Getting Paid Getting Laid

By Adz Sampson

Published on Aug 13, 2012


Disclaimer: Any celebrity mentioned in this story is for story purproses only and does not indicate the true sexual preference of any of the celebrities mentioned. It's merely done for fun, and for my perverseness.

When people first meet me, the last thing they expect is for me to be a whore. Maybe a builder, or a plumber or possibly even a fireman. But a whore? No. I do not come across as someone who would get paid for sex. But I am.

You see, I do have a University education and I do have a brain, somewhere, in my head but the thought of doing some mundane 9 to 5 job is really unsettling for me. I've always been told I'm goodlooking and I work hard on my body, to keep it in pristine condition. You could cut glass on my abs. So, in a spur of the moment decision, I agreed to join an escort agency for gay men.

People will call me all sorts. A whore. A slut. A disgrace to humanity. Scum. I've heard them all and I've embraced them all. I love sex, I love money and I dislike obvious routes in life, so I put that into one occupation that will fulfil all my needs.

My job doesn't require sex. I'm paid to keep a lad company. But 99% of the lads only have one thing on there minds- My cock. And it's safe. I always without fail, wear a condom. I'd never going paddling without my life jacket on. I get a sexual health check once a month, paid for by my 'pimp'. And the benefits of the job are fucking amazing. I have a 2 bedroom flat in the heart of London that would definetly not be avalible to the average 9 to 5 worker, I have a newly released BMW convertiable that doesn't just look the sex, It IS the sex. I have a fantastic group of social friends who don't look down on me for the unobvious occupation that i have taken on, and I do genereally meet alot of really nice guys who are either lonely or just looking for new experiences.

People will automatically assume I'm a sex addict. I'm not. I love sex as much as the next 22 year old guy, sex is on my mind most of the time. But I wouldn't be wanking 24/7 if I wasn't getting laid like I am. I can cope without sex, I just choose not too. It's not all about the sex for me, because despite it being a fucking fantastic job, it also gives me the benefit to build a guys confidence up. If a guy isn't comfortable in there self, which relates to about 75% of my clients, I will try and give them the confidence to approach guys without having to pay for it. It's about helping it. Think of it as councelling with added anal.

My parents do not know that I am escort and I would very much like it to stay that way, thank you very much. My parents are awesome and they do not judge me for my sexualitly. And despite my mother being a very easy going woman, I think even she would be disappointed that I've resulted to such drastic measures in order to secure my future. The only family member that knows that I am a 'hooker' is my older brother Shane. And he only knows because he uses my escort company to fulfil his own needs. A bisexual guy trapped in a loveless marriage with a woman who is so uptight she makes Gwyneth Paltrow look like the most humble of celebrities. You couldn't make it up! I'd never do anything with my brother though. I've done alot of crazy stuff sexually, but shagging my brother would be perhaps a tad too much even for my open mindedness.

So now you know what I do for a living, let me introduce myself. My name is Graham Anderson, but all of my clients known me as Sebastian. I have no idea why I chose this name. It probably had nothing to do with the fact that I was addicted to The Little Mermaid when I was a kid. I'm on the wrong side of 22, I have brown hair that is always spiked up to give me a little edge. I have a body which most guys could ever dream off, with slight. My cock is a tool sent from God, I'ts nearly 9 inches long with a thick girth, and my balls are heavy. My arse is shaven but not totally hairless. I've been told I have an arse of steel which I think is a compliment. My thighs are big and tight, mainly from the running I do.

I always knew I was gay. Proably from about the age of 10. But it was confirmed to me when I was 13 and I kept sprouting erections thinking about my best mate Liam in the shower. I was 14 when I fist kissed a bloke and 15 when I first gave head. The first time I fucked a guy was on my 16th birthday, and it was my English teacher. Go figure. My mother said she always knew. My father didn't have a clue. My father reacted the best, my mother was freaked out after a while.

My best friend is Liam O' Hannigan. I've known him since I was 5. He was there when I first kissed a girl playing kiss chase when we were 10, and he was there when I first punched a guy aged 11. He was also there the first time I had sex with a girl and when I first snogged a bloke it was at his 14th birthday party. Liam is straight. Well, 95% straight. Liam is one of them guys who is totally 100% straight when sober, but get a few beers down his neck, then he'll pound you into next week aslong as you didn't tell his missus. Trust me, I've been there. Done that. Got the spunk marks on my old work uniform to prove it. Liam is getting married next month, and I'm best man. Liam knows I'm an escort and thinks it's amazing, if he had the bottle or the balls, he'd love to be an escort. But then Liam has never really had the stamina I have, and would probably get bored after a couple of weeks.

Today is Saturday and I have a busy schedule. At 10.00am, I'm "Graham" when I meet my mother for coffee in Starbucks, but by 1.00pm I'm back to "Sebastian" when I meet my first client. My pimp Danny says that he is a virgin to using escorts and is a well known celebrity. We get alot of them. I, myself, have shagged 2 members of the band One Direction, at the same time. I've slept with 4 footballers- the best being Frank Lampard who despite not having the biggest dick in the world certainly knew how to fuck a hole. I've shagged popstars by the dozen, soap actors are a regular. Ive also done a politician, and he was awful. Small dick, smelly armpits and refused to be touched. And he made me piss on him. Disgusting. At 7.00pm, it's back to 'Graham' for my sister Leanne's birthday drinks, but I'll be making an excuse about 11.30pm because I have to meet Kieran, a regular of mine at his flat. I stay the night. He's a closeted banker who is married but enjoys being fucked hard with my dick and several dildos. He's also quite partial to me spunking on his face. Whatever floats his boat. Only 2 clients today, which is good. My worst is when I had 7 clients in 2 days. My dick was ready to fall off.

Hope you like the story! That was just an introduction and the sex will begin by the dozen load in the next chapter! For any celebrity suggestions, please email me on Feedback is greatly appreciated!

Next: Chapter 2

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