Getting Paid Getting Laid

By Adz Sampson

Published on Sep 2, 2012


Disclaimer: Any celebrity mentioned in this story is for story purproses only and does not indicate the true sexual preference of any of the celebrities mentioned. It's merely done for fun, and for my perverseness.

Threesomes in the Escort industry aren't all that rare. Many of my clients are guys in relationships who have lost the sexual spark and need a third party to help re-ignte the spark that was once there. My job for them is to help them re-connect using my best weapon- my cock. For instance, one of my former clients Ryan had been with his boyfriend Martin for 12 years. They were each other's first loves and they had never had sex with anyone else. They were each other's firsts. But Ryan, who was a builder, had been tempted numerous times with hunky guys he worked with. As a couple they'd gone from having sex with three times a day to rarely having sex once a month. Ryan's eyes were starting to stray from the need to have sexual contact. Martin, however, couldn't bare for Ryan to have sex with another man. So it was with great trepadition that Martin suggested using a guy that they could both share. That when I was called into the picture. A goodlooking couple, Ryan and Martin were in there early 30's with great jobs, a nice house and great bodies. Ryan was much more handsome thwn Martin who was cute. When they first met me, they was in awe of my looks and my body. They explained that whilst they were very much still in love with each other, they had simply fallen out of lust with each other. I decided right then and there that I wouldn't be having sex with either of these guys and decided to act as a buffer to get them having sex again. I was merely a voyager in a couple reigniting there sexual spark. And it was really hot to watch the two guys, who had lost there connection find it again. I told them to act normally and just do what came naturally. I watched as they redisovered each other bodie's. One thing they told me is that when they did have sex, it was quick and simply a mean's of getting off rather then a act of love. I told them to take it slow, take in each other's bodies and rediscover everything you find sexy about your partner. It worked. They went at it like rabbits and I never saw them again. I heard from a friend of mine that the pair had now got married in a civial ceremony. I'd like to think I played a part in them rediscovering there lust for each other.

Tonight I would be having a threesome with two of the hottest guys in the music industry right now. Zayn Malik and Liam Payne are member's of one of Britain's hottest boybands ever. I would be lying if I said I liked them- I don't. There music is not my cup of tea and as a band I find them highly cringy and past there sellby date. I've shagged them both individually and now they want to meet up for a threesome. I've never really done any celebrity threesomes so this will be a new expereince for me aswell. A new experience I know I will enjoy. Parking up outside the Ritz hotel in London, I do a quick check in the mirror and stick a chewing gum in my mouth. LeAnn gives me a peck on the cheek as I exit the car, and I check my Ipad. I've got an email from Danny who informs me that my next client has been postponed until 11.30pm because he is running late from a meeting. A meeting? Hmm. I walk into the hotel and past the doorman who smiles at me (I've shagged him- big chest, small dick, tight arse) and walk to the concierge desk where old man Larry smiles as he ackloweges me.

"Been a while Graham!" he states as I stand there

I smile at the old man. "It's Sebastian today" I state and he gives me a knowing grin.

"Room 510" he says as he pulls out the key to the room where the One Direction boys will be waiting. "There agent has spoken to me. You have to sign a confidently agreement once you've finished.. er..entertaining them to state that you won't be going to the press".

I sigh. This isn't new. Most of the celebrity guys are so worried that I will spill there secrets to The Sun or The Mirror that I have to sign a confidently agreement. One Hollywood star even made his agent travel from the States just to bring a copy of the agreement because he forgot to bring them. I don't know why the guys would think I would tell the press I was a whore who liked sleeping with celebrities. I don't partciuarly care if they are lying to there fans. I'm just here to provide a sexual service, earn a bucketload of cash, and get the fuck out of there.

"No worries" I say as I take the key from Larry and walk away. I climb the stairs (I have elevators and lifts. I always get paranoid they are going to stop on the way up or something!) and arrive on the fifth floor of the posh hotel. It's too posh for my liking and far too expensive. But I'm not paying so who gives a fuck. Finding room 510 I stand outside the room for a few moments composing myself. I always get nervous, especially when the clients are younger then myself, it always makes me paranoid. But then I look at myself in the mirror and think 'Dude, your a stud. These guys are going to fucking love you!" and I'm reassured. Slightly.

Turning the lock in the keys, I enter the hotel room. Music is playing and I can hear singing and a guitar playing. Zayn looks up from the sofa where he is having a cigarette in just his boxer shorts, whilst Liam hasn't noticied my presecne from where he is sitting shirtless playing the guitar.

"Hello Sexy! Zayn greets me. I sit down next to him and Liam loooks up, a smile now on his face. Zayn offers me a cigarette, which I accept, and he lights it up for me.

"How you doing?" I ask the guys, politely making conversation.

"We're doing awesome!" Zayn answers for the pair as he takes another drag on a cigarette. "So fucking busy though, you know what I mean?" he exhales the smoke and gives me a wink.

"Yeah" Liam says "We've been in the states. We're massive out there now".

"That's a shame" I smile "I might lose my two favourite guys to the States".

"Your always have a place in my heart" Zayn grins "Or my arse" he adds.

Zayn dogs out his cigarette in the ashtray he has made from a Diet Coke can. I take a pull of my cigarette and watch the two guys interect. They are definetely not a couple. I asked Liam when I first met him and he said he has never slept with a bandmate. So this will be a new expererience for the pair of them aswell I assume. Nice.

It doesn't take long for the mood to change. Zayn takes the cigarette from my hands, takes a drag and pulls me close to him. I open my mouth and he comes closer, his mouth near mine. He exhales on the cigarette, blowing the smoke into my own mouth which I take before blowing it back out. Then Zayn's tongue is in my mouth, fast and furious, exploring my mouth. I clock Liam from the corner of my eyes. He has put his guitar down and has his hand down his trousers, watching us make out. I let my tounge explore the open and waiting mouth of Zayn's. I pull on his hairless nipple hard which I know always gets his engine running. He lets out a deep groan into my mouth as his tounge continues to explore the parts of my mouth. Zayn's hand is inside my shirt his cold, rough hand feeling amazing against my abs. The kissing gets faster and more intense as my hand continues to pull on his nipple. Liam has joined us on the sofa. He pulls up my shirt and runs his cold, wet, inviting tounge along my back. It sets me on edge and makes my dick immediately twitch with anticipation. Zayn ceases kissing me, grabs my head and turns me around to face Liam who immedatialy opens his mouth and invites me inside. I do so, my tongue reaching into his mouth whilst Zayn is teasing my nipples with his moist tounge flicking over the edge of it, making it stiff. My shirt is soon discarded on the floor as Zayn continues his awesome assault on my stiff nipple. Liam soon stops kissing me and soon moves to my neck, sucking it hard. It will mark, but as Zayn now as my nipple fully in his mouth I can't find the energy to care.

Liam soon finds his way to the floor where he pulls down my trousers. My rockhard cock is apparent from the impressive bulge in my boxershorts and I see Liam lick his lips in antcipation. He rubs his tounge over my cock through the material of the boxer shorts and my tool gives an impressive twitch in thanks. Zayn works his way from my nipple to my bellybutton where he sticks his tounge inside it, making me groan. That feels fucking awesome. That guy certainly knows how to turn a man on. Zayn is soon with Liam on the floor, and they are both drooling over my appendage. They both grab my boxers and shove them down to the floor, my cock flopping out and hitting my stomach as the boxers are discarded and forgotten somewhere in the hotelroom. Liam takes hold of my twitching cock and licks the left side of it, making me groan. Zayn does the same on the right hand side, my cock leaking a tiny bit of precum which Liam places on his finger. He rubs it over my dick, making it harder stiil, as the pair of them continue to lick my 9 inch erection. Liam takes the tip of my cock into his mouth, his wet mouth feeling pleasant wrapped around it as Zayn's dick is soon poking out of his own boxer shorts. His hand is immediatly wrapped around his appendage as he watches his bandmate sucking on my cock. Liam takes my cock deep in his mouth, and I thrust forward into him so I'm fucking his mouth. Zayn lets out a groan at this as he continues to massage his own dick. Liam chokes slightly, obviously not used to the size.He continues nonetheless as Zayn watches on appreciatively. I slip my dick from Liam's mouth, he looks up confused for a second, before I slam my dick into Zayn's mouth. Zayn's hand on his dick is soon replaced by Liam's who slowly wanks his bandmate off, but looks a bit unsure of it all. Zayn groans as I thrust deeper into his mouth, my cock hitting the back of his throat which he seems to be handling with ease. His groans get louder as Liams strokes on his dick get faster. Liam is soon sucking on my hanging balls whilst simultaneously jacking of Zayn.

Zayn stops sucking on my dick and Liam immediatly replaces him, my balls dropping out of his mouth to be replaced with my dick. Zayn stands up, pulls down his own Aussiebum boxer shorts. His dick is obviously rockhard and his balls dangle. His dick is long and veiny and red. He sits down on the bed and takes his cock in his hand, his eyes never leaving mine. I thrust harder into Liam's mouth, fucking his mouth whilst I watch Zayn wanking himself. Zayn's legs are soon open. He has a finger in his arse and he groans whilst wanking, fingering and watching his bandmate suck a whore's big dick. Liam soon ceases on sucking my dick when he hears Zayns groans and he looks at me wideeyed and horny. We've soon joined him on the bed.

"What do you guys want?" I ask matter of factly. They are paying, they get the choice. They look at each other, Zayn halting his wanking & fingering for a moment, and both grin. Liam, speaks.

"We want you to fuck us both" Liam states "And then we both want to fuck you".

That's hot. I can do that. I get off the bed, my dick still rockhard and still wet with the salivia from Zayn and Liam's mouths. I walk over to my bag and pull out condoms and lube, chucking them on the bed. Liam grins as he picks up the flavoured condoms. Strawberry and Vanilla flavour, I'll have you know.

Zayn lays on the bed and I walk over to him. He lifts his legs up to my shoulder, resting them there as Liam undoes the lube and puts some of the cold liquid into his hand. He groans slightly at the touch before sliding over to Zayn's arse and rubbing a generous amount over him. I lean down and kiss Zayn hard as Liam then opens up the condom and wraps it firmly around my hard dick. Zayn's tounge enters my mouth. I rub my cock against Zayn's tight arse as Liam takes his bandmate's dick in his mouth. Zayn grins at the gesture, he obviously wasn't expecting Liam to do that. I push inside Zayn gently which causes the teenager to groan in what I hope is pleasure and not pain. Zayn's dick stiffens as I push inside him again and as Liam continues to suck on his larger then average sized dick. But we're soon changing position as I can see that Zayn is in a bit of agony. I grab Zayn's legs and open them wide as Liam moves position on the bed. He replaces his mouth with his hand as he watches me thrust harder into his bandmate. Zayn lets out a very loud groan "Fuck yes" he says as I thrust harder into him again, he is seemingly getting to used to having my size inside him. Soon Liam stands on the other side of the bed as I continue to pound into Zayn's tight arse. Zayn opens his mouth and takes Liam's dick into his mouth. His groaning louder now, loving having my dick inside him and Liam's dick in his mouth. My thrusts get harder as do Liam's thrusts inside his mouth. The begins to rattle as I ram harder still into Zayn's dick. Liam's also groaning now as his dick hits the back of Zayn's throat. Zayn has his manly hand wrapped around his tool whist I my thrusts get more harder and intense and as Liam continues to thrust into Zayn's mouth. It's not long before Zayn's letting out a shaky "Fuck fuck fuck" and is shooting a copious amount of spunk all over his chest. I continue to pound into him, willing Zayn to continue to stroke onto his manhood as Liam lets out a loud groan. Zayn lays on the bed spent. I bend down, lick some of the spunk from his chest, and he kisses me hard.

What a cliffhanger! The second part of the of this chapter will be posted soon! Please email for any ideas/feedback you have. I will try to take your queries on board. Many thanks.

Adz :)

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