Getting over Claire

By Stanley the Swinger

Published on Jul 7, 2001



This story contains material concerning sexual activity between two males, so if you're offended by that, or not legally able to read it. Don't. Anyway, onward to the story. Please email any comments to

It was Sunday, There we were sitting in our dorm room. I was sitting on the chair, playing games on my Sega Dreamcast, and Brian was on his bed, sprawled out, staring at the ceiling, he hadn't spoken a word in the last 20 minutes. Not that I expected him to, the boy had just broken up with his girlfriend after all.

"You want to talk about it at all?" I said to him finally.

"I don't know man, I mean... I'm not even sure how I feel about it." I can't say I blamed him, it wasn't like they'd broken up because they were fighting or someone had been cheating... they just decided they'd be better off as friends and ended their 4 year relationship. "I mean, We're still going to hang out and stuff, but it won't be romantic anymore."

"Well to be honest, you were just saying yourself that neither one of you felt like it had been romantic for a while."

"Well that's true.. but I'm really going to miss the sex."

"Yeah... but this is college, you can get sex if thats all you want."

"Yeah... but there was something about the way that Claire gave blow jobs."

"Man... you really don't need to be telling me this..." Suddenly I realized that he was starting to look sad. "Are you ok?"

"Oh man... you don't understand, it's just that I was thinking about them, and it reminded me of the good times when we used to be really happy and I thought we were in love...."

"All of that because you remembered oral sex?"

"Well man... she was the first girl that ever gave it to me, because I've never been able to just ask for it. But Claire was the one who decided to do it, every time. I never had to ask her. She just knew when I wanted it, and that always made it more intimate than sex, because usually I requested sex, but with oral, she always just... went for it."

Somehow it made sense to me, that the lack of oral sex suddenly reminded him about the part of his life he would have to live without. So I knew what I had to do. I turned off the game and moved over to the bed with him.

"Pat... what are you doing man?" He said to me as I moved, but I simply put my finger to his lips and began to rub my finger down his belly. I rolled over and placed that same finger on his zipper, grasped it between my fingers, and began to unzip it. At first he started to move a bit as if to suggest he was scared of what was happening, but finally he relaxed and let me undo the button.

He was wearing boxer shorts and was beginning to peek out of the fly, I teased him by licking his tip as it grew out. I undid the button on the boxer-fly so that little Brian coulc come all the way out. I heard him moan as I began to run my tounge around the head and finally placed my mouth over it.

I suprised myself at how much I knew what to do, since despite having this done several times to me, I've never been at the giving end before. I imagine as much as I suprised myself, Brian was probably shocked beyond repair when I began to slowly let his head grace the back of my throat. I let my mouth slide up and down on his shaft as I heard him moan.

I couldn't beleive the feeling of him throbbing and growing inside my mouth, and then I felt his fingers running through my hair. Finally I began to geel his hot ale squirt against the back of my throat. With only the well-being of my friend in mind... I swallowed without a thought. I waited a second for him to shrink before I pulled my mouth off, and rolled over onto the bed next to him.

I layed my head down on the pillow next to his head and he turned at looked into my eyes. We stayed in that position for several minutes without saying a word. Finally he began to move his head and I thought he was going to break the silence... but instead, he kissed me.

"That was way better than Claire ever was...." he said after we parted lips... I began to open my mouth to speak, but like I had earlier, he placed his finger to my lips.... and slowly... worked his finger down my belly....

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