Getting Out of Massachusetts

By Jan (Jan May, Jan None, Jan 0)

Published on Dec 20, 2002



This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between women. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

Author's Note:

This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re-post them at your own site, please contact the author for permission.

Copyright 2002 Jan, All Rights Reserved.

Please mail to if you have suggestions for future stories.

Getting Out of Mass. 3



Vanessa had been living in Charleston, South Carolina for a while before she met Jean. Jean was thirteen years older than she was. From their first meeting Jean dominated her. She was like a mother to her. It started shortly after her relationship with Teri broke up.

Teri had dominated her and been her lover. The travel distance made it difficult to maintain a relationship. One night when Nessa called her, she heard the voice of a young woman or girl answered the phone. She was broken hearted for a while because she felt betrayed by Teri.

She lost interest in everything for awhile. She went through the motions. Work, eat and cry herself to sleep at night.

Then one day she got a phone call from Mass. Her old neighbor, Marge, was calling her to ask if she would host a Canadian friend that was going to be on Charleston for a few days. Nessa was not in the mode for company but she could never refuse her old friend. She asked how close a friend she was. Margie chuckled.She is close enough that I know the location of every freckle on her vulva. Nessa had to laugh at that and she agreed to host her friend. She took down the name and where to pick her up. Margie said that she would E-mail her a picture of Jean.

On the appointed time she went to the train station and checked on the arrival of the train she was expecting. She was about twenty minutes early. She found an empty bench and sat down to wait. Nessa had no problem finding Jean when the train arrived. She had a digital picture of the woman.

She approached the short woman and introduced herself. She told her that her name was Vanessa but that she preferred Nessa. Jean apologized for inconveniencing her. She told her that Marge was the only person she knew in the States. She was sure that you would be happy to put me up for a few days.

Nessa really didn't feel like company but she could not refuse Marge anything. She smiled at Jean she assured her that it was no inconvenience at all. Any friend of Margie was welcome in her home any time. They chatted about why she was in town as she drove them home. Nessa explained to her that Marge had been her best friend and helped her get out of a bad marrage.

Jean said that Marge had told her that you were a sweet friend of hers. Jane said that she had been a close friend of Marge's too. Nessa gave her a look that let her know that it meant much more. Jean had no doubt that Jean had been a lover of Marge's too.

They spent the rest of the ride home with small talk. When they got to her apartment they got her settled in. She only had the one bedroom. Nessa said if you don't mind we can share my bed. Nessa told her that she had to work from two PM to ten PM everyday this week, but after work was over she would show her some of the local sights.

The first night when they started getting ready for bed they took turns using the bathroom. Jean went first when she came out she had on a light blur nightgown that had a lace bodice that covered her ample breasts. The transparent material below her breasts allowed Nessa to see the valley between her legs. Nessa got up and carried her nightgown with her as she used the bathroom. When she came out she had on her pink long tailed T-shirt.

Jean was sitting on the bed because she didn't know what side of the bed Nessa wonted to sleep on. She stood up as Nessa approached the bed and pulled back the covers. She motioned for Jean to get in bed and she got in behind her. After turning off the light she settled down to get comfortable before going to sleep.

Jean rolled over and kissed her on the mouth. Rather than returning to her side of the bed she continued the kiss. Nessa opened her mouth and felt the older woman's tongue probe her mouth. She reached into the bodice of her nightgown and pulled out her right breast and pulled Nessa's head down to let her suckle on the nipple. Nessa felt her nightshirt being pulled up. When Jean's hand reached the vulva she found that she was shaven so that she only had a two-inch strip left above her vagina. She gently stroked the hair and rolled the clitoris for a short time. Then she parted the labia and inserted her finger into the canal. She was adding fingers every few minutes until she was pushing her hand into the cunt. Nessa lay there sweating as she held her breath until she climaxed.

When Nessa recovered Jean rolled onto her back. She took Nessa by the back of the neck with one hand and pulled her head under the covers. Nessa didn't put up much of a fight as she was pushed towards the valley of Jean. When she reached the lower tummy the nightgown was already gathered around Jeans waist. She sucked the clit into her mouth. She took her time sucking the older woman. She was enjoying the smell and wanted it to last as long as possible. After Jean recovered Nessa just rested her head between Jean's legs and went to sleep.

Each day that Jean was there with Nessa, she became more subservient to her. On Nessa's day off they went shopping. They went to Sears and went to the women's lingerie department. Jean had picked this store because they had a young teenager working in the department. She selected several items from the racks and then asked the girl where the ladies room was because she needs to use the facilities.

The girl led the two of them to the back past the changing cubicles and pointed to the bathroom. She was a little flustered because she was not supposed to let the clothing out of her sight to prevent shoplifting. She nervously followed them into the bathroom. She waited near the sinks as the two women handed her the lingerie and entered one of the stalls. They closed the door behind them. She heard them fumbling around in the tight quarters. She could see their lower legs under the bottom of the metal stalls.

She saw the feet of the older woman assume the position on the toilet and the feet of the younger woman assume the position with her back to the stall door. The sales clerk heard the unmistakable sound of pee plashing in the toilet. To the girls surprise she saw the younger woman go to her knees. She could not see what was going on, but she could here the moans of the older woman. She could only guess what was going on in there. The younger woman was even making deep throaty sounds. Eventually the younger woman stood up. The girl heard the sound of toilet paper being rolled off. She heard the rustling of clothes. When the door opened and they came out the younger woman's makeup was smeared.

They selected a few items and paid for them. A couple of days later they came back to the same clerk. They asked the girl again if they could use the bathroom. The girl followed them to the back even though they had not even picked up any clothes. This time when they entered the stall they didn't even close the door. The girl watched as the older women pulled up her dress and sit on the toilet. Nessa stepped aside so that the girl could see Jean's cunt. Then she knelt on the floor and put her face close to the cunt as Jean let go and peed. The girl could not see what was going on but she was sure that the older woman was peeing on her face. She just stood there watching.

When they stood up and fixed their clothes the girl just stood there. Nessa walked up to her and kissed her on the mouth. Jean approached and reached between her legs and felt the girl's pussy through her clothes. The girl could taste the pee on Nessa's face as she returned the kiss.

Jean asked the girl if she wanted to join them after work. The girl blushed and said yes. Jean and Nessa came back at closing time and picked up the clerk. After introductions where they found out her name was Bonny Mac Farland. They stopped for fast food before going home. Bonny called her mother to let her know she was having dinner with friends and would be late.

When dinner was finished and the trash had been taken out. The three of them selected dace music CD's for the stereo. They took turns dancing to the slow rhythm. As they danced they undressed each other. As the music played on Jean sat on the davenport and watched Nessa dance with the teenager.

She thought they made a lovely couple as their naked bodies rubbed each other as they slow danced. They were feeling each other's backs and behinds. Nessa would do anything to please Jean.

Jean left the room for a short time. When she returned she has a large plastic tablecloth. She spread it out on the floor. She invited the girl to recline on the plastic. Then she removed the cap on a bottle of olive oil. She stood over the girl and dribbled oil over the body of the girl. Jean invited Nessa to spread the oil over the girl's body.

As Nessa crouched over the girl's body and used her hands to spread the oil over the girl's body, Jean watched from a chair drawn up close. Jean placed her hands on Nessa's back and pushed her down on the girl. It was a sensual dance of shining flesh as Nessa slipped over the body of Bonny.

Jean was putting on a strap on dildo the came with a reservoir at the base to be filled with oil. After filling it she put the cap back on and squeezed the shaft of the toy until oil seeped out of the holes in it. Jean got down on the tablecloth and moved on her knees until she was between the legs of the couple on the floor. She used her hand to guide the shaft towards the anus of her lover. Nessa froze as she felt the shaft penetrate her ass. With each thrust she slipped a little farther up the girl's body. Jean had to move up the girl's body too. She finally had to straddle her body. By this time Nessa's breasts were level with Bonny's mouth. The girl took hold of a nipple with her mouth and sucked on the nipples in turn.

As Jean brought Nessa to a sweating, heaving and moaning climax, Jean gave her one last thrust that drove the dildo deep into her ass. As Nessa collapsed on top of Bonny, Jean withdrew the dildo from Nessa's asshole. With oil still dripping from the shaft she slid back wards, using her hand she guided the warm shaft between the girl's lags.

Bonny was not a virgin, but this was the first time she had ever been fuck by a woman with a rubber dick. Where a flesh and blood cock has give no mater how hard they get a rubber cock forces the flesh on the vagina to conform to the shape of the dildo. When Bonny felt the cock poking her cervix she thought she was about to have the shaft poked right out of her backside. The discomfort added to the prolonging of her climax. When she did climax, Nessa had recovered and had moved up her body. As she opened her mouth to proclaim that she was coming, Nessa lowered her pussy over the mouth. Bonny had never felt so relaxed in her life. All other sexual acts felt like child's play in comparison.

As the two women dropped the girl off at her home they left behind a confirmed lesbian.

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