I look at him to see him looking at me. He smiles that Brian-smile, and I can feel my legs turn to jelly. He mouths something to me.

"What was that?" I lean in.

He whispers in my ear, "Your place or mine?"

I plainly say, "Neither." I wave my right pinkie finger at him. "Remember?"

"But after that...?" he protests.

"Oh believe me, I don't want to wait either, but I can't brake my own rule." He tries to contain a yawn, but fails. "See! You're sleepy anyways. Let's go to bed." We said goodnight to everyone else and headed to Brian's room. I removed my shirt and jeans and laid beside him. He snuggled up into my arms, and soon enough he was snoring. I laid my head back and thought about "The Kiss". Wow....

-----The Dream-----

When I touch Brian's face this time (after all the stuff you already know), the white glow does pull me in. Into his body. I feel like I'm floating in an empty space. It feels like hands are roaming across my stomach. Then all of the sensations stop. I open my eyes, and I see a brick wall in front of me. One brick is missing, so I look through it. I see Brian on the other side, yelling....

To Be Continued....

Next: Chapter 13

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